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E/301, Vaikunth Nagar, Tulinj Road, O !" Aa#hir$ad %o# ital, Nalla#o ara &Ea#t', Than(" )01 *0+ " a,hi#h(kdhuria1-.r(di//0ail!1o0 " 2+13*04)1*10*

Car((r O,j(1ti5("
To learn and function effectively in an organization and be able to deliver to the bottomline. To constantly upgrade my knowledge and skills and make a difference in whatever I do.

6(r#onal Moti5ation"
The pursuit of professional refinement, motivated by a passion to utilize my abilities to their fullest potential.

A1ad(0i1 7uali/i1ation"
Completed SSC from Completed $SC from aharashtra State board in !""#. aharashtra State %oard in !""&. umbai (niversity in !")!.

Completed 'raduation in % S from

Co0 ut(r 8kill#"

%asic knowledge about computer Internet browsing

6ro/(##ional 7uali/i1ation"

Curr(nt Organi<ation" *+,!*+, Consultancy Curr(nt ;(#ignation" %usiness *evelopment -.ecutive ;uration" Since )st /une !")! to till *ate

=o, R(# on#i,iliti(#"

$andling end to end process of %usiness *evelopment. Sourcing the clients through 0ob portals and from database. 2ead generations, fresh callings meeting with the $34s of various companies. *oing tie-ups with various companies, making clients from all the sectors in India. 5ield 6isits for the 1ew Corporate Clients. *raw sourcing plans as per re7uirements of the Clients. Coordinating with Clients and Scheduled interviews as per re7uirements. Collecting payments 8 our 9rganization. aintaining 'ood Industrial 3elation between Clients and

%o,,i(# and Int(r(#t"

2istening usic, :atching T6 and ;laying Cricket and ;C games.

6(r#onal In/or0ation"
*ate of %irth 'ender 5ather name 1ationality arital Status 2anguages ;2+C-< *ate< > ( %+I > ?+bhishek *huria@ < =th /une)&&) < ale < +shok *huria < Indian < Single < -nglish, $indi 8 arathi,

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