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The North Atlantic food web has a lot of diverse animals in it.

Phytoplankton is a big part of the North Atlantic food web. Every ecosystem requires energy. That energy source comes from The sun. Phytoplankton ecosystem food that supports the food chain.! ! The North Atlantic food web has lots of diverse animals in it. The food web of the northern Atlantic starts with a very small animal. That animal is phytoplankton, which are the rst primary producers (Oxford 2013). Phytoplankton are single celled plants that oat around in the upper layers of the ocean. They use the suns energy photosythesis carbonhydrates that can be eaten for energy.! ! ! The next animal on the food web are the zooplankton (Oxford 2013). Zooplankton are the second primary producers. This species drift with THE oceans currents. Zooplankton are food for many di"erent animals. For example, baleen whales. These whales eat zooplankton for energy. Its crazy that such a big animal eat such a small animal.! ! ! The third primary producers include molluscan bivalves, amphipods, and alewife (Oxford 2013). Molluscan bivalves are like clams, they both have the two shells and a big tongue. Amphipods are just like little shrimp. The last animal is a alewife. This species is a type of little sh that can sift 8 gallons of water a min (Oxford Journal 2013).! ! ! Algae grows very fast when the sun shines for 24 hours throughout the summer (oceanexample, no date). Ocean explorer did an expirament on photosythesis to see how ice would e"ect its proccess. On day 1 there was 0% of ice cover and 75% of Photosynthetically Active Radiation a.k.a ! (PAR). On day 2 there was 50% of ice cover and 78% of (PAR). Then the third day had 20% of ice cover and 45% of (PAR).! ! ! ! ! !

! ! There are lots of diverse animals in The North Atlantic food web. The Mian source is the sun, and phytoplankton. They are what starts the and builds the food web. Just like how the sun is a big part of the chain, it is for our food web also.! ! ! Citations:! 1.Journal of Plankton Research "Oxford Journals" N.p, n.p. Web. 05 Dec. 2013! 2. "Ocean explorer" Exploers treasure N.P., n.p. Web. 19 Dec 2013!

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