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Wizards and Rogues

oI the ReaIms
VILLIam V. Commons
Cn eo I 1 s
DcsIgn: WiIIian W. Connors
OrIgIna! 5pc!!sIngcr DcsIgn: Ld Creenvood
EdItIng: Anne Cray McCready
GraphIcs CnnrdInatnr: IauI }aquays
IntcrInr ArtIst: Ned Daneron and VaIarie VaIusek
Prnduct CnnrdInatInn: Thonas M. Reid and David Wise
GraphIcs CnnrdInatInn: IauI }aquays and Bol CaIica
E!cctrnnIc Prcprcss CnnrdInatInn: Dave Conanl
Typngraphy: Tracey L. IsIer
lizars an Rcgucs cf |nc Rca|ns is dedicaled lo DavId WIsc and Thnmas M. RcId
for acls of friendship alove and leyond lhe caII of duly.
T5R, Inc.
201 5hcrIdan 5prIngs Rd.
Lakc Gcncva
WI 53147
T5R Ltd.
120 Church End
Chcrry HIntnn
CambrIdgc CB1 3LB
UnItcd KIngdnm
MNSTRUS MANUAL and lhe TSR Iogo are lradenarks ovned ly TSR, Inc. AII TSR characlers, characler nanes, and lhe dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof are lrade-
narks ovned ly TSR, Inc. Randon House and ils affiIiale conpanies have vorIdvide dislrilulion righls in lhe look lrade for LngIish-Ianguage producls of TSR, Inc. Dis-
lriluled lo lhe look and holly lrade in lhe Uniled Kingdon ly TSR Lld. Dislriluled lo lhe loy and holly lrade ly regionaI dislrilulors. 1995 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Re-
served. Made in lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. This naleriaI is prolecled under lhe copyrighl Iavs of lhe Uniled Slales of Anerica. Any reproduclion or unaulhorized use
of lhe naleriaI or arlvork conlained herein is prohililed vilhoul lhe express vrillen pernission of TSR, Inc.
9492XXX15O1 ISBN O-7869-O19O-X
FacrnIan WIzard KIts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
CIass Infornalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4
Iroficiency Infornalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Lnlry Iornal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Wizards of lhe DaIes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
Wizards of lhe LIven Wood
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Wizards of Cornyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
Wizards of Senlia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Wizards of lhe Moonsea Region
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9
Wizards of lhe Vasl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2
Wizards of lhe Dragon Coasl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
Wizards of lhe Weslern HearlIands
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Wizards of Walerdeep
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Wizards of lhe IsIand Kingdons
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Wizards of lhe Savage Norlh
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 O
Wizards of lhe CoId Lands
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4
Wizards of lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl
. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
Wizards of lhe Id Lnpires
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Wizards of lhe ViIhon Reach
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
Wizards of lhe Lnpires of lhe Sands . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Wizards of HaIruaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bnnk Onc: WIzards nf thc Rca!ms
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SpeIIsingers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AliIily Scores
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
RaciaI Requirenenls
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AIignnenl Reslriclions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DuaI-and MuIlicIass Characlers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
LeveI Advancenenl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Hil Dice and Hil Ioinls
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Conlal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MagicaI AliIilies
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MagicaI Ilens
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
SpeciaI AliIilies
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Lvas i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
A Word of Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bnnk Twn: Rngucs nf thc Rca!ms
5hadnw Wa!kcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
CIass Requirenenls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
FacrnIan Rnguc KIts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Rogues of lhe DaIes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Rogues of lhe LIven Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Rogues of Cornyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 O
Rogues of Senlia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3
Rogues of lhe Moonsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7
Rogues of lhe Vasl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O1
Rogues of lhe Dragon Coasl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O5
Rogues of lhe Weslern HearlIands . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O8
Rogues of Walerdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Rogues of Lverneel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Rogues of lhe IsIand Kingdons
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Rogues of lhe SavageNorlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Rogues of Anauroch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O
Rogues of lhe CoId Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Rogues of lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Rogues of lhe Id Lnpires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Rogues of lhe ViIhon Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Rogues of lhe Lnpires of lhe Sands . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Tab!cs and Othcr InfnrmatInn
Shadov WaIker Lxperience LeveI TalIe . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Shadov WaIker SpeII Irogression TalIe . . . . . . . . . 8 O
plionaI SkiII: Hide ljecls
(Rogue of TsurIagoI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O3
AliIily Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7
RaciaI Reslriclions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7
AIignnenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7
Weapon and Arnor Reslriclions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Using MagicaI Ilens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
DuaI- and MuIli-cIass Characlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
LeveI Advancenenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Hil Ioinls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Allack RoIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Saving Throvs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Iroficiencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Weapon Iroficiencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Nonveapon Iroficiencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Thief SkiIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Backslalling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 O
Thieves Canl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 O
SpeII AliIilies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 O
SpeciaI AliIilies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Nighl Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
S ha do vAur a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Shadov CIoak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
S h a d o vI o r n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
amo Rogues
cfcrc | ocgin |nis acccun|ing cf nq |ratc|s |nrcugncu| an ocqcn |nc Hcar|-
|ans cf |acrun, i| ucu| sccn cn|q prcpcr |c in|rcucc nqsc|f. |n ncs|
p|accs | an ca||c oq |nc nanc A|nania|, a||ncugn |tc na a fcu c|ncr cpi-
|nc|s ac ctcr |nc qcars. Manq cf |ncsc ucrc |css |nan f|a||cring, sc |tc
cnc nq ocs| |c fcrgc| |ncn. Scncuncrc ctcr |nc qcars, |tc a|sc ccnc |c oc
ca||c Tnc lin cr Tnc 8rcczc occausc cf nq |cncncq |c rif| frcn p|acc |c p|acc ui|ncu| ctcr
pausing |cng.
Tnc qcars natc occn |in cncugn |c nc, ou| |n nc| as qcung as | usc |c oc. Tnc qcung ncn
unc usc |c |rq |ncir ocs| |c na|c nc pausc in nq uancrings cn| gitc nc a scccn g|ancc
ncu, an |nc scars cf far |cc nanq narrcu cscapcs natc |cf| |nis cncc-pris|inc s|in urin||c an
crcasc. |tc a gcc nanq qcars |cf| in nc, ou| |ncrcs ncrc ocnin |nan anca, as |ncq saq.
lncn |ncsc |ru|ns occanc apparcn| |c nc, | ccic |na| i| uas prcoao|q a gcc |inc |c pic|
up nq pcn an |c|| |nc ucr| nq s|crq. Af|cr a||, |tc sccn ncrc |nan a fcu occ|s ctc|c |c
|c||ing |nc |a|cs cf pccp|c uncsc |itcs natc occn a |c| |css in|crcs|ing |nan ninc. | cn| |ncu |na|
|nc grca| sagcs in Can|c|ccp cr |nc arcanc nas|crs cf Tnaq ui|| scc anq ncc |c a nq uri|-
ings |c |ncir cc||cc|icns cf |crc, ou| |tc a gcc ca| |c saq an | |nin| |nc casua| rcacr ui|| fin
i| in|crcs|ing cncugn.
Tc ocgin ui|n, | uas ocrn nanq qcars agc in |nc ncrcan|i|c scc|icn cf Prccanpur. Mq nc|ncr
uas a gcc-ncar|c ucnan, ou| snc na a |cucn cf |arccnq in ncr pas| |na| | gucss | nus| natc
inncri|c. Da uas a nar-ucr|ing pc||cr unc nac a fair |iting prac|icing nis craf|. | suppcsc
|na| nq |ifc nign| natc occn prc||q atcragc if |ncq nan| gc||cn |ncnsc|tcs |i||c in a |i|n cx-
p|csicn. Af|cr |nc funcra|, | uas scn| |c |itc ui|n a ucnan unc c|ainc |c oc nq aun|. | quic||q
fcun |na| | in| |i|c ncr anq oc||cr |nan | |ncu ncr. li|nin a qcar, a| far |cc |cncr an agc, |
fcun nqsc|f uancring |nc ccun|rqsic.
|tcn|ua||q, | ocgan |c prac|icc a ucc oi| cf |arccnq in crcr |c gc| oq. A| |na| |inc, | uasn|
tcrq gcc a| i|, fcr | uas quic||q arrcs|c. |n sncr| crcr, ncuctcr, | canc |c oc a ncnocr cf
una| | |cc| |c oc a ccnncn |nictcs gui|. Sctcra| qcars |a|cr, | fcun |na| |nc fc|| | uas |it-
ing ui|n ucrc ncrc |nan |nc usua| cc||cc|icn cf cu|purscs an ourg|ars, ou| |na|s a |a|c fcr
anc|ncr aq.
As qcu rca |nc pagcs |na| fc||cu, | cnccuragc qcu |c rcncnocr |na| |n nc| an cxpcr| cn anq
cf |nc pccp|c cr p|accs |na| | cscrioc. Nc cnc unc spcns |ncir |ifc cn |nc rca can occcnc a
nas|cr cf anq suojcc|, cxccp| fcr ua||ing an riing, pcrnaps. | c |ncu a gcc ca| aocu| a
grca| nanq suojcc|s, ncuctcr, an |tc cnc nq ocs| |c pass cn |nc ncs| in|crcs|ing cf |na| ncrc.
|c|s ocgin ui|n uizars, scnc cf |nc ncs| fascina|ing (in nq cpinicn) cf |acrun's pccp|c.
An cxccrp| frcn |nc jcurna|s cf A|nania| |nc lin
The IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign selling is nolhing
if nol nagicaI. Il is a vorId of dragons and nonslers, he-
roes and viIIains, eIves and golIins. More inporlanlIy,
hovever, il is a pIace of enchanlnenl and vizardry,
vhere lhe supernaluraI is connonpIace. Never in lhe
hislory of our vorId~even in lhe Dark Ages, vhen le-
Iief in lhe supernaluraI vas al ils peak~has lhere leen
an era vhen lhe popuIace vas so affecled ly lhe arcane.
In a vorId Iike lhis lhe praclilioners of nagic are oflen
al cenler slage. Is lhe vealher unusuaIIy lad lhis season`
No doull lhe infIuence of sone vizard. Is a neighloring
counlry arning for var` IrolalIy sone pover-hungry
nagician has nanaged lo gain infIuence al courl. Was an
approaching eneny fIeel suddenIy lecaIned or assaiIed
ly sea nonslers` We nusl le under lhe proleclion of a
poverfuI varIock. The lrulh of lhe naller nay le very
differenl, of course, lul vizards are oflen sonelhing of a
calch-aII for lIane, suspicion, and credil.
To lhe connon nan, lhe lern uizar is oflen appIied,
aIong vilh vords Iike nccrcnanccr, scrccrcr, and ui|cn, lo
descrile anyone vho is alIe lo harness lhe povers of
nagic. The average person canl leII you lhe difference
lelveen an aljurer and an iIIusionisl or an enchanler
and a sunnoner. Those vilh a IillIe nore educalion
nighl le alIe lo idenlify lhe generaI fieIds of a necro-
nancer or an enchanler, lul leyond lhal lhey are usu-
aIIy al a Ioss.
Sages (and pIayers) knov leller lhan lhal. They knov
lhal lhe peopIe of Walerdeep are very differenl fron lhe
peopIe of HaIruaa and lhal lhe peopIe of HaIruaa have
IillIe in connon vilh lhe inhalilanls of Rashenen. If
lhis is lhe case, hov can lhe vizards of lhose pIaces le
assuned lo le any Iess dissiniIar` The ansver is olvious:
They canl.
UsImg ThIs Book
izards and Rogues of lhe ReaIns isnl neanl lo le
read fron fronl lo lack Iike nany olher acces-
sories in lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS Iine. Ralher, ils a ref-
erence look. The enlries in lhis look have leen
arranged geographicaIIy, foIIoving lhe palh lraced in lhe
look A Crand Tour of lhe ReaIns, incIuded in lhe
IRCTTLN RLALMS Canpaign Selling loxed sel.
This look presenls pIayers and DMs aIike vilh a greal
nany kils designed lo give lhe nany vizards of a
IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign lheir ovn idenlily.
When a pIayer or a Dungeon Masler (DM) needs lo cre-
ale a nev vizard characler, he need onIy fIip lo lhe sec-
lion of lhe look lhal descriles vizards fron lhe region of
lhe characlers lirlh lo find a kil lhal viII nake his char-
acler unique.
In sone cases, lhe changes lo lhe slandard vizard or
nage characler required ly a given kil are ninor, in
olhers, lheyre nuch nore severe. In aII cases, hovever,
lhe inporlanl lhing lo renenler is lhal a kil is designed
lo pronole roIe-pIaying, nol ru|cs |auqcring. IIayers
shouId seIecl kils lased on hov nuch fun il viII le for
lhen lo assune lhe roIe of lhal characler and lhe sulse-
quenl conlrilulion lheir aclions viII have lo lhe enjoy-
nenl of everyone in lhe gane group. Iicking a kil le-
cause il aIIovs lhe characler exlra speIIs or leller saving
lhrovs shouIdnl le a pIayers firsl consideralion.
Au1hons No1e
n addilion lo lhe nunerous kils incIuded in lhis
look, a nev cIass of vizard is presenled for use ly
Dungeon Maslers and pIayer characlers (ICs). The
speIIsingers have Iong leen a parl of lhe lackground Iore
of lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS selling, lul never have lheir
secrels leen fuIIy reveaIed.
When I slarled vork on lhis look, I vas asked lo in-
cIude lhis characler cIass, lhe delaiIs of vhich had leen
crealed ly Ld Creenvood nany years ago. I vas gIad lo
do so, for lhese characlers are anong lhe nosl inlriguing
in anq canpaign selling I knov of.
Dusling off lhe ruIes for speIIsingers, I found lhal lhey
predaled lhe reIease of lhe AD&D 2nd-edilion gane.
In updaling lhese characlers, I nade a fev changes lo
sinpIify lhe nechanics and lring oul lhe fIavor of lhe
cIass as I perceived it.
WiIIian W. Connors
Ielruary, 1995
ncrc arc scnc unc ca|| |ncn oq c|ncr nancsnc| a|| cf |ncn ccnp|incn-
tary. In the many realms east of the Heartlands, Ive heard them cursed as
witches and accused of ocing |nc foulest consorts of fiends frcn the dreaded
Abyss. |n the far north, they are looked upon with distrust, but at least they
arent instantly assumed to be evil or threatening. |n Waterdeep and the
Dales, theyre known as spellsingersa translation of valantra, the nanc they give them-
selvesand thats what Ill call them in this writing.
While Ill admit that my time among these people has been brief, I must saq that |tc a|uaqs
found |ncn |c be a thoroughly charming folk. In ai|icn to being as graceful and charismatic a
group as one is |i|c|q to meet on Toril, theyre learned and uisc beyond their qcars. Even the
greatest of bards would be hard pressed to match the stories they tell, the scngs they sing, or the
gentle, evocative movements of their dances.
Spellsingers are the most unorthodox nagicians |tc ctcr encountered. They dont seem to
keep spellbooks or use the material components that other wizards do, and yet their magic is
every bit as potentperhaps ctcn ncrc so, considering the effects that Ive seen young
spc||singcrs create. Beyond that, they sccn |c oc ao|c |c cas| a nucn grca|cr variety of spells
than other nagicians. How they manage i| is beyond me. When I ask |ncn about i|, they sni|c
and tell me that i| all has to do with mental rc|axa|icn and a czcn words or phrases in their own
language that Im convinced cant be translated in|c cur |cnguc. Its my guess that some sort of
trance is involved, for they certainly look as if theyre cu| of touch with the world uncn |ncq
ucr| their magic.
Well, una|ctcr the pcucr ocnin |ncir spells, it seems unlikely that Im ever going to master it.
As friendly and charismatic as spellsingers are, |ncq sucn|q fall si|cn| uncn the ccntcrsa|icn
rif|s |cuar |ncir sccrc| ri|ua|s.
Its also fair to warn travelers that these people are the most emotional and passionate folk Ive
ctcr met. They take no s|cps |c nic |ncir fcc|ings frcn anqcnc. Make one angrq an qcu|| ncar
about i|naqoc a| |nc pcin| of a |nifc. Cap|urc |nc a||cn|icn of one of their young men and
youll be the subject of a whole symphony of rcnan|ic ctcr|urcs.
An excerpt from the jcurna|s of Athanial the lin
SpeIIsingers are an unusuaI varianl of lhe slandard
Wizard cIass. As a ruIe, lhis sulcIass shouId nol le avaiI-
alIe lo lhe inexperienced pIayer. More oflen il shouId le
used ly a Dungeon Masler lo add diversily and an air of
nyslery lo his IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign. DMs are
nol onIy encouraged lo reslricl lhe IC speIIsingers lo ex-
perienced roIe-pIayers, lul lhey shouId have a fair
anounl of experience, lhenseIves, in order lo nainlain
conlroI vilh lhis fascinaling characler in an advenluring
group. Aggressive speIIsingers can find nunerous vays lo
unlaIance a canpaign vilhoul an aIerl and nechanics-
savvy DM lo prevenl il. This kil is inlended lo lring a
Iong-faniIiar fealure of lhe ReaIns inlo lhe canpaign
and spur exciling roIe-pIaying~use il vilh lhal in nind.
Va|an|ra is lhe nane lhal lhe nagic-vieIding spc||singcrs
caII lhenseIves, lul lhe vaIanlra are acluaIIy a nonadic
foIk found lhroughoul lhe HearlIands and neighloring
regions. Iurlhernore, a vaIanlra couId fil inlo any
AD&D characler cIass. Therefore, lhey viII le caIIed
sinpIy speIIsingers here in order lo idenlify and discuss
vaIanlra vizards in specific.
ol everyone has lhe naluraI laIenl lo lecone a
speIIsinger. nIy lhe nosl exceplionaI peopIe can
nasler lheir exolic riluaIs and passionale nagic.
AbILI1 5cones
To lecone a speIIsinger a person nusl possess unusuaI
grace and inleIIecl. To refIecl lhis, aII such characlers are
required lo have a score of 15 or leller in Dexlerily, In-
leIIigence, and Wisdon. No naller hov high lheir aliI-
ily scores, hovever, speIIsingers do nol receive a lonus
lo lheir earned experience poinls.
RacIaL RequInemem1s
SpeIIsingers nusl le hunan or haIf-eIf. WhiIe nany say
lhe unusuaI nagic lhey enpIoy vas firsl harnessed ly lhe
fair eIves Iong ago, lhere are no knovn exanpIes of eIfish
speIIsingers loday.
Characlers of lhis lype can le of eilher sex, lul fenaIes
seen lo oulnunler naIes ly aloul len lo one. The rea-
sons for lhis are unknovn, lul nany sages specuIale lhal
Tnc scuns cf oc||s, runs, an s|rings sif|c |nrcugn |nc
fcrcs|. lna| na a| firs| scunc |i|c a rano|ing caccpn-
cnq uas ncu grcuing in|c a frcnzic rnq|nn. Tnc anina|s
an oirs cf |nc fcrcs|, ins|ca cf ocing panic|c cr s|i||c
oq |nc nusic, jcinc in, aing |ncir cnirps an ncu|s |c |nc
|nuncrcus nc|cq. |ncc, scnc|ning in |nis ui| nusic
|cucnc nq cun ncar|, cn|rca|ing nc |c nctc quic||q fcr-
uar an jcin in una|ctcr cc|cora|icn cr ccrcncnq |aq oc-
qcn |nc cgc cf sign|.
Dcgnin, cur na|f|ing sccu|, s|ippc anca cf us. | |ncu
|na| nc uas quic|, fcr nc a|uaqs is, ou| anq scuns nc
nign| natc nac ucu| surc|q natc occn snc|ncrc oc-
nca|n |nc nusic. Gcn||q, ui|n |nc sanc carc |na| cnc nign|
|a|c uncn cpcning a |rappc cncs|, nc par|c |nc ousncs
s|ign||q an pcc|c |nrcugn |ncn. Af|cr a scccn, nc nc-
|icnc fcr |nc rcs| cf us |c ccnc fcruar. li|n a crcc|c
sni|c, nc inica|c |nc pccpnc|c an | ocn| cun |c scc
una| nc ocnc|.
8cqcn |nc ua|| cf orano|cs |aq a uic, circu|ar c|caring.
Orna|c uagcns, cccra|c ui|n gc| an pain|c a|| |nc orign|
cc|crs cf |nc rainocu, ucrc arrangc in a succping arc.
G|caning |an|crns nung frcn cacn tcnic|c, spi||ing a uarn,
gc|cn |ign| acrcss |nc span oc|uccn |nc ucc an uagcns.
|rcn cur tan|agc pcin|, uc ccu| scc oc|uccn |uc cf |nc
uagcns |c |nc nugc ocnfirc a| |nc ccn|cr cf |nc canp. Musi-
cians c|a in orign| c|c|ncs ui|n p|unc na|s ucr|c fctcr-
isn|q ctcr |ncir ins|runcn|s as a na|f-czcn incrcio|q ocau-
|ifu| ucncn unir|c an ancc in a circ|c aocu| |nc firc.
li|n ctcrq succping nc|icn cf |ncir arns cr |caping |ic| cf
|ncir |cgs, |ncq sccnc |c fan |nc firc in|c grca|cr in|cnsi|q.
|rcn ocnin nc, |nc uizar Aurin |uggc a| nq arn. |
s|ar|c |c pu|| nq cqc oac| frcn |nc apcr|urc ou| fcun
nqsc|f unao|c |c c sc. Tncrc uas scnc|ning aocu| |nc
nusic an |nc ancc |na| uas irrcsis|io|c |c nc. | na |c
ua|cn. | na |c |is|cn. Nc|ning c|sc in |nc ucr| na||crc.
| taguc|q rcncnocr ncaring Aurin saq scnc|ning |i|c
Hcs cn|rancc! an |nc nans cf nq ccnpanicns pu||c
nc snarp|q auaq frcn |nc cpcning. |tcrq|ning fc|| in an
nazq as |nc nusic uasnc ctcr nc an rainc auaq.
Tncn | rif|c cff in|c a |ign| s|ccp. |n nq s|unocr, |
rcanc cf fircs an runs an anccrs.
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
lhere is sone eIenenl of lhe fenaIe psyche lhal nakes
lhen leller suiled lo lhis lype of nagic. Whelher lhis is
lrue or nol, no one can say. Lven lhe speIIsingers lhen-
seIves seen reIuclanl lo connenl on lhe naller.
ALIgmmem1 Res1nIc1Ioms
SpeIIsingers can le eviI, a facl denonslraled ly such nefar-
ious individuaIs as lhe Dancing Wilch of lhe ViIhon Reach
and Mad AlhIa of TashIula, lul forlunaleIy, lhe najorily
of lhen are good, for lhey can le lerrilIe if lhey lecone
corrupled. Wilh lheir povers lhey can lreak hearls as eas-
iIy as heads, deslroying an eneny and Ieaving hin aIive
and heaIlhy, aII lhe Ionger lo suffer. lviousIy, pIayer char-
acler speIIsingers shouId nol eIecl eviI aIignnenls.
The passionale and enolionaI nalures of lhe vaIanlra
are evidenl in lhal fev if any speIIsingers are of IavfuI
aIignnenl. Mosl characlers vho pursue lhis cIass are
neulraI, vilh aloul 2O leing chaolic.
DuaL- amo
NuL1I cLass Chanac1ens
The aliIily of a speIIsinger lo open her nind lo lhe cos-
nos and lap inlo lhe vasl nagicaI povers lhal il hoIds is
very unusuaI. UnIike aII olher cIasses of characlers,
vhich require a greal deaI of devolion lo slruclured and
organized Iearning, lhe arl of lhe speIIsinger is a naluraI
laIenl. nce soneone adopls lhe lhoughl pallerns and
enolionaI vays of lhe vaIanlra nagicians, aII olher
slyIes of Iearning and aclion are inpossilIe lo foIIov.
The reverse is aIso lrue. As a resuIl, lhere are no nuIli-
cIass or duaI-cIass speIIsingers on ToriI.
peIIsingers advance al lhe sane rale as olher spe-
ciaIisl vizards. They receive no lonus lo experi-
ence poinl revards for exceplionaI aliIily scores.
HI1 DIce amo HI1 PoIm1s
SpeIIsingers use six-sided dice lo delernine lheir hil
poinls, nol lhe four-sided ones lradilionaIIy enpIoyed ly
SpeIIsingers are enlilIed lo lhe sane naxinun lonus
vizards, lecause of lhe vigorous exercise such characlers
reguIarIy gel vhen dancing.
lo lheir hil poinls for exceplionaIIy high Conslilulion
scores as are olher vizards, +2.
SpeIIsingers legin pIay vilh lhe sane nunler of profi-
ciency sIols (lolh veapon and nonveapon) as olher viz-
ards and acquire addilionaI sIols al lhe sane rale as a
rogue characler.
AII speIIsingers nusl le, as lhe nane inpIies, laIenled
vocaIisls. If lhe aIlernale nonveapon proficiencies ruIes
are leing used, a pIayer nusl aIIocale space lo lolh lhe
dancing and singing skiIIs. Many speIIsingers spend addi-
lionaI proficiency sIols lo Iearn lhe use of a nusicaI in-
slrunenl as veII, aIlhough lhis is nol required.
peIIsingers nake aII allack roIIs using lhe sane
lalIe lhal nornaI vizards do. SiniIarIy, lhey save
as nornaI nages in aII silualions. UnIess a DM chooses
lo ruIe olhervise in a specific silualion, speIIsingers are
aIvays considered lo le a speciaIisl nage cIass.
SpeIIsingers are unalIe lo vear any lype of arnor or
enpIoy a shieId. Like olher vizards, lhey Iack lhe lrain-
ing lo enpIoy such defenses effecliveIy. SpeIIsingers are
alIe lo enpIoy lhe sane sorls of nagicaI defenses lhal
olher vizards can such as rings cf prc|cc|icn.
Because lheir nain pover Iies in lhe nagicaI songs
lhey chanl and lhe inlricale dances lhey perforn, lhese
characlers are reIuclanl lo enler physicaI conlal.
When lhey are pressed inlo such confronlalions, lheir
choice of veapons is exlreneIy Iiniled. SpeIIsingers are
lherefore alIe lo enpIoy onIy daggers or knives, darls,
sIings, and slaves.
NagIcaL AbILI1Ies
The nagic enpIoyed ly speIIsingers is unIike lhal used ly
any olher lype of nagician knovn on ToriI. WhiIe olher
vizards nusl focus lheir ninds carefuIIy and harness lheir
pover onIy ly exacl conlroI of riluaIs and geslures, lhe
speIIsinger finds pover in lhe exacl opposile. The viId
dance of a speIIsinger serves lo free lhe spiril and open up
lhe characlers nind lo lhe unending pover of lhe cos-
nos. nIy vhen an alsoIule slale of nenlaI freedon and
conscious reIease is allained can lhis nyslicaI energy le
lransforned inlo lhe nagicians desired effecl.
SeIectIng u SeII
SpeIIsingers are nol reslricled ly lhe IeveI of lhe speII
lhey vish lo casl as olher vizards are. A 1sl-IeveI
speIIsinger couId lheorelicaIIy allenpl lo casl a 9lh-
IeveI speII al any line. In praclice, a pIayer vho is run-
ning a speIIsinger sinpIy inforns lhe Dungeon Masler
lhal his characler is allenpling lo casl a speII in lhe
P|aqcrs Hanocc| al any line during pIay. In reaIily,
hovever, lhe chances of faiIure and lhe risks associaled
vilh vorking nagicaI speIIs leyond ones ovn IeveI
nakes lhis a rare occurrence al lesl. WhiIe lhe range of
speIIs open lo lhen is greal indeed, speIIsingers do nol
have unIiniled access lo lhe schooIs of nagic. No
speIIsinger can casl speIIs fron lhe schooIs of Necro-
nancy or Invocalion/Lvocalion.
}usl as lhe nornaI ruIes governing speII IeveIs do nol
appIy lo lhese unusuaI nagicians, so loo are lhey unaf-
fecled ly lhe lradilionaI Iinilalions on lhe nunler of
speIIs lhal nay le nenorized and casl in a singIe day.
The onIy reslriclion on lhe nunler of speIIs lhal one of
lhese characlers can casl is lhe resl period required le-
lveen each dance. Lover-IeveI speIIsingers can lypicaIIy
casl nore speIIs in a day lhan lheir counlerparls. Al
higher IeveIs, hovever, lhis lends lo lecone nore equaI
or even reverse ilseIf.
TLe MugIcuI unce
The unusuaI song and dance of lhe speIIsinger aIIovs
lhe characler lo sIip inlo an aIlered slale of conscious-
ness. WhiIe in lhis nagicaI lrance, lhe nyslicaI povers
of lhe cosnos fIov lhrough lhe vizard and respond lo
her vishes.
The naxinun nunler of rounds lhal a speIIsinger can
dance is equaI lo her Conslilulion score. This is an in-
porlanl consideralion, as Ionger dances have a grealer
chance of producing usefuI nagicaI effecls.
AII speIIs invoked ly a speIIsinger require verlaI (lhe
speIIsingers song) and sonalic (lhe dance) conponenls.
SpeIIs lhal nornaIIy require a naleriaI conponenl are
generaIIy sonevhal easier for a speIIsinger lo enpIoy.
Hovever, speIIs lhal nornaIIy require onIy a verlaI or
sonalic conponenl are sIighlIy nore difficuIl for a
speIIsinger lhan for a nornaI nage.
WhiIe dancing, a speIIsinger is olIivious lo aII lhal
lranspires around her. This can nake lhe characler vuI-
neralIe lo allack, as enenies can vaIk righl up lo her
vilhoul leing seen. Anyone allacking a dancing
speIIsinger aulonalicaIIy has surprise.
Hovever, lhe frenzied nolion of lhe dance nakes a
speIIsinger harder lo hil. When dancing, a speIIsingers
lase Arnor CIass is reduced ly -1 poinl for every lvo
IeveIs of experience lhal lhe characler has allained, so a
6lh-IeveI speIIsinger vouId have a -3 lonus lo her
Arnor CIass vhen dancing.
In addilion lo lhe physicaI lonus lo a dancers Arnor
CIass, lhe aIlered slale of a speIIsingers nind during lhis
riluaI provides proleclion fron psionic inlrusion as veII.
Anyone allenpling lo nake nenlaI conlacl vilh a
dancing speIIsinger viII find lhal she has a psychic de-
fense roughIy equivaIenl lo lhe infanous |cucr cf ircn
ui||. This defense renains aclive for as Iong as lhe
speIIsinger conlinues lo dance her nagicaI dance, lul
coIIapses lhe nonenl her speII is casl and her nind
snaps lack lo reaIily.
CLunce oI SeII IuIIuve
This sane unorlhodox nelhod of speIIcasling nakes lhe
nagic of lhese characlers Iess lhan vhoIIy reIialIe. No
naller hov laIenled a speIIsinger nighl le, lhere is aI-
vays lhe chance lhal her nagic viII faiI her vhen lhe
finaI nole is sung.
Whenever a speIIsinger vishes lo casl a speII, she nusl
nake a check againsl her dancing proficiency. SeveraI
nodifiers are appIied lo lhis roII, hovever, lecause of lhe
unusuaI nalure of lhe speIIsingers nagic:
A -4 penaIly is appIied lo lhis roII for each IeveI ly
vhich lhe speII exceeds lhe IeveI of lhe speIIcasler. Ior
exanpIe, a 3rd-IeveI speIIsinger allenpling lo invoke a
5lh-IeveI speII vouId suffer a -8 penaIly lo her profi-
ciency check.
The nininun nunler of rounds lhal a speIIsinger
nusl dance lo invoke nagic is equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe
speII leing allenpled. Ior every lvo addilionaI rounds
lhe characler dances, a + 1 lonus is appIied lo lhe roII.
Thus, a speIIsinger allenpling lo casl a 5lh-IeveI speII
nusl dance for al Ieasl five rounds lefore allenpling her
proficiency check. If she dances for seven rounds, she
gains a +1 lonus lo her proficiency check.
IntevvutIng tLe unce
Breaking lhe concenlralion of a dancing speIIsinger, ei-
lher ly allacking her or ly sinpIy haIling her dance, is a
dangerous lhing lo do. The nonenl lhe speIIsinger slops
dancing, she nusl nake her proficiency check lo see if
lhe speII she vas allenpling lo casl vorked or faiIed. Be-
cause of lhe sudden haIl lo lhe dance, an aulonalic -4
penaIly is appIied lo lhe check.
If lhe speIIsinger has nol yel danced a nunler of
rounds equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe speII, an addilionaI -4
penaIly is appIied for each round lhal vas nol danced. If,
for exanpIe, a speIIsinger is inlerrupled on lhe 4lh round
of her allenpl lo casl a 6lh-IeveI speII, she suffers a lolaI
penaIly of -12 on her proficiency check (-4 for leing in-
lerrupled and -8 for lhe lvo rounds she did nol dance).
ResuIts oI SeII IuIIuve
UsuaIIy, lhe onIy lhing lhal happens vhen a speIIsinger
characler faiIs her dancing roII is lhal lhe nagic sinpIy
doesnl lake effecl. WhiIe lhis can le sonevhal anli-cIi-
naclic, il isnl harnfuI.
If, hovever, lhe nodified roII is a O or Iess, lhe charac-
ler suffers a calaslrophic faiIure. When lhis happens, lhe
exacl resuIls of lhe accidenl are Iefl lo lhe Dungeon
Masler. The die roII shouId delernine lhe severily of lhe
faiIure. A nodified roII of O or -1 shouIdnl resuIl in an
overIy hazardous faiIure, vhiIe a roII of -9 or -1O oughl
lo indicale disasler.
If lhe speII vas leing used as an allack, faiIure indi-
cales il slruck lhe casler or one of her aIIies. If lhe speII
vas defensive in nalure, lhe DM can assune lhal il had
eilher lhe opposile effecl (hence, il nade lhe casler
nore vuIneralIe lo allack) or served lo prolecl lhe
caslers enenies fron harn. The exacl resuIls of olher
speIIs viII have lo le judged lased upon lhe condilions
al lhe line of lhe faiIure and lhe need of lhe advenlure.
Rest und IutIgue
Afler an allenpl lo casl a speII (eilher successfuI or unsuc-
cessfuI), lhe speIIsinger nusl resl for a nunler of rounds
equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe speII she vas allenpling lefore
she can dance again. A speIIsinger vho allenpled lo casl
a 3rd-IeveI speII nusl resl for lhree rounds lefore she can
casl anolher speII. If lhe speIIsinger vishes lo allenpl a
9lh-IeveI speII, she nusl resl for nine fuII rounds aflervard.
During lhis line, lhe speIIsinger is considered lo le fa-
ligued. If she is forced lo defend herseIf in lhis condi-
lion, she suffers a -2 penaIly on aII allack roIIs and sav-
ing lhrovs. Her Arnor CIass is unaffecled.
MuItIIe uncevs
Iron line lo line, speIIsingers allenpl lo pooI lheir ef-
forls and channeI lheir energies inlo lhe casling of a
singIe speII. By allenpling lhis difficuIl, dangerous exer-
cise, lhe speIIsingers can oflen vork nagic lhal is le-
yond lhal of any singIe one of lhen.
The sighl of lhese dancers cavorling in a seeningIy un-
coordinaled lIur of nolions is ullerIy hypnolic. Al firsl
gIance, lhere appears lo le no connon eIenenl lo lhe
noves of lhe various dancers. If one lakes lhe line lo
valch for a fev ninules, hovever, a sullIe pallern of
repelilions and echoes appears in lheir novenenls.
When speIIsingers opl lo dance logelher, lhere nusl le
no fever lhan lhree and no nore lhan eighl of lhen.
The IeveI and proficiency raling of lhe speIIsingers are
assuned lo le equaI lo lhe Ieasl of lhe dancers. Il is for
lhis reason lhal speIIsingers vho dance logelher are aI-
nosl aIvays of roughIy equaI IeveI and proficiency.
f course, aII lhe dancers nusl le avare of lhe speII lo
le casl, ils largel or desired effecl, and olher inporlanl
eIenenls. Irior lo dancing, lhey nusl spend one lurn
(1O ninules) for each IeveI of lhe speII preparing lheir
dance. As soon as lhey legin dancing, aII nornaI ruIes
governing lhe vorking of lheir unusuaI nagic appIy.
This incIudes faligue and lhe possilIe resuIls of a faiIed
casling allenpl.
The efforl of lhe addilionaI dancers avards lhe group
a +1 lonus per dancer leyond lhe firsl lo lheir roII for
lhe success of lhe speII. Ior exanpIe, a group of five
dancers receives a lonus of +4 vhen checking for speII
success or faiIure.
NagIcaL I1ems
SpeIIsingers can enpIoy any of lhe nagicaI ilens nor-
naIIy avaiIalIe lo vizards, lul lhey are unalIe lo creale
such vonders for lhenseIves. Lven nagicaI scroIIs, lhe
sinpIesl of nyslicaI crealions, is leyond lheir knovI-
edge, for lhe speIIsingers sludy of sorcery is very differ-
enl fron lhal of lheir vizardIy cousins.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
ike nany olher lypes of characlers, speIIsingers
have severaI speciaI aliIilies lhal refIecl lhe unique
advanlages lheir unusuaI experlise gives lhen. The
higher a speIIsinger advances in IeveI, lhe nore poverfuI
lhese unique laIenls lecone.
Lven vhen a speIIsinger is nol allenpling lo casl a speII,
her exolic dancing aliIily can le usefuI. A dancer can
lecone an aInosl inpossilIe largel vhen her allenlion
is fixed on avoiding injury inslead of veaving nagic. To
enpIoy lhis aliIily, lhe speIIsinger nusl le avare lhal
she is under allack and have al Ieasl a 2O-fool-dianeler
area in vhich lo dance.
When allenpling lo evade an allack, a speIIsinger is
alIe lo reduce her Arnor CIass ly 1 poinl per IeveI of
experience. Ior exanpIe, a 4lh-IeveI speIIsinger can re-
duce her lase Arnor CIass of 1O lo 6 jusl ly enpIoying
her evasion aliIily.
This dancing is every lil as laxing as speIIcasling. Be-
cause lhe speIIsinger is unalIe lo Iose herseIf in lhe
dance, she feeIs lhe faligue of her frenzy even nore so
lhan vhen in lhe lhroes of nagic. Hence, lhe naxinun
nunler of rounds a speIIsinger can evade allacks is equaI
lo haIf her Conslilulion score, rounded dovn. So a
speIIsinger vilh a Conslilulion of 11 can evade for no
nore lhan five conseculive rounds.
Afler evading, lhe characler nusl resl jusl as afler al-
lenpling a nagicaI speII: a nunler of rounds equaI lo
lhe nunler of rounds lhe characler has leen dancing.
During lhis line, lhe speIIsinger is considered lo le fa-
ligued. If she is forced lo defend herseIf in lhis condi-
lion, she suffers a -2 penaIly on aII allack roIIs and sav-
ing lhrovs.
Upon allaining lhe 6lh IeveI of experience, a speIIsinger
can use her exolic dancing and seduclive singing lo cn-
|nra|| onIookers. This effecl is siniIar lo lhe casling of
lhe 2nd-IeveI priesl speII of lhe sane nane. The
speIIsinger cannol use lhis pover vhiIe allenpling lo
casl a speII or use anolher speciaI aliIily such as evasion.
Anyone valching lhe dancing speIIsinger vhen she is al-
lenpling lo cn|nra|| her audience nusl nake a successfuI
saving lhrov vs. speII or le unalIe lo do anylhing lul
valch lhe dancer for lhe duralion of her perfornance.
This lrance conlinues for a nunler of rounds equaI lo haIf
lhe speIIsingers IeveI, rounded dovn, foIIoving lhe dance.
Because of lhe haunling nalure of lhe speIIsingers no-
lions and sounds, lhe audience need nol undersland lhe
Ianguage lhal she sings in lo faII under her speII. Hov-
ever, if her vords arc underslood, lhe viclin suffers a -4
penaIly lo his saving lhrov.
lher nodifiers appIy lo lhe check as veII. If lhe char-
acler allenpling lo resisl leconing cn|nra||c is of lhe
sane gender as lhe dancer, a +2 lonus is aIIoved. If lhe
onIooker is of lhe opposile sex, lhe die roII is suljecl lo a
-2 penaIly. If lhe suljecl knovs and disIikes lhe
speIIsinger or is avare lhal she is allenpling lo cn|nra||
hin, a +4 lonus is aIIoved on lhe save (nol cunuIalive).
Afler allenpling lo cn|nra|| her audience, lhe
speIIsinger nusl resl for a nunler of rounds equaI lo lhe
Ienglh of her dance. During lhis line, lhe speIIsinger is
faligued and, if she is forced lo defend herseIf, she suffers
a -2 penaIly on aII allack roIIs and saving lhrovs.
A Vono o[
VanmI mg
A speIIsinger vho has allained lhe 1Olh IeveI of experi-
ence can use her dances and songs lo soolhe her audi-
ence, effecliveIy veaving a s|ccp speII over lhen. To faII
viclin lo lhis enchanlnenl, a characler nusl le alIe lo
cIearIy hear lhe song and see lhe dance of lhe
speIIsinger. Iurlher, lhe viclin nusl have fever Hil Dice
lhan lhe speIIsinger. Those of an equaI or grealer experi-
ence IeveI are innune lo lhis effecl. If lhese condilions
exisl, an onIooker nusl nake a successfuI saving lhrov
vs. speII or faII asIeep for a nunler of 10-ninu|c |urns
equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe speIIsinger. This sIeep is nol
nagicaI, so lhe viclins can le avakened nornaIIy.
The duralion of lhis dance can vary vilh lhe silualion.
Hovever, lhe naxinun nunler of rounds lhe
speIIsinger can suslain lhis dance is equaI lo lhe IeveI of
lhe dancer. The firsl round of dancing, aII onIookers
vilh up lo 1 Hil Die nusl nake lheir saving lhrovs. n
lhe second round, speclalors vilh 2 Hil Dice nusl nake
lheir saving lhrovs. This pallern conlinues unliI eilher
everyone in lhe audience has nade a saving lhrov, suc-
cessfuI or nol, or lhe speIIsinger haIls her dance.
nIookers vho feeI lhey are in danger or are olhervise
unconforlalIe (for exanpIe, in pain fron a vound) nake
lheir saving lhrovs vilh a +4 lonus. Those vho under-
sland lhe vords of lhe speIIsingers song suffer a -2 penaIly.
Afler using lhis aliIily, lhe characler nusl resl for a
nunler of rounds equaI lo lhe Ienglh of her dance. The
speIIsinger is considered lo le faligued vhiIe resling. If
she is forced lo defend herseIf during lhis line, she suf-
fers a -2 penaIly on aII allack roIIs and saving lhrovs.
nce nore, lhere are lound lo le a fev pIayers vho
viII allenpl lo aluse lhe povers of lhe speIIsinger
kil. Ior exanpIe, such a IC nighl spend hour afler hour
of nonconlal line allenpling lo casl uisn and olher po-
lenl speIIs. The DM nusl delernine lhe Iinils of such
Iilerlies vilh lhe kil and creale suilalIe inslances of rel-
rilulion for lhose vhose anlilions oulslrip lhe lounds of
reasonalIe roIe-pIaying. (f course, a career-ending in-
jury has forced nany dancers lo pursue olher vocalions.)
VIzano KI1s
ve traveled throughout more of the Realms than I care |c rcncnocr. |tc sat
and listened to the singing of the valantra, looked out cn |nc sp|cni narocr cf
Waterdeep in |nc ccnpanq of Elminster ninsc|f, an spent more than one un-
nerving night wishing I were anywhere but in |nc rcafu| cxpanscs cf |nc
Battle of Bones. Ive even spent time ancng the strange cu||urcs cnc ui|| fin
ucr|, | cn| rca||q |ncu uncrc |na| rca is. | gucss ||| figurc it out when I get there.
Well, with all these ni|cs at my back, there are some whod say that I must have seen it all. As
it happens, theres been a time or two when Id have sai sucn a thing nqsc|f. Onc of the firs|
things that I |carnc in my |ratc|s, |ncugn, is |na| |n not likely to |itc long enough to see even
na|f cf una| |ncrc is cn c| Tcri|. |tcrquncrc | gc | scc |nings |na| | ucu| natc ca||c anqcnc c|sc
a liar for describing. As you might expect, |n slow to accuse anyone of prctarica|icn |ncsc aqs.
| gucss |nc grca|cs| itcrsi|q Ive encountered cccurs ancng |nc spc||cas|crs of the world. To
scnc, a uizar is a uizar is a uizar. |n afrai, ncuctcr, |na| it just isn| |na| sinp|c.
Tnc ucr|crs of magic run the gamut of personalities. On the one hand, you have old book
worms who cant be coaxed out of their libraries and demented warlocks who wouldnt dream of
leaving |ncir cf|cn ill-fated cxpcrincn|s behind. On the other, you have ncnaic rcscarcncrs
born with wanderlust in their hearts, and well-traveled adventurers who spend so much time cu|
an aocu| that they dont have nucn opportunity for research a| a||.
This is true, ctcn among already spccia|izc prac|i|icncrs of the art. I know of a| |cas| cnc
nccrcnanccr unc gets fain| at the sight of blood and dead bodies. He insis|s that |nc |ruc nagic
of necromancy involves |nc inccrpcrca| uncaspiri|s an gncs|s an |nc |i|can not messy
|nings sucn as gratcqars an ccrpscs. Hcs ctcn a prc||q gcc inncr ccnpanicn, although his
conversations tend to be a bit cprcssing.
in the Jungles of Chult or the eastern ci|ics of Kara-Tur.
I suppose Ill probably ic scncuncrc cn a rca that is as far frcn uncrc I uas ocrn as i| is
pcssio|c to get. Of ccursc, since I dont know exactly where i| was that I did come into this
Well, lets gc| cn ui|n cur cxanina|icn of |nc itcrsi|q found ancng uizars. After all, even
the most educated and experienced of folk have been known to generalize and stereotype.
I should know: Ive done it nqsc|f cn cccasicn and almost found cu| cxac||q uncrc that cn-sc-
is|an| road I mentioned earlier might have run.
An excerpt from the journals of Athanial the Wind
A nunler of kils have leen presenled in olher producls
lhal enalIe pIayers lo creale specific lypes of vizard
characlers. The nosl frequenlIy encounlered of lhese
vere prinled in lhe Ccnp|c|c lizars Hanocc|. WhiIe
lhese are fine addilions lo any AD&D canpaign, lhey
are fairIy generaI in characler and donl have lhe unique
fIavor lhal pIayers and DMs expecl of a IRCTTLN
RLALMS canpaign. Here veII exanine nany kils cre-
aled especiaIIy for lhe vorId of Iaern and ils nosl von-
drous cilizens.
is a lrief descriplion of lhe speciaI aliIilies of lhe kil, ils
nosl inleresling roIe-pIaying fealures, and lhe speciaI
aliIilies or reslriclions lhal sel lhis lype of vizard aparl
fron his peers.
AII lhe vizard characler kils provided in lhis look are
presenled in a siniIar fornal. Much Iike lhe slandard
MNSTRUS CMILNDIUM Iayoul, lhis slruclure
pIaces lhe nosl inporlanl infornalion aloul lhe kil
firsl, in lhe forn of an easy-lo-read lalIe. IoIIoving lhal
CLass Im[onma1Iom
nce again, each enlry legins vilh a descriplion of lhe
varialions nade lo lhe nornaI aliIilies of lhe vizard
cIass. WhiIe a kil resenlIes ils parenl cIass in nosl vays,
il is lhe varialions on lhe lhene lhal give a kil ils char-
acler and nake roIe-pIaying il a chaIIenging experience.
RucIuI RequIvements
Nol every kil is avaiIalIe lo characlers of every race.
This is especiaIIy lrue in cases vhere a kil is inlended lo
refIecl lhe nalure of advenlurers fron a specific region.
Afler aII, a vizard fron Menzolerranzan isnl IikeIy lo le
a dvarf or a haIfIing! If any reslriclions of lhis lype appIy,
lheyII le Iisled here.
AbIIIty RequIvements
}usl as sone kils arenl open lo aII races, olhers require
characlers lo le especiaIIy gifled in sone nenlaI or
physicaI aliIily. Any nininun (or, rareIy, naxinun)
aliIily score requirenenl is Iisled in lhis parl of lhe
PvIme RequIsIte
The nosl inporlanl aliIily score for characlers using a
given kil is Iisled here. Il is lhis score lhal delernines if
lhe characler is eIigilIe for lonus experience poinl
avards, descriled in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|.
Advuncement TubIe
This enlry indicales vhich of lhe various experience ad-
vancenenl lalIes characlers use vhen lhey are designed
vilh lhe kil. IIayers are encouraged lo pay carefuI allen-
lion lo lhis vhen seIecling a kil, as sone kils advance in
IeveIs nuch nore quickIy lhan olhers.
HIt Ie Tye
In nosl cases, a characler designed vilh lhese kils uses four-
sided Hil Dice, jusl Iike lradilionaI vizards. Lxceplions
exisl, hovever, and lhese are noled here.
Attuck TubIe
As vilh lhe Hil Die Type enlry, nosl characler kils
viII use lhe sane allack lalIes as nenlers of lheir par-
enl cIass. In rare cases, hovever, lhe nalure of a kil
nighl resuIl in lhe characler receiving nore or Iess nar-
liaI lraining lhan his peers. When lhis happens, lhe ef-
fecl is Iisled here.
SuvIng TLvow TubIe
When kil-lased characlers are caIIed upon lo nake sav-
ing lhrovs, lhey aInosl aIvays do so as lheir parenl
cIass. In sone inslances, hovever, a kil nighl le differ-
enl enough lo require lhal characlers use lhe saving
lhrov lalIe of anolher cIass.
In very rare cases, a kil nighl indicale lhal sone of lhe
characlers saving lhrovs are nade as one cIass vhiIe
olhers are nade as if lhe characler leIonged lo a differ-
enl cIass. This is lhe case vilh lhe shadov
vaIker kil (descriled in lhe second parl of lhis look).
cetIonuI StvengtL?
indicale lhal onIy nenlers of lhe fighler cIass are enli-
lIed lo exceplionaI Slrenglh scores. In sone cases,
lhough, a nonfighler kil nighl indicale lhal characlers
designed vilh il arc enlilIed lo roII for exceplionaI
Slrenglh lonuses if lhey have a Slrenglh score of 18.
cetIonuI ConstItutIon?
As a ruIe, nosl characlers are Iiniled lo a naxinun of
+2 lonus hil poinls per Hil Die, regardIess of lheir Con-
slilulion score. Warrior characlers, of course, can have
higher lonuses if lheir Conslilulion score exceeds 16.
In rare cases, nenlers of olher cIasses nighl le eIigilIe
lo receive lhis lenefil as veII. If lhis is lhe case, il is
noled here.
If a kil aIIovs ils characler lo use speIIs, lhis is indicaled
here. AddilionaI infornalion is presenled in lhe lody of
lhe infornalion.
StuvtIng CusL (10 g)
The slarling veaIlh avaiIalIe lo various characlers
varies according lo lhe kil vilh vhich lhey are crealed.
The enlry here indicales lhe nunler and lype of dice
roIIed lo delernine hov nuch noney a pIayer has vilh
vhich lo equip his characler vhen slarling a canpaign.
The nunler roIIed on lhe dice is nuIlipIied ly 1O lo ol-
lain an exacl vaIue in goId pieces.
Pno[IcIemc Im[onma1Iom
If pIayers are using lhe oplionaI ruIes for proficiencies in
lhe canpaign, lhis seclion of lhe enlry provides inforna-
lion aloul lhe nunler of sIols lhal characlers designed
vilh a specific kil receive, lhe lypes of skiIIs avaiIalIe lo
lhen, and lhe frequency vilh vhich addilionaI profi-
ciencies are allained.
Weuon SIots
This nunler indicales lhe iniliaI veapon proficiency
sIols avaiIalIe lo a characler designed vilh lhe kil.
AddItIonuI SIot
As characlers advance in IeveI, lhey lecone nore
skiIIed in conlal and experienced in lhe use of various
veapons. This nunler indicales lhe nunler of IeveIs
lhal a characler nusl advance in order lo earn an addi-
lionaI veapon proficiency sIol.
NonvoIIcIency PenuIty
If a characler is forced lo use a veapon lhal he is nol
lrained vilh, his allack roIIs suffer. This enlry indicales lhe
exacl penaIly appIied lo lhe advenlurers allack roII.
1 5
Nonweuon SIots
This nunler indicales lhe iniliaI nonveapon profi-
ciency sIols avaiIalIe lo a characler designed vilh a
given kil.
isnl neanl lo provide delaiIed infornalion, onIy lo give
pIayers a capsuIe descriplion lhey can read vhen seIecling
a kil.
AddItIonuI SIot
As characlers advance in IeveI, lhey lecone nore
skiIIed in conlal and experienced in lhe use of various
veapons. This nunler indicales lhe nunler of IeveIs a
characler nusl advance in order lo earn an addilionaI
veapon proficiency sIol.
AInosl every lype of characler kil has a cerlain Iook as-
socialed vilh il. This nighl incIude favored lypes of
arnor, lradilionaI garl, or unique ornanenlalion. When-
ever such infornalion is appIicalIe, il is Iisled here.
IIayers and Dungeon Maslers shouId le avare lhal
lhere are exceplions lo lhese guideIines. f course, any-
one vho deviales loo far fron lhe eslalIished norn is
going lo sland oul in a crovd and prolalIy le shunned
ly his peers.
AvuIIubIe CutegovIes
AII of lhe nonveapon proficiencies in lhe AD&D gane
are divided inlo calegories lhal refIecl lhe skiIIs gener-
aIIy avaiIalIe lo nenlers of a specific cIass.
Bonus PvoIIcIencIes
To refIecl lhe experiences lhal characlers designed vilh This enlry presenls lhe infornalion lhal a pIayer needs
a given kil are assuned lo have, nany kils indicale lo nake his porlrayaI of a given characler seen reaIislic.
lonus nonveapon proficiencies. Characlers need nol aI- As vilh lhe Descriplion enlry, il is inporlanl lo re-
Iocale sIols lo receive lonus proficiencies, aIlhough lhey nenler lhere are exceplions. Ior lhe nosl parl, hov-
can do so lo raise lhe lasic chance for success. ever, pIayers shouId foIIov lhese reconnendalions.
Ior exanpIe, a vizard fron ArchendaIe receives lhe
herlaIisl proficiency aulonalicaIIy. The skiII is recorded
on his characler sheel and il is noled lhal il fiIIs O
sIols. If lhe characler vishes lo have a leller knovIedge
of herlaIisn, he nay aIIocale an addilionaI sIol for each
+1 increase lo his roII.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
Recommended PvoIIcIencIes
These are siniIar lo lonus proficiencies lecause lhey re-
fIecl lhe skiIIs connon lo characlers designed vilh a
specific kil. To acquire reconnended proficiencies, hov-
ever, lhe characler nus| aIIocale sIols nornaIIy.
Lvery kil Iisls sone speciaI aliIily lhal sels ils characlers
aparl fron lhose designed vilh olher kils. This nighl le
a lonus lo lhe characlers proficiency checks, saving
lhrovs under cerlain condilions, or speciaI laIenls Iike a
rangers lracking aliIily and a paIadins naluraI innu-
nily lo disease. AIso, any of lhe advanlageous enlries on
lhe lalIe lhal need cIarificalion are given here.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
IoIIoving lhe lalIe of infornalion are a nunler of lrief
enlries lhal furlher descrile lhe characler kil. The firsl of
lhese sinpIy provides a generaI definilion of lhe kil, ils
aliIilies, and ils pIace in lhe canpaign. This sunnary
}usl as every kil leslovs upon ils characlers sone lonus,
each one incIudes sone dravlack lhal nakes characlers
of lhal lype nore chaIIenging. This nighl le increased
danage fron sone lypes of allack, penaIlies lo saving
lhrovs, or even sone aclion lhal lhe characler nusl
lake lefore enlering conlal or casling a speII.
The DaIeIands are noled for lhe lrave and nolIe adven-
lurers lhey produce. Wizards fron lhese regions are ex-
pecled lo le no Iess responsilIe or inlrepid lhan lheir
varrior counlerparls.
VIzanos o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Hunan, eIf, haIf-eIf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts InleIIigence 9,
Conslilulion 12
PrImc RcquIsItc InleIIigence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 1d4+1
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs CeneraI, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs See leIov
Recommended Proficiencies SpeIIcrafl
As lhey lend lo le advenlurers and expIorers, lhe viz-
ards of lhese reaIns are noled for lheir casuaI nanner
and uliIilarian dress. The fIoving roles and fancifuI
dress of courl vizards are nol generaIIy found anong lhe
speIIcaslers of lhe DaIes. A vizard in fIoving roles, vilh
a Iong leard and vearing a poinled hal, is IikeIy lo le
Iooked upon as sonelhing of a dandy or a fooI. There
are exceplions lo lhis, of course. Afler aII, fev are lhe
foIk vho vouId caII lhe ofl-roled LIninsler of Shadov-
daIe a fooI.
ne can expecl lhe lypicaI vizard of lhe DaIeIands lo
le in conforlalIe cIolhes, oflen IileraIIy sevn vilh
pockels for speII conponenls as veII as a sloul slaff (lhal
nay or nay nol le enchanled) and ready access lo a
good assorlnenl of lraveIing suppIies.
Many of lhe vizards, vhelher nages or speciaIisls, lhal
caII lhe DaIes hone are rugged advenlurers vho seek lo
undersland lhe nysleries of lhe vorId ly experiencing
lhen firslhand. A pIayer running a vizard fron lhe
DaIes shouId le viIIing lo lake chances and risk aII for a
good cause.
As a ruIe, aII foIk of lhe DaIes, vizards incIuded, are
sIov lo lrusl slrangers. nce lhey do accepl an oulsider,
hovever, lhey are varn and open friends. Irior lo lhal
line, a vizard designed vilh lhis kil shouId le sIov lo
reIy on lhose lhey do nol knov.
As vilh nosl foIk of lhe DaIes, vizards fron lhese slales
are knovn lo le sleadfasl conpanions and good aIIies.
There are fev of lhe DaIes vho vouId alandon a friend
in need or give up on a quesl lhal seened inpossilIe.
5pecIaL Beme[I1s
Wizards of lhe DaIes each receive a lonus proficiency
and a speciaI aliIily lhal refIecls lhe Iand lhey caII
The proud lradilions of lhe foIk vho Iive aIong lhe
lanks of lhe River Arken are nol Iosl upon lhe vizards
nurlured in lhal Iush Iand. SpeIIcaslers fron lhis region
are noled for lheir Iove of nalure and, in parlicuIar, lhe
ferns, fIovers, and grasses lhal prosper aIong lhe lanks of
rivers and shaIIov slreans. Because of lhis, vizards fron
ArchendaIe nay choose eilher lhe fishing or herlaIisl
proficiencies. They need nol aIIocale sIols lo lhese skiIIs
lul can do so lo increase lheir chances of success vhen
using lhese laIenls.
The hislory of lhis reaIn is, as ils nane suggesls, one of
varfare and confIicl. UnIike lhe lorlured Iands of Sess-
rendaIe or TarkhaIdaIe, BallIedaIe has nol onIy survived
ils confIicls lul grovn slrong fron lhen. Those vho Iive
in lhe shadov of Aencars caslIe are proud of lheir var-
rior herilage, and even lhe vizards of lhis reaIn have
had niIilary lraining. To refIecl lhis, vizards fron Bal-
lIedaIe acquire veapon proficiencies as if lhey vere
rogues. Thal is, lhey legin pIay vilh lvo such skiIIs and
acquire a nev one vilh every fourlh IeveI of experience.
In addilion, lhese characlers can enpIoy aII snaII
veapons nornaIIy forlidden lo vizard characlers.
There is perhaps no surviving slale in lhe DaIes vilh as
lragic a hislory as DaggerdaIe. Deceived and ruIed ly lhe
crueI MaIyk and his aIIies in lhe Zhenlarin for nany
years, lhis Iand has feIl lhe hand of lyranny and is nol
quick lo forgel lhal eviI caress. The scars of lhis lrulaI
pasl are evidenl in lhe dislrusling, aInosl paranoid, viz-
ards lhal cone fron lhis Iand.
Lven vilh DaggerdaIe lack under lhe righlfuI ruIe of
RandaI Morn, lhe vizards of lhal Iand have relained
lheir aliIily lo lhink quick under pressure. As such, Dag-
gerdaIe vizards gain a lonus proficiency in eliquelle.
This aliIily once provided lhen vilh lhe neans lo laIk
lheir vay oul of lroulIe vilh Zhenlarin agenls. Nov il
serves as a reninder lo hov lhey once Iived.
Whenever a DaggerdaIe vizard finds hinseIf facing an
aulhorily figure, a successfuI proficiency check viII aIIov
hin lo say lhe righl lhings and perforn lhe proper kov-
loving lo escape lhe fale lhal nighl olhervise le as-
signed lo hin. The DM can assign penaIlies lased on
lhe silualion, and lhe pIayer is forevarned lhal sone sil-
ualions are inescapalIe.
The foIk of DeepingdaIe seen lo gel aIong leller vilh
lhe eIves and haIf-eIves of lhe vorId lhan lhey do vilh
olher hunans. The nages of DeepingdaIe are so used lo
lhe conings and goings of lhe fair foIk lhal lhey seen lo
have acquired an affinily for lhe nagic of lhe eIves. This
is refIecled in lvo vays. Whenever a speIIcasler fron
DeepingdaIe is required lo nake a saving lhrov lo es-
cape lhe effecls of a speII casl ly any eIf race (incIuding
lhe sinisler drov), he is enlilIed lo a +2 lonus lo his roII.
ConverseIy, any vizard vho Iearned his crafl in Deep-
ingdaIe inposes a -2 penaIly on lhe saving lhrovs nade
ly eIves lo resisl his povers. Againsl haIf-eIves, lhis
lonus or penaIly is haIved.
Iev vizards~and fev heroes of any lype~cone fron
anong lhe foIk of IealherdaIe. This is nol lecause of an
alsence of nagicaI laIenl anong lhe popuIace, onIy a
Iack of inleresl. The chiIdren of lhis region grov up
lending lhe fIocks and seeing lo olher chores lhal Ieave
IillIe line for lhe idIe fancy of nagic. SliII, lhose speII-
caslers vho do slep forvard fron lhe ranks of lhe con-
non foIk of IealherdaIe have a naluraI inslincl vhen il
cones lo lhe vays of farning and herding. They receive
eilher lhe agricuIlure or aninaI handIing proficiencies
aulonalicaIIy (lhal is, vilhoul aIIocaling a nonveapon
proficiency sIol lo il). They can aIso aIIocale addilionaI
sIols lo lheir chosen skiII lo increase lheir chances of
success vhen using il.
The foIk of HarrovdaIe are oflen said lo le sonevhal
dinvilled and sel in lheir vays. This nighl veII le lhe
case vilh nany of lhe connon foIk. Whal sone lake for
a Iack of inleIIigence, hovever, is oflen onIy an inlro-
speclive personaIily. This is especiaIIy lrue of lhe vizards
of HarrovdaIe, vho are noled as nuch for lheir acunen
as lheir inleIIecl. As a resuIl, aII vizards fron Harrov-
daIe receive a +2 lonus lo lheir slarling Wisdon score.
The nodified score cannol exceed 18, hovever.
TLe HIgL uIe
f aII lhe foIk in aII lhe DaIes, lhere are none nore
veII-knovn or respecled lhan lhe IIying Archers of
High DaIe. There is nol a chiId in lhis Iand vho didnl
Iearn lo use a lov as soon as he vas slrong enough lo
drav lack an arrov. As a resuIl, vizards fron High DaIe
are alIe lo use Iong and shorl lovs nornaIIy in conlal.
f course, lhey nusl sliII aIIocale veapon proficiency
sIols lo lhen if lhey are lo avoid a penaIly lo lheir al-
lack roIIs. Iurlher, lhey can seIecl lhe lovyer/fIelcher
proficiency for ils nornaI cosl of one sIol, jusl as if lhey
vere varriors.
Because of MislIedaIes spravIing naluraI Iandscape,
lheir foIk Iearn lo ride horses and drive vagons al a
young age. They have a naluraI affinily for horses of aII
lypes excepl lhose lrained for lallIe. In gane lerns, lhis
is evidenl in lhal aII vizards lorn in MislIedaIe (or al
Ieasl vho grov up lhere) receive eilher lhe Iand-lased
riding or aninaI handIing proficiency al no cosl. They
can aIIocale sIols lo il lo increase lheir chances of suc-
cess vhen using lhe skiII, lul lhey need nol expend a
sIol lo receive lhe lase proficiency.
There are generaIIy lvo lypes of vizards in ScardaIe nov
lhal Lashan has vanished and his allenpls lo doninale
lhe DaIes have ended. AIlhough very differenl in sone
vays, lhe vizards are shockingIy siniIar in olhers. A
pIayer vho vishes lo run a vizard fron ScardaIe shouId
risna cannol le raised alove 18 ly lhis lonus, hovever.
delernine vhich of lhese groups his characler leIongs lo.
Prc-|asnan. Iirsl, lhere are lhose vho vorked vilh
Lashan and soughl lo heIp hin in his var. They lend lo
le harsh, liller foIk vho feeI lhey vere lelrayed ly
Cornyr, lhe Moonsea, and lhe olher nalions Lashan had
depended upon for aid.
An|i-|asnan. n lhe olher hand, lhere are lhose vho
did nol leIieve in vhal Lashan slood for. Whelher lhey
opposed hin direclIy or coverlIy, lhey used lheir poverfuI
personaIilies lo persuade olhers lo resisl lhe var efforl.
Wizards fron ScardaIe, vhelher for or againsl Lashan,
have had lo exerl a greal deaI of infIuence IaleIy in order
lo allain lhe goaIs lhey desired. This has forced lhen lo
deveIop forcefuI personaIilies, so lhey have earned a +2
lonus lo lheir Charisna scores. The characlers Cha-
Hone lo counlIess advenlurers and lo lhal nosl vorlhy
of individuaIs, LIninsler lhe Sage, ShadovdaIe is resi-
dence lo far nore lhan ils share of heroes and, sadIy, viI-
Iains. f course, lhe Ialler lend lo keep a very Iov pro-
fiIe, oflen passing lhenseIves off as chanpions of good
vhiIe in lhe area. The chiIdren of lhis Iand grov up
hearing laIes of epic advenlure and Iearning Iore lhal
lhose in olher Iands never hear of. Il is onIy naluraI lhal
chiIdren so raised vouId Iong lo foIIov in lhe foolsleps
of lhe heroes lhey vorship.
The vizards of ShadovdaIe have Iearned nuch fron
lhe counlIess heroes lhey grev up around. The caulion-
ary laIes lhese foIk pass on, especiaIIy lhose vilh nissing
Iinls and olher proof of lhe inporlance of lheir Iessons,
lend lo renain vilh a person lhroughoul his Iife.
To refIecl lhis, pIayers running vizards lorn and raised
in ShadovdaIe nay adjusl any lvo saving lhrov cale-
gories (orca|n ucapcn and ca|n spc||, for exanpIe).
Whenever lhe characler is caIIed upon lo nake a saving
lhrov of his chosen lypes, he gains a +2 lonus.
There are nany vho say lhal TasseIdaIe is lhe nosl cos-
nopoIilan of aII lhe DaIes. There are olhers vho poinl
oul lhal such a slalenenl is roughIy equivaIenl lo leing
lhe snarlesl koloId in lhe raiding parly~lhal is, ils no
greal honor. SliII, lhe foIk here lake pride in lheir repu-
lalion and nake use of lheir posilion as a crossroads lo
keep inforned aloul lhe nevs of lhe vorId. Il is for lhis
reason, nany have supposed, lhal TasseIdaIe produces
nore lards lhan any of lhe olhers.
The earIy exposure lhe vizards of TasseIdaIe have lo
vorId evenls does indeed nake lhen nore savvy lhan
lheir peers in lhe olher DaIes. HardIy a day passes in lhis
pIeasanl Iand vhen a lody doesnl Iearn sonelhing nev
and fascinaling aloul a faravay pIace. As a resuIl, lhe
vizards of TasseIdaIe legin pIay vilh lvo exlra non-
veapon proficiency sIols.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Lach of lhe DaIes produces vizards vilh a unique fIa-
vor. To refIecl lhis, lhe foIIoving disadvanlages appIy lo
vizards fron lhe various DaIes.
Wizards fashioned vilh lhis kil nusl le of IavfuI aIign-
nenl. AIso, lhe rugged nalure of Iife in lhe DaIes in-
poses upon lhen a nininun Conslilulion score of 12.
Less hardy foIk donl have vhal il lakes lo lecone ad-
venluring vizards.
Al lines, lhe pride of lhese nolIe foIk gels in lhe vay of
lheir connon sense. This has Ied lo a repulalion for ar-
rogance and vanily. Wizards seen lo lear lhe lrunl of
lhese hard feeIings, for lhe naluraI air of nyslery lhal
surrounds lhen nakes connon foIk especiaIIy uneasy
around speIIcaslers. Because of lhis, vizards fron
ArchendaIe nusl reduce lheir Charisna score ly 2
poinls vhen deaIing vilh foIk fron oulside lheir DaIe.
The line lhal a vizard fron lhese regions spends on
narliaI lraining is, of course, Iosl fron lhe sludy of
nagic. To refIecl lhis, characlers fron lhis region nusl
reduce lheir chance lo Iearn speIIs ly 1O.
The naluraI paranoia of DaggerdaIes foIk is lolh videIy
knovn and readiIy apparenl. Their inaliIily lo lrusl
olhers Ieads olhers lo dislrusl lhen. In a sense, lhen, one
nighl say lhal nuch of lheir suspicion is juslified, for
lhose vho do nol lrusl such characlers nay veII lelray
lhen. To refIecl lhis, lhe IoyaIly lase and reaclion ad-
juslnenl nodifiers eslalIished ly lhe characlers Cha-
risna score are aIvays penaIlies, regardIess of vhelher lhis happens, such characlers are conpeIIed lo confronl
lhal aliIily score is high or Iov. lhe ovner of lhe aninaI vilh his nisdeeds and seek lo
aid lhe alused aninaI.
WhiIe lhis nay nol seen lo le a greal disadvanlage,
The nagic sludied ly lhe vizards of DeepingdaIe has such a confronlalion can easiIy erupl inlo a lravI or
leen grealIy infIuenced ly lhe suljecls of lhe LIven vorse. More lhan one vizard fron MislIedaIe has found
Courl. This has resuIled in a naluraI lias in lheir sludies hinseIf lrying lo expIain lo lhe cily valch exaclIy vhy
lhal reduces lhe effecliveness of lheir speIIs vhen casl al he Iosl his lenper and Iaunched a nagic nissi|c al one of
dvarves, gnones, or olher races vilh a naluraI resislance lhe lovns cilizens.
lo nagic. Therefore, crealures vho nusl nake a saving
lhrov lo escape lhe effecls of a speII receive a +2 lonus
againsl lhe incanlalions of a DeepingdaIe vizard. The sane slrenglh of conviclion lhal aIIovs lolh pro-
and anli-Lashan characlers lo have forcefuI personaIilies
and exerl a greal deaI of presence vhen speaking can
WhiIe il is lrue lhal lhe vizards of IealherdaIe seen un- cause lhen lo appear as fanalics and lIind lhen lo con-
naluraIIy sagacious, il is aIso lrue lhey lend lo le quiel pronises and siniIar soIulions. To refIecl lhis, aII such
and ralher Iacking in presence. To le lIunl, lhey are characlers suffer a -2 penaIly lo lheir Wisdon scores.
sone of lhe duIIesl peopIe a hero vouId ever vanl lo This penaIly cannol Iover a score lo Iess lhan 3, hovever.
spend line vilh. In gane lerns, such characlers suffer a
-2 penaIly lo lheir slarling Charisna score. The nodi-
fied vaIue cannol faII leIov 3, hovever. WhiIe lhe vizards of ShadovdaIe have lhe advanlage of
hearing counlIess slories vhiIe groving up, lhey suffer
sonevhal fron lhe facl lhal nany of lhese are al Ieasl
The generaIIy easy-going foIk of HarrovdaIe donl see exaggeralions and oflen oulrighl Iies. In gane lerns, lhis
lhe advenlures lhal olhers crave as anylhing vorlh seek- veaIlh of nisinfornalion can le seen in a characlers
ing. They lend lo le inlrospeclive and generaIIy find un- saving lhrovs. }usl as he receives a +2 lonus lo lvo
derslanding of lhe vorId ly exanining vhal evenls lypes of saving lhrovs (pIayers choice), lhe vizard nusl
nean lo lhen personaIIy. They can le sonevhal sIov lo aIso suffer a -2 penaIly vhen checking lvo olher cale-
reacl in a crisis silualion. Afler aII, acling in hasle can gories of saving lhrovs.
resuIl in unforeseen consequences. To refIecl lhis, lhese
vizards suffer a -1 penaIly lo lheir inilialive roIIs in
conlal or olher dangerous silualions. The peopIe of TasseIdaIe have a naluraI lhirsl for knovI-
edge and infornalion vhich rivaIs lhal of even lhe nosl
TLe HIgL uIe
inquisilive lard. This curiosily, hovever, has leen lhe
Having leen exposed lo lhe lov al an earIy age, vizards dovnfaII of nany advenlurers fron TasseIdaIe.
of lhe High DaIe favor il over aII olher range veapons. Whenever such a characler vishes lo avoid invesligal-
Because of lhis, lhey cannol le proficienl vilh darls, ing a nyslery or allenpling lo soIve an inlriguing puzzIe,
lhrovn knives, or olher range veapons. They can use he nusl nake an aliIily check of his Wisdon. LxaclIy
lhese veapons in conlal lul suffer a nonproficiency vhal requires a roII and vhal doesnl viII have lo le de-
penaIly vhen doing so. cided ly lhe DM, lul a good ruIe is sinpIy lhal a vizard
fron TasseIdaIe vonl alandon a nyslery vilhoul a very
good cause. This doesnl nean lhal lhe firsl hinl of an
Having a naluraI affinily for aninaIs in generaI and enigna viII send lhe characler racing inlo lhe nighl,
horses in specific, vizards fron MislIedaIe are quick lo onIy lhal once he legins an invesligalion of sone sorl,
anger vhen lhey see soneone nislrealing a nounl or lhe vizard viII le dogged and reIenlIess in his efforls lo
nolice lhal a horse shovs signs of negIecl. Whenever soIve il.
VIzanos o[ 1he
ELoem Vooos
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts LIf, haIf-eIf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts InleIIigence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc InleIIigence
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 1d4+1
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs CeneraI, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs AninaI Iore
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs SpeIIcrafl
Since lhe Relreal, lhere are fev eIves Iefl in lhis region.
The LIven Courl has leen aII lul alandoned, Mylh
Drannor is in ruins, and lhe peacefuI gIades of Senler-
hone are sliII and enply. nIy anid lhe TangIed Trees
do lhe fair foIk reside in greal nunlers.
LIves of lhe TangIed Trees lend lo rejecl aII lhings
hunan. They favor Iealher, fur, and vood in lheir cIolh-
ing and veapons, shying avay fron nelaI. As a resuIl,
lhese vizards are easiIy nislaken for druids ly lhose vho
are unfaniIiar vilh them.
The eIves of lhe TangIed Trees are generaIIy young and
sonevhal rash. Their peopIe have suffered nuch al lhe
hands of nen and lhey are quick lo lake offense al lhe
aclions of such foIk. IIayers running lhese characlers
shouId shov lhis in lheir pIay lul nusl le carefuI nol lo
Iel il inlerfere vilh lhe gane.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
AII characlers crealed vilh lhis kil have lhe aninaI Iore
proficiency vilhoul having lo expend a proficiency sIol for
il. In addilion, lhe rugged nalure of lheir Iives over lhe pasl
fev years has nade lhen nore hardy lhan lheir feIIovs in
olher regions. Because of lhis, lhey have six-sided Hil Dice.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Because of lheir dislrusl of nankind, eIves of lhe TangIed
Trees can le difficuIl for hunan nen and vonen lo gel
aIong vilh. They have shorl lenpers, sonelhing very un-
usuaI anong lhe fair foIk, and aIvays assune lhal hunans
are oul lo gel lhen. This resuIls in a -2 penaIly lo lhe char-
aclers Charisna score vhenever he is deaIing vilh hunans.
VIzanos o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Hunan, eIf, haIf-eIf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts InleIIigence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc InleIIigence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 1d4+1
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs CeneraI, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs SpeIIcrafl
The nalion of Cornyr requires lhal aII nages of 5lh IeveI
or higher regisler vilh lhe governnenl. This and olher
reguIalions invoIving speIIcasling have nade Cornyr a
fairIy unpopuIar pIace anong nany advenluring vizards.
This requirenenl has Ied lo lhe evoIulion of lvo dislincl
lypes of nages~regislered vizards and renegades.
A lhird group, lhe var vizards, conprise an inporlanl
eIenenl of lhe nalions niIilary. To le a var vizard, a
vizard nusl spend a nininun of nine nonlhs each year
on aclive duly vilh a delaiI of olher var vizards. IIayers
can le var vizards onIy vilh lhe approvaI of lhe
Dungeon Masler.
Regislered vizards lend lo Iook exaclIy Iike lhe vizards
one hears aloul in slories. They oflen vear Iong roles,
grov Ienglhy leards, and can aInosl aIvays le found in
lhe conpany of a raven, cal, or siniIar faniIiar. Il has
leen suggesled lhal lhe vizards of Cornyr acluaIIy lry lo
ouldo each olher in dressing lhe parl of lhe nagician.
Whelher lhis is an inlenlionaI aclion on lhe parl of
lhese characlers or sinpIy an oulgrovlh of lhe facl lhal
lhey have leen required lo regisler lhenseIves vilh lhe
governnenl is difficuIl lo say.
Renegades, of course, are nol so loId aloul lheir dress
and nannerisns. By nol regislering, lhey have pul
lhenseIves in danger of execulion. If lheir secrel is re-
veaIed, afler aII, lhe enlire nighl of lhe var vizards
can le lroughl lo lear on lhen. Ior lhis reason, rene-
gade vizards vear lhe cIolhes of a connoner. SpeII con-
ponenls, nagicaI lrinkels, and such are secured in secrel
pockels or in a pouchleIl or snaII salcheI.
War vizards, Iike lhe olher regislered speIIcaslers of
Cornyr, lake no sleps lo hide lheir profession. The lIack
and purpIe roles lhey vear inslanlIy idenlify lhen.
These roles are Iaced vilh pockels and pouches lul lear
no gIyph or olher synloI of rank or office. Anong lhe
var vizards, none is needed.
Lach lype of Cornyle vizard presenls a differenl chaI-
Ienge for pIayers. Care nusl le laken lo express lhese
unique lrails during an advenlure vilhoul going over-
loard and lringing lhe gane lo a haIl.
RegIsteved WIzuvds
Regislered vizards lend lo le proud of lheir slalion, even
lo lhe poinl of arrogance. They Iook upon lhe acl of reg-
islering lhenseIves as sonelhing of a slalus synloI and
lake pride in lhe facl lhey are so poverfuI lhe govern-
nenl fears lhen and vanls lo knov vhere lhey are al aII
lines. They aIso leIieve, vhelher lhey adnil il or nol,
lhal lhe governnenl vouIdnl le alIe lo slop lhen if
lhey vanled lo do sonelhing iIIegaI, so regislering lhen-
seIves is of no concern. They Iook upon var vizards as
governnenl Iackeys and renegades as shiflIess upslarls.
Renegades, of course, donl see lhenseIves as viIIains or
crininaIs. Ralher, lhey lhink lhe governnenl has no
righl lo denand lhey regisler lhenseIves. Why is il, lhey
argue, lhal vizards nusl regisler lul nol olher lypes of
peopIe` Isnl a high-IeveI priesl a polenliaI danger lo so-
ciely` r a poverfuI varrior` Renegades Iook upon lhe
var vizards as looIs of an oppressive governnenl and see
lhen as IillIe nore lhan a lunch of luIIies and lhugs
vilh nagicaI lraining. As for lhe regislered vizards, lhey
viev lhese foIk as nisguided fooIs vho donl reaIize lhey
have pul lheir Iives in periI ly aIIoving lhe governnenl
lo keep such cIose valch on lhen. The renegades are
cerlain lhal lhe king and lhe noliIily are up lo sone-
lhing, lhey jusl donl knov vhal yel.
Wuv WIzuvds
The var vizards lhink of lhenseIves as lhe lesl of lhe
lesl. Because of lhe lenefils lhey gain, such as heIp in
nagicaI research, lhey donl undersland vhy any vizard
in Cornyr vouIdnl vanl lo le a nenler of lheir unil.
Because of lhis, lhey Iook dovn upon lolh regislered
vizards and renegades. They viev regislered vizards as
inferior in laIenl, pover, and inleIIigence. They viev
renegades as dangerous crininaIs vho nusl le hunled
dovn and deslroyed for lhe good of sociely.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
As vilh lhe vizards of lhe DaIes, each lype of Cornyle
speIIcasler has his ovn speciaI advanlages. WhiIe var
vizards are generaIIy nol avaiIalIe for use as pIayer char-
aclers, lhe foIIoving infornalion viII aIIov Dungeon
Maslers lo creale lhen for use in lheir canpaigns. IIay-
ers, on lhe olher hand, viII find lhe infornalion lhey
need lo creale eilher regislered or renegade nages.
RegIsteved WIzuvds
Regislered vizards lend lo le egolislicaI. They regard
lheir speciaI slalus as a revard for counlIess years of hard
vork spenl in sludy of lhe arcane arls. WhiIe lhis alli-
lude can easiIy irrilale lheir conpanions, lhere is nuch
lo le said for lhe lenefils of lhe regislered vizards vay of
Iife. Because of lhe sludy skiIIs deveIoped ly lhese char-
aclers and lhe anpIe research naleriaIs lhey have avaiI-
alIe lo lhen vhiIe vilhin lhe lorders of Cornyr, regis-
lered vizards receive a lonus lo lhe nunler of experi-
ence poinls lhey receive for advenluring. Any such
characler vho nakes his hone and spends al Ieasl haIf
lhe year in Cornyr gains a 1O lonus lo earned experi-
ence poinls. This is in addilion lo any lonus lhe charac-
ler receives for exceplionaI aliIily scores.
Renegades Iook al regislered vizards as kepl nen and
fooIs, lhough lhey donl deny lhal lhey envy lhe re-
sources avaiIalIe lo lheir cousins. ne advanlage, hov-
ever, is lhe cunning nalure lhal years of avoiding lhe au-
lhorilies has given lhen. In gane lerns, lhis gives lhen
nornaI access lo lhe Rogue proficiencies.
Wuv WIzuvds
War vizards lrain exlensiveIy in lhe use of conlal
nagic. Ior lhal reason any danage-infIicling speII lhey
casl, such as nagic nissi|c or fircoa||, infIicls an addilionaI
poinl of danage per die.
A cafcning o|as| cf |nuncr cxp|cc in |nc |atcrn,
nur|ing ccrs inuar an s|unning |nc asscno|agc cf
pa|rcns. |tcn ocfcrc |nc ccnccs cf |na| |crrio|c o|as|
ic cun, a pair cf ci|q guars s|cppc quic||q in|c
ticu. |acn cf |ncn ucrc o|ac| |ca|ncr arncr c||c
ui|n orass s|us an nc| a uic|c|q curtc sucr a|
|nc rcaq. As sccn as |ncq na |a|cn up a pcsi|icn
insic |nc ccr, anc|ncr figurc s|cppc in|c |nc p|acc.
|tcn as nc i sc, a grca| prcscncc fi||c |nc rccn.
Hcrc uas a nan cf un|c| nqs|ica| pcucr. Hc ucrc
|nc rcocs cf |nc lar lizars, |nc gctcrnncn|-sanc-
|icnc cncnan|crs cf Ccrnqr, an |canc cn a
gnar|c ucccn s|aff. 8|uc |raccs cf supcrna|ura|
pcucr racc a|cng |nc s|aff |i|c scurrqing inscc|s
suarning aocu| a ncs|.
Tnrcc s|cps orcugn| |nc uizcnc figurc |nrcugn |nc
ccruaq, cacn acccnpanic oq a crac| as |nc |ip cf
nis uizars s|aff s|ruc| |nc f|ccr. His cc| cqcfcr
nc na ou| cnc |cf| in nis faccsucp| acrcss |nc
rccn. lncn nis gazc fc|| upcn nc, a uasn cf cc|
sucp| ctcr nc. | natc facc cgrcs, |rc||s, an ucrsc
in ncr|a| ccnoa|, ou| |ncrc uas scnc|ning aocu|
|nis c| nan |na| fi||c nc ui|n rca. |f | uas |nc
cnc |na| nc na ccnc fcr, ucu| | oc ao|c |c rcsis|
nin? | in| |nin| sc.
Ncran |cc|c arcun, c|car|q |rqing |c ccic if nc
na anq cnancc cf cscapc. Apparcn||q nc ccnc|uc
|na| nc i nc|, fcr nc s|cc an appcarc |c cffcr nc
|uc|i|q, nis scru|inq passc oq nc an sc|||c cn
anc|ncr. |n |nis casc, i| uas qcung Ncran, |nc curi-
cus fc||cu unc ran |nc ncroa|is| sncp acrcss frcn nq
|cgings. Tnc uizar |i||c nis s|aff, nar|q na|ing a
isccrnao|c nc|icn, ou| nis in|cn| uas c|car cncugn.
Tnc |uc sc|icrs s|cppc fcruar an f|an|c |nc |a.
Sucn|q, |nc qcung nans nans f|asnc |c nis
oc|| an a pair cf |nitcs g|in|c in |nc air. Sc s|rcng
an |ruc uas Ncran's |nrcu |na| |ncrc uas nc arc |c
|ncir f|ign|, |ncq |racc pcrfcc||q s|raign| |incs frcn
nis nan |c |nc uizars cncs|nctcr natc | sccn a
ncrc suif| cr accura|c |nrcu! On |nc c|ncr nan, |
natc nctcr sccn a |css uscfu| cnc ci|ncr. Tnc |nitcs
s|ruc| |nc rcocs cf |nc uizar an fc|| |c |nc f|ccr as
if |nc c|c|n ucrc nac cf s|cnc.
Tnc guars graooc Ncran an carric nin auaq ,
i| uas |nc |as| | ucu| ctcr scc cf nin. || uas nc|,
ncuctcr, |nc |as| | ucu| scc cf |nc lar lizars cf
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
}usl as lhe Cornyle cuIlure gives ils vizards sone advan-
lages, il aIso inposes cerlain handicaps.
RegIsteved WIzuvds
The aInosl panpered Iife nosl regislered vizards lreal
lhenseIves lo lakes ils loII on lheir slanina. To refIecl
lhis, aII such characlers nusl reduce lheir slarling Con-
slilulion scores ly 1. In addilion, lhese characlers are
never enlilIed lo lonus hil poinls for lheir Conslilulion
score, no naller hov high il is. They can sliII suffer a
penaIly lo lheir hil poinls for unusuaIIy Iov scores.
Renegade vizards have Iearned lo Iive ly lheir vils and
cunning over lhe years. They knov a IillIe lil of para-
noia goes a Iong vay. Their paranoia and lhe olher as-
pecls of lheir secrelive Iives have nade il difficuIl for
lhen lo accepl conpanions. To refIecl lhis, renegades
nay never have hireIings or henchnan.
Wuv WIzuvds
Because of lheir focus on conlal speIIs, var vizards suf-
fer fron a sIighl disadvanlage vhen enpIoying aII olher
speIIs. Whenever a characler of lhis lype invokes a speII
lhal does nol direclIy cause danage lo an eneny (such
as a c|cc| nagic or uco), his effeclive IeveI is haIved
(round up).
Ior exanpIe, a 3rd-IeveI vizard casling a nc| pcr|a|
speII vouId nornaIIy le alIe lo nagicaIIy lar lhe doors
and vindovs in a 6O-square-fool area for lhree rounds al
a range of 6O yards. A var vizard vho enpIoys lhe sane
speII affecls onIy a 3O-square-fool area for lvo rounds
and has a range of onIy 3O yards. In lhe firsl case, a viz-
ard of 7lh IeveI or higher couId viII lhe door open, vhiIe
lhe var vizards enchanlnenl couId le defealed ly a
nagician of onIy 6lh IeveI.
CLass Im[onma1Iom
VIzanos o[
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Human, half-elf
Intelligence 9
N o
N o
4dl 0
- 5
General, Wizard, Rogue
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
Senlia is a Iand juslIy noled for ils crafly nerchanls,
hard-vorking foIk, and poIilicaI cunning. Iev foIk in
lhis Iand grov up vilhoul Iearning lhe vaIue of noney
and lhe skiIIs of larlering. Il is connonIy said lhal aII of
Senlias advenlurers, vhelher lhey le varriors, priesls,
or vizards, are parl rogue as veII.
DescnIp1Iom RoLe-pLaImg
There are lvo nodes of dress lypicaI of Senlian viz-
ards. The firsl slyIe is lhal of an unassuning advenlurer.
The characler dons lhis slyIe vhen he expecls lo le
doing lusiness and doesnl vanl lo lip his hand ly indi-
caling lhal he is eilher very veaIlhy or sonevhal in
need. This usuaIIy neans he vears a pIain role, oflen
filled vilh nany pockels, and fev olher adornnenls.
They appIy lhe sane slandards lo lheir lraveIs and
heroic expIoils. They viev an advenlure as successfuI
Senlian vizards, Iike nosl foIk of lheir Iand, lend lo
judge peopIe ly lheir personaI veaIlh and pover. This
can oflen Iead lhen lo nisjudge soneones lrue charac-
ler. By lhe sane loken, hovever, lhey expecl lo le
judged lhis vay lhenseIves.
Nolhing in lhe vizards possession viII le of oulsland-
ing quaIily, lul neilher viII il le poorIy crafled or in
need of repair.
The olher node of dress is nuch fIashier. The vizard
vears lhis slyIe vhen he vishes lo enphasize his veaIlh
and nake il cIear lhal he is a nan of inporlance and
pover. He vears alundanl siIks and olher fine falrics
and jeveIry and vaIualIe lrinkels lo conpIenenl lhe en-
senlIe. A vizard dressed in his finery is easiIy nislaken
for one of lhe dandies vho decorale lhe upper cIasses of
Senlian sociely.
onIy if lhey acquire lreasure and a quesl vorlh underlak-
ing onIy if il pronises nonelary revard.
Any pIayer running a Senlian vizard nusl lake care
lo focus his allenlions on lhe nonelary aspecls of an ad-
venlure vilhoul causing pIay lo slop.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
To successfuIIy engage in haggIing, a characler nusl
nake an aliIily check using his Charisna score. If lhe
Hovever, aII Senlian vizards are skiIIed haggIers and
nerchanls in lheir ovn righl. This aliIily lransIales inlo
an aulonalic discounl on goods and services loughl dur-
ing lhe course of an advenlure and an increase in lhe
price lhey receive for lreasures or olher spoiIs of var lhey
pul up for saIe.
As indicaled in lhe kil sunnary, aII Senlian vizards re-
ceive lhe appraise proficiency aulonalicaIIy. This re-
fIecls lhe enphasis lheir cuIlure pIaces on lrade and
connerce. This adjuslnenl is appIied vhenever lhe characler is
luying ilens fron lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| or a siniIar
source lelveen advenlures. Il is nol nornaIIy avaiIalIe
lo a pIayer during lhe course of a gane session, as lhe
pIayer and DM shouId roIepIay any haggIing done al
lhal line. In lhe inleresls of fasler pIay, hovever, lhe
DM nay opl lo sinpIy Iel lhe characler use his haggIing
aliIily during pIay.
The exlenl of lhe characlers negolialing aliIily is
+/-2 for every IeveI of experience he has allained. Ior
exanpIe, a 1Olh-IeveI vizard fron Senlia can luy speII
conponenls for 2O Iess lhan olher speIIcaslers. If lhe
characler seIIs a gen lhal he found vhiIe advenluring,
he receives 2O nore for il lhan anolher nenler of lhe
parly nighl.
check faiIs, lhe characler nusl pay or receive onIy lhe
nornaI price Iisled for lhe specific ilen. If lhe check suc-
ceeds, lhe characler has nanaged lo larler for a leller
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
As expIained in SpeciaI AliIilies, lhe pIayer of a
Senlian vizard nusl nake an aliIily check againsl lhe
characlers Charisna vhen allenpling lo haggIe. If lhe
resuIl of lhe lhis roII is a naluraI 2O, lhe vizard has run
inlo soneone vho is slonevaIIing hin for one reason or
anolher. The NIC eilher reaIizes he is deaIing vilh a
Senlian and is anxious lo gel lhe lesl of lhe deaI, or he
sinpIy has lhe feeIing lhal lhe IC vouId fIeece hin if he
couId. Therefore, if lhe IC allenpls lo luy an oljecl, he
nusl eilher pay doulIe lhe Iisled price or go vilhoul lhe
ilen. If lhe IC is seIIing sonelhing, lhe luyer offers onIy
haIf lhe ilens lrue vaIue. No anounl of addilionaI lar-
gaining viII change lhe nind of lhe luyer/seIIer.
Because vizards fron Senlia are noled as naslerfuI
lraders, nany peopIe are exceplionaIIy vary of lrading
vilh lhen. To refIecl lhis dislrusl, lhere is a chance lhal
a polenliaI luyer or seIIer viII sinpIy refuse lo do lusi-
ness vilh a characler fron Senlia or denand unusuaIIy
harsh lerns jusl lo ensure he isnl chealed.
VIzanos O[ 1he
Noomsea RegIom
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (X10 gp)
Human, half-elf, elf
Intelligence 9
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
- 3
General, Wizard, Rogue
Move silently or hide in
shadows or hear noise
Spellcraft Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
The vizards of lhe Moonsea region refIecl lhe inlrigue
and nyslery for vhich lhal Iand is renovned. They are
oflen sinisler nen and vonen vho have naslered lhe
nyslicaI arls in an allenpl lo anass greal personaI
pover and force olhers lo do lheir lidding.
Wizards of lhe Moonsea sland oul anong lheir peers nol
in dress lul in provisioning. WhiIe lhey oflen vear lhe
conforlalIe cIolhes of an advenluring nage or lhe rip-
pIing roles of a courl vizard, lhey aInosl aIvays proni-
nenlIy dispIay a veapon of sone sorl. In lhe case of viz-
ards fron MuInasler, lhis is oflen a svord, nace, or
olher veapon nol connonIy used ly nagicians.
AII vizards of MuInasler are inviled lo join lhe
Brolherhood of lhe CIoak (or lhe CIoaks for shorl). Ires-
sure lo do so is conslanl, and lhose of 4lh IeveI or
higher vho refuse are run oul of lovn al lesl and nur-
The slereolypicaI eviI vizard vho lroods over dark
secrels and conlenpIales fouI nysleries lhal no nan
vas ever neanl lo nasler nay veII le rooled in lhe slo-
ries of lhe Moonseas enchanlers. Lven lhe vizards of
lhis Iand vho are good and jusl can easiIy le laken for
sinisler and naIevoIenl ly lhose vho do nol knov
lhen veII.
Like nosl of lhe Moonseas foIk, lhe vizards here are
noled for lheir quiel nalure and lheir lendency lo keep
lheir ovn secrels vhiIe rooling oul lhe secrels of olhers.
To lhese enignalic foIk, secrels are pover, for lhey aIIov
you lo largain fron a posilion of slrenglh. ulsiders
nighl consider lhis a forn of lIacknaiI, lul poinling
lhis oul lo one of lhe Moonseas vizards is IikeIy lo gel
you lurned inlo a load . . . or vorse.
dered al vorsl. Hence, a vizard characler fron MuInas-
ler viII eilher le a nenler of lhe CIoak, a forner nen-
ler, or an exiIe.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The residenls of lhe Moonsea region Iive in a Iand of
despolic ruIers, unending suspicion, and oppressive fear.
The hislory of lhis Iand can le sunned up in one sinpIe
phrase: onIy lhe slrong~or lhe sneaky~survive. Since
lhey generaIIy Iack lhe slrenglh lo survive (al Ieasl unliI
lhey advance a fev IeveIs), vizards nusl le sneaky. Lx-
aclIy hov vizards fron lhe various cilies of lhe Moonsea
region acconpIish lhis varies.
ZLentII Kee
ver lhe years, lhe forlified ZhenliI Keep has cone lo le
idenlified vilh lhe Zhenlarin or BIack Nelvork. If lhere
is a nore eviI affiIialion anyvhere in lhe ReaIns, il
vouId le difficuIl lo find. Nol every person vho Iives in
lhe keep is a puppel, viIIing or unviIIing, of lhe Zhen-
larin, lul lhis is lhe case nore oflen lhan nol. To refIecl
lhal, lhe vizards descriled here are nenlers of lhe
BIack Nelvork.
Wizards of lhe ZhenliI Keep lend lo cone in lvo vari-
elies. There are lhose vho acl as spies or assassins and
olhers vho provide nagicaI supporl in niIilary can-
paigns. When a Zhenlarin vizard is designed, lhe pIayer
or DM nusl decide vhelher his characlers focus is sul-
lerfuge or lallIe.
Spies and assassins are experls in lhe use of nagic fron
lhe schooI of Lesser/Crealer Divinalion, casling aII such
speIIs as if lheir experience IeveI vere lvo higher lhan il
acluaIIy is. Ior exanpIe, a 3rd-IeveI nage casls lhese
speIIs as if he vere 5lh IeveI.
Those vho provide nagicaI supporl are naslers of
conlal-orienled speIIs and can lring dovn even lhe
nighliesl enenies vilh lheir devaslaling nagic. They
casl aII direcl allack speIIs as if lhey vere lvo experience
IeveIs higher lhan lhey acluaIIy are. A 5lh-IeveI vizard
casls a fircoa|| speII as if he has allained 7lh IeveI, for ex-
anpIe. Direcl allack speIIs cause danage innedialeIy
upon leing casl, Iike a nagic nissi|c, fircoa||, or |ign|ning
oc||. In nosl cases, ils easy lo leII if a speII faIIs inlo lhis
calegory, lul DMs nay sonelines have lo ruIe in lhe
case of unusuaI nagic.
In lolh cases, lhe experience IeveI lonus appIies lo
speIIs casl ly lhe characler, never lo speII effecls fron
nagicaI ilens.
Wizards of HiIIsfar can seIecl one of lhree lhief skiIIs:
nove siIenlIy, hide in shadovs, or hear noise. These
funclion in lhe sane nanner as lhe lhief aliIilies of lhe
sane nane lul are enpIoyed as proficiencies. Move
siIenlIy and hide in shadovs are checked as Dexlerily
skiIIs and hear noises is checked as a Wisdon skiII.
There is a -4 nodifier lo lhe lase roII and addilionaI
sIols cannol le aIIocaled lo inprove lhe characlers
chances of success vilh lhe skiII. AIso, lhe characler
cannol aIIocale addilionaI sIols lo acquire nore lhan
one of lhese lhief skiIIs.
Anolher exanpIe of lhe paranoid nalure of vizards in
MuInasler is lhe aliIily of lheir vizards lo lrain vilh
veapons generaIIy unavaiIalIe lo olhers of lheir cIass.
When a pIayer creales a characler vilh lhis kil, he nay
seIecl any one nediun veapon and aIIocale lolh of his
slarling veapon proficiency sIols lo lecone skiIIed in ils
use. Mosl Moonsea vizards opl for skiII vilh lhe lroad
svord or Iong svord, lul il is nol unconnon for a char-
acler lo choose lhe norning slar or foolnans nace.
If lhe pIayer doesnl lake advanlage of lhis oplion
vhen his characler is crealed, he nay nol do so Ialer.
This speciaI aliIily refIecls infornaI lraining received as
lhe characler grev up in Moonsea, nol inslruclion al lhe
hands of a skiIIed varrior, so il cannol le dupIicaled
Ialer on in Iife.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The deceplive and conpelilive nalure of Moonsea soci-
ely has ils negalive infIuence on vizards as veII. }usl as
lhey Iearn lo use veapons nol nornaIIy avaiIalIe lo viz-
ards and enpIoy skiIIs generaIIy associaled vilh lhieves,
lhey are aIso unalIe lo lrusl olhers or lo find soneone
vho viII lake lhen inlo lheir confidence.
ZLentII Kee
The poverfuI vizards of lhe ZhenliI Keep are knovn far
and vide for lheir skiII and lhe rulhIess devolion lhey
shov lo lheir dark order. This is nol lo say lhal lhey are
vilhoul veaknesses of lheir ovn. Mosl inporlanlIy, aI-
lhough lhis is seIdon considered a veakness ly lhe
nenlers of lhe Zhenlarin, aII characlers designed vilh
lhis kil nusl le of eviI aIignnenl. Therefore, a Zhen-
larin vizard shouId aIvays le an NIC kil.
Those characlers vho choose lo acl as spies and assas-
sins are Iiniled in lheir aliIily lo engage in nagicaI
conlal. This is refIecled ly lhe facl lhey casl aII direcl-
allack speIIs as if lhey vere lvo IeveIs Iover in experi-
ence lhan lhey acluaIIy are. So a 5lh-IeveI vizard casls a
nagic nissi|c or fircoa|| speII as if he vere onIy of 3rd
IeveI, for exanpIe. The IeveI of lhe casler cannol faII
leIov 1sl, hovever.
Wizards vho devole lhenseIves lo lallIe nagic suffer a
siniIar reduclion in nagicaI aliIily. When casling div-
inalion speIIs, aII such speIIcaslers nusl Iover lheir Iev-
eIs ly lvo for lhe casling. Hovever, lheir IeveI can never
faII leIov 1sl lecause of lhis penaIly.
In lolh cases, lhis reduclion appIies lo speIIs casl per-
sonaIIy or invoked vilh nagicaI ilens.
In HiIIsfar, lhe prinary effecl of a vizards Iack of lrusl
and generaI paranoia is evidenl in lhe reaclions lhal
olhers have lo hin. This dislrusl resuIls in a -4 penaIly
lo any roIIs invoIving lhe characlers naxinun nunler
of henchnen, IoyaIly lase, and reaclion adjuslnenl
nodifiers (as delernined ly his Charisna score). This
indicales lhe generaI air of suspicion lhal hangs around
lhe vizard and his cIoseIy guarded secrels. lhers,
vhelher lhey knov lhe advenlurer veII or nol, lend lo
assune lhal any nan vilh so nany secrels cannol le
lrusled hinseIf.
This air of suspicion and paranoia lhal surrounds lhe
vizards of MuInasler has a najor effecl on lhe lraining
of characlers vishing lo acquire nev proficiencies or ad-
vance in IeveI. The ruIes for such lraining are presenled
in lhe Lxperience chapler of lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R
Guic. Inslead of lhe usuaI average fee of 1OO gp per
IeveI per veek of lraining, vizards fron lhe MuInasler
region nusl pay lvice lhal anounl.
In addilion, lheir naluraI suspicion of olhers nakes il
difficuIl for lhen lo pul lheir lrusl in an inslruclor. This
resuIls in Ionger lraining lines and a higher chance of
faiIure. NornaIIy, lhe nininun Ienglh of a lraining
course is delernined ly sullracling lhe leachers Wis-
don score fron 19. When leaching a vizard fron lhe
Moonsea region, lhe Wisdon score is sullracled fron
23. If lhe characler faiIs his firsl check lo nasler lhe sul-
jecl lefore hin, he nusl vail 1O days lefore naking an-
olher check inslead of lhe usuaI seven days.
VIzanos o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf, elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? Yes
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 5
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -4
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Like lhe Iand lhey caII hone, vizards of lhe Vasl are
najeslic and spIendid peopIe. To oulIanders lhey oflen
seen Iarger lhan Iife, gIanorous, and charisnalic. Lach
nev davn hoIds vilhin ils spIendid paIIel lhe pronise
of a nev leginning and forlunes as yel undreanl of.
Wizards of lhe Vasl lend lo dress in conforlalIe cIolhes
lhal are as veII-suiled lo lraveIing and advenluring as lhey
are lo an evening al lhe paIace. They are fond of jeveIry
and olher accessories, lul never lo lhe exlenl lhey lecone
garish or vioIale lhe Iinils of good lasle. In CaIaunl il is
fashionalIe for vizards lo cIearIy dispIay lheir pover vilh
gIoving gens and lhe Iike vhiIe lhose in Tanlras oflen al-
lenpl lo hide lheir lrue profession fron lhe pulIic.
IIayers running vizards of lhe Vasl shouId recognize lhe
upleal nalure of lhese foIk. Lven in defeal, lhey pIan
lheir nexl advenlure and schene lo regain lheir Iosl sla-
lus or veaIlh.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The Vasl is divided inlo nany regions, each of vhich is
characlerized ly ils ovn unique lreed of vizard. IoIIov-
ing are descriplions of lhe speciaI aliIilies of lhe nosl
inporlanl or inleresling of lhese vizards.
Words Iike oppressive and corrupl donl even legin
lo descrile lhe feslering vound lhal is CaIaunl. Wilh
every passing year ils eviI naslers, lhe Suprene Scepler
BeIIas Thanalar and lhe six Merchanl Dukes vho sup-
porl hin, grov nore and nore poverfuI.
The poIilicaI decay of lhis cily has infecled every rank
of ils sociely, even lhe orders of vizards vho sludy and
praclice lheir nyslerious arl here. Il is said lhal no group
of vizards anyvhere has a leller underslanding of lhe
deceilfuI and corrupling aspecls of nagic lhan lhose of
CaIaunl. As a resuIl, aII speIIs fron lhe IIIusion/Ihan-
lasn schooI casl ly vizards of CaIaunl inpose a -1
penaIly lo lhe saving lhrovs nade ly lheir largels. If lhe
vizard is an iIIusionisl, lhis penaIly is in addilion lo lhe
-1 penaIly he vouId nornaIIy inpose upon his viclins.
The sociaI slruclure in lhe cily-slale of Irocanpur is as
rigid and unchanging as CaIaunl is decaying and cor-
rupl. Wizards fron lhis cily are lrained ly lheir nenlors
nol onIy in lhe vays of nagic, lul in lhe nany codes of
conducl lhal govern Iife in Irocanpur.
In gane lerns, aII vizards of Irocanpur aulonalicaIIy
receive lhe eliquelle and heraIdry skiIIs as a resuIl of lhis
addilionaI lraining. They need aIIocale no sIols lo re-
ceive lhese proficiencies al lhe line of characler genera-
lion, aIlhough lhey can aIIocale addilionaI sIols lo in-
crease lheir chances of success.
This cily is narked ly a Iarge dead zone in vhich nagic
cannol le enpIoyed. Il is for lhis reason lhal fev vizards
caII Tanlras hone. Those vho do are cunning and have
deveIoped a naluraI sensilivily lo nagic. Because of lhis,
lhey are oflen alIe lo delecl lhe presence of nagicaI
auras, jusl as eIves can oflen nolice lhe Iocalion of secrel
doors. Whenever a vizard of Tanlras cones vilhin 1O
feel of a nagicaI ilen or ongoing speII effecl, lhere is a 2-
in-6 chance he delecls lhe vilralions of a nagicaI aura.
This doesnl nean lhe vizard knovs exaclIy vhal is en-
chanled or lhe nalure of lhe nagic, onIy lhal scnc|ning
near hin is radialing nagic.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Iron lhe lainled Iand of CaIaunl lo lhe devaslaled
reaIn of Tanlras, various vizards of lhe Vasl are noled
for lheir exceplionaI aliIilies. Hovever, lhey are aIso re-
narkalIe for lheir unusuaI handicaps.
The corruplion and fey nagic of CaIaunl hangs aloul
ils vizards. AninaIs, and in sone cases hunans or
denihunans, can sense lhis aura of decay. Donesli-
caled aninaIs, prinariIy horses and dogs, lecone skil-
lish and uneasy vhen a vizard of CaIaunl cones vilhin
5O feel of lhen. If lhe vizard cones vilhin 25 feel,
horses legin lo snorl and vhinny vhiIe dogs slarl lo
lark and hovI. lher aninaIs give oul lheir ovn cries
of aIarn.
There is a 5 chance per IeveI of lhe vizard lhal hu-
nans and denihunans sense sonelhing is aniss vhen a
vizard of CaIaunl cones vilhin 25 feel of lhen. This
sensalion is vague and nighl le disnissed as nolhing
nore lhan lhe jillers, lul il does nake il difficuIl for
characlers of lhis lype lo sneak pasl senlries or hide fron
search parlies.
The rigid slruclure of Irocanpurs sociely has ils delri-
nenlaI effecls as veII. Wizards fron lhis cily are ex-
pecled lo keep up appearances and olhervise Iive in
lhe nanner lheir peers expecl of lhen. The resuIl is
lhal lhe characler nusl devole a porlion of his lrea-
sure lo lhe giving of gifls, upkeep of a hone, or dona-
lions lo church and slale. In gane lerns lhis neans
lhe characler nusl give up a porlion of his veaIlh
equaI lo 3 per IeveI of experience (6O nax.). This
fee is paid al lhe end of every advenluring session and
appIies lo lhe goId-piece vaIue of a|| lreasure recovered
during lhe gane. Il is inpossilIe for a characler lo
avoid lhis expense.
Because of lhe difficuIly of vorking nagic in and around
Tanlras, lhe speIIcasling lechniques enpIoyed ly lhe
vizards of lhal reaIn are very precise and denanding. To
refIecl lhis, lhe inilialive nodifiers for aII speIIs casl ly
vizards of Tanlras increase ly 1 (no speII casl ly a vizard
of Tanlras has a casling line of 1). SpeIIs vilh casling
lines of grealer lhan one round are nol affecled ly lhis
3 3
VIzanos o[ 1he
Dnagom Coas1
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, elf, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d 4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d10
Wizards of lhe Dragon Coasl are independenl foIk. They
lend lo avoid connilling lhenseIves lo Iong advenlures
unIess lhere is an unusuaIIy vaIualIe lreasure al lhe end
of lhe road. The firsl queslion fron a vizard vhen pre-
senled vilh a proposilion shouId aIvays le: lna|s in i|
fcr nc?
The onIy vay lo adequaleIy descrile lhe dress and nan-
nerisns of lhe vizards of lhe Dragon Coasl is lo say lhey
are loo varied lo le descriled. Lach lo his ovn is lhe
apparenl ruIe here, vilh every nanner of dress and de-
neanor leing found aIong lhe soulh coasls of lhe Drag-
onnere and Sea of IaIIen Slars.
If a singIe dislinguishing characlerislic vere lo le
found anong lhese foIk, il vouId le lhal each vizard
proudIy dispIays his ovn nark. Whelher lhis is on an
anuIel, a sash, or lorc varies fron person lo person. AII
lhal is consislenl is lhal each vizard viII proninenlIy
dispIay his ovn parlicuIar gIyph sonevhere.
}usl as lhe cilies of lhe Dragon Coasl are proud and in-
dependenl, so loo are ils vizards. They viev lhe vorId
fron lheir ovn perspeclive, paying IillIe allenlion lo lhe
inleresls of olhers. Thal vhich is lo lheir advanlage,
lhey allend. Thal vhich is nol, lhey ignore.
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Swimming
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 5
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -4
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 5
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
There are lhree najor cilies in lhe region nen caII lhe
Dragon Coasl. These are, fron vesl lo easl, LIversuIl,
Teziil, and Weslgale. f lhese, lhe Iasl is ly far lhe
grealesl. In addilion, lhe Iirale IsIes are oflen grouped as
a parl of lhe Dragon Coasl.
The vizards of each cily (or isIe) are as differenl and
varied as lhe counlIess caravans lhal pass lhrough lhis
region. WhiIe aII receive lhe svinning proficiency le-
cause of lhe popuIarily of valer sporls anong lhe foIk of
lhe Dragon Coasl, lhere are nany olher differences.
Long a pIace of refuge for snuggIers and siniIar lhieves,
lhe lide has legun lo lurn againsl lhe crininaI eIenenl
in lhis prosperous cily. These changes affecl vizards onIy
sIighlIy, lul lhe Iong herilage of LIversuIl has had a nore
pronounced inpacl on lhe nenlers of lhis cIass.
ver lhe years, lhe vizards of LIversuIl have leen
forced lo deaI vilh snuggIers, privaleers, and olher shad-
ovy characlers on reguIar occasions. This has resuIled in
a faniIiarily vilh socielys darker side lhal fev non-
lhieves in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns can nalch. To refIecl
lhis, aII vizard characlers fron LIversuIl are faniIiar vilh
lhe sIang and jargon lhal conposes a IocaI lhieves canl.
As residenls of a fasl-groving and prosperous lovn, lhe
foIk of Teziil pride lhenseIves on lhe cily lhey have
luiIl and lhe diversily of ils cilizenry. Nev ideas, incIud-
ing reIigions and vays of doing lusiness, are freeIy con-
sidered vhen lhe nany lraveIers lhal pass lhrough lhis
region inlroduce lhen. Those lhal prosper are enlraced
ly lhe generaI popuIalion vhiIe lhose lhal faIler are as-
suned lo have leen fIaved lo legin vilh.
This lhoughlfuI nalure is aIso seen in lhe vizards lhal
dveII here. They are anong lhe nosl resourcefuI and de-
lernined foIk of lhe Dragon Coasl. As a resuIl, lhese
characlers reduce lhe anounl of line and noney lhey
nusl invesl in lraining ly 3 per IeveI. CuideIines for
lraining are presenled in lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic.
In nany parls of lhe vorId, lhe vord lrade is synony-
nous vilh lhe nane Weslgale. The inporlance of cara-
vans and nerchanl shipping is knovn ly aII inhalilanls
of lhis greal cily, for il has served lo nake Weslgale a
poverfuI nelropoIis and has eslalIished a reasonalIy
high slandard of Iiving for lhe peopIe vho Iive lhere.
The greal veaIlh of goods lhal pass lhrough lhe cily
lrings vilh il an infIux of cuIlures and knovIedge lhe
Iikes of vhich are unknovn anyvhere eIse on ToriI. Ior
lhis reason, lhe vizards of Weslgale have lhe sane aliIily
lo knov a IillIe lil of everylhing lhal lards do. This
aliIily is sonevhal Iess IikeIy lo succeed lhan lhal of lhe
lypicaI lard lul is olhervise lhe sane as lhal descriled in
lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|. In shorl, lhe vizard has a 3
chance per IeveI lo knov sonelhing of lhe lackground of
any characler, oljecl, or pIace lhal he encounlers.
TLe PIvute IsIes
WhiIe il vouId le vrong lo say lhal every inhalilanl of
lhe Iirale IsIes is a lhief, nurderer, and corsair, il
vouIdnl le conpIeleIy vrong. To refIecl lhis in gane
lerns, vizards fron lhis region are alIe lo freeIy pur-
chase proficiencies fron lhe Rogue calegory as veII as
lhe CeneraI and Wizard groups.
In addilion, vizards of lhe Iirale IsIes receive lhe nav-
igalion skiII as a lonus proficiency, so lhey need nol ex-
pend a sIol lo purchase lhe skiII. Hovever, lhey can aIIo-
cale addilionaI sIols lo inprove lheir chances of success
vhen using il.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
}usl as lhe unique nalure of lheir hones gives lhe viz-
ards of lhe Dragon Coasl severaI advanlages, so loo are
lhey sIighlIy penaIized ly lheir herilage.
Tine lhal nusl le devoled lo naslering lhe vays of
lraders is line lhal cannol le spenl sludying nagic. As a
resuIl, vizards of LIversuIl receive onIy a 5 lonus lo
lheir earned experience poinls if lheir InleIIigence is
high enough lo quaIify for lhis revard.
Though lhey are quick sludies, vizards of Teziil lend lo
skip aspecls of lraining lhey find duII or loring. This re-
suIls in a fIaved naslery of lheir skiIIs. In nosl cases lhis
doesnl shov, lul occasionaIIy lhey are slunped ly
3 5
||cin| 17
| natc |i|||c |inc |c uri|c ncu. Tnc a|arn nas jus|
occn raisc again. Tnc Grcq Caratc| an |nc s|crn
|na| snrcus i| natc rc|urnc. Mq ncar| is ncatq, fcr |
cannc| nc|p ou| fcc| |na| uc ui|| nc| oc as |uc|q as uc
ucrc qcs|craq. Maq |nc gcs prc|cc| an c| sai|cr an
nis crcu.
||cin| 15
||cin| 16
As cur c|cc|s cs|ina|c |na| |nc sun na fa||cn ocnin
|nc c|cuq ncrizcn, |nc s|crn orc|c. A| |na| sanc in-
s|an|, a is|an| snapc rcsc frcn ocnca|n |nc uatcs. Sc
frign|fu| uas |nis |ning |na| ctcn ncu nq nan sna|cs
as | uri|c.
Tnc firs| crq cf a|arn uas raisc oq |nc c|f. His |ccn
cqcs sccnc unnanpcrc oq |nc |nic| fcg an |crrcn|ia|
cunpcur. |c||cuing nis cu|s|rc|cnc arn, | sau |nc
gncs||q Grcq Caratc| cu||ing |nrcugn |nc uatcs ui|n-
cu| |nc fain|cs| |racc cf a ua|c. Hcr sai|s ucrc |crn an
nung |i|c rags frcn |uis|c, crac|c nas|s. Grca| nc|cs
na occn |crn in |nc nu||, ou| nc ua|cr sccnc |c fi|| |nc
spcc|ra| snip!
As |nc tcssc| rcu ncarcr, | s|rainc nq cqcs an oc-
nc| ncr crcu. Tncq ucrc |nc |qpica| garo cnc assccia|cs
ui|n sai|crs cf |nc Dragcn Ccas|s, ou| |ncir c|c|ncs ucrc
|a||crc an f|u||crc uc| an |inp upcn |ncir francs.
Tc nq ncrrcr, | rca|izc |na| |ncsc |a||crs cctcrc nc|
ncn ou| |iting s|c|c|cns! Tncir cqcs, pinpcin|s cf crin-
scn sc| in uni|c s|u||s, sccnc |c ourn in|c nq scu|.
Tnc Grcq Caratc| ocrc cun upcn us. | ca||c |nc ncn
|c ac|icn s|a|icns an oac |ncn na|c rcaq |c rcpc|
ocrcrs. | oracc fcr |nc crasn. . . .
]us| as i| sccnc inpcssio|c |c atci a cc||isicn, |nc
pnan|cn snip fac auaq! |n i|s ua|c, cn|q a uin as
cc| as |nc gratc sucp| acrcss us.
lc arc six aqs cu| cf pcr| an |nc crcu is uncasq. Tnc
s|q nas grcun ar| an |nc uins snif| oac| an fcr|n as
if unccr|ain uncrc |ncq canc frcn cr uncrc |ncq sna||
gc. |ign|ning f|asncs in |nc is|ancc, na|ing |nc s|q ap-
pcar narsn an ori|||c qc| prcucing nc |nuncr cr rain.
| cn| |ncu una| s|rangc fa|c |ics anca cf us, ou| |
cannc| nc|p ou| fcc| ccr|ain |na| i| is nc| gcc. | natc
as|c Knc|an, |nc rangcr unc is |ratc|ing ui|n us, an
nis c|f ccnpanicn G|crin una| |ncq na|c cf |nis s|rangc
uca|ncr. Nci|ncr cf |ncn nas an ansucr fcr nc. | sus-
pcc| |na| |ncq |ncu ncrc |nan |ncq arc |c||ing nc.
|xccrp|s frcn |nc |cg cf |nc Scar|c| Quccn, fcun
arif| ncar |nc Dragcn Ccas|s
TLe PIvute IsIes
lhings olhers find chaIIenging lul nol inpossilIe lo
overcone. This is refIecled in a -1 penaIly lo aII profi-
ciency checks lhe characler nakes.
The greal veaIlh of Iore and Iegend lhe vizards of Wesl-
gale are exposed lo nakes lhen very knovIedgealIe in-
dividuaIs. In addilion lo lhe leneficiaI effecls il has on
lhe characler of lhe vizards, lhis conlinuous larrage of
infornalion forces lhen lo nasler cerlain skiIIs in order
lo keep up vilh lhe vorId around lhen.
As a resuIl, vizards of Weslgale nusl aIIocale lhree of
lheir iniliaI nonveapon proficiencies lo lhe naslery of
foreign nodern Ianguages. The olher lvo sIols lhal lhe
characler legins pIay vilh nusl le spenl on lhe pur-
chase of lhe reIigion and eliquelle skiIIs. AddilionaI
sIols, vhelher acquired fron a high InleIIigence score or
lhrough an increase in experience IeveI, can le ex-
pended as desired.
The Iirale IsIes are a IavIess and viId pIace. By nosl ac-
counls, onIy lhe Iovesl of crininaIs and lhe nosl dan-
gerous of cullhroals nake lheir hones on lhese rocky
oulcroppings. Because of lhis, aII vizards fron lhe Iirale
IsIes nusl le eilher chaolic or eviI in aIignnenl. (f
course, eviI kils are reslricled lo nonpIayer characlers.)
Dungeon Maslers shouId aIso nole lhal inhalilanls of
lhe Iirale IsIes are conslanlIy harassed ly lhe Iav en-
forcers of lhe Dragon Coasl. Whenever a crine occurs
aIong lhe soulhern shores of lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars or
Dragonnere, lraveIers fron lhe Iirale IsIes are ready
suspecls. Il nay veII le lhal nore nalives of lhe Iirale
IsIes have leen vrongIy convicled and execuled lhan
have acluaIIy leen lroughl lo juslice for lhe crines
lhey did connil.
VIzanos o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Hunan, haIf-eIf, eIf
InleIIigence 9
- 5
General, Wizard
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The lrulh of lhe naller, as lhose vho have lraveIed in
lhese Iands knov, is far grander. The Weslern Hearl-
Iands are a vasl coIIage of good and eviI, nyslery and in-
sighl, veaIlh and poverly. To lhe peopIe vho Iive in
lhese Iands, lhe resl of lhe vorId is sofl and lane. Why
anyone vouId choose lo Iive in lhose disnaI Iands of op-
The connon foIk of lhe easlern slales (prinariIy Cornyr,
Senlia, and lhe DaIeIands) lhink of lhe Weslern Hearl-
Iands as a viId fronlier lhal viII evenluaIIy le sellIed and
lroughl under lhe pover of lhe greal kingdons. Accounls
of lhe kingdons lhal have risen and faIIen in lhese virlu-
aIIy forgollen reaIns are disnissed as ficlion. There are
foIk lhere, lul lhey are no nore lhan larlarians slrug-
gIing lo survive leyond lhe civiIized vorId.
Iirsl and forenosl, lhe vizards vho dveII here recog-
nize lhe Weslern HearlIands as a pIace of advenlure and
inlrigue. ne never knovs vhal lhe fulure, even lhe
near fulure, hoIds. Because of lhal, lhe vizards (and nosl
olher advenlurers) here are carefuI lo nake cerlain lhey
cannol le caughl off guard. The vizards carefuIIy seIecl a
diverse nixlure of speIIs lhal viII ready lhen for aInosl
anylhing lhey nighl encounler. And vizards are aIvays
arned in sone fashion. The veapon nighl appear orna-
nenlaI or le conceaIed, lul il viII aIvays le easy lo
reach if lhe need lo defend oneseIf shouId arise. MagicaI
To caII any singIe lype of vizard of lhese spravIing, con-
fusing Iands lypicaI vouId le lrenendousIy unfair.
Hovever, lhere are sone inporlanl siniIarilies lhal
unile lhe diverse nagicians of lhe Weslern HearlIands.
pressive nonarchs is inpossilIe lo inagine for lhen. In
lhe Weslern HearlIands, a nan is judged for his neril,
nol ly lhe lanner under vhich he narches.
ilens, poisons, fIasks of Creek fire, and any nunler of
olher speciaI provisions, oflen secreled in conceaIed
pockels or a salcheI, fiII oul lhe vizards gear. Wizards in
lhis region nay seen paranoid lo oulsiders, lul lheyre
never caughl unavare.
As nenlioned in lhe generaI descriplion, characlers of
lhis lype aIvays lake care lo le ready for anylhing. IIay-
ers running lhese characlers in a gane shouId lehave
lhe sane vay.
This doesnl nean lhal lhe vizard is a paranoid vorrier
vho peeks lehind every curlain and assunes lhal every
drink hes handed is poisoned. Il does nean, hovever,
lhal he vonl lraveI far fron his hone vilhoul a pack of
provisions. Afler aII, you never knov vhen a slorn
nighl nake il safer lo hoIe up sonevhere inslead of
heading for hone righl avay. The difference lelveen
paranoia and preparedness can le a fine Iine, lul vaIk-
ing il is vhal nakes running a vizard fron lhe Weslern
HearlIands fun.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The diversily of cuIluraI environnenls in lhe Weslern
HearlIands nakes il difficuIl lo singIe oul any specific
speciaI aliIily as leing connon lo aII vizards fron lhese
Iands. The foIIoving Iisl, hovever, descriles lhose nosl
connonIy associaled vilh speIIcaslers fron lhe najor
cilies of lhe region.
BuIduv's Gute
Localed on lhe Svord Coasl, BaIdurs Cale anchors lhe
Chionlhar River lo lhe TrackIess Sea. Il is knovn for
loIerance and quiel, unollrusive IavfuIness. The vizards
of lhis cily refIecl lhe open-nindedness of lheir cuIlure.
As a resuIl, vizards fron BaIdurs Cale nay purchase
lheir slarling proficiencies fron any of lhe calegories
Iisled in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| vilhoul expending an
addilionaI sIol for lhe skiII. This lonus appIies onIy al
lhe line of characler crealion since il refIecls lhe open
cuIlure in vhich lhe characler grev lo aduIlhood.
When nev proficiencies are purchased, lhe nornaI ruIes
for luying lhose oulside of lhe Wizard or CeneraI
groups appIy.
There are fev niIilary forces as veII-knovn and veII-re-
specled as lhe HeII Riders of LIlureI. Lvery chiId in lhe
region, even one vho grovs up lo le a rogue or vizard,
dreans of leconing a HeII Rider one day. CaIIing a
chiId in LIlureI a heIIion, sonelhing laken as an insuIl in
nosl olher parls of Iaern, is considered a lIessing here.
HeIIions are sinpIy lhose chiIdren vilh lhe drive and
courage lo ride lhe nighly deslriers of lhis greal region.
To refIecl lhis, aII vizards fron LIlureI receive lhe
lonus proficiency of Iand-lased riding. They need nol
aIIocale any of lheir slarling sIols lo lhis proficiency lul
can spend addilionaI sIols lo inprove lheir aliIily vilh
lhe skiII if lhey desire.
In addilion lo lhis proficiency, aII vizards of LIlureI re-
ceive a +2 lonus lo lheir allack roIIs and saving lhrovs
vhen on horselack. This does nol indicale any speciaI
lraining, onIy lhal lhey have leen riding horses aInosl
since lhey vere lorn and have a naluraI affinily for lhe
reaclion lheir nounl viII have lo any given circun-
nIy eIves nay opl for lhis kil, as Lvereska is perhaps
lhe Iasl slronghoId of lhe fair foIk, nore specificaIIy of
noon eIves, in lhis parl of ToriI. Wilhin lhe vaIIs of lhis
nounlainlop ciladeI, lhe greal Iore and nagic of lhe eIf
foIk is cherished and enhanced vilh each passing season.
Cuarded ly lhe nagicaI gifls of CoreIIon Larelhian and
fIighls of ever-vigiIanl gianl eagIes, Lvereska has never
faIIen lefore an eneny or leen infiIlraled ly a spy or as-
sassin. Iev vizards fron lhe High VaIIey ever Ieave ils
prolecled gIades excepl on inporlanl nissions or in
search of knovIedge lhal cannol le found lhere.
AII vizards fron Lvereska have leen lrained lo ride
gianl eagIes, for lhis is a naluraI parl of lheir educalion.
To lhen, riding lhese greal lirds is as connon as laking
lhe saddIe of a horse is lo lhose in lhe Iands leIov. As a
resuIl, aII such characlers legin lhe gane vilh lhe air-
lorne riding proficiency. They need nol aIIocale any
sIols lo receive lhis skiII lul nay do so lo inprove lheir
chance of success vilh il.
In addilion, lhe nagic of lhe noon eIves is unIike lhal
of lhose vho dveII in lhe reaIns lenealh lheir greal
ciladeI. Because lheir speIIs oflen drav pover fron lhe
LlhereaI and AslraI pIanes, lhe vizards of Lvereska have
a greal affinily for lhe crealures and hazards of lhose
slrange doninions. To refIecl lhis, a vizard of Lvereska
receives a +4 lonus lo any saving lhrov lhal he nusl
nake vhen allacked ly a ninion of lhe LlhereaI or As-
lraI IIane. If lhe characler is acluaIIy lraveIing in one of
lhose nyslicaI pIaces, lhis lonus appIies lo a|| saving
lhrovs nade lhere.
Il is said lhere is no heighl lo vhich lhe lovers of Iriae-
lor cannol reach and no deplhs lo vhich lhe nerchanls
vho Iive in lhen viII nol sink. Lach and every lrading
house in lhis greal cily lries lo ouldo lhe olhers in prof-
ils and slalure, lul lhe end resuIl is lhal lhey onIy nan-
age lo drag each olher dovn. Those vho grov up in lhis
najeslic cily cannol heIp lul le infIuenced ly lhe
avarice and conpeliliveness lhal ruIe Iriaelor.
In gane lerns lhis is refIecled ly lvo proficiencies lhal
are received ly vizards fron lhis kingdon. The firsl of
lhese is appraising, vhich is acquired as lhe characler
grovs and Iearns lhe vorIdIy vaIue of various ilens. The
second is IocaI hislory, for lhe nerchanls of Iriaelor
have Iong nenories and keep carefuI lrack of aII vho
have crossed lhen or aided lhen in lhe pasl. Bolh of
lhese skiIIs are received vilhoul lhe expendilure of a
proficiency sIol. AddilionaI sIols nay le aIIocaled lo in-
crease lhe vizards chance of success vhen using lhen.
Like LIlureI and Iriaelor, ScornuleI is a lrading cily. Ils
nicknane, lhe Caravan Cily, nore lhan adequaleIy de-
scriles lhis pIace. Whelher lhey cone ly Iand or ly
valer, for ScornuleI slands al lhe confIuence of Chion-
lhar and lhe River Reaching, lhe caravans arriving
during caravan season lring a lorrenl of lrade lhrough
lhis pIace.
The passing of vagons and larges lhrough ScornuleI
Ieaves ils inpression on aII lhe young of lhal cily. Il is
nol unconnon for chiIdren lo earn a fev copper pieces
heIping lo drive aninaIs or heIping lhe saiIors in lheir
vork. As a resuIl, aII advenlurers vho cone fron lhe
cily of ScornuleI are skiIIed in lolh aninaI handIing
and seananship. They receive lolh skiIIs vilhoul ex-
pending a proficiency sIol. AddilionaI sIols can le aIIo-
caled lo increase lhe vizards chance of success vhen
using lhen.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
There are dravlacks lo every advanlage, as lhe sages of
CandIekeep say. ne nighl aIso poinl oul lhal lhe in-
verse is lrue, lul lhe keepers of CandIekeep are noled for
lheir pessinisn and insisl lhis is nol lhe case. Neverlhe-
Iess, each cily of lhe Weslern HearlIands has sone nega-
live aspecl.
BuIduv's Gute
WhiIe groving up in BaIdurs Cale nakes il easy for a
young vizard lo pick up aII sorls of knovIedge lhal isnl
nornaIIy associaled vilh nenlers of his cIass, il has ils
dravlacks as veII. Ierhaps lhe nosl serious of lhese is
lhal aII vizards fron BaIdurs Cale suffer a -5 penaIly
lo lheir earned experience poinls. This refIecls lhe len-
dency of lhe nages inquisilive nind lo vander even (or
perhaps, especiaIIy) al lhe nosl serious of lines. This
isnl lo say lhal lhe vizard is any Iess aIerl or allenlive
lhan his peers, onIy lhal he lends lo lake nore line lo
digesl vhal he has heard and seen so lhal every experi-
ence nighl le savored lo ils fuIIesl.
Sone foIk say lhal lhe grealesl disadvanlage of coning
fron LIlureI is aIvays sneIIing Iike a horse. WhiIe lhis
nay or nay nol le lrue of individuaI vizards, il does
have sone lasis in lrulh. The sane naluraI affinily lhal
gives lhese foIk a lonus lo lheir allack roIIs and saving
lhrovs vhen lhey ride inlo lallIe nakes il difficuIl for
lhen lo respond quickIy vhen lhey are nol on horse-
lack. To refIecl lhis, aII nages fron LIlureI suffer a -2
penaIly on any saving lhrov lhey are caIIed upon lo
nake vhen nol on horselack.
In lhe eIvish Ianguage, Lvereska neans fcr|rcss ncnc and
none can argue lhal lhis Iasl refuge of lhe fair foIk is nol
righlIy naned. Never has lhe High VaIIey lhal resls
aIong lhe lorder vilh Anauroch leen defealed in lallIe.
Mosl say lhal il viII never happen, for lhe eIves are
lIessed vilh lhe unending proleclion of CoreIIon
Larelhian. Despile lhe invuIneraliIily of lheir hone-
Iand, hovever, lhose vizards vho lraveI fron Lvereska
nusl reIy upon lheir ovn vils and sorcery if lhey hope lo
survive in lhe oulside vorId.
Because lhey are a jusl and nolIe foIk, aII vizards fron
lhe High VaIIey nusl le of good aIignnenl. This is veII
knovn lo lhe vorIds eviI, so lraveIers fron Lvereska are
naluraI largels of pelly viIIains vhen lhey aIIov lheir
honeIand lo le knovn.
WhiIe lhey have nany povers and aliIilies olher foIk
do nol, lhe vizards of Lvereska are shackIed vilh lheir
ovn veaknesses. The nosl inporlanl of lhese slens
fron lhe unusuaI nalure of lheir nagicaI speIIs and lhe
lraining lhey have received. Il is inpossilIe for any na-
gician lrained in Lvereska lo nasler any speII fron lhe
schooI of Necronancy. Iurlher, lhey have IillIe naluraI
resislance lo such speIIs vhen allacked vilh lhen.
Whenever a vizard of LIlureI is caIIed upon lo nake a
saving lhrov againsl any speII fron lhe schooI of Necro-
nancy, he suffers a -2 penaIly. The sane penaIly appIies
lo any saving lhrov required lecause of an allack ly an
undead crealure.
There is sonelhing of lhe peddIer in each and every per-
son vho nakes his hone in Iriaelor. Whelher he caIIs
hinseIf a vizard or a varrior, il is inpossilIe lo escape
lhe infIuences of ones sociely. Because of lhis, vizards of
Iriaelor have nornaI access lo lhe CeneraI and Rogue
groups, lul nol lo lhe Wizard group. They nusl aIIocale
an addilionaI sIol vhen purchasing any skiII fron lhal
group. So lhe speIIcrafl proficiency, vhich is aII lul in-
dispensalIe lo lhe average vizard, requires lhe aIIoca-
lion of lvo sIols inslead of ils nornaI one. AslroIogy,
herlaIisn, and severaI of lhe olher skiIIs in lhis group
cosl fuIIy lhree sIols for vizards of Iriaelor.
The peopIe of ScornuleI Iive aII lheir Iives in lhe con-
pany of nerchanls and lraveIers. They Iive anong lhe
conslanl huslIe of lhe narkelpIace and knov veII lhe
vaIue of noney and lhe hard vork lhal earns il. Because
of lhis, hovever, lhe vizards of ScornuleI have juslIy ac-
quired a repulalion as nisers.
To refIecl lhis in gane lerns, characlers of lhis lype
are required lo cache 5O of aII lreasure lhal lhey ac-
quire lhrough lhe course of lheir advenlures. This
veaIlh is effecliveIy Iosl, for lhe characler never viII-
ingIy parls vilh il, no naller hov greal lhe juslificalion.
Dungeon Maslers shouId le varned lhal no juslificalion
ly lhe pIayer is sufficienl lo aIIov hin lo lap inlo his
horded veaIlh.
VIzanos o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
- 5
Human, elf, half-elf
Intelligence 9,
Wisdom 9
N o
General, Wizard
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
There is no nore cosnopoIilan pIace in aII of Iaern
lhan lhe Cily of SpIendors. The peopIe vho counl
lhenseIves anong lhe nalives of Walerdeep have cone
fron every corner of lhe vorId and lroughl vilh lhen
lhe lradilions and reIigions of lheir originaI hones. This
rich herilage nakes lhe peopIe of Walerdeep unique
anong aII lhe foIk of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns.
Wizards of Walerdeep refIecl lhe greal diversily of
lheir environnenl. They noslIy favor lhe roles and
adornnenls of courl vizards. Ior sone, lhis is an ex-
pression of lheir arrogance, vhiIe olhers vear such
garnenls onIy as a nark of lheir chosen profession.
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
Those of lhe forner lenl lend lovard eilher dark and
sinisler or lrighl and shovy coIors. }eveIry and olher
adornnenls are nol unconnon, especiaIIy if lhey are
nagicaI in nalure. The sane is lrue of slaves, vaIking
slicks, or siniIar lhings.
The divergenl faclors of Walerdeeps cuIlure are shovn
in lhe personaIilies of ils vizards. These foIk, Iike nosl
of lhe cilys peopIe, Iong for nev experiences and un-
usuaI slories. They desire infornalion alove aII eIse, and
persons pIaying such characlers oughl lo refIecl lhis in
lheir roIe-pIaying. When an opporlunily lo Iearn sone-
lhing nev or invesligale sone nyslery presenls ilseIf,
vizards of Walerdeep shouId acl quickIy. This is nol lo
say lhal such characlers rush headIong inlo lhe sinisler
Underdark, onIy lhal lhey are nore viIIing lo nounl ex-
pedilions inlo such reaIns lhan olher foIk.
Such characlers shouId aIvays le pIayed as open-
ninded and accepling. Bigolry and olher reIaled eno-
lions are unknovn lo lhese foIk. WhiIe olher nen nighl
tcicc frcn ui|nin |nc scaring cc|unn. || nas
occn far |cc |cng sincc |as| uc spc|c, an | oc-
|ictc |na| qcu rcnain co|iga|c |c nc. Tnc |inc
nas ccnc fcr qcu |c rcpaq qcur co|.
Aurin ncc nis nca an s|cppc fcruar.
lna| is qcur oiing? nc as|c. | uas ccr|ain
|na| | in| uan| |c ncar |nc ansucr.
Grca|! | snar|c, ou| jus| una| is |na|?
|f |'n nc| nis|a|cn, nc rcp|ic, uc natc
|nc ncncr cf s|aning in |nc prcscncc cf Pqrus, cnc
cf |nc princcs cf |nc P|anc cf ||cncn|a| |irc.
Ycu arc ccrrcc|, Aurin, canc a nissing
As Dasnius |cap| |c ai |nc fa||cn rcguc, |
scizc nq sucr. |tcrq nctcncn| uas painfu|,
fcr | uas a|sc oa|q ournc. |cnix, nis uartcn
axc a| |nc rcaq, uas oq nq sic. | sau |na| nc
|cc na occn oa|q ourn|, ou| nis facc sncuc nc
sign cf |nc pain | |ncu nc nus| fcc|.
'Pu| auaq qcur ucapcns, Anrcas an
|cnix, sai |nc uizar, i| ui|| natc nc cffcc|
upcn |na|.
As |nc ccr suung a|| |nc uaq cpcn, a sucn
gus| cf nc| air rusnc cu|. A puff cf f|anc, nc|
tcrq |argc ou| in|cnsc|q nc|, sucp| ctcr us an
ournc |nc nair frcn cur cxpcsc f|csn. Hcnus,
nating occn in |nc frcn|, |cc| |nc orun| cf |nc
o|as| an rc||c oac|uar. Tnc snc|| cf ourning
f|csn uas ncatq in |nc air.
Scrrq aocu| |nc |nca|rics, nc sai. | sca|c
i| up ocfcrc uc |cf|. Hc a||cuc nis gazc |c fa||
cn Hcnus an sni|c, Ycu nctcr |ncu una| a
|nicf nign| |rq |c orca| in|c, 'cn?' lc a|| grinnc
a| |nc uizars quip, ou| Hcn|is snccrc. Hc
pusnc fcruar an gatc |nc ccr a gcn||c |ic|,
nuno|ing scnc|ning aocu| gc||ing in anquaq if
nc rca||q uan|c |c.
Aurin |appc nis s|aff in a |ign|, s|acca|c pa||crn
cn |nc ccr. |n ansucr, i| g|cuc orign||q an |nc
snapcs cf |nrcc unusua| runcs occanc tisio|c cn
i|s ucccn surfacc. As |nc g|cu fac, a |a|cn
c|ic|c an |nc ccr rif|c cpcn an incn cr sc.
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
fear lhal vhich is differenl and slrange, lhe peopIe of
Walerdeep see lhe unknovn as an opporlunily for Iearn-
ing and advenlure.
The peopIe of Walerdeep are innersed fron lirlh in lhe
counlIess cuslons of a hundred differenl cuIlures. They
knov lhe nusic and songs of Cornyr and hear lhe slories
of Senlias heroes. They have a fascinalion for Iearning
and lhal vhich is aIien. This nakes such characlers lhe
lesl of sludenls. In gane lerns lhis is refIecled ly an in-
crease in lhe characlers aliIily lo nasler proficiencies and
speIIs, and in lhe requirenenl of a 9 or higher Wisdon.
Wizards fron Walerdeep legin lhe gane vilh lvo
exlra nonveapon proficiency sIols. Such a characler has
six sIols vhen firsl crealed, pIus any lonus sIols received
for a high InleIIigence score. As lhe characler advances
in experience, he receives an addilionaI sIol vilh every
lvo IeveIs, inslead of every lhree as is nornaIIy lhe case.
The vizards aIso have an increased chance lo Iearn
speIIs. The nornaI chance lhal a vizard has lo nasler
any nev speII he is presenled vilh is defined ly his InleI-
Iigence score, as given on TalIe 4 in lhe P|aqcrs Han-
occ|. When delernining his ovn chance lo Iearn speIIs,
vizards fron Walerdeep nay add 1 poinl lo lheir InleIIi-
gence score. So a Walerdhavian vizard vilh a 17 InleIIi-
gence has an 85 chance lo Iearn speIIs, inslead of lhe
75 chance he vouId nornaIIy have.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Walerdhavian advenlurers are quile possilIy lhe nosl
diverse in lerns of lheir cuIluraI lackground. Novhere
in lhe vorId is one IikeIy lo find soneone so innersed in
lhe lradilions, Iore, and knovIedge of so nany differenl
groups. The greal diversily of lhese experiences, hov-
ever, has ils negalive aspecls as veII.
AII characlers fron Walerdeep suffer a -2 penaIly
vhen checking any proficiency. This doesnl refIecl a
Iack of skiII, onIy lhal such characlers knov so nany dif-
ferenl lhings lhey lend lo have gaps in lheir knovIedge.
The ninulia lhal anolher advenlurer nighl have nas-
lered has leen knovn lo sIip lhrough lhe cracks lecause
of lhe infornaI nalure of lhe lraining lhal nosl foIk in
Walerdeep receive.
- 5
General, Wizard
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft, seamanship
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (X10 gp)
VIzanos o[ 1he
IsLamo KImgooms
CLass Im[onma1Iom
The lern IsIand Kingdons conlines under one very
generaI heading a nunler of highIy diverse cuIlures and
nalions. nIy lhe seIf-cenlered lhinking of lhose vho
have never Iefl lhe nainIand lo visil lhese vondrous
pIaces nakes lhis unfair praclice lhe accepled slandard. In
order lo do juslice lo lhe divergenl nalions of lhe IsIand
Kingdons, each is discussed in ils ovn separale seclion.
The isIe of Lverneel is lolh spIendid and lragic. Il is a
reaIn of unparaIIeIed leauly and naluraI spIendor. The
voodIands lhal cover Lverneel, aIlhough lhick vilh a
rich diversily of fIora, renain airy and deIicale. Iron
LIion in lhe norlh lo lhe roIIing neadovs lhal surround
DreIagara in lhe soulh, lhe eIves of Lverneel Iive al
peace vilh lhe naluraI vorId.
goId (or sun) eIves. ver lhe years, hovever, as
nankind nuIlipIied and drove lhe olher eIf races fron
riginaIIy, Lverneel vas lhe hone of lhe najeslic
Iaern, lhe isIe cane lo le lhe hone of severaI races of
lhe fair foIk. To lheir credil, lhe goId eIves veIconed
lhese nevconers nol as refugees lul as kin vho vere in
need of lheir heIp. Despile lhe cuIluraI differences of
lhe nany lreeds of eIves lhal nov inhalil Lverneel,
lhere is IillIe sociaI slrife.
The ||tcs cf |tcrncc| look provides a greal veaIlh of
infornalion, incIuding a Iisling of characler kils fron
lhe various Ccnp|c|c Hanocc|s lhal pIayers crealing
characlers fron lhis Iand can use. Ior vizards, lhese are
lhe niIilanl vizard, nyslic, and savage vizard fron lhe
Ccnp|c|c lizars Hanocc|. IncIuded anong lhese is
lhe high nage, a nev kil designed jusl for eIf vizards
fron Lverneel. The high nages of Lverneel are pover-
fuI and najeslic foIk lul far fron connon. The inforna-
lion presenled here descriles lhe connon vizards vho
Iearned lheir crafl on lhe isIe of Lverneel.
nIy pIayers vhose characlers have aliIily scores of 12
or leller in lolh InleIIigence and Wisdon can use lhe
vizards of Lverneel kil.
To lhe vesl of lhe Svord Coasl, lhe Moonshaes is a
rugged cIusler of isIands popuIaled ly slurdy, seafaring
peopIe. The peopIe are divided inlo lvo races, lhe var-
rior Norlhnen and lhe agrarian IfoIk.
The Norlhnen are a varIike peopIe, and even lheir
vizards are seIdon vilhoul a veapon. They vaIue per-
sonaI conlal alove aII olher lhings. Lven lhe lradi-
lionaI dueI of vizards, a chaIIenge of sorcery in olher
Iands, is a vreslIing nalch or olher lesl of physicaI
provess anong lhe Norlhnen.
Anong lhe IfoIk, physicaI nighl is aIso highIy prized.
In lheir case, hovever, il is respecled vhen pul lo peace-
fuI pursuils ralher lhan niIilary venlures. Dispules
anong lhe IfoIk are oflen resoIved ly Iogging conpeli-
lions, running olslacIe courses, and olher lesls of sla-
nina or alhIelic aliIily.
To refIecl lhis unusuaI slandard, onIy characlers vilh a
score of 12 or leller in lolh Slrenglh and Conslilulion
can seIecl lhe vizards of Moonshaes kil.
The vizards of NinlraI are an incredilIy gifled schooI of
speII veavers. Slories of lheir greal povers have spread
lhroughoul Iaern and forned lhe lasis for counlIess
laIes of nyslery and nagic. f course, nol aII of lhese are
lrue, lul if even a fev of lhen are grounded in facl, lhe
inpIicalions are slaggering.
These foIk are seIdon encounlered oulside lheir hone-
Iand and DMs shouId slrongIy consider ruIing lhal lhey
are nol avaiIalIe as pIayer characlers. If lhis kil is open lo
pIayers, onIy hunan characlers vilh a score of 16 or lel-
ler in lolh InleIIigence and Dexlerily nay seIecl il.
Wizards of Lverneel, vhelher goId, siIver, green, or even
sea eIves, have nuch in connon. Iirsl and forenosl
anong lhese is lheir Iove of nalure and aII lhe Iiving
lhings of lhe vorId. They refIecl lhis in lheir dress, vhich
is aIvays doninaled ly lhe coIors of nalure and oflen
fashioned vilhoul nelaIs or olher processed resources.
The individuaI lasles of lhe vizard, as veII as lhe slyIes
of his peopIe, are refIecled in lhe accessories he vears
and lhe equipnenl he carries. A goId eIf, for inslance,
dresses in lhe sofl lIues of Lverneels fIovers and lhe
cooI greens of ils foresl, vilh a leIl or sash of fIax voven
in lhe inlricale knolvork so oflen idenlified vilh lhal
najeslic race.
When lraveIing in Lverneel, eIf vizards do nol usuaIIy
carry any sorl of veapon. When encounlered in olher
Iands, hovever, lhese foIk are as IikeIy as anyone eIse lo
lear arns.
The vizards of lhe Moonshaes have nuch in connon,
especiaIIy in lheir nannerisns and appearance. Ior ex-
anpIe, no naller vhal lype of nagic lhe characler en-
pIoys, he aIvays adorns hinseIf vilh lhe lones of lhose
aninaIs he feeIs nosl akin lo. Bolh lypes dress in aninaI
furs. The lype of hide vorn is indicaled ly lhe aIignnenl
of lhe vizard as shovn on lhe foIIoving charl.
A!Ignmcnt Typc nf AnIma!
Chaolic Cood DiurnaI Carnivore
LavfuI Cood DiurnaI nnivore
NeulraI Cood DiurnaI Scavenger
LavfuI NeulraI Any Sullerranean
True NeulraI Any Doneslicale
Chaolic NeulraI Any Aqualic
NeulraI LviI NoclurnaI Scavenger
LavfuI LviI NoclurnaI nnivore
Chaolic LviI NoclurnaI Carnivore
The vizards of NinlraI are unique anong lhose of lhe
vorId for nany reasons. None of lhese nyslerious foIk
are ever seen, lul lhey dress in hooded roles voven of
sone unusuaI siIver lhread. These roles gIean and shin-
ner Iike noonIighl and provide lhe vearer vilh a lase
Arnor CIass of 7.
The faces of lhese fanlaslic peopIe are seIdon seen, for
lhey keep lheir covIs dravn forvard and lheir counle-
nances hidden. Those vho have Iooked upon lhe face of
one of NinlraIs vizards reporl lhal lhey have no eyes~
or, ralher, lhal lheir eyes are orls of a lrighl nelaI lhal
gIislen Iike quicksiIver.
The raciaI alliludes of lhe fair foIk are refIecled in lheir
vizards jusl as in olher cIasses. CoId eIves lend lo le
quiel and reserved in pulIic lul open and expressive in
lhe conpany of lheir cIose friends. SiIver eIves are ad-
venlurous and fiIIed vilh a vanderIusl lhal oflen Ieads
lhen inlo lroulIe. Creen eIves are lerriloriaI and aggres-
sive vhen lhrealened lul enjoy lhe spIendors of lhe viId
and a roIIicking feasl nore lhan any of lheir kin vhen aII
is caIn. And lhe recIusive sea eIves, vhen lhey are en-
counlered al aII, are a genlIe foIk vho vanl as IillIe lo do
vilh lhe surface vorId as possilIe.
IIayers vho opl lo run characlers fron lhe Moonshaes
shouId lear in nind lhe inporlance lhal physicaI deveI-
opnenl has in lheir cuIlure. Lven lhose vho have nas-
lered lhe arl of nagic lend lo judge olhers ly lheir
slrenglh and slanina. As a resuIl, lhese characlers use
six-sided Hil Dice and fighl as rogues. f course, lhe
Norlhnen pIace an enphasis on conlal lhal lhe IfoIk
do nol, lul lolh are inpressed ly soneone vho is slrong
of Iinl and courageous in lhe face of danger.
Bolh lhe seafaring Norlhnen and lhe farning IfoIk
have a Iove of lhe vorIds oceans lhal cannol le sup-
pressed. These peopIe savor lhe crashing surf and saIly
spray in lhe air. When forced lo lraveI inIand or under-
ground, lhey quickIy lecone unconforlalIe and legin
lo Iong for lhe sea.
IIaying a vizard of lhis lype is difficuIl, and DMs
shouId onIy aIIov lhe nosl laIenled roIe-pIayers lo
have such characlers in lheir canpaigns. Dungeon
Maslers nay vanl lo consider ruIing lhal lhis kil is nol
avaiIalIe lo ICs and nake il an oplion onIy for non-
pIayer characlers.
The vizards of NinlraI are an aIoof and secrelive Iol.
By lhe line lhey allain 2nd IeveI, lhey knov nore aloul
nagic lhan nosl of lheir peers in olher Iands couId ever
hope lo. Their knovIedge, hovever, is never passed
aIong lo oulIanders. IIayers running such characlers
shouId sinpIy assune a superior air and chuckIe occa-
sionaIIy al lhe Iack of knovIedge dispIayed ly olher
speIIcaslers in lhe group.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
}usl as lhe lenperanenls of lhe various eIf races differ,
so loo do lhe speciaI aliIilies lhal sel lhen aparl fron
each olher.
Gn!d E!vcs: The sloic nalure of lhese eIves nakes
lhen ideaI naslers for Lverneel. Their coIIeclive na-
lures aIIov lhen lo ruIe viseIy, and lheir conpassionale
hearls nake lhen receplive lo lhe needs of lhose driven
fron lhe nainIand.
CoId eIves reIish lhe varn enlrace of lhe sun and lhe
respIendence of ils gIorious fire. WhiIe aII naluraI lhings
are precious lo lhen, lhose lhal share lheir Iove of a lriI-
Iianl lIue sky and a lIazing yeIIov sun hoId a speciaI
pIace in lheir hearls.
The reIalionship of lhese fair foIk and lhe Iighl of lhe
sun is evidenl vhen lhey casl cerlain nagicaI speIIs.
Whenever a goId eIf invokes a |ign| or ccn|inua| light
speII, he is lapping direclIy inlo lhe nagicaI energies of
lhe sun. The gIov produced ly lhese speIIs affecls un-
dead and olher crealures of darkness jusl as if lhey vere
lrue sunIighl. A goId eIf can acluaIIy infIicl danage on
sone undead crealures vilh lhe searing rays of his |ign|
speIIs. This appIies onIy lo speIIs casl ly lhe vizard hin-
seIf, nol lo lhose invoked vilh nagicaI ilens. In addi-
lion, lhey are innune lo lhe affecls of ar|ncss speIIs
and are alIe lo see nornaIIy vhen lhose around lhen
grope lIindIy aloul.
5I!vcr E!vcs: The siIver eIves enlrace lhe siIver radi-
ance of lhe noon and find greal peace in lhe shinner-
ing Iighl il spreads across lhe voodIands of Lverneel.
The lerrors of lhe nighl have no pIace in lheir vorId, for
lhe darkness is lheirs lo connand.
They have lhe aliIily lo enpIoy a nagicaI speII lhal
has exaclIy lhe sane effecls as lhe priesls or paIadins
aliIily lo lurn undead. This nagicaI aliIily lo |urn un-
ca funclions as a 1sl-IeveI speII vilh a range of 6O feel,
an inslanlaneous duralion, and a casling line of 1. This
speII has lolh verlaI and sonalic conponenls and aI-
Iovs ils largel (or largels) no saving lhrov. Like aII
speIIs, il nusl le nenorized lefore il can le casl.
This speII has lhree IeveIs of effecliveness. If casl vhen
lhere is a nev, crescenl, or oId noon in lhe sky, il does
nolhing. n lhose nighls, lhe povers of eviI are slronger
lhan lhe nagic of lhe siIver eIves. If casl under a haIf-
noon or gillous noon, lhe speII inparls lhe lurning
aliIily of a paIadin (of lhe sane experience IeveI) lo ils
casler. If lhe fuII noon hangs in lhe sky, lhe casler has
lhe fuII lurning pover of a priesl (of equaI IeveI lo lhe
casler). Use a d6 lo delernine vhich phase lhe noon is
in, if necessary.
Grccn E!vcs: AIlhough lhey are oflen caIIed savage or
viId eIves, lhese foIk are as nolIe and fair as any lreed of
fair foIk. nIy lhose vho undersland lhal lheir vays are
naluraI vilhoul leing feraI can see lhe green eIves as lhe
vonderfuI crealures lhey lruIy are.
They are, in lheir ovn vay, a sophislicaled foIk, and so
is lheir nagic superior in sone vays lo lhal enpIoyed ly
When a green eIf decides lo pursue lhe praclice of
nagic, he nusl foIIov one of lvo palhs. nce he nakes
his seIeclion, his nelhods of speIIcasling are forever
shaped and he cannol change his nind.
The firsl of lhese, knovn as lhe IIovered Ialh, en-
phasizes lhe inporlance of fIora in lhe riluaIs of speII-
casling. Characlers vho sludy nagic fron lhis perspec-
live gain a +1 lonus on aII allack roIIs vhiIe in lhe for-
esl and a naluraI aliIily lo pass ui|ncu| |racc and cn|ang|c
(as lhe priesl speIIs of lhe sane nanes) once per day.
The olher approach lo nagic, knovn as Lifes Way,
focuses on lhe inherenl speII aliIily found in lhe crea-
lures of lhe viIderness. As a resuIl of his dedicalion and
phiIosophy, vizards of lhis phiIosophy gain lhe aliIily
lo perforn a ncns|cr sunncning. The IeveI of sunnon-
ing is equivaIenl lo one-haIf lhe vizards IeveI, rounded
up. Ior exanpIe, a 5lh-IeveI green eIf vho foIIovs lhe
Lifes Way can casl a ncns|cr sunncning ||| speII. This
aliIily can le perforned once per day vhiIe lhe vizard
is in a foresl selling, or once per veek if he is oulside of
his environnenl.
Bolh lhe Norlhnen and lhe IfoIk lenefil fron lhe phys-
icaI nalure of lheir cuIlures. As a resuIl, lhey use six-
sided Hil Dice and allack as rogues. Hovever, lhe viz-
ards of each race are gifled vilh a unique aliIily lhal sels
lhen aparl fron lhe olher vizards of ToriI.
Nnrthmcn: Norlhnen vizards are nol as reslricled in
lhe use of veapons as olher such characlers. Iron lhe
line lhey are lorn, chiIdren of lhe Norlhnen pIay
ganes lhal are nolhing Iess lhan conlal lraining. Be-
cause of lhis, lhey can freeIy seIecl any snaII veapon
vhen aIIocaling veapon proficiency sIols.
Ffn!k: The IfoIk do nol lrain lheir young for var as lhe
Norlhnen do. When lhe chiIdren of lhe Ialler pIay al
var ganes, lhe sons and daughlers of lhe IfoIk loiI in lhe
fieIds and Iearn lhe skiIIs lhey viII need lo heIp lheir
race survive in lhe rugged Moonshaes. By lhe line lhey
legin lo praclice nagic, lhey have an underslanding of
nalure and lhe environnenl lhal fev olher races can
equaI. In gane lerns, aII vizards of lhe IfoIk gain a
lonus proficiency in agricuIlure and herlaIisn.
Wizards of NinlraI have naslered nagicaI skiIIs lhe
Iikes of vhich no olher cuIlure has even conlenpIaled.
These skiIIs invoIve iIIusions and speIIs of lhal lype.
AII vizards of NinlraI are speciaIisl iIIusionisls. They
have lhe nornaI advanlages of lhal cIass, incIuding a +1
lonus lo lheir ovn saving lhrovs againsl iIIusions, a -1
Ycu ucn| ncc i|. sai |nc c|f.
| s|cppc, nq nan cn nq sucr oc||, an |urnc |c
facc nin. G|crin, | |ncu |na| |tcrncc| is qcur ncnc an
uc prcoao|q natc nc|ning |c ucrrq aocu|, ou| | s|i|| rc-
ncnocr una| nappcnc in la|crccp uncn uc ccic |c
rcs| fcr a fcu aqs a| Aurins |cucr. A|| |nings ccnsicrc,
I |nin| |'|| |ccp nq sucr ui|n nc.
Tna|s an cxcc||cn| uaq |c cffcn cur ncs|s, sai Das-
nius, s|cpping in|c nq caoin. 8c|uccn G|crins angc|ic c|f
fca|urcs an |nc gcn||c sni|c cf |nc c|cric, | fc|| fcc|isn fcr
ctcn ccnsicring carrqing a ucapcn cn |nc c|tcn is|c. li|n
a sign, | rcppc nq o|ac an fc||cuc af|cr |ncn.
On cc|, uc nc| |cnix. Hc uas surprisc |na| |
uasn| ucaring nq sucr, sc | cxp|ainc |nc si|ua|icn.
Hc sncc| nis nca. | ucu|n| gc in|c an un|ncun ci|q
ui|ncu| nq axc.
Ycu nctcr gc anquncrc ui|ncu| qcur axc, | pcin|c
cu|. Nc| ctcn |c oc. Tnc uarf sni|c, coticus|q nis-
|a|ing nq sarcasn far a ccnp|incn|. | sncu| natc cx-
pcc|c |na|.
Tna|s jus| cnc cf |nc rcascns ncs s|aqing aocar snip,
sai Aurin as nc cncrgc frcn a ccnpanicnuaq. li|ncu|
anc|ncr ucr, nc s|rcc |c |nc gangp|an| an |cf| |nc snip.
|ncc, sc fas| i nc ua|| |na| G|crin, Dasnius, an
| ucrc a|ncs| fcrcc |c run |c ca|cn nin.
On |nc cc|, a carriagc uas uai|ing fcr us. lc ucrc
quic||q usncrc aocar oq |nc ccacnncn. A|ncs| ocfcrc
|nc ccrs ucrc c|csc, |nc uagcn gc| uncruaq, rc||ing
snar||q in|c |nc |nic| fcrcs|s cf |tcrncc|.
An ncur |a|cr, uc pu||c up cu|sic cf an c|aocra|c
pa|acc. ||s ccns|ruc|icn uas a fan|as|ic isp|aq cf c|fisn ar-
cni|cc|urc. As cur ccacn ccr cpcnc, an crna|c ccnpanq
cncrgc from |nc gran s|ruc|urc. A| i|s nca uas |nc ra-
ian| An|arui|, |nc cf|-scrcnac Sa Quccn uncsc
nc|ancnc|q cqcs scarcc|q c|rac|c frcn |nc pcrfcc|icn cf
ncr fca|urcs.
G|crin s|cppc fcruar an |nc|| ocfcrc ncr. Hc sccnc
aocu| |c spca| uncn |nc ucnan prccnp|c nin. G|crin
cf |tcrncc|, i| sacns us |c scc qcu again. lc natc
ncar cf qcur |ratc|s an ccs in |ans far an uic, ou|
ccu| scarcc oc|ictc our cars. || is ui|n a ncatq ncar| |na| |
nus| order qcur arrcs| fcr |nc ncincus crinc cf |rcascn.
Tnc ncasnans axc ui|| fa|| ui|n |nc rising cf |nc sun cn
|nc ncrrcu.
| s|cc |ncrc s|unnc, uisning |na| | na orcugn| nq
sucr. Sc nucn fcr a pcaccfu| rc|rca| ancng |nc sp|cncrs
cf |nc ui|.
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
penaIly lo lhe saving lhrovs of lhose lhey enpIoy lheir
speIIs againsl, and lhe aliIily lo nenorize exlra iIIusion
speIIs each day.
Because of lhe greal knovIedge of lhese peopIe, hov-
ever, lheir povers go far leyond lhose of nornaI iIIusion-
isls. These characlers have fuII access lo lhe speIIs of
Necronancy, Invocalion/Lvocalion, and Aljuralion,
schooIs nornaIIy cIosed lo iIIusionisls.
The vizards of NinlraI receive lonus speIIs, jusl as
priesls do, for high aliIily scores. The nunler and IeveI
of lonus speIIs lhey receive are delernined ly consuIl-
ing TalIe 5 in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|. Inslead of using
lheir Wisdon score vhen reading lhis lalIe, hovever,
lhey use lheir InleIIigence. As lhe nininun InleIIi-
gence score for a vizard of NinlraI is 16, even lhe Iov-
esl of lhese foIk receive lvo lonus 1sl-IeveI and 2nd-
IeveI speIIs.
The quicksiIver eyes lhal every such characler hides
lenealh his hood are lhenseIves nagicaI. They granl
lhe characler infratisicn vilh a range of 12O feel and
aIIov lhe vizard lo see nagicaI auras (eIininaling lhe
need for a c|cc| nagic speII) and intisio|c lhings.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The goId eIves leIieve lhe universe is one of laIance.
They say lhal for every acl of good, lhere is aIvays an acl
of eviI. They aIso say lhal lhe sun never rises lul lhal il
sels. This is cerlainIy lhe case vilh lhe vizards of Lver-
neel, for jusl as each race of eIves is gifled vilh an en-
hancenenl lo his nagicaI aliIily, so loo nusl every viz-
ard endure sone Iinilalion of his povers.
Gn!d E!vcs: The pover of lhe sun is refIecled in lhe
nagic of lhe goId eIves and is evidenl in lhe nalure of
lheir speIIs. Their nagic is so lied lo lhe fiery sun lhal il
suffers grealIy vhen il sels aIlhough il is never enlireIy
eIininaled. Iron sunsel lo sunrise, lhey nusl endure a
chance of speII faiIure jusl Iike lhe Iesser priesls of lhe
This chance of speII faiIure is delernined using lhe
Wisdon lalIe in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|, excepl lhal lhe
vaIue used lo consuIl lhe charl is equaI lo haIf lhe viz-
ards InleIIigence score, rounded up. Ior exanpIe, a viz-
ard vilh an InleIIigence of 17 vouId check lhe lalIe as if
he vere a priesl vilh a Wisdon score of 9 and vouId
have a 2O chance of speII faiIure.
5I!vcr E!vcs: There are nany vho vouId say lhal lhe
advenlurous nalure of lhe siIver eIves is lheir grealesl
veakness. No one can say for sure hov nany of lhese
nolIe crealures are kiIIed every year as lhey allenpl lo
deIve lhe ancienl caverns of Undernounlain or lhe for-
lidden recIuses of lhe Underdark, lul lhere is cerlainIy
no olher race of lhe fair foIk lhal suffers nore al lhe
hand of lhe vorIds unexpIored reaches.
}usl as lhe nyslicaI pover of lhe sun eIves is lied lo
lhal fiery orl, so loo do lhe noon eIves drav upon lhe
shinnering radiance of lhe noon lo fueI lheir nagic.
When lhe noon is al ils lrighlesl, lhe nagic of lhe siI-
ver eIves is as poverfuI as lhal of any race on lhe pIanel.
When lhe noon does nol shine, hovever, lheir povers
are grealIy reduced, lhough never enlireIy eIininaled.
The foIIoving charl indicales lhe reIalionship lelveen
lhe phases of lhe noon and lhe effeclive speIIcasling
IeveI of a siIver eIf vizard.
Phasc nf thc Mnnn XP Lcvc! Adustmcnt
Lunar LcIipse -2 IeveIs
Nev (unIighled) -1 IeveI
VisilIe in Sky +1 IeveI
IuII Moon (1OO iIIuninalion) +2 IeveIs
In unusuaI silualions, Dungeon Maslers nay have lo
nake judgnenl caIIs. Ior exanpIe, a group of advenlur-
ers fron Lverneel vho nake lheir vay lo lhe scorched
vorId of Alhas, vhich has lvo noons, or lhe ferliIe
Krynn, vhich has lhree, viII find lheir povers are af-
fecled in unusuaI and unprediclalIe vays. In no case,
hovever, can lhe IeveI of lhe casler le reduced leIov
Grccn E!vcs: The speIIs of lhe green eIf vizard,
vhelher he chooses lo pursue lhe IIovered Ialh or lhe
Lifes Way, are slrongIy lased upon nalure. As a resuIl,
green eIf vizards are alnornaIIy susceplilIe lo speIIs
fron lhe necronanlic sphere or schooI, suffering a -1 on
any saving lhrov fron speIIs lased in lhose areas.
In addilion, green eIves lend lo le cIauslropholic, pre-
ferring lhe openness of lhe foresl lo lhe cIosed confines
of lhe underground. WhiIe lhey do advenlure in such
areas, a green eIf lends lo freeze vhen suddenIy lrapped
in a cIosed area.
4 8
If a green eIf suddenIy finds hinseIf lrapped in an en-
cIosed space, he nusl nake a saving lhrov versus para-
Iyzalion or freeze for 1d6 rounds. During such line, lhe
eIf vilhdravs lo hinseIf, lrying lo overcone lhe cIaus-
lropholia lhal has overlurn hin.
As is oflen lhe case, any devialion fron lhe sludy of
nagic in ils puresl forn resuIls in alerralions. This is
cerlainIy lhe case vilh lolh lhe Norlhnen and lhe
IfoIk, for lhey have Iinilalions lo lheir speIIcasling lhal
are unknovn in lhe resl of lhe vorId.
Nnrthmcn: There are prolalIy no vizards leller
suiled lo physicaI conlal lhan Norlhnen vizards.
WhiIe lhis can le a Iife-saving lIessing in conlal, il
nakes lhen sonevhal nore vuIneralIe lo lhe allacks of
nagic-using enenies. Whenever a Norlhnan vizard is
caIIed upon lo nake a saving lhrov lecause of a nagicaI
speII direcled al hin, he suffers a -2 penaIly.
Ffn!k: The IfoIk are a rugged and sloul peopIe. Hov-
ever, lhe inporlance lheir cuIlure pIaces on physicaI
slrenglh and slanina does nol exlend lo lhe inporlance
of agiIily and dexlerily. Afler aII, one need nol le very
ninlIe lo cIear heavy rocks fron a fieId or hauI in a nel
fuII of fish. SpeIIcaslers lend lo le even Iess agiIe and
dexlerous lecause lhey lry lo focus lheir allenlion on in-
leIIecluaI deveIopnenl and lhey spend even Iess line
underlaking aclivilies lhal nighl sharpen lheir coordi-
nalion. Because of lhis, aII IfoIk vizards nusl reduce
lheir slarling Dexlerily scores ly 2 poinls. nIy excep-
lionaI neans (Iike a uisn) aIIov a IfoIk vizard lo in-
crease his Dexlerily higher lhan 16.
The inlensive nenlaI lraining lhal vizards of NinlraI
receive Ieaves lhen physicaIIy alrophied. As a resuIl,
lhey enpIoy lhree-sided dice (1d6) vhen roIIing for hil
poinls. They never receive lonus hil poinls for excep-
lionaI Conslilulion scores.
Nol onIy do NinlraI vizards legin pIay vilhoul any
veapon proficiencies, lhey are never alIe lo allain lhen
Ialer in Iife. As a resuIl, lhey aIvays suffer lhe nonprofi-
cienl veapon penaIly vhen engaging in any forn of
physicaI conlal.
AIlhough lhe quicksiIver eyes of lhese unusuaI vizards
do provide lhen vilh exceIIenl eyesighl, lhey have lheir
veaknesses as veII. The nosl inporlanl of lhese is le-
cause of lheir nagicaI nalure. If such a characler is hil
vilh a ispc| nagic, he nusl nake a successfuI saving
lhrov vs. speII or le lIinded for a nunler of rounds
equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe casler. If lhe characler enlers a
nagicaI dead zone, his eyesighl inslanlIy faiIs.
A secondary disadvanlage associaled vilh lhe unusuaI
eyes of NinlraIs vizards invoIves allacks ly crealures
enpIoying gaze veapons. Whenever a characler nakes
a saving lhrov lo avoid or Iessen lhe effecls of neeling
anolher crealures gaze, he suffers a -4 penaIly. Allacks
of lhis lype incIude lhe pelrifying visage of a nedusa or
lhe cnarn aliIily of a vanpire. Caze allacks lhal do nol
require lhe viclin lo Iook inlo lhe eyes of lhe casler,
such as lhe ca|nraq lhal fIashes forlh fron lhe eyes of a
calolIepas, gain no advanlage fron lhe unusuaI eyes of
lhe nage.
VIzanos o[ 1he
5aoage Non1h
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Varies
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 5
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty - 4
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Survival
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
AIlhough lhe Savage Norlh is a vasl area vilh a greal di-
versily of races, il is generaIIy lhoughl of as a region of lar-
larians ly residenls of lhe HearlIands. To say lhe Ieasl, lhis
is an unfair sinpIificalion of nallers. Separale accounling is
provided for each of lhe najor slales in lhe Savage Norlh.
TLe BuvbuvIun KIngdoms
The leIief lhal lhe Savage Norlh is fuII of larlarians has
sone lasis in facl. There are nunerous pelly kingdons
lhal peopIe vouId cerlainIy caII larlarian. The peopIe
vho Iive here, vizards incIuded, are expecled lo le
slrong of Iinl and lody.
To refIecl lhis, vizards of lhe Barlarian Kingdons nusl
have Slrenglh and Conslilulion scores of 12 or higher.
Lesser individuaIs are considered vorlhIess veakIings
and seIdon survive lo aduIlhood.
TLe HIgL Iovest
ne of lhe vorIds nosl najeslic areas of voodIand, lhe
High Ioresl has lecone lhe hone of refugee eIves and
haIf-eIves fron across Iaern. Living in harnony vilh
nalure, lhey survive in a Iand noled for unnaluraI
vealher and ancienl spirils.
Characlers designed vilh lhis kil nusl le eilher eIf or
haIf-eIf. Iurlher, lhey nusl have InleIIigence and Wis-
don scores of 12 or higher.
The vizards of Nevervinler enlrace lhe craflsnen of
lhe cily as lrolhers. They see a speciaI forn of nagic in
lhe skiIIfuI execulion of a difficuIl engineering projecl,
lhe design of an accurale linepiece, or lhe gracefuI no-
lions of a veII-luiIl nachine. Il shouId cone as no sur-
prise lhal lhey have legun lo incorporale eIenenls of
lechnoIogy and craflsnanship inlo lheir sorcery.
AII characlers fashioned vilh lhis kil nusl have InleI-
Iigence and Dexlerily scores of 12 or leller.
The cuIlure of SiIverynoon is perhaps lhe nosl openIy
accepling on ToriI. Menlers of nany races galher here
lo exchange knovIedge and receive lhe advice of lhe
IocaI sages. The vizards here are anong lhe nosl re-
specled peopIe in lhe vorId.
TLe BuvbuvIun KIngdoms
Wizards of lhe Barlarian Kingdons dress in hooded roles
fashioned fron aninaI hides. Their cuIlure requires lhen
lo nake lheir cIolhes lhenseIves, so lhose vilhoul nuch
laIenl for such lhings can le dressed quile shalliIy.
Lach of lhese characlers carries a nediun-sized Iealher
pouch vilh hin al aII lines. The Iealher pouch is knovn
as a cnarn pcucn, and characlers aIvays vear lhen on a
Iealher lhong aloul lhe neck. The charn pouch is no
nere ornanenl, for il hoIds a coIIeclion of ilens lhal
have greal spiriluaI inporlance lo lhe vizard. Whal
lhese ilens are or vhy lhey are inporlanl lo lhe vizard,
he aIone knovs. Whenever lhe characler advances a
IeveI he seIecls a nev ilen and pIaces il in lhe pouch.
TLe HIgL Iovest
SuppIe luckskin lunics and skirls, generaIIy dyed a deep
green, are lhe ruIe anong vizards of lhe High Ioresl. Ia-
ciaI lalloos are aIso connon, generaIIy slyIislic designs
lhal inilale lhe counlenance of an aninaI. High Ioresl
vizards oflen shave nosl of lhe hair fron lheir head,
Ieaving onIy a slrip dovn lhe cenler of lhe scaIp lhal
faIIs in a lighlIy-lraided cascade aInosl lo lhe vaisl.
Iragnalic and uliIilarian dress is lhe ruIe for Nevervin-
lers vizards. SiIks and olher conforlalIe, eIeganl falrics
are favored, as lhese indicale lhe high slalus and veaIlh
of lheir ovner. rnale pallerns are oflen enlroidered
on lheir garl, sonelines inparling a nagicaI properly lo
lhe falric.
When one lhinks of lhe vizards of SiIverynoon, lhe
inage lhal firsl cones lo nind is lhal of lhe scarIel-
roled sludenls of lhe CoIIege of Thaunalurgy. Carry-
ing Iong slaves of vhile lirch feslooned vilh ravens
fealhers and vearing fIoving sashes of vhile, gray, or
lIack lo nark lheir rank, lhey are a connon sighl in
SiIverynoon. Those crealed vilh lhis kil are graduales
of lhe coIIege.
TLe BuvbuvIun KIngdoms
These vizards are knovn for lheir viIIingness lo face any
chaIIenge or hazard lo allain vhal lhey vanl. Dealh
hoIds no fear for lhen.
A larlarian vizard vaIues nolhing nore lhan his cnarn
pcucn. He prolecls il al aII lines, for il is leIieved lo
conlain a porlion of lhe characlers spiril. No larlarian
vizard ever viIIingIy parls vilh his cnarn pcucn for even
a ninule.
TLe HIgL Iovest
The vizards of lhe High Ioresl respecl nalure and lhe
crealures of lhe viIderness, seeing Iife as a precious lhing
lhal nusl le preserved and respecled. MaleriaI posses-
sions, veaIlh, and pover have no inporlance lo lhese
peopIe, for lhese are conslrucls of nan. Il is nol difficuIl
lo see vhy lhese characlers gel aIong so veII vilh lhe
rangers and druids vho aIso nake lheir hones in lhe
High Ioresl.
Wizards of Nevervinler are a curious Iol noled for lheir
Iove of arlislry and craflsnanship. Lach legins lhe gane
vilh lhe arlislic aliIily proficiency and nusl seIecl a
crafl lo pursue. Whalever nediun lhe pIayer chooses,
his characler shouId lake every opporlunily lo expIore
ils possiliIilies during an advenlure.
Aparl fron lhis singIe avenue of seIf-expression, Nev-
ervinlers vizards are oflen perceived as lIand and aI-
nosl nechanicaI peopIe. They are sIov lo shov eno-
lion and exanine every projecl or proposilion vilh a
nosl dispassionale eye. nIy vhen discussing lheir par-
licuIar nediun do lhese characlers shov any enolion.
5 1
Al such lines, hovever, lhey lend lo le quile frenzied
and nanic.
Hov peopIe vilh such a fierceIy slruclured nind are
alIe lo produce arl vork lhal can le anong lhe nosl
noving on ToriI is a nyslery. Il nay le lhal lheir focus-
ing of crealive and enolionaI energies inlo a singIe arlis-
lic nediun frees lhe ralionaI eIenenls of lhe nind for
lhe sludy of nagic and science.
Sludenls of lhe coIIege lend lo le snollish and proud.
The courses lhey nasler are difficuIl and onIy lhe nosl
laIenled individuaIs nake lhe grade.
TLe BuvbuvIun KIngdoms
Anong lheir ovn foIk, vizards of lhe Barlarian King-
dons are required lo predicl lhe vealher and varn of
coning slorns or droughls. They aII legin pIay vilh lhe
vealher sense proficiency.
Whelher lhrough a sullIe nagicaI pover (vhich even
a c|cc| nagic speII does nol reveaI) or sinpIy lecause of
lhe reassurance lhal il provides lo lhe characler, a lar-
larian vizard receives a +2 lonus on any saving lhrov
vhiIe vearing his cnarn pcucn.
TLe HIgL Iovest
The aninaIs of lhe vorId can sense lhe inner harnony
of lhe High Ioresl and knov lhe inhalilanls lo le
friends. As a resuIl, aII such characlers are alIe lo casl
lhe priesls anina| fricnsnip speII. This speII is an innale
aliIily and need nol le nenorized. The vizard nay casl
lhis speII once each day for every lhree IeveIs of experi-
ence he has allained.
The unusuaI nalure of nagic pracliced ly lhe vizards of
Nevervinler cannol le overslaled. Their speIIs conline
eIenenls of science and lhe supernaluraI in vays no
olher sociely of nagicians has even conlenpIaled.
There are sone vho say such a fusion of lechnoIogy and
nagic is unnaluraI and lhal onIy nadness and eviI can
resuIl fron il.
5 2
This sane devolion lo accuracy and precision nakes il
difficuIl for lhe vieIders of viId nagic lo affecl lhese viz-
ards. Whenever a vizard designed vilh lhis kil is forced
lo nake a saving lhrov lo escape lhe effecls of a speII
fron lhe schooI of lhal nane (descriled in lhe Tcnc cf
Magic), he receives a +4 lonus lo lhe roII.
This sane proleclion exlends lo aII chaolic speIIcasl-
ers. Whenever soneone of chaolic aIignnenl casls a
speII al lhe vizard, lhe vizard receives a +2 lonus on any
saving lhrovs required ly lhe speII.
The CoIIege of Thaunalurgy speciaIizes in lhe lraining
of speciaIisl vizards. AII characlers fashioned vilh lhis
kil nusl le speciaIisls.
Besides lhe nornaI advanlages associaled vilh lheir
chosen speciaIly, sludenls of lhe CoIIege of Thau-
nalurgy aulonalicaIIy receive a +5 lonus lo any expe-
rience poinls avarded ly lhe DM over lhe course of an
advenlure. This is in addilion lo any lonus for excep-
lionaI aliIily scores.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
TLe BuvbuvIun KIngdoms
The so-caIIed civiIized nagician finds lhe ancienl rilu-
aIs ly vhich lhese characlers invoke lheir nagic lo le
prinilive. Because lhey have nol nade a science of
nagic use yel, vizards of lhe Norlh nusl underlake con-
pIex riluaIs lo vork lheir speIIs. This is refIecled in a
doulIing of aII casling lines.
If lhe characler is ever deprived of his cnarn pcucn, he
aulonalicaIIy suffers a -2 penaIly on aII saving lhrovs
unliI a nev pouch can le crealed. This process requires
one day of nedilalion and conlenpIalion per IeveI of
lhe characler.
TLe HIgL Iovest
Because of lheir devolion lo Iife and lhe service of na-
lure, High Ioresl vizards nay nol Iearn speIIs leIonging
lo lhe schooI of Necronancy.
This sane aspecl of lhe characlers personaIily nakes
hin a naluraI nagnel for lhe allacks of undead crea-
lures. Whenever nindIess undead encounler hin, lhey
direcl lheir allacks al hin if al aII possilIe. Because of
lhe increased ferocily lhese fiends experience in lhe
presence of lhis characler, lhey receive a +2 lonus lo
lheir allack and danage roIIs.
AII of Nevervinlers vizards nusl le of IavfuI aIignnenl
lecause of lhe slricl nenlaI discipIines lhey have nas-
lered in lhe sludy of lheir arl. Whelher good or eviI,
lhey see a slruclure in aII lhings and recognize lhal vilh-
oul Iav lhere is onIy chaos.
As nighl le expecled, lhe vizards of Nevervinler are
unalIe lo sludy speIIs fron lhe schooI of WiId Magic.
The very concepls of speIIs lhal drav lheir pover fron
lhe chaos of lhe universe are inpossilIe for lhe disci-
pIined ninds of lhese foIk lo grasp.
When a vizard of Nevervinler allenpls lo casl his
speIIs al a leing of chaolic aIignnenl, lhal crealures
varped lhoughl pallerns provide sone neasure of pro-
leclion for il. Any saving lhrov lhe crealure nusl nake
lecause of lhe vizards speII receives a +2 lonus.
The hours of vork lhese characlers pul in nakes lhen
fornidalIe speIIcaslers. Hovever, lhis devolion relards
lheir knovIedge of nore nundane faclors. Because of
lhis, lhey do nol have free access lo lhe CeneraI profi-
ciencies avaiIalIe lo aII olher characlers. They nusl ex-
pend an addilionaI sIol for even lhese lasic skiIIs.
5 3
VIzanos o[ 1he
CoLo Lamos
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9,
Constitution 12
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
N o
The Sossrin, vho inhalil lhe falIed Kingdon of SossaI,
are a slrange and vondrous peopIe. Many foIk vho Iive
in nore hospilalIe cIinales vonder al lheir aliIily lo
survive in a Iand as hosliIe as lhe frozen Norlh. Like lhe
IuIuliuns, lhe Sossrin have adapled lo Iife in a pIace
vhere no olher nalive of ToriI vouId IikeIy survive for
even a fev days.
When nosl peopIe lhink of lhe IuIuliuns vho inhalil
lhe Creal CIacier, lhey donl envision speIIcaslers.
Hovever, lhose vho knov nore of lhese rugged foIk viII
nod knovingIy and nenlion lhe Anagakok shanans
(descriled in lhe Ccnp|c|c lizars Hanocc| or |IR14j
Tnc Grca| G|acicr). Those vho are even nore faniIiar
vilh lhe IuIuliuns and lhe Anagakok knov lhal lhose
unusuaI vizards represenl lhe nosl polenl speIIcaslers
found on lhe Creal CIacier. AcluaIIy, lhere are olher
vizards, perhaps nol so poverfuI, lul cerlainIy nore nu-
nerous. Il is lhese generaIIy ignored foIk vho, if lhey
fuIIy nasler lhe nyslic arls, can one day graduale lo lhe
presligious rank of Anagakok.
TLe Gveut GIucIev
nce a poverfuI nalion, Danara vas recenlIy allacked
ly lhe arnies of Vassa. This var Iefl lolh counlries shal-
lered and lrying lo regain sone fraclion of lheir forner
gIory. The slrife of recenl lines shovs cIearIy on lhose
vho cone fron lhe region.
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 5
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -4
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Survival
5 4
Life in lhis harsh cIinale lreeds a parlicuIarIy slurdy Iol.
The fragiIe of lody and lhe easiIy sickened die young,
and lhose vho renained hardened againsl lhe eIenenls
nosl oflen survive and lear young. Hence, aII peopIe
lorn in lhe CoId Lands have a nininun Conslilulion
of 12.
The vizards of Danara generaIIy vear heavy roles of
vhile, leige, or gray vooI. Runes lradilionaIIy decorale
lheir cuffs and hens, and lhey don a dark red or lIue
hooded cIoak vhen lhe vealher is parlicuIarIy lrisk.
flen lhey vear aninaI skins as accenls lo give lhen a
nore nacalre Iook, lul lhe lrue nark of a Danaran viz-
ard is lhe eIaloraleIy carved lIoodslone lorc lhal encir-
cIes his shaved head.
TLe Gveut GIucIev
Life anid lhe frozen expanses of lhe Creal CIacier is nol
easy. The peopIe lhere have spenl cenluries adapling lo
lhe frigid environnenl and Iearning lo nake do vilh lhe
neager resources lhey have avaiIalIe. This sparlan exis-
lence is apparenl in lhe dress of lhe IuIuliuns, vho
cIolhe lhenseIves in aninaI hides vilh hoods, fur nil-
lens, and lhick-soIed lools.
The nagicians of lhe gIacier carry slaves fashioned
fron lhe verlelrae of poIar lears. Iron a dislance lhese
appear lIackened and dirly, lul a cIoser Iook reveaIs lhal
lhey are covered vilh inlricale designs carved inlo lhe
lone and inked. The IuIuliun leIieve lhese scrinshav
runes enhance lhe nagicaI pover of lhose vho under-
sland lhen.
Lven lhe IuIuliun peopIe have nol adapled lo lhe lrulaI
environnenl of lhe norlh as veII as lhe Sossrin. These
foIk have skin lhal is as paIIid as snov and hair vilh lhe
fine, siIver linl of an icicIe. So perfeclIy canoufIaged are
lhe Sossrin lhal lhey can lhrov lhenseIves fIal upon
snov and virluaIIy vanish fron sighl. Lven so, lhe IuIu-
liun do have pignenl in lheir eyes and lraces of coIor al
lhe rools of lheir hair.
The Sossrin, vhelher vizards or nol, dress in lhe vhile
furs of poIar lears. They oflen renove lhe hides of lhese
crealures in such a vay lhal lhe head renains inlacl and
allached lo lhe resl of lhe skin. When such a role is
fashioned correclIy, lhe lears head is pIaced over lhal of
lhe vearer. Seen fron a dislance, il is easy lo nislake a
hooded Sossrin hunler as an uprighl poIar lear or sone
nanner of Iycanlhrope.
The var vilh Vassa and ils resuIling chaos has Iefl lhe
vizards of Danara suspicious and carefuI. They never go
aloul unarned and seIdon lrusl slrangers. Lven cIose
friends are conslanlIy valched for signs of lelrayaI. No
one is so veII-knovn as lo le alove suspicion in lhe eyes
of a Danaran vizard.
TLe Gveut GIucIev
Menlers of lhe IuIuliun lriles are nol conforlalIe
vhen oul of lheir naluraI environnenl. Sone of lhis is
physicaI, for lhey have adapled lo lhe coIder cIinale of
lhe Norlh so veII lhal varner regions are aInosl painfuI
lo lhen. n lhe olher hand, nuch of il is nenlaI. Lven
lhe visesl Anagakok does nol undersland or lrusl lhe
slrange devices and nagic of oulsiders. WhiIe a vizard
fron alop lhe Creal CIacier nighl find lhese lhings in-
leresling al firsl, he viII soon cone lo Ioalhe lhen and
Iong lo relurn lo his hone. nIy lhe nosl pressing of
energencies viII keep such a characler avay fron his
faniIy and lrile for nore lhan a nonlh or so. This is nol
lo say lhal he cannol le a nenler of a far-ranging ad-
venluring parly, ralher he viII have a specific and good
reason for nol going hone.
The Sossrin feeI exposed and vuIneralIe vhen nol in
lhe arclic environnenl of lheir hones. Al firsl, lhis
nereIy nakes lhen a lil edgy. Wilhin a forlnighl, hov-
ever, a Sossrin lraveIer legins lo lecone aInosl para-
noid. The evoIulionary lrails lhal aIIov hin lo survive
in lhe frigid norlh oflen vork againsl hin in varner re-
gions of lhe vorId.
This is nol lo say lhese foIk are covardIy. The dangers
lhey face in lheir daiIy Iives vouId Ieave nosl cilizens of
Walerdeep or DaIes nerchanls covering and lroken. The
Sossrin viII cerlainIy press on if he feeIs his reason for
lraveIing is inporlanl enough. Hovever, heII lake a direcl
approach lo his lusiness in lhe oulside vorId and gel il
over vilh pronplIy so lhal he nay relurn lo his honeIand.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
WhiIe sone nighl expecl lhal lhe var vilh Vassa vouId
have caused lhe vizards of Danara lo hone lheir fighling
nagic, lhe reverse has proven lrue. Through Iong hours
of research, lhese nages have gained a lonus proficiency
in heaIing and lhe aliIily lo channeI a singIe speII inlo a
Iiving crealure.
The process of channeIing lheir ovn speII energy
serves lo heaI lhe affecled crealure one poinl per speII
IeveI channeIed. Such a channeIing can le perforned
lul once per day.
TLe Gveut GIucIev
To survive alop lhe Creal CIacier, lhe IuIuliun have le-
cone slrong and hardy souIs. There is no pIace for lhe
veak or Iazy in a cuIlure vhere every nenler of lhe cIan
is expecled lo puII his ovn veighl. Lven vizards are ex-
pecled lo pul in a fuII days vork. f course, lheir dulies
are generaIIy nagicaI in nalure.
IuIuliun vizards nusl vork vilh vhal is avaiIalIe lo
lhen, jusl as lhe resl of lhe lrile nusl. Hunlers nake do
vilh lone-lipped spears lecause nelaI is very scarce in
lhe frozen Norlh. Ior lhe nages of lhe Creal CIacier,
lhis neans enduring lhe liller coId and surviving in lhe
frozen vasles. IuIuliun vizards gain a lonus proficiency
in endurance and survivaI in arclic condilions.
The nagic of lhe Sossrin is lased parlIy on a naluraI un-
derslanding of lhe sparse Iife lhal nanages lo survive in
lhe frozen Norlh. In lolh lhe najeslic poIar lear and lhe
slullIe of Iichen cIinging lo an oulcropping of rock, lhere
is a nagicaI pover. When a Sossrin vizard vorks his speIIs,
he laps inlo lhis energy and channeIs il lo do his viII.
As he lecones nore faniIiar vilh lhe frozen vorIds
crealures, he gains nore pover. In addilion, he acquires
lhe aliIily lo assune lhe shape of lhe nany aninaIs lhal
Iive around hin. This pover nay le enpIoyed once in
any 24-hour period, vilh a duralion in lurns equaI lo lhe
IeveI of lhe vizard. The lransfornalion lakes one round
and funclions nuch Iike lhe vizards snapc cnangc speII.
UnIess lhe Dungeon Masler ruIes againsl a specific ani-
naI, lhe vizard nay lecone any crealure vhose naluraI
cIinale (defined in lhe CIinale/Terrain Iisling of ils
MNSTRUS CMILNDIUM enlry) is arclic. The princi-
pIe Iiniling faclor of lhe vizards aliIily is lhal lhe crea-
lure cannol have nore lhan haIf his ovn Hil Dice,
rounded up. Ior exanpIe, a 16lh-IeveI vizard can le-
cone an arclic crealure of as nany as 8 Hil Dice, Iike a
poIar lear, for as Iong as 16 lurns.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
In naslering lhe heaIing arls, lhe vizards of Danara
have allained an affinily for aII Iiving lhings. In gane
lerns lhis neans lhey suffer a -2 penaIly lo lheir saving
lhrovs againsl necronanlic speIIs.
TLe Gveut GIucIev
The nalure of Iife alop lhe Creal CIacier nakes il diffi-
cuIl or even inpossilIe for vizards lo inleracl in sociely
oulside of lheir ovn. This nanifesls ilseIf in gane lerns
vilh a -2 reaclion penaIly vhenever lhe vizard is deaI-
ing vilh cuIlures oulside his ovn.
The Sossrin are a nagnificenl peopIe ly any slandard.
The nere facl lhey are alIe lo survive in lhe frozen Iand
lhey caII hone proves lheir quaIily. UnforlunaleIy, lhe
physioIogicaI differences lhal enalIe lhen lo survive
Ieave lhen nore vuIneralIe lo cerlain lypes of nagic
lhan lhe olher races of ToriI.
Whenever a Sossrin vizard is allacked vilh a speII
lhal enpIoys fire or heal lo infIicl danage, he suffers an
exlra poinl of danage per die roIIed. Ior exanpIe, a 5-
HD firelaII vouId cause an addilionaI 5 poinls of dan-
age lo a Sossrin vizard. Any saving lhrov lhe vizard
nakes lo resisl lhe effecls of such speIIs has a -4 penaIly.
VIzanos o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Varies
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty - 5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
Despile ils seening uninporlance, lvo facls aloul lhis
liny nalion neril nenlioning in lhis look. The firsl, and
cerlainIy lhe nosl inporlanl in a gIolaI conlexl, is lhal
AgIarond acls as a luffer and keeps lhe perfidious Thay
fron gaining najor access lo lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars. The
second is lhe exislence of lhe SinluI. There are lhose
vho say lhis vonan is lhe nosl poverfuI speIIcasler on
Iaern loday. The fev vizard advenlurers vho have
cone oul of AgIarond in recenl years have aII Iearned
lheir nagic al her hands.
No one knovs hov lhe SinluI does il, lul lhis nosl
unusuaI vonan seens lo le alIe lo sense vhen soneone The vizards of InpiIlur are aIso shaped ly lhis lhink-
AIlhough lhey are oflen porlrayed as niIilary povers,
lhe uniled cily-slales lhal conpose lhis reaIn have IillIe
lasle for var. They knov lhal no counlry can Iong sur-
vive as a varrior reaIn, for il suffers as nuch as ils ene-
nies. SliII, lhe ruIers of InpiIlur recognize lhey Iive on
lhe fronliers of lhe civiIized vorId and nusl nainlain a
slrong niIilary as a proleclion againsl lhe unknovn.
The lrue slrenglh of InpiIlur, hovever, Iies in lhe savvy
of ils ruIers and lhe vasl resources upon vhich ils econ-
ony is lased.
To quaIify for lhis kil, a characler can have no aliIily
score leIov 9 and nusl have an InleIIigence score of nol
Iess lhan 15.
vilh nagicaI laIenl is lorn in her kingdon. When lhis
happens, she lreals lhe chiId as her ovn and oversees ils
grovlh and educalion. These chiIdren quickIy nalure
inlo sone of lhe nosl poverfuI speIIcaslers lo vander
lhe UnapproachalIe Lasl. IIayer characlers luiIl vilh
lhis kil are aII |nc Sinou|s Cni|rcn.
ing and slrive lo laIance lheir defense vilh lheir desire
lo nasler lhe pover of sorcery.
MaIe speIIcaslers are aInosl unheard of vilhin lhe lor-
ders of Rashenen. There are lhose vho say lhal sone
greal enchanlnenl hangs over lhe region and sleaIs lhe
nagicaI pover fron nen and shunls il lo lhe vonen.
Whelher lhis is lrue or nol, no one seens lo knov. SliII,
il cannol le denied lhal lhe vonen here seen lo le un-
usuaIIy gifled in lhe praclice of nagic. Il is oflen said lhal
even lhe Ieasl handnaid knovs one or lvo nagicaI speIIs.
f course, lhe nosl proninenl exanpIe of lhis Iands
nagic are lhe Wilches of Rashenen, vhose pover seens
equaI lo lhal of lhe Red Wizards of Thay and vho are
sung of ly lards and ninslreIs lhroughoul Iaern. AII
characlers crealed vilh lhis kil are speIIcaslers of lhis
lype. They nusl le fenaIe and nusl have InleIIigence,
Wisdon, and Charisna scores of nol Iess lhan 14.
When a lard or ninslreI vishes lo conjure up inages of
eviI nagic and darkesl sorceries, he need onIy nenlion
lhe nuch despised nane of lhe Red Wizards of Thay.
ver lhe cenluries, lhe cIever naslers of lhis reaIn have
conlined poverfuI nagic, espionage, and devious poIil-
icaI naneuvering lo forge a slale of virluaIIy unequaIIed
AII vizards crealed vilh lhis kil are considered lo le
nenlers of lhe Red Wizards, since lhose vho do nol
counl lhenseIves anong lhis lrolherhood are quickIy
eIininaled ly lhe naslers of Thay. To quaIify for lhis
lase honor, a characler nusl le of eviI aIignnenl and
have InleIIigence and Charisna scores of nol Iess lhan
14. This kil is reslricled lo nonpIayer characlers, of
The SinluIs ChiIdren forlear lhe connon roles lhal
nany associale vilh vizards. Inslead, lhey dress in eIe-
ganl lunics and lreeches sevn fron an eneraId green
siIk lhe Iikes of vhich cannol le found anyvhere eIse in
lhe vorId.
They favor eneraIds and olher green slones in lheir
jeveIry and, for sone unknovn reason, lhey never vear
anylhing fashioned fron siIver. Sone say siIver lurns
lhese vizards as il does Iycanlhropes, lul lhere seens lo
le IillIe reaI evidence for lhis cIain.
Wizards of InpiIlur are generaIIy nol easy lo pick oul of
a crovd. They favor lhe dress of lhe connon nan or
lhal of lhe noliIily if lhey are noving in such circIes. So
casuaI lovard pIaying lhe parl of lhe vizard are lhey lhal
lhey have leen knovn lo vear svords and arnor vhen
lraveIing vilh niIilary unils, aIlhough lhey suffer non-
proficiency penaIlies if lhey allenpl lo acluaIIy use
svords in lallIe, and lhey cannol casl lheir speIIs vhiIe
so allired. They arenl allenpling lo disguise lhenseIves
or olhervise hide lheir lrue profession, il is jusl lhal lhey
are used lo and appreciale lhe varrior cuIlure of lheir
honeIand. Dressing as a varrior is a vay of affirning
ones aIIegiance lo InpiIlur.
The Wilches of Rashenen dress in fairIy sinpIe hooded
roles fashioned fron lIack cIolh. These are lied aloul
lhe vaisl vilh a sash of orange, and fine gIoves of lhe
sane naleriaI cover lhe hands and forearns. ver lheir
faces lhey vear gray-vhile nasks noIded fron a lhick
cIay found onIy near lhe vilches slronghoId of UrIing.
These are exceIIenlIy nade and, fron a dislance, nighl
even go unnoliced. A cIoser Iook, hovever, reveaIs lheir
fixed, dispassionale expression.
Il is said lhal lhe Wilches of Rashenen sel aside lheir
lradilionaI garl vhen lraveIing oulside lheir nalive
Iand. Hovever, since lhey aIso conceaI lheir povers and
idenlilies vhen so doing, il is inpossilIe lo say if lhis is
lrue or nol.
The Red Wizards of Thay are caIIed lhal lecause of lhe
crinson roles lhey vear vhen neeling vilh olhers of
lheir kind. Al olher lines, donning lhese fIoving, richIy
enlroidered garnenls is oplionaI. In any silualion
vhere a Red Wizard is allenpling lo nake an inpression
or olhervise fIaunl his slalion, he viII vear such allire. If
lhe vizard is allenpling lo conceaI his idenlily, of
course, he opls for Iess olvious dress.
5 8
The foIk of AgIarond nay le fev in nunler, lul lhey are
proud. This is especiaIIy lrue of lhose chosen ly lhe Sin-
luI lo receive her lraining. Iron lhe nonenl lhey legin
lo vaIk and laIk, lheir nagicaI povers are nurlured
lovard perfeclion and lheir ninds are guided lovard
seIf-confidence and personaI pride.
This is nol lo say lhey are lraggarls or loaslfuI. The
SinluIs leachings slress lhe duly lhal aII of her chosen
sludenls have lo lhe counlry of AgIarond and ils peopIe.
If lhey are proud of lhenseIves, lhey are even prouder of
lhe connon foIk vho slruggIe lhrough lheir Iives vilh-
oul lhe aid of nagic. Those vho have nel one of lhe
SinluIs ChiIdren aII agree il is leller lo insuIl lhe viz-
ard hinseIf lhan lo nake a disparaging connenl aloul
even lhe Iovesl of his counlrynen.
Il is inporlanl lo renenler lhal lhese characlers do
nol have lhe aliIily lo caII upon lhe SinluI for heIp in
gane silualions (unIess desired ly lhe DM in a specific
inslance, of course). nce lhe SinluI decides lhey are
ready lo legin serving AgIarond (vhen lhey have nas-
lered lhe speIIs of a 1sl-IeveI vizard), she sends lhen oul
inlo lhe vorId. Iron lhal poinl on, she expecls lhen lo
acl on lheir ovn in defense of her reaIn.
Wizards fron lhis region lend lo adopl lhe sane no-non-
sense approach lo nagic lhal lheir counlry lakes lovard
foreign poIicy. If sonelhing seens lo offer sufficienl re-
vard for lhe risk enlaiIed, lhen lhey pursue. If nol, lhe
venlure is deened unvorlhy and is forgollen.
Sone have descriled lhese speIIcaslers as unfeeIing
and coId. WhiIe lhis nighl seen lo le lhe case on lhe
surface, lhe lrulh is acluaIIy quile differenl. Wizards of
InpiIlur are very carefuI lo lase lheir decisions onIy on
lhe Iogic of a given silualion. In lines of slress, lhere-
fore, lhey oflen seen coId and caIcuIaling. When vilh
lheir friends and Ioved ones, hovever, lhey are varn
and anialIe.
The Wilches of Rashenen are oflen referred lo as aIoof
and snollish. A nore precise descriplion nighl le con-
nanding and donineering. In lheir honeIand lhey are
lrealed vilh reverence and respecl. Il is forlidden for
any cilizen of Rashenen (or oulsider, for lhal naller) lo
refuse an order fron one of lhese foIk.
In conlal, lhe Wilches of Rashenen shov lheir ene-
nies no nercy. They lake any allack againsl one of lheir
counlrynen or lraveIing conpanions as a personaI af-
fronl. Such insuIls are oflen ansvered vilh lhe dealh of
lhe offender.
This oulIook is cIear in aII aspecls of lhe vilchs Iife.
Lilher soneone is a friend or an eneny, and a crealure is
eilher good or eviI, vilh no niddIe ground.
Red Wizards lend lo have duaI personaIilies, vhich lhey
enpIoy vilh greal skiII. In aII cases, hovever, lhe viz-
ards inner confidence and asserliveness cones lhrough.
There are lhose vho say lhe longue of a red vizard is
nore dangerous lhan any varriors svord.
Al lines, a Red Wizard nay le charning and eIo-
quenl. He nay prove hinseIf lo le an ideaI hosl, lhe per-
fecl guesl, or an anialIe lraveIing conpanion. Those in
lhe conpany of a Red Wizard al such lines are advised
lo pay carefuI allenlion lo lheir ovn vords as veII as
lhose of lhe speIIcasler. Many nen have agreed lo lerns
or reveaIed infornalion in casuaI conversalion vilh one
of lhese foIk lhal no inquisilors rack couId have lorn
fron lhen.
If lhe vizard is unalIe lo acconpIish his goaIs vilh sul-
lerfuge, lhen a shov of force is decidedIy in order. Il is
said lhal no dragon has lhe lenper of a Red Wizard, and
lhis nay veII le lhe case. Lven lhe nosl seeningIy inof-
fensive Red Wizard can lecone a vhirIvind of fury
vhen lhings go againsl hin.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
AgIarond invesls a greal deaI of line and efforl in lhe
lraining of her chiIdren. She is nol aloul lo Iel lhen
legin vandering lhe vorId vilhoul an anpIe suppIy of
nagicaI knovIedge.
Any such characler legins advenluring vilh a Iarge
nunler of nagicaI speIIs in lhe pages of his speIIlook.
The exacl nunler of speIIs is equaI lo lhe naxinun
5 9
nunler of speIIs per IeveI associaled vilh his InleIIi-
gence score (as indicaled on TalIe 4 in lhe P|aqcrs
Hanocc|). Ior exanpIe, one of lhe SinluIs ChiIdren
vilh a 17 InleIIigence viII slarl pIay vilh 14 speIIs in his
speIIlook. The pIayer nay seIecl lhese speIIs freeIy fron
lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| and Tome of Magic, vilh lhe DM
reserving lhe righl lo velo any speII lhal he does nol
vish lo aIIov in his canpaign.
When lhe characler gains lhe aliIily lo casl higher-
IeveI speIIs, he need onIy seek oul lhe SinluI lo acquire
a conpIele conpIenenl of nev incanlalions. Irovided
lhal lhe characler has nol dispIeased lhe SinluI in sone
vay (as delernined ly lhe Dungeon Masler), lhe pIayer
nay relurn lo lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| and Tcnc cf Magic lo
seIecl lhe speIIs he vishes lo record for his nev IeveI. The
sane is lrue if lhe characlers InleIIigence ever increases.
The caIn and ralionaI nalure of lhese characlers is in-
vaIualIe in lines of crisis. When lhe fronl rank faIIs
The pover of lhe Red Wizards and lheir naslery of
nagic is second lo none. Wilhin lhe vaIIs of Thays
nany lovers of sorcery Iie counlIess voIunes of ancienl
Iore lhal hoId dark secrels lhe resl of lhe vorId has Iong
The nosl olvious difference lelveen lhe nagic en-
pIoyed ly lhe vilches and lhal voven in lhe resl of lhe
vorId is sinpIy lhal lhe vilches do nol need lo seIecl
and nenorize lheir speIIs in advance. AII lhe nagicaI
speIIs knovn lo lhese characlers are avaiIalIe al any
line. The nornaI Iinilalions of speII IeveI sliII appIy, so
lhal a 1sl-IeveI vilch cannol casl nore lhan one 1sl-
IeveI speII per day. SliII, lhis freedon of access lo lheir
speIIs nakes lhe vilches of Rashenen lrenendousIy
dangerous foes.
ver lhe cenluries, lhe Wilches of Rashenen have nas-
lered a forn of nagic unIike any pracliced oulside lhal
nalions lorders. The advanlages of lheir unusuaI arl are
incredilIe, and lhose vho are faniIiar vilh lhe secrels of
lhe vilches are nol surprised lhal lhese speIIcaslers have
nanaged lo queII nunerous allenpls ly lhe nalion of
Thay lo conquer Rashenen.
lack lefore an onsIaughl of nagicaI crealures and fear
rippIes lhrough lhe supporling lroops, one can aIvays
counl on a vizard of InpiIlur lo quickIy assess lhe silua-
lion, shoul orders, and raIIy lhe lroops.
In gane lerns lhis is refIecled in an adjuslnenl lo lhe
Charisna score of lhe characler. When a vizard of
InpiIlur advances lo a nev IeveI of experience, lhe
pIayer roIIs a 2O-sided die. If lhe resuIl of lhal roII equaIs
or exceeds lhe Charisna score of lhe characler, lhis aliI-
ily increases ly 1 poinl. In line, such a characlers Cha-
risna couId rise as high as 2O.
Wizards of InpiIlur radiale such an aura of confidence
and Ieadership lhal lhe MoraIe raling of any aIIies
vilhin 25 feel of lheir Iocalion is increased one slep. In
nosl cases, a lase MoraIe raling is Iisled in lhe
MONSTROUS MANUA| or can le caIcuIaled lased upon
infornalion presenled in lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic.
Such a vizard al lhe head of a group of nercenaries
vouId increase lheir MoraIe fron Sleady (11-12), as in-
dicaled in lhe MONSTROUS MANUA|, lo LIile (13-14).
There are lhose vho say aII Red Wizards are speciaIisls.
In lrulh, aII Red Wizards can le duaI speciaIisls, onIy
zuIkirs adhere lo one schooI, giving up lhe second vhen
lhey achieve lhal rank. When a DM creales a Red Wiz-
ard, he can seIecl lvo schooIs of nagic lo speciaIize in.
The onIy reslriclion lo lhis choice is lhal neilher of lhe
seIecled schooIs can le an opposilion schooI of lhe
olher. So a Red Wizard couId le an aljurer/diviner, lul
nol an aljurer/iIIusionisl or an aljurer/lransnuler.
In gane lerns lhis neans lhey gain a +2 lonus lo any
saving lhrovs lhey are required lo nake lecause of any
speIIs lhal faII inlo eilher of lheir speciaIisl schooIs. Any
speII a Red Wizard casls fron eilher of his chosen spe-
ciaIlies inposes a -2 penaIly on his largels saving
AIso, perhaps far nore inporlanlIy, lhe characler can
nenorize lvo exlra speIIs per avaiIalIe speII IeveI, pro-
vided lhal each speII cones fron one of his lvo speciaI-
lies. Ior exanpIe, an aljurer/diviner couId nenorize an
exlra aljuralion speII and an exlra divinalion speII. He
couId nol nenorize lvo exlra aljuralion speIIs or lvo
exlra divinalion speIIs, hovever. A Red Wizard nusl sal-
isfy lhe aliIily score requirenenls for lolh his chosen
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Ior aII lheir pover, lhe SinluIs ChiIdren have sone
sIighl disadvanlages. MoslIy lhese are aspecls of lheir de-
pendence upon lhe SinluI, an underslandalIe oulcone
of lhe cIoislered environnenl in vhich lhey nalured.
Bul ils inporlance cannol le dovnpIayed.
Because lhey are alIe lo relurn lo lhe SinluI al any
line lo Iearn nev speIIs, lhe desire lo invesligale and
harness nev nagicaI speIIs is aInosl unknovn in lhese
foIk. Iurlher, lhey have never feIl any conpuIsion lo
crafl nagicaI ilens of lheir ovn. This neans lhese char-
aclers can never research nev speIIs or creale lheir ovn
nagicaI ilens.
The ease vilh vhich vizards fron InpiIlur cope vilh
even lhe nosl slressfuI silualion is one of lheir grealesl
advanlages. Il is aIso lhe source of lheir singIe nosl pro-
nounced veakness. Because lhey have devoled so nuch
line lo naslering lheir ovn fears and lhoughls, lhey are
unalIe lo affecl lhose of olhers.
This neans lhal none of lhese vizards can casl speIIs
lhal affecl lhe ninds or enolions of olhers and lhal aII
speIIs fron lhe schooI of Lnchanlnenl/Charn are for-
lidden. This prohililion exlends even lo nagicaI ilens,
so no vizard of InpiIlur is alIe lo enpIoy a ring cf nunan
influence or runs cf panic.
As poverfuI as lhey are, even lhe nighly Wilches of
Rashenen are nol vilhoul lheir veaknesses. The drav-
lack lo lheir unusuaI povers is in lhe Ienglh of line lhal
il lakes lo casl speIIs. Since lheir nagic in nol neno-
rized in advance, il lakes consideralIy Ionger for lhen lo
sunnon up lhe vords and conpIex geslures required lo
invoke a speII. In gane lerns, lhis neans lhe casling
line for every speII invoked ly lhese characlers is
doulIed. (This nay le lhe reason vhy lhey have never
doninaled and Iifled lhe cuIluraI IeveI of lhe sonevhal
larlaric peopIe vho popuIale Rashenen: A poverfuI
defensive Iine is necessary lo nake lhen devaslaling in
conlal, vhich is an exlreneIy desiralIe edge vilh a
neighlor Iike Thay.)
AII lheir speIIs require verlaI, sonalic, and naleriaI
conponenls. The exacl nalure of each of lhese, vhen
nol Iisled in lhe ruIe looks, is decided ly lhe Dungeon
The nornaI disadvanlages associaled vilh speciaIisl viz-
ards appIies lo lhe Red Wizards as veII. AII lhe opposi-
lion schooIs Iisled for lheir speciaIlies are cIosed lo lhese
characlers. So an aljurer/diviner couId nol Iearn speIIs
fron lhe schooIs of AIleralion, IIIusion, or Conjura-
SpeIIs fron lhe vizards opposilion schooIs have an in-
creased effecliveness againsl lhese characlers. When-
ever a Red Wizard nusl nake a saving lhrov lo escape
or Iessen lhe effecls of such a speII he suffers a -2 penaIly.
OLo EmpInes
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
VIzanos O[ 1he
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Ancient history
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
This kingdon nay veII le lhe nosl chaolic of aII
hunan nalions on Iaern. There are lhose vho argue
lhis spIinlered coIIeclion of rivaI cily-slales and licker-
ing ruIers shouIdnl even le considered a singIe nalion.
The vizards of lhis Iand, vhiIe no nore or Iess poverfuI
lhan lheir peers in nany olher kingdons, are shaped ly
lhis lackground.
MuIhorand is a Iand of greal lenpIes, poverfuI priesl-
kings, and ancienl Iore. Il nay veII le lhe oIdesl king-
don on aII of ToriI, having leen eslalIished sone 3,5OO
years ago. AIlhough lhe so-caIIed Grca| Kingcn has
leen in a period of decIine over lhe pasl severaI cen-
luries, il seens lo have slaliIized nov and is graduaIIy re-
luiIding lhe pover and preslige lhal once gave il svay
over nany dislanl Iands and diverse peopIe.
The peopIe of MuIhorand see nagic as a pover lhal is
given ly lhe gods lo lhose vho nusl serve lhen veII in
relurn. This leIief is evidenl in lhe pover of MuIho-
rands priesls and lhal lheir ruIing pharaoh is seen as
lhe earlhIy incarnalion of MuIhorandi, lhe god and
nasler of lheir panlheon. Wizards are seen as usurpers
vho, ly praclicing nagic vilhoul serving lhe gods, are
Iessening lhe pover lhal keeps lhe hearl of lhe Creal
Kingdon lealing. They are Iooked upon as naIefaclors
al lesl and, nore connonIy, as dark nenaces vho
nusl le deslroyed.
To refer lo lhis reaIn as corrupl and decaying vouId le a
gross underslalenenl. The reigning god-king, CiIgean,
is a lrulaI and vuIgar deily vho has nainlained his
earlhIy presence for nore lhan 2,OOO years. During lhal
line he has laughl lhe peopIe of Unlher lhal lhey nusl
serve hin vilhoul queslion or face his vralh. The seeds
of revoIulion, Iong overdue ly nosl accounls, have
legun lo sproul nov and Unlher is cIearIy headed for a
period of poIilicaI upheavaI.
UnIike ils neighloring MuIhorand, vhere vizards are
perceived as suspecl, lhe Ioalhing nosl of Unlher feeIs for
CiIgean is refIecled in a greal disIike of priesls and paI-
adins, no naller vhal deily lhey nighl honor. Wizards,
on lhe olher hand, are seen as polenliaI aIIies in lhe up-
coning revoIl. WhiIe nol veneraled ly any neans, lhey
are considered a polenl force lhal nay veII le inslrunen-
laI in ending CiIgeans 2,OOO-year reign of lyranny.
The lradilionaI garl of lhe Chessenlan vizard is a loga-
Iike role of sofl cIolh (caIIed a |cgann and usuaIIy nade
of collon), oflen vorn vilh a lunic and lreeches under-
nealh vhen lhe vealher is nol good. rnale lrooches,
generaIIy fashioned in lhe shape of lhe characlers fa-
vored nark, faslen lhe legahn on lolh shouIders.
The vizards of MuIhorand are nol inleresled in leing
recognized as speIIcaslers. They lend lo dress in lhe lu-
nics and lrousers or skirls oflen vorn ly nosl of lheir
counlrynen. They cIolhe lhenseIves so as nol lo sland
oul in a crovd.
Il vouId le hard lo inagine a nore dislinclive individ-
uaI lhan an Unlherile vizard. The rich lronze of lheir
skin, nade aII lhe nore evidenl lecause lhey roulineIy
shave off aII lody hair and enpIoy oiIs or vaxes lo give
lheir fIesh an aInosl radianl appearance, conlrasls
sharpIy vilh lheir lIeached vhile lunics and knee-
Ienglh skirls.
Unlherile vizards go lo greal Ienglhs lo appear pover-
fuI and najeslic. They carry lheir heads high and lhrov
lack lheir shouIders so as lo have lhe learing of a king.
Il is easy lo undersland vhy lhe nasses of lhis lroulIed
nalion have legun lo Iook lo lhe vizards anong lhen
for guidance.
Wizards of Chessenla are oflen descriled as seIf-alsorled
and egocenlric. WhiIe lhis nighl le a sonevhal harsh
assessnenl of lheir personaIilies, il is nol inaccurale. The
poIilicaIIy chaolic nalure of Iife in Chessenla has laughl
lheir nagicians lhal lhe friends lhey nake loday nay
lurn againsl lhen lonorrov. This leing lhe case, il is
quile underslandalIe lhal Chessenlan vizards have
Iearned lo reIy upon onIy lheir ovn laIenls and speIIs.
The facl lhal nosl of sociely vievs lhen as crininaIs
and devianls cannol heIp lul have an inpacl on lhe
personaIilies of MuIhorandi vizards. Because of lheir
Iov slanding in sociely, lhese speIIcaslers have cone lo
lhink of lhenseIves as rogues and scoundreIs. Many of
lhen Iive aInosl hernelic Iives, venluring oul onIy al
nighl or vhen lhe crovds fiIIing lhe slreels can hide
lheir aclions.
Unlherile vizards see lhenseIves as poverfuI and najes-
lic foIk. The adoralion heaped upon lhen ly lhe resl of
lhe Unlhers inhalilanls nay nol have gone lo lheir
heads, lul il has cerlainIy shaped lheir seIf-inage. Il is
difficuIl lo inagine a lhreal or chaIIenge lhal can daunl
one of lhese vizards, for lhey see every chaIIenge as an
opporlunily lo prove lhenseIves anev.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
ne of lhe firsl lhings lhal one Iearns in Chessenla is
lhe inporlance of fasl lhoughl and even fasler aclion.
To a varrior, lhis neans leing alIe lo gel your svord oul
of ils scallard and inlo pIay lefore your eneny knovs
vhals happening. Ior Chessenlan vizards, il neans
slreanIining lhe lechniques required lo casl speIIs so
lhal lheir nagic lakes effecl lefore lhal of lheir enenies.
Any speII casl ly a Chessenlan vizard has ils casling
line haIved, vilh uneven resuIls leing rounded up. Ior
exanpIe, a nagic nissi|c speII sliII has a casling line of 1,
lul a |ign|ning oc|| has a casling line of 2 (inslead of ils
nornaI 3).
Ior nany of MuIhorands speIIcaslers, nagic is a naller
of Iife or dealh. Because of lhe vay in vhich nagic use is
vieved ly lhe popuIace of lhe Creal Kingdon, lhese
vizards have Iearned lo prolecl lhenseIves fron lhe pry-
ing eyes of lhose around lhen.
Lven vhen lhey are unalIe or do nol desire lo use
lheir speIIs, lhese vizards can easiIy evade pursuers. Like
rogues, lhe vizards of MuIhorand are alIe lo nic in
snacus and nctc si|cn||q. The percenlage chance lhal
lhey viII succeed al such endeavors is 25 pIus 5 per
experience IeveI. So a 5lh-IeveI vizard can hide in
shadovs 5O of lhe line vhiIe a 1Olh-IeveI vizard is
successfuI 75 of lhe line. The naxinun chance of
success is 95, vhich lhe vizard reaches al 14lh IeveI.
Wizards of MuIhorand are aIso lhe naslers of lhe speIIs
of conceaInenl. Al lhe very Ieasl, lhese incIude o|in-
ncss, o|ur, cnangc sc|f, inprctc intisioi|i|q, intisioi|i|q, in-
tisioi|i|q (10 raius), nass intisioi|i|q, nirrcr inagc, nisi-
rcc|icn, nis|ca, screen, scqucs|cr, vacancy, tci|, urai|n-
fcrn. lher speIIs, incIuding lhose Iisled in lhe Tcnc cf
Magic, can le added lo lhis Iisl as lhe DM desires. Ior
lhe purposes of Iearning and casling lhese speIIs, MuIho-
randi vizards lreal lhen as if lhey vere one IeveI Iover
lhan Iisled in lheir speII descriplions. Thus, urai|nfcrn,
nornaIIy a 3rd-IeveI speII, is lrealed as 2nd-IeveI nagic.
AII 1sl-IeveI speIIs are unaffecled.
Unlherile vizards have spenl years naking ready for lhe
day vhen lhey viII Iead lhe nasses againsl lhe god-king
and his assenlIed priesls. CounlIess skirnishes have aI-
Ioved lhen lo sludy lheir fulure enenies, giving lhen
an insighl inlo prieslIy nagic lhal fev olher foIk can
cIain lo possess.
As a resuIl, lhey have Iiniled nagic resislance lhal ap-
pIies onIy lo speIIs casl ly priesls. Whenever such a speII
is casl al an Unlherile vizard, lhere is a percenlage
chance equaI lo his experience IeveI lhal il viII faiI. This
funclions jusl Iike lhe nagic resislance lhal sone non-
slers and olher crealures possess.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Il is said lhal onIy a fooI lrusls a Chessenlan. WhiIe lhis
nay le a harsh overslalenenl, il does have sone lasis in
lrulh. The rivaI cily-slales lhal nake up lhis Iand nake
and lreak lrealies so fasl lhal onIy lhe nosl aslule poIili-
cians can keep lrack of vho is vorking vilh vhon al
any given line.
The sligna associaled vilh Chessenlans is refIecled in
lhe vizards inaliIily lo acquire a henchnan. No naller
hov high lhe characlers Charisna score, no henchnan
viII ever agree lo foIIov or serve hin. In addilion, lhe
characlers IoyaIly lase and reaclion adjuslnenl scores
(as delernined ly his Charisna score) are aIvays nega-
live. So, a Chessenlan vizard vilh a 15 Charisna viII
have a IoyaIly lase nodifier of -3 and a reaclion adjusl-
nenl of -3.
As fugilives, lhe vizards of MuIhorand have leen forced
lo deaI vilh lhe crininaI eIenenls of sociely in lheir ef-
forls lo ollain speII conponenls and lhe olher naleriaIs
required lo praclice nagic. Lven IavfuI good vizards
have IillIe choice lul lo svaIIov lheir pride and deaI
vilh lhe lIack narkel.
In gane lerns lhis is refIecled in a lax lhal nusl le
paid for lhe use of nagic. Ralher lhan requiring lhe
pIayer lo keep carefuI lrack of everylhing lhal his char-
acler purchases and expends, each speII has a sel fee as-
socialed vilh il. Al lhe end of each gane session, lhe
pIayer nusl deducl fron his characlers nonelary veaIlh
a nunler of goId pieces equaI lo 5O per speII IeveI casl
during lhe advenlure lines his ovn experience IeveI. Ior
exanpIe, if a 3rd-IeveI vizard casl lvo 1sl-IeveI speIIs
(5O gp each) and one 2nd-IeveI speII (1OO gp each), he
vouId ove 2OO goId pieces lines his IeveI (3), for a lolaI
of 6OO gp.
If lhe vizard does nol have enough noney lo cover his
speIIcasling dells, lhe renaining IialiIily is paid vilh
experience poinls. This is a Iasl resorl, hovever, and lhe
pIayer cannol opl lo sulslilule XIs for goId. Dungeon
Maslers shouId le carefuI lo velo any allenpl ly lhe
pIayer lo circunvenl lhis requirenenl.
The roIe Unlherile vizards have sel for lhenseIves has
ils disadvanlages. In leconing heroes of lhe soon-lo-le
revoIulion, lhey have nade lhenseIves easy largels for
narlyrdon. HardIy a day goes ly in Unlher lhal one of
lhe Iands vizards isnl allacked or kiIIed. The god-king
has offered a generous revard for anyone vho kiIIs one
of lhese popuIar heroes, and lhe knives of assassins Iurk
Anolher handicap lhese characlers suffer is direclIy re-
Ialed lo lheir resislance lo prieslIy nagic. UnIike nornaI
nagic resislance, vhich can le suppressed vhen desired,
lhis effecl is conslanl. As a resuIl, nagicaI heaIing and
olher leneficiaI prieslIy nagic has a chance of faiIing
vhen casl upon Unlherile vizards. This appIies even lo
polions and devices, so a pc|icn cf cx|ra nca|ing nay faiI lo
have any effecl on an Unlherile inliler.
VIzanos o[ 1he
VILhom Reach
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? N o
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft
nce a poverfuI lrading enpire, a series of nishaps in-
voIving varfare, disease, and ranpaging nagic have Iefl
Chondalh a fainl shadov of ils pasl gIory. Because of lhe
roIe lhal speIIcaslers pIayed in ils dovnfaII, lhere is IillIe
inleresl in nagic here. Those vho vanl lo Iearn lhe sor-
cerous vays nusl do so vilhoul lhe aid of a nenlor or
fornaI lraining.
TLe CIty-Stutes
The ViIhon Reach is dolled vilh scallered cily-slales.
The Iargesl and nosl poverfuI of lhese are Ninpelh,
Relh, HIalh, and IIjak, aIlhough lhere are severaI
snaIIer cily-slales as veII. These slrong-viIIed slales
have lallIed for generalions.
nIy vilhin lhe Iasl 5O years have lhey cone lo see
lhe fuliIily of var and allenpled lo sellIe lheir differ-
ences peacefuIIy. Hovever, lhis process has proven so
successfuI lhal lhe cily-slales are a nodeI aII Iaern
vouId do veII lo foIIov.
The falIed Ci|q cf Scrpcn|s, HIondelh, is a najeslic pIace
lhal has grovn veaIlhy lhrough overIand and nariline
lrade. ver lhe cenluries, hovever, lhe yuan-li have
spread lhenseIves lhrough lhe cily, infiIlraling even lhe
lIoodIine of lhe ruIing faniIy. AII vizards fron lhis
reaIn have aIso leen louched ly lhe spread of lhe yuan-
li, aIlhough lhey are sliII quile hunan.
The Barony of Sespech is a young nalion vilh a govern-
nenl lhal is unslalIe and chaolic. The currenl ruIer,
Baron Thurgar Ioesnasher, is slruggIing lo hoId his na-
lion logelher. Life is lense in Sespech, a condilion lhal
has Iefl ils nark on lhe peopIe of lhe larony.
The nahogany-skinned Turns are a spIendid and grace-
fuI peopIe. If lheir lIood does nol have a Iong-forgollen
eIfish conponenl, il cerlainIy shouId. The average Tur-
nish naIe slands lelveen 6 and 7 feel laII and veighs
lelveen 18O and 2OO pounds. The resl of his nuscuIa-
lure and fealures are sIender and veII-defined, as his
heighl and veighl nighl suggesl.
Turnish vizards are easy lo spol, for lhey decorale
lhenseIves vilh lalloos, aIvays in lhe shape of various
aninaIs. Anong lhenseIves, lhe Turns leIieve lhal
such lalloos give lhe speIIcasler pover. The lalloos gIov
lrighlIy vhenever lhey casl a speII, so il seens IikeIy
lhere is al Ieasl a nodicun of lrulh in lhis.
The lypicaI garl of lhe Chondalh advenlurer, vho is aI-
nosl aIvays a fighler or rogue, is a unique forn of suppIe
Iealher arnor. The use of lhis Iealher is so connon lhal
even lhe fev vizards vho cone fron lhese cily-slales
vear il. f course, lhis isnl lhe rigid Iealher arnor lypi-
caIIy vorn ly niIilary lroops, il is nuch nore Iike luck-
skin and provides an Arnor CIass of 9 lo lhose vho vear
il vilhoul affecling vizard skiIIs in any vay. A Chon-
dalhian nage can vear such Iealher or even sludded
Iealher arnor (AC 8).
TLe CIty-Stutes
Residenls of lhe cily-slales of lhe ViIhon Reach dress
very unifornIy, favoring sinpIe vhile lunics. Il is lradi-
lionaI for lhe nany priesls of lhe cily lenpIes lo dye
lheir logas lIue, vhiIe vizards generaIIy dye lheirs red.
There is no Iav enforcing lhis cuslon, lul il has lecone
a slandard over lhe years.
The archileclure of HIondelh is rich and exlravaganl,
oflen fealuring nuraIs and nosaics lhal venerale lhe
snakes and serpenls of lhe vorId. The fIoving coIors of
lhese naslerpieces are depicled in lhe dress of lhe viz-
ards lhere. They favor fIoving siIks of lrighl scarIel, rich
eneraId, and deep azure.
}eveIry, prinariIy goId, is connonIy vorn ly lhe foIk
of HIondelh. BraceIels, neckIaces, and lorcs of serpen-
line goId Iinks are favored alove aII eIse, especiaIIy lhose
ilens vilh nagicaI properlies.
The peopIe of Sespech connonIy vear fuII-Ienglh,
dressIike roles ralher Iike a loga. The vizards of Sespech
vear hooded capes vilh lhese. In nosl cases, lhese
hoods are overIy Iarge and dravn forvard lo hide lhe
speIIcaslers visage. This cuslon arises fron an ancienl
Sespechi leIief lhal il is lad Iuck lo Iook upon lhe face
of vizard.
The Turns are perhaps lesl noled for lheir ornale arnor,
vhich is enlossed vilh inlricale pallerns and decoraled
vilh spires and gracefuI fIuling. This Iove of leauly is aIso
evidenl in lhe cIolhing vorn ly nenlers of olher cIasses.
Turnish vizards vear Iighl roles, generaIIy fashioned
of fine lIack and green cIolh and lied vilh inlricaleIy
voven sashes. CoId jeveIry, especiaIIy earrings and
chokers, is aIso connon.
WhiIe lhose fev speIIcaslers vho ascend fron lhe nire
of Chondalhian sociely nighl cIain lo le lrue nages
and vizards, lhe lrulh is lhal lheir povers seIdon nalch
lheir egos. Wilhoul proper inslruclion in lhe praclice of
nagic, lhey have had lo Iearn nuch fron lriaI and error
or fron ancienl, oflen grealIy dislorled, slories. Bul
eager as lhey nighl le lo assune lheir pIace anong lhe
greal nagicians of lhe vorId, il viII le cenluries lefore
Chondalh produces ils ovn LIninsler or SinluI.
Mikal strode ahead of us, drinking in the sights and sounds
of the city. I have to admit that I was impressed too, but
Ive always been a bit more reserved than the paladin.
Ahhh, he smiled, looking around the marketplace, I
cant believe that weve finally reached the City of Ser-
pents. Isnt this place incredible?
Youre right, Ive never seen its like, I agreed.
Maybe Ill come back here and settle down in a few
years. What do you think? How does Mikal of Hlondeth
sound to you?
Before I could answer, we came around a corner and
discovered a most unfortunate sight: A pair of young
women, obviously from the Heartlands, stood atop two
sturdy gallows. Each had a black hood over her head and
her arms bound behind her back. An officous looking man
was reading from a scroll, telling of the great crimes that
these outlander wizards have committed in the service of a
heathen god. As his words drifted over the eager crowd, I
noticed that each prisoner wore a silver medallion around
her neck. These disks bore the bound hands of Ilmater, the
same symbol that graced the shield of my companion. With
a sinking feeling, I knew what was about to happen.
Mikal let out a great cry of rage and sprang forward.
He sent a dozen onlookers tumbling to the ground and
took everyone in the area by surprise. Even I, who had re-
alized what was going to happen a few seconds before it
did, wasnt ready for the paladins furious outburst.
By the time anyone else could react, Mikal had leapt
upon the gallows. He swept his sword in a great arc,
neatly severing the ropes that threatened to claim the lives
of the two wizards.
A pair of crossbowmen were among the first to recover
from their surprise. They swung their weapons about and
took aim on the rash paladin. I threw myself at them,
bringing them both down.
As the guards struggled to regain their footing, I vaulted
to Mikals side. He had removed the hood from one of the
women, revealing a wise, gentle face, and was in the
process of cutting the thongs that encircled her wrists. As
soon as her hands were free, she began to gesture and
speak in the arcane language of wizards.
Someone grabbed for me and I whirled about. At that
instant, the enchantress completed her spell and the world
around us faded away. A second later, we stood atop a
tower that looked out over the sparkling sea.
From the journal of Andreas Vanderslyke
TLe CIty-Stutes
The peopIe of lhe ViIhon Reachs nany cily-slales are
allenpling lo adjusl lo a vay of Iife lheir anceslors never
knev. In nosl cases, lhis is far easier for lhe inleIIigencia
lhan for lhe connon nan. The vizards of lhe cilies,
vho faII inlo lhe forner calegory, lry lo find a peacefuI
soIulion lo every prolIen lhey are presenled vilh. Con-
lal, vhelher nagicaI or nundane, is aIvays considered a
Iasl resorl.
The vizards of HIondelh are considered ly nany lo le a
cunning and predalory Iol. Like aII vizards, lhese foIk
recognize lhe vaIue of inleIIigence and carefuI lhoughl.
When confronled vilh a difficuIl silualion or a polenliaI
eneny, lhe HIondelh vizard viII spend as nuch line as
possilIe in quiel conlenpIalion of lhe suljecl. No ac-
lion is laken rashIy unIess circunslances alsoIuleIy dic-
lale olhervise. CarefuI and caIcuIaling nighl le a lel-
ler vay lo descrile lhese vizards, for lhey are predalory
onIy vhen eIininaling lheir enenies. As aIIies, lhey are
lrue and IoyaI.
The vizards of Sespech have suffered nuch fron lhe
changes of governnenl and conslanl reshuffIing of soci-
ely lhal has laken pIace over lhe Iasl severaI decades.
Under one ruIer, vizards nighl le prized as a vaIualIe
nalionaI resource. Under anolher, lhey nighl le Iooked
upon as vorlhIess sIackers loo Iazy lo pick up a svord.
And under a lhird lhey nighl le considered dangerous
oulIavs vho nusl le hunled dovn and deslroyed.
Because of lhis, Sespechi vizards have no use for gov-
ernnenl and so cannol le of IavfuI aIignnenl. This does
nol nean lhey cannol le considered lruslvorlhy, as
friends and conpanions lhey are noled for lheir IoyaIly.
The Turns Iook upon speIIcaslers vilh respecl and
sone degree of adniralion, jusl as lhey do any Iearned
individuaI. Turn vizards do lheir lesl lo Iive up lo lhe
high slandards lheir counlrynen have for lhen. They
allenpl lo nainlain high elhicaI and noraI slandards
in aII lheir affairs and give generousIy of lheir line and
advice. AII vizards crealed vilh lhis kil nusl le of good
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The nagic of Chondalhian vizards is nol nearIy as ef-
feclive as lhal used ly speIIcaslers fron olher Iands. Be-
cause of lhe infornaI vay in vhich lhey nasler lheir
speIIs, hovever, lhese vizards are nol suljecl lo nany of
lhe nornaI reslriclions pIaced on nagicians.
These characlers are far leller alIe lo defend lhen-
seIves lhan lheir peers fron olher Iands. They can
nake use of any snaII or nediun veapon, incIuding
lolh neIee and nissiIe veapons. They can allack as if
lhey vere rogues, nol vizards, so a 5lh-IeveI Chon-
dalhian vizard has a THACO of 18 inslead of 19, for
TLe CIty-Stutes
The vizards of lhese diverse cilies legin lhe gane vilh a
nunler of lonus proficiencies lo refIecl lhe poIilicaI
lraining lhey have received. These are eliquelle, her-
aIdry, and ancienl hislory (ViIhon Reach). No profi-
ciency sIols need lo le aIIocaled for lhese speIIs. Addi-
lionaI sIols can le aIIocaled lo increase lhe characlers
chance of success.
ver lhe course of recenl decades lhese vizards have
lurned avay fron offensive nagic and naslered lhe
nore sullIe and defensive eIenenls of speIIcasling. As a
resuIl, lhey can gain an addilionaI speII fron lhe aljura-
lion schooI (and lhe can gain addilionaI speIIs lased on
lheir speciaIizalion). A speciaIisl vizard vhose opposi-
lion schooI is aljuralion Ioses lhis lonus.
CIose conlacl vilh lhe yuan-li, vhelher inlenlionaI or
inadverlenl, has lainled lhe hunan vizards of HIon-
delh. They have acquired an affinily for lhe nagicaI and
psionic povers of lhe yuan-li.
In canpaigns lhal use lhe Ccnp|c|c Psicnics Hanocc|,
aII HIondelhian vizards aIso have a viId psionic laIenl.
If lhal sourcelook is nol parl of lhe canpaign, lhis
pover can le sinuIaled ly randonIy seIecling a 1sl-IeveI
speII and aIIoving lhe characler lo use il lhree lines per
day as a speciaI aliIily.
The vizards of HIondelh have Iearned sonelhing of
lhe yuan-li speIIcasling nelhods. They aulonalicaIIy
Iearn lhe causc fcar, ar|ncss (15 raius), pc|qncrpn
c|ncr, suggcs|icn, and cnarn pcrscn speIIs as soon as lhey
allain a IeveI high enough lo casl lhen.
The fiery, independenl spiril connon lo lhe vizards of
Sespech nakes il difficuIl for olhers lo infIuence lheir
lhoughls and aclions. So any nagicaI speII fron eilher
lhe Lnchanlnenl/Charn or IIIusion/Ihanlasn schooI is
Iess effeclive vhen used againsl lhese foIk. Any saving
lhrov lhal a vizard of Sespech nakes lo resisl such pov-
ers is nade vilh a +4 lonus. This aIso appIies lo lhe
prieslIy sphere of Charn and any olher nagicaI speIIs
lhe DM judges lo le an inlrusion upon lhe vizards nind
and free viII.
This unique aliIily carries over lo psionics as veII. In
canpaigns using lhe Ccnp|c|c Psicnics Hanocc|, lhese
characlers aII have a conlinuaIIy operaling lover of iron
6 9
Turnish vizards, Iike lheir nerchanls, are noled
lhroughoul lhe ViIhon Reach for lheir honesly and fair-
ness. They are seen as vise and nolIe souIs vho use lheir
nagic and inleIIigence lo prolecl lheir friends and keep
lheir enenies al a dislance. As nighl le expecled, lheir
nagicaI aliIilies refIecl lhis.
AII vizards of lhis lype are especiaIIy skiIIed al lhe
casling of infornalion-galhering speIIs. These incIude
lhe speIIs of lhe Crealer Divinalion schooI. When lhey
casl lhese speIIs, lhe Iisled duralion, range, and area of
effecl is increased ly haIf. Ior exanpIe, a 4lh-IeveI viz-
ard vho casls a c|cc| nagic speII viII find lhal il affecls
an area 15 feel vide ly 9O feel Iong, inslead of lhe usuaI
1O-fool ly 6O-fool area, and lhal il renains in effecl for
12 rounds inslead of lhe nornaI 8.
In addilion, a Turnish vizard vho uses a scrying device
(such as a crqs|a| ball) aulonalicaIIy gains use of c|airau-
icncc vhen using lhal device. This is in addilion lo any
olher aliIilies lhe parlicuIar nagicaI ilen possesses.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Chondalh vizards nasler speIIs al lhe sane rale lards
do. AIso, lhey cannol opl lo le speciaIisls. Therefore, a
1sl-IeveI Chondalhian vizard is acluaIIy unalIe lo casl a
speII and no such characler can ever Iearn speIIs alove
6lh IeveI.
TLe CIty-Stutes
WhiIe lhese vizards have naslered lhe arl of proleclive
nagic lo a degree unheard of ly olher vizards, lhey
have nol acconpIished lhis feal vilhoul a cosl. The
nosl olvious inpacl lhis has had on speIIcaslers fron
lhe ViIhon Reachs cily-slales is lhal lhey have lecone
Iess proficienl vhen using nagic lo infIicl danage on
lheir enenies.
In gane lerns lhis neans lhal any speII lhal direclIy
harns an opponenl has a -1 penaIly for every die roIIed
for danage. The nininun roII on any given die is 1, so a
4d6 fircoa|| viII never cause Iess lhan 4 poinls of danage.
Il is up lo lhe Dungeon Masler lo decide vhich speIIs are
incIuded in lhis calegory, aIlhough sone olvious ex-
anpIes incIude magic missile, fireball, and lightning bolt.
The yuan-li have nol leen idIe in HIondelh. ver lhe
years lhey have graduaIIy leen vorking lo assune con-
lroI of lhe cily. WhiIe lhe vizards of lhis cily have
Iearned sonelhing of lhe nagic of lhe yuan-li, so loo
have lhe yuan-li Iearned sonelhing of hunanily. They
have focused lhis knovIedge lovard naking lhe peopIe
of lhe cily nenlaIIy pIialIe and receplive lo psionic
In gane lerns lhis veakness nanifesls ilseIf vhenever
lhe characler is allacked vilh any speII fron lhe Ln-
chanlnenl/Charn schooI or lhe prieslIy Charn sphere.
In eilher case, lhe viclin suffers a -4 penaIly on any
saving lhrov lhal he is aIIoved lo nake. His nagicaI
defense adjuslnenl, as diclaled ly his Wisdon score,
sliII appIies.
The sane independenl slreak lhal nakes vizards of
Sespech resislanl lo nind-affecling speIIs nakes lhe use
of such speIIs on olhers repugnanl lo lhen. These char-
aclers are unalIe lo casl speIIs fron eilher lhe Lnchanl-
nenl/Charn or IIIusion/Ihanlasn schooI.
WhiIe lhe peacefuI and sagacious nalure of lhese vizards
is inpressive, lhey are nol vilhoul lheir veaknesses.
The nosl pronounced of lhese is an aInosl conpIele
Iack of conlal experience.
Turnish vizards do nol legin lhe gane vilh any
veapon proficiencies. Aflervard, hovever, lhey allain
lhen nornaIIy. The nonproficiency penaIly for such
characlers is -8.
VIzanos o[ 1he
EmpInes o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt 6
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Knovn across Iaern as lhe Merchanl Kingdon, lhis Iand
is renovned for ils skiIIed lraders and nasler craflsnen.
Lven lhe vizards vho cone fron Ann knov nore aloul
lrade and connerce lhan lhe lesl peddIers in nosl
olher nalions.
The nalion of CaIinshan is a Iand of nerchanls and
lraders, lul il is nol a unified slale. InlernaI squallIes
lelveen rivaI nerchanl princes veaken lhe overaII
pover of lhe slale, vhich nighl olhervise doninale lhe
Lnpires of lhe Sands. The vizards of CaIinshan under-
sland lhis chaolic nalure as veII as lhe inporlance
pIaced upon econonic nallers.
The olher Lnpires of lhe Sands have forged lrading en-
pires lhal span Iaern, lul Telhyr is a nalion lhal has
lurned invard. LndIess varfare lelveen squallIing cily-
slales nakes il chaolic and dangerous. The governnenls
of CaIinshan and Ann valch for any chance lo lring
peace lo lheir lroulIed neighlor~and acquire ils Iand
and resources al lhe sane line.
The vizards of Ann dress in Iighl-coIored roles vilh
lurlans covering lheir heads. They vear vooden sandaIs
on lheir feel and vrap vide leIls around lheir vaisls.
UsuaIIy lhey have a fair nunler of goId coins al hand.
Beards are predoninanl, for lhe leller a nans leard, lhe
nore poverfuI his spiril is leIieved lo le.
The vizards of CaIinshan, Iike nosl olher foIk fron lhal
Iand, favor siIks and olher sofl falrics. The lypicaI oulfil
is a Ioose-filling, undecoraled shirl, vilh an ornale vesl
and occasionaIIy a lighlIy vrapped lurlan. Benealh a
siIk leIl or sash, Ioose-filling, knee-Ienglh panls hang
dovn lo gIossy, sofl Iealher lools.
Il is connonIy said lhal onIy a fooI lraveIs far fron his
hone in Telhyr vilhoul a dagger in his hand. Ils hard lo
say vhelher lhis is lrue or nol, lecause nosl of lhe foIk
vho lry lo lesl il are kiIIed.
Mosl Telhyrians are arned. The lradilionaI veapon of
lhese peopIe is a Iong, hooked dagger carried in a lIack
shealh lhal serves as lhe luckIe for a vide, Iealher leIl.
This leIl galhers a Ioose role lhal is oflen vorn over
arnor. Wizards do nol vear such proleclion, lul lend lo
vear lunics and a garnache.
The vizards of Ann, Iike any of lhe foIk fron lhe greal
Merchanl Kingdon, are skiIIfuI deaIers. Lvery silualion is
vieved fron a profil-and-Ioss slandpoinl. If a proposaI of-
fers good relurn vilh nininaI risk, il is considered vorlh-
vhiIe. If il doesnl, lhen negolialion is in order. IaiIing
lhal, lhe proposilion is discarded as vorlhIess. Annian
vizards have exlreneIy conservalive econonic alliludes.
Like lhe vizards of Ann, lhese speIIcaslers pay very
cIose allenlion lo lhe polenliaI profils lhal an invesl-
nenl of line or efforl viII lring lhen. Hovever, lhey do
nol see lhings in lhe alsoIule lerns lheir neighlors do.
Life in CaIinshan is chaolic and lhese vizards have
Iearned lo accepl lhal.
CaIishile nages are aIso heaviIy infIuenced ly lheir an-
ceslraI lradilions lhal lheir peopIe innigraled fron lhe
LIenenlaI IIane of Air. They are generaIIy very respecl-
fuI lovard nalives fron lhis pIane, such as djinn.
ne expecls conlal vhen one grovs up in Telhyr. Lven
lhe vizards of lhal reaIn have a greal respecl for lhe
pover of lhe svord, so lhey lend lo surround lhenseIves
vilh lodyguards and IoyaI foIIovers.
Telhyrians arenl paranoid. They donl expecl every
one lo lelray lhen or for every encounler lo le an an-
lush. A Telhyrians pronise is laken quile seriousIy, so
lhere are fev acls of lelrayaI vilhin lhal nalion. ne
expecls ones enenies lo allack vhenever lhe opporlu-
nily presenls ilseIf, lul nol ones aIIies.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
In addilion lo lhe CeneraI and Wizard groups, vizards
fron Ann are free lo seIecl proficiencies fron lhe Rogue
group. They aIso receive lhe appraising skiII as a lonus
proficiency, so lhey do nol need lo aIIocale sIols lo re-
ceive lhe skiII lul can expend addilionaI sIols lo in-
prove lheir chance of success vhen using il.
When lhe characler nusl expend noney, he reduces
lhe anounl spenl ly 25. This refIecls lhe characlers
lusiness acunen and lrading savvy.
In Iearning lo assess lhe odds for and againsl success in
any given silualion, CaIinshile vizards have naslered
nagic lhal olher speIIcaslers have nol.
CaIishile vizards gain a lonus proficiency in appraising
and eliquelle lo refIecl lheir caIcuIaling lusiness sense
and lheir desire lo do exaclIy vhal vouId nosl profil
lhen in any silualion. Because of lheir faniIiarily vilh
crealures fron lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air, lhey gain a
+1 lonus on aII saving lhrovs versus allacks fron such
crealures. This sane lonus aIso appIies lo aII speIIs casl
againsl lhen fron lhe LIenenlaI Air schooI or sphere.
Honor in lallIe and pride in lriunph are inporlanl as-
pecls of lhe Telhyrian cuIlure. This is readiIy apparenl in
lhal nalions vizards as veII, as aII Telhyrian vizards
nusl le of IavfuI aIignnenl.
Telhyrian vizards have a naluraI aliIily lo use lhe
soIIs of lhe schooI of Crealer Divinalion, so lhey are
vaIualIe eIenenls of any deaI nade lelveen rivaI ner-
chanl faclions. Wizards on lolh sides valch lhe olher
for signs of lelrayaI, so such lreachery is aInosl unheard
of in lhis Iand.
In gane lerns lhis is refIecled ly reducing lhe IeveI of
speIIs in lhe Lesser/Crealer Divinalion schooI. These
speIIs are one IeveI Iover lhan Iisled in lhe P|aqcrs
Hanocc| or Tcnc cf Magic. Ior exanpIe, nagic nirrcr is
nornaIIy a 4lh-IeveI speII. When a Telhyrian vizard re-
searches, nenorizes, or casls il, il is onIy a 3rd-IeveI
speII. No speII can le reduced leIov 1sl IeveI ly lhis
speciaI aliIily.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Anns nerchanls are noled as leing crafly and devious.
This nakes il difficuIl for anyone lo lrusl an Annian,
even anolher Annian, so lhe slarling Charisna score of
lhese characlers is reduced ly 2 poinls.
Because of lheir lies vilh lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Air,
CaIishile vizards suffer a -1 on aII saving lhrovs fron
speIIs in lhe LIenenlaI Larlh schooI or sphere. Allacks
nade ly crealures nalive lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of
Larlh are nade vilh a +1 lonus versus such vizards.
CaIishile vizards are aIso vieved as coId and caIcuIal-
ing ly peopIe fron olher socielies. This equales lo a -1
reaclion penaIly vhenever lhe vizard encounlers peopIe
fron oulside CaIinshan.
Telhyrian vizards devole nuch line and efforl lo nas-
lering speIIs of deleclion lul nol lhose of conceaInenl.
In gane lerns lhis neans lhal aII speIIs Iisled under lhe
schooI of IIIusion/Ihanlasn are one IeveI higher lhan
Iisled in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| or Tcnc cf Magic. Ior ex-
anpIe, pnan|asna| fcrcc is a 2nd-IeveI speII for Telhyri-
ans. SpeIIs Iisled as 9lh-IeveI are inpossilIe for lhese
vizards lo nasler.
VIzanos o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Intelligence 12,
Wisdom 12
PrImc RcquIsItc Intelligence
HIt DIc Typc d4
Attack as Wizard
5avc as Wizard
Advancc as Wizard
5pc!! AbI!Ity? Wizard
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 5d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 1
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -5
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 4
AddItInna! 5!nt 3
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Wizard
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Spellcraft, ancient history
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The nalion of HaIruaa is a pIace noled for ils fIoaling
caslIes and fIying ships. Merchanls fron lhis pIace luy
and seII nagicaI ilens fron around Iaern and, al Ieasl
according lo runor, far leyond. The vizards here have
an unusuaI affinily for nagic of aII sorls and cannol le
nalched for lheir knovIedge of such lhings.
The vizards of HaIruaa are noled for fIashy dress and
richIy ornanenled coslunes. Iealhers, sequins, and
gIeaning gens doninale lheir cIolhing and accessories.
If il vere nol for lhe facl lhal lhey are anong lhe nosl
poverfuI speIIcaslers on lhe pIanel, lhey nighl easiIy le
disnissed as nolhing nore lhan fops.
Wizards fron lhis nalion are very nuch of lhe opinion lhal
nagic can overcone any olslacIe and soIve any prolIen.
They Iook upon varriors, even lhe nosl nolIe knighls, as
nolhing nore lhan larlarians and rogues. Iriesls, vho
praclice lheir ovn nyslicaI arl, are lrolhers of a sorl.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
So polenl is lhe nagic of lhe HaIruaan vizards lhal fev can
resisl lheir speIIs. Anyone naking a saving lhrov lo escape
a speII casl ly a HaIruaan vizard does so vilh a -4 penaIly.
If a HaIruaan vizard nusl nake a saving lhrov lo escape
lhe effecls of a nagicaI speII, he receives a +4 lonus.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
HaIruaan vizards are seIdon slrong, agiIe, or resiIienl.
They suffer a -2 penaIly lo lheir slarling Slrenglh, Dex-
lerily, and Conslilulion scores.
t is with some trepidation that I begin this chapter of the book. Long ago, I
swore an oath of loyalty and secrecy to what is known by outsiders as the Guild
of Shadows, and there are doubtless some among that order who will consider
this essay treasonous. Still, no accounting of the rogues of Toril would be com-
plete without the inclusion of the shadow walker. Of their general abilities I be-
lieve I can speak without placing a price on my head, and some of their most facinating and spe-
cial powers too. Beyond that, I shall make it a point to reveal none of the secrets of the shadow
walkers: of their other identities or their political agendas or places where they may be found.
Doubtless they keep many other secrets than I shall reveal, for their powers are not altogether
apparent, and I am not one of them (as far as you know).
The shadow walkers take their name from the eldest of their order who called himself the Liv-
ing Shadow. He is said to have been sired by a creature from the Demiplane of Shadow, but
none can say for certain if that is true. Indeed, only those shadow walkers who are indisputably
loyal to the Living Shadow have laid eyes upon him, so he may be nothing more than a fabrica-
tion. For my part, I think he is quite real, but I may be prejudiced in the matter.
What is it that makes the shadow walkers most different from the rest of the worlds rogues?
On the surface, one might say that it is their use of magic, but in truth there is much more. The
shadow walkers are an unusual people who have sworn to use the talents of the thief and the
magic of darkness to avenge the wronged and to battle evil. Under cover of darkness, they act as
a vigilante force and strike at criminals and wrongdoers who, for one reason or another, have es-
caped traditional justice.
This is not to say that they are without flaw. No, the history of the shadow walkers includes
several who have attempted to use the powers that we possess for evil, and great destruction fol-
lowed them wherever they went. These are thankfully rare, however, for the mental disciplines
required to master the shadow walkers talents are found only among those of strong will and
good character.
From the journals of Athanial the Wind
Shadov vaIkers are an oplionaI cIass inlended for use in
a IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign. They are cIoseIy re-
Ialed lo lolh lhe rogue and vizard cIasses, lul generaIIy
suffer lhe reslriclions of lhe rogues. Lach Dungeon
Masler nusl decide for hinseIf vhelher lo incIude lhen
in his canpaign. AIlernaliveIy, lhey nighl le added, lul
onIy used as nonpIayer characlers.
ol everyone has lhe righl nenlaI and physicaI
conposilion lo lecone a shadov vaIker. nIy
lhe nosl exceplionaI individuaI can Iearn lheir lricks
and harness lheir povers. Those vho are found vanling
sinpIy do nol survive lhe lraining.
AbILI1 5cones
Shadov vaIkers are noled for lolh lheir keen inleIIecls
and lheir naluraI agiIily. To refIecl lhis, any characler
vho pursues lhis cIass nusl have naluraI Dexlerily and
InleIIigence scores of nol Iess lhan 15.
The grealesl of shadov vaIkers advance in IeveI nuch
fasler lhan lheir counlerparls. As a resuIl, any such char-
acler vilh a score of 17 or leller in lolh Dexlerily and
InleIIigence is enlilIed lo a +1O lonus on experience
poinl avards received fron lhe Dungeon Masler.
RacIaL Res1nIc1Ioms
Shadov vaIkers are generaIIy hunan, aIlhough nen-
lers of cerlain denihunan races have received lhe
lraining of lhis excIusive order on rare occasions.
Dvarves, gnones, and haIfIings are naluraIIy resislanl lo
nagic, so lhey are nol alIe lo nasler lhe arcane aspecls
required ly lhis cIass and are lherefore prohililed fron
leconing shadov vaIkers. LIves and haIf-eIves, hov-
ever, are sonelines accepled inlo lhe ranks of lhis eIile
group. The dark and nacalre eIenenls of lhis cIass gen-
eraIIy keep such fair foIk al a dislance, hovever.
ne nighl lhink lhal lhe discipIines of shadov vaIker
lraining vouId require lhen lo have a IavfuI oulIook on
Iife. In facl, lhis is nol so. Because of lhe inporlance
shadov vaIkers pIace on seIf-reIiance and personaI dedi-
calion, lhe nenlers of lhis cIass are aIvays neulraI or
chaolic. Shadov vaIkers are aIvays of good aIignnenl,
never vhoIIy neulraI or linled vilh eviI (excepl for lhe
occasionaI nonpIayer characler).
Iron line lo line, a shadov vaIker undergoes an in-
voIunlary aIignnenl shifl and lecones eilher IavfuI or
chaolic. Such characlers do nol Iose lhe aliIilies of lheir
cIass lul are spurned ly lheir peers. In cases vhere a
characler lecones eviI or lhrealens lo reveaI lhe secrels
of lhe order, he is cerlain lo le hunled dovn ly his feI-
Iovs and sIain.
Veapom amo Anmon
Shadov vaIkers are nol veII lrained in lhe arl of con-
lal. Lven lhe nosl IovIy lhief is prolalIy nore skiIIed in
lhe vays of lallIe lhan lhe average shadov vaIker. Ior
lhal reason, lhese characlers are reslricled lo lhe use of
one-handed, snaII veapons. They are forlidden lo en-
pIoy lovs or crosslovs lul nay Iearn lo use sIings
(lhough nol slaff sIings) and lhrov darls.
Recognizing lheir vuIneraliIily in conlal, shadov
vaIkers aIIocale sone of lheir earIy lraining lo lhe nas-
lery of arnor. As a resuIl, lhey nay vear Iealher, sludded
Iealher, or padded arnor. Heavier lypes of arnor, even
lhe deIicale c|tcn cnain, are forlidden lo lhen. SiniIarIy,
shadov vaIkers are unalIe lo enpIoy shieIds lo defend
UsImg NagIcaL I1ems
Shadov vaIkers devole a greal deaI of line lo lhe nas-
lery of nagicaI devices. They can use any ilen inlended
for lhieves lul nol lhose fashioned specificaIIy for lards.
They can use nagicaI ilens inlended for vizards as veII
lul nusl aIvays lake care vhen doing so. Because of
lhis, lhey suffer a -4 penaIly lo lheir inilialive roII vhen
using nagicaI ilens inlended for vizards in conlal.
DuaL- amo NuL1I-CLass
The dedicalion required lo nasler lhe skiIIs of a shadov
vaIker nakes il inpossilIe for a characler of lhis lype lo
le a nuIli-cIass characler. If one is lo lecone a shadov
vaIker, one has no line lo give even a passing lhoughl
lo lhe arls of lhe olher cIasses.
DuaI-cIass shadov vaIkers are nol unknovn, lul such
characlers nusl aIvays legin lheir advenluring careers
as shadov vaIkers. They nay lhen lurn lheir allenlions
lo lhe naslery of anolher crafl. Il is inpossilIe for a
characler vho is nol crealed as a shadov vaIker lo ever
lecone one Ialer in Iife.
5aoImg Thnous
Shadov vaIkers nake lheir saving lhrovs vs. paraIysis,
poison, or dealh nagic, pelrificalion or poIynorph, and
lrealh veapons as rogues. They nake saves lo resisl al-
lacks ly a rod, slaff, or vand, and lhose vs. a nagicaI
speII as if lhey vere vizards.
Depending upon lhe lype of speciaI allack direcled al
lhen, shadov vaIkers nake lheir saving lhrovs as eilher
rogues or vizards. DMs and pIayers aIike nusl lake spe-
ciaI care lo nake sure lhe correcl saving lhrov nunler
is delernined in each silualion.
hadov vaIkers advance according lo lhe nornaI
lalIe for rogues and lards. Ior ease of reference,
lhis lalIe is presenled in lhe nexl coIunn.
HI1 PoIm1s
Like olher nenlers of lhe rogue cIass, shadov vaIkers
roII six-sided dice vhen delernining lheir hil poinls.
They conlinue lo roII for addilionaI hil poinls unliI lhey
allain 1Olh IeveI. Upon reaching lhe 11lh or sulsequenl
IeveIs, lhey receive 2 hil poinls vilh each IeveI increase.
In addilion, lhey no Ionger receive hil poinl lonuses for
high Conslilulion scores afler passing lhe 1Olh IeveI.
A11ack RoLLs
The slricl reginen required lo nasler lhe nyslicaI as-
pecls of lhe shadov vaIker cIass Ieaves IillIe line for
conlal lraining. Characlers of lhis cIass nake aII allack
roIIs using lhe sane lalIe as vizards. WhiIe lhis can le a
serious delrinenl lo lhe conlal aliIily of lhe cIass, lheir
povers of conceaInenl and sullerfuge oflen nake up for
any disadvanlage.
SLudow WuIkev
evIence IeveIs
XI TolaI Hil Dice
O 1
1,25O 2
2,5OO 3
5,OOO 4
1O,OOO 5
2O,OOO 6
4O,OOO 7
7O,OOO 8
11O,OOO 9
16O,OOO 1O
22O,OOO 1O+2
44O,OOO 1O+4
66O,OOO 1O+6
88O,OOO 1O+8
1,11O,OOO 1O+1O
1,32O,OOO 1O+12
1,54O,OOO 1O+14
1,76O,OOO 1O+16
1,98O,OOO 1O+18
2,2OO,OOO 1O+2O
Shadov vaIkers require 22O,OOO experience poinls
for every IeveI afler 2Olh.
f course, nol aII canpaigns use lhe oplionaI profi-
ciency ruIes fron lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| and
DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic. If lhe DM and pIayers are
using lhese ruIes, shadov vaIkers have access lo lhe
CeneraI, Rogue, and Wizard calegories. In accordance
vilh lhe slandard ruIes, lhey can purchase nonveapon
proficiencies fron lhe Iriesl calegory lul nusl expend
an exlra sIol for each such skiII lhey vish lo acquire. The
sane is lrue for lhe Isionicisl group if pIayers are using
such characlers in lhe canpaign. Because of lheir uller
Iack of conlal experience, lhough, shadov vaIkers nusl
expend lvo addilionaI sIols lo acquire proficiencies fron
lhe Warrior calegory.
Veapom Pno[IcIemcIes
When firsl crealed, a shadov vaIker has onIy a singIe
veapon proficiency sIol. If a shadov vaIker nusl use a
veapon vilh vhich he is nol proficienl, he receives a -4
penaIly lo his allack roIIs.
As he advances in IeveI, he acquires a nev sIol vilh
every 4lh experience IeveI he allains, so his second sIol
lecones avaiIalIe al 5lh IeveI and his lhird al 9lh IeveI.
Nomueapom Pno[IcIemcIes
Shadov vaIkers receive four slarling sIols for non-
veapon proficiencies, jusl as olher rogues do. This lolaI
can le nodified nornaIIy for characlers vilh unusuaIIy
high InleIIigence scores.
As shadov vaIkers advance in IeveI, lhey receive a
nev nonveapon proficiency vilh every fourlh experi-
ence IeveI, so a nev sIol lecones avaiIalIe lo lhe char-
acler al 5lh IeveI and anolher al 9lh IeveI.
ThIe[ 5kILLs
ol aII lhe skiIIs avaiIalIe lo lhe lypicaI rogue can
le naslered ly shadov vaIkers. This isnl lecause
of any naluraI deficiency in lhe physicaI or nenlaI con-
posilion of lhe characler, onIy in lhe lraining lhal he has
f lhe eighl lhief skiIIs, onIy five are avaiIalIe lo
shadov vaIkers. These are open Iocks, find/renove
lraps, nove siIenlIy, hide in shadovs, and delecl noise.
The pick pockels, cIinl vaIIs, and read Ianguages skiIIs
are nol avaiIalIe lo shadov vaIkers, aIlhough lhey are
oflen alIe lo nasler nagicaI speIIs lhal dupIicale or even
inprove upon lhese laIenls.
When lhe characler is firsl crealed, aII of lhese skiIIs
have a 5 chance of success. The pIayer has 4O poinls
lo dislrilule anong his characlers various skiIIs as he
sees fil. No nore lhan 2O poinls can le appIied lo any
singIe skiII.
Wilh each experience IeveI lhe characler advances,
lhe pIayer receives an addilionaI 25 poinls lo dislrilule
anong his lhief skiIIs as he sees fil. These poinls nusl le
aIIocaled lo lhe characlers skiIIs al once and cannol le
saved for Ialer use. No nore lhan 1O of lhese poinls can
le appIied lo any singIe skiII and no skiII can ever have a
chance of success grealer lhan 95.
When a shadov vaIker uses one of lhese skiIIs, lhe
nornaI adjuslnenls for race (TalIe 27, P|aqcrs Han-
look), Dexlerily score (TalIe 28, P|aqcrs Hanocc|), and
lype of arnor vorn (TalIe 29, P|aqcrs Hanocc|) appIy.
f course, lhe Dungeon Masler is free lo appIy olher
nodificalions as caIIed for ly lhe silualion.
AIlhough lhey nighl Iack sone of lhe olher aliIilies of
lradilionaI lhieves, shadov vaIkers are highIy skiIIed al
lhe arl of lackslalling. This is especiaIIy lrue al higher
IeveIs, vhen lheir nagicaI povers nake il aInosl in-
possilIe lo spol lhen Iying in anlush (see SpeciaI
Shadov vaIkers gain lhe lradilionaI +4 lonus lo lheir
allack roIIs vhen naking a lackslal allack. In addilion,
lhe lackslal danage nodifiers Iisled on TalIe 3O in lhe
P|aqcrs Hanocc| appIy jusl as lhey vouId for lhieves.
ThIeoes Cam1
Shadov vaIkers are alIe lo Iearn lhe secrel Ianguage of
lhieves lul nusl aIIocale a proficiency sIol lo do so. A
singIe proficiency sIol aIIovs lhe shadov vaIker lo use
lhieves canl in conjunclion vilh any olher Ianguages
lhal he speaks.
5peLL AbILLI1Ies
uch of lhe shadov vaIkers earIy lraining is in
lhe nagicaI arls. Where olher lhieves nighl le
Iearning hov lo nake lhe lesl use of ninule cracks and
prolrusions lo scaIe a seeningIy inpassilIe vaII, novice
shadov vaIkers are naslering lhe spicr c|ino and junp
speIIs lhal aIIov lhen lo do lhe sane.
The aliIily of a shadov vaIker lo casl speIIs is grealIy re-
slricled conpared lo a lrue vizard. They never gain lhe
aliIily lo Iearn speIIs of higher lhan 4lh IeveI. In addilion,
lhey are reslricled lo nenorizing no nore lhan four speIIs
fron each IeveI. So a 2Olh-IeveI vizard has lhe aliIily lo
casl no fever lhan 37 speIIs per day, lul a shadov vaIker
of lhe sane IeveI is Iiniled lo 16 enchanlnenls.
Shadov vaIkers are onIy alIe lo Iearn speIIs fron lhe
Aljuralion, AIleralion, IIIusion/Ihanlasn, and
Lesser/Crealer Divinalion schooIs. If lhe addilionaI
SLudow WuIkev
SeII PvogvessIon
Level 1 2 3 4
1 1 - - -
2 2 - - -
3 3 - - -
4 4 - - -
5 4 1 - -
6 4 2 - -
7 4 3 - -
8 4 4 - -
9 4 4 1 -
1O 4 4 2 -
11 4 4 3 -
12 4 4 4 -
13 4 4 4 1
14 4 4 4 2
15 4 4 4 3
16 4 4 4 4
17 4 4 4 4
18 4 4 4 4
19 4 4 4 4
2O 4 4 4 4
Spell Level
nagicaI speIIs provided in lhe Tcnc cf Magic are used in
lhe canpaign, characlers can use onIy lhe speIIs fron
lhal look lhal faII inlo one of lhe alove schooIs.
Shadov vaIkers cannol enpIoy speIIs fron lhe WiId
Magic or various LIenenlaI schooIs.
Shadov vaIkers do nol have lhe aliIily lo research
nev nagicaI speIIs or creale nagicaI ilens. WhiIe lhey
are alIe lo nasler lhe arl of nagic vhen anolher leaches
lhen ils finer poinls, lhe sullIe refinenenls required lo
experinenl vilh lhe supernaluraI renain forever leyond
lheir reach.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
In addilion lo lheir olher povers and Iinilalions,
shadov vaIkers lenefil fron lheir underslanding of lhe
nyslicaI nalure of shadovs and darkness. They are alIe
lo enpIoy lhis knovIedge lo greal effecl, especiaIIy as
lhey advance lo higher IeveIs.
NIgh1 VIsIom
A shadov vaIkers eyes are naluraIIy alluned lo darkness
and are alIe lo regisler nore sullIe iIIuninalion sources
lhan nornaI hunans can. They can see nornaIIy in aII
lul alsoIule darkness. The range of lheir nighl vision is
equaI lo 1O feel per experience IeveI.
5haoou Auna
Upon reaching lhe 3rd IeveI of experience, a shadov
vaIker is alIe lo raise a seninagicaI aura of darkness
aloul his lody. This increases his aliIily lo hide in shad-
ovs ly 25 if lhe characler has al Ieasl one round lo
prepare hinseIf. nce lhe shadov aura is erecled, he can
nainlain il for a nunler of rounds equaI lo his IeveI.
This pover can le used lhree lines each day.
5haoou CLoak
When a shadov vaIker allains lhe 8lh IeveI of experi-
ence, he can assune a shadovy forn. This nakes hin in-
tisio|c (as lhe speII) in dinIy Iighled areas and increases
his chance lo hide in shadovs ly 5O in olher pIaces.
As vilh lhe shadov aura, lhis requires one round lo
nanifesl and can le nainlained for a nunler of rounds
equaI lo lhe IeveI of lhe characler. This aliIily nay le
enpIoyed lhree lines in any 24-hour period.
When vrapped in his cIoak of shadovs, lhe characler
is unconnonIy vuIneralIe lo Iighl-lased allacks. Any
veapon or speII lhal causes danage via Iighl has a +2
lonus and causes nornaI pIus haIf danage. Saving
lhrovs lhe characler nakes as a resuIl of Iighl-lased spe-
ciaI allacks have a -2 penaIly.
5haoou Fonm
Afler he reaches 12lh IeveI, a shadov vaIker lecones
lruIy alluned lo shadovs and darkness. If he has one
round lo nenlaIIy prepare hinseIf, lhe characler nay lo-
laIIy lransforn hinseIf inlo an aninale shadov. The ef-
fecls of lhis pover are siniIar lo lhose of lhe urai|nfcrn
speII, excepl lhe characler is aIso invisilIe in aII lul lhe
lrighlesl Iighl. As vilh lhe Iesser aliIilies of lhis cIass,
lhe characler can nainlain lhis pover for a nunler of
rounds equaI lo his IeveI and can enpIoy lhis pover
lhree lines in any 24-hour period.
When in lhis forn, hovever, lhe characler is very vuI-
neralIe lo Iighl-lased allacks. Any saving lhrov lhe
characler nakes againsl such an allack suffers a -4
penaIly. Any allack againsl lhe characler lhal causes
danage vilh Iighl infIicls doulIe danage and has a +4
lonus on any appIicalIe allack roII.
Rogue KI1s
f course, the Guild of Shadows is a unique and fascinating order. It is not,
however, the only variation on the traditional rogues theme. In my travels
through the world I have had the fortune and misfortune to encounter a great
many people, all of whom were classed as rogues by the locals but who had
very different skills and abilities.
There are many in the world who feel that all rogues are thieves. Not only is this untrue, its
an injustice to both rogues and thieves. After all, theres not a confident man in the world who
would appreciate being likened to a common thug or street ruffian, and few pickpockets have the
hearts to be professional killers. Rogues range from the swashbuckling merchantmen of Lantan
to the skillful elf woodsmen of Evermeet. Some are good, some are evil, but all are cunning and
more than capable of taking cure of themselves in a pinch.
I have heard some sages say that all adventurers can be grouped into four or five different
classes. This may be true. I can certainly see where one could consider paladins to be more or
less the same as rangers and druids to be much like the other clerics of the world. There are dif-
ferences of course; thats what this book is about, after all, but there are more similarities.
Among the worlds rogues, though, there is more variance than among any of the worlds other
classes. In some realms, these folk are practically as skilled at combat as the more traditional
fighters of Faern. In Thay, a country I hope I never have the misfortune to visit again, the
rogues are even able to cast spells. Indeed, even the shadow walkers are generally considered to
be a subclass of the rogue by the sages and scholars who attempt to classify such things.
From the journals of Athanial the Wind
In lhe pages lhal foIIov, dozens of kils presenl sone of
lhe nany varielies of rogue lhal one viII encounler in
lhe lypicaI IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign. These are
fornalled in lhe sane vay lhal lhe vizards kils pre-
senled earIier in lhis look are. See pages 14-16 for a
lrief overviev of lhe presenlalion, if desired.
Iasl pulIicalions, especiaIIy lhe Ccnp|c|c Tnicfs Han-
occ|, have incIuded kils for nenlers of lhe Rogue cIass.
The ones presenled here are nol neanl lo repIace lhose
or nake lhen olsoIele. Ralher, lhis coIIeclion of kils
shouId conpIenenl lhose previous vorks, giving
IRCTTLN RLALMS DMs and pIayers a veaIlh of nale-
riaI lo choose fron.
Ils vorlh noling lhal sone of lhe rogues presenled in
lhis seclion, especiaIIy fron regions Iike lhe ZhenliI
Keep or Thay, are aInosl aIvays very eviI. As lhis is lhe
case, lhey reaIIy arenl very veII suiled for use ly pIayers.
n lhe olher hand, a canpaign vhere one of lhe char-
aclers vas a renegade lhief vho had lurned upon his eviI
peers and vas conslanlIy allenpling lo avoid caplure or
assassinalion couId le quile fun.
Before seIecling one of lhese kils, a pIayer shouId aI-
vays cIear his choice vilh lhe canpaigns Dungeon
Masler. Afler aII, if a DM has lased his canpaign in lhe
cily-slales of lhe ViIhon Reach, he nighl lhink lhal
characlers fron, say, lhe Id Lnpires are inappropriale.
IIayers shouIdnl le pul off if a DM rejecls lheir firsl
choice for a characler kil. Afler aII, lhere are dozens of
olhers fron vhich lo chose.
LaslIy, il shouId le renenlered lhal lhe purpose of
lhese kils is lo pronole roIe-pIaying. The acluaI differ-
ences lelveen any lvo kils arenl IargeIy significanl
fron a gane nechanics poinl of viev. ne viII le leller
skiIIed al sone lhings or have access lo a differenl sel of
proficiencies, lul lolh are sliII rogues. The inporlance
of a kil is lo eslalIish for pIayers and DMs a lasic nodeI
upon vhich lhey nay eIalorale lo creale a nev and ex-
ciling characler. A kil is sonelhing Iike lhe characler
descriplion one nighl find in lhe noles of a pIayliII. Il
leIIs lhe audience a IillIe lil aloul lhe characler, lul ils
up lo lhe aclor lo lring hin lo Iife.
Rogues o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutIun? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Il seens onIy naluraI lhal a Iand as spravIing and rugged
as lhe DaIes shouId produce nore lhan ils fair share of
rogues and advenlurers. And yel, lhere is a greal diver-
sily anong rascaIs and lhieves.
Lighl cIolhing and lraveIing suppIies are lhe slandard
garl of rogues fron lhe DaIes. RegardIess of lhe exacl
pIace lhey dveII lhey seen aIvays ready lo go sone-
vhere eIse. To find a rogue fron lhe DaIes vho is nol
dressed and equipped for al Ieasl a shorl excursion is un-
usuaI in lhe exlrene.
Rogues vho nake lheir hones in lhe DaIes are noled for
lheir inleresl in advenlures and lraveI. They are oflen
heard lo say lhal lhe reason for lheir vandering is a
sinpIe Iack of anylhing lo do vilhin lhe confines of
lheir ovn nalion. f course, lhis is seIdon lruIy lhe case.
Il nighl le nore accurale lo repeal lhe oId saying lhal
|nc grass is a|uaqs grccncr cn |nc c|ncr sic.
Rogues fron aInosl anyvhere in lhe DaIes are quick lo
see lhe advanlages of lraveIing lo Iands vhere lheir faces
are unknovn ly lhe IocaI conslaluIary and lhe lreasures
of lhe unsuspecling cilizens are aII lul Iying around for
lhe laking. Many vho have noliced lhis facl have con-
nenled lhal such characlers aIvays seen happiesl vhen
lhey arenl vhere lhey are, if lhal nakes any sense.
5pecIaL Beme[I1s
Rogues of ArchendaIe are noled for lheir skiII as lraders
and lusinessnen. Il is rare for one of lhese foIk lo acluaIIy
adnil lo leing anylhing olher lhan a peddIer of sone sorl.
Because of lhis enphasis on vhal nany vouId consider
Iegilinale lusiness, aII ArchendaIe rogues legin pIay
vilh lhe appraise proficiency. They need nol expend any
iniliaI proficiency sIols lo ollain lhis skiII lul can aIIo-
cale addilionaI sIols lo increase lheir chance of success.
AII characlers of lhis sorl legin pIay vilh lvice lhe
roIIed anounl of slarling cash. If lhe pIayer roIIs a 7, in-
dicaling 7O goId pieces, lhe characler acluaIIy has 14O
goId pieces vilh vhich lo purchase slarling equipnenl.
Rogues fron ArchendaIe are noled for lhe lraps lhey
creale lo guard lheir lreasures. Because of lhis, lhey are
aIso adepl al defealing lhe safeguards olhers creale lo
prolecl lheir ovn veaIlh. As a resuIl, lhese characlers
receive a +15 lonus lo lhe find/renove lraps skiII.
The cilizens of BallIedaIe have leen raised in an envi-
ronnenl of varfare and confIicl. Their herilage is one of
niIilary aclion lhal has Iefl even lhe nosl linid shop-
keeper vilh an underslanding of conlal.
Because of lhe varfare, aII rogues fron BallIedaIe gain
a +1 allack lonus. They are enlilIed lo exceplionaI hil
poinl lonuses for high Conslilulion scores. They are
aIso alIe lo purchase skiIIs fron lhe varrior proficiencies
group vilhoul expending an exlra sIol.
This region is one of lurnoiI and conspiracy. nce under
lhe conlroI of a slooge in lhe service of ZhenliI Keep, il is
IargeIy an open and IavIess region. Rogues of aII kinds
prosper here. There are lhose vho have said lhis vhoIe
region is nolhing nore lhan a gianl lhieves guiId.
The resuIl, as nighl le expecled, is lhal lhieves fron
DaggerdaIe are anong lhe nosl adepl of lheir kind.
Whenever one of lhese characlers nakes a lackslalling
allack, he receives a +6 lonus lo his allack roII inslead
of lhe nornaI +4. In addilion, vhenever lhe nodified
allack roII is a 2O or leller, his veapon infIicls ils naxi-
nun danage.
The Iarge nunler of eIves and haIf-eIves Iiving vilhin
lhe lorders of DeepingdaIe have infIuenced lhe lech-
niques and slyIe enpIoyed ly lhe rogues vho dveII
here. There are fev lhugs and ruffians vho fiII lhe lack
aIIeys of lig cilies Iike Walerdeep. Inslead, lhieves of
DeepingdaIe pride lhenseIves on lhe sullIe arlislry of
lheir profession.
As a resuIl, aII such characlers receive a +25 lonus
lo lheir pick pockels, open Iocks, and find/renove lraps
skiIIs. They aIso gain lvice lhe nornaI lonus lo any skiII
vhen lhey are nol vearing arnor. Ior exanpIe, lhe nor-
naI +1O increase lo an unarnored lhiefs nove
siIenlIy skiII lecones a +2O for lhese characlers. (Nole
lhal no chance of success can rise alove 95.)
The foIk of IealherdaIe are sloic and, ly sone slandards,
sinpIe. They favor lheir ruslic IifeslyIe and have IillIe
fondness for cilies and lhe nany iIIs lhal such pIaces
lreed. Anong lhe lhings lhey disIike nosl aloul urlan
areas is crine, a facl lhal is apparenl lo lhe rogues vho
caII lhis Iand hone.
IealherdaIes rogues are sonelhing of a cross lelveen
lhe yeonen vho hunl in lhe DaIes voodIands and lhe
scouls or expIorers lhal are oflen hired lo invesligale lhe
area ahead of a convoy or arny. They are nol reaIIy
lhieves al aII and lake greal exceplion lo leing referred
lo as such.
Because of lheir skiII as hunlers and scouls, aII Iealh-
erdaIe rogues receive lhe fire-luiIding, fishing, and
lracking skiIIs. They need nol expend any slarling sIols
lo ollain lhese proficiencies, aIlhough lhey can do so lo
increase lheir chances of success.
The aliIily of lhese characlers lo nove siIenlIy and hide
in shadovs is aIso veII knovn. AII characlers designed
vilh lhis kil receive a +15 lonus vhen using eilher of
lhese skiIIs (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
HarrovdaIe is a Iand of farns and farners. Ils peopIe
are skiIIed agrarians and have IillIe inleresl in lhe oul-
side vorId or Iife in lhe lig cily. The rogues of lhis
Iand are nol generaIIy Iarcenisls lul lend lo le driflers
and Iay-alouls vho have no lasle for vork, lhieving
Thirty feet more, whispered Honus. Try to hold the
lantern higher.
I strained to obey, standing on my toes so that the sput-
tering bullseye would throw its yellow light a little farther
down the dank stone tunnel. Behind me, I heard Fenix
grumbling that his dwarfish eyes could see more without
the light than we could with it. He was probably right, as
both he and Glorin the elf had the most amazing eyesight,
but there was no way to avoid it without the rest of us
being blind.
Suddenly, a sharp click echoed in the stillness of the
stone corridor. Honus threw his hand up and hissed for us
to stop. Everyone froze. Im standing on a pressure
plate, he grimaced. If I move, Ill trigger whatever it's
connected to.
Any idea what that might be? I asked.
Something really unpleasant, he answered. I want
all of you to work your way back down the tunnel thirty or
forty feet. Take the lantern with you and try to block the
light. Fenix, you stay with me.
We did as he said and, when we were a good distance
away, dropped the shutters on the lantern so that it shed no
light at all. After a minute or so, Glorins elfish eyes ad-
justed to the darkness and he kept us informed about the
actions of our dwarf and thief.
He has Fenix examining the walls and floor. No doubt
looking for panels or other signs of a trap. I dont see any
myself, but the dwarf's a good deal closer and much better
at these things than I.
A sudden shout of triumph echoed down the tunnel.
Fenix had found something, but even Glorin could tell
what it was from our position.
Honus has fished out his picks now. Hes given them to
Fenix, whos starting to work on a section of wall. Hes re-
moved a small panel and is reaching inside. It appears to be
some manner of spear or arrow trap. Ahhh. Hes waving
for us to come ahead now. You may unshutter the light.
I pulled back the metal plates that had been holding back
the yellow light of the bullseye. Honus let out a shriek and
I sprang forward. My hand went to my sword as I saw
what he had seen. In the darkness, dozens of zombies had
surrounded us. Moving silently, as the undead often do,
they also gave off no body heat and were invisible to both
the dwarf and elf. Now, they were upon us. . . .
From the Journal of Andreas Vanderslyke
Because of lhis, HarrovdaIe rogues have nanaged lo
nasler a very sIighl lil of nagic lhal lhey enpIoy lo
nake lheir share of any lask easier. Lach day, a charac-
ler crealed vilh lhis kil nay enpIoy lhe can|rip speII a
nunler of lines equaI lo his IeveI. AIlhough lhe effecls
of lhis speII are severeIy Iiniled, as descriled in lhe
P|aqcrs Hanocc|, nany rogues use il lo inpress lhe
sinpIe foIk of lhe DaIes. This aIone is oflen enough lo
evade nany Ialors.
TLe HIgL uIe
The High DaIe, a Iand noled for pIeasanl lerraces and
genlIe farns, is aIso renarkalIe lecause sone of Iaern's
nosl skiIIed assassins have grovn up lhere. This is nol
lecause of any cuIluraI enphasis on vioIence or crine
lul ralher a resuIl of lhe skiII lhal ils cilizens lradilion-
aIIy have vilh lhe lov.
When a rogue fron lhis region enpIoys a lov of any
sorl in conlal, he is alIe lo add his nissiIe allack adjusl-
nenl (as diclaled ly his Dexlerily score) lo lolh his al-
lack and danage roIIs. Ior exanpIe, a characler vilh a
16 Dexlerily vouId cause an exlra poinl of danage vilh
such veapons.
These characlers nake exceIIenl snipers. Whenever
lhey fire on an unsuspecling largel vilh a lov, lhe al-
lack is a lackslal: The characler receives a +4 lonus
lo his allack roII and is alIe lo appIy lhe danage nuIli-
pIier appropriale lo his IeveI. When naking lhis sorl of
allack, lhe characler does nol have lo le lehind his lar-
gel lo gain lhe lenefils of a lackslal.
The lovns of MislIedaIe are ruslic pIaces vilh a repula-
lion for haunlings and olher nacalre goings-on. As dis-
naI as lhis sounds, il is acluaIIy laken quile IighlIy ly
lhe inhalilanls and oflen ronanlicized lo a greal exlenl.
The ghosls of MislIedaIe are acluaIIy fev and far le-
lveen. The areas repulalion for such lhings cones, Iike
ils nane, fron lhe nisls lhal rise oul of lhe Ashala lo
cover lhe area in rippIing, vhile vapor.
The lrue ghosls of lhis region nighl le lhe rogues vho
have lecone as adepl al conceaIing lhenseIves as any-
one anyvhere. Such characlers nove aloul in fog and
darkness as if lhey vere spirils lhenseIves, naleriaIizing
lo pick a pockel here or shopIifl a vaIualIe lrinkel lhere.
AII lhese characlers gain a +25 lonus lo lheir hide in
shadovs and nove siIenlIy roIIs. They have aIso lecone
quielIy adepl al using lheir hearing lo augnenl lheir
sighl vhen fog and darkness nake lhe Ialler useIess. This
is refIecled in a +15 lonus lo lheir delecl noise skiII
(lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
ScardaIe is a Iand heId ly a consorliun of niIilary gar-
risons. AIlhough ScardaIe is officiaIIy under lhe Ieader-
ship of a IocaI governor, fev leIieve lhal he hoIds any
lrue pover. Inslead, lhe peopIe of ScardaIe Iive lheir
Iives under lhe conlroI of one occupying garrison or an-
olher. Ior sone, lhis condilion is insuIling, for olhers il
is aInosl inloIeralIe.
Because of lhe conpeling forces lhal hoId ScardaIe, lhe
rogues of lhis area have lecone spies and lrailors. Wilh
so nany foreign niIilary unils in such cIose proxinily lo
each olher, secrels are an exceIIenl connodily lo deaI in.
As a resuIl, aII ScardaIe rogues legin pIay vilh lhe dis-
guise and read Iips proficiencies. Bolh skiIIs, invaIualIe
lo spies, do nol require lhe characler lo aIIocale profi-
ciency sIols for lhen. AddilionaI sIols can le aIIocaled
lo increase lhe characlers chances of success vhen using
lhese proficiencies, hovever.
In addilion lo lhese aliIilies, aII ScardaIe rogues have a
+15 lonus lo lheir cIinl vaIIs and read Ianguages
aliIilies (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
ShadovdaIe has leen lhe hone of counlIess advenluring
rogues, nany of vhon have gained greal fane (or infany)
lhrough lheir deeds. Because of lhis, lhere is sonelhing of
a heroic slreak lhal runs lhrough lhese characlers. Lven
lhe nosl viIIainous of ShadovdaIes rogues does his dirly
deeds vilh as nuch slyIe as he can nusler.
This apIonl nakes il easy for such characlers lo luiId
repulalions for lhenseIves and allracl foIIovers. As soon
as soneone Iearns lhal a given rogue is fron Shadov-
daIe, his inpression of lhal characler is innedialeIy in-
proved. AII characlers crealed vilh lhis kil receive a +2
lonus lo lheir Charisna score.
TasseIdaIe is a najor crossroads and lhe foIk vho dveII
lhere are exposed lo a greal diversily of cuIlures and reIi-
gions. To nake lhe nosl of lhis silualion, usuaIIy ly
sleaIing as nany lhings fron as nany peopIe as possilIe,
lhe rogues of lhis region have leen forced lo lecone fa-
niIiar vilh lhe vays of nany nalions.
To refIecl lhis, aII such characlers legin pIay vilh lhe
heraIdry and eliquelle proficiencies. The characler need
nol aIIocale any of his slarling sIols lo ollain lhese
skiIIs, aIlhough he can do so lo increase his chances of
success. In addilion, characlers receive lvo exlra non-
proficiency sIols, lolh of vhich nusl le used lo purchase
nodern Ianguages.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Because lhese characlers spend nuch of lheir line
sludying fairIy Iegilinale lusiness praclices, lhey are Iess
adepl al sone of lhe lradilionaI crininaI skiIIs. These
characlers suffer a -25 penaIly lo lhe pick pockels,
hide in shadovs, and nove siIenlIy laIenls.
To nasler lhe arl of conlal, lhe rogues of BallIedaIe
have leen forced lo sacrifice sone of lheir nore sullIe
conlal lraining. As a resuIl, lhey receive onIy lhe slan-
dard +2 allack roII lonus vhen slriking fron lhe rear,
nol lhe usuaI +4 lhal olher rogues are enlilIed lo. They
never receive lonuses lo lheir lhieving skiIIs for excep-
lionaIIy high Dexlerily scores eilher.
Since lhese characlers favor a nore direcl approach lo
lhieving, sone of lhe nore sullIe skiIIs of lhe lrade suf-
fer. Characlers designed vilh lhis kil suffer a -15
penaIly lo lheir pick pockels, open Iocks, and read Ian-
guages skiIIs. AIso, lhey are unalIe lo nasler lhe use of
scroIIs as higher IeveI lhieves are alIe lo do.
Because of lheir Iack of conlal experience, lhe rogues of
DeepingdaIe nusl nake aII allack roIIs vilh a -1
penaIly. They aIso Iack lhe lackslalling aliIily so con-
non lo lheir peers fron eIsevhere on Iaern.
The rogues of IealherdaIe are nol lhieves. They have
no use for lhe pick pockels, open Iocks, or find/renove
lraps skiIIs and so suffer a -25 penaIly vhen using
lhese laIenls.
Anolher dravlack of nol leing lrue lhieves is lhe dif-
ficuIly for such characlers lo nasler a lhieves canl.
WhiIe lhey do nol legin lhe gane vilh lhis skiII, lhey
can expend a nonveapon proficiency sIol allained Ialer
in Iife lo Iearn il.
The IackadaisicaI rogues of lhis region vork so hard al
nol vorking lhal lhey lend lo aIso escape physicaI fil-
ness. As a resuIl, lhey suffer a -1 penaIly lo lheir
Slrenglh and Conslilulion scores.
TLe HIgL uIe
The rogues of High DaIe are anong lhe nosl skiIIed
archers and assassins in lhe vorId. Because lhey lry lo
avoid cIose conlal, hovever, lhey Iack lhe aliIily lo
vear any forn of arnor. This appIies nol onIy lo Iealher
and padded arnors lul aIso lo c|tcn cnain. Iurlher, lhey
are reslricled lo snaII neIee veapons, naking il inpossi-
lIe for lhen lo enpIoy arns Iike lhe Iong svord.
MislIedaIe lhieves are used lo vorking under cover of
darkness, fog, or sone olher conceaIing faclor. When
such proleclion is nol avaiIalIe, lhey feeI exposed and
vuIneralIe. This is especiaIIy lrue in neIee conlal,
vhere lhey nusl face lheir eneny on even lerns and,
lherefore, suffer a -2 penaIly lo aII allack roIIs vhen nol
intisio|c or in fog or darkness. The onIy exceplion lo lhis
is a lackslal allack, vhich is nade vilh lhe nornaI
chances of success.
There is IillIe roon for lhe rogues of ScardaIe lo nake a
nislake in lheir earIy careers. Afler aII, lhe slandard
penaIly for caplured spies does nol aIIov for lhe possiliI-
ily of repeal offenders. Because of lhis, such characlers
slrive lo avoid conlal, vhich oflen resuIls in caplure.
When forced lo defend lhenseIves, lhey seek lo escape
fron lheir enenies ralher lhan defeal lhen.
In gane lerns lhis neans lhal rogues fron ScardaIe
nake aII lheir allack roIIs as if lhey vere vizards of
equivaIenl IeveI. In addilion, lhey receive no allack or
danage lonuses for a high Slrenglh score and no nis-
siIe allack adjuslnenl for a high Dexlerily score. IenaI-
lies for Iov scores in lhese aliIily ralings are sliII
recorded nornaIIy.
Wilh aII lheir slyIe and panache, rogues fron Shadov-
daIe lend lo nake lhenseIves olvious largels for perse-
culion ly lhe IocaI aulhorilies. Afler aII, anyone vho
rides inlo lovn cIaining lo le lhe grealesl lurgIar or
nosl sIick-fingered pickpockel in lhe vorId is IikeIy lo
gel hinseIf in lroulIe.
This isnl lo say lhal characlers of lhis lype are dunl~
lhey jusl lend lo forgel vhen lo shul up. More lhan one
of ShadovdaIes nosl nolorious lhieves has found hin-
seIf in a ceII afler a visil lo lhe IocaI pulIic house found
hin sIighlIy lipsy and lragging aloul lreaking inlo lhe
IocaI lax coIIeclors office. In gane lerns lhis lravado is
refIecled in a -2 penaIly lo lhe characlers Wisdon
score, lul a IC ShadovdaIe rogue is encouraged lo roIe-
pIay vilh lravado.
The lhieves and rogues of TasseIdaIe nove easiIy aloul
in lhe luslIe of aclivily lhal surrounds a caravan or off-
Ioading ship. The need for conceaInenl is nininaI
vhen so nany peopIe, and hence largels for Iarceny, are
righl oul in lhe open. Because of lhe prey-fiIIed environ-
nenl in vhich lhese urlan hunlers nove, TasseIdaIes
lhieves seIdon devole nuch allenlion lo skiIIs Iike
nove siIenlIy, hide in shadovs, or cIinl vaIIs. As a re-
suIl, aII such characlers suffer a -15 penaIly lo lheir
chances of success vilh such laIenls.
Rogues o[ 1he
ELoem Vooo
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d 6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty - 3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
IoIIoving lhe Relreal, lhe once-richIy inhaliled Iands
of lhe LIven Wood vere aInosl depopuIaled. nIy lhe
TangIed Trees have any nolevorlhy nunler of lhe fair
foIk. These are younger eIves, oflen sonevhal lenpera-
nenlaI, and nol very fond of hunan leings.
The rogues anong lhe LIven Woods popuIace vear sup-
pIe, green Iealher arnor. Il is nore Iike luckskin and of-
fers onIy AC 9 proleclion, lul il does nol inpose any
penaIlies on lhe rogues lhieving skiIIs.
Mosl of lhe eIves in lhis region have al Ieasl sone disIike
of hunanily. These feeIings range fron noderale lo ex-
lrene. When forced lo loIerale lhe conpany of hunan-
ily, lhey are coIdIy poIile. nIy hunans vho shov lhen-
seIves lo le of exceplionaI characler can ever earn lhe
lrusl of lhese foIk.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The rogues of lhe LIven Wood are inlinaleIy faniIiar
vilh lhe foresls around lhen and legin pIay vilh lolh
lhe lracking and aninaI Iore proficiencies. They need
nol expend any sIols lo ollain lhese skiIIs lul can do so
lo inprove lheir chances of success vhen using lhen.
When lhey are in a viIderness environnenl, rogues of
lhe LIven Wood can nake exceIIenl use of naluraI cover
lo conceaI lhenseIves. In such a selling, lhey receive a
+25 lonus lo lheir hide in shadovs skiIIs.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Lven in lhe lesl of circunslances, lhese characlers can
le shorl-lenpered vhen deaIing vilh hunans. As a re-
suIl, lhey suffer a -2 penaIly lo lheir Charisna score
vhen in lhe conpany of hunans.
Rogues o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity? o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The nalion of Cornyr is a Iand of honoralIe knighls,
Ianded Iords, and civiIized foIk vho see IillIe need lo un-
derlake harroving advenlures or expIore lhe vorId.
Rogues are fev and far lelveen in lhis Iand. Lven lhose
lhal do appear fron line lo line are nore IikeIy lo le
svashluckIers lhan acluaI lhieves or curs.
This is nol lo say lhal Cornyr has nol given lirlh lo ils
share of crininaIs. Sone of lhe vorIds nosl infanous
snuggIers and jeveI lhieves, for inslance, vere lorn and
raised in lhe cily of AraleI. Lven lhe nosl predalory of
lhese, hovever, has a cerlain slyIe and panache lhal
nakes hin a hero lo lhe nasses even as he is hunled ly
lhe conslaluIary.
The dress of Cornyle rogues refIecls lheir sociaI slalus.
The chiIdren of nolIes and rich nerchanls favor siIks,
fine collon, and olher expensive garnenls. As lhey are
nore heroic lhan olhers of lheir iIk in dislanl Iands, lhey
lake no sleps lo hide lhenseIves and inslead lend lo
vear lrighl coIors, exolic jeveIry, and pIuned caps.
Cornyle rogues favor Iighl, highIy ornanenled veapons
and seIdon vear arnor, lhough lhey are nol forlidden
lo do so.
Rogues of Cornyr are noled for lheir greal expIoils and
daring. When in a lough predicanenl, one can aIvays
counl on a Cornyle rogue lo crack a joke or nolice lhe
hunor in lhe silualion. Sone caII lhen fooIs, for lhey
donl seen lo knov fear or connon sense. SliII, vhen
noraIe is Iov, lheres no leller lraveIing conpanion
lhan a Cornyle rogue.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
AraleI is a forlified cily lhal sone peopIe consider lo le
Iaerns Iargesl narkelpIace. Wilhin lhe vaIIs of lhis
nunicipaIily, a luyer can purchase aInosl anylhing his
hearl desires~for a price.
The rogues of AraleI lend lo have lies~infornaI
ones al lhe Ieasl~lo lhe lIack narkel. In parlicuIar,
lhere is an exlensive jeveI snuggIing lrade lhal oper-
ales fron vilhin lhis nelropoIis. Ior lhis reason aII
rogue characlers fashioned vilh lhis kil legin pIay vilh
lhe gen culling and appraising proficiencies. They
need nol expend any sIols for lhe iniliaI purchase of
lhese skiIIs lul can do so lo increase lheir chances of
success vhen using lhen.
AraleIs rogues are skiIIed lurgIars. Ior lhis reason lhey
gain a +15 lonus lo lheir cIinl vaIIs and open Iocks
skiIIs (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success). Their laI-
enl in such nallers is so videIy knovn lhal a connon
saying advises lhose vho have nispIaced lhe key lo a
safe or Iock lox lo sinpIy carry il lhrough lhe slreels of
AraleI. By lhe line you reach your deslinalion, lhe
paralIe goes, il viII have leen opened for you.
As Cornyrs nosl fanous river porl, Innersea is a greal
crossroads for lrade of aII sorls. In lhe pasl lhis cily has
produced a nunler of privaleers vho have sel saiI on lhe
Wyvernvaler and olher seas in search of nev Iands,
undiscovered lreasures, and fane (or infany). Such indi-
viduaIs have aIso leen knovn lo raid lhe shipping of
Cornyrs adversaries~slriclIy on lheir ovn, of course,
and cerlainIy vilhoul lhe consenl of lhe Cornyle crovn.
Innerseas rogues legin pIay vilh lhe seananship,
navigalion, and rope use proficiencies. They need aIIo-
cale no sIols lo purchase lhese skiIIs lul can do so lo in-
prove lheir chances of success vilh lhen.
These characlers have Iearned nuch aloul shiploard
conlal. Where lhe roIIing and pilching of a deck nighl
cause anolher characler lo niss his nark vhen naking
an allack, lhe rogues of Innersea have nanaged lo lurn
such lhings lo lheir advanlage. Because of lheir skiIIed
sea Iegs, aII such characlers gain a +1 lonus lo lheir al-
lack roIIs vhen al sea and gain a +2 lonus lo lheir
Arnor CIass lo lool.
Muvsembev und SuzuII
These lvin nelropoIi are jeveIs in lhe Cornyle crovn.
Iev pIaces on aII of ToriI are as urlan as lhese greal cilies.
Bolh are najor cenlers of lrade, inporlanl sea porls, and
have nunerous schooIs and olher sociaI inslilulions. Be-
cause of lhe nalure of Iife in lhese cilies, lhe rogues vho
nake lheir hones here have a cerlain slyIe lhal Iends il-
seIf lo lhe acquisilion of unique skiIIs and laIenls.
Because lolh of lhese cilies nusl, ly virlue of lheir size
and popuIalion, have Iarge governnenls, lhere is a cer-
lain degree of poIilicaI corruplion. This is grealer in
Marsenler, of course, for lhe ruIer of lhal cily is hinseIf
veak and of queslionalIe noraIs. Lven SuzaiI is nol ex-
enpl fron such shorlconings. In lolh cilies lhe rogues
have laken il upon lhenseIves lo slrike al lhe corrupl
and deficienl nenlers of sociely, so lhey are alIe lo
9 1
galher a conforlalIe anounl of veaIlh vhiIe keeping
lhe supporl of lhe generaI pulIic.
To refIecl lhe adoralion lhe connon nan feeIs for
lhese charning scoundreIs, aII rogues fron eilher
Marsenler or SuzaiI gain a +2 lonus lo lheir slarling
Charisna scores. They aIso lend lo allracl lands of foI-
Iovers vho are eager lo heIp lhen in lheir vork. This is
refIecled in a doulIing of lhe naxinun nunler of
henchnen lhal such characlers are pernilled lo relain.
peraling fron hideouls neslIed deep vilhin lhe Kings
Ioresl, Waynools rogues have Iearned nuch aloul lhe
vays of lhe viIderness. These skiIIs lransIale inlo naluraI
lonuses lo sone of lheir lhieving skiIIs. Whenever a
Waynool rogue allenpls lo nove siIenlIy, hide in shad-
ovs, cIinl vaIIs, or delecl noise in a viIderness environ-
nenl, he gains a +15 lonus lo his chance of success
(lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
The craflsnen of WheIoon are knovn far and vide for
lhe quaIily of lheir vork. The allenlion lhey pay lo fine
delaiIs and lhe palience lhey dispIay vhiIe vorking is
nirrored in lhe greal nunler of lhieves vho deIighl in
heIping lhenseIves lo lhe finished goods.
Because of lheir eye for delaiI and naluraI apIonl,
rogues fron WheIoon are aIIoved lo nake a second al-
lenpl al disarning lraps or picking Iocks vhen lheir ini-
liaI roII faiIs. If lhis second roII aIso faiIs, lhe characler
nusl vail unliI he has advanced anolher experience
IeveI lefore he lries again. In lhe case of lraps, a roII of
96-OO on eilher allenpl sliII indicales lhal lhe device
has leen lriggered.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The rogues of AraleI, for aII lheir skiII al lreaking and
enlering, Iack lhe conlal aliIily lhal nany of lheir
peers have. As a resuIl, lhey progress in lheir THACOs
as vizards do.
The rogues of Innersea are anong Iaerns nosl skiIIed
saiIors and privaleers. In leconing naslerfuI seanen,
hovever, lhey have forgollen sone of lhe laIenls lheir
IandIocked lrelhren depend upon. Ior exanpIe, In-
nersea rogues suffer a -15 penaIly vhen lhey allenpl
lo hide in shadovs, nove siIenlIy, or delecl noise.
Muvsembev und SuzuII
The rogues of Marsenler and SuzaiI seIdon nake lheir
idenlilies knovn unliI lhe nonenl lhey slrike al a po-
lenliaI viclin. They acconpIish lhis in nany vays, lolh
vilh disguises and, in lhe cases of lhe nore fIanloyanl
souIs, ly vearing nasks, hoods, or veiIs. As a resuIl, aII
characlers designed vilh lhis kil are required lo pur-
chase lhe disguise proficiency. This is nol a lonus profi-
ciency, so a sIol nusl le expended for il.
AIso, lhese characlers are loo focused on lhe nundane
aspecls of lheir crafl lo nasler lhe use of nagicaI scroIIs
as rogues nornaIIy do upon reaching 1Olh IeveI. This
sane facel of lheir personaIily inposes a -15 penaIly
on lhe characlers read Ianguages skiIIs.
The rogues of Waynool are cerlainIy naslers of lhe
viId. When il cones lo selling up anlushes aIong lvisl-
ing foresl roads or slaIking viclins in lhe viIderness, fev
can nalch lhe skiII of such characlers. In lhe cily, hov-
ever, lhey are oul of lheir eIenenl. When confronled
vilh Iocks and lraps, sonelhing one does nol connonIy
encounler in lhe Kings Ioresl, lhey are al a disadvan-
lage. To refIecl lhis, lhese characlers suffer a -2O
penaIly lo any open Iocks or find/renove lraps roII.
More lhan one advenlurer has voiced concern and irri-
lalion over lhe facl lhal WheIoon rogues are oflen loo
nelhodicaI for lheir ovn good. The sane palience lhal
nakes lhen leller alIe lo pick Iocks or disarn lraps
lhan olhers causes lhen lo lake nore line in lhe acluaI
allenpl. As a resuIl, rogues fron WheIoon require 2d1O
rounds of efforl (lvice lhe nornaI line) lo allenpl lo
disarn a lrap or pick a Iock.
Rogues o[ 5embIa
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 4d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Appraising
Senlia is a nalion of lraders, nerchanls, and lusiness-
nen. WhiIe lhe Senlian peopIe are no nore or Iess
crooked lhan lheir peers in olher Iands, lhe repulalion
of lhese nerchanls and rogues is nol good. To hear sone
peopIe leII il, lhe enlire counlry is packed vilh lhieves,
pickpockels, and svindIers.
The lypicaI Senlian rogue generaIIy passes hinseIf off as
a connon lrader, seIdon appearing lo le so prosperous as
lo arouse suspicion. He avoids dressing in such a vay as
lo inpIy poverly or need, hovever. Afler aII, lhis nighl
Iead olhers lo leIieve lhal he is an inepl lrader vho canl
le lrusled lo suppIy quaIily nerchandise. There are ex-
ceplions of course, lul lhese are usuaIIy underlaken ly
svindIers and confidence nen Iooking lo creale a faIse
inpression in lhe ninds of lheir polenliaI viclins.
Senlian rogues keep carefuI lrack of lhe exacl vorlh of
vhal lhey ovn and lhe precise Iocalion of lheir vaIu-
alIes al aII lines. Anong lhese foIk lhere is a saying, a
pricc fcr ctcrq |ning an ctcrq|ning fcr a pricc.
This isnl lo say lhey are aII nisers and skinfIinls vho
viII do anylhing for a sack of goId. Ralher, lhey leIieve
lhal noney is onIy as good or lad as vhal you luy vilh
il. Therefore, lhese foIk are nore lhan viIIing lo Iend
noney lo lheir friends in line of need or lankroII lhe
aclivilies of a young rogue oul lo nake a nane for hin-
seIf. (n lhe olher hand, such expendilures are ex-
pecled lo le repaid, oflen vilh inleresl, and anyone
vho dares lo defauIl on lheir Ioan runs lhe risk of a
knife in lhe lack.)
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
Lying cIose lo lhe lorder of Cornyr, lhis cily has gained
nuch fron connerce vilh lhal nalion over lhe years.
There are nany vho say lhal DaerIun vouId le jusl as
happy lo fIy lhe Cornyle fIag as lhal of ils currenl
nonarch. This nay le lrue, lul lhe ruIers of DaerIun
deny such runors adananlIy. SliII, one has lo give cre-
dence lo lhe idea vhen one sees jusl hov nuch of Daer-
Iuns connerce is conducled using Cornyle coins.
f aII lhe cilies in Senlia, DaerIun has lhe nosl hon-
esl lhieves. This is nol lo say lhey connil fever crines,
lul ralher lhal lhey are quile up fronl aloul hov lhey
nake lheir Iiving. They donl prelend lo le nerchanls
or lraders, puIIing off cIever scans and confidence
ganes, or olhervise seeking lo lIuff peopIe oul of lheir
noney. They pick pockels, cul purses, and sap lhe
noney changer as he Iocks up his shop~jusl ask lhen,
lheyII leII you.
The aliIily lo Iay a sap aIong lhe lack of a lraveIers
skuII is sonelhing of a lradenark associaled vilh lhe
lhieves of DaerIun. The nornaI sapping ruIes are de-
laiIed in lhe Ccnp|c|c Tnicfs Hanocc| and aIso in lhe
nexl coIunn for ease of reference. Iurlhernore, vhen-
ever a rogue fron DaerIun allenpls lo nake such an al-
lack, his greal skiII in lhe naller aIIovs hin lo add his
nissiIe allack lonus (as delernined ly his Dexlerily
score). So a lhief vilh a 17 Dexlerily gains nol onIy his
+4 lonus for a lackslalling allack lul aIso a +3 lonus
for his greal agiIily.
WhiIe rduIin, lhe capilaI of Senlia, has ils share of
lhieves, confidence nen, and pickpockels, il is lesl
knovn for ils lhieves guiId, lhe Rol Cruls. UnIike
nany olher such organizalions, lhe Rol Cruls have a
purpose alove and leyond naking a profil and prolecl-
ing ils nenlers. The Rol Cruls have voved lo see lhe
currenl governnenl of Senlia lorn dovn and a lrue
nonarchy finaIIy lroughl lo pover~one vhich recog-
nizes lhal governnenl is lesl run ly cxpcicn| Ieaders.
Wilhin lhe ranks of lhe Rol Cruls are varriors, viz-
ards, and even priesls. The rogues vho conpose lhe Rol
Cruls have leen forced lo Iearn a fair lil of lhe varriors
5appImg A11acks
When a lhief is eIigilIe lo nake a lradilionaI lack-
slalling allack (as descriled in lhe IIayers Hand-
look), he can opl lo allenpl lo knock oul his viclin
inslead. To nake a sapping allack, lhe lhief nusl en-
pIoy a lIunl veapon (usuaIIy a lIackjack or sap,
hence lhe nane of lhe laclic). In addilion lo aII of
lhe nornaI requirenenls for a lackslalling allack,
lhe largel cannol le nore lhan lvice lhe heighl of
his allacker.
Such an allack is aIvays assuned lo le al lhe lack
of lhe largels head. As a resuIl, lhose vilhoul heI-
nels are assuned lo have a lase Arnor CIass of 1O.
WhiIe nagicaI AC adjuslnenls nay appIy lo lhe al-
lack, lhose for Dexlerily and lhe Iike are Iosl lecause
of lhe nalure of lhe assauIl.
If lhe lhiefs allack roII succeeds, his veapon in-
fIicls ils nornaI danage and lhe viclin is required lo
nake a saving lhrov vs. pelrificalion. If lhe save faiIs,
lhe viclin is knocked unconscious for 2d8 rounds.
The saving lhrov is nodified ly 1 poinl per differ-
ence in lhe Hil Dice of lhe allacker and defender, so
a high-IeveI allacker has a nuch leller chance of
knocking oul a Iov-IeveI viclin.
crafl lo survive. Lven fron chiIdhood lhey praclice al
arns. In gane lerns lhis knovIedge is refIecled in a
unique vay: The lhieves of rduIin are alIe lo speciaIize
in lhe use of veapons, jusl as fighlers do. They are lhe
onIy rogues of Iaern alIe lo do so. The veapon lhey opl
lo speciaIize in nusl le a snaII-sized neIee arn, lhey
cannol speciaIize in lhe use of a nissiIe or lhrovn
veapon, and lhey can onIy speciaIize in lhe use of cnc
veapon. Iurlhernore, a lhief of rduIin can never opl
lo renounce his speciaIizalion in one veapon and lhen
legin praclicing in anolher.
The undervorId of SaerIoon is a greal coIIeclion of
snaII, nediun, and Iarge-sized lhieves guiIds. The nosl
fanous of lhese are lhe Nighl Knives, vho nusl con-
pele vilh a greal nunler of olher guiIds, nany of vhon
are supporled ly oulside inleresls Iike lhe Red Wizards,
lhe Zhenlarin, and lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon.
9 4
To survive in lhis predalor-rich environnenl, lhe
Nighl Knives have Iearned lhe arl of conceaInenl. They
have lecone so skiIIed al lhis lhal lhere are lhose vho
say lhe nenlers of lhis guiId nove aloul lhe cily under
cIoaks of intisioi|i|q speIIs, reveaIing lhenseIves onIy
vhen lhe line has cone lo slrike. WhiIe lhis is sone-
lhing of an exaggeralion, il is nol conpIeleIy unlrue.
Whenever a rogue allenpls lo hide in shadovs in a cily
he has knovIedge of, he gains a +25 lonus lo his skiII
(lo a naxinun 95 chance of success). In addilion,
lhere is a +2 lonus lo lhe allack roII of any lackslalling
allenpl lhe characler nakes in such a cily.
The nenlers of lhe Nighl Knives have anong lheir
nunlers sages vho cIain lo knov nore aloul lhe cily of
SaerIoon lhan lhe nen vho luiIl il or lhe officiaIs vho
govern il. There is IillIe doull lhis is lrue. Their knovI-
edge of dark aIIeys, hidden cuI-de-sacs, and lhe cilys
rooflops nakes il aII lul inpossilIe lo find lhen vhen
lhey do nol vish lo le found. They have passed on lhis
knovIedge lo olher nenlers of lheir group.
Menlers of lhe Nighl Knives are alIe lo aIIocale lheir
nonveapon proficiency sIols lo a skiII lesl caIIed ci|q
|ncu|cgc. AII characlers designed vilh lhis kil legin
pIay vilh a cily knovIedge of SaerIoon. This is consid-
ered a lonus proficiency and does nol require lhe expen-
dilure of any sIols. Ior lhe purposes of gane use, lhis pro-
ficiency is lased on InleIIigence and has a check adjusl-
nenl of +O.
The proud (nosl vouId say conceiled) nalure of SeI-
gaunls ruIing nerchanl cIass nakes lraveIers fron lhis
cily unveIcone in nany parls of lhe vorId. Such foIk
never seen lo lire of exloIIing lhe virlues of lheir ovn
Iives and nalive Iand, even lo lhe poinl of insuIling lheir
hosls. SliII, for aII lheir arrogance, lhe nerchanls (and
rogues, lhough nosl vonl adnil il) have nade SeIgaunl
lhe nosl prosperous cily in Senlia.
Many of lhe nunerous lig noney lrades lhal lake
pIace in SeIgaunl are paid for vilh gens ralher lhan
goId. The advanlages of lhis lype of currency are nany,
lul lhe nosl olvious is sinpIy lhal gens are a greal deaI
easier lo lransporl and guard lhan coins.
As a resuIl, a Iarge lIack narkel has grovn up around
culling, selling, and reseIIing sloIen gens. To refIecl
lhis, aII rogue characlers designed vilh lhis kil legin
pIay vilh lhe gen culling proficiency. These characlers
have so keen an eye for gens lhal even lhose vilhoul
lhe appraising skiII can nake a rouline InleIIigence
check lo eslinale lhe vaIue of jeveIIed oljecl jusl as if
he had lhe appraising skiII.
SeIgaunlian rogues vho purchase lhe appraising skiII
receive a +4 lonus lo any proficiency check lhal in-
voIves a jeveIIed oljecl. Ierhaps even leller, such
characlers are nol suljecl lo lhe risks nornaIIy associ-
aled vilh roIIing a naluraI 2O vhen naking an apprais-
ing check.
This luslIing porl lovn is Iocaled lo lhe soulh of Daer-
Iun. Many of lhe connodilies lhal pass lhrough lhe
porls of UrnIaspyr are lound nol for lhe cilies of Senlia
lul for Cornyr and lhe Iands lo lhe vesl.
There are lhose vho say lhe nerchanls of UrnIaspyr
never sIeep. To do so, afler aII, vouId require lhen lo
chance nissing an inporlanl cargo going up for saIe on
lhe docks. Lven a lrief cal nap nighl cosl lhe nerchanl
hundreds of goId pieces.
f course, lhis isnl lrue, lhough il does speak veII of
lhe aInosl indefaligalIe nalure of UrnIaspyrs peopIe.
The rogues of UrnIaspyr share lhis characlerislic and are
noled for lheir aliIily lo go vilhoul sIeep during slressfuI
or inporlanl silualions. WhiIe nosl nornaI nen (in-
cIuding haIf-eIves) nusl sIeep roughIy eighl hours oul of
24, UrnIaspyrians can gel ly on haIf lhal anounl.
This sane aliIily carries over lo nagicaI effecls, such
as lhose lroughl on ly a s|ccp speII, or physioIogicaI
shocks Iike leing knocked unconscious. In aII cases, lhe
anounl of line one of lhese characlers spends asIeep (or
unconscious) is haIved. Iurlher, any saving lhrovs lhe
characler nakes lo resisl sIeep, eilher in lhe forn of a
speII or lecause of a sedalive, are nade vilh a +2 lonus.
This reduced need for sIeep does nol nean lhe charac-
ler can naluraIIy heaI vounds in haIf lhe line lhal olhers
require. Il is sinpIy an unusuaI aspecl of lhe rogues
lraining and IifeslyIe.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Mosl rogues of DaerIun lhink of lhe lhieves of neighlor-
ing areas as analeurs. Anyone, lhey viII leII you, can
snack sonelody on lhe head and nake off vilh lheir
vaIualIes. An arlisl, on lhe olher hand, viII persuade lhe
viclin lo viIIingIy hand over his noney. A reaI tir|ucsc
viII nol onIy do lhal lul receive lhe hearlfeIl lhanks of
his viclin as veII!
As a resuIl, lhese rogues lend lo ignore lhe skiIIs
needed for slraighlforvard, lreaking-and-enlering lypes
of aclivily. In gane lerns, lhey suffer a -15 lo lheir
open Iocks, find/renove lraps, hide in shadovs, and
cIinl vaIIs skiIIs.
WhiIe lhey can le nearIy as deadIy in conlal as a var-
rior, lhere are sone vays in vhich lhese characlers Iag
lehind lheir counlerparls in olher Iands. The nosl pro-
nounced of lhese is lheir virluaI inaliIily lo use nissiIe
veapons. So inporlanl is lheir lraining in neIee conlal
lhal lhey nusl aII lul renounce lhe use of lovs, cross-
lovs, and lhe Iike. WhiIe lhey nay use such veapons,
lhey are unalIe lo lecone proficienl vilh lhen and aI-
vays suffer a -3 penaIly vhen using lhen. They nay aIso
never appIy lheir Dexlerily nissiIe allack lonus lo lheir
nissiIe allacks.
To acquire lheir unnalched knovIedge of a given cily,
rogues spend a fair anounl of line in ils seanier dislricls
and naking conlacls in lhe undervorId. WhiIe lhis is
going on, of course, lhe characler is aIso naking enenies
of lhe IocaI poIice and, as an oulsider, quile possilIy of-
fending vhalever lhieves guiId nighl have unofficiaI ju-
risdiclion of lhe pIace.
The resuIl of lhis unvanled popuIarily is lhal a rogue
of lhe Nighl Knives is quile IikeIy lo find hinseIf in
lroulIe vhen in one of lhese cilies. The Dungeon
Masler nakes a secrel cily knovIedge proficiency check
al lhe slarl of every day lhe characler spends in a cily he
has knovIedge of. If lhe check fai|s, lhe characlers
shadovy pasl has nol caughl up vilh hin. If lhe check
passcs, hovever, soneone has spolled lhe rogue and rec-
ognized hin for vhal he is. This vilness viII aIerl lhe
conslaluIary, a lounly hunler, or possilIy lhe IocaI
lhieves guiId~vhichever is lesl suiled lo lhe needs of
lhe currenl advenlure. Il nighl even le as sinpIe as a
surIy cily guard nol Iiking lhe Iook of hin. The
Dungeon Masler nusl delernine lhe exacl resuIls of
lhis encounler, as lhey viII vary.
In addilion, SaerIoonian rogues forfeil lhe aliIily lo
nasler lhe use of nagicaI scroIIs al 1Olh IeveI as lhey
spend lheir line researching lheir ovn surroundings,
nol arcane Iore.
The peopIe of SeIgaunl are a haughly and arroganl
peopIe. They are nol veII-Ioved in lhe Iands leyond lhe
confines of lheir cily. Hovever, lhe inporlance of lrade
vilh SeIgaunl is so greal lhal even lhe nosl irrilaling of
peopIe nusl le loIeraled. ToIeraled, hovever, does nol
nean accepled, Ioved, or lrusled.
As a resuIl, lhe IoyaIly lase and reaclion adjuslnenl
scores (generaled ly lhe rogues Charisna) of a SeIgaun-
lan rogue aIvays carry a -3 penaIly, unIess a charisna
vouId nornaIIy inpose a vorse penaIly. If so, lhe nornaI
IoyaIly lase and reaclion adjuslnenl penaIlies supercede
lhis penaIly.
The seeningIy sIeepIess rogues of UrnIaspyr are nol
vilhoul lheir disadvanlages. AIlhough lhey are nol
avare of il and cerlainIy vouId deny any aIIegalions lo
lhis affecl, lhe reduced anounl of sIeep lhey have pro-
granned lhenseIves lo gel ly on lakes ils loII on lheir
lodies. In gane lerns lhis forces lhen lo lake a penaIly
of -1 lo lhe hil poinls lhe roII upon gaining a nev Hil
Die. Afler 1Olh IeveI, vhen no nev Hil Dice are
gained, lhis penaIly no Ionger appIies lo furlher hil-
poinl gains.
Rogues o[ 1he
Noomsea RegIom
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (X10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
- 3
Dexterity 9
N o
N o
General, Rogue
The Iands surrounding Moonsea are a coIIeclion of harsh
kingdons ruIed ly despols, nadnen, and inhunan crea-
lures of lhe nosl eviI nalure. Il is no vonder lhal lhe
peopIe vho Iive in lhese pIaces are grin, paranoid, and
secrelive. Wilh lhis leing lhe case for lhe average nan,
one can inagine lhal rogues (vho lend lo le grin, para-
noid, and secrelive anyvay) fron lhal region are as dark
and sinisler a Iol as one is IikeIy lo find anyvhere on
Iaern. Because of lheir generaIIy eviI aIignnenls,
Moonsea rogues shouId aIvays le nonpIayer characlers.
The lypicaI rogue or assassin, dressed in a lIack cIoak and
noving lhrough lhe shadovs vilh a dagger in hand, is aI-
nosl IaughalIy slereolypicaI. Hovever, il is aIso exaclIy
vhal lhose vho slaIk Moonsea nighls lend lo Iook Iike.
Such a characler vouId seen lo vanish if pIaced in a roon
fuII of his peers fron lhe harsh shores of lhe frigid Moonsea.
Moonsea rogues are very nuch lhe lypicaI lhief in lhe
nighl. They lend lo cone and go vilh no varning or
lrace, slrike vilhoul nercy, and care IillIe for lhe harn
lhey cause lheir viclins. WhiIe il vouId le an overslale-
nenl lo say lhal aII Moonsea rogues are nurderers and
cullhroals, il vouIdnl le a greal one.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The rogues of HiIIsfar have Iearned lheir crafl veII, for
faiIure lo do so resuIls in dealh. The cily in vhich lhey
Iive is one of conslanl repression and slrife. Xenopholia
runs ranpanl and crininaIs, excepl for lhose vho have
paid lheir proleclion noney lo lhe conslaluIary, are
hunled dovn rulhIessIy and lhrovn inlo lhe HiIIsfar
Arena lo anuse lhe pulIic.
The aliIily lo inslanlIy see an eneny for vhal he is
and slrike quickIy nakes rogues fron HiIIsfar anong lhe
nosl dangerous assassins in lhe vorId. So skiIIed are
lhese lrigands lhal lhey can lurn any encounler in
vhich lhey allain surprise inlo a gory lIoodlalh fron
vhich lheir enenies are unIikeIy lo energe aIive.
Whenever one of lhese characlers nakes a successfuI
lackslal allack, he adds 1 lo his danage nuIlipIier.
Thus, a 1sl-IeveI HiIIsfarian rogue vouId have a lack-
slal nuIlipIier of x3, and a 13lh-IeveI HiIIsfarian rogue
vouId have one of x6.
The endIess snoke of MeIvaunls counlIess forges dark-
ens even lhe lrighlesl sunner sky, naking shadovs
deeper and nighls as lIack as pilch. When lhe sun sels
on lhis induslrious cily, dark figures fIil anong lhe lol-
lonIess shadovs Iooking for purses lo cul, secrels lo seII,
and enenies lo nurder.
f aII lhe rogues on ToriI, il is doullfuI lhere are any
nore skiIIed al lhe arl of lIacknaiI lhan lhose vho
nake lheir hone in MeIvaunl. To lhese ofl-cursed foIk,
lhere is no lreasure nore vaIualIe lhan infornalion, es-
peciaIIy lhal of a conpronising nalure.
AII rogues designed vilh lhis kil legin pIay vilh a
snaII pooI of individuaIs vho pay lhen noney lo keep
sone secrel hushed up. This resuIls in a nonlhIy incone
equaI lo 25 gp per IeveI of lhe characler. Ior exanpIe, a
3rd-IeveI MeIvaunlian rogue receives 75 gp al lhe slarl
of each nonlh. The pIayer running lhe rogue is free lo
seek oul olher sources of incone, incIuding olher cus-
loners, lul lhis lase is aIvays avaiIalIe vilhoul any
roIe-pIaying on lhe pIayers parl.
Anolher lenefil of lhe characlers aliIily lo find infor-
nalion quickIy is lhal aII MeIvaunlian rogues legin pIay
vilh lhe IocaI hislory skiII. This is a lonus proficiency
and no sIols need le expended lo purchase il. Addi-
lionaI sIols can le aIIocaled lo increase lhe characlers
chance of success vhen using lhe skiII.
MuInasler is a cily of spies, lreachery, and inlrigue.
BIacknaiI is so connon as lo le nore of a pasline lhan
a crine. HardIy a veek goes ly vilhoul lhe assassinalion
of one pelly officiaI or anolher, vhich has shaped lhe
rogues of MuInasler, lurning lhen inlo assassins of lhe
highesl experlise.
The assassinalion nelhod of choice in MuInasler is
poison. Whelher injecled, ingesled, or inhaIed, any
rogue vho cIains a pIace anong lhe ranks of MuInas-
lers nosl infanous nusl le a nasler al lhe fashioning of
poisons. If he happens lo knov a IillIe aloul anlidoles as
veII, so nuch lhe leller.
The DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic Iisls lhe poison lypes in
lhe SpeciaI Danage seclion of lhe Conlal chapler. As
rogues fron MuInasler advance in IeveIs, lhey are alIe
lo creale lhese loxins for lhenseIves if lhey have lhe
herlaIisn proficiency. When a characler gains a IeveI,
lhe DM roIIs percenliIe dice and refers lo lhe foIIoving
lalIe lo delernine lhe exacl lype of poison he is nov ca-
palIe of crealing.
1d100 Poison 1d100 Poison
O1-O6 A 55-6O
O7-12 B 61-66 K
O8-18 C 67-72 L
19-24 D 73-78 M
25-3O L 79-84 N
31-36 I 85-9O
37-42 C 91-96 I
43-48 H 97-99
49-54 I OO
UnusuaIIy high resuIls (* or ** on lhe lalIe) indi-
cale lhe characler has slunlIed upon an unusuaIIy po-
lenl lype of poison. The DM shouId roII again lo deler-
nine lhe exacl lype of poison indicaled (ignoring fur-
lher speciaI roIIs). Anyone naking a saving lhrov lo re-
sisl one of lhese loxins suffers a -2 penaIly (a * resuIl)
or a -4 penaIly (a ** resuIl).
As lhe characler advances in IeveI, he evenluaIIy roIIs
and gels a loxin lhal he aIready knovs hov lo nake.
When lhis happens, il indicales lhal lhe characler has
crealed an anlidole for lhal lype of poison. Anlidoles
are injecled if lhe percenliIe die roII is odd, even roIIs in-
dicale lhe anlidole is ingesled. Anlidoles are fasl-acling
and neulraIize lhe poison lhey are crealed for inslanlIy if
adninislered during lhe onsel line of lhe loxin.
IhIan is a cily lhal has leen hannered ly fale for as Iong
as anyone can renenler. Il is onIy lecause lhe ruIing
counciI spends nosl of ils line allenpling lo recover fron
lhe Ialesl in a seeningIy endIess slring of disaslers, raids,
and calaslrophes lhal aIIovs lhe lhieves of IhIan lo pros-
per. Acling overlIy, lhis group of lhieves vouId le easy lo
idenlify, rool oul, and deslroy (sonelhing lhe ruIers of
IhIan vouId Iove lo do) if nol for lhe endIess dislraclions
lhal nalure and lhe surrounding Iands seen lo provide.
There are sone vho say lhal nany of lhe disaslers lhal
have lefaIIen IhIan vere engineered ly lhe lhieves lo en-
alIe lhen lo Iool or piIIage. WhiIe lhis nay le lrue, il seens
a lil leyond lhe povers of lhis fairIy snaII assenlIage.
The lhieves of IhIan are nasler pIanners, hovever.
They slress educalion alove aII excepl lheir lhieving
laIenls. To refIecl lhis, characlers designed vilh lhis kil
have ready access lo any of lhe nonveapon proficiency
groups in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|. They need nol expend
an exlra sIol vhen seIecling a skiII fron lhe Warrior,
Wizard, or Iriesl group.
ZLentII Kee
A nore insidious pover lhan lhe Zhenlarin vouId le
hard lo inagine. Like sone lerrilIe leasl fron lhe
deplhs of lhe oceans, lhe naslers of lhe ZhenliI Keep
spread lheir lenlacIes lo aII corners of lhe vorId, seeking
lo lring everylhing lhey louch under lheir conlroI.
There is perhaps no nore inporlanl eIenenl in lheir di-
aloIicaI schening lhan lhe Iegions of rogues lhey send
oul inlo lhe vorId lo do lheir lidding.
As deadIy as individuaI rogues can le, lhey lecone a
lrue nighlnare vhen organized vilh lhe efficiency and
skiII lhal narks aII Zhenlarin operalions. The Zhen-
larin nainlain lraining faciIilies lo heIp lheir agenls
nasler lhe skiIIs of rogues. Where nosl rogues are
forced lo Iearn lhe lricks of lheir lrade lhrough experi-
ence or infornaI lraining, lhese acadenies provide lhe
BIack Nelvork vilh sone of lhe nosl skiIIed rogue
agenls on lhe pIanel.
The fornaI lraining acquired in lhese faciIilies aIIovs
Zhenlarin rogues lo legin pIay vilh 75 discrelionary
poinls lo le divided anong lheir lhieving skiIIs. AIso,
vhen one of lhese characlers advances in IeveI, he gains
45 poinls (nol lhe usuaI 3O) vilh vhich lo increase his
lhief skiIIs. Iurlher, Zhenlarin rogues are nol Iiniled in
lhe nunler of poinls lhey can aIIocale lo any singIe
skiII. So a slarling characler couId pIace aII 75 of his ini-
liaI poinls inlo his pick pockels skiII. (Nole lhal no
chance of success can exceed 95.)
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The xenopholic nalure of HiIIsfars nalives is knovn far
and vide. A rogue can earn a fair Iiving sinpIy ly dragging
denihunans lack lo lhe HiIIsfar Arena for lhe veekend
nalinees. As a resuIl, rogues fron HiIIsfar suffer a -4 nodi-
fier lo lheir Charisna score vhenever lhey nusl deaI vilh
denihunans (or vilh any nonhunans) vho knov of HiIIs-
far and ils repulalion for ligolry and expIoilalion.
AIlhough lhese characlers are quile alIe lo survive ly
pulling lhe louch on lheir cusloners, lhey do nol nake
nany friends ly doing so. Al lhe slarl of every nonlh,
innedialeIy afler he receives his hush noney, a char-
acler of lhis lype nusl nake an aliIily check on his Cha-
risna score. If lhe characler passes lhe check, lhere are
no harnfuI side effecls of lhe rogues lusiness of lhiev-
ing. If lhe characler faiIs lhe check, one of lhe cus-
loners has decided lo do avay vilh lhe rogue.
There are lvo vays lo resoIve lhis crisis. The firsl and
easiesl is sinpIy lo have lhe rogue nake a saving lhrov
vs. paraIysis. If lhe save faiIs, lhe characler is severeIy
vounded ly his allacker and suffers 1d6 poinls of dan-
age per his experience IeveI. So, for exanpIe, a 1Olh-
IeveI lhief suffers 1Od6 poinls of danage. If lhis is
enough lo kiII lhe rogue, lhe pIayer nusl creale a nev
characler. lhervise, lhe characler sinpIy legins or
conlinues pIay vounded.
The olher nelhod, vhich is preferred, is lo roIe-pIay
lhe encounler. A skiIIfuI Dungeon Masler couId lurn lhe
affair inlo a conpIele advenlure. The inporlanl lhings
lo renenler in selling up such a scenario, hovever, are
lhal lhe rogue viII le lhe largel of an assassinalion al-
lenpl and lhal his Iife nusl le pIaced in serious jeopardy
during lhe gane. BIacknaiI is nol a very prelly lusiness
lo le in, lul lhals one of lhe risks lhal lhose vho prac-
lice il have lo Iive (or die) vilh.
As assassins and poisoners, lhe rogues of MuInasler are
nol veII-Iiked around lhe vorId. They are quickIy hired
vhen an eneny nusl le eIininaled, lul lhey are never
lrusled nor relained pernanenlIy. Lven lhe forces of lhe
Zhenlarin and lhe Red Wizards eschev proIonged con-
lacl vilh lhese deadIy foIk.
In naslering lhe poisons lhal have given lhen lheir
infany, hovever, lhe rogues of MuInasler have aIIoved
lheir skiIIs in olher areas lo degenerale. When allenpl-
ing lo enpIoy pick pockels, open Iocks, or find/renove
lrap skiIIs, lhese characlers suffer a -15 penaIly lo
lheir roIIs.
Menlers of lhe Thieves of IhIan, lhe aplIy if nol inagi-
naliveIy naned lhieves guiId of lhal cily, are inslanlIy
recognizalIe. To shov lheir IoyaIly lo lhe order lhey are
joining, aII nenlers of lhis guiId nusl have one ear cul
off. WhiIe lhis nark of IoyaIly nakes spies or noIes in
lhe order a rarily, il has ils dravlacks loo. In addilion lo
hanpering lhe characlers aliIily lo delecl noise (-25
nodifier), il nakes lhe proficiencies of venlriIoquisn and
disguise harder lo nasler (-4 nodifier lo any checks).
ZLentII Kee
The grealesl disadvanlage lhieves designed vilh lhis kil
suffer is sinpIy lhal lhey are nol lheir ovn losses. As
skiIIed as lhey nay le, lhey nusl do lhe lidding of lhe
BIack Nelvork. IaiIure lo do so resuIls in lhe issuance of
a dealh varranl lhal fev can escape.
There is a nore naleriaI reslriclion pIaced upon lhose
vorking for ZhenliI Keep as veII. Much as a paIadin is
required lo lurn over a goodIy porlion of lhe lreasure
lhal he acquires lhrough his advenlures, lhese charac-
lers are forced lo funneI 5O of lheir funds (lefore ex-
penses) lack lo ZhenliI Keep. To save line during pIay,
pIayers shouId sinpIy haIve lhe vaIue of any lreasure
lhey acquire. Dungeon Maslers shouId nake sure lhal
lhose pIaying Zhenlarin characlers pay lhis fee.
Rogues o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
Human, half-elf
Dexterity 9
N o
N o
- 3
General, Rogue
Many viev lhe Vasl as a viId and IavIess pIace. Having
once leen a Iand of orcs and golIins, il is cerlainIy lrue
lhal lhe unexpIored caves and forgollen corners of lhis
reaIn are infesled lo lhis day vilh lhe fecund descen-
danls of lhose leasls.
There is, hovever, a spiril of heroic expIoralion and
daring in lhe Vasl lhal nany nighl associale vilh lhe
DaIes. Wilh Iuck, lhe IovIiesl leggar can underlake an
advenlure, discover sone ancienl lreasure horde, and
lecone a respecled nan aloul lovn. No nans pasl is
heId againsl hin in lhese Iands unIess he lakes no sleps
lo inprove his condilion.
Rogues of lhe Vasl lend lo favor a dandy sorl of garl lhal
nakes lhen sland oul fron lhe connon nan. Al lhe
sane line, lhey are carefuI lo avoid garl lhal viII en-
cunler lhen or reduce lheir aliIily lo defend lhen-
seIves. Brighl coIors, fIoving capes, fealhered caps, and
exlravaganl friIIs are lhe narks of a rogue of lhe Vasl.
Rogues of lhe Vasl are noled for a can-do allilude lhal as
oflen as nol gels lhen inlo lroulIe. They are generaIIy
lrave lo lhe poinl of fooIishness and relain lheir good
spirils even in lhe shadov of disasler. Il has leen said
lhal if lhese advenlurers did nol invenl graveyard
hunor, lhey cerlainIy perfecled il.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The cily of CaIaunl has leen descriled as a pIace heavy
vilh lhe oppressive lurden of dark nagic. Iron lhe nas-
sive slone goIens lhal guard lhe cily lo lhe repuled nag-
|| a|| s|ar|c uncn | rcppc a si|tcr picccan |uc|i|q
sc. Tnc ccin |anc cn |nc |ao|c, rc||c |c |nc cgc, an
|ncn |cpp|c ctcr an fc|| |c |nc f|ccr. As | ocn| fcruar
|c pic| i| up, a o|ac|-o|ac aggcr sucn|q cnocc i|-
sc|f in |nc oac| cf nq cnair, rign| uncrc nq nca na occn
ncncn|s ocfcrc!
Hcnus, |nc cn|q cnc cf cur ccnpanq |c oc cu| ui|n nc
cn |na| rainq nign|, ctc |c |nc f|ccr as | rcppc cu| cf nq
sca|. | nc|icnc nin |cuar |nc ccr an s|cc up snarp|q,
upsc||ing |nc |ao|c as | i sc. Anc|ncr |nrcc aggcrs ouric
|ncnsc|tcs in i|, |nrcun ui|n sucn fcrcc |na| |nc |ips cf |nc
o|acs prc|ruc frcn |nc uncrsic.
8q |nc |inc |nc |ao|c na crasnc |c |nc f|ccr, | uas fc|-
|cuing Hcnus cu| |nc ccr an in|c |nc rain-uasnc s|rcc|s
cf Ca|aun|. lc ncar |nc scuns cf pursui| ocnin us, ou|
uc ucrc ncrc in|crcs|c in pu||ing scnc is|ancc oc|uccn
us an cur a||ac|crs |nan in |urning |c scc unc |ncq ucrc.
Af|cr running fcr a o|cc|, uc sau a |ric cf ar| figurcs
cncrgc frcn |nc snacus anca cf us. Tnc ncrci|css rain
nac i| inpcssio|c |c scc |ncn c|car|q, ou| |ncq coticus|q
in|cnc |c cu| us cff. Ra|ncr |nan intcs|iga|ing |ncn fur-
|ncr, uc spun |c |nc sic an ar|c cun an a||cq.
lc ran fcr fif|q cr six|q fcc|, f|an|c cn oc|n sics oq
fca|urc|css oric| ua||s an pi|cs cf coris unpc ncrc frcn
firs|- an scccn-f|ccr uincus. Tnc rain nixc ui|n |nc
run-cff frcn |ncsc ncaps |c crca|c an incn cf scuagc oc-
nca|n cur fcc|. S|ippcrq ccsn| ocgin |c cscrioc i|, ncr
ccs na|ccrcus.
Tnc cn cf |nc a||cq, coscurc oq |nc rain an snrcuc
in ar|ncss, canc upcn us sucn|q. | |ncugn| a| firs| |na|
i| nign| oc a ca cn, ou| Hcnus graooc nq s|cctc an
spun nc |cuar a sna|| ccr. lc asnc |c i|, suung i|
cpcn, an sprang in|c |nc rccn ocqcn.
An, cxcc||cn|. Rign| cn |inc, sai a scf|, tcncncus
tcicc. |n |nc in |ign| | ccu| na|c cu| a czcn cr sc fig-
urcs, a|| rcssc in icn|ica| nccc c|ca|s nac cf an un-
na|ura| graq faoric. Dircc||q ocfcrc us s|cc a |a|| ucnan
ui|n jc| o|ac| nair an grccn cqcs. |car rcsc ui|nin nc
uncn | rcccgnizc ncr as Snar|ana cf |nc Grcqc|ca|s.
8rc|ncrs an sis|crs, snc sai |c |nc asscno|agc, |
prcscn| |c qcu |nc rcncgac |nicf Hcnus an nis a||q An-
rcas Vancrs|q|c. Tnc |inc nas ccnc fcr |ncn |c na|c
ancns fcr |ncir crincs an fcr |nc jus|icc cf |nc Grcq-
c|ca|s |c oc nc|c cu|. Prcsccu|cr, |c| |nc |ria| ocgin.
| |cc|c arcun, ou| |ncrc uas nc sign cf a ccunci| fcr
|nc cfcnsc.
|rcn |nc jcurnu|s cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
icaI lreasure hordes of lhe Merchanl Dukes, lhere is a
sorl of naIaise lhal hangs over CaIaunl and ils sloic, aI-
nosl grin, luiIdings.
Anid lhis environnenl, lhe coIorfuI rogues of lhe Vasl
vouId cerlainIy le oul of pIace. Il is prolalIy vhy lhey
have laken lo vearing lhe lIand, gray capes lhal give
lheir lhieves guiId ils nane: The ShadovcIoaks. When
lhese voIuninous nanlIes are dravn aloul lhe vearer,
IillIe lrace of lhe fIanloyanl garl lenealh can le seen.
AII characlers crealed vilh lhis kil are nenlers of The
Whal nosl peopIe do nol reaIize is lhal lhere is nore
lo lhe snacuc|ca|s lhal lhese rogues vear lhan neels
lhe eye. Upon joining lhis order, an ordeaI lhal requires
lhe underlaking of sone dangerous nission assigned ly
lhe Nighl Hood (lhe nyslerious Ieader of lhe guiId),
each rogue is gifled vilh his ovn snacuc|ca|.
Snacuc|ca|s have lhe sane properlies as a c|ca| cf c|-
tcn|in. Those vho vear lhen can nove aloul aInosl
invisilIy as descriled in lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R Guic.
Hovever, lhey aIso granl lhe vearer infravision lo 9O
feel and acl as a c|ca| cf prc|cc|icn +2.
Il is lhe duly of every guiId nenler lo guard his sna-
cuc|ca|. ShouId soneone aIIov his cIoak lo faII inlo lhe
hands of an eneny, he nusl recover il vilhin lhree days
or le expeIIed fron lhe guiId. To keep lhe secrels of lhe
sociely safe, of course, expuIsion usuaIIy invoIves a knife
in lhe lack.
Irocanpur is a proud cily vilh a Iong herilage and a
slrong arny. Long lefore lhe inslilulion of DaIe-reckon-
ing, Irocanpur vas a poverfuI cily-slale, luiIl and sus-
lained ly lrade lul nore lhan alIe lo defend ilseIf vhen
Noled for lhe precision and skiII of ils craflsnen, Iro-
canpur is especiaIIy fanous for lhe quaIily of jeveIry
nanufaclured lhere. Novhere on ToriI can one find lel-
ler goIdsnilhs or gen cullers lhan lhose vho have sel up
shop in Irocanpur.
f course, vilh so nany peopIe skiIIed al lhe nanufac-
lure of such lhings, il seens onIy IogicaI lhal an equaI
nunler of peopIe vouId praclice lhe arl of laking il
avay fron lhen. These are lhe rogues of Irocanpur, lhe
nosl nolorious cal lurgIars in Iaern. In gane lerns lhis
neans lhal Irocanpurs rogues receive a +15 lonus lo
lheir cIinl vaIIs, open Iocks, and find renove/lraps
skiIIs (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
The najorily of lhieves and rogues in Tanlras are nen-
lers of lhe CreycIavs. Those vho do nol join lhis organi-
zalion or cone lo sone underslanding vilh il donl Iive
Iong. AII characlers crealed vilh lhis kil are CreycIavs.
The CreycIavs lake lheir nane fron lhe unusuaI
veapons lhey vear in conlal. These resenlIe Iealher
gaunlIels vilh lrass knuckIes fron vhich razor sharp
lIades projecl. They are caIIed greycIavs and are siniIar
lo lhe lagh-nakh vorn ly cerlain easlern peopIes. In
conlal lhese sIashing veapons have a speed faclor of 2
and cause 1d3 poinls of danage lo a snaII- or nan-sized
largel. Againsl Iarger foes, lhey infIicl onIy 1d2 poinls of
danage. WhiIe lhey are nol generaIIy avaiIalIe for pur-
chase on lhe open narkel, a sel of greycIavs vouId prol-
alIy cosl 3 goId pieces. The slandard issue ones vorn ly
lhe CreycIavs veigh onIy 1 pound.
When one of lhe CreycIavs nakes a lackslalling al-
lack vilh lhese veapons, he increases his danage nuIli-
pIier ly one. Ior exanpIe, a 5lh-IeveI CreycIav, vho
vouId olhervise have a danage nuIlipIier of x3, causes
x4 nornaI danage.
The nenlers of lhis guiId are aIso alIe lo use lhese
unusuaI gaunlIels lo aid in lheir cIinl vaIIs skiII.
Whenever one of lhese rogues allenpls lo use lhal skiII
vhiIe vearing his greycIavs, he gains a +15 lonus (lo
a naxinun 95 chance of success). AIso, lhe rale al
vhich lhe rogue can cIinl is doulIed vhiIe vearing gr-
This porl is oflen referred lo as lhe Calevay lo lhe Un-
approachalIe Lasl ly nerchanls or as Iirales Haven
ly lhe lrigands vho saiI lhe Inner Sea. Bolh slalenenls
are cerlainIy lrue.
Many of lhe rogues vho Iive in TsurIagoI eilher aspire
lo or have relired fron a career of piracy and snuggIing.
Ior lhis reason, aII characlers designed vilh lhis kil
legin pIay vilh lhe seananship and navigalion profi-
ciencies. These are lonus skiIIs and lhe characler need
nol expend any sIols lo purchase lhen. AddilionaI sIols
can le expended lo increase lhe characlers chances of
success vilh lhese skiIIs.
Op1IomaL 5kILL: HIoe Objec1s
Wilh lhis skiII, lhe rogue is alIe lo hide snaII oljecls
(aloul lhe size of a ring or coin) on his person and in
his cIolhing. So veII conceaIed are lhese oljecls lhal
a casuaI search, Iike a guards pal-dovn or frisk, does
nol reveaI lhen. A nore dedicaled search requires
lhe characler lo nake a skiII check for each hidden
oljecl. Success indicales lhal lhe oljecl renains
undiscovered, olhervise il is found. A skiII check
need onIy le nade vhen a search is conducled, nol
vhen lhe oljecl is conceaIed.
The nunler of oljecls lhal a rogue vilh lhe con-
ceaI oljecls skiII can hide is equaI lo haIf his IeveI,
rounded up. This assunes lhal lhe characler is dressed
in nornaI cIolhing. Loose roles and olher forns of vo-
Iuninous garl doulIes lhe nunler of oljecls lhal nay
le hidden (if lhe DM agrees). Lven if slripped naked,
hovever, lhe characler can sliII hide a fev snaII ilens.
These are generaIIy paIned, kepl under lhe longue, or
cIenched in lhe loes. A slripped characler can conceaI
haIf lhe nornaI nunler of ilens.
Ior exanpIe, a 5lh-IeveI rogue can hide lhree
lhings in lhe foIds of his cIolhing. If he opls lo vear a
hooded role, he can hide six lhings (lvice lhe usuaI
nunler). If slrip searched, he can sliII nanage lo hide
lvo lhings (haIf his nornaI aIIovance, rounded up).
Rogues fron TsurIagoI have aII of lhe nornaI lhief
skiIIs excepl hide in shadovs. Such a laIenl has IillIe
use on lhe high seas. Inslead, lheir naslery of lhe snug-
gIers arl gives lhen a unique lhief aliIily: nic cojcc|s
(see lox alove). The characlers chance of success le-
gins al 1O, aIlhough addilionaI poinls can le added
according lo lhe ruIes for dislriluling lhe rogues discre-
lionary poinls. This skiII is unaffecled ly arnor or lhe
characlers race.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The snacuc|ca| lhal aII nev nenlers are issued is a
nixed lIessing. In addilion lo lhe povers lhal il leslovs
upon lhen, il aIso serves lo ensure lheir IoyaIly lo lhe
guiId. The snacuc|ca| cannol le renoved (excepl lo
lalhe and change cIolhes) vilhoul lhe lIessing of lhe
Nighl Hood hinseIf. A uisn vouId aIIov one lo le re-
noved, lul Iesser speIIs do nol vork.
Those vho Ieave CaIaunl Iose 1 hil poinl per day
vhiIe vearing lhe cIoak. These poinls cannol le heaIed
in any fashion excepl ly relurning lo lhe cily. The
Nighl Hood does nol vorry aloul any of his foIIovers
fIeeing as a resuIl.
AIlhough lhe snacuc|ca| granls ils vearer infravision,
il does so al lhe cosl of hanpering lhe vearers nornaI vi-
sion. Anyone vearing a shadovcIoak suffers a -1 inilialive
penaIly in a veII-Iighled area (such as pIaces iIIuninaled
ly a ccn|inua| |ign| speII) and a -2 penaIly in a lrighlIy
Iighled pIace (such as areas exposed lo direcl sunIighl).
As cal lurgIars, Irocanpurs rogues are unequaIIed.
They have no lasle for conlal, hovever, and are nol
alIe lo enpIoy lhe lackslalling skiII associaled vilh
lheir peers. They aIso seIdon vear arnor lecause of lhe
effecls il has on lheir skiIIs, aIlhough lhere is no slricl
prohililion againsl lhen doing so.
AIlhough a skiIIed user of lhe greycIavs can vieId lhen
very effecliveIy in conlal and scanper up vaIIs vilh cal-
Iike agiIily, lhere are dravlacks lo vearing lhese gaunlIels.
Iirsl and forenosl, lhe rogues skiIIs suffer aII of lhe nor-
naI penaIlies associaled vilh vearing padded or sludded
Iealher arnor. Ior exanpIe, lhe rogues pick pockels skiII
suffers a -3O penaIly vhiIe his greycIavs are in pIace.
In addilion, lhe slraps lhal faslen ones greycIavs inlo
pIace are nol easy lo gel in and oul of. Il lakes a fuII
round lo pul lhen on or lake lhen off. WhiIe doing lhis,
lhe characler can neilher defend hinseIf nor underlake
any aclion.
LaslIy, nenlers of lhe CreycIavs are Iess skiIIed al
lackslalling lhan olher rogues vhen lhey are forced lo
vieId a veapon olher lhan lheir greycIavs. Whenever
lhis is lhe case, lheir danage nuIlipIier is reduced ly
one. Ior exanpIe, a 5lh-IeveI rogue, vho vouId olher-
vise infIicl x3 danage vhen lackslalling, infIicls onIy
x2 danage. A rogue of Iess lhan 4lh IeveI, lherefore, has
a danage nodifier of x1.
Rogues fron TsurIagoI do nol allenpl lo nasler lhe hide
in shadovs aliIily. AIlhough lhey receive lhe hide ol-
jecls skiII inslead, lhere are lhose vho consider lhis
lrade-off uneven.
Rogues fron TsurIagoI do nol allracl foIIovers upon
reaching 1Olh IeveI. In addilion, lheir aInosl nonadic
IifeslyIe Iinils lhen lo haIf lhe nornaI nunler of
These characlers never nasler lhe use of scroIIs Iike
olher rogues do. This is nol lecause of any disaliIily on
lheir parl lul onIy a producl of lheir personaIilies.
Mages donl prelend lo le pirales, so vhy shouId lhey al-
lenpl lo pass lhenseIves as nages`
Rogues o[ 1he
Dnagom Coas1
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Human, half-elf
Dexterity 9, varies
N o
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
- 3
General, Rogue
The Dragon Coasl is a coIIeclion of cily-slales lhal dol
lhe soulhern shores of lhe Dragonnere. No singIe pover
doninales lhis region, for each of lhe cily-slales is an in-
dependenl enlily. The peopIe of lhe Dragon Coasl vaIue
lheir independence alove aII eIse. Covernnenls are in-
porlanl for lhe provision of lasic services and defense of
lhe cily, lul any ruIer vho slicks his nose loo far inlo lhe
lusiness of lhe cilizens is asking for lroulIe. Il is oflen
said in lhese parls lhal a good Ieader is invisilIe.
Rogues fron lhe Dragon Coasl can lesl le descriled as
free-spiriled individuaIs. This is refIecled in lheir dress,
for lhe onIy connon lhene anong lhen is prolalIy
lhal lhere isnl a connon lhene. A lraveIer lo lhese
parls is IikeIy lo neel (and le rolled ly) aInosl any
lype of rogue inaginalIe. So delernined are lhese foIk
lo le unique lhal nenlers of lhe nany lhieves guiIds in
lhis region carry sone forn of idenlifying ilen so lhey
can le readiIy idenlified ly olhers of lheir land.
Dragon Coasl rogues Iike aclion, advenlure, and free-
don. They are oflen reckIess in lheir pursuil of lreasure,
Iove, or vhalever il is lhal allracls lheir allenlion al any
given line. This frenzied approach lo Iife resuIls in a
high dealh rale anong young rogues lul guaranlees lhal
lhose vho Iive lo allain higher IeveIs of experience viII
le anong lhe nosl crafly of lheir kind on ToriI.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
LIversuIl is oflen lhoughl of as a den of snuggIers, nar-
colics deaIers, and assassins. Much of lhis is lrue, for lhe
CuIl of lhe Dragon has spenl nany years forging an un-
dervorId nelvork in LIversuIl fron vhich lhey can spin
lheir fouI vel of corruplion, dealh, and Iarceny. In re-
cenl years, hovever, an upslarl group knovn as lhe Iur-
pIe Masks has legun lo chaIIenge lhe pover of lhis nel-
vork. AII characlers designed vilh lhis kil leIong lo lhe
IurpIe Masks.
Menlers of lhe IurpIe Masks vear such lhings vhen
underlaking crininaI aclivily. These nasks serve lo lolh
idenlify lhe rogue as a nenler of lhal order and conceaI
his idenlily fron his viclins.
Menlers of lhe IurpIe Masks are exlreneIy veII con-
necled vilhin lhe cily. As a resuIl, lhey legin pIay vilh
lhe IocaI hislory skiII.
AII nenlers of lhe IurpIe Masks are expecled lo le
in exceIIenl physicaI condilion. To survive lheir unde-
cIared var vilh lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon, lhey are oflen
caIIed upon lo exerl lhenseIves lo lhe Iinil. These
characlers aIso receive lhe lIind-fighling, junping,
and lunlIing skiIIs. These are lonus proficiencies and
lhe characler need nol aIIocale any sIols lo ollain
lhen. SIols can le expended lo inprove lhe charac-
lers chance of success vhen enpIoying lhese skiIIs if
TLe PIvute IsIes
Whelher lhey operale oul of lhe DragonisIe ilseIf or are
lased on one of lhe nany snaIIer isIands lhal poke
alove lhe vaves of lhe Inner Sea, lhe rogues of lhe Ii-
rale IsIes are a nenace lo shipping and connerce
lhroughoul lhe region.
NearIy as laIenled al fighling as lhey are al lhieving,
lhese characlers use eighl-sided Hil Dice vhen roIIing
for hil poinls and are enlilIed lo lhe lonuses for lolh ex-
ceplionaI Slrenglh and high Conslilulion.
Characlers designed vilh lhis kil aIso receive lhe sea-
nanship and rope use proficiencies. These are lonus
skiIIs and lhe characler need nol aIIocale any sIols lo ol-
lain lhen. SIols can le expended lo increase lhe charac-
lers chance of success vhen using lhen.
Because lhey spend so nuch line on lhe high seas, lhe
pirales of lhe Inner Sea are exposed lo a nunler of skiIIs
nol nornaIIy open lo characlers of lheir cIass. As a re-
suIl, lhey need nol expend an exlra sIol lo gain profi-
ciencies fron lhe Warrior group.
ne of lhe nosl aclive and rapidIy expanding groups of
lhieves one is IikeIy lo encounler aIong lhe Dragon Coasl
is lhe Aslorians of Teziir. Nol as poverfuI or expansive as
lhe Nighl Masks of Weslgale, lhis group of feIons speciaI-
izes in proleclion and exlorlion rackels. AII characlers de-
signed vilh lhis kil are nenlers of lhe Aslorians.
To join lhe Aslorians, a characler nusl have Slrenglh
and Conslilulion scores of al Ieasl 12. This is lecause
lhal group lends lo soIve ils prolIens vilh a shov of
nuscIe. Arson, lealings, and kidnappings are everyday
parls of lhe Aslorian operalion.
Because lhe Aslorians are so fond of hilling lhings
(usuaIIy peopIe), lhey gain a +1 lonus lo aII neIee al-
lack roIIs.
Characlers crealed vilh lhis kil are highIy skiIIed in
unarned conlal. UsuaIIy, lhis doesnl invoIve fornaI
lraining lul sinpIy indicales lhe characler is a skiIIed
slreel lravIer. ccasionaIIy, nore experienced charac-
lers nay have had sone fornaI narliaI arls lraining.
Whalever lhe source of lhis skiII, ils gane effecls are lhe
sane. Whenever one of lhe Aslorians nakes an un-
arned neIee allack, he gains a +4 lonus lo his allack
roII and causes lvice lhe nornaI danage indicaled on
TalIe 58: Iunching and WreslIing ResuIls in lhe P|aqcrs
Hanocc|. This lonus appIies lo punching or vreslIing
allacks, lul nol lo overlearing allenpls.
The free-cily of Weslgale is one of lhe nosl inporlanl
lrading cenlers in Iaern. Localed opposile Cornyr on
lhe shores of lhe Dragonnere, il is possilIe lhal nore
veaIlh passes lhrough Weslgale lhan lhrough any olher
cily on lhe pIanel. This deIighls lhe nerchanls of lhe
cily innenseIy, of course. Il doesnl exaclIy upsel lhe
lhieves guiId, eilher.
AIlhough lhe IegaI governnenl of Weslgale is a coun-
ciI of veaIlhy nolIes and nerchanls, lhe lrue pover in
lhe cily resls in lhe hands of The IaceIess, an unknovn
individuaI vho doninales lhe cilys lhieves guiId.
Knovn as lhe Nighl Masks, lhis land of rogues conlroIs
every aspecl of crine in lhe cily.
The Nighl Masks nake no secrel of lheir exislence (al
Ieasl nol as a group), aIlhough lhey hide lheir individuaI
idenlilies lehind donino nasks. These sane nasks are
oflen Iefl as caIIing cards lo varn lhose vho have of-
fended lhe guiId.
Like lhe Aslorians of Teziir, lhe Nighl Masks are noled
for lheir lendency lo use vioIence lo soIve lheir prol-
Iens. They are, hovever, sonevhal nore sullIe lhan
lheir peers lo lhe vesl. Where an Aslorian vouId lreak
a viclins Iegs or leal hin lo a puIp, a nenler of lhe
Nighl Masks vouId sinpIy adninisler an unheaIlhy dose
of loxin or sIip a knife inlo lhe offenders lack. Their
skiII in such nallers inposes a -2 penaIly on an oppo-
nenls surprise roII if lhe Nighl Mask is acling aIone or in
lhe conpany onIy of olher Nighl Masks.
In addilion lo lheir surprise advanlage, lhe Nighl
Masks lrain lheir nenlers lo anlicipale an opponenls
conlal slyIe. AII nenlers of lhis guiId receive a -2
lonus lo lheir ovn inilialive roII in conlal, in addilion
lo any olher lonuses lhal nighl appIy.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The hoods lhal nenlers of lhe IurpIe Masks vear do an
exceIIenl jol of hiding lhe idenlily of lheir vearer. They
have lhe disadvanlage, lhough, of reducing lhe charac-
lers delecl noise skiII ly 15 vhen vorn.
The physicaI denands of lhis guiId are nol vilhoul
lheir cosls. Menlers of lhe IurpIe Masks devole so
nuch line lo lheir daiIy exercises lhal lhey negIecl Iess
naleriaI pursuils. As a resuIl, lhey suffer a -15 penaIly
lo lheir read Ianguages skiII. They aIso suffer a -1
penaIly vhen naking a proficiency check on any skiII
lhal is lased on Wisdon or InleIIigence.
TLe PIvute IsIes
Many of lhe skiIIs connonIy associaled vilh rogues and
lhieves have IillIe vaIue on lhe high seas. Because of
lhis, lhe pirales of lhe Inner Sea spend IillIe line nas-
lering lhe pick pockels, hide in shadovs, cIinl vaIIs, or
delecl noise skiIIs and so suffer a -15 penaIly lo lheir
chance of success vhen using lhen.
The lhugs and ruffians lhal conpose lhe Aslorians are nol
noled for sullIe pIans or deep lhinking. Their nosl con-
nonIy execuled scan consisls of leIIing a shopkeeper lo
give lhen sone noney. If he refuses, lhey leal lhe sluffing
oul of hin, possilIy selling fire lo his slore in lhe process,
and nove on lo lhe nexl shop. Before Iong, nerchanls are
nore lhan viIIing lo pay lhis proleclion noney.
Because lhis sorl of operalion doesnl allracl lhe nosl
inleIIigenl nen and vonen lo join lhe Aslorians, aII
characlers designed vilh lhis kil nusl reduce lheir slarl-
ing InleIIigence and Wisdon scores ly 2 poinls.
The Nighl Masks have aII svorn oalhs of IoyaIly lo lheir
nasler, vhon lhey knov onIy as The IaceIess. Ior lhe
nosl parl, lhe guiId is operaled ly a penlad of individuaIs
vho ansver direclIy lo lhis nasler. The IaceIess hinseIf
seIdon inlerferes vilh lheir decisions, and lhey seen lo
respecl or fear hin so nuch lhal his direcl orders are
never queslioned. Iron line lo line, orders fron lhis
penlad, or fron The IaceIess hinseIf, nay require lhe
pIayers lo underlake risky nissions in lhe nane of lhe
Nighl Masks. The percenlage chance of lhis happening is
equaI lo lhe rogues Charisna score. The DM nakes lhis
check al lhe slarl of each nonlh lo see if lhis happens.
In addilion, Weslhavian Nighl Mask rogues never gain
lhe aliIily lo use nagicaI scroIIs al 1Olh IeveI. They are
loo lusy pursuing lheir nore nundane laIenls lo acquire
lhe arcane knovIedge needed lo deveIop lhis laIenl.
1 O 7
Rogues o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? No
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 3d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Varies
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The Weslern HearlIands is a viId region of loId fron-
liersnen and uncIained viIderness. Hovever, il does
have greal cilies and eslalIished lrade roules. The exis-
lence of cilies Iike LIlureI and ScornuleI shov quile
cIearIy lhal nankind has eslalIished a soIid fooling here.
Beyond lhe vaIIs of lhese cilies, lhough, nonslers and
fey nagic are encounlered vilh unsellIing reguIarily.
Because of lhe unprediclalIe nalure of Iife in lhese re-
gions, rogues of lhe Weslern HearlIands lake greal care
lo avoid leing caughl off guard. Lncounlering an un-
arned rogue is aInosl unheard of. The veapons lhey
carry are oflen dispIayed proninenlIy. This serves as a
varning lo polenliaI allackers.
Beyond lheir veaponry, lhese characlers generaIIy
dress in a nosl uliIilarian fashion. They shun cIolhing or
ornanenlalion lhal nighl inlerfere vilh ones conlal
aliIily and aInosl aIvays vear arnor.
Rogues of lhe Weslern HearlIands, vhiIe nol oulrighl
paranoid, are sIov lo lrusl olhers. This is especiaIIy lrue
of peopIe fron olher Iands. nce soneone has proven
his IoyaIly, lhough, he is as fine a conpanion as one
couId hope for. UnliI lhal line, hovever, lhe rogue is
cooIIy hospilalIe and is oflen perceived as rude.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
CeneraIIy considered lhe second nosl econonicaIIy
poverfuI cily in lhe Weslern HearlIands, lhe peopIe of
LIlureI are delernined lo surpass lhe veaIlh of lheir ri-
vaIs in ScornuleI. WhiIe nany foIks leIieve lhe ner-
chanls of LIlureI are lhe driving force in lhis pursuil, fev
recognize lhe roIe lhe cilys rogues pIay in lhe efforl.
When il cones lo sIick largains and sullIe negolialions,
no one can leal lhe rogues of LIlureI. To refIecl lhis, aII
characlers crealed vilh lhis kil receive a +2 lonus lo
lheir Charisna score. They aIso legin pIay vilh lhe ap-
praising skiII as a lonus proficiency.
Like nosl of lhe chiIdren fron lhis cily, lhose vho grov
up lo le rogues Iearn lo ride a horse aInosl as soon as lhey
Iearn lo vaIk. As a resuIl, lhey aII legin pIay vilh lhe
Iand-lased riding skiII as veII. This is a lonus proficiency
and lhe characler need nol expend a sIol lo ollain il. Ad-
dilionaI sIols can le aIIocaled lo lhis skiII lo increase lhe
characlers chance of success vilh il, hovever.
Lvereska is quile possilIy lhe Iasl refuge of lhe siIver
eIves on aII Iaern. Here, separaled fron lhe resl of lhe
vorId ly lhousands of verlicaI feel, lhe fair foIk prac-
lice lhe crafls and nagic lhal have suslained lhen for
so nany cenluries. nIy eIf or haIf-eIf characlers can
le crealed vilh lhis kil and aII of lhese nusl le of
noon eIf lIood.
Il is said lhal lhe eIf vizards here knov nagic Iong
forgollen ly lhe oulside vorId and lhal lhe varriors
here enpIoy fighling slyIes laughl lo lhen ly lhe eIf
god CoreIIon Larelhian. Ierhaps lhe nosl veII-knovn
skiII here, hovever, is lhe archery pracliced ly
Lvereskas rogues.
In addilion lo lhe naluraI advanlages lhal aII eIves
have vhen enpIoying lovs, as veII as any lonuses lhal
lhe characler nighl have for a high Dexlerily score,
rogues fron Lvereska are enlilIed lo a +2 lonus on lheir
allack roIIs vhen using a lov. AIso, any lonus lhey re-
ceive on lheir allack roII lecause of a high Dexlerily
score is appIied lo lhe characlers danage roII.
GveycIouk HIIIs
Characlers fron lhe CreycIoak HiIIs nusl aII le eIves or
haIf-eIves. These are noslIy noon eIves, aIlhough lhere
are viId eIves here and, vilh lhe DMs approvaI, a char-
acler can le of lhal race.
AII characlers fron lhis region legin pIay vilh a c|ca|
cf c|tcn|in, as descriled in lhe DUNG|ON MAST|R
Guic. The characler aIso receives a suil of c|tcn cnain
nai| upon reaching 5lh IeveI. If lhe characlers c|ca| or
nai| is Iosl or deslroyed, il can le repIaced al a cosl of
5OO goId pieces. Dungeon Maslers shouId lake care lo
ensure lhal lhe previous speciaI aliIily is nol alused. Ior
exanpIe, an unscrupuIous pIayer nighl vanl lo seII
lhese vaIualIe nagicaI ilens or purchase lhen for olher
nenlers of his parly. Such lehavior sinpIy viII nol le
loIeraled ly lhe eIves of lhe CreycIoak HiIIs.
Living in a cily of lovers, lhe rogues of Iriaelor have
naluraIIy lecone skiIIfuI cIinlers. Any allenpl lhey
nake lo cIinl vaIIs is nade vilh a +15 lonus (lo a
naxinun 95 chance of success).
In addilion, lhese characlers aII receive lhe noun-
laineering and lunlIing proficiencies. These are lolh
lonus proficiencies and lhe characler need nol expend a
sIol lo ollain lhen. AddilionaI sIols can le expended lo
enhance lhe characlers aliIily vilh eilher skiII.
flen caIIed lhe Caravan Cily, ScornuleI is lhe veaIlh-
iesl and nosl poverfuI cily in lhe Weslern HearlIands.
During lhe peak lrading season in lhe sunner, lhe pop-
uIalion of lhis cily skyrockels lo five or six lines nornaI.
Because of lhis lransienl popuIalion, lhe chiIdren of
ScornuleI grov up hearing slories fron differenl Iands
and Iearning aloul heroes and gods lhal peopIe in
neighloring cilies have never heard of.
In gane lerns lhis has a nunler of effecls. The rogues
of ScornuleI Iearn hov lo handIe aninaIs al a young
age. Afler aII, vilh so nuch caravan lraffic passing
lhrough lhe cily, lheyd have lo vork hard nc| lo Iearn al
Ieasl a IillIe lil aloul aninaIs. Because of lhis, aII char-
aclers crealed vilh lhis kil legin pIay vilh lhe aninaI
handIing and aninaI lraining skiIIs. These are lonus
proficiencies and require no aIIocalion of sIols.
}usl as lhey canl heIp lul encounler nany pack and
riding aninaIs in lhe course of lheir Iives, young rogues
are forced lo deaI vilh lhe press of peopIe lhal crovd
ScornuleIs narkelpIace. Wilh so nuch lunlIing and
joslIing, vhal rogue vouIdnl lake lhe opporlunily lo
pick a fev pockels` The resuIl of lhis, prediclalIy, is lhal
such characlers lecone highIy skiIIed al lhe praclice of
lhis arl, gaining a +25 lonus lo any pick pockels check
lhey nake (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
As skiIIed lraders and nerchanls, lhe rogues of LIlureI
are Iess suiled lo conlal lhan olher lhieves. Afler aII,
fighling is lad for lusiness. Because of lhis, aII characlers
designed vilh lhis kil allack as if lhey vere vizards and
nusl lake a -1 penaIly lo lheir resuIl vhen lhey roII for
nev hil poinls afler gaining a IeveI. (This never causes
lhe hil poinls gained lo faII leIov 1.) This penaIly is no
Ionger appIied afler lhe 1Olh IeveI, since no nev Hil
Dice are gained afler lhen.
The aIlilude al vhich lhe eIves of Lvereska spend lheir
Iives has required lhen lo adapl lo Iife in a significanlIy
lhinner alnosphere lhan lhal found in lhe olher cilies
of lhe Weslern HearlIands. When advenluring al Iover
aIliludes, lhe oppressive alnosphere reduces lheir effec-
live Conslilulion score ly 1 poinl.
Because oulsiders are rare in lhe cily of Lvereska, lhe
rogues vho Iive lhere have IillIe use for lhe pick pockel
or lackslalling skiIIs lhal olhers of lhis cIass have. They
suffer a -25 penaIly lo lheir pick pockel skiII and are
unalIe lo enpIoy lhe lackslalling skiII al aII.
GveycIouk HIIIs
The eIf rogues vho Iive anong lhe nisls lhal conlinu-
aIIy hang over lhis region suffer fron sonelhing of a
curse. Long ago, a guiId of eIf lhieves vas hunled dovn
and deslroyed here. Their spirils, laking lhe forn of lan-
shees, haunled lhe region for cenluries. nIy in recenl
years have lhe eIves of lhis region leen alIe lo drive
avay lhese undead. The lanshees, hovever, vere nol
defealed vilhoul cosl. As lhey vere eIininaled, lhey
vove a dreadfuI curse upon aII lhe rogues vho vouId
cone lo caII lhis region hone. Any characler vho al-
lenpls lo lurn undead vilhin 6O feel of a rogue fron lhe
CreycIoak HiIIs suffers a -2 penaIly. Allenpls ly eviI
priesls lo conlroI undead or lhe use of nagicaI speIIs Iike
intisioi|i|q |c unca are unaffecled.
Life in Iriaelor is a never-ending slorn of chaolic poIi-
lics and cullhroal nercanliIe praclices. BelrayaI and
sullerfuge, especiaIIy in lhe lusiness vorId, is unending.
Rogues fron Iriaelor expecl no Iess fron lhe vorId
around lhen and lehave accordingIy. AII characlers de-
signed vilh lhis kil nusl le of chaolic aIignnenl.
In lhe huslIe and luslIe of lhis cily, vhich sone say never
naps~Iel aIone sIeeps~rogues have IillIe chance lo hone
lheir delecl noises skiII. The quiel condilions needed lo
successfuIIy enpIoy lhis skiII are aInosl unheard of any
vhere in Iriaelor. As a resuIl, lhey suffer a -15 penaIly lo
lhal skiII vhenever lhey allenpl lo use il.
The conings and goings of peopIe in ScornuleI require
everyone in lhe cily lo le liIinguaI or nuIli-IinguaI.
This is especiaIIy lrue of nerchanls and lhe rogues vho
oflen ningIe vilh lhen. To refIecl lhis, aII rogues cre-
aled vilh lhis kil nusl expend al Ieasl lvo proficiency
sIols lo Iearn nodern Ianguages. The Dungeon Masler is
free lo say vhich of Iaerns nany diaIecls lhe characler
has leen exposed lo.
ScornuleI is a spravIing pIace, and lhose vho Iive here
see IillIe or no need lo luiId lhe laII lovers lhal one sees
in nore confined cilies Iike Iriaelor. As a resuIl, rogues
vho Iearn lheir arl here are Iess proficienl vilh lhe
cIinl vaIIs skiIIs lhan olhers of lheir cIass. This is evi-
denl fron lhe -15 penaIly appIied lo lhis skiII.
Rogues o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
oxforIfy 9
N o
N o
N o
- 3
General, Rogue
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
In nany of lhe vorIds cilies, lraveIers nusl le con-
slanlIy on guard Iesl lhey faII prey lo sone nanner of
fornaI lhieves guiId. In Walerdeep, hovever, lhe Iasl
organized lhieves guiId vas svepl oul of exislence in
13OO DR. Since lhal line, a nunler of nasler crininaIs
have soughl lo forge a nev lhieves guiId, aIvays lo faII
lefore lhe Lords of Walerdeep in lhe end. This IeveI of
poIicing has Iefl ils nark on aII Walerdhavian rogues,
vho recognize lhe conslanl periI of leing discovered.
Walerdhavian rogues adopl lvo prinary slralegies lo
hide lheir idenlilies fron lhe poIice. Mosl sinpIy dress
Iike connon foIk, nove aloul in crovds or shadovs,
and do as IillIe as possilIe lo drav allenlion lo lhen-
seIves. lhers~lhose vilh nore exlroverled personaIi-
lies~don unusuaI garl and oflen assune fIanloyanl
idenlilies and pseudonyns under vhich lo connil lheir
crines. Iasl exanpIes of lhese foIk have incIuded lhe
elon-cIad S|a||cr and lhe coneIy lul egolislicaI Maanc
8cau|ifu|. The grealesl prolIen lhis second lype of lhief
suffers fron is lhe need lo Iead a doulIe Iife.
The onIy characlerislic lhal one can descrile as universaI
anong Walerdhavian rogues is a ninor case of paranoia.
This isnl unreasonalIe, of course, given lhe hislory of
lheir lrealnenl ly lhe Lords of Walerdeep. Rogues cre-
aled vilh lhis kil shouId assune a carefuI and suspicious
allilude al aII lines. Afler aII, even lhe nosl lrusled
friend nighl lurn oul lo le an agenl of lhe conslaluIary.
ne is as IikeIy lo neel a noney-greedy ShyIock as a
heroic svashluckIer on lhe slreels of Walerdeep. The
sane person nighl dispIay lolh of lhese characler lrails
in differenl circunslances. A visilor lo Walerdeep
shouId renenler lhal lhe Cily of SpIendors is avash
vilh peopIe fron lhroughoul Iaern and around ToriI.
| |cp| nq oac| |c |nc ccr uni|c Hcnus sc| |c ucr| cn |nc
|cc|. 8cnin nc, | ncar |nc c|ic|s an scrapings cf nis
pic|s. As a|uaqs, | uas curicus aocu| nis suo||c craf|, ou|
| arc nc| |urn auaq frcn |nc ar|cnc na||uaq. lc na
|cf| a gcc nanq crca|urcs ca cr injurc in cur ua|c
an |nc cs ucrc far |cc gcc |na| scnccnccr scnc-
|ninguas gcing |c oc |rac|ing us. |tcn G|crin, |nc in-
pcr|uroao|c c|f, sccnc ji||crq as nc nc| nis ocu a| |nc rcaq.
Hcu nucn |cngcr? | unispcrc |c |nc |nicf.
|n nc| surc . . . |nis is an anazing |cc|. |tc nctcr
sccn i|s oc||cr!
Trq nc| |c scun sc p|casc,' rcnar|c G|crin. lcrc
ccr|ain |c natc a unc|c carc cf Xana|nar ninicns cn us
anq |inc ncu. |f qcu cn| gc| |na| ccr cpcnc . . .
| |ncu, nuno|c Hcnus. ||s a|uaqs up |c nc |c
pcrfcrn c|ica|c ucr| a| |incs cf grca| angcr. | |i|c |c
scc qcu |rq |nis, ctcn ui|ncu| ncns|crs orca|ning cun
qcur ncc|.
As if ca||c oq nis ccnncn| aocu| ncns|crs, a grcup cf
crcs sucn|q unir|c arcun |nc ccrncr scnc fif|q fcc|
auaq an ocgan |c cnargc |cuar us. Tncq nc| uic|c|q
curtc scini|ars in |ncir nans an ncu|c |i|c c|f spiri|s.
| arc saq |na| | uas s|unnc oq |ncir aorup| appcarancc,
ou| G|crin rcspcnc ins|an||q. 8cfcrc |ncq na crcssc
na|f |nc is|ancc |c us, |nrcc cf |ncn na fa||cn |c nis ocu.
Anc|ncr f|urrq cf fca|ncrs fc||c |uc ncrc, ou| |ncn |ncq
ucrc upcn us.
8q |ncn, fcr|una|c|q, | na rccctcrc nq ui|s. Mq
sucr sucp| oac| an fcr|n, cing |i|||c rca| anagc |c |nc
fcu| crca|urcs, ou| riting |ncn oac| s|ign||q. |f nc|ning
c|sc, i| ocugn| G|crin |nc |inc |c oring nis c|ctcn o|ac in|c
p|aqas uas a|uaqs |nc casc uncn cti| nunancis ucrc
ncar, i| g|cuc orign| o|uc in |nc ar|ncss cf |nc |unnc|.
Onc cf |nc crc |cacrs sprang fcrcuar, inpa|ing ninsc|f
cn nq o|ac. Tuc ncrc fc||cuc nin, ou| | |cc| a s|cp
oac|, pu||c nq sucr frcc cf |nc ccrpsc, an rcnctc |ncir
ncas ui|n a pcucrfu| |a|cra| s|rc|c.
Tnin|ing oc||cr cf |nis a||ac|, |nc rcnaining crcs
|urnc an f|c. G|crin s|ippc |nc o|ac oac| in|c i|s
scaooar an |c| cu| a ncatq sign.
Gc| i|! sai a sa|isfic Hcnus an |nc ccr rc||c
cpcn ocnin us. | |urnc nq nca an fcrgc| aocu| |nc
crcs an c|ncr crca|urcs |na| ucrc ccr|ain |c ccnc pcuring
cu| cf |nc ar|ncss in a fcu ninu|cs. Nctcr na | sccn sc
nucn gc| cr sc nanq gcns. |f uc nanagc |c cscapc ui|n
cn|q a frac|icn cf Xana|nars ncrc, uc oc sc| fcr |ifc.
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The Cily of SpIendors foslers a greal diversily anong ils
peopIe, even lhose of lhe sane aIignnenl and cIass.
Novhere, hovever, is lhis divergence so pronounced as
anong lhe rogues of lhe cily.
When a pIayer creales a characler vilh lhis kil, he is
enlilIed lo seIecl proficiencies fron lhe Rogue and Cen-
eraI groups, lul aIso lhe pIayer shouId seIecl one of lhe
olher proficiency groups for his characler lo have ready
access lo. If lhe canpaign uses lhe Ccnp|c|c Psicnics
Hanocc|, lhe pIayer nay seIecl fron lhe Isionicisl
group. This expanded choice of proficiencies refIecls lhe
greal range of experiences a person groving up in Waler-
deep is IikeIy lo have.
In addilion lo his encounlers vilh lhe connon foIk of
Walerdeep, a young rogue is IikeIy lo have deaIings vilh
olhers of his kind. Il is a unique individuaI vho doesnl
find hinseIf laken in hand ly a nore experienced rogue
and laughl lhe inlricacies of lhe lhieves lrade. To refIecl
lhis lraining, lhe pIayer crealing a Walerdhavian rogue
shouId seIecl one of lhe slandard lhief skiIIs (pick pock-
els, read Ianguages, elc.) as his area of experlise. When-
ever lhe rogue allenpls lo use lhis skiII, he receives a
15 lonus (lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The greal lide of hunanily lhal vashes lhrough Waler-
deep Ieaves ils nark on every cilizen of lhe cily. A per-
son vho grovs up lhere has lhe chance lo nake friends
fron aII over lhe vorId. UnforlunaleIy, lhe sane chance
exisls lo nake enenies.
When a pIayer vishes lo creale a characler vilh lhis
kil, he nusl creale a second persona vho is lhal charac-
lers nenesis. The DM is free lo diclale any speciaI re-
quirenenls lhal viII le inposed upon lhe viIIainous
characler, lul lhe pIayer shouId do lhe najorily of lhe
vork invoIved in crealing hin.
Afler lhe pIayer creales lhe characler, lhe characler is
lurned over lo lhe Dungeon Masler and lecones a regu-
Iar NIC vho frequenlIy lornenls lhe IC. There is a 5
chance per IeveI of lhe IC lhal his rivaI appears in any
given advenlure. The rivaI shouId advance in IeveI al
roughIy lhe sane rale as lhe IC.
Rogues o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Dexterity 9
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
- 3
General, Rogue
Iar fron lhe shores of lhe TrackIess Sea, lhe eIfish refuge
of Lverneel rises alove lhe vaves. Here, far fron lhe
savs and pIovs of hunan fronliersnen, lhe fair foIk have
found a secure refuge. nIy lhe drov and haIf-eIves are
nol pernilled on Lverneel.
The rogues of Lverneel nighl le cIassed as foreslers.
They vear luckskin and decorale lhenseIves vilh eagIe
fealhers. To nove vilhoul deleclion lhrough lhe viIder-
ness, lhey oflen don c|ca|s cf c|tcn|in.
Lverneels rogues are inlrospeclive, lhoughlfuI peopIe.
They are al hone in lhe viIderness and conforlalIe
vilh aninaIs. Lxcepl for druids and rangers, lhere are
prolalIy no nore ruslic peopIe anyvhere on Iaern.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
These rogues legin pIay vilh lhe aninaI handIing, ani-
naI Iore, hunling, and lracking proficiencies. These are
lonus proficiencies and no sIols need le aIIocaled lo
lhen. SIols can le expended lo increase lhe characlers
chance of success vhen using lhen.
When in a viIderness selling, lhese characlers gain a
+15 lonus lo lheir hide in shadovs, nove siIenlIy, and
delecl noise roIIs (lo a naxinun 95 chance of suc-
cess). They aIso gain a +2 lonus lo lheir inilialive and
surprise roIIs.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The rogues of Lverneel are nol used lo lhe huslIe and
luslIe of cily Iife. They seIdon venlure lhere and so suffer
a fev disadvanlages vhen lhey do so. They suffer a -15
penaIly vhen lhey nake a pick pockels, find/renove
lraps, or open Iocks check in an urlan selling. AIso, lhe
dislraclions of lhe cily cause lhese characlers lo suffer a -2
penaIly on aII proficiency checks nade lhere.
Rogues o[ 1he
IsLamo KImgooms
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? N o
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The IsIand Kingdons are a coIIeclion of oulcroppings lhal
lreak lhe surface of lhe TrackIess Sea Iike slruggIing pIanls
cIaving lheir vay lhrough lhe lopsoiI. Hone lo nerchanls
and pirales aIike, lhey are fascinaling and oflen dangerous
pIaces visiled onIy ly lhe nosl inlrepid of lraveIers.
When peopIe lhink of lhe IsIand Kingdons, lhey see in-
ages of seafaring pirale caplains vilh Iealher vesls,
pIuned hals, culIasses, high lools, and vide leIls.
Whelher one refers lo lhe privaleers vho sel saiI fron lhe
Iirale IsIes or lhe skiIIfuI lrader lased oul of lhe porls of
rIunlor or Lanlan, lhal inage is nearIy accurale.
The onIy reaI difference lelveen lhe lvo groups is lhal
lhe pirales lend lo have nore scars lhan lhe nerchanls.
f course, since lhe nerchanls spend a greal deaI of line
repeIIing allacks ly lhose sane pirales, lhey have scars
of lheir ovn.
No one vho sels saiI upon lhe TrackIess Sea vouId gel
far vilhoul a loId and advenlurous spiril. A sense of dar-
ing and desire for profils is lypicaI of eilher lhe ner-
chanls or pirales of lhis region.
As one nighl expecl, lhe pirales are a good deaI nore
vioIenl lhan lheir lrader-cousins. SliII, anyone vho has
lried lo svindIe a Lanlan nerchanl knovs lhal lhose
foIks possess a voIaliIe lenper as veII. Theyre jusl leller
al keeping il in check.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The nerchanls of Lanlan are an inleresling peopIe. Their
cuIlure is peacefuI and lhey do vhalever lhey can lo avoid
confIicl. These high slandards do nol appIy lo lhe goods
lhey lrade, hovever, and lhe Lanlan are nore lhan viII-
ing lo deaI in arnanenls. Il vas lhis isIand kingdon lhal
inlroduced lhe deadIy arquelus lo lhe vorId.
Lanlanna rogues are noled for lheir use of lhal unusuaI
firearn, even lhough il is hardIy a sullIe veapon. If such
a characler is proficienl in lhe use of lhe arquelus, he re-
ceives a +2 lonus on aII allack and danage roIIs nade
vilh il.
In addilion lo lhis lonus, lhese characlers receive lvice
lhe nornaI anounl of slarling noney and can purchase
any nanner of ocean-going vesseI al 75 of lhe Iisled
price. This discounl appIies onIy if lhe crafl is conslrucled
or purchased in Lanlan or is fron a Lanlanna nalionaI.
These characlers aII legin pIay vilh lhe seananship
and appraisaI proficiencies. These are lonus skiIIs and
lhe characler need nol expend any sIols lo ollain
lhen. AddilionaI sIols can le aIIocaled lo increase
lheir chances of success vilh lhen. They can purchase
lhe navaI conlal proficiency (see lhis page) lul nusl
aIIocale an exlra sIol vhen doing so since il is in lhe
Warrior group.
MIntuvn, tLe PIvute IsIes, und RuutLym
AIlhough lhe nosl infanous corsairs on lhe TrackIess
Sea harlor in lhe Iirale IsIes, lhe isIands of Minlarn and
Rualhyn are cerlainIy vorlh noling for lheir lucca-
neers. These rogues are knovn far and vide for lheir
cunning and crueIly.
These characlers aII legin pIay vilh lhe seananship,
navigalion, and rope use proficiencies. In addilion, lhey
can purchase lhe navaI conlal proficiency vilhoul pay-
ing lhe addilionaI sIol required for luying skiIIs oulside
lheir prinary groups.
TLe MoonsLues
AIlhough lhe peopIe of lhe Moonshaes are acluaIIy di-
vided inlo lvo races, lhe Norlhnen and lhe IfoIk, aII
characlers crealed vilh lhis kil are Norlhnen.
The lradilions of navaI conlal run slrong anong lhe
Norlhnen. AII characlers crealed vilh lhis kil legin
pIay vilh lhe seananship and navaI conlal proficien-
cies. These are lonus proficiencies and no sIols need le
aIIocaled for lheir purchase. AddilionaI sIols can le
used lo enhance lhe characlers aliIily vilh lhese
skiIIs, hovever.
The harsh condilions under vhich lhe Norlhnen
have Iived for lhe pasl fev cenluries have hardened even
lhe rogues of lhal Iand unliI lhey are very nearIy as
lough as lhe varriors of nany cuIlures. AII characlers
crealed vilh lhis kil are enlilIed lo lhe varrior lonuses
for exceplionaI Conslilulion scores.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The nerchanls of Lanlan are veII knovn for lheir desire
lo avoid vioIence al aII cosls. In lhe ninds of nany ene-
nies, lhis lransIales lo covardice. Because of lhis, any
force lallIing a Lanlan-Ied group gains a +2 lonus on ils
MoraIe checks.
NavaI Combat 1 SIotJIntJ+0
Characlers vho possess lhis skiII are alIe lo direcl
lhe fire of ship-nounled siege engines and respond
quickIy lo lhe rapidIy changing denands of ship-lo-
ship conlal. In addilion lo lhe nany uses a thor-
ough knovIedge of lhis skiII granls lhe characler in
any given silualion, il has specific uses.
When lhe characler assunes connand of a ship-
loard veapon Iike a calapuIl or laIIisla, he shouId
nake a proficiency check. If lhe check passes, lhe accu-
racy of lhal veapon sulslanliaIIy inproves. The
veapon aIvays nakes allack roIIs using lhe Warrior
lalIe, no naller vhal cIass of characler is operaling il.
The veapon aIso receives an addilionaI +2 lonus ap-
pIied lo lhe allack roII.
If lhe characler is caIIed upon lo Iead a loarding
parly or lo repeI such a force for his ovn ship, he is
enlilIed lo nake a proficiency check vhenever his
side is caIIed upon lo nake a MoraIe check. If he
passes lhe check, lhe noraIe of his forces increases ly
2 poinls.
Tnc firs| inpac| |nrcu nc cu| cf nq oun| an scn| nc
spau|ing acrcss |nc cc|. Tnc scccn |if|c nc cff |nc
cc|, ou| | crasnc oac| cun uncn Mi|a| |cs| nis grip
cn |nc uppcr ocr|n an fc|| cn |cp cf nc. Mq rign| arn
uas urcncnc oa|q oq |nc inpac|, causing nc |c crq
cu| in pain. A |a|cr cxanina|icn rctca|c |na| i| uas
orc|cn, ou| a| |nc |inc | jus| assunc i| uas sprainc.
lc graooc cur ucapcns, a||ncugn | ccu| oarc|q
nc| ninc, an ran cn|c |nc cc|. | na nc ica una|
|c cxpcc| an prcparc nqsc|f fcr anq|ning . . . cr sc |
As sccn as | canc |nrcugn |nc ccr |na| cpcnc
cn|c |nc cc|, a snarp o|cu fc|| acrcss nq |cgs. | |cp-
p|c fcruar, rcpping nq sucr, an s|i sctcra| fcc|
acrcss |nc spraq-s|ic| cc|. Mi|a|, unc uas c|csc cn
nq |ai|, nus| natc rcccitc a sini|ar grcc|ing, fcr nc
fc|cnc up a| nq sic.
Tnc ncx| scccn, a ruggc |cc|ing uarf s|cppc
in|c ticu. Hc |cc|c tcrq nucn |i|c |nc |qpica| uarf
cnc pic|urcs igging in |nc nincs an ucr|ing |nc fcrgcs
cf |nc ucr|, ou| nc ucrc |ca|ncr arncr an na ou|
cnc cqc. |rcn cur tan|agc pcin| nc a|sc |cc|c tcrq
|a||, an |nc sncr| sucr |na| nc nc| |c Mi|a|s |nrca|
sccnc tcrq |argc.
| nc| oc nctin if | ucrc qc, nc sai snug|q.
lc |cc| nis aticc an sccn rca|izc |na| |nc najcri|q
cf |nc crcu uas in a sini|ar prcicancn|. |tcn |cnix,
cur uarf ccnpanicn, uas ocing |rca|c nc oc||cr
|nan uc.
|n |css |nan fif|ccn ninu|cs |nc fign|ing uas ctcr an
|nc Scar|c| Quccn na occn |a|cn oq |nc uarf raicrs
cf Rua|nqn. Tncq nunocrc ou| na|f cf una| cur crcu
i, qc| sc ficrcc uas |ncir a||ac| |na| uc na |i|||c
cncicc satc |c surrcncr. || |cc| |ncn cn|q six ncurs |c
ccnp|c|c|q cnp|q cur nc|. Tncq |cf| cur prctisicns an
frcsn ua|cr, ou| nc|ning cf ta|uc rcnainc in cur nc|.
Tncq |ncn prccccc |c snrc cur sai|s sc |na| uc
ccu|n| pursuc |ncn uncn |ncq |cf|. |ign| ncurs af|cr
|nc a||ac| na ocgun, |ncq sc| sai| again an |cf| us
Tnc cap|ain crcrc nis crcu |c sc| aocu| rcpairing
|nc sai|s an Knc|an ocgan |c fasnicn a sp|in| fcr nq
arn. |cnix jus| sncc| nis nca in isgus| a| |nc ica cf
scafaring uarucs. . . .
|rcn |nc jcurna| cf Anrcas Vancrs|q|c
These characlers are nol accusloned lo vearing
arnor. Nol onIy is il unconforlalIe, lul lhey leIieve
lhal arnor puls off cusloners and Iovers lhe price lhey
receive for lheir nerchandise. Wilh lhe exceplion of
c|tcn cnain nai|, lhey cannol vear any forn of arnor.
MagicaI defenses, Iike c|ca|s cf prc|cc|icn, are accepl-
alIe, hovever.
MIntuvn, tLe PIvute IsIes, und RuutLym
The sighl of a pirale ship draving near is nore lhan
enough lo send shivers dovn lhe spine of even lhe nosl
experienced seanan. Because of lhe sordid Iives lhey Iead
and lhe harsh condilions lhal lhey nusl endure al sea,
lhe sighl of nany a pirale hinseIf viII aIso do lhe sane.
As a resuIl, a characler designed vilh lhis kil suffers a -2
penaIly lo his Charisna score vhen deaIing vilh any
characler fron anolher area. Anong olher pirales, of
course, lhere is no effecl.
These characlers are nol noled for lheir greal educalion
or knovIedge. To refIecl lhis, aII pirales suffer a -25
penaIly on any read Ianguages checks lhey nusl nake.
TLe MoonsLues
The Norlhnen are lhoughl of as larlarians of lhe
vaves ly lolh lhe pirales and nerchanls vho saiI lhe
TrackIess Sea. So lrulaI are lhese foIk lhal lhey do nol
even enpIoy lhe lradilionaI culIasses and scinilars of
lhe saiIor. The Norlhnen vieId greal axes. AII charac-
lers designed vilh lhis kil nusl aIIocale al Ieasl one
veapon proficiency sIol lo naslering lhe use of lhe
lallIe axe and anolher lo lhe hand axe. (lviousIy, lhis
neans lhal lhese characlers are alIe lo use a veapon
nornaIIy forlidden lo characlers of lhe Rogue cIass.)
These characlers are aIso forlidden lo nasler lhe use
of nissiIe veapons. To fire arrovs al an eneny or slrike
hin dovn vilh lhe lhunderous fire of an arquelus is
hardIy filling lo soneone vilh a varriors lIood in hin,
afler aII.
These characlers suffer a -25 penaIly lo lheir read
Ianguages skiIIs and are never alIe lo nasler lhe use of
nagicaI scroIIs. Like lhe use of nissiIe veapons, lhey jusl
arenl a parl of lhe Norlhnens cuIlure.
Rogues o[ 1he
5aoage Non1h
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Dexterity 9,
Constitution 12
- 3
General, Rogue Warrior favor furs and hides, lheirs are nuch nore sophislicaled
None in design and far nore slyIish.
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Iron one corner of Iaern lo anolher, lhe Savage
Norlh is knovn as a Iand of fierce varriors and uncivi-
Iized larlarians. Lven lhe rogues fron lhis region can-
nol escape lhe nyrnidons vays. And even lhe rogues
of SiIverynoon, one of lhe nosl civiIized pIaces on lhe
surface of ToriI, are nol innune lo lhe effecls of lhis
harsh cIinale.
DescnIp1Iom 5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The peopIe of lhe Savage Norlh dress in hides, lhick
roles, or olher Iess sophislicaled garl. Whalever lhey
vear is aIvays chosen for varnlh and proleclion. They
are rareIy vilhoul arnor. The onIy exceplion lo lhis ruIe
are lhe cilizens of SiIverynoon. AIlhough lhey sliII
TLe BuvbuvIun PeoIes
This descriplion acluaIIy incIudes nol onIy lhe Barlar-
ian IeopIes lul aIso lhe inhalilanls of lhe Icevind DaIe
and Sundalar.
Harsh and unsophislicaled are anong lhe nosl con-
nonIy used vords lo descrile lhese peopIe. They seIdon
enpIoy lhe sullIe laclics nosl connonIy associaled
vilh rogues. The sinpIe pIeasures are aII lhese foIks
vanl: a varn neaI, a safe pIace lo sIeep, and a IillIe goId
for spending. IoIks fron nore hospilalIe regions of ToriI
are sofl, veak peopIe lo le pilied and avoided . . . or
lealen and rolled.
The nosl olvious laIenl of lhese peopIe is a naluraI
aliIily lo survive in lhe deadIy coId of lhe norlh. In
gane lerns lhis lakes lhe forn of lhe fire-luiIding and
survivaI (arclic) proficiencies. These are lonus profi-
ciencies, so lhe characler need nol aIIocale any sIols lo
lheir purchase. AddilionaI sIols can le expended lo in-
crease lhe characlers chances of success vhen using
lhese skiIIs, hovever.
These characlers have lecone accIinaled lo condi-
lions of exlrene coId. Whenever a rogue fron anong lhe
Barlarian IeopIes nusl nake a saving lhrov lecause of
any coId-lased or ice-lased allack, he gains a +2 lonus
vhelher lhis allack is nagicaI or naluraI in nalure.
CItudeI Adbuv
This dvarven slronghoId is a nassive, sullerranean
conpIex. nce a parl of lhe nov defuncl kingdon of
DeIzoun, lhis greal faslness is lul an echo of lhe gIory
lhal once vas. WhiIe rogues are nol connon anong
lhese foIk, varriors are ly far lhe nosl connon lype of
advenlurer found in Adlar. AII characlers crealed vilh
lhis kil nusl le of dvarf slock.
Anong lhe lhings lhal nark lhe rogues of Adlar is
lheir proficiency vilh slonevorking and olher nining
skiIIs. These characlers legin pIay vilh lhe nining,
slonenasonry, and gen culling skiIIs. These are lonus
proficiencies, and no sIols need le expended lo ollain
lhen. SIols can le aIIocaled lo increase lhe characlers
skiII vilh lhese laIenls, lhough.
In addilion lo lhese aliIilies, rogues fron CiladeI
Adlar are unusuaIIy adepl al lhe lradilionaI skiIIs associ-
aled vilh dvarves. The nornaI +1 lonus lhal dvarves
receive vhen lallIing enenies Iike orcs, haIf-orcs, and
golIins is doulIed lo +2 for lhese characlers, as lhey have
lecone experls in lhe veaknesses of lhose crealures.
The dvarf rogues of lhe CiladeI Adlar are nore highIy
skiIIed al delecling sIiding/shifling vaIIs or roons (dis-
cover 5 oul of 6 lines) and delecling slonevork lraps,
pils, and deadfaIIs (discover 4 oul of 6 lines).
HIgL Iovest
This viId and heaviIy vooded Iand is hone lo druids,
lreanls, and nany olher syIvan races. Anong lhese, onIy
lhe eIves of lhe High Ioresl produce enough rogues lo le
addressed in lhis lexl.
The eIves of lhe High Ioresl aII legin pIay vilh lhe
vealher sense and survivaI (voodIands) skiIIs. These are
lonus proficiencies, so lhe characler need nol aIIocale
any of his proficiency sIols lo lhen. AddilionaI sIols can
le expended lo increase lhe characlers chance of suc-
cess vhen using lhese skiIIs.
High Ioresl rogues are even nore sleaIlhy lhan lheir
peers in lhe oulside vorId. This is refIecled ly an increase
in lhe naluraI aliIily lhal aII eIves have lo surprise oppo-
nenls (as descriled in lhe Races seclion of lhe P|aqcrs
Hanocc|). WhiIe nornaI eIves inpose a -4 penaIly lo
lheir enenys surprise roIIs, lhese deIicale foIk increase
lhal lo a -5. If lhe eIf is required lo open a door or siniIar
porlaI lo reach his opponenls, lhis penaIly is onIy a -3.
The greal craflsnen of Nevervinler are knovn lhrough-
oul lhe vorId for lheir arlislry and lhe precision skiII
vilh vhich lhey vork. AII lhese characlers legin pIay
vilh lhe engineering skiII. This is a lonus proficiency
and no sIols need le aIIocaled lo ils purchase, lul sIols
can le expended lo increase lhe characlers chance of
success vhen using il.
This sane affinily for fine nechanisns spiIIs over inlo
lhe characlers vork vilh Iocks and siniIar devices.
Whenever one of lhese characlers nakes a find/renove
lraps or open Iocks check, he receives a +25 lonus lo
his chances of success (lo a naxinun 95 chance). In
addilion, lhe line il requires lo allenpl lhese lasks is haIf
lhal nornaIIy laken. So a rogue fron Nevervinler re-
quires onIy d1O rounds lo allenpl eilher of lhese lasks.
f aII lhe cilies on ToriI, lhere is none nore cosnopoIi-
lan lhan lhe Cen of lhe Norlh. Hunans, eIves,
dvarves, and counlIess olher races Iive in harnony here.
The Iessons lhey Iearn fron each olher nake lhese foIk
anong lhe nosl sophislicaled peopIe in lhe vorId.
Ior lhe rogues of lhis greal cily, vho seen lo have a
knack for Iislening and Iearning, lhis has had sone
lrenendous effecls. The nosl inporlanl of lhese is lhal
lhe skiIIs in aII of lhe proficiency groups are open lo
lhen al lheir Iisled cosl. A rogue fron SiIverynoon
need nol aIIocale an exlra sIol lo purchase skiIIs fron
any proficiency group. This incIudes such esoleric cale-
gories as lhe Isionicisl group, if such ruIes are leing used
in lhe canpaign.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
TLe BuvbuvIun PeoIes
Life in lhe frozen Iands of lhe Norlh is as harsh as can le
inagined. Belveen lhe lerrilIe vealher, lhe deadIy
predalors, and lhe generaIIy prinilive nalure of lhe Sav-
age Norlhs cuIlures, dealh is a frequenl visilor lo lhese
peopIe. SliII, lhe Barlarian IeopIes are accusloned lo
lhese hardships and lhink IillIe of lhen. To lhen, sur-
vivaI in olher regions vouId le a nighlnarish inpossi-
liIily. Ior exanpIe, hov anyone can survive in lhe jun-
gIes of ChuIl is leyond lhen. The sane accIinalion lhal
nakes lhese foIk nore resislanl lo coId-lased and ice-
lased allacks nakes lhen vuIneralIe lo fire and heal.
Whenever such a characler is allacked vilh fire or heal,
he suffers a -2 penaIly lo his saving lhrovs.
The prinilive nalure of lhe Barlarian IeopIes is seen
in lheir Iack of skiII vilh sophislicaled lechnoIogy. This
is nosl olvious in lheir allenpls lo find and renove
lraps or open Iocks. They suffer a -25 penaIly vhen
using lhese skiIIs.
CItudeI Adbuv
The dvarf rogues of Adlar are nol as resislanl lo nagicaI
allacks as lheir peers. Ior sone reason, lhe hardy nalure
of olher dvarves has leen diIuled in lhese foIk. AI-
lhough no exacl cause has leen found, lhe effecl is un-
denialIe. Their nornaI saving lhrov lonus associaled
vilh lheir Conslilulion score is reduced ly 2. So an Ad-
larian rogue vilh a Conslilulion of 12 has onIy a +1
lonus, nol lhe usuaI +3. This penaIly does nol reduce
lhe lonus lo Iess lhan O, hovever, so il is inpossilIe for
a reaIIy Iov Conslilulion score lo resuIl in a saving
lhrov penaIly.
This handicap is nol lhe onIy one associaled vilh
lhese characlers. Because lhey do nol have lhe sane ex-
posure lo lhe nornaI aclivilies lhal olher rogues do, lhey
do nol have ready access lo lhe proficiencies of lhe
Rogue group. Therefore, lhey nusl aIIocale an exlra sIol
vhen purchasing any of lhese skiIIs.
HIgL Iovest
The eIves of lhe High Ioresl are grealIy dislanced fron
lheir kin in olher eIfish faslnesses. The resuIl of aII lhese
niIes is lhal lhe eIves of High Ioresl are oflen lhoughl of
as a dislanl off-shool of lhe eIf race lul nol a pure ex-
anpIe of lhe fair foIk. In gane lerns lhis neans lhal aII
of lhese characlers have a -2 penaIly appIied lo lhe reac-
lion adjuslnenl and IoyaIly lase raling (as generaled ly
lhe characlers Charisna score) vhen deaIing vilh eIves
and siniIar syIvan foIk fron olher reaIns.
These foIk are Iess alIe lo receive lhe lraining lhal
olher rogues lake for granled. This neans lhal none of
lhese characlers, no naller hov high lheir Dexlerily
score, are eIigilIe for an increased rale of experience
poinl acquisilion.
AIlhough lhey are experls al lhe finer poinls of lhiev-
ing, lhe nore direcl approaches of lheir lrade Ieave
lhen al sonelhing of a Ioss. Because of lhis, lhey never
receive nore lhan a x2 danage lonus vhen naking a
lackslalling allack. The lonuses lo lheir allack roIIs
renain unchanged.
The overaII aura of lrulh and juslice lhal pervades lhis
cily has an effecl upon lhe rogues of SiIverynoon. Mosl
inporlanlIy, characlers designed vilh lhis kil cannol le
of eviI aIignnenl. Lven lhe nosl dialoIicaI of SiIvery-
noons rogues is onIy neulraI.
AIlhough lhey are exposed lo a greal variely of peopIe
and experiences, lhe rogues of SiIverynoon are sliII
caIIed upon lo Iearn sone of Iifes hardesl Iessons on lheir
ovn. UnIike lhe dark Iands of lhe ZhenliI Keep, lhere are
no greal schooIs for assassins, pickpockels, or spies vilhin
lhe nagicaIIy heId lorders of SiIverynoon. This is espe-
ciaIIy lhe case in a cily Iike lhis one, vhich is ruIed ly
soneone as poverfuI and as incorruplilIy good as lhe
High Lady AIuslrieI. Because of lhis, lhese characlers suf-
fer a -1O penaIly lo every one of lheir lhief skiIIs.
Rogues o[
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? Yes
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d4
Wcapnn 5!nts 2
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
- 3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Riding, land-based
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs Survival (desert)
Recenl incursions lo lhe Creal Deserl have proven lhis
is nol a forsaken Iand. The Bedine, vho inhalil Anau-
roch, are a proud and independenl peopIe vho have re-
sisled Zhenlarin expansion.
The Bedine vear Iong roles lo prolecl lhen fron lhe
fierce deserl sun and slinging sand. Wonen oflen go
veiIed in pulIic vhiIe nen vear vide sashes. Warriors of
lolh sexes vieId vickedIy curved scinilars.
The peopIe of Anauroch are proud and sloic. The Be-
dine sland firnIy againsl eviI and chaos, especiaIIy lhe
Zhenlarin. Heroes fron lhis region lraveIy face even
lhe nighliesl of eviIs.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
Rogues of lhe Bedine are enlilIed lo lhe hil poinl lonus
for exceplionaI Conslilulion scores and aIso receive lhe
Iand-lased riding proficiency vilhoul lhe need lo aIIo-
cale a sIol lo lhal skiII.
The lradilionaI veapon of lhe Bedine is lhe scinilar.
AII rogues fron lhis region are proficienl in ils use and
need nol aIIocale a veapon proficiency sIol lo il. These
characlers receive a +1 lonus lo lheir allack and dan-
age roIIs vilh lhese veapons.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
AII Bedine rogues nusl le of IavfuI aIignnenl. Whelher
good or eviI, lhese peopIe have grovn up in a region lhal
pIaces personaI honor alove aInosl every olher aspecl of Iife.
Wearing arnor in lhe harsh environnenl of lhe Creal
Deserl is aInosl unlhinkalIe. These characlers are con-
pIeleIy unaccusloned lo lhis praclice and can never
vear arnor.
Rogues o[ 1he
CcL Ias
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Human, half-elf
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9,
Constitution 12
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? No
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Survival (arctic)
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The diverse cilies of lhe CoId Lands have nuch in con-
non. Beyond lhe harsh denands of lhe cIinale, lhis is a
vicious Iand of dragons, orcs, and nonslers.
Those vho donl dress lo neel lhe rigors of lhe cIinale
in lhe CoId Lands donl survive Iong. Heavy roles, fur or
hides, and olher cunlersone lul varn cIolhes are lhe
ruIe here. This does nol ruIe oul inlricale or eIeganl cos-
luning lul sels lhe lone lhal is refIecled in lhe cIolhing
vorn in lhis lorlured Iand.
The peopIe of lhe CoId Lands are skeplicaI reaIisls.
They have seen lheir cilies allacked ly counlIess eviIs
since lhe davn of line and see no reason lhal Iife in
lhe fulure shouId le any leller. Many caII lhese peopIe
pessinisls, lul il nighl le lhal lhe vord reaIisl is
nore filling.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
Rogues fron lhe CoId Lands are very veII adapled lo
lheir cIinale. They have a +2 lonus on any saving
lhrov lhey nusl nake lo escape or Iessen lhe effecls of a
coId-lased or ice-lased allack. Any danage lhey suffer
fron such allacks is nade vilh a -1 penaIly per die
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Rogues of lhe CoId Lands suffer grealIy fron heal-lased
or fire-lased allacks. Any saving lhrov nade lo escape
or reduce lhe effecls of allacks Iike lhis suffers a -2
penaIly. These rogues aIso suffer an exlra poinl of dan-
age per die roIIed fron any such allack vhelher or nol
lhey successfuIIy save againsl il.
Rogues o[ 1he
UmappnoachabLe Eas1
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Wcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts
AddItInna! 5!nt
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs
Human, half-elf
Dexterity 9
N o
N o
- 3
General, Rogue
The UnapproachalIe Lasl couId perhaps le caIIed lhe In-
scrulalIe Lasl. This Iand of conlrasling cuIlures is lesl
knovn for ils poverfuI nagicians, especiaIIy lhe dreadfuI
Red Wizards of Thay and lhe indonilalIe Wilches of
Rashenen. Wilh so nuch allenlion focused on lhese aI-
nosl god-Iike peopIe, rogues are oflen overIooked~vhich
is jusl hov lhey Iike il.
The fashions vorn ly peopIe in lhis region are varied.
Anong lhe cily-slales of InpiIlur, rogues lake lhe dress of
Ialorers and nerchanls. In Rashenen, lhe rogues vear
oninous lIack cIolhes siniIar lo lhal of orienlaI ninja, ex-
cepl lhal lhey are fashioned fron lhe elony hides of lhe
deadIy panlher. In Thay, a Iand ruIed ly fey nagic, rogues
lend lo aIIy lhenseIves vilh a singIe Red Wizard, adopling
vhalever garl lheir nasler nandales for his slalIe of
lhieves and assassins. In AgIarond lhey vear garl of lhe
connon peasanl lo avoid undue nolice or don cIolhing in
foresl hues vhen lraveIing near lhe Yuirvood.
The nindsels of rogues in lhis region vary as nuch as lhe
cIolhing lhey vear. The conlrasl is so shocking one nighl
assune lhal il vas inlenlionaIIy adopled.
In InpiIlur, rogues have adopled a no-nonsense ap-
proach lo lheir lrade. To lhen, sleaIing is nolhing nore
lhan a profession, no nore or Iess honoralIe lhan a ner-
chanl or a fighler.
Rasheni rogues are noled for lheir unusuaIIy feraI na-
lures. They see lhe panlher as sonelhing of a lolen ani-
naI, for il noves lhrough lhe nighl unseen unliI il slrikes.
Rogues fron olher reaIns oflen have difficuIly finding
connon ground vilh lhese foIk.
The rogues of Thay nay once have leen nolIe naslers of
lheir crafl. Il is said lhere vas a line vhen young foolpads
cane fron around lhe vorId lo Iearn lhe skiIIs lhese lhieves
nighl leach lhen. Any such gIory, hovever, vanished vilh
lhe ascension of lhe Red Wizards. The rogues of lhis region
are nov nolhing nore lhan loadies and lhugs vho oley
lheir naslers lIindIy oul of fear and inlinidalion.
Rogues of AgIarond lend lo le eilher Iighl-hearled cul-
purses and lurgIars or aInosl Iike foresl scouls, depending
on vhelher lhey vork in AgIaronds cilies or lhe Yuir-
vood. Lilher lype of rogue is even-lenpered and hoIds no
naIice lovard lhose he nakes his Iiving fron.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
AgIarond rogues are aIvays on lhe Iookoul for coverl
foreign aclivilies (prinariIy lhe Red Wizards), and so
lhey lend lo nonilor olhers conversalions uncon-
ciousIy. As veII, since lhey oflen find lhenseIves on lhe
road lhroughoul lhe counlryside and lhe voods, lhey
have lecone faniIiar vilh nulrilious pIanls, lerries, and
fungi lo suppIenenl lheir neaIs vilh for free. Because of
lhese lvo faclors, rogues fron AgIarond receive lhe
reading Iips and lhe foraging nonveapon proficiencies as
lonus proficiencies.
The rogues of InpiIlur have a pronounced fondness for
precious nelaIs. Lven lhe nosl radianl fire opaI or scinliI-
Ialing dianond hasnl lhe appeaI of a fineIy vroughl piece
of siIver or goId jeveIry. These characlers legin pIay vilh a
unique forn of lhe appraising skiII. Il funclions exaclIy as
descriled in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| excepl vhen lhey evaI-
uale lhe vorlh of an ilen nade fron precious nelaI.
Then, lhe characler receives a +2 lonus lo his roII. When
appraising anylhing eIse, lhey suffer a -2 penaIly
The knovIedge and affinily lhese characlers possess for
lhings nade of precious nelaIs aIIovs lhen greal insighls
inlo lhe nalure of such oljecls. By sinpIy exanining an
ilen nade fron precious nelaIs, lhese characlers can
sense if il has nagicaI properlies. Any allenpl lo do lhis
requires lhe characler lo nake a successfuI saving lhrov vs.
lrealh veapon. If lhe roII succeeds, lhe resuIls are jusl as if
lhe characler had casl a c|cc| nagic speII on lhe oljecl.
The rogues of Rashenen, vhiIe far Iess renovned lhan lhe
vilches of lhal reaIn, do have unusuaI aliIilies. Mosl of
lhese aliIilies are lased upon lhe panlhers lhese characlers
venerale. Ior exanpIe, lecause of lheir enuIalion of lhe
panlhers hunling and lracking lechniques, lhese charac-
lers legin pIay vilh lhose proficiencies. AIso, lheir sludy of
lhe panlher granls lhen a +15 lonus lo lheir nove
siIenlIy, hide in shadovs, and delecl noise skiIIs (lo a nax-
inun 95 chance of success).
The pover of lhe Red Wizards nol onIy overshadovs lhe
rogues of Thay, il covs lhen. A snarl rogue aIIies hin-
seIf vilh lhe nosl poverfuI vizard he can and lhen rides
his coallaiIs lo veaIlh and pover. When a rogue enlers
inlo lhe service of a Red Wizard, he is lranded vilh lhe
nark of his nasler. This lrand is nagicaI in nalure and
conlains speIIs lhe rogue can lhen casl once per day. The
lrand can conlain a nunler of speIIs equaI lo haIf lhe
IeveI of lhe rogue (rounded dovn). The naxinun nun-
ler of speII IeveIs lhal can le conlained is equaI lo lhe
IeveI of lhe rogue. The exacl speIIs slored in lhe lrand
are delernined ly lhe Dungeon Masler, lased upon lhe
vizard lo vhon lhe rogue has svorn feaIly.
Lach line a Thayan rogue rises in IeveI, he nusl relurn
lo his nasler lo have his laloo eIaloraled upon in order for
addilionaI speIIs lo le caslalIe ly lhe rogue.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Because of lheir desire lo heIp prolecl lheir counlry fron
lhe ever-anlilious Thayans and olher foreigners lenl on
conquesl, AgIarondan rogues nusl devole al Ieasl lvo of
lheir lhree iniliaI nonveapon proficiency sIols lo nodern
Ianguages so lhal lhey can undersland vhal suspicious for-
eigners are saying.
InpiIlurs rogues leIieve lhal knovIedge is pover. To in-
crease lheir ovn pover, lhey seek lo assenlIe as greal a
slore of skiIIs and laIenls as possilIe. They leIieve lhis
veaIlh of infornalion is far nore usefuI lhan any speciaI-
izalion in a singIe area couId le. As a resuIl, lhese charac-
lers cannol aIIocale proficiency sIols lo skiIIs leyond lhose
needed lo purchase lhen in lhe firsl pIace. If a skiII re-
quires lvo sIols, lhal is lhe nosl such a characler can
spend on il. AddilionaI sIols cannol le used lo increase
lhe characlers chances of success vilh lhe skiII.
The rogues of Rashenen are noled for lheir aInosl ani-
naIislic nalures. This is apparenl nol onIy in lheir grace-
fuI novenenls and hunling skiII lul aIso in lhe lesliaI
rages lhey have leen knovn lo dispIay.
When one of lhese characlers is injured in conlal,
lhere is a chance his feraI side viII cone lo lhe fore. To
avoid succunling, lhe characler nusl nake a success-
fuI saving lhrov vs. paraIysis. The nagicaI defense ad-
juslnenl lhal he receives for his Wisdon score, if any,
appIies lo lhis roII. If lhe save faiIs, lhe characler le-
cones olsessed vilh lhe lallIe and cannol slop voIun-
lariIy. Iron lhal poinl on, il lecones a fighl lo lhe
dealh. Anyone vho allenpls lo haIl lhe conlal,
vhelher friend or foe, lecones an eneny and is suljecl
lo allack.
In addilion lo carrying a nagicaI speII, lhe lrand a rogue
receives vhen he enlers inlo lhe service of a Red Wizard
ensures his IoyaIly. Whenever a speII is casl upon one of
lhese characlers ly lhe vizard vho lranded hin, no sav-
ing lhrov is aIIoved. By accepling lhe vizards lrand,
lhe rogue agrees lo vaive any saving lhrovs he nighl le
enlilIed lo.
If lhe rogue ever fIees his naslers service, lhe Red Wiz-
ard he served lakes oul a conlracl lo have hin caplured
and his lalloo forcilIy renoved.
o[ 1he
OLo EmpInes
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Varies
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? No
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? N o
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs Ancient history
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The Crin Lnpires, as lhese slales are oflen caIIed ly
lolh lhe inhalilanls and oulsiders, vere once greal and
nolIe povers. Bul lhe passing of years has Iefl lhen
cIinging lo lheir nany pasl gIories and Iiving in lhe dark
shadovs of vhal once vas.
Lach of lhe Id Lnpires is narked ly a unique slyIe of
dress. The peopIe of Chessenla connonIy dress in Iong
logaIike vrap-arounds. In MuIhorand lhe nosl popuIar
node of dress is a Ioose lunic and ankIe-Ienglh skirl or
haIf-role. Wilhin lhe corrupl confines of Unlher lhe
residenls don lroad leIls and knee-Ienglh kiIl-Iike skirls
lhal are connonIy vorn vilh sparlan shirls or lunics.
The rogues of lhe Id Lnpires recognize lhal lhey Iive
in pIaces Iong pasl lheir prine. This lends lo give lhen a
liller, sardonic oulIook on Iife. The rogues of lhe Id
Lnpires leIieve lhey nusl lake vhal lhey can nov, for
lhe fulure is far fron a cerlainly.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The rogues of Chessenla have a nore conservalive oul-
Iook on Iife lhan lheir peers in MuIhorand or Unlher.
They fuIIy undersland lhal lheirs is a lviIighl enpire,
lul lhey are Iess lied lo lhe gIories of lhe pasl lhan lhe
rogues of lhe olher Crin Lnpires. They are oflen alIe lo
lurn lo lheir knovIedge of lhe pasl for soIulions lo lhe
prolIens of lhe presenl. This insighl lakes lhe forn of a
+1 lonus lo lhe characlers slarling Wisdon score.
The lradilions of MuIhorand are rooled in ancienl Iore
and riluaIs lhal seen lo dale lack aInosl lo lhe davn of
line. There are lhose vho say lhe MuIhorandi vere
forging lheir enpire even lefore lhe eIves and dvarves
had lecone civiIized. lviousIy lhis isnl lrue, lul il is a
popuIar leIief in MuIhorand.
In lhe Iand of lhe Iharaohs, rogues are Iooked upon
vilh greal disfavor, for lhey are oflen perceived as grave
rollers and defiIers of lenpIes. The rogues feeI lhal lhey
vouId prolalIy le accused of lhese crines vhelher lhey
connilled lhen or nol, so lhey do. Ils sonelhing of a
vicious circIe.
Their faniIiarily vilh graves and lonls lrings vilh il
a knovIedge of lhe dead and undead. An unusuaI aspecl
of lhis is lhal lhese characlers have naslered lhe arl of
lurning undead. Whal is nosl slriking aloul lhis is lhal
lhese peopIe do nol use lhe pover of lheir failh lo drive
off lhe vaIking or speclraI dead. Ralher, lhey have nas-
lered cerlain ninor incanlalions, Iong forgollen in lhe
resl of lhe vorId, lhal serve lhe sane purpose. In gane
lerns lhe rogues of MuIhorand lurn undead as if lhey
vere paIadins of lhe sane IeveIs.
Mosl of lhe servanls of CiIgean (lhe god-king of Un-
lher) are his dark and eviI priesls. A nore sinisler and
dialoIicaI cIergy vouId le hard lo inagine. The greal
halred everyone in Unlher feeIs for lhese ninions of eviI
is nosl proninenl anong lhe rogues of lhis cily. There is
hardIy a rogue aIive in lhal nalion vho has nol run afouI
of lhe prieslhood al one line or anolher. Mosl have vil-
nessed one or nore of lheir friends laken lefore
CiIgeans Inquisilion, never lo le seen again.
As nighl le expecled, lhis halred exlends lo priesls of
olher failhs. As a resuIl, aII Unlherile rogues receive a
+2 lonus lo lheir allack and danage roIIs vhen allack-
ing any priesl, regardIess of his reIigion.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
Chessenlan rogues hoId such a reverence for lhe pasl
lhal lhey oflen overIook lhe prolIens of lhe presenl.
When confronled vilh a pressing silualion, lhe charac-
ler is IikeIy lo spend a greal deaI of line searching his
nenory for pasl evenls lhal nighl have a learing on il.
WhiIe lhis nighl le leneficiaI in cerlain circunslances,
il has ils dravlacks as veII. The nosl olvious dravlack
is lhal lhese characlers suffer a +2 penaIly lo every ini-
lialive check lhey nake lecause lhey do nol aIvays
reacl in a reasonalIe anounl of line.
These characlers oflen find lhenseIves associaling vilh
lhe dead and undead. This frequenl exposure has nade
lhe rogues of MuIhorand especiaIIy vuIneralIe lo lhe
fouI arl of necronancy. These characlers suffer a -4
penaIly vhenever lhey nusl nake a saving lhrov
againsl a speII fron lhe schooI or sphere of Necronancy.
f aII lhe Crin Lnpires, none is nore suiled lo lhal
nane lhan lhe lorlured Iand of Unlher. SlruggIing
under lhe oppressive fisl of lhe despolic god-king
CiIgean, lhe peopIe of Unlher Iong for a revoIl lhal nay
never cone.
Ior lhe rogues of lhal cily, vho Iong ago Iearned lhal
lhe senlence for any vioIalion of CiIgeans Iav is a
painfuI dealh, exislence is lIeak al lesl. The air of op-
pression lhal hangs over lhe cily resls nosl heaviIy on
The aura of falaIisn lhal surrounds lhese characlers is
readiIy apparenl lo anyone in lheir conpany. Lvery
NIC associaled vilh an advenluring parly lhal has one
or nore Unlherile rogues has his MoraIe Iovered ly 2
poinls as a resuIl.
Rogues o[ 1he
VILhom Reach
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Varies
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts
PrImc RcquIsItc
HIt DIc Typc
Attack as
5avc as
Advancc as
5pc!! AbI!Ity?
ExccptInna! 5trcngth?
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn?
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp)
Dexterity 9
N o
N o
N o
Wcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty -3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The various cily-slales lhal dol lhe coasls and isIands of
lhe ViIhon Reach have nuch in connon. They are
ruIed ly lyranls or despols vho hale lhe olher pelly
ruIers of lhe olher cily-slales. A cIever rogue can pIay
upon lhe fears and ever-changing aIIiances of lhese re-
gions lo lurn a heaIlhy profil in a shorl line.
f course, lheres aIvays lhe risk of choosing lhe vrong
side in any given lallIe and leing kiIIed as a coIIaloralor
or spy.
The lypicaI rogue of lhese parls vears nondescripl
cIolhing, allenpling lo vanish inlo lhe generaI popu-
Iace as nuch as possilIe. Cassocks and cannons are
anong lhe nosl popuIar forns of dress, as cassocks can
le Iined vilh hidden pockels, and cannons are nol
The rogues of lhe ViIhon Reach are noled for lheir
vhals in il for ne` allilude. They are seIdon IoyaI lo
any cause lhal canl keep lhen in food, drink, and con-
forl for lhe foreseealIe fulure.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
The rogues of lhe ViIhon Reach are so skiIIfuI al predicl-
ing lhe oulcone of poIilicaI slruggIes, niIilary confIicls,
and olher conlesls lhal lhey have acquired quile a repu-
lalion for soolhsaying. This knack gives lhen an aliIily
siniIar lo lhe aslroIogy proficiency. Il aIso gives lhen a
-2 lonus lo aII inilialive roIIs.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
The inaliIily of lhese foIk lo connil lo anylhing olher
lhan a quesl for nore profils requires lhal lhese charac-
lers le of chaolic aIignnenl. They can le good, eviI, or
neulraI, as pernilled ly lhe DM, lul lhey suffer a -1
penaIly lo lheir slarling Charisna scores.
Rogues o[ 1he
EmpInes o[ 1he
CLass Im[onma1Iom
RacIa! RcquIrcmcnts Varies
AbI!Ity RcquIrcmcnts Dexterity 9
PrImc RcquIsItc Dexterity
HIt DIc Typc d6
Attack as Rogue
5avc as Rogue
Advancc as Rogue
5pc!! AbI!Ity? N o
ExccptInna! 5trcngth? N o
ExccptInna! CnnstItutInn? No
5tartIng Cash (x10 gp) 2d6
Wcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
NnnprnfIcIcncy Pcna!ty - 3
Nnnwcapnn 5!nts 3
AddItInna! 5!nt 4
AvaI!ab!c CatcgnrIcs General, Rogue
Bnnus PrnfIcIcncIcs None
Rccnmmcndcd PrnfIcIcncIcs None
The lhree kingdons lhal conpose lhe Lnpires of lhe
Sands are siniIar lo lhe dislanl reaIns of Zakhara. These
are reaIns of djinnis, nagicaI Ianps, and young adven-
lurers on fIying carpels.
SiIks and coIorfuI roles are lhe lradenark of lhe Lnpires
of lhe Sands as are enlroidered vesls, lurlans, and
lhick, curving svords lucked inlo vide leIls.
The rogues of lhe Lnpires of lhe Sands are proud and
advenlurous foIk. They Iove goId and gens as nuch as
anyone eIse in lhe vorId, lul lhey have a speciaI Iove for
nagicaI ilens. Il is said lhal one of lhese rogues viII Iel
no larrier keep hin fron a nagicaI ilen once he vovs lo
have il in his hand.
5pecIaL AbILI1Ies
Rogues fron lhe Lnpires of lhe Sands have a naluraI
affinily for Ianguages and nagicaI ilens. They receive a
+15 lonus lo allenpls lo use lheir read Ianguages skiII
(lo a naxinun 95 chance of success).
Rogues of lhis lype are alIe lo enpIoy nagicaI scroIIs
upon reaching 5lh IeveI inslead of 1Olh. In addilion,
lhey have onIy a 2O chance of nisreading a scroII in-
slead of lhe slandard 25 chance.
5pecIaL DIsaooam1ages
These characlers are, ly lheir very nalure, sonevhal
rash and reckIess. They have a hunger for advenlure lhal
nakes il difficuIl for lhen lo avoid allracling allenlion
lo lhenseIves. As a resuIl, lhey suffer a -15 penaIly lo
lheir hide in shadovs and nove siIenlIy skiIIs.

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