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COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT: MEDIA JOURNALISM Dr. Mirrer Name: Adebuko a Ade!u"a Ti# e: Te e$i%io! &O'SOT S(ri)# Da#e: De(ember *+,- ./*0 TRT 1To#a Ru!!i!" Time2: 3* %e(o!d% (Live) ____OC How important is your hair to you? Would you be willing to make a sacri ice like this !ew "ersey woman did? #anielle $arilla ($%H&'(L&L%H) o !ew $rovidence cut o ten inches o her long) waist length brunette hair all in e ort o $antene *eauti ul Lengths+ (,stablishing -hot o hair salon outside promoting $antene *eauti ul Lengths)

(.O) /'oll o $arilla sitting in salon chair with hair stylist0 1his charity donation helps women battling cancer and represents a .(#,O&.O campaign to create ree) great 2uality wigs made rom human hair or women o all ages a ected by hair loss rom cancer+

((nterview) ',%C1(O! -HO1 C3, (! 1HO4%- - && 5( think it6s a very noble decision+ ( know there6s a lot o people out there that are very ond o their hair and they actually wouldn6t cut it o ) or shave it o ) but 7ust the act that she6s willing to do that shows that she has a very caring attitude) and she reali8es that it6s only hair+ (t6ll grow back+9 &&& C3, O31 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore 4ore

(.O) /*&'oll o $arilla a ter haircut) in all smiles with salon workers surrounded0 .(#,O .O #anielle $arilla had no worries prior to the haircut+ 1he salon hairstylists were ama8ed at the long locks #anielle possessed and continued to ask i she was con ident on going through with the decision+ However) #anielle was courageous as can be) reassuring everyone that it6s simply hair that will grow back in the uture+ (Live) L(., 'ight now) (6m standing ne:t to a bystander that is impressed with today6s events and has thoughts to say on the matter+ ',%C1(O! -HO1 C3, ; 5( know that sometimes hair is so important to people) ( mean) including mysel + %nd to 7ust see that someone would give up their hair or a good cause? (t6s a beauti ul thing+9 &&& C3, O31+ (Live -hot) _____O<C 1he reward that comes rom the act o giving is priceless) especially when it comes to helping those in need+ =ou can participate too in this campaign by any salon in the tri&state area+

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