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Guided Notes- Slope

There are four different types of slope

1) 2) 3) 4) The slope of a line represents the __________________________________________. Draw a graph representing the price per galloon of gas. M=

The simplest way to look at slope is

If we look at the line that passes through the points (-2,-1) and (4,3)

To get from -2!-1) to the point 4!3) ! yo" rise "p ___________ an# r"n ____________. To represent this as a fraction we write it as _________ ! which re#"ces to __________. This slope is circle one) positi$e negati$e

%f we look at the line that passes thro"gh the points -1!4) an# 2!-2)

To get from to the point ! yo" rise "p __________ an# r"n ___________. To represent this as a fraction we write it as __________! which re#"ces to ___________. This slope is circle one) positi$e negati$e

&raph the gi$en points '!-3) an# (!4) an# fin# the slope of the line.

The slope of the line is _________. The slope is positi$e negati$e )ero "n#efine#

&raph the gi$en points *!+) an# *!-1) an# fin# the slope of the line.

The slope of the line is _________. The slope is positi$e negati$e )ero "n#efine#

&raph the gi$en points ,!3) an# 3!3) an# fin# the slope of the line.

The slope of the line is _________. The slope is positi$e negati$e )ero "n#efine#

-hich slope is greater. -hich slope is steeper. /ircle one.)



Day 2 &"i#e# 1otes- 2lope

There are four different types of slope
1) 2) 3) 4) Mr. 2lope 3ace

Draw the slope triangle of this line. The slope is __________

The two points on this line are _______!2) an# -3!_________) The n"m4er of $ertical "nits of 5%26 4etween these points is _____________. The n"m4er of hori)ontal "nits of 571 4etween these points is ____________.

2lope =

rise = = run 2 1

-hat is the $al"e of y when 8=-4. ________ -hat is the $al"e of y when 8= 4. ________ 9s the $al"e of 8 increases from -4 to 4! #oes the $al"e of y increase or #ecrease. ___________ Does the line rise or fall from left to right. ____________ The slope is positi$e! negati$e! )ero! or "n#efine#. /ircle one)

Day 3 &"i#e# 1otes- 2lope 3orm"la

The alge4raic representation of slope is m= _________________ 3in# the slope of the line that contains the points 2!() an# :!1). 7se the slope form"la m=
y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

M= _____________ this simplifies to M=_______________ 3in# the slope of the line that contains the points 3!-2) an# -2! -+). 7se the slope form"la m= M= _____________
y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

T-/hart 5epresentation

;et '! 1) 4e x1! y1) an# <2! () 4e x2! y2).

y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

7se the slope form"la m= M= _____________

5eal -orl# 9pplication

9fter 2' ho"rs yo" ha$e complete# 2.( seasons of Dr. -ho an# after 1' ho"rs yo" ha$e complete# 1.( seasons of Dr. -ho. 3in# the slope of the line containing these two points.

7se the slope form"la m= M= _____________ -hat #oes the slope represent.

y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

The 8 $aria4le represents . . .

The y $aria4le represents . . . 3or e$ery ____________ ho"rs yo" watch tele$ision! yo" complete ___________ season s) of Dr. -ho.

The graph shows the height of a plant o$er a perio# of #ays. 3in# the slope of the line. Then tell what the slope represents. 7se the slope form"la. M= ______-________ M= ______________

This means the plant grows _____________ cm e$ery ______________ #ays.

Day 4 &"i#e# 1otes- 2lope 3orm"la

2lope is #escri4e# as the _____________________ rate of __________________ of a line.

3in the slope of a line containing these two points 7se the slope form"la m= M= _____________
y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

/hoosing two points from a graph or ta4le.

y 2 y1 . ;et '!2) 4e the first coor#inate x 2 x1 an# -2! -2) 4e the secon# set of coor#inates.

7se the slope form"la m=

M= _____________

2tep 1 choose any _______________ points from the ta4le. 7se the slope form"la m= M=________________
y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

7se the slope form"la m= M=________________

y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

7se the slope form"la m=

y 2 y1 . x 2 x1


7se the slope form"la m= M=________________

y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

%n a real worl# application the slope can gi$e yo" information a4o"t how a ="antity is changing. The graph shows the a$erage electricity costs in #ollars) for operating a refrigerator for se$eral months. 3in# the slope of the line an# tell what the slope represents.

The y-a8is represents ______________________________. The 8-a8is represents _______________________________. The slope represents the change in __________________________ o$er the change in ____________________. The slope is ___________ so this means the cost of r"nning the refrigerator is ______________ #ollars per ________________.

Day ( &"i#e# 1otes- 2lope 3orm"la

48-2y=1+ 2tep 1> 3in# the 8- intercept 4y letting y=__________.

?=___________________ 2tep 2> 3in# the y- intercept 4y letting 8=____________.

@=____________________ 2tep 3> 7sing o"r new coor#inates _____!') an# '!_____) an# the slope form"la! fin# the slope of the line. 2lope 3orm"la m= M=_______________
y 2 y1 . x 2 x1

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