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Haslett Pubfic Schools

Michael Duda Superintetrdent

Haslett High Schoot Rumsey BartWeeienke Associate Principal Priacipal

Andrea Decembtir 12,2013

Darin Ferguson Associate principal

To Whom It May Concern,

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation

on behalf of Samantha Georgi. During the first half of this school year, I have had the opporhrnity to work with Samantha on a professional level in my United States History classes. She has done a fantastic job as a Michigan State University intern and exceeded

expectations in several ways. Samantha has natural ability to gain instant rapport with her students as she is always willing to spend extra time working with them independently. She willingly stays around during her lunch period or comes in before and after school to help students or administer make-up tests. teacher, Samantha has done a fantastic job of organizing, planning and teaching lessons. She has extremeiy strong content knowledge for a beginning intern and always looks for ways to make her lessons productive and relative to current day issues whenever possible. Samantha has already designed and taught two unit pians <iuring the first semester, and both of these were extrqmeiy suceessful. Her iessons inciuded several of her own student engagement and assessment activities. Samantha's creativity and desire to incorporate productive and enjoyable lessons for her classes definitely shows some ofher strengths as a future educator.


Overall, I am positive that Samantha has an exceptionally promising future ahead of her in the field of education and will make an extraordinary teacher. She already has the drive, and is rapidly expanding her iesson plaruring, classroom management skills, content knowledge, and ability to connect with students' each and every day. Should you have any further questions regarding Samantha, piease feel free to contact me at anytime. Sincerely,

ffir/\'<*Tim Beebe
Social Studies Teacher Haslett High School 517-339-8249
beebetb@haslett.k i

5450 Marsh Road, Ilaslett, Miehigan 48440-8676 Phone: (8t7) 939-8346 . Fax: (E1?) 3S9-i3Eg

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