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Dear Reader, My overall experience writing my pieces of essays, analyses, and stories have been very arduous, but

mainly beneficial to my skills in reading and writing. Some of the items in my reading and writing portfolio include an essay and a passage analysis about the theme of The Scarlet Ibis, an intro and conclusion paragraph about the story, The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant, and a bibliography from all of the poems that we have read in class this fall. Before, I felt not so confident about writing essays and passage analyses, but now that I have written more of them and learned how to better create a thought process on how to write things such as essays, I feel that I have gotten better in my abilities when it comes to writing essays and passage analyses. I also feel that my work now, has gotten much better than when I wrote the formative assessments. Despite the struggles I have I have enjoyed this class much more than I thought I would. For my Reading Exhibit, I would grade it as a 4+ because I put a lot of effort into those writings and wrote insightful detail into them. For my Writing Exhibit, I would grade it as 5 because I did also put in a lot of care and detail in those writings as well as decently, well though-out paragraphs. From, James Renick

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