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Renick 1

James Renick Ms. Woodard English 9/ Period 4 17 October 2013

James, A strong first passage analysis. Youre starting to get into some deep analysis. Now go even deeperpick out specific words and phrases that really lend meaning to the passage.

Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:37 AM Comment [1]: Should be up in the header.

Passage Analysis for "The Scarlet Ibus" by James Hurst "It was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable, so I began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow" (430). In this part of the story, the older brother comments on the disablities of Doodle, his younger brother. As he himself is a very active and athletic person, he desperatly wants Doodle to do all the things that he can do even though Doodle is not physically apt to do those things. Usually an older brother is supportive and loving of their younger siblings' disabilities, so you can see how selfish and extreme the older brother is when he devises to "kill [Doodle] by smothering him with a pillow" (430). You can also notice how judgemental and negative he is, especially to his younger brother by saying that "it was bad enough having an invalid brother, but having one who possibly was not there was unbearable" (430). Any family member is valid, one just has to learn how to live with them in a healthy way. All in all, through this short passage you can see what kind of a cruel and selfish character that Hurst depicts well throughout the story.

Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:38 AM Comment [2]: Remove the extra space above this heading. Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:38 AM Comment [3]: Spelling

Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:38 AM Comment [4]: Good opening summary!

Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:39 AM Comment [5]: Can you use a more inclusive pronoun here like one or we or even the reader? Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:38 AM Comment [6]: Good!

Lindsay! 10/22/13 7:39 AM Comment [7]: Goodexpand this further. I like how you picked out two specific words.

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