DIGESTED - Labor Law Cds Batch 2

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1. UFW vs. NLRC (Compromise Agreement) Facts: On 19 September 1987, thirty-six (36) workers of the l mpi!" #ep!

rtment were not $i%en their s !l workin$ m!teri!ls !n# e& ipment for th!t #!y !n#, inste!#, were !ske# to 'le!n their respe'ti%e workin$ !re!s( Sin'e these workers were employe# on ! p!ki!o" b!sis, they ref se#( )e%ertheless, they still reporte# for work on *1 September 1987 b t to their s rprise, they fo n# o t th!t S+,-. h!# remo%e# !ll m!teri!ls !n# e& ipments from their workpl!'es( /he 0nion 'l!ims th!t its members were, therefore, effe'ti%ely lo'ke# o t( 1s ! 'onse& en'e, these workers, thro $h 023, instit te# ! 4ompl!int for 0nf!ir 5!bor 6r!'ti'es !n# %iol!tion of l!bor st!n#!r# l!ws !$!inst S+,-. !n# its prin'ip!l offi'ers !n# sto'khol#ers( 7owe%er, S+,-. h!# file# ! )oti'e of 6erm!nent Sh t#own8/ot!l 4los re of 1ll 0nits of Oper!tion in the -st!blishment" with the 9ep!rtment of 5!bor !n# -mployment to t!ke effe't on 9 )o%ember 1987, allegedly due to business reverses brought about by the enormous rejection of their roducts for e! ort to the United "tates. /he workers st!$e# ! pi'ket o tsi#e the 'omp!ny premises from 1: O'tober 1987 to *7 O'tober 1987( ;y re!son thereof, S+,-.<s s ppose# offer of sep!r!tion p!y tot!lin$ 6*8:,:::(:: w!s with#r!wn( 3hen these workers lifte# their pi'ket on *7 O'tober 1987 !n# %ol nt!rily reporte# for work, S+,-. ref se# to $i%e them their s !l work( /hey were #ismisse# effe'ti%e 1 )o%ember 1987( 1nother 4ompl!int for 0nf!ir 5!bor 6r!'ti'e w!s, therefore, file# !$!inst the s!me respon#ents, this time in%ol%in$ the thirty-nine (39) workers who pi'kete# the 'omp!ny premises in symp!thy with their other 'oworkers( 5!bor 1rbiter ren#ere# his %er#i't !$!inst pri%!te respon#ent( On !ppe!l, the )5=4 set !si#e the 5!bor 1rbiter<s 9e'ision in f!%or of the pri%!te respon#ent( 6etitioner 023 h!s th s ele%!te# its '! se before the S preme 4o rt in this 6etition for 4ertior!ri, seekin$ the re%ers!l of the )5=4 9e'ision, for h!%in$ been ren#ere# with $r!%e !b se of #is'retion( /he p bli' !n# pri%!te respon#ents in this '!se were re& ire# to file their respe'ti%e 4omments( 1fter the 4omments, =eply, =e>oin#ers !n# the p!rties< respe'ti%e ,emor!n#! were s bmitte#, rivate res ondents discovered that an #$c%no&ledgment Recei t and Underta%ing'( dated ) *une 1)+)' had already been signed bet&een rivate res ondent ,eorge "$N-$N./R and etitioner0s former counsel' $tty. 1odesto ". 1endo2a' &hereby this case as &ell as t&o 345 others had already been settled and com romised. -hereby' this controversy has become moot and academic. 6ssue: 3hether or not ! 'ompromise h!# been re!'he# by the p!rties( 7eld: )o, there w!s no %!li# 'ompromise !$reement w!s !rri%e# !t in this '!se( /he !lle$e# settlement in%ol%e# three (3) '!ses, one of whi'h 'h!r$es !lle$e# %iol!tion of l!bor st!n#!r#s( 4ompromise !$reements in%ol%in$ l!bor st!n#!r#s '!ses m st be re# 'e# to writin$ !n# si$ne# in the presen'e of the =e$ion!l 9ire'tor or his # ly ! thori?e# represent!ti%e (1til!no %( 9e l! 4r ?, @(=( )o( 8*A88, *8 2ebr !ry 199:, 18* S4=1 886)( Se'tion 8, = le ++ of the = les on the 9isposition of 5!bor St!n#!r#s 4!ses in the =e$ion!l Offi'es pro%i#esB Se'tion 8( 4ompromise 1$reement(CSho l# the p!rty !rri%e !t !n !$reement !s to the whole or p!rt of the #isp te, s!i# !$reement sh!ll be re# 'e# DtoE writin$ !n# si$ne# by the p!rties in the presen'e of the re$ion!l #ire'tor or his # ly ! thori?e# represent!ti%e(" /he & estione# 1'knowle#$ment =e'eipt !n# 0n#ert!kin$" #i# not 'omply with this re& isite( +t w!s not, therefore, # ly exe' te#(

4. 8eloso and Liguaton vs. .9L/ (Valid Compromise And Quitclaim) Facts: /he 'ontro%ersy be$!n when the petitioners, !lon$ with se%er!l 'o-employees, file# ! 'ompl!int !$!inst the pri%!te respon#ent for nf!ir l!bor pr!'ti'es, n#erp!yment, !n# non-p!yment of o%ertime, holi#!y, !n# other benefits( /his w!s #e'i#e# in f!%or of the 'ompl!in!nts on O'tober 6, 1987( On 2ebr !ry *3, 1988, the pri%!te respon#ent file# ! motion for re'onsi#er!tion !n# re'omp t!tion of the !mo nt !w!r#e# to the petitioners( On 1pril 1F, 1988, while the motion w!s pen#in$, petitioner 1lfre#o Geloso, thro $h his wife 4onnie, si$ne# ! H it'l!im !n# =ele!se for !n# in 'onsi#er!tion of 6*F,:::(::,1 !n# on the s!me #!y his 'o nsel, 1tty( @!$! ,! n!, m!nifeste# S!tisf!'tion of I #$ment" by re'eipt of the s!i# s m by Geloso(* 2or his p!rt, petitioner 5i$ !ton file# ! motion to #ismiss #!te# I ly 16, 1988, b!se# on ! =ele!se !n# H it'l!im #!te# I ly 19, 1988,3 for !n# in 'onsi#er!tion of the s m of 6*:,:::(:: he !'knowle#$e# to h!%e re'ei%e# from the pri%!te respon#ent( /hese rele!ses were l!ter imp $ne# by the petitioners on September *:, 1988, on the $ro n# th!t they were 'onstr!ine# to si$n the #o' ments be'! se of their extreme ne'essity(" /he petitioners h!%e 'ome to this 4o rt on 'ertior!ri( /hey !sk th!t the & it'l!ims they h!%e si$ne# be !nn lle#( /heir petition is b!se# prim!rily on 6!mp!n$! S $!r 9e%elopment 4o(, +n'( %( 4o rt of +n# stri!l =el!tions, where it w!s hel#B x x x while ri$hts m!y be w!i%e#, the s!me m st not be 'ontr!ry to l!w, p bli' or#er, p bli' poli'y, mor!ls or $oo# ' stoms or pre> #i'i!l to ! thir# person with ! ri$ht re'o$ni?e# by l!w( (1rt( 6, )ew 4i%il 4o#e) x x x( x x x /he !bo%e-& ote# pro%ision ren#ers the & it'l!im !$reements %oi# !b initio in their entirety sin'e they obli$!te# the workers 'on'erne# to fore$o their benefits, while !t the s!me time, exempte# the petitioner from !ny li!bility th!t it m!y 'hoose to re>e't( /his r ns 'o nter to 1rt( ** of the new 4i%il 4o#e whi'h pro%i#es th!t no one sh!ll be n> stly enri'he# !t the expense of !nother( 6ssue: 3hether or not the & estione# & it'l!ims m!y be !nn lle# on the $ro n# th!t they were 'onstr!ine# to si$n the s!me o t of #ire ne'essity( 7eld: )o( 9ire ne'essity" is not !n !''ept!ble $ro n# for !nn llin$ the rele!ses, espe'i!lly sin'e it h!s not been shown th!t the employees h!# been for'e# to exe' te them( +t h!s not e%en been pro%en th!t the 'onsi#er!tions for the & it'l!ims were n'ons'ion!bly low !n# th!t the petitioners h!# been tri'ke# into !''eptin$ them( 3hile it is tr e th!t the writ of exe' tion #!te# )o%ember *A, 1987, '!lle# for the 'olle'tion of the !mo nt of 6A6,*67(9* e!'h for the petitioners, th!t !mo nt w!s still s b>e't to re'omp t!tion !n# mo#ifi'!tion !s the pri%!te respon#ent<s motion for re'onsi#er!tion w!s still pen#in$ before the 9O5-( /he f!'t th!t the petitioners !''epte# the lower !mo nts wo l# s $$est th!t the ori$in!l !w!r# w!s exorbit!nt !n# they were !pprehensi%e th!t it wo l# be !#> ste# !n# re# 'e#( +n !ny e%ent, no #e'eption h!s been est!blishe# on the p!rt of the pri%!te respon#ent th!t wo l# > stify the !nn lment of the petitioners< & it'l!ims( /he !ppli'!ble l!w is 1rti'le **7 of the 5!bor 4o#e pro%i#in$ 'le!rly !s followsB 1rt( **7( 4ompromise !$reements(C1ny 'ompromise settlement, in'l #in$ those in%ol%in$ l!bor st!n#!r# l!ws, %ol nt!rily !$ree# pon by the p!rties with the !ssist!n'e of the ; re! or the re$ion!l offi'e of the 9ep!rtment of 5!bor, sh!ll be fin!l !n# bin#in$ pon the p!rties( /he )!tion!l 5!bor =el!tions 4ommission or !ny 'o rt sh!ll not !ss me > ris#i'tion o%er iss es in%ol%e# therein ex'ept in '!se of non-'ompli!n'e thereof or if there is prim! f!'ie e%i#en'e th!t the settlement w!s obt!ine# thro $h fr! #, misrepresent!tion or 'oer'ion(

/he petitioners '!nnot rene$e on their !$reement simply be'! se they m!y now feel they m!#e ! mist!ke in not !w!itin$ the resol tion of the pri%!te respon#ent<s motion for re'onsi#er!tion !n# re'omp t!tion( /he possibility th!t the ori$in!l !w!r# mi$ht h!%e been !ffirme# #oes not > stify the in%!li#!tion of the perfe'tly %!li# 'ompromise !$reements they h!# entere# into in $oo# f!ith !n# with f ll %ol nt!riness( )ot !ll w!i%ers !n# & it'l!ims !re in%!li# !s !$!inst p bli' poli'y( +f the !$reement w!s %ol nt!rily entere# into !n# represents ! re!son!ble settlement, it is bin#in$ on the p!rties !n# m!y not l!ter be #isowne# simply be'! se of ! 'h!n$e of min#( +t is only where there is 'le!r proof th!t the w!i%er w!s w!n$le# from !n ns spe'tin$ or $ llible person, or the terms of settlement !re n'ons'ion!ble on its f!'e, th!t the l!w will step in to !nn l the & estion!ble tr!ns!'tion( ; t where it is shown th!t the person m!kin$ the w!i%er #i# so %ol nt!rily, with f ll n#erst!n#in$ of wh!t he w!s #oin$, !n# the 'onsi#er!tion for the & it'l!im is 're#ible !n# re!son!ble, the tr!ns!'tion m st be re'o$ni?e# !s ! %!li# !n# bin#in$ n#ert!kin$( 1s in this '!se(

:. ;eri<uet vs. NLRC (Valid Compromise) Facts: /he petitioner w!s #ismisse# !s toll 'olle'tor by the 4onstr 'tion 9e%elopment 4orpor!tion of the 6hilippines (4946), pri%!te respon#ent herein, for willf l bre!'h of tr st( She file# ! 'ompl!int for ille$!l #ismiss!l !n# w!s s st!ine# by the l!bor !rbiter, who or#ere# her reinst!tement within ten #!ys( On !ppe!l, this or#er w!s !ffirme# in toto by p bli' respon#ent )5=4 on 1 $ st *9, 198:( /he ori$in!l #e'ision '!lle# for her reinst!tement within ten #!ys from re'eipt thereof followin$ its !ffirm!n'e by the )5=4 on 1 $ st *9, 198:, b t there is no e%i#en'e th!t she #em!n#e# her reinst!tement or th!t she 'ompl!ine# when her #em!n# w!s re>e'te#( What a ears is that she entered into a com romise agreement &ith C.C; &here she &aived her right to reinstatement and received from the C.C; the sum of ;1='>>>.>> representin$ her b!'k w!$es from the #!te of her #ismiss!l to the #!te of the !$reement( 1fter !''eptin$ the s m of 61A,:::(:: from the pri%!te respon#ent !n# w!i%in$ her ri$ht to reinst!tement in the 'ompromise !$reement, the petitioner se' re# employment !s kit'hen #isp!t'her !t the /ito =ey =est! r!nt( 2or re!sons not #is'lose# by the re'or#, she a lied for re?em loyment &ith the C.C; and &as on 1arch 1@' 1)+A' $i%en the position of xerox m!'hine oper!tor( On I ne *7, 1988, she wrote the new m!n!$ement of the 4946 !n# !ske# th!t the ri$hts $r!nte# her by the ori$in!l #e'ision be re'o$ni?e# be'! se the w!i%er she h!# si$ne# w!s in%!li#( On September 19, 1988, the Cor orate Legal Counsel of the rivate res ondent recommended the ayment to the etitioner the balance of her bac% ay for three years. On )o%ember 1:, 1988, the Buitclaim and Release( etitioner acce ted this additional amount and signed another

/hen on ,!r'h 11, 1989, the etitioner filed a motion for the iss !n'e of ! writ of exe' tion of the #e'ision( -he motion &as granted by the e!ecutive labor arbiter in !n or#er #!te# I ne *6, 1989, whi'h re& ire# p!yment to the petitioner of the s m of 6*:F,*:7(A* by w!y of implementin$ the b!l!n'e of the > #$ment !mo nt" # e from the pri%!te respon#ent( 7o&ever' the NLRC sustained the a eal of the C.C; and set aside said order. /he p bli' respon#ent re>e'te# the petitioner<s 'l!im th!t she h!# not been reinst!te# on time !n# r le# !s %!li# the two & it-'l!ims she h!# si$ne# w!i%in$ her ri$ht to reinst!tement !n# !'knowle#$in$ settlement in f ll of her b!'k w!$es !n# other benefits( +n her petition she is now #isownin$ both !'knowle#$ments !n# 'l!imin$ th!t the e!rlier p!yments both of whi'h she h!# !''epte# !s s ffi'ient, !re ins ffi'ient( "he also claimed she &as harassed and cheated by the ast management of the C.C;. Cut no& she is denouncing the ne& management for also tric%ing her into signing the second <uitclaim. 6ssue: 3hether or not the w!i%ers exe' te# by the petitioner were in%!li#( 7eld: )o( )ot !ll w!i%ers !n# & it'l!ims !re in%!li# !s !$!inst p bli' poli'y( +f the !$reement w!s %ol nt!rily entere# into !n# represents ! re!son!ble settlement, it is bin#in$ on the p!rties !n# m!y not l!ter be #isowne# simply be'! se of ! 'h!n$e of min#( +t is only where there is 'le!r proof th!t the w!i%er w!s w!n$le# from !n ns spe'tin$ or $ llible person, or the terms of settlement !re n'ons'ion!ble on its f!'e, th!t the l!w will step in to !nn l the

& estion!ble tr!ns!'tion( ; t where it is shown th!t the person m!kin$ the w!i%er #i# so %ol nt!rily, with f ll n#erst!n#in$ of wh!t he w!s #oin$, !n# the 'onsi#er!tion for the & it'l!im is 're#ible !n# re!son!ble, the tr!ns!'tion m st be re'o$ni?e# !s ! %!li# !n# bin#in$ n#ert!kin$( 1s in this '!se(

=. ;rogressive .evelo ment Cor . D ;i22a 7ut vs. Laguesma Facts: /he 0nion, )!$k!k!is!n$ 5!k!s n$ ,!n$$!$!w! ()5,)-J!tip n!n (respon#ent 0nion) file# ! petition for 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion with the 9ep!rtment of 5!bor ()!tion!l 4!pit!l =e$ion) in beh!lf of the r!nk !n# file employees of the 6ro$ressi%e 9e%elopment 4orpor!tion (6i??! 7 t)( 6etitioner file# on 1 $ st *:, 1993, ! %erifie# ,otion to 9ismiss the petition !lle$in$ fr! #, f!lsifi'!tion !n# misrepresent!tion in the respon#ent 0nion<s re$istr!tion m!kin$ it %oi# !n# in%!li#( /he motion spe'ifi'!lly !lle$e# th!t B !) respon#ent 0nion<s re$istr!tion w!s t!inte# with f!lse, for$e#, #o ble or m ltiple si$n!t res of those who !lle$e#ly took p!rt in the r!tifi'!tion of the respon#ent 0nion<s 'onstit tion !n# by-l!ws !n# in the ele'tion of its offi'ersK th s, there were serio s f!lsities in the #!tes of the iss !n'e of the 'h!rter 'ertifi'!tion !n# the or$!ni?!tion meetin$ of the !lle$e# 'h!pter( 4itin$ other inst!n'es of misrepresent!tion !n# fr! #, petitioner, on 1 $ st *9, 1993, file# ! S pplement to its ,otion to 9ismiss, 'l!imin$ th!t, !mon$ others, %otin$ w!s not 'on# 'te# by se'ret b!llot in %iol!tion of 1rti'le *A1, se'tion (') of the 5!bor 4o#eK !n# the 4onstit tion !n# by 5!ws s bmitte# in s pport of its petition were not properly !'knowle#$e# !n# not!ri?e#( 6etitioner !lso file# ! 6etition seekin$ the '!n'ell!tion of the 0nion<s re$istr!tion on the $ro n#s of fr! # !n# f!lsifi'!tion( ,otion w!s likewise file# by petitioner with the ,e#-1rbiter re& estin$ s spension of pro'ee#in$s in the 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion '!se ntil !fter the pre> #i'i!l & estion of the 0nion<s le$!l person!lity is #etermine# in the pro'ee#in$s for '!n'ell!tion of re$istr!tion( 7owe%er, ,e#1rbiter =!si#!li 4( 1b# ll!h #ire'te# the hol#in$ of ! 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion !mon$ petitioner<s r!nk !n# file employees( 1n !ppe!l to the Offi'e of the SO5- w!s #enie#, !s well !s ! motion for re'onsi#er!tion( +n the p bli' respon#ent<s !ss!ile# =esol tion #!te# 9e'ember *9, 1993, the s $$estion is m!#e th!t on'e ! l!bor or$!ni?!tion h!s file# the ne'ess!ry #o' ments !n# p!pers !n# the s!me h!%e been 'ertifie# n#er o!th !n# !tteste# to, s!i# or$!ni?!tion ne'ess!rily be'omes 'lothe# with the 'h!r!'ter of ! le$itim!te l!bor or$!ni?!tion( +n other wor#s, re'o$nition by the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions merely be'omes ! ministeri!l f n'tion( 6ssue: 3hether or not re'o$nition of ;5= is ! ministeri!l f n'tion( 7eld: )o( +n the first pl!'e, the p bli' respon#ent<s %iews !s expresse# in his 9e'ember *9, 1993 =esol tion miss the entire point behin# the n!t re !n# p rpose of pro'ee#in$s le!#in$ to the re'o$nition of nions !s le$itim!te l!bor or$!ni?!tions n#er 1rti'le *3A of the 5!bor 4o#e( 1 more th!n ' rsory re!#in$ of the !fore'ite# pro%isions 'le!rly in#i'!tes th!t the re& irements embo#ie# therein !re inten#e# !s pre%enti%e me!s res !$!inst the 'ommission of fr! #( 1fter ! l!bor or$!ni?!tion h!s file# the ne'ess!ry p!pers !n# #o' ments for re$istr!tion, it be'omes m!n#!tory for the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions to 'he'k if the re& irements n#er 1rti'le *3A h!%e been se# lo sly 'omplie# with( +f its !ppli'!tion for re$istr!tion is %iti!te# by f!lsifi'!tion !n# serio s irre$ l!rities, espe'i!lly those !ppe!rin$ on the f!'e of the !ppli'!tion !n# the s pportin$ #o' ments, ! l!bor or$!ni?!tion sho l# be #enie# re'o$nition !s ! le$itim!te l!bor or$!ni?!tion( 1n# if ! 'ertifi'!te of re'o$nition h!s been iss e#, the propriety of the l!bor or$!ni?!tion<s re$istr!tion 'o l# be !ss!ile# #ire'tly thro $h '!n'ell!tion of re$istr!tion pro'ee#in$s in !''or#!n'e with 1rti'les *38 !n# *39 of the 5!bor 4o#e, or in#ire'tly, by 'h!llen$in$ its petition for the iss !n'e of !n or#er for 'ertify '!tion ele'tion( 2 rthermore, the 5!bor 4o#e itself $r!nts the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions ! perio# of thirty (3:) #!ys within whi'h to re%iew !ll !ppli'!tions for re$istr!tion n#er 1rti'le *3F(

/he thirty-#!y perio# in the !fore'ite# pro%ision ens res th!t !ny !'tion t!ken by the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions is m!#e in 'onson!n'e with the m!n#!te of the 5!bor 4o#e, whi'h, it be!rs emph!sis, spe'ifi'!lly re& ires th!t the b!sis for the iss !n'e of ! 'ertifi'!te of re$istr!tion sho l# be 'ompli!n'e with the re& irements for re'o$nition n#er 1rti'le *3A, ob%io sly, re'o$nition of ! l!bor nion or l!bor or$!ni?!tion is not merely ! ministeri!l f n'tion(

E. $damson F $damson vs. -he Court of 6ndustrial Relations and FFW Facts: 1#!mson !n# 1#!mson, +n'(, file# this petition to set !si#e or#ers of the respon#ent 4o rt of +n# stri!l =el!tions (4+=) hol#in$ th!t the 1#!mson !n# 1#!mson, +n'( S per%isory 0nion (223) '!n le$!lly represent s per%isors of the petitioner 'orpor!tion notwithst!n#in$ the !ffili!tion of the r!nk !n# file nion of the s!me 'omp!ny with the s!me l!bor fe#er!tion, the 2e#er!tion of 2ree 3orkers( /he 4+= #ismisse# the petition in 4+= 4!se )o( 3*67-,4 entitle# +n the ,!tter of =epresent!tion of the S per%isory -mployees of 1#!mson !n# 1#!mson, +n'(, 6etitioner" th s promptin$ the filin$ of this petition for re%iew on 'ertior!ri( S bse& ently !n# # rin$ the pen#en'y of the present petition, the r!nk !n# file employees forme# their own nion, n!min$ it 1#!mson !n# 1#!mson +n#epen#ent 3orkers (223)( /he petitioner m!#e ! lone !ssi$nment of error, to witB /he respon#ent 'o rt of in# stri!l rel!tions erre# in s st!inin$ the eli$ibility of the respon#ent nion to represent the petitioner<s s per%isory employees notwithst!n#in$ the !ffili!tion of the s!i# nion with the s!me n!tion!l fe#er!tion with whi'h the nions of non-s per%isors in the petitioner 'omp!ny !re !lso !ffili!te#( /he respon#ents on the other h!n# !r$ e th!t the s per%isory employees of !n employer m!y %!li#ly >oin !n or$!ni?!tion of the r!nk-!n#-file employees so lon$ !s the s!i# r!nk !n# file employees !re not n#er their s per%ision( /hey s bmit th!t 1#!mson !n# 1#!mson S per%isory 0nion (223) is not 'ompose# of s!les s per%isors !n#, therefore, the s!lesmen of the 'omp!ny !re not n#er the s per%ision of the s per%isory employees formin$ the nion( 6ssue: 3hether or not ! s per%isor<s nion m!y !ffili!te with ! fe#er!tion with whi'h employees of the s!me employer !re !lso !ffili!te#( 7eld: Les, the 4o rt fin#s witho t merit the 'ontentions of petitioner th!t if !ffili!tion will be !llowe#, only one nion will in f!'t represent both s per%isors !n# r!nk-!n#-file employees of the petitionerK th!t there wo l# be !n in#ire't !ffili!tion of s per%isors !n# r!nk-!n#-file employees with one l!bor or$!ni?!tionK th!t there wo l# be ! mer$in$ of the two b!r$!inin$ nitsK !n# th!t the respon#ent nion will lose its in#epen#en'e be'! se it be'omes !n !lter e$o of the fe#er!tion( /here is nothin$ in the pro%isions of the +n# stri!l 6e!'e 1't whi'h pro%i#es th!t ! # ly re$istere# lo'!l nion !ffili!tin$ with ! n!tion!l nion or fe#er!tion loses its le$!l person!lity, or its in#epen#en'e( +n other wor#s, notwithst!n#in$ !ffili!tion, the lo'!l 'ommon interest of !ll its members( nion rem!ine# the b!si' nit free to ser%e the nions of r!nk-!n#-file

@. -anduay .istillery Labor Union 3N$FLU5 vs. Noriel Facts: 6ri%!te respon#ents were !ll employees of /!n# !y 9istillery, +n'(, (/9+) !n# members of the /!n# !y 9istillery 5!bor 0nion (/950), ! # ly or$!ni?e# !n# re$istere# l!bor or$!ni?!tion !n# the ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ !$ent of the r!nk !n# file employees of the petitioner 'omp!ny( n ,!r'h 11, 198:, ! 4olle'ti%e ;!r$!inin$ 1$reement (4;1), w!s-exe' te# between /9+ !n# /950( n ,!r'h 11, 198:, ! 4olle'ti%e ;!r$!inin$ 1$reement (4;1), w!s-exe' te# between /9+ !n# /950( MM1ll workers who !re or m!y # rin$ the effe'ti%ity of this 4ontr!'t, be'ome members of the 0nion in !''or#!n'e with its 4onstit tion !n# ;y-5!ws sh!ll, !s ! 'on#ition of their 'ontin e# employment, m!int!in membership in $oo# st!n#in$ in the 0nion for the # r!tion of the !$reement(N

On or !bo t the e!rly p!rt of O'tober 198:, while the 4;1 w!s in effe't !n# within the 'ontr!'t b!r perio#, the pri%!te respon#ents >oine# !nother nion, the J!is!h!n )$ ,!n$$!$!w!n$ 6ilipino (J1,6+5) !n# or$!ni?e# its lo'!l 'h!pter in /9+, with pri%!te respon#ents 6e#ro -ster!l !n# 5!mberto S!ntos bein$ ele'te# 6resi#ent !n# Gi'e-6resi#ent, respe'ti%ely( On )o%ember 7, 198:, J1,6+5 file# ! petition for 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion to #etermine in /9+, whi'h #e%elopment 'ompelle# /9+ to file ! $rie%!n'e with /950 nion represent!tion

1'tin$ on the $rie%!n'e of /9+, /950, thro $h the +n%esti$!tin$ 4ommittee !n# !ppro%e# by /950Ms ;o!r# of 9ire'tors, expelle# the pri%!te respon#ents from /950 for #isloy!lty to the 0nion effe'ti%e I!n !ry 16, 1981( ;y letter #!te# I!n !ry 1:, 1981, /950 notifie# /9+ th!t pri%!te respon#ents h!# been expelle# from /950 !n# #em!n#e# th!t /9+ termin!te the employment of pri%!te respon#ents be'! se they h!# lost their membership with /950( 6ssue: whether or not /9+ w!s > stifie# in termin!tin$ pri%!te respon#entsM employment in the 'omp!ny on the b!sis of /950Ms #em!n# for the enfor'ement of the 0nion Se' rity 4l! se of the 4;1 between /9+ !n# /950 7eld: Les( 7!%in$ r!tifie# th!t 4;1 !n# bein$ then members of the /950, the pri%!te respon#ents owe fe!lty !n# !re re& ire# n#er the 0nion Se' rity 4l! se to m!int!in their membership in $oo# st!n#in$ with it # rin$ the term thereof, ! re& irement whi'h 'e!ses to be bin#in$ only # rin$ the 6:-#!y free#om perio# imme#i!tely pre'e#in$ the expir!tion of the 4;1( 3hen the pri%!te respon#ents or$!ni?e# !n# >oine# the J1,6+5 4h!pter in /9+ !n# file# the 'orrespon#in$ petition for 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion in )o%ember 198:, there w!s no free#om perio# to spe!k of yet( ; t the f!'t th!t the 4;1 h!# expire# on I ne 3:, 198* !n# the ;5=, be'! se of s 'h s per%enin$ e%ent, or#ere# the hol#in$ of ! 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion 'o l# not !n# #i# not wipe o t or 'le!nse pri%!te respon#ents from the !'ts of #isloy!lty 'ommitte# in O'tober 198: when they or$!ni?e# J1,6+5Ms lo'!l 'h!pter in /9+ while still members of /950( /he inel 't!ble f!'t is th!t pri%!te respon#ents 'ommitte# !'ts

of #isloy!lty !$!inst /950 while the 4;1 w!s in for'e !n# existin$ for whi'h they h!%e to f!'e the ne'ess!ry s!n'tions l!wf lly impose# by /950( +n Gill!r %( +n'ion$ (1*1 S4=1 AAA), we hel# th!t Npetitioners, !ltho $h entitle# to #is!ffili!tion from their nion !n# to f orm ! new or$!ni?!tion of their own, m st, howe%er, s ffer the 'onse& en'es of their sep!r!tion from the nion n#er the se' rity 'l! se of the 4;1(N

A. ;hil. "%ylanders' et al. vs. NLRC Facts: +n )o%ember 1993 the 6hilippine Skyl!n#ers -mployees 1sso'i!tion (6S-1), ! lo'!l l!bor nion !ffili!te# with the 6hilippine 1sso'i!tion of 2ree 5!bor 0nions (61250) September (61250), won in the 'ertifi'!tion ele'tion 'on# 'te# !mon$ the r!nk !n# file employees of 6hilippine Skyl!n#ers, +n'( (6S+)( +ts ri%!l nion, 6hilippine Skyl!n#ers -mployees 1sso'i!tion-31/0 (6S-1-31/0) imme#i!tely proteste# the res lt of the ele'tion before the Se'ret!ry of 5!bor( 6en#in$ settlement of the 'ontro%ersy, 6S-1 sent 61250 ! noti'e of #is!ffili!tion 'itin$ !s re!son 61250<s s ppose# #eliber!te !n# h!bit !l #ereli'tion of # ty tow!r# its members( 6S-1 s bse& ently !ffili!te# itself with the )!tion!l 4on$ress of 3orkers ()43), 'h!n$e# its n!me to 6hilippine Skyl!n#ers -mployees 1sso'i!tion-)!tion!l 4on$ress of 3orkers (6S-1-)43), !n# to m!int!in 'ontin ity within the or$!ni?!tion, !llowe# the former offi'ers of 6S-1-61250 to 'ontin e o'' pyin$ their positions !s ele'te# offi'ers in the newly-for$e# 6S-1-)43( 61250 thro $h Ser!fin 1yroso file# ! 'ompl!int for =om lo !n# personnel m!n!$er 2r!n'is'o 9!kil!( nf!ir l!bor pr!'ti'e !$!inst 6S+, its presi#ent ,!riles

61250 !men#e# its 'ompl!int by in'l #in$ the ele'te# offi'ers of 6S-1-61250 !s !##ition!l p!rty respon#ents( 6S+, its presi#ent ,!riles 4( =om lo, !n# its personnel m!n!$er 9!kil! mo%e# for the #ismiss!l of the 'ompl!int on the $ro n# th!t the iss e of #is!ffili!tion w!s !n inter- nion 'onfli't whi'h l!y beyon# the > ris#i'tion of the 5!bor 1rbiter( /he 5!bor 1rbiter #e'l!re# 6S-1<s #is!ffili!tion from 61250 in%!li# !n# hel# 6S+, 6S-1-61250 !n# their respe'ti%e offi'ers $ ilty of nf!ir l!bor pr!'ti'e( 6S+, 6S-1 !n# their respe'ti%e offi'ers !ppe!le# to the )!tion!l 5!bor =el!tions 4ommission ()5=4)( ; t the )5=4 phel# the 9e'ision of the 5!bor 1rbiter !n# 'on>e't re# th!t sin'e !n ele'tion protest & estionin$ 6S-1-61250<s 'ertifi'!tion !s the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ !$ent w!s pen#in$ resol tion before the Se'ret!ry of 5!bor, 6S-1 'o l# not %!li#ly sep!r!te from 61250, >oin !nother n!tion!l fe#er!tion !n# s bse& ently enter into ! 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement with its employer-'omp!ny( 6ssue: 3hether or not petitioner lo'!l ele'tion protest( 7eld: 4o rt phel# the ri$ht of the lo'!l nions to sep!r!te from their mother fe#er!tion on the $ro n# th!t !s sep!r!te !n# %ol nt!ry !sso'i!tions, lo'!l nions #o not owe their 're!tion !n# existen'e to the n!tion!l fe#er!tion to whi'h they !re !ffili!te# b t inste!# to the will of their members( /he sole essen'e of !ffili!tion is to in're!se, by 'olle'ti%e !'tion, the 'ommon b!r$!inin$ power of lo'!l nions for the effe'ti%e enh!n'ement !n# prote'tion of their interests( 1#mitte#ly, there !re times when witho t s ''or !n# s pport lo'!l nions m!y fin# it h!r#, n!i#e# by other s pport $ro ps, to se' re > sti'e for themsel%es( nion m!y %!li#ly #is!ffili!te from 61250 pen#in$ the settlement of the

144O=9+)@5L, the petition is $r!nte# !n# the !ppe!le# resol tion is set !si#e !n# petitioner lo'!l nion is #e'l!re# to be the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e of the employees of respon#ent 'orpor!tion entitle# to !#minister !n# enfor'e !ny s bsistin$ 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement with s!i# employer 'orpor!tion(

+. /lisco D /lirol Labor Union 3N$FLU5 vs. N$FLU Facts: On 2ebr !ry, 197A, the members of petitioner nion who were then yet !ffili!te# with the )!tion!l 1sso'i!tion of 2ree 5!bor 0nion ()1250) ne$oti!te# !n# exe' te# with the respon#ent 'omp!ny ! 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement with expiry #!te in )o%ember, 1976( On ,!y *8, 197F, !fter the s!me members, by %!li# resol tion of the ;o!r# of #ire'tors !n# !ppro%e# by the $ener!l membership, h!%e forme# themsel%es into !n in#epen#ent or$!ni?!tion !n# !pplie# for re$istr!tion !s ! nion, ! 'ertifi'!te of re$istr!tion w!s iss e# by the 9ep!rtment of 5!bor( 1n# on I ne 1:, 197F !$!in by ! %!li# resol tion the s!me members #is!ffili!te# with the )1250( =espon#ent witho t !ny > stifi!ble re!son ref se# !n# 'ontin es to ref se to re'o$ni?e petitioner !s the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e of its employees, !n#, now !'t !lly #ismisse# the petitioner nion<s offi'ers !n# bo!r# members( ;y %irt e of s!i# ref s!l of respon#ent 'omp!ny to re'o$ni?e petitioner !s the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e of the employees, petitioners file# ! petition before the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions, 9ep!rtment of 5!bor on I ly *, 197F, with 4!se )o( 5=-861 !$!inst respon#ents -li?!l#e Steel 4onsoli#!te#, +n'( !n# the )!tion!l 2e#er!tion of 5!bor 0nions be or#ere# to stop from presentin$ itself !s the 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$ent( /he ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions, thro $h ,e#-1rbiter =eyn!l#o ;( 4!rt!, before whom the '!se w!s he!r#, iss e# !n Or#er #ismissin$ the petition for l!'k of merit( On !ppe!l to respon#ent 9ire'tor of the ; re! of 5!bor =el!tions, s!i# respon#ent iss e# his =esol tion !ffirmin$ the #ismiss!l of petitioner- nion<s petition st!tin$ f rther th!t when the employees #is!ffili!te# from the mother nion !n# forme# themsel%es into ! new nion, their st!t s !s employees w!s !lso termin!te#( 1s s 'h they 'o l# not therefore !bsol tely !n# le$!lly 'l!im th!t they still 'omprise the m!>ority of the b!r$!inin$ nit( 7en'e, the petition !t b!r( 6ssue: 3hether or not petitioner- nion is the prin'ip!l p!rty to the 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement !n# re'o$ni?e# !s the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e in the employer( 7eld: Les( /he 4o rt sets !si#e respon#ent #ire'tor<s !ppe!le# resol tion !n# r les in !''or#!n'e with the pre%!ilin$ l!w !n# settle# > rispr #en'e th!t the petitioner nion 'onsistin$ of the members employees of respon#ent 'orpor!tion is the prin'ip!l p!rty to the 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement (r!ther th!n the respon#ent mother nion whi'h is merely its !$ent) !n# is therefore entitle# to be re'o$ni?e# !s the sole !n# ex'l si%e b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e entitle# to !#minister !n# enfor'e the 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement with the employer 'orpor!tion(

=espon#ent #ire'tor 'orre'tly per'ei%e# in his =esol tion th!t to $r!nt to the former mother nion ()1250) the ! thority to !#minister !n# enfor'e their 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement witho t pres m!bly !ny members in the b!r$!inin$ nit is & ite !bs r#" b t fell nto the $r!%e error of hol#in$ th!t when the employees #is!ffili!te# from the mother nion !n# forme# themsel%es into ! new nion, their st!t s !s employees w!s !lso termin!te#(" 7is error w!s in not per'ei%in$ th!t the employees !n# members of the lo'!l nion #i# not form ! new nion b t merely re$istere# the lo'!l nion !s w!s their ri$ht( 6etitioner -lis'o--lirol 5!bor 0nion-)1250, 'onsistin$ of employees !n# members of the lo'!l nion w!s the prin'ip!l p!rty to the !$reement( )1250 !s the mother nion" in p!rti'ip!tin$ in the exe' tion of the b!r$!inin$ !$reement with respon#ent 'omp!ny !'te# merely !s !$ent of the lo'!l nion, whi'h rem!ine# the b!si' nit of the !sso'i!tion existin$ prin'ip!lly !n# freely to ser%e the 'ommon interest of !ll its members, in'l #in$ the free#om to #is!ffili!te when the 'ir' mst!n'es so w!rr!nte# !s in the present '!se(

). $WU vs. NLRC Facts: 6etitioner 1sso'i!te# 3orkers 0nion (N130N)C6/@3O, the then b!r$!inin$ represent!ti%e of the #o'kworkers !t So th 7!rbor, 6ort 1re!, ,!nil!, file# ! )oti'e of Strike !$!inst respon#ent ,etro 6ort Ser%i'e, +n'( (N,etroN), the then !rr!stre 'ontr!'tor in the So th 7!rbor, on the iss es, !mon$ others, of nfille# %!'!n'ies !n# nion b stin$( One of the #em!n#s r!ise# by 130 w!s th!t ,etro termin!te the employment of respon#ents 1#ri!no L m l !n# ten (1:) others (in#i%i# !l respon#ents), for h!%in$ or$!ni?e#, on *6 O'tober 198A, the 1sso'i!te# 3orkers 0nion in ,etroport (N130,N) !mon$ the r!nk-!n#-file employees of ,etro, ostensibly !s A lo'!l or 'h!pter of 130( 130 h!# e!rlier expelle# in#i%i# !l respon#ents from membership in 103 for #isloy!lty !n#, p rs !nt to the 'lose#-shop pro%ision of the existin$ 130-,etro 'olle'ti%e b!r$!inin$ !$reement (N4;1N), so $ht the termin!tion of their employment( ,etro initi!lly resiste# 130Ms re& est to termin!te the employment of in#i%i# !l respon#ents, 'onten#in$ th!t the termin!tion wo l# be prem!t re !s in#i%i# !l respon#ents h!# not been !ffor#e# # e pro'ess( ,etro, howe%er, e%ent !lly relente# !n# s spen#e# in#i%i# !l respon#ents !fter 130C#espite the express prohibition in the Or#er #!te# 3 1pril 198FCst!$e# ! strike !$!inst it( On 18 1pril 198F, ,etro exe' te# ! 4ompromise 1$reement (N1$reementN) with 130 to en# the strike( 1s ! res lt of ,etroMs implement!tion of the 1$reement, in#i%i# !l respon#ents on 3: 1pril 198F file# ! 'ompl!int !$!inst ,etro( ,etro in th!t '!se file# in t rn ! thir#-p!rty 'ompl!int !$!inst 130 !n# its offi'ers( ,etro in 1pril 198F !lso file# ! 'ompl!int for ille$!l strike with #!m!$es !$!inst 130 !n# its offi'ers( On *1 I ne 198F, 5!bor 1rbiter 4eferin! 9ios!n! in !n Or#er #ire'te# ,etro pro%ision!lly to reinst!te in#i%i# !l respon#ents pen#in$ resol tion of the iss es r!ise# therein, with whi'h Or#er ,etro 'omplie#( On 1F I ly 198F, 130 file# ! petition for in> n'tion !$!inst ,etro, pr!yin$ for iss !n'e of ! tempor!ry restr!inin$ or#er stoppin$ the implement!tion of the Or#er of pro%ision!l reinst!tement, !n# for ,etroMs 'ompli!n'e with the 1$reement pro%i#in$ for the s spension of in#i%i# !l respon#ents( On 7( 1 $ st 198F, the )5=4 in !n -n ;!n' =esol tion #ire'te# ,etro to 'omply with the 1$reement, !n# ,etro 'omplie# !n# re-s spen#e# in#i%i# !l respon#ents( /he )5=4, fin#in$ th!t 130 w!s ! n!tion!l nion, !n# th!t in#i%i# !l respon#ents h!%e the ri$ht to or$!ni?e themsel%es into ! lo'!l 'h!pter thereof, the form!tion of whi'h w!s ! prote'te# !'ti%ity !n# 'o l# not be 'onsi#ere# !s #isloy!lty, hel# the s spension or #ismiss!l of in#i%i# !l respon#ents !s ille$!l !n# or#ere# their reinst!tement with b!'kw!$es, to be p!i# soli#!rily by 130 !n# respon#ent ,etro( ;oth 130 !n# ,etro file# sep!r!te motions for re'onsi#er!tion of the 'onsoli#!te# 9e'ision( ,e!nwhile, on *1 I ly 1986, petitioner ,!rin! 6ort Ser%i'es, +n'( (N,!rin!N), by %irt e of ! Spe'i!l 6ermit iss e# by the 6hilippine 6orts 1 thority, st!rte# oper!tions !s the !rr!stre oper!tor !t the ,!nil!

So th 7!rbor %i'e ,etro( On )o%ember( 1986, in#i%i# !l respon#ents in ! ,otion8,!nifest!tion pr!ye# th!t ,!rin! be in'l #e# !s p!rty-respon#ent( 6ssue: 3hether or not the !ttempte# #is!ffili!tion of the ele%en (11) pri%!te respon#ents from the petitioner mother nion !n# the effort to or$!ni?e either ! new lo'!l of the mother nion or !n entirely new !n# sep!r!te nion 'onstit te prote'te# !'ti%ities of the ele%en (11) in#i%i# !l respon#ents( 7eld: @ener!lly, ! l!bor nion m!y #is!ffili!te from the mother nion to form ! lo'!l or in#epen#ent nion only # rin$ the 6:#!y free#om perio# imme#i!tely pre'e#in$ the expir!tion of the 4;1(C3hile it is tr e th!t 130, !s ! lo'!l nion, bein$ !n entity sep!r!te !n# #istin't from 130, is free to ser%e the interest of !ll its members !n# en>oys the free#om to #is!ffili!te, s 'h ri$ht to #is!ffili!te m!y be exer'ise#, !n# is th s 'onsi#ere# ! prote'te# l!bor !'ti%ity, only when w!rr!nte# by 'ir' mst!n'es( @ener!lly, ! l!bor nion m!y #is!ffili!te from the mother nion to form ! lo'!l or in#epen#ent nion only # rin$ the 6:-#!y free#om perio# imme#i!tely pre'e#in$ the expir!tion of the 4;1( -%en before the onset of the free#om perio# (!n# #espite the 'lose#-shop pro%ision in the 4;1 between the mother nion !n# m!n!$ement) #is!ffili!tion m!y still be '!rrie# o t, b t s 'h #is!ffili!tion m st be effe'te# by ! m!>ority of the members in the b!r$!inin$ nit( /his h!ppens when there is ! s bst!nti!l shift in !lle$i!n'e on the p!rt of the m!>ority of the members of the nion( +n s 'h ! '!se, howe%er, the 4;1 'ontin es to bin# the members of the new or #is!ffili!te# !n# in#epen#ent nion p to the 4;1Ms expir!tion #!te( /he re'or# #oes not show th!t in#i%i# !l respon#ents h!# #is!ffili!te# # rin$ the free#om perio#( /he re'or# #oes, howe%er, show th!t only ele%en (11) members of 130 (in#i%i# !l respon#ents) h!# #e'i#e# to #is!ffili!te from 130 !n# form 130,( =espon#ent ,etro h!# !bo t A,::: employees, !n# !ro n# *,::: of these were members of 130( +t is e%i#ent th!t in#i%i# !l respon#ents h!# f!ile# to m ster the ne'ess!ry m!>ority in or#er to > stify their #is!ffili!tion( (+n f!'t, it w!s only on F 9e'ember 198F th!t in#i%i# !l respon#ents were fin!lly !ble to re$ister !n in#epen#ent nion '!lle# ,etroport 3orkers 0nion D,30E(1: -%en then, in the !bsen'e of !lle$!tion by 130, D,30E of the ex!'t n mber of its members, the 4o rt pres mes th!t only twenty per'ent D*:OE of the employees of ,etro h!# >oine# ,30)( /h s, in the referen# m hel# on 7 I!n !ry 198F !t the 6/@3O 'ompo n# (where represent!ti%es of the ,inistry of 5!bor !n# -mployment were present) to #etermine whether in#i%i# !l respon#ents sho l# be expelle# from 130, 1,**9 members (o t of 1,69F members present) %ote# for exp lsion of in#i%i# !l respon#ents( /he in#i%i# !l respon#ents here h!%e f!ile# to present proof of their !lle$!tion th!t the 1,69F members of 130 were not employees of respon#ent ,etro !loneK the 4o rt therefore pres mes th!t those who %ote# for their exp lsion were bon! fi#e employees of respon#ent ,etro( ,oreo%er, in#i%i# !l respon#ents f!ile# to !lle$e th!t their exp lsion for #isloy!lty %iol!te# 130Ms 'onstit tion !n# by-l!ws(13 +n s m, the !ttempte# #is!ffili!tion of the ele%en (11) pri%!te respon#ents from the petitioner mother nion !n# the effort to or$!ni?e either ! new lo'!l of the mother nion or !n entirely new !n# sep!r!te nion, #i# not, n#er the 'ir' mst!n'es of this '!se, 'onstit te prote'te# !'ti%ities of the ele%en (11) in#i%i# !l respon#ents(

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