Adaptive Immunity. ! T Cells

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Adaptive immunity"


Classication of lymphocytes"
!T lymphocytes" !B lymphocytes" !NK cells" !NKT cells" !Immature" !Mature"
Antigen receptors"

!Resting (nave) " Competence" !Activated" !Effector" !Memory cells" !Regulatory"



Cell count"
! 20-40% of WBC" ! 1000-4800 Ly/uL"

CD4% = 32.14 - 59.30% " CD8% = 15.05 - 36.11% " CD4 Abs# = 522-1594/uL " CD 8 Abs# = 135 1047/uL" CD4/CD8 Ratio = 0.67 - 3.11"




T and B cells"


T lymphocytes"
! Effectors of cell mediated immunity" ! Functions:"
!Activate phagocytes (Th1)" !Kill infected cells (CTLs)" !Stimulate production of antibodies (Th2)"

! T cell receptor recognition (TCR)" ! MHC-restricted"


Lymphocyte development"
! Development and maturation occurs in the central lymphoid organs" ! Commitment of progenitor cells to the T or B lineage" ! Proliferation of progenitor cells driven by IL-7" ! Rearrangement of antigen receptor genes" ! Selection of lymphocytes with the correct immune repertoire" ! Differentiation of B and T cell subpopulations"

Transcriptional regulation"
! T-cells: Notch-1, GATA-3" ! B-cells: EBF, E2A, Pax-5"

T-cell development"
! Cell-surface markers" ! Ag receptor - TCR" ! Thymus = major site of maturation. Thymocytes.."

T cell maturation"
! Sub-capsular sinus cortex medulla"

! Interaction with the thymic environment"

Selection checkpoints"

! Pre-antigen receptor" ! Functional antigen receptor" ! Positive selection" ! Negative selection"

Positive/Negative selection in the thymus"

T cell markers"

T cell subsets"
! Tc (cytotoxic) - CD8+" ! Th (helper) - CD4+ " ! NKT cells (CD1d restricted)"

T helper subpopulations"

! TCR recognizes peptide bound to a MHC molecule expressed on the cell surface "

TCR types"
! Heterodimer, 2 polypeptide chains

! !" T cells (95 % peripheral T cells)" ! #$ T cells (epithelia)"

TCR complex"

TCR complex"
! CD3 protein (#, $, %)" ! & chain ! CD4 and CD8 coreceptors" ! Accessory molecules: CD2, LFA-1, CD28, CD45R"

Antigen receptor gene rearrangement"

! Functional Ag receptor genes in immature B and T cells" ! V(D)J recombination" ! Germline organization - all cell types"

T cell activation"
Signal 1:" ! Interaction between TCR and MHC/antigen complex" Signal 2:" ! Co-stimulatory interactions between CD28 molecules on the T cell and B7 molecules on the APC "


Tc response"

Th regulation"

! What happens during the adaptive immune response" ! Classication of lymphocytes" ! T cell development" ! T cell markers" ! T cell subsets" ! TCR" ! T cell functions" ! T cell activation"

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