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Woodard English 9

Name: u2017600 James Renick Period: 4 Date: 12/20/13

Table of Contents for Fall Semester Portfolio English 9 Period 4 Fall 2013
DIRECTIONS: 1. For the Table of Contents below, fill in the appropriate title for each assignment. This means that whatever you titled the assignment is what you should type in the provided blank. 2. Once you have filled in all the titles, save this document as a PDF, and upload it to the Table of Contents page of your digital portfolio website on I. Reflection Letter II. Reading Exhibit Category A: Literary Response and Analysis: The Scarlet Ibis passage analysis The passage analysis for The Scarlet Ibis (Grade 9 Common Core Reading Standards for Literature) Category B: The bibliography in MLA format of all the items we read together as a class this semester (Grade 9 Common Core Reading Standards for Literary Texts) III. Writing Exhibit Category A: Literary Response and Analysis: Scarlet Ibis Essay The Scarlet Ibis essay (Grade 9 Common Core Writing Standards for Text Types & Purposes
and Production & Distribution of Writing)

Literary Response and Analysis : Seila Mant Conclusion paragraph Your highest-scoring The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant paragraphs (Grade 9 Common Core
Writing Standards for Text Types & Purposes and Production & Distribution of Writing)

Category B: Free Choice: Sheila Mant Intro paragragh Anything you are proud of having written this semester not already included in the above items (not necessarily from this class) Category C: List two of the titles of items from Category A which best demonstrate your control of writing conventions (proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, etc.). [You are not including anything new here.] (Grade 9 Common Core Writing Standards for Text Types &
Purposes and Production & Distribution of Writing)



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