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Guidelines on Fire Fighting E!ui"#ent $nd A""li$n%es in &etroleu# Industr'

OISD-GDN- 115 First Edition (ul' )***

Oil Industr' S$+et' Dire%tor$te Go,ern#ent o+ Indi$ -inistr' o+ &etroleu# . N$tur$l G$s


OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and should not be reproduced or copied or loaned or e hibited to others !ithout a !ritten consent from OISD. Though e"ery effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these documents# OISD hereby e pressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss of damage resulting from their use. These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the pre"ailing statutory re$uirements.

FORE/ORD The oil industry in India is o"er %&& years old. 's such# "arious practices ha"e been in "ogue because of collaboration(association !ith different foreign companies and go"ernments. Standardisation in design philosophies and operating and maintenance practices at a national le"el !as hardly in e istence. This# coupled !ith feed bac) from some serious accidents that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad# emphasised the need for the industry to re"ie! the e isting state of art in designing# operating and maintaining oil and gas installations. *ith this in "ie!# the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in %+,constituted a Safety .ouncil assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate /OISD0# staffed from !ithin the industry# formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at remo"ing obsolescence# standardising and upgrading the e isting standards to ensure safer operations. 'ccordingly# OISD constituted a number of functional committees comprising of e perts nominated from the industry to dra! up standards and guidelines on "arious sub1ects. OISD ha"e brought out a number of documents on "arious topics li)e layouts of installations# design# engineering# maintenance and operations of "arious facilities ( e$uipment etc. 's petroleum industry is inherently ha2ardous from fire point of "ie!# fire fighting establishment in the installation is of "ital importance. 3eeping in "ie! the need to standardise "arious fire fighting facilities re$uired by the oil industry# OISD ha"e brought out standards on 45ire Protection facilities for Petroleum 6efineries and Oil(Gas Processing Plants /OISD7STD7%%-0# 45ire Protection facilities for Petroleum Depots and Terminals /OISD7STD7%%80# 5ire protection facilities for 9PG plants OISD7 STD7%:: & %-+ and Inspection of 5ire 5ighting ;$uipment and System OISD7 STD7%:<. These documents are in use for pro"iding fire fighting facilities for $uite a number of years. 's "arieties of fire fighting e$uipment and fire fighting agents are a"ailable # it !as getting difficult for the industry to select right type of e$uipment ( fire fighting agent in terms of its $uality and performance. To fulfill this re$uirement# the present document is prepared in the form of Guideline !hich !ould be helpful in selecting ( procuring right types of fire fighting materials ( e$uipment. This document !ill be re"ie!ed periodically for impro"ements based on the e perience and better understanding. Suggestions from industry members may be addressed to = The .oordinator# .ommittee on > 5ire 5ighting># Oil Industry Safety Directorate# II 5loor# 3ailash# <-# 3asturba Gandhi Marg Ne! Delhi 7 %%& &&%

CO--ITTEE ON FIRE FIG0TING 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 NA-E ORGANISATION 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Le$der '.'.6aichur -e#1ers ..S.3rishnas!amy 3.@.Singh# S...Gupta# 3.S.Aalan# S. M.3ul)arni# '.3.Mathur# S.P.Garg# B.P.3. ?epat# G...3undu D.6.Aandooni P.3.Aora# N.Moharana Neera1 Sharma# Mano1 3r.6ay# 'mitabh Singh -e#1er Co-ordin$tor Shri S.N.Mathur Oil Industry Safety Directorate# Ne! Delhi 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 /In addition to the abo"e# se"eral other e perts from industry contributed in the preparation# re"ie! and finalisation of this document0. ?industan Petroleum .orpn. 9td. /M0# Mumbai ?industan Petroleum .orpn. 9td. / @60# @isa)h Aharat Petroleum .orpn. 9td. /M0# Mumbai .ochin 6efineries 9td.# .ochin Aharat Petroleum .orpn. 9td. /60# Mumbai Indian Oil .orpn. 9td. /M0# Mumbai Gas 'uthority of India 9td.# Pata Madras 6efineries 9td.# .hennai Indian Oil .orpn. 9td. /Panipat 6efinery0 Indian Oil .orpn. 9td. /Mathura 6efinery0 Aongaigaon 6efinery & Petrochemicals 9td.# Aongaigaon Numaligarh 6efineries 9td.# Numaligarh Oil and Natural Gas .orpn. 9td.# Dehradun Indian Oil .orpn. 9td. /'OD0# Digboi Oil and Natural Gas .orpn. 9td.# 'n)lesh!ar ?industan Petroleum .orpn. 9td. /M 60# Mumbai

FIRE FIG0TING CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION DESCRI&TION &AGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12* )2* 42* 52* 521 52) 524 525 525 52* 521 52) 524 525 525 INTRODUCTION SCO&E DEFINITIONS FIRE TENDERS FOA- TENDER FOA- NURSER FIRE /ATER TENDER E-ERGENCY RESCUE TENDER DRY C0E-ICAL &O/DER 9DC&: TENDER FIRE FIG0TING C0E-ICALS &ROTEIN FOAFLUORO-&ROTEIN FOAA;UEOUS FIL- FOR-ING FOA- 9AFFF: ALCO0OL RESISTANT FOA- OR ALCO0OL TY&E CONCENTRATE DRY C0E-ICAL &O/DERS 5) 5) 55 3 3 3 6 6 17 )4 )8 46 51 51 55 53 58 51



627 623 626 628 621* 82* 1*2* 112* 1121 112) 1124 1125 11.5 11.6 1123 1126 1128 1121* 11211 1121) 11214


56 56 56 56 56 56 58 7* 7* 71 74 74 75 75 75 77 77 77 77 73 73 78



12*INTRODUCTION ?ydrocarbon processing and handling installations are inherently ha2ardous o!ing to the highly inflammable nature of petroleum products. Processing plants are becoming more comple due to adoption of ne! technologies and cost optimisation along !ith en"ironmental considerations. Though care is ta)en at design stage itself to a"oid possibility of fire occurring in the installation# fire incidents do ta)e place and !e need to e$uip our sel"es to tac)le such situations to minimise loss of production# plant & e$uipment and precious li"es. To achie"e the ob1ecti"e# !e need to ha"e the right type of e$uipment and fire fighting agents along !ith suitable strategy to meet emergency re$uirements. )2* SCO&E This document pro"ides guidelines for de"elopment of detailed procedures for specifications( inspection and testing of "arious fire fighting e$uipment# appliances and materials. It also outlines the basic re$uirement for fire fighting personnel and need to e"ol"e strategies for meeting emergencies. It co"ers the petroleum industry as a !hole. 42* DEFINITIONS Fire Behi%les -- are mobile "ehicles meant for transporting e$uipment ( fire fighting agents ( fire fighting cre! to the site of fire ( other emergency. Fo$# -- are an aggregate of air filled bubbles that !ill float on the surface of a flammable li$uid . They are made from aerated solutions of !ater and a proper proportion of foam concentrate. 5oam forms a cohesi"e floating blan)et on the li$uid surface that e tinguishes the fire by smothering an cooling the fuel. They also pre"ent re7ignition of combustibles mi tures of "apour and air. Fo$# Tender 77 is a mobile fire tender consisting of pump# foam proportioning system# foam monitor# !ater and foam compound tan) !hich can generate foam for blan)eting ( fire fighting DC& Tender -is a mobile fire "ehicle consisting of Dry .hemical Po!der @essels# Nitrogen gas cylinders. The Dry .hemical Po!der can be used !ith pressure to )noc)do!n the flame ( fire. 5oam Nurser 77 is a mobile fire "ehicle consisting of pump# foam compound tan) !hich can be used to replenish the foam compound in the foam tenders (Trailer mounted foam tan) monitors at emergency site. E#ergen%' Res%ue Tender 9ERT: 77 is a mobile fire "ehicle consisting of emergency rescue e$uipment !hich can help to pro"ide immediate assistance for controlling emergencies li)e fire# oil spillage# accidents etc. E#ergen%' Res%ue Tender 9ERT: 77 for handling 9PG emergencies is a mobile fire "ehicle consisting of pump# compressor for handling 9PG emergencies /particularly off7site area0 including emergency e$uipment. /$ter Tender -- is a mobile fire "ehicle consisting of pump# !ater tan) !hich can be used to deli"er !ater !ith pressure or foam !ith au iliary connection for fire fighting.


FIRE TENDERS Specifications for fabricating a fire "ehicle commonly used in petroleum industry are gi"en here. /"0

and should be protected against heat# oil and physical damage.*here"er possible !iring should pass through P@. slee"es. 'll important electrical circuits should ha"e separate fuses suitably indicated and grouped in a common fuse bo located in an easily accessible position. Pro"ision should be made for a minimum four /:0 spare fuses in the fuse bo . ;ngine = The "ehicle engine should be diesel dri"en preferably !ith synchromesh D for!ard and % re"erse speeds gearbo . ;ngine should be e$uipped !ith a complete starting system of <: @ type. 'n alternator and rectifier capable of deli"ering a minimum of D& ' at <: @ should be pro"ided. Aatteries = Ordinary lead acid batteries. Master isolation s!itch should be pro"ided in dashboard panel. 6adio suppression of the electrical system# !hich is sufficient to ensure positi"e operation of radio e$uipment !ithout interference# should be pro"ided. Ara)ing distance should not be more than +m at E< )m(hr. !hen fully loaded.


FOA- TENDER The 5oam Tender including all accessories should be designed and manufactured as per rele"ant Indian Standards and Tariff 'd"isory .ommittee /T'.0 Cs re$uirements !here"er applicable and should be as per sound engineering practice. The specifications mentioned hereunder lays do!n the minimum re$uirements regarding material# design# construction# !or)manship and finish# accessories and acceptance tests of foam tender. 'll the e$uipment and accessories should be fi ed on the appliance in a compact and neat manner and should be so placed that each part is easily and readily accessible for use and maintenance. The centre of gra"ity should be )ept as lo! as possible. /"i0



C0ASSIS /i0 5oam tender should be fabricated and built on suitable chassis of payload %& tones or payload %-., tones or e$ui"alent to match engine and pump characteristics. The 5oam Tender should ha"e po!er steering. Drag hoo) or eye of ade$uate strength and design should be pro"ided at the front and rear of the chassis. 'll !iring should be properly fi ed in position /"iii0

/ii0 /iii0

/i 0


PFMP /i0 The foam tender should be mounted !ith one centrifugal type# single ( double stage pump.



The pump should be capable of discharging minimum :&&& lpm at ,.D 3g(cm<. The suction side of the pump should be connected to !ater tan) independently. The pump should be capable of discharging not less than %D&G of the rated capacity at a head not less than -DG of the rated head. The shut off head of the pump should not e ceed %<&G of the rated head for the pumps. Pump should be suitably mounted on the rear ( mid7 ship on the chassis and should be accessible and readily remo"able for repair and maintenance. The pump should ha"e its control panel installed suitably. The pump should be of rigid construction and should be made of gunmetal( any suitable light alloy# compatible !ith fire fighting !ater and foam compound !ith stainless steel grade E&: shaft should be suitable for use !ith saline !ater. The pump impeller shaft should be fitted !ith anti7 friction bearings. The pump impeller nec) rings and impeller rings should be rene!able types and the gland should be self7ad1usting type. ' drain plug should be pro"ided at the bottom of the casing. Primer = The pump should be fitted !ith an automatic !ater ring (reciprocating primer. It should be capable of lifting !ater at7

least from a depth of 8.& m at a rate of not less than E& cm per second. /i 0 The deli"ery outlet of the pump should be connected to the monitor and :(-(, numbers of scre!ed -E mm female instantaneous couplings in accordance !ith IS=+&E H %+8D. The monitor and other -E mm female coupling outlets should be fitted !ith le"er operated ball "al"es. Suction lines should be pro"ided !ith strainers !hich should be remo"able easily.


/ 0



/ATER TAN@ /i0 *ater tan) of %,&& to E&&& liters capacity should be suitably mounted on the chassis. It should be fabricated out of Mild Steel ( stainless steel grade E&:(E%- sheetsI of minimum D mm thic)ness for bottom and : mm for sides and top. The gas tungsten arc !elding /GT'*0 !ith ;6 E&+ MO9 electrode or e$ui"alent and %&&G radiography should be follo!ed. Tan) made of MS should be epo y coated. The tan) should ha"e ade$uate MS ( SS angle reinforcement. It should be pro"ided !ith a baffles across to pre"ent surge !hile the "ehicle is accelerating# cornering and bra)ing and should be so designed and mounted as to bring the center of gra"ity as lo! as possible in the chassis. The baffles should be pro"ided !ith flanged :D& mm dia manholes.







It should be rectangular ( elliptical in shape and the mounting of the tan) should be fle ible type to pre"ent the tan) distortion due to the chassis fle ion. The mounting should permit full contents of the tan) to flo! into the pump. 'n inspection manhole of not less than :D& mm si2e should be pro"ided on top# !ith a hinged or remo"able co"er and should be mar)ed J*'T;6K. Suitable eyes should be pro"ided on the shell of the tan) to enable it to be lifted off the "ehicle for repairs ( replacement as necessary. ' cleaning hole of <D& mm diameter flanged type should be pro"ided at the bottom of the tan). The cleaning hole should be clearly approachable from bottom of chassis and fitted !ith a <D mm dia drain pipe !ith a "al"e and plug connection and should be ta)en do!n to a point !ell belo! the chassis !ithout reducing the effecti"e ground clearance. The tan) should be fitted !ith o"erflo! pipes of suitable diameter to pre"ent pressure buildup !hen connected to the hydrants and the discharge end should be ta)en belo! the chassis !ithout reducing the effecti"e ground clearance. %D& mm ( <&& mm !ater filling pipe on each side of the "ehicle should be pro"ided for !ater tan) filling# fitted !ith <(E numbers of -E mm instantaneous male couplings incorporating a 52125

strainer# N6@ /Non 6eturn @al"e0 and le"er operated ball "al"es near the pump control panels. /i 0 ' !ater le"el indicator of the graduated glass tube !ith isolating coc) "al"e /suitably protected0 type or other suitable type should be pro"ided close to the control panel. It is suggested to ha"e a illuminated le"el indication at control panel indicating full# L# M # N and empty. The complete tan) should be painted e ternally after fabrication. The tan) should be connected to the pump through a pipeline fitted !ith in"erted stainless steel strainer and le"er operated ball "al"es. 'll the piping should be sub1ected to a hydraulic test pressure of %, 3g(cm< for a minimum E& minutes. 'll piping ( fittings# internals# bolts and nuts of the tan)s should be of MS(stainless steel grade E&:(E%-# to minimise gal"anic corrosion. *ater tan) should be tested for lea)age period of <: hours. The tan) should be pro"ided !ith a breather "al"e ( "ent.



/ 0

/ i0


/ ii0

/ iii0


/ i"0

/ "0


FOA- TAN@ /i0 5oam .ompound tan) of E&&& to :D&& liters capacity should be mounted on the chassis. It should be fabricated out of stainless steel grade E&:(E%- plates


of minimum D mm thic)ness for bottom and : mm thic)ness for sides & top. 'll e ternal surface should be suitably treated to resist atmospheric corrosion and painted. /ii0 The foam tan) should be of rigid type rectangular ( elliptical in shape !ith !elded construction. The gas tungsten arc !elding /GT'*0 !ith ;6 E&+ MO9 electrode or e$ui"alent %&&G radiography is re$uired. The foam tan) should be suitably baffled to pre"ent the surges !hile the "ehicle is accelerating# cornering and bra)ing and should be so designed and mounted as to bring the center of gra"ity as lo! as possible in the chassis. The baffles should ha"e flanged man !ays of :D& mm dia. The tan) should be fitted !ith a sludge trap ha"e a cleaning hole of <D& mm dia and <D mm drain pipe !ith a "al"e and plug incorporated in it. The cleaning hole should be flanged type and easily accessible from the beneath of the "ehicle. The bottom of the tan) should ha"e a slight slope to!ards the sludge trap. The tan) should ha"e < nos. of filling orifices of not less than %D& mm dia !ith a remo"able strainer fitted to it. The filler cap should be clearly mar)ed J5O'MC. The tan) should ha"e one line on either side of 8D mm dia !ith interconnection male coupling and le"el operated ball "al"e.


The tan) should ha"e minimum % no. of :D& mm dia inspection manhole !ith hinged or remo"able co"ers. The manhole co"er should be mar)ed J5O'MC at the top. The tan) should be pro"ided !ith a breather "al"e to enable automatic "enting of the foam compound tan) !hen the foam compound is dra!n from it or !hen the tan) in being filled. The dra! off line should be connected to the foam compound proportioner ( indicator and pump and should be :& mm abo"e the bottom of the foam tan). The dra!7off pipe should be fitted !ith remo"able strainer of S.S. material. 5oam tan) should be tested for lea)age period of <: ?rs. CO-&OUND


/i 0 /iii0

/ 0

/ i0





'round the pump proportioner !ith "ariable setting selector "al"e /to induce E to -G of foam compound0 should be pro"ided bet!een the foam compound tan) and pump. It should be designed for operation by !ater under pump pressure. Aalance foam proportioner !ith manual o"erride is optional.


/ii0 The proportioner should be so installed that it should not be liable to mechanical or other damage. The selector "al"e should ha"e four settings beginning !ith JOnC or JOffC position. ;ach up!ard setting !ill result into an e$ual increase


in the foam compound flo! rate. The lin)ages for this purpose should be as simple as possible to a"oid distortion due to chassis fle ion. It should be "ery reliable and should not re$uire fre$uent calibration chec)s. /iii0 'u iliary foam pic)up tube arrangement from outside should be pro"ided. 52127 &O/ER TA@E OFF UNIT 9&TO: /i0 ' po!er ta)e off unit of suitable gear ratio to match the engine & pump characteristics should be pro"ided. ' separate le"er in the main cabin should engage the PTO. Necessary supports for PTO units# propeller shaft couplings# uni"ersal 1oints etc. for po!er input to and output from PTO unit should be pro"ided. The dri"e assembly components /shaft# couplings etc.0 should be dynamically balanced. 52126

/iii0 The monitor and hand7lines should be tested separately and in combination for deli"ering foam and !ater thro! at rated capacity and rangeI !ithin the pump capacity. AODY /OR@ /i0 ;nclosed accommodation should be pro"ided for t!o men in front compartment including dri"er. Aoth the seats should be independent. The dri"erCs seat should be ad1ustable. The rear compartment of dri"erCs cabin should ha"e one remo"able seat for full !idth of cab for cre! members. 'll seats should ha"e foam cushion and should be co"ered !ith 6e ene. T!o doors on either side should be fitted !ith safety glasses and !inding type regulators. The cab floor should be pro"ided !ith rubber mating. One roof light should be pro"ided in the dri"erCs cabin. Dual type "isors and e ternal rear "ie! mirrors should be fitted to the cab. The rear remo"able seat should ha"e bo type arrangement to accommodate batteries and other important e$uipment. Si numbers of hoo)s should be pro"ided abo"e the rear seat at suitable height for hanging helmets.






/ATER = FOA- -ONITORS /i0 There should be one roof mounted !ater7cum7foam aspirating ( non aspirating monitor of minimum <D,& lpm capacity and -& m hori2ontal !ater thro! at 8.& 3g(s$.cm. The monitor should be capable of tra"ersing through E-&o in a hori2ontal plane and +&o up and %Do do!n in the "ertical plane.


/iii0 The entire structure of appliance including that of dri"ers cabin should be a !elded structure made from anticorrosion treated M.S. pressed sections and channels structural steel /IS = <&-<0 !ith minimum < mm or E mm thic)ness aluminum sheet paneling outside. In coastal area# SS E%- material may be considered for structural.


The cross members and support channels should be 2inc electroplated# D& microns for the channels and <& microns for supports. /i"0 Sufficient number of loc)ers for storage of all e$uipment /as listed in :.%.%% A0 should be pro"ided !ith e ternal access. The height should be not more than %.-8 m so as to be accessible from ground le"el. The bottom of all the loc)ers should be of che$uered aluminum plate of : mm thic)ness fitted on the base frames to a"oid bending of the plates. Sides of the loc)ers should be of < mm aluminum plate !ith suitable stiffener. The top of loc)ers should ha"e roof there by pro"iding a !or)ing platform for access to tan) tops and also the roof mounted monitors. /"0 'll the loc)ers should be fitted !ith internal lighting !ith proper guards and suitably located JON7O55C s!itch. ' master s!itch for isolating the loc)er lighting circuit should also be fitted in the dri"erCs cab.

/ 0

No part of the body!or) should reduce the ground clearance to less than E- cm or increase the o"erall !idth more than <.:< m. The highest part of the appliance !ith the ladder and monitor mounted on its should not e ceed E.- m from ground le"el. The construction of superstructure should not reduce the angles of approach and departure belo! E&o.

/ i0 Stability = The stability of the appliance !hen under fully e$uipped and loaded condition should be such that if the surface on !hich the appliance stands is tilted to either side# the point at !hich o"er turning occurs is beyond an angle of <8o. 52128 CONTROL &ANEL /i0 'de$uately illuminated pump operating control panels should be pro"ided suitably . The control panel should include the follo!ing = a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0 g0 h0 Throttle control for the engine. Pump pressure gauge *ater tan) contents gauges /calibrated0 5oam tan) contents gauge calibration in liters. Pump suction H !ater tan) isolating "al"e control. 5oam tan) isolating "al"e control. 5oam proportioner "al"e control. Deli"ery outlets of the pump along !ith the control le"ers. The monitor "al"e control. ;ngine cooling !ater temperature. Illuminated !ater tan) le"el indication. Illuminated foam tan) le"el indication.

/"i0 'll the loc)ers should ha"e snap coupling belt fasteners to )eep e$uipment in its place and order. /"ii0 'll the loc)ers and other compartments should be suitably pro"ided !ith hea"y7 duty doors. /"iii0 'll the loc)ers should ha"e self7draining of all !ash do!n !ater. /i 0 Grab rails and non7slip steps should be pro"ided to gi"e access to the roof of the appliance and for easy and speedy remo"al and mounted of ladders.

i0 10 )0 l0



n0 o0 p0 $0 r0 s0

System schematic etched in brass plate. 'll le"ers# s!itches# "al"es# inlets ( outlets# gauges etc. should bear identification on brass plate duly ri"eted. 5oam pic)up tube "al"e assembly ;ngine oil pressure gauge Priming pump engagement le"er 9ighting for control panel illumination Digital flo! meter for foam monitor @al"e control for hose reel

&.%< to &.<mm using double coat spray painting on the outside. /ii0 'lso# on either side of the appliance# monogram should be painted. The lettering of J5O'M T;ND;6C should be !ritten in golden yello! colour at suitable places. The dri"erCs compartment should be laminated and the inside of loc)ers should be painted cream. 9oc)ers should be finished in shado! board painting to sho! the position of each piece of e$uipment. The chassis and !heel arches should be painted blac). *ater piping should be painted red# foam compound piping yello! and !ater ( foam solution in red & yello! stripes. T!o coats of anticorrosion paint and one coat of 2inc phosphate primer should be applied before painting. The appliance should be clearly and permanently mar)ed !ith the follo!ing# preferably on a metal plate attached in the dri"erCs cabin and also near pump operating control panelsI a0 ManufacturerCs name or trade mar)I b0 Oear of manufacturer c0 .apacity of pump in Ipm !ater tan) in liters and foam tan) in liters d0 ;ngine and chassis number e0 Pump number


/ii0 The dashboard panel in the dri"ers cabin should ha"e = /i"0 a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0 g0 h0 i0 10 )0 ;ngine oil temperature gauge. ;ngine oil pressure gauge. 'mmeter battery charging rate. 'ir pressure gauge for the bra)ing systems. 5uel tan) contents gauge calibrated in liters. Odometer calibrated in 3M. Speedometer calibrated in 3M(hr. Siren s!itch. Ignition s!itch. ;ngine cooling !ater temperature gauge. Master s!itch for batteries.




In addition to the abo"e# other items may also be pro"ided that may be considered essential. 52121* &AINTING . -AR@ING /i0 The entire appliance should be painted in J5ire 6edC paint of shade No.DE- of IS= D7%+-% / yello! colour optional0 and thic)ness of


521211 ACCESSORIES A2 5oam Tender should be pro"ided !ith the follo!ing accessories in addition to those normally fitted to the chassis. 'll the accessories should be suitably fi ed in position or should be )ept in position or should be )ept in loc)ers or other suitable place on the tender. a0 ;lectrically operated siren H to be mounted e ternally. b0 5og lamps po!ered by the battery of the appliance should be lo! mounted in front of the appliance c0 6e"ersing lights four numbers H suitably situated to assist re"ersing. d0 Alin)er type traffic indicators. e0 T!in amber blin)er lights H cabin roof mounted. f0 Search light !ith D& meters length of cable !ith tripod etc.# complete g0 'n ad1ustable spot light h0 Portable inspection lamp !ith brac)ets to be clamped to the battery i0 'll tools re$uired for normal routine maintenance of the appliance# !hich are not included !ith the )it of the chassis 10 Spar) arrestor fitted to the e haust of the engine /..; appro"ed0 )0 ' tric)le charger <D& '. supply for self charging of battery being charged. It should be fitted in the dri"ers cabin. l0 *ind screen !ipers /;lectrically operated of appro"ed design0 if not pro"ided !ith the chassis. m0 ?ydraulic 1ac) H <D tones capacity n0 Oil feeder. o0 Grease gun. p0 5irst 'id Ao . A2

$0 Public address system = Aattery operated !ith a control panel in dri"erCs cabin should be pro"ided. One loud spea)er should be mounted on dri"erCs cabin roof and should be capable of rotation in all directions. The range should be % )m in still air and D&& m in noisy areas. r0 Suction hoses and fittings E!ui"#ent +or Tender

%. 5ire hoses <. 5ire e tinguishers E. No22les & branches :. 5oam ma)ing branch7line D. Mechanical foam generator -. 'daptor 8. Di"iding breaching made out of light alloy /IS = D%E% H %+-+0 ,. .ollecting breaching made out of light alloy /IS = +&D H %+-,0 +. 9ug spanner /IS = +&E H %+8%0 %&. 5iremanCs ' e /IS=DD&D H %+++0 %%. Nylon rope# D& circumference# E& m long /IS = +&:, H %+-&0 mm

%<. 9adders = 8.D m long aluminum t!o Piece e tension ladder /IS = :D8%0 %E. Areather 'pparatus %:. 5ire Pro imity Suit

52121) ACCE&TANCE TESTS 5ollo!ing tests should be carried out before commissioning the "ehicle =



6oad tests to chec) chassis# manufacturerCs rating for acceleration# ma imum speed# bra)ing efficiency and turning circle !ith appliance fully loaded. Stability test. *hen the "ehicle is brought to a stop in + m !hen tra"elling at E< 3M(hr. fully loaded and manned on pa"ement !ithout any ad"erse effect on mounted e$uipment. Pump test to chec) pump manufacturerCs rated output at "arying pump pressure for a continuous period of : hours. During this test# the temperature of engine should not e ceed the rated temperature and that of lubricating oil 8+o.. 5oam Monitor and hand7lines Test = Monitor performance for rated flo! and thro! should be tested.

b0 c0

made easily a"ailable# !hen necessary. It should also include as built line diagrams sho!ing all piping !or) connecting# !ater tan)# foam tan)# foam proportioning system and pump. 'll inspection and testing records including calibration and hydro7testing certificates should be included in manual. 521215 S&ARES ' complete set of recommended spare parts for foam monitors# foam proportioner# pump# battery charger etc. should be )ept !ith tender. 521215 STAGE INSE&CTIONS Inspections should be carried out for "arious materials ( $uality of !or) at "arious stages of procurement ( fabrication ( body building of the 5oam Tender. :.%.%- @ehicle should confirm to Motor @ehicle 'ct %+,, and Motor @ehicles 6ules thereunder.



521214 INSTRUCTION AOO@9S: /i0 ' set of illustrated boo)s along !ith as built dra!ing# flo! diagram# general assembly & cross sectional dra!ing for pump# dra!ings of PTO# line diagram for electrical circuits for foam tender for guidance# including operating and normal maintenance procedures for the appliance# should be )ept. The test certificates and original manuals of all the bought out items should be )ept. /ii0 The boo)s should include an item7!ise and illustrated spare parts lists gi"ing reference number to all !earing parts !ith a "ie! to ensure that ade$uate number of such spare parts are 52) FOA- NURSER The 5oam Nurser including all accessories should be designed and manufactured as per rele"ant Indian Standards and T'. re$uirements !here"er applicable and should be as per sound engineering practice. The specifications gi"en here are guidelines for material# design# construction and accessories etc. for 5oam Nurser. 'll the e$uipment and accessories should be fi ed on the appliance in a compact and neat manner and should be so placed that each part is easily and readily accessible for


use and maintenance. The centre of gra"ity should be )ept as lo! as possible. 52)21 C0ASSIS /"ii0 /i0 The foam nurser should be fabricated on a suitable chassis of pay load capacity %& tonnes or %-., tonnes or %+.& tonnes. /"iii0 /iii0 The spare !heel assembly /supplied along !ith chassis0 should be fitted at a suitable place on the appliance. Drag hoo) or eye of ade$uate strength and design should be pro"ided at the rear of the chassis. *elding and drilling on frame !or) of chassis is not desirable. The foam Nurser should ha"e a po!er steering. 'll !iring should be properly fi ed in position and should be protected against heat# oil and physical damage. *hene"er possible !iring should pass through P@. slee"es. 'll important electrical circuits should ha"e separate fuses suitably indicated and grouped in a common fuse bo located in an easily accessible position. Pro"ision should be made for a minimum /:0 spare fuses in the fuse bo . ;ngine = The "ehicle engine should be diesel dri"en !ith synchromesh D for!ard and % re"erse speeds gear bo . ;ngine should be e$uipped !ith a complete starting system of <: @ type. 'n alternator /i 0

and rectifier capable of deli"ering a minimum of D& ' at <: @ should be pro"ided. Aatteries = Ordinary lead acid batteries. Master isolation s!itch should be pro"ided in dashboard panel. 6adio suppression of the electrical system# !hich is sufficient to ensure positi"e operation of radio e$uipment !ithout interference# should be pro"ided. Ara)ing distance should not be more than +m at E< 3m(?r. !hen fully loaded.




FOA- TAN@ /a0 The net capacity of the foam tan) should be 8&&& to %<&&& liters. The tan) should ha"e <G e pansion space o"er and abo"e foam compound capacity. /b0 The materials of construction of foam tan) and fittings should be SS7E&: ( SS7 E%-. /c0 The foam tan) of rectangular ( elliptical shape and should be made of D mm. /minimum0 for bottom and : mm minimum thic) plates for sides and top. The tan) should be !elded in construction and should ha"e ade$uate SS angle reinforcement. Suitable baffles should be pro"ided inside the tan)# made out of Dmm. SS7E&: ( SS7 E%- plates to pre"ent surging# !hen "ehicle is in motion. The baffle plates should be placed at e"ery +&&mm /ma .0 inter"al. ?oo)s should be pro"ided on roof of the tan) for lifting purpose.

/iii0 /i"0




Tan) should ha"e follo!ing pro"isions and connections= i0 Suitable si2ed breather for remo"al of air during filling and pumping out. Sludge trap /dia. <D& mm.0 !ith ball "al"e & piping. Tan) bottom to be sloped to!ards sludge trap. 'nti7"orte de"ice at no22le for pump suction. 5oam le"el indicator /non7 stic)ing type gauge glass0 duly calibrated. Drain "al"e /dia. D& mm.0 !ith -E mm. instantaneous male coupling terminating at side of nurser. % No. %D& mm. dia filling hole on top to be pro"ided !ith threaded cap and SS strainer. The cap should ha"e an etched SS name plate !ith mar)ing 45O'MK /letter si2e %&& mm.0


FOA- &U-& /i0 The pump to handle foam compound should be rotary gear type. The pump should be dri"en by chassis engine through PTO and should meet follo!ing specifications= a0 .apacity = Minimum :&& lpm at 8 )g.(.M </g0 discharge pressure. b0 Priming= Self priming under gra"ity feed from tan) and capable to lift foam from barrel )ept on ground. c0 Materials= .asing# shaft and other parts coming in contact !ith the foam compound should be of SS7E&: e cept gears manufactured from SS 'ISI7:%&. d0 Type of Gears= Double helical# hardened and profile ground. e0 Aearings= GM and teflon bush bearing /replaceable type0. f0 Shaft Seal= Mechanical seal.


iii0 i"0



"ii0 Minimum < Nos. :D& mm. dia. manhole !ith hinged and bolted co"er !ith suitable gas)et. The manhole should ha"e an etched SS name plate !ith mar)ing 45O'MK /letter si2e %&& mm.0 "iii0 ' dip hatch !ith calibrated dip stic). .alibration chart should be pro"ided by "endor. i 0 0 Suitable ladder for climbing on the top of tan). D&mm o"erflo! pipe /iii0 /ii0

g0 6elief @al"e= ; ternal to pump !ith body and trim of SS7E&:. Set pressure to be fi ed by "endor. PS@ discharge to go to tan). The pump must ha"e a bypass line for manual re7 circulation of foam to foam tan). The pump should be used to transfer foam from tan) to other 5ire Tenders or to transfer foam from <&& litres. Aarrel or any other

/d0 The !elding should be Gas Tungston 'rc *elding /GT'*0 !ith ;6 E&+ MO9 electrode or e$ui"alent.


5ire Tender to foam tan) on chassis. /i"0 The pump should ta)e suction from main tan) by gra"ity or through any one of the inlet connections pro"ided at side of tender for pic)ing up foam from barrels or from any other 5ire Tender. The pump deli"ery should be routed to < Nos. /one on each side of "ehicle0# E, ( -E mm. Instantaneous female coupling.


'll piping should be seamless and designed for %&G o"er the ma imum pressures encountered in the pipe. The piping should be flanged for ease of maintenance. ?o!e"er# flange 1oints )ept minimum. @al"es of less than %.DK NA si2e should be forged and "al"e more than <K NA si2e can be of cast construction. 'll lines should be hydraulically tested at %.D times the design pressure. ?o!e"er# in no case should the lines be hydraulically tested belo! %, )g(cm</g0. 'll lines should be suitably supported so as to pro"ide rigidity and a"oid "ibrations. 'll lines less than %.DK NA si2e can be soc)et !elded to matching E&& lbs. rating fittings. 'll lines abo"e <K NA si2e should be butt !elded !ith full penetration !elds. 'll gas)ets in foam lines should be spiral !ound !ith SS7E&: and asbestos filler. 'll bolting should be of SS7 E&:.


/"0 /"0



&O/ER TA@E-OFF 9&TO: UNIT /i0 The Po!er Ta)e Off /PTO0 Fnit for dri"ing the pump should be of suitable type to match the pump characteristics. PTO Fnit should be engaged by a separate le"er in the main cabin. Necessary supports for PTO Fnits# propeller shafts# coupling# uni"ersal 1oints etc. for po!er input to and output from PTO units should ha"e to be pro"ided. The dri"e assembly components /shafts# coupling etc.0 should be dynamically balanced. / 0





/i 0



&I&ING /i0 'll piping should be si2ed so as to ha"e minimum pressure drop and achie"e the re$uired pressure and flo!. 'll pipe fittings and "al"es should be MS ( SS 7 E&: ( SS 7 E%-.

'n SS O7type strainer should be pro"ided before the foam pump. The strainer should be so located so as to permit easy remo"al of strainer element. The dra! off pipe should be pro"ided in such a manner and in such a position that sludge should not pass into foam piping.

/ i0




CONTROL &ANEL /i0 'de$uately illuminated pump operating control panels should be pro"ided near the pump of the appliance. The control panel should include the follo!ing = a0 Throttle control for the engine. b0 Pump pressure guage. c0 5oam tan) contents gauge calibration in litres. d0 Pump suction H foam tan) isolating "al"e control. e0 Deli"ery outlets of the pump along !ith the control le"ers. f0 ;ngine cooling !ater temperature. g0 Illuminated foam tan) le"el indication. h0 System schematic etched in brass plate. 'll le"ers# s!itches# "al"es# inlets ( outlets# gauges etc. should bear identification on brass plate duly ri"eted. /ii0 The dashboard panel in the dri"ers cabin should ha"e = a0 ;ngine oil temperature gauge. b0 ;ngine oil pressure gauge. c0 'mmeter battery charging rate. d0 'ir pressure gauge for the bra)ing systems. e0 5uel tan) contents gauge calibrated in litres. f0 Odometer calibrated in 3M. g0 Speedometer calibrated in 3M(hr. h0 Siren s!itch. i0 Ignition s!itch. 10 ;ngine cooling !ater temperature gauge.

)0 Master s!itch batteries.


In addition to the abo"e# other items may also be pro"ided that may be essential. 52)26 AODY /OR@ /i0 ;nclosed accommodation should be pro"ided for t!o men in front compartment including dri"er. Aoth the seats should be independent. The dri"erCs seat should be ad1ustable. The rear compartment of dri"erCs cabin should ha"e one remo"able seat for full !idth of cab for cre! members. 'll sears should ha"e foam cushion and should be co"ered !ith re ine. T!o doors on either side should be fitted !ith safety glasses and !inding type regulators. The cab floor should be pro"ided !ith rubber mating. One roof light should be pro"ided in the dri"erCs cabin. Dual type "isors and outside fitting rear "ie! mirrors should be fitted to the cab. The rear remo"able seat should ha"e bo type arrangement to accommodate batteries and other important e$uipment# si numbers of hoo)s should be pro"ided abo"e the rear seat at suitable height for hanging helmets. The entire structure of appliance including that of dri"ers cabin should be a !elded structure made from anticorrosion treated M.S. pressured sections and channels structural steel /IS <&-<0 !ith minimum < mm or E mm thic)ness aluminum sheet panelling outside. In coastal area# SS E&: material may be considered for




panelling. The cross members and support should be 2inc electroplated# D& microns for the channels and <& microns for supports. /i"0 Sufficient number of loc)ers for storage of all e$uipment should be pro"ided !ith e ternal access. The height should be not more than %.-8 m so as to be accessible from ground le"el. The bottom of all the loc)ers should be of che$uered aluminium plate of : mm thic)ness fitted on the base frames to a"oid bending of the plates. Sides of the loc)ers should be of < mm aluminium plate !ith suitable stiffener. The top of loc)ers should ha"e roof# there by pro"iding a !or)ing platform for access to tan) tops and also the roof mounted monitors. 'll the loc)ers should be fitted !ith internal lighting !ith proper guards and suitably located JON7O55C s!itch. ' master s!itch for isolating the loc)er lighting circuit should also be fitted in the Dri"erCs cab. 'll the loc)ers should ha"e snap coupling belt fasteners to )eep e$uipment in its place and order. 'll the loc)ers and other compartments should be suitably pro"ided !ith hea"y duty doors. 52)28

/ 0

No part of the body !or) should reduce the ground clearance to less than E- cm or increase the o"erall !idth to more than <.:< m. The highest part of the appliance !ith the ladder and monitor mounted on its should not e ceed E.- m from ground le"el. The construction of superstructure should not reduce the angles of approach and departure belo! E&o. Stability = The stability of the appliance should be such that !hen under fully e$uipped and loaded condition if the surface on !hich the appliance stands is tilted to either side# the point at !hich o"er turning occurs is beyond angle of <8o.

/ i0


&AINTING . -AR@ING /i0 The entire appliance should be painted in J5ire 6edC paint of shade No.DE- of IS= D7%+-% or in 4Golden Oello!K paint of shade no. ED- of IS7= D %+-% and thic)ness of &.%< to &.< mm using double coat spray painting on the outside. 'lso# on either side of the appliance# monogram should be painted. The lettering of J5O'M NF6S;6C should be !ritten in golden yello! colour or blac) colour at suitable places. The dri"erCs compartment should be laminated and the inside of loc)ers should be painted cream. 9oc)ers should be finished in shado! board painting to sho! the position of each piece of e$uipment. The chassis and !heel arches should be painted blac).




/"iii0 'll the loc)ers should ha"e self draining of all !ash do!n !ater. /i 0 Grab rails and non7slip steps should be pro"ided to gi"e access to the roof of the appliance and for easy and speedy remo"al and mounted of ladders.




52)211 STAGE INS&ECTIONS /"0 T!o coats of anticorrosion paint and one coat of 2inc phosphate primer should be applied before painting. The appliance should be clearly and permanently mar)ed !ith the follo!ing# preferably on a metal plate attached in the dri"erCs cabin and also near pump operating control panelsI a0 ManufacturerCs name or trade mar) b0 Oear of manufacturer c0 .apacity of pump in Ipm and foam tan) in liters d0 ;ngine and chassis number e0 Pump number 52)21* ACCE&TANCE TESTS 5ollo!ing tests should be carried out before commissioning the "ehicle = a0 6oad tests to chec) chassis# manufacturerCs rating for acceleration# ma imum speed# bra)ing efficiency and turning circle !ith appliance fully loaded. b0 Stability test. c0 *hen the "ehicle is brought to a stop in + m !hen tra"elling at E< 3M(hr. fully loaded and manned on pa"ement !ithout any ad"erse effect on mounted e$uipment. d0 Pump test to chec) pump manufacturerCs rated output at "arying pump pressure for a continuous period of : hours. During this test# the temperature of engine should not e ceed the rated temperature and that of lubricating oil 8+o.. /ii0 Inspections should be carried out for "arious materials ( $uality of !or) at "arious stages of procurement ( fabrication ( body building of the 5oam Nurser. 52)21) INSTRUCTION AOO@9S: /i0 ' set of illustrated boo)s along !ith as built dra!ing# 5lo! diagram# General assembly & cross sectional dra!ing for pump# dra!ings of PTO# line diagram for electrical circuits for 5oam Nurser for guidance# including both operating and normal maintenance procedures for the appliance# should be )ept. The test certificates and original manuals of all bought out items should also be )ept in original. The boo)s should include an item7 !ise and illustrated spare parts lists gi"ing reference number to all !earing parts !ith a "ie! to ensure that ade$uate number of such spare parts are made easily a"ailable# !hen necessary. It should also include as built line diagrams sho!ing all piping !or) connecting# foam tan) and pump. 'll inspection and testing records including calibration and hydro7testing certificates should be included in manual.


52)214 ACCESSORIES 5oam Nurser should be pro"ided !ith the follo!ing accessories in addition to those normally fitted to the chassis. 'll the accessories should be suitably fi ed in position or should be )ept in position or should be )ept in loc)ers or other suitable place on the nurser. a0 ;lectrically operated siren to be mounted e ternally. b0 5og lamps po!ered by the battery of the appliance should


c0 d0 e0 f0 g0 h0 i0

10 )0

l0 m0 n0 o0 p0 $0

r0 524

be lo! mounted in front of the appliance 6e"ersing lights four numbers H suitably situated to assist re"ersing. Alin)er type traffic indicators T!in amber blin)er lightsH cabin roof mounted. Search light !ith D& meters length of cable !ith tripod etc.# complete 'n ad1ustable spot light Portable inspection lamp !ith brac)ets to be clamped to the battery 'll tools re$uired for normal routine maintenance of the appliance# !hich are not included !ith the )it of the chassis Spar) arrestor fitted to the e haust of the engine ' tric)le charger <D& '. supply for self charging of battery being charged. It should be fitted in the dri"ers cabin. *ind screen !ipers /;lectrically operated of appro"ed design0 if not pro"ided !ith the chassis. ?ydraulic 1ac) H <D tones capacity Oil feeder. Grease gun. 5irst 'id Ao . Public address system = Aattery operated !ith a control panel in dri"erCs cabin should be pro"ided. One loud spea)er should be mounted on dri"erCs cabin roof and should be capable of rotation in all directions. The range should be % )m in still air and D&& m in noisy areas. Suction hoses.

used as a appliance. 52421 C0ASSIS




The !ater tan) should be fabricated and built on a suitable chassis of pay load capacity %& tonnes or %-., tonnes. 5242) &U-& /i0 The Tender should be mounted !ith one centrifugal type# single ( double stage pump. The pump should be capable of discharging minimum :&&& lpm at ,.D 3g(.m<. The suction side of the pump should be connected to !ater tan) independently. The pump should be capable of discharging not less than %D&G of the rated capacity at a head not less than -DG of the rated head. The shut off head of the pump should not e ceed %<&G of the rated head for the pumps. Pump should be suitably mounted on the rear ( mid7 ship mounted on the chassis and should be accessible and readily remo"able for repair and maintenance. The pump should ha"e its control panel installed suitably. The pump should be of rigid constructions and should be made of Gunmetal( any suitable light alloy# compatible !ith fire fighting !ater and foam compound !ith Stainless Steel Grade E&: shaft should be suitable for use !ith saline !ater. The pump impeller shaft should be fitted !ith anti7 friction bearings.





FIRE /ATER TENDER The specification co"ers the minimum re$uirement regarding design# material# fabrication# !or)manship & finish accessories and acceptance tests of fire !ater tender of -&&& liter capacity to be




The pump impeller nec) rings and impeller rings should be rene!able types and the gland should be self7ad1usting type. ' drain plug should be pro"ided at the bottom of the casing. III.

accelerating# cornering and bra)ing and should be so designed and mounted as to bring the center of gra"ity as lo! as possible in the chassis. The baffles should be pro"ided !ith flanged :D& mm dia manholes. It should be rectangular ( elliptical in shape and the mounting of the tan) should be fle ible type to pre"ent the tan) distortion due to the chassis fle ion. The mounting should permit full contents of the tan) to flo! into the pump. 'n Inspection manhole of not less than :D& mm si2e should be pro"ided on top# !ith a hinged or remo"able co"er and should be mar)ed J*'T;6K. Suitable eyes should be pro"ided on the shell of the tan) to enable it to be lifted off the "ehicle for repairs ( replacement as necessary. ' cleaning hole of <D& mm diameter flanged type should be pro"ided at the bottom of the tan). The cleaning hole should be clearly approachable from bottom of chassis and fitted !ith a <D mm dia drain pipe !ith a "al"e and plug connection and should be ta)en do!n to a point !ell belo! the chassis !ithout reducing the effecti"e ground clearance. The tan) should be fitted !ith o"erflo! pipes of suitable diameter to pre"ent pressure buildup !hen connected to the hydrants and the discharge end should be ta)en belo! the chassis !ithout reducing the effecti"e ground clearance.

/"iii0 Primer = Pump should be fitted !ith an automatic !ater ring (reciprocating primer. It should be capable of lifting !ater at7least through 8.& m at a rate of not less than E& cm per second. /i 0 The deli"ery outlet of the pump should be connected to the monitor and :(-(, numbers of scre!ed -E mm female instantaneous couplings should be in accordance !ith IS=+&E H %+8D. The monitor and other -E mm female coupling outlets should be fitted !ith le"er operated ball "al"es. Suction lines should be pro"ided !ith strainers !hich should be remo"able easily.



/ 0



/ATER TAN@ I. *ater tan) of minimum -&&& liters capacity should be suitably mounted on the chassis. It should be fabricated out of MS(Grade E&:(E%Stainless Steel sheetsI of minimum D mm thic)ness for bottom and : mm for sides and top. The Gas Tungsten 'rc *elding /GT'*0 !ith ;6 E&+ MO9 electrode or e$ui"alent and %&&G radiography should be follo!ed. Tan) made of MS should be epo y coated. The tan) should ha"e ade$uate MS ( SS angle reinforcement. It should be pro"ided !ith a baffles across to pre"ent surge !hile the "ehicle is



@III. %D& mm ( <&& mm !ater filling pipe on each side of the


"ehicle should be pro"ided for !ater tan) filling# fitted !ith <(E numbers of -E mm instantaneous male couplings incorporating a strainer# N6@ /Non 6eturn @al"e0 and le"er operated ball "al"es near the pump control panels. IP. ' !ater le"el indicator of the graduated glass tube !ith isolating coc) "al"e /suitably protected0 type or other suitable type should be pro"ided close to the control panel. It is suggested to ha"e a illuminated le"el indication at control panel indicating full# L# M # N and empty. The complete tan) should be painted e ternally after fabrication. The tan) should be connected to the pump through a pipeline fitted !ith in"erted stainless steel strainer and le"er operated ball "al"es. 'll the piping should be sub1ected to a hydraulic test pressure of %, 3g(cm< for a minimum E& minutes.

/c0 Tan) to pump to hose reel /d0 ?ydrant to pump to hose reel 52425 /ATER -ONITORS a0 There should be one roof mounted !ater monitor of minimum <D,& lpm capacity and minimum -& m hori2ontal thro! at 8.& 3g(s$.cm. b0 The monitor should be capable of tra"ersing through E-& o in a hori2ontal plane and +&o up and %Do do!n in the "ertical plane. c0 The monitor and hand7lines should be tested separately and in combination for deli"ering !ater thro! at rated capacity and rangeI !ithin the pump capacity. 52425 0OSE REEL One hose reel /see IS=,,:0 should be pro"ided at the rear of the appliance !ith -& m lengths of <& mm bore. ?ose connected by scre! J.C type $uic) release couplings and terminating !ith a control branch and D MM no22le. The reel should be fitted !ith bra)e and loc)ing de"ice. The hose reel shall !ithstand %: )g(cm< pressure. 52427 AODY /OR@ I. ;nclosed accommodation should be pro"ided for t!o men in front compartment including dri"er. Aoth the seats should be independent. The dri"erCs seat should be ad1ustable. The rear compartment of dri"erCs cabin should ha"e one remo"able seat for full !idth of cab for cre! members. 'll seats should ha"e foam cushion and should be co"ered !ith 6e ene. T!o doors on either




PIII. 'll the fittings# internals# bolts and nuts of the tan)s should be of MS(stainless steel grade E&:(E%-# to minimise gal"anic corrosion. PI@. *ater tan) should be tested for lea)age period of <: hours. P@ The tan) should be connected !ith the pump and hose reel and "al"e/s0 should be pro"ided in such a !ay that any of the follo!ing operations are possible. /a0 ?ydrant to tan)

/b0 ?ydrant to hose reel



side should be fitted !ith safety glasses and !inding type regulators. The cab floor should be pro"ided !ith rubber mating. One roof light should be pro"ided in the dri"erCs cabin. Dual type "isors and outside fitting rear "ie! mirrors should be fitted to the cab. The rear remo"able seat should ha"e bo type arrangement to accommodate batteries and other important e$uipment. Si numbers of hoo)s should be pro"ided abo"e the rear seat at suitable height for hanging helmets. The entire structure of appliance including that of dri"ers cabin should be a !elded structure made from anticorrosion treated M.S. pressured sections and channels structural steel /IS = <&-<0 !ith minimum < mm or E mm thic)ness aluminum sheet paneling outside. In coastal area# SS E%- material may be considered for structural. The cross members and support channels should be 2inc electroplated# D& microns for the channels and <& microns for supports. Sufficient number of loc)ers for storage of all e$uipment /as listed belo!0 should be pro"ided !ith e ternal access. The height should be not more than %.-8 m so as to be accessible from ground le"el. The bottom of all the loc)ers should be of che$uered aluminum plate of : mm thic)ness fitted on the base frames to a"oid bending of the plates. Sides of the loc)ers should be of < mm aluminum plate !ith suitable stiffener. The top of loc)ers should ha"e roof there by pro"iding a

!or)ing platform for access to tan) tops and also the roof mounted monitors. @I. 'll the loc)ers should be fitted !ith internal lighting !ith proper guards and suitably located JON7O55C s!itch. ' master s!itch for isolating the loc)er lighting circuit should also be fitted in the dri"erCs cab. 'll the loc)ers should ha"e snap coupling belt fasteners to )eep e$uipment in its place and order.



@III. 'll the loc)ers and other compartments should be suitably pro"ided !ith hea"y7 duty doors. IP. 'll the loc)ers should ha"e self7draining of all !ash do!n !ater. Grab rails and non7slip steps should be pro"ided to gi"e access to the roof of the appliance and for easy and speedy remo"al and mounted of ladders. No part of the body!or) should reduce the ground clearance to less than E- cm or increase the o"erall !idth more than <.:< m. The highest part of the appliance !ith the ladder and monitor mounted on its should not e ceed E.- m from ground le"el. The construction of superstructure should not reduce the angles of approach and departure belo! E&o. Stability = The stability of the appliance should be such that !hen under fully e$uipped and loaded condition if the surface on !hich the appliance stands is tilted to either side# the point at !hich







o"er turning occurs is beyond a angle of <8o. 52423 CONTROL &ANEL

In addition to the abo"e# other items may also be pro"ided that may be essential. 52426 &AINTING . -AR@ING I. The entire appliance should be painted in J5ire 6edC paint of shade No.DE- of IS= D7%+-% or in 4Golden yello!K paint of shade no. ED- of IS=D H %+-% and thic)ness of &.%< to &.<mm using double coat spray painting on the outside.

/'0 'de$uately illuminated pump operating control panels should be pro"ided on rear side of the appliance. The control panel should include the follo!ing = I. Throttle control for the engine. II. Pump pressure gauge calibrated in liters. III. *ater tan) contents gauges. I@. Pump suction H !ater tan) isolating "al"e control. @. Deli"ery outlets of the pump along !ith the control le"ers. @I. The monitor "al"e control. @II. ;ngine cooling !ater temperature. @III.Illuminated !ater tan) le"el indication. IP. System schematic etched in brass plate. 'll le"ers# s!itches# "al"es# inlets ( outlets# gauges etc. should bear identification on brass plate duly ri"eted. P. ?ose reel "al"e control /A0 The dashboard panel in the dri"ers cabin should ha"e = ;ngine oil temperature gauge. ;ngine oil pressure gauge. 'mmeter battery charging rate. 'ir pressure gauge for the bra)ing systems. 5uel tan) contents gauge calibrated in liters. Odometer calibrated in 3M. Speedometer calibrated in 3M(hr. Siren s!itch. Ignition s!itch. ;ngine cooling !ater temperature gauge. Master s!itch for batteries.

II. 'lso# on either side of the appliance# monogram should be painted. The lettering of J*'T;6 T;ND;6C should be !ritten in golden yello! colour for 5ire 6ed body and blac) colour for Golden yello! body at suitable places. III. The dri"erCs compartment should be laminated and the inside of loc)ers should be painted cream. 9oc)ers should be finished in shado! board painting to sho! the position of each piece of e$uipment. I@. The chassis and !heel arches should be painted blac). @. Piping should be painted red. @I. T!o coats of anticorrosion paint and one coat of 2inc phosphate primer should be applied before painting. @II. The appliance should be clearly and permanently mar)ed !ith the follo!ing# preferably on a metal plate attached in the dri"erCs cabin and also near pump operating control panelsI a0 ManufacturerCs name or trade mar)I b0 Oear of manufacturerI c0 .apacity of pump in Ipm !ater tan) in liters and foam tan) in litersI d0 ;ngine and chassis numberI


e0 Pump numberI 52428 ACCESSORIES *ater Tender should be pro"ided !ith the follo!ing accessories in addition to those normally fitted to the chassis. 'll the accessories should be suitably fi ed in position or should be )ept in position or should be )ept in loc)ers or other suitable place on the tender. a0 ;lectrically operated siren to be mounted e ternally. b0 5og lamps po!ered by the battery of the appliance should be lo! mounted in front of the appliance c0 6e"ersing lights suitably situated to assist re"ersing. d0 Alin)er type traffic indicators e0 T!in amber blin)er lightsH cabin roof mounted. f0 Search light !ith D& meters length of cable !ith tripod etc.# complete g0 'n ad1ustable spot light h0 Portable inspection lamp !ith brac)ets to be clamped to the battery i0 'll tools re$uired for normal routine maintenance of the appliance# !hich are not included !ith the )it of the chassis 10 Spar) arrestor fitted to the e haust of the engine )0 ' tric)le charger <D& '. supply for self charging of battery being charged. It should be fitted in the dri"ers cabin. l0 *ind screen !ipers /;lectrically operated of appro"ed design0 if not pro"ided !ith the chassis. m0 ?ydraulic 1ac) H <D tones capacity n0 Oil feeder. o0 Grease gun. p0 5irst 'id Ao . $0 Public address system = Aattery operated !ith a control panel in dri"erCs cabin should be pro"ided. One loud spea)er should be mounted on dri"erCs r0

cabin roof and should be capable of rotation in all directions. The range should be % )m in still air and D&& m in noisy areas. Suction hoses !ith fittings

E!ui"#ent +or Tender %. <. E. :. D. -. 8. 5ire ?oses 5ire ; tinguishers No22les & branches 5oam Ma)ing branch7line Mechanical 5oam Generator 'daptor Di"iding breaching made out of light alloy /IS = D%E% H %+-+0 ,. .ollecting breaching made out of light alloy /IS = +&D H %+-,0 +. 9ug spanner /IS = +&E H %+8%0 %&. 5iremanCs ' e /IS=DD&D H %+++0 %%.Nylon rope# D& mm circumference# E& m long /IS = +&:, H %+-&0 %<.9adders = 8.D m long aluminum t!o Piece e tension ladder /IS = :D8%0 %%. Areather apparatus set %<. 5ire Pro imity Suit 52421* ACCE&TANCE TESTS 5ollo!ing tests should be carried out before commissioning the "ehicle = a0 6oad tests to chec) chassis# manufacturerCs rating for acceleration# ma imum speed# bra)ing efficiency and turning circle !ith appliance fully loaded. b0 Stability test. c0 *hen the "ehicle is brought to a stop in + m !hen tra"elling at E< 3M(hr. fully loaded and manned on pa"ement !ithout any ad"erse effect on mounted e$uipment. d0 Pump test to chec) pump manufacturerCs rated output at "arying pump pressure for a continuous period of : hours. During this test# the temperature of engine should not e ceed the


rated temperature and that of lubricating oil 8+o.. 524211 INSTRUCTION AOO@9S: I. ' set of illustrated boo)s along !ith as built dra!ing# 5lo! diagram# General assembly & cross sectional dra!ing for pump# dra!ings of PTO# line diagram for electrical circuits for *ater Tender for guidance# including both operating and normal maintenance procedures for the appliance# should be )ept. The test certificates and original manuals of all the bought out should be )ept.

should be designed and manufactured as per rele"ant Indian Standards and T'.Cs re$uirements !here"er applicable and should be as per sound engineering practice. The specifications mentioned hereunder lays do!n the re$uirements regarding material# design# construction# !or)manship and finish# accessories and acceptance tests emergency rescue "ehicle . 'll the e$uipment and accessories should be fi ed on the appliance in a compact and neat manner and should be so placed that each part is easily and readily accessible for use and maintenance. The centre of gra"ity should be )ept as lo! as possible. This specification co"ers the general re$uirements regarding materials# performance and acceptance tests for ;mergency 6escue Tender to be used for 6escue Operations including handling 9PG ;mergencies. The scope of supply should be inclusi"e of# but not limited to the follo!ing= Diesel generator set of D 3@' fitted !ith ..; appro"ed spar) arrestor & 5lood lighting arrangement. ' battery operated amplifier system. 'n e tension ladder. Pneumatic lifting e$uipment. 9ea) sealing pads 9ea) control )its. 9o! temperature protecti"e suit 5ire entry suit 5ire pro imity suit ?ydraulic spreader and cutter Portable gas detectors

II. The boo)s should include an item7!ise and illustrated spare parts lists gi"ing reference number to all !earing parts !ith a "ie! to ensure that ade$uate number of such spare parts are made easily a"ailable# !hen necessary. It should also include as built line diagrams sho!ing all piping !or) connecting# !ater tan)# hand lines# monitors# hose reels and pump. 'll inspection and testing records including calibration and hydro7testing certificates should be included in manual. 52421) S&ARES ' complete set of recommended spare parts for monitors# pump# battery charger etc. should be )ept !ith tender. 524214 Ins"e%tion $nd Testing Inspections should be carried out for "arious materials ( $uality of !or) at "arious stages of procurement ( fabrication ( body building of the Tender. 525 E-ERGENCY RESCUE TENDER The ;mergency 6escue Tender /;6T0 including all accessories


52521 I.

9PG transfer e$uipment Traffic control e$uipment other accessories. The Tender should be fabricated and built on suitable chassis of Payload %& tones or Payload %-., tones or e$ui"alent .

operation of radio e$uipment !ithout interference# should be pro"ided. IP. Ara)ing distance should not be more than +m at E< )m(hr. !hen fully loaded. E-ERGENCY LIG0TING SYSTE/i0 ;mergency lighting system should be consisting of minimum D 3@' ISI mar)ed single phase diesel generator set. This should ha"e push start and should pro"ide po!er for : Nos. of flame proof ?alogen floodlight of D&& * each & &< Nos. of flame proof <D& *att light !ith stand and D& m . cable reel drum. /ii0 There should be a control panel accommodating s!itches for the lights as !ell as to start(stop the generator. 'lso E pin and < pin soc)ets to be pro"ided. /iii0 'll lights should be mounted on e tendible mast and should be minimum E meter height. :.:.< AODO *O63 /i0 ;nclosed accommodation should be pro"ided for t!o men in front compartment including dri"er. Aoth the seats should be independent. The dri"erCs seat should be ad1ustable. The rear compartment of dri"erCs cabin should ha"e one remo"able seat for full !idth of cab for cre! members. 'll seats should ha"e foam cushion and should be co"ered !ith 6e ene. T!o doors on either side should be fitted !ith safety glasses and !inding type regulators. The cab floor should be pro"ided !ith rubber mating. One roof light should be pro"ided in the dri"erCs cabin. Dual type "isors and outside fitting rear "ie! mirrors should be fitted to the cab.


II. The tender should ha"e po!er steering. III. Drag hoo) or eye of ade$uate strength and design should be pro"ided at the rear of the chassis. I@. 'll !iring should be properly fi ed in position and should be protected against heat# oil and physical damage. *here"er possible !iring should pass through P@. slee"es. @. 'll important electrical circuits should ha"e separate fuses suitably indicated and grouped in a common fuse bo located in an easily accessible position. Pro"ision should be made for a minimum /:0 spare fuses in the fuse bo . @I. ;ngine = The "ehicle engine should be diesel dri"en preferably !ith synchromesh D for!ard and % re"erse speeds gearbo . ;ngine should be e$uipped !ith a complete starting system of <: @ type. 'n alternator and rectifier capable of deli"ering a minimum of D& ' at <: @ should be pro"ided. @II. Aatteries = Ordinary lead acid batteries. Master isolation s!itch should be pro"ided in dashboard panel. @III.6adio suppression of the electrical system# !hich is sufficient to ensure positi"e


/ii0 The rear remo"able seat should ha"e bo type arrangement to accommodate batteries and other important e$uipment. Si numbers of hoo)s should be pro"ided abo"e the rear seat at suitable height for hanging helmets. /iii0 The entire structure of appliance including that of dri"ers cabin should be a !elded structure made from anticorrosion treated M.S. pressured sections and channels structural steel /IS = <&-<0 !ith minimum < mm or E mm thic)ness aluminum sheet paneling outside. In coastal area# SS E%- material may be considered for structural. The cross members and support channels should be 2inc electroplated# D& microns for the channels and <& microns for supports. /i"0 Sufficient number of loc)ers for storage of all e$uipment /as listed belo!0 should be pro"ided !ith e ternal access. The height should be not more than %.-8 m so as to be accessible from ground le"el. The bottom of all the loc)ers should be of che$uered aluminum plate of : mm thic)ness fitted on the base frames to a"oid bending of the plates. Sides of the loc)ers should be of < mm aluminum plate !ith suitable stiffener. The top of loc)ers should ha"e roof there by pro"iding a !or)ing platform for access to tan) tops and also the roof mounted monitors. /"0 'll the loc)ers should be fitted !ith internal lighting !ith proper guards and suitably located JON7O55C s!itch. ' master s!itch for isolating the loc)er lighting circuit should also be fitted in the dri"erCs cab.

/"i0 'll the loc)ers should ha"e snap coupling belt fasteners to )eep e$uipment in its place and order. /"ii0 'll the loc)ers and other compartments should be suitably pro"ided !ith hea"y7 duty doors. /"iii0 'll the loc)ers should ha"e self7 draining of all !ash do!n !ater. /i 0 Grab rails and non7slip steps should be pro"ided to gi"e access to the roof of the appliance and for easy and speedy remo"al and mounted of ladders. / 0 No part of the body!or) should reduce the ground clearance to less than E- cm or increase the o"erall !idth more than <.:< m. The highest part of the appliance !ith the ladder and monitor mounted on its should not e ceed E.- m from ground le"el. The construction of superstructure should not reduce the angles of approach and departure belo! E&o. / i0 Stability = The stability of the appliance should be such that !hen under fully e$uipped and loaded condition if the surface on !hich the appliance stands is tilted to either side# the point at !hich o"er turning occurs is beyond a angle of <8o. :.:.E ;QFIPM;NT 5ollo!ing e$uipment should pro"ided !ith the tender. 9A: 0YDRAULIC S&READER . CUTTER 9A: &NEU-ATIC LIFTING SYSTEOne set of air lifting bag should be pro"ided !ith the emergency rescue be


tender. The 'ir 9ifting Aag should ha"e the capacity of minimum %& metric tons# manufactured out of neoprene reinforced by )e"lar threads. The bags should be fitted !ith specially designed non7return couplings. 9C: LO/ TE-&ERATURE GAS &ROTECTIBE SUITS /i0 9o! temperature gas protecti"e suits !ith glo"es suitable for 9PG ( Propane and other To ic ?a2ardous Gases should be a"ailable in ;mergency 6escue Tender. /ii0 The suit should be polyamide fabric coated !ith "iton(sligon# se!n !ith chemical resistance special thread to ensure lea) proof. /iii0 The suits should be boiler type one piece suit ha"ing 1oints sealed !ith gas tight 2ipper# !rist# fle ible slee"es to pre"ent entry ( splash or chemical "apour in body# ha"ing arrangement for )eeping Areathing 'pparatus set. /i"0 Glo"es should be co"ered !ith neoprene as an e tra protection and should be fi ed ( tight !ith !rist. /"0 This suit should be pac)ed in ?DP; ( P@. Suitcase !ith hangers and anti7stic) chemical should be supplied along !ith suit for long life of the suit and )eep in. /"i0 The suit !ith glo"es should be appro"ed by Go"t. 6ecogni2ed laboratory certifying for safe use of 9PG ( Propane & resist minus temperature upto D& deg. .. 5or a duration of E& minutes. /"ii0 @endor should also submit copy of test report of lo! temperature gas protecti"e suit for its lo! temperature resistance and gas tightness test of any Go"t.

6ecognised 9aboratory along !ith offer.

9D: FIRE ENTRY SUIT /i0 5ire entry suit should be a"ailable in emergency rescue tender. The suit should be suitable for total 9PG fire entry !ith temperatures upto %-D& degree centigrade in the presence of a !ater ( fog ( sprayer system up7to a ma imum duration of one minute and for long duration !here the fire is less intense. 'll components of the complete suit comprises of hood !ith tempered glass and gold plated lenses# coat !ith accommodation for breathing apparatus# pants !ith se!n on suspenders# boots !ith !ire reinforced sole and mitts.


/iii0 The fire entry suit should ha"e outer layer of aluminised fabric !hich pro"ides protection from radiant temperatures upto %-D& deg. .entigrade in the presence of !ater(fog(sprayer system. /i"0 The fabric used for the suit should ha"e appro"al of Fnder!riters 9aboratories F9 <%:. 9E: FIRE &RO<I-ITY SUIT 5ire Pro imity Suit should be a"ailable in ;mergency 6esponse @ehicle. The suit should be made up of aluminised glass fabric. It should be stitched !ith fire retardant 3e"lar yarn or e$ui"alent threads. The material used for the suit# should not chemically react !ith !ater and should not sho! any tendency to absorb oil# grease# petrol etc. The suit should include hood# coat# pants# boots# mitts and pouch


suitable for accommodating A' set. Shoes should be of standard si2e !ith proper insulation and leather lining !ith non7s)id type sole. Metal 2ip fasteners should be pro"ided for easy donning and remo"al of the suit. The time re$uired for donning the suit should not be more than %.D minutes. No discomfort should be e perienced !hile climbing a ladder# in running !hile carrying a pressurised hose pipe or first aid bo . The suit should get dried easily. The complete set !ith maintenance manual should be pac)ed in a strong case ( bo . The suit should include follo!ing components= ?ood= 5ull shoulder length drape# ad1ustable underarm straps# built7in shell for structural support# hard cap !ith ratchet suspension# speedy clip for hard cap support# gold plated lens !indo! and aluminium retainer# t!o side !ing loc)s for holding lens and retainer in place etc. are the basic re$uirements of a hood. There should be ade$uate space for )eeping Areathing 'pparatus. Double storm fly front# flame seal !ith dra!string at coat bottom re$uired. ?igh !aist design# appro <K !ide ad1ustable suspenders# ad1ustment straps on leg bottoms. Designed to fit o"er !or) shoes. 9eather insulated non7s)id soles# ad1ustment tightening straps. Glo"es !ith aluminised bac) and cuff and heat resistant palm.

&rote%tion Le,elC Outer shell fabric should !ithstand a radiant temperature of %&+Eo appro . SiDeC 6egular si2e suitable for a fireman of height DC-K to -C<K appro .

Certi+i%$tionC The fabric of the fire pro imity suit should conform to the follo!ing standards ( specifications = a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 f0 9isted by Fnder!riters 9aboratories F9 <%:. F.S. .oast Guard Spec. No.%-: &&+. F.S. Military spec. MI97.7&&<&&8+?. F.S. Military MI97I7<:<::.. F9 8<E 5lame spread 7 & Smo)e density 7 & 5uel contributed 7 & INSP;.TION @erify that the material meets all the details mentioned in the specifications. 4Donning timeK to be chec)ed ( obser"ed and recorded. If the suit is Imported# @isual Inspection of the suit to be carried out. If the suit is indegeniously manufactured then Inspection should be carried out in t!o stages as belo!= a. The inspection agency should "isit the !or)s of the "endor and dra! the sample of the 5abric used for the manufacturing of the 5ire Suit on a random spec.

N5P' spec. No.8&%.





Shel+ li+e= Minimum %& years.


sampling basis. The fabric mayl be sent to DI56 for testing and to ascertain the capability of the fabric for 5ire Suit. On receipt of satisfactory appro"al# the "endor should be permitted to proceed !ith the manufacturing of the 5ire Suit. b. On satisfactory completion of the manufacture of 5ire Suits# the inspection 'gency should "isit the !or)s of the "endor and dra! a sample of the 5inished Suit and should seal the batch. The Selected Suit should be sent to DI56 for testing. 5abric from the pant area /lo!er torso0# Shirt 'rea /Fpper torso0# ?ood 'rea should be cut and tested at DI56 to "erify the compliance of the 5abric used for 5ire Suit. In "ie! of the destructi"e test# it is suggested that the follo!ing sampling si2e be follo!ed= One Sample to be tested for T!enty Suits or part thereof. d. On receipt of satisfactory report# Third Party inspecting agency may release the batch of the suits duly sealed by them. They should also for!ard copy of the test report of DI56 along!ith their reports.

/i0 &ne Set of 9ea) Seal Pad for instant sealing of lea)y containers of petroleum products preferably in storage tan)s and bul) carriers should be pro"ided !ith the ;mergency 6escue Tender. /ii0 9ea) Seal Pad should consist of built in air dri"en "acuum de"ice !hich creates a "acuum for holding the pad firmly on the container. ' separate chamber co"ers the hole and allo!s to seal it or drain the products from the lea)ing container. /iii0 This sealing pad should be pro"ided !ith all necessary hoses and air connection# P@. pumps etc. complete !ith necessary "al"es# gauges etc. /i"0 The P@. pump should be e$uipped !ith a chec) "al"e to hold the "acuum. /G0 LEA@ CONTROL @ITS /i0 One set of 9ea) .ontrol 3it should be suitable for sealing internal pipes# e ternal pipes# large e ternal pipes# drums# containers# small or large tan)s & general purpose lea)ages. These )its should consist of normally anticipated things for attending an ;M;6G;N.O .'99 !ith accessories li)e Scre! & T patches# Taper surface plugs# ball surface plugs# $uic) sealing epo y putty# lead !ool for sealing fatigue crac)s# !ooden plugs !ith !edged ends and felt co"ers# spanners etc. to seal the lea)age from small /pin holes0 to medium holes in any type of tan)s (container (pipes. Aright yello! tape for barricading !ith bold lettering should be pro"ided along !ith the control )it. 9;'3 .ONT6O9 3IT 5O6 INT;6N'9 PIP;S= Internally






lea)ing pipes can be controlled !ith the help of this )it !ithout sealing(remo"ing off from the surrounding pipes. The )it should be capable not only to plug pipe lea)age but also allo! to remo"e the contents to safe area !ith controlled flo! or for flaring. This )it should consist normally anticipated things needed for attending an ;mergency .all for internal pipes lea) and should accommodate plugs of different si2es !ith by pass "al"e# tools# !edges# transfer hoses and closing plugs etc.. The )it should be capable to seal any pipes ha"ing internal dia. from %> to :>. 'll the abo"e e$uipment should be pro"ided in a handy carry bo of robust construction. /III0 9;'3 .ONT6O9 3IT 5O6 ;PT;6N'9 PIP;S= ; ternally lea)ing pipes can be controlled !ith the help of this )it !ithout sealing(remo"ing off from the surrounding pipes. This )it should consist almost all things needed for attending an ;mergency .all for e ternal pipes lea) and should accommodate pipe bandages for different si2es ranging from %(<> to :># metallic co"ers# soft(hard neoprene lining and tools. The )it should be capable for controlling on lo! pressure pipes carrying !ater# air# fuels# gases# chemicals etc. 'll the abo"e e$uipment should be pro"ided in a handy carry bo of robust construction. /i"0 9;'3 .ONT6O9 3IT 5O6 9'6G; ;PT;6N'9 PIP;S= 9ea)ages from small to medium holes in any type of natural pressure drums ( /"i0

containers and tan)s should be controlled by this )it. The )it should be capable of sealing any type of holes such as co"er pin# con"e # conca"e# co"er crac)s# hair line crac)s and flat(taper surface holes of any shapes. The )it should consist almost all things need for attending any ;mergency .all and should consist of cre! & T7 Patches# taper surface plugs# ball surface plugs# $uic) sealing epo y putty# lead !ool for sealing fatigue crac)s# tools# !ooden plugs !ith !edge ends and felt co"ers# yello! tape for barricading !ith bold letters. 'll the abo"e e$uipment should be pro"ided in a handy carry bo of robust construction. /"0 9;'3 .ONT6O9 3IT 5O6 DF6MS ( .ONT'IN;6S = 9ea)ages from small to medium holes in any type of natural pressure drums ( containers and tan)s should be controlled by this )it. This )it should be capable of sealing any type of holes such as co"er pin# con"e # conca"e# co"er crac)s# hair line crac)s and flat(taper surface holes of any shapes. The )it should consist almost all things needed for attending any ;mergency .all and should consist of stainless steel scre!s# head!ool# barricade tape# neoprene patches# T Aolts# !ooden !edges# tools# plugs etc. 'll the abo"e e$uipment should be pro"ided in a handy carry bo of robust construction. 9;'3 .ONT6O9 3ITS 5O6 9'6G; ?O9;S O5 SM'99 ( 9'6G; SIR;S IN T'N3S = 9ea)age of small ( large holes should be controlled !ith the


help of this )it. 9ea)age occurred because of o"erturn of hea"y trailor mounted tan)s carrying ha2ardous chemicals ( li$uids should be sealed !ith the help of this )it. The lea)age should be sealed !ithout the help of !rapping chains ( cables around the "essel. The )it should consist almost all things needed for attending an ;mergency .all and should consists of neoprene patches of %EK <EK si2e !ith special metal support frame. 5i ing of the patch should be done !ith the help of stainless steel T bolts !ith rings nuts and si teen outer stainless steel bolts to form a perfect patching to the "essel. Necessary tools should supplied along !ith the )its. 'll the abo"e e$uipment should be pro"ided in a handy carry bo of robust construction. Aright yello! tape for barricading !ith bold lettering should be pro"ided along !ith this control )it. 9A: &ORTAALE GAS DETECTOR /i0 Multi Gas Detector ( indi"idual instrument for each gas suitable for measuring combustibles /9;90# O ygen /O<0# .arbon Mono ide /.O0 & ?ydrogen Sulphide /?<S0 should be pro"ided !ith the ;mergency 6escue Tender. The detector should monitor four ha2ardous gases simultaneously ( independently. The instrument should be designed for field friendly operation !ith large# bright gas ( alarm indicators and one button operation. /ii0 The Detector should ha"e measuring range of & H %&&G 9;9 and indi"idual 9.D readouts for each gas. /I0

Permanently attached# dual mode motorised sampling pump monitors in either acti"e samples mode or ambient diffusion mode and change modes at the flic) of a s!itch should be pro"ided. /iii0 It should be operated !ith rechargeable battery. It should be pro"ided !ith lo! battery !arning. /i"0 The detector should be light in !eight . /"0 The detector should be pro"ided !ith carrying case# %& foot sampling hose and sampling probes e$uipped !ith $uic) connects for easy field use# %%& @D. charger# Ni7.d batteries# earphone# !rist strap and $uad %D ltr. .alibration gas cylinder and calibration hose. The e$uipment should be intrinsically safe and ..; appro"ed. TRAFFIC CONTROL E;UI&-ENT /i0 One hundred /%&&0 meter cordoning rope mode out of nylon of %- mm dia. MS pipe of E feet height at a distance of < metres !ith pro"ision to run the nylon cordoning rope. MS pipe !ill be <K dia and !ith a base plate for resting and fi ing cordon. MS pipe to be painted !ith red and !hite colour reflecti"e paint. /ii0 ?DP cone for traffic control ha"ing height of <.D feet ha"ing base of %<K dia mar)ed !ith radium strips# stac)able to sa"e space. /iii0 Sign board of E&K %<K made from <& s!g MS plate !ith hea"y duty frame and folding stand painting !ith follo!ing = 6oad closed# 9PG Gas 9ea) H 5ire ?a2ard# No smo)ing H Danger#


The abo"e mar)ing should be of reflecti"e material.

/"i0 /"ii0 /"iii0

9PG pump suction of EK dia and discharge of <K dia. 9PG Pump suction of EK dia. 9PG Pipeline to conform to .S' %&- Grade A Sec. :& 5langes to conform to 'S' %D& 'NSI A %,.D# ball "al"es to conform to E&& S ration AS ::-& !ith flanged ends. The end connection to the pipe should be flanged. .entrifugal pump for handling diesel )erosene and motor sprit be ha"ing suction of %.DK dia and discharge of %.DK dia. Pipelines to conform to IS=%+8, Grade <%&# 5langes to conform 'S' %D& drill to 'NSI A %,.D rating %D&# Gate "al"e to conform to %D& S AS ::-&. The end connections of pipes should be flanged. 9PG ?oses H : Nos. of <K NA %D meter long# !or)ing pressure E8E psi & : Nos. of %.DK NA %D metres !or)ing pressure D&& psi conform to AS :&,+ ( %+-, should be pro"ided. The hoses should ha"e flanged ends. The hoses hoses should be pro"ided !ith depressurising facilities. Suitable pro"ision be made for storing hoses in compressor(pump compartment. < Nos. of EK PO9 hoses !ith 'S' %D& standards !ith EK flange at one end and EK male coupling at the other end should be pro"ided. 9PG Pump and .ompressor should be firmly mounted on the Tender !ith anti7 "ibration pads. 9PG pump and compressor should be coupled to PTO Fnit of the "ehicle !ith


ERB +or E#ergen%ies



In $ddition to the re!uire#ents #entioned e$rlier the ERB should h$,e +olloEing +$%ilities $nd should be appro"ed by ..;. L&G TRANSFER FACILITY /i0 The Transfer 5acility should consist of 9PG .ompressor# 9PG Pump. ;lectric Motor# Inlet and Outlet connections# ?oses etc. 'ir .ooled 9PG .ompressor cum pump of E& .5M capacity complete !ith : !ay "al"e and )noc)7 out drum H /PTO dri"en0 !ith "apour reco"ery facility. 9PG Pump = The pumps should be ha"ing the out of %D& to <D& 9PM at -&& 6PM coupled to Po!er Ta)e Off Fnit of the "ehicle. Suitable gear bo for transfer dri"e to be pro"ided. ;lectric Motor /%.D ?P 59P Group II '# .lass II Insulation0 dri"en centrifugal pump E&& 9PM capacity to handle diesel# )erosene and motor spirit /petrol0. Po!er connection to the motor to be ta)en from D 3@' diesel generator installed in the "ehicle. Inlet and outlet connections of compressor and pumps to be pro"ided !ith piping# isolation ball "al"es. Suction and discharge lines to be pro"ided !ith glycerine filled pressure gauges /6ange &. E&& psi0. / 0 /i 0



/ i0


/ ii0


/ iii0

/ i"0


arrangement for operating both at a time or one at time as the case may beI the arrangements should be through suitable gear bo . Gear bo of reputed ma)e !ith le"er arrangement for abo"e changeo"er. Suitable le"er to be pro"ided in the compartment to operate compressor ( pump at "arying speeds. 52527 ACCESSORIES 6efer item no. :.%.%%/'0. 52523 &AINTING . -AR@ING 6efer item no. :.%.%&. 52526 STAGE INS&ECTIONS Inspections should be carried out for "arious materials ( $uality of !or) at "arious stages of procurement ( fabrication ( body building of the Tender. 52528 ACCE&TANCE TESTS 5ollo!ing tests should be carried out before accepting the "ehicle either at manufacturerCs !or)s or a place to be mutually agreed upon = a0 6oad tests to chec) chassis# manufacturerCs rating for acceleration# ma imum speed# bra)ing efficiency and turning circle !ith appliance fully loaded. b0 Stability test. c0 *hen the "ehicle is brought to a stop in + m !hen tra"elling at E< 3M(hr. fully loaded and manned on pa"ement !ithout any ad"erse effect on mounted e$uipment. d0 'll the e$uipment should be tested for rated performance

52521* INSTRUCTION AOO@9S: ' set of illustrated boo)s along !ith as built dra!ing# General assembly & line diagram for electrical circuits for Tender for the guidance of the user# including both operating and normal maintenance procedures for the appliance# should be )ept. The boo)s should include an item7 !ise and illustrated spare parts lists gi"ing reference number to all !earing parts !ith a "ie! to ensure that ade$uate number of such spare parts are made easily a"ailable# !hen necessary. 'll inspection and testing records including calibration and hydro7test certificates should be included in manual. 525211 S&ARES ' complete set of recommended spare parts for battery charger etc# should be a"ailable. :.:.%< 6egistration of "ehicle = Tender should confirm to M@ 'ct %+,, and Motor @ehicles 6ules therein. 525 :.D.% DRY C0E-ICAL &O/DER 9DC&: TENDER Dry .hemical Po!der /D.P0 tender should ha"e po!er steering in addition to the follo!ing. D.P tender should comprise of one roof mounted monitor# t!o /<0 dry chemical po!der "essels# t!o /<0 hose reels for D.P discharge# necessary control systems ( electrical systems# communications system etc. mounted on a chassis. Materials used for fabrication to be specified in details !ith precautionary measures(treatment for a"oiding corrosion and suitable for sea !ater ser"ice. 'rrangement should be pro"ided to e pel the po!der from each of the "essels through hose reels and o"erhead



monitors. The total !eight of the tender should be !ithin permissible limits of the chassis carrying capacity. :.D.: :.D.E DRY C0E-ICAL BESSEL &O/DER

IS=:E&,. Permanent mar)ing of dry chemical po!der filling height should be considered to a"oid o"er7 pressurisation of cylinder. NITROGEN CYLINDERS ;ach D.P "essel should ha"e its o!n e pelling gas cylinder assembly to discharge dry chemical po!der through a monitor or t!o D.P no22les connected to hand reels. ;ach D.P "essel should ha"e independent e pelling gas system consisting of minimum four /:0 nitrogen cylinders of -& litre !ater capacity to e pel the total D.P# 5lushing lines# chec)ing pressure !ith %&G e cess nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas should be filled at ma . of %-& 3g(cm<. The cylinder batteries should be mounted in a frame in hori2ontal position !ith easy & independent remo"al or placement of each battery. Nitrogen cylinder batteries should incorporate suitable pressure reduction "al"e for ensuring safety of the D.P "essel. The frame should ha"e the anti7corrosi"e treatment. The efficiency discharge thro! of each unit should not be less than +DG of the total charge. Nitrogen cylinders should be pro"ided !ith $uic) operating "al"e & should be appro"ed by ..;. The D.P "essel should be pro"ided !ith suitable de"ice to maintain the fluidity of the po!der at all times. %&&G spare Nitrogen cylinders /, Nos.0 should be supplied along !ith the appliance separately !ith all the details as mentioned for main cylinders. The main as !ell as standby cylinders !ill be on the chassis !ith changeo"er option & !ith the pro"ision of measuring the pressure of each cylinder. :.D.D CONTROL &ANEL

The appliance should ha"e t!o /<0 "essels for dry chemical po!der each ha"ing the capacity of minimum %&&& 3g. The "essels should be designed# fabricated & inspected as per 'SM; .ode @III Di"7I code. The material for the "essel should be as per 'SM; ( AIS codes. The plates should be ultrasonically tested. Aoth the D.P "essels should be mounted on the chassis !ith suitable foundation arrangements. The corrosion allo!ance for shell & dished end should be ta)en as minimum <.D mm. The "essel should ha"e treatment of anti7corrosion on internal surface# either of lead tin alloy /tin not less than %&G0 or of 2inc epo y paint. The "essel should be designed for the ma imum operating pressure of %D 3g(s$.cm. Aased on the design pressure the hydro test of the "essel should be done at E& 3g(s$.cm. & the test certificate should be obtained for this test. The D.P "essel should be cylindrical shape and should be hermetically seating type cap !ith easy means for remo"ing for the purpose of re7filling dry chemical po!der. The "essels should be pro"ided !ith pressure gauge# drain plug# safety "al"e set at pressure of %8 3g(s$.cm. The D.P "essel should be charged !ith dry chemical po!der as per


The operating le"ers# pressure gauges etc. should be mounted on the control panel at suitable panel at suitable location. 'de$uate lighting should be pro"ided for the control panel. :.D.DC& -ONITOR The monitor should be mounted on roof of the appliance. The monitor should be easily accessible & should ha"e safe platform for operating it. Discharge rate of monitor should be %D# <D# :& 3g(Sec at %: 3g(.m< through settings !ith easily operable le"er pro"ided to operate the ball "al"e on the monitor & should ha"e $uic) loc)ing ( unloc)ing arrangement at desired position. The thro! of the monitor should not be less than :D m hori2ontal and <D m "ertically. The monitor should be capable of rotating E-& Deg. In hori2ontal & +& Deg. In "ertical plane. :.D.8 0OSE REEL Minimum T!o /<0 hose reels should be pro"ided at easily accessible location. The hose reel should be $uic) rolling type !ith ball bearing !ith e ternal flushing connection. 'n arrangement should be made to pre"ent the o"errunning of the hose. ;ach reel should be pro"ided !ith E& metre long high pressure pneumatic reinforced rubber hose of E& mm bore fitted !ith trigger type pistol grip no22le. The discharge rate of the po!der should be <.D 3g(Sec as per amended IS7%&++E through each no22le and the thro! should not be less than %& m hori2ontally and , m "ertically !hile !or)ing !ith both the hose reels. 6efer OISD7STD7%:< for additional information. :.D., AODY/OR@ . STORAGE

Dri"erTs cabin should be round shaped closed type single compartment !ithout partition ha"ing sitting arrangement for < persons /Dri"er & Officer0. In addition to this sitting arrangement for E cre! members should also be pro"ided at the rear side of the cabin. 'de$uate lighting in the cabin should be pro"ided. Dri"erTs seat should be ad1ustable type. 'll seats should ha"e foam cushion !ith good $uality foam leather upholstery. Doors should be fitted !ith safety glasses & !inding type regulators# plastic coated grab rails and non7 slip steps !here"er necessary. The doors should be hinged in front# opening out!ards and should ha"e double catch stri)ing plates. 'll steps and !al)!ays# platforms etc. should be aluminium corrugated sheet of suitable thic)ness. 'de$uate loc)ers should be pro"ided for accommodating < Nos. A' sets# : Nos. fire hoses & < Nos. No22les. The loc)ers should be pro"ided !ith internal automatic on7 off lighting system !ith a master s!itch in the cab. The doors of the loc)ers should ha"e efficient means for holding them closed by flush fitting spring loaded loc)s. The loc)ers should not be hinged at the bottom. The construction of the body should not reduce the road clearance to less than E- cm or increase the o"erall !idth of the "ehicle to more than <.D m. The centre of gra"ity of the completed appliance should be )ept as lo! as possible under all conditions of loading. Drag hoo)s or eyes of ade$uate strength should be fitted on each chassis member at front & rear & one to!ing hitch should be pro"ided at the rear position. The construction of superstructure should be of all steel nature and the appliance should be panelled


internally & e ternally in aluminium sheets of %- gauge. Ti#1er should not 1e used in 1od' %onstru%tion :.D.+ ACCESSORIES FITTINGS . ADDITIONAL


FIRE FIG0TING C0E-ICALS *ater is a common type of fire e tinguishing agent used to $uench many type of fires mainly by cooling ( flooding the burning surface to cut it off from atmosphere. ?o!e"er# for fires in petroleum handling installations# use of !ater as e tinguishing agent gets limited to cooling only. In such cases# some fluid lighter than hydrocarbons# need to be applied to cut off o ygen supply from atmosphere to burning surface. @arious types of chemical foams ( po!ders are used to e tinguish petroleum fires. 6e$uirements for some of these chemicals are gi"en hereunder=

a0 ;lectric siren = <: @olts electric b0 c0 d0 e0

siren combine !ith public address system 5og 9amp = < Nos. mounted in front of the "ehicle 6e"ersing light = Should be mounted at a suitable place 'mber Alin)er 9ight = One 'mber re"ol"ing beacon should be fitted on the dri"erTs cabin Search light = Should be mounted at con"enient position !ith electric cable of E& m length. It should be easily remo"able type and should ha"e a stand for fi ing at ground /SS tripod0 6ear "ie! mirrors = < Nos. on either side of appliance. Traffic indicators = Should be of blin)er type Mudguards = Should be pro"ided on !heels Tool Ao = Should be pro"ided behind Dri"erTs seat ;lectrical !iring = ;lectrical !iring should be as per Petroleum 6ules 8-. *iring should be done !ith best $uality !ired of 5INO9;P or e$ui"alent. Aattery should be located in Dri"erTs cabin belo! cre! seat. Spar) arrestor /..; appro"ed0 = Should be pro"ided on e haust pipe 6eflectors = Should be pro"ided on rear & front side. 5irst 'id bo


&ROTEIN FOAThis specification co"ers the re$uirements for Protein foam li$uid concentrate fire fighting chemical consisting of hydrolised protein either from animal or "egetable source# foaming agents# stabilisers# preser"ati"es and other compounds# as re$uired# to conform to this specification. The concentrate should conform to IS= :+,+ /Part7%0 7 %+,: and bear IS mar). 't the time of use# the concentrate should be diluted to form a fire e tinguishing solution for the fire e tinction of hydrocarbon fuels The Protein 5oam concentrates should be suitable for use in foam generating e$uipment !ith fresh !ater or sea!ater !ith no loss in its performance. In addition to being suitable for use at lo! e pansion# the foam concentrate should ha"e suitable stabilisers and preser"ati"es to pre"ent decomposition due to micro7 biological attach on foam compound during the storage.

f0 g0 h0 i0 10

)0 l0 m0

:.D.%& &AINTING . FINIS0 The appliance should be spray painted in 45ire 6edK /golden yello! optional0 color mar)ed !ith specified emblem.


The produced foam should essentially ha"e a $uic) control time# good burn7bac) resistance# effecti"e sustained sealing CONCENTRATE C0ARASTERASTICS

properties and lo! critical application rates. The shelf life of foam compound should be as per rele"ant Indian Standard.

The concentrate should conform to the physical re$uirements as belo! =

Con%entr$te re!uire#ents -$F2

B$lues -in

@iscosity# at <8 U % deg.. /.entisto)es0 ?ydrogen ion concentration /p?0 for both original and conditioned sample. Specific Gra"ity for both original & conditioned sample Miscibility !ith !ater (sea !ater Sludge contents / G "("0 Original sample .onditioned sample 5ree2ing Point Microbial susceptibility ; pansion at <8U% deg.. <DG drainage time at <8U%deg. . 5ire test e tinction time a0 .ontrol Time b0 ; tinction time 6esistance to burn bac) /thermal stability0 Sealability

:& 8.D

7 -.D




&.E& G &.D&G

7 7

Should flo! at /70 D& . Should not be susceptible 7 Emins E&Sec < minutes

< Min E Min 7 7

7 7 %& Min %& Min


Stor$ge The concentrate should be capable of being stored in sealed containers for a period not less than < years at local ambient temperatures and conditions encountered !ithout deterioration by chemical or bacterial action. 0o#ogeneit' The concentrate should be homogeneous. No solidification or separation of crystals or stratification should ta)e place under the conditions stated in E.E. Test -ethods = &ro%edures Bis%osit' @iscosity should be determined by method described in IS= %<&- /Part E0 7 %+8,# using "iscosity meter Sl no i" of Table <. "0 ,$lue p? should be determined using a p? meter !ith glass electrode and reference electrode as per method specified in 'ppendi ' of IS=:+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D. S"e%i+i% Gr$,it' Specific gra"ity should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi A. -is%i1ilit' Eith E$ter = Se$ E$ter 9O"tion$l: Miscibility !ith !ater should be determined as per procedure prescribed in 'ppendi . IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D. Sludge %ontents Sludge contents should be determined as per procedure

prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi D. FreeDing "oint 9O"tion$l: 5ree2ing should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi ;. -i%ro1i$l Sus%e"ti1ilit' Microbial Susceptibility test should be conducted as per procedure prescribed in IS=:+,+ /Part %0 7%+,D. 'ppendi 5. EF"$nsion ; pansion test of the foam should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi ?. )5G dr$in$ge Ti#e2 <D G Drainage Time should be determined as per procedure described in IS = :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi 3. Fire Test EFtin%tion Ti#e 5ire test e tinction time should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi 3 Resist$n%e to Aurn-A$%H2 6esistance to burn bac) should be determined as per procedure described in IS = :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D 'ppendi N. Se$li1ilit'2 Sealibility should be determined as per procedure described in IS = :+,+ /Part %0 7 %+,D. &AC@AGING Pac)aging of foam concentrate should be as per IS= :+,+ /part %0 %+,D.


;UALITY ASSURANCE The foam manufacturer should ha"e all test facilities to carry out $uality control tests of the foam produced in his premises.

Aefore acceptance of the ordered foam# the manufacturer should arrange for conducting all the tests specified in this specification /on a sample randomly dra!n from dispatch ready lot of the ordered foam0 for ensuring $uality of the foam being supplied. I@. The 5luoro7Protein 5oam concentrates should be suitable for use in foam generating e$uipment !ith fresh !ater or sea!ater !ith no loss in its performance. In addition to being suitable for use at lo! e pansion# the foam concentrate should ha"e suitable stabilisers and preser"ati"es to pre"ent decomposition due to micro7 biological attach on foam compound during the storage. The produced foam should be essentially ha"e a $uic) control time# good burn7 bac) resistance# effecti"e sustained sealing properties and lo! critical application rates. The shelf life of foam compound should be as per rele"ant Indian Standard.

52) 52)21


GENERAL I. This specification co"ers the re$uirements for 5luoro7 Protein foam li$uid concentrate fire fighting agents consisting of hydrolised protein either from animal or "egetable source# fluorinated surface acti"e agents# foaming agents# stabilisers# preser"ati"es and other compounds# as re$uired# to conform to this specification. The concentrate should conform to IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 and bear IS mar). 't the time of use# the concentrate should be diluted to form a fire e tinguishing solution for the fire e tinction of hydrocarbon fuels








CONCENTRATE C0ARASTERASTICS The concentrate should conform to the physical re$uirements sho!n belo! =

Con%entr$te re!uire#ents -$F2

B$lues -in

@iscocity# at <8 U % o . /.entisto)es0 ?ydrogen ion concentration /p?0 for both original and conditioned sample. Specific Gra"ity for both original & conditioned sample Miscibility !ith !ater (sea !ater Sludge contents / G "("0 Original sample .onditioned sample 5ree2ing Point Microbial susceptibility &er+or#$n%e re!uire#ents ; pansion at <8U% deg. . <DG drainage time at <8U% deg. . 5ire test e tinction time a0 .ontrol Time b0 ; tinction time 6esistance to burn bac) /thermal stability0

:& 8.D to

7 -




&.E& G &.D&G

7 7

Should flo! at 7D& . Should not be susceptible

7 < min E& Sec

% min E& Sec

-&Sec +&Sec 7

7 7 %< Min


Sealability 5ilm forming

%D Min

5orm a$ueous film

Stor$ge The concentrate should be capable of being stored in sealed containers for a period not less than D years at local ambient temperatures and conditions encountered !ithout deterioration by chemical or bacterial action. 0o#ogeneit' The concentrate should be homogeneous. No solidification or separation of crystals or stratification should ta)e place. 52)24 Test -ethods = &ro%edures Bis%osit' @iscosity should be determined by method described in IS= %<&- /Part E0 7 %+8,# using "iscosity meter Sl no i" of Table <. "0 ,$lue p? should be determined using a p? meter !ith glass electrode and reference electrode as per method specified in 'ppendi ' of IS=:+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8. S"e%i+i% Gr$,it' Specific gra"ity should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi A. -is%i1ilit' Eith E$ter = Se$ E$ter 9O"tion$l: Miscibility !ith !ater should be determined as per procedure prescribed in 'ppendi . IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8. Sludge %ontents Sludge contents should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi D.

FreeDing "oint 9O"tion$l: 5ree2ing should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi ;. -i%ro1i$l Sus%e"ti1ilit' Microbial Susceptibility test should be conducted as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7%+,8 'ppendi 5. EF"$nsion ; pansion test of the foam should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi ?. )5G dr$in$ge Ti#e2 <D G Drainage Time should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi B. Fire Test EFtin%tion Ti#e 5ire test e tinction time should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi 3. Resist$n%e to Aurn-A$%H 6esistance to burn bac) should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi N. Se$li1ilit' Sealibility should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi M. Fil# For#$tion 5ilm 5ormation should be determined as per procedure described in IS = :+,+ /Part7E0 7 %+,8 'ppendi P. &AC@AGING


Pac)aging of foam concentrate should be as per IS= :+,+ /part7E0 %+,8. ;UALITY ASSURANCE /a0 The foam manufacturer should ha"e all test facilities to carry out $uality control tests of the foam produced in his premises. Aefore acceptance of the ordered foam# the manufacturer should arrange for conducting all tests specified /on a sample randomly dra!n from despatch ready lot of ordered foam0 for ensuring $uality of foam being supplied.


't the time of use# the concentrate should be diluted to form a fire e tinguishing solution for the fire e tinction of hydrocarbon fuels The '555 concentrates should be suitable for use in foam generating e$uipment !ith fresh !ater or sea!ater !ith no loss in its performance. In addition to being suitable for use at lo! e pansion# the foam concentrate should ha"e film formation characteristics at allo! it to be used through non7 aspirating no22les(monitors. The produced foam should be essentially ha"e a $uic) control time# good burn7 bac) resistance# effecti"e "apour sealing properties and lo! critical application rates. FOA-





524 52421

A;UEOUS FIL- FOR-ING FOA9AFFF: GENERAL 5242) /a0 This specification co"ers the re$uirements for a$ueous film forming foam /'5550 li$uid concentrate fire fighting agents consisting of fluorocarbon surfactants# foaming agents# stabilisers and other compounds# as re$uired# to conform to this specification. The concentrate should conform to IS= :+,+ /Part7<0 7 %+,: and bear IS mar).


The foam concentrates should be of type specified in the purchase order# out of follo!ing types. Type H E = To be used as E parts of concentrate in +8 parts of !ater "(". Type H - = To be user as - parts of concentrate in +: parts of !ater "("




CONCENTRATE C0ARASTERASTICS The concentrate should conform to the physical re$uirements as belo! = Con%entr$te re!uire#ents -$F2 @iscosity# at <8 U % deg. . /.entisto)es0 ?ydrogen ion concentration /p?0 for both original and conditioned sample. Specific Gra"ity for both original & conditioned sample Miscibility !ith !ater (sea !ater Sludge contents / G "("0 5ree2ing Point 5ilm 5ormation Spreading coefficient ; pansion at <8U% o . <DG drainage time at <8U%o. 5ire test e tinction time 6esistance to burn bac) /thermal stability0 &.<DG 7 8.D to 8.& :& B$lues -in 7




Should flo! at 7D& . 5orms '$ueous 5ilm 7 %< 7 -& Sec 7 :.D , +& Sec 7 , Min


Stor$ge a0 The concentrate should ha"e shelf life as per rele"ant Indian Standard. b0 The foam compound should be tested e"ery E years at random. 0o#ogeneit' The concentrate should be homogeneous. No solidification or separation of crystals or stratification should ta)e place. Co#"$ti1ilit' The foam produced from the concentrate should be compatible !ith dry chemical po!der.


Test -ethods = &ro%edures Bis%osit' @iscosity should be determined by method described in IS = %<&- /Part E0 7 %+8,# using "iscosity meter Sl. No. i" of Table <. "0 ,$lue p? should be determined using a p? meter !ith glass electrode and reference electrode as per method specified in 'ppendi ' of IS=:+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,:. S"e%i+i% Gr$,it' Specific gra"ity should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi A. -is%i1ilit' Eith E$ter = Se$ E$ter 9O"tion$l: Miscibility !ith !ater should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS = :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,:. Sludge %ontents Sludge contents should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS = :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi D. FreeDing "oint 9O"tion$l: 5ree2ing should be determined as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi ;. Fil# +or#$tion 52425

5ilm formation test should be conducted as per procedure prescribed in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7%+,:. 'ppendi G. ?o!e"er# details of no22le and method of foam generation should be as described in 'ppendi 5 of IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,:. S"re$ding %oe++i%ient Spreading coefficient should be determined as per formula ( method described in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi ?. EF"$nsion ; pansion test of the foam should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi B. )5G dr$in$ge Ti#e2 <D G Drainage Time should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi 3. Fire Test EFtin%tion Ti#e 5ire test e tinction time should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi 9. Resist$n%e to Aurn A$%H 6esistance to burn bac) should be determined as per procedure described in IS= :+,+ /Part <0 7 %+,: 'ppendi M. &AC@AGING


Pac)aging of foam concentrate should be conforming to IS7:+,+ /part H<0 %+,:. 52427 ;UALITY ASSURANCE The foam manufacturer should ha"e all test facilities to carry out $uality control tests of the foam produced in his premises. Aefore acceptance of the ordered foam# the manufacturer should arrange for conducting all the tests specified in this specification /on a sample randomly dra!n from dispatch ready lot of the ordered foam0 for ensuring $uality of the foam being supplied. 5252)

time# good burn7bac) resistance# effecti"e "apour sealing properties and lo! critical application rates. CONCENTRATE C0ARASTERASTICS The concentrate should ha"e all the properties of '555 and additionally should be suitable for use on polar sol"ent fires. 0O-OGENEITY The concentrate should be homogeneous. No solidification or separation of crystals or stratification should ta)e place under the normal storage conditions CO-&ATIAILITY The foam produced from the concentrate should be compatible !ith dry chemical po!der. &AC@AGING Pac)aging of foam concentrate should be conforming to IS78+D+.

525 ALCO0OL RESISTANT FOA- OR ALCO0OL TY&E CONCENTRATE 52521 GENERAL This specification co"ers the re$uirements for 'lcohol 6esistant 5oam /'650 0 li$uid concentrate fire fighting agents consisting of fluorocarbon surfactants# foaming agents# stabilisers and special polymers to ma)e it useful on polar sol"ents. 't the time of use# the concentrate should be diluted to form a fire e tinguishing solution for the fire e tinction of Polar sol"ents /!ater miscible0 fuels. 52525 The '65 concentrates should be suitable for use in foam generating e$uipment !ith fresh !ater or sea!ater !ith no loss in its performance. In addition to being suitable for use at lo! e pansion# the foam concentrate should ha"e film formation characteristics at allo! it to be used through non7aspirating no22les(monitors. The produced foam should be essentially ha"e a $uic) control


STORAGE a0 The concentrate should ha"e shelf life as per rele"ant Indian Standard. b0 The foam compound shall be tested initially# after E years of purchase and subse$uently ;UALITY ASSURANCE The foam manufacturer should ha"e all test facilities to carry out $uality control tests of the foam produced in his premises. Aefore acceptance of the ordered foam# the manufacturer should arrange for conducting all the tests specified in this specification /on a sample randomly dra!n from dispatch ready lot of the ordered foam0 for ensuring $uality of the foam being supplied.



DRY C0E-ICAL &O/DERS It should meet the re$uirements of IS= :E&, of Aureau of Indian Standard and should be ISI mar)ed. &0YSICAL = &ERFOR-ANCE &ARA-ATERS S2No2 %. <. Des%ri"tion 'pparent Density Particle si2e distribution B$lue &.8D 7 %.%, gm(l 7%&&G through sie"e of %<& um 7+DG 777777777 do 7777777777 7%&G 777777777 do 7777777777 E. ?ygroscopicity and ca)ing 8D um <D um

should meet test re$uirement of IS7:E&,

:. D. -. 8. ,.

*ater repellency 5ree flo!ing characteristics ?eat test 5ire )noc)ing properties 5oam compatibility

as per IS7:E&, as per IS7:E&, as per IS7:E&, should meet test re$uirement of :E&, IS7

should be compatible !ith fire fighting foam

Note = /%0 Test for Sodium based Dry po!der should be conducted !ith -& V(7 D gm of po!der. /<0 Test for Potassium based Dry po!der should be conducted !ith E& V(7 E gm of po!der


&AC@ING The po!der should be pac)ed in hermetically sealed moisture proof bag !hich is in turn pac) in a ?DP; ( metal drum. Pac) si2e should not e ceed D& )gs. &AC@ING TEST 6andomly selected bag of Dry po!der should be submerged in !ater for D minutes. The po!der should be chec)ed# after drying the bag from outside. That no moisture should enter the bag. S0ELF LIFE Shelf life should be minimum D years under sealed condition !hen stored at ambient condition. 72* 6.1 FIRE E<TINGUIS0ERS DCP FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 95=1* @gs : I /T6O99;O MOFNT;D0 )5 = 5* = 35 @GS DESIGN OF DC& CYLINDERS DESIGN &RESSURE The portable trolley mounted fire e tinguishers and the D.P cylinder on mobile tenders should be designed to !ithstand pressure of <<.D )g(s$ cm. The ma imum operating pressure should not e ceed %D)g(s$.cm. This pressure should be ade$uate to achie"e re$uired performance character7 istics. i"0 No22le pipe = "0 5langes = IS7%<E+(IS7%+8, or

'STM '7%&D e$ui"alent

72121 9$:

"i0 Plunger and no22le of all portable cylinders upto %& )g capacity I Type I of IS7E%+ "ii0 .ap no22le and drain plug of all trolley mounted e tinguishers upto %D& )g capacity. = Type I of IS7E%+( SS


Discharge no22le on trigger for cylinder# portable and trolley mounted = IS7-%8 *ashers for all si2es of e tinguishers = IS7DE,< ( IS7<%8% Inner container = IS7D%E ( IS7<%8%

i 0 91: -ATERIAL OF DC& CYLINDER The material of "arious parts of the D.P cylinder should be as gi"en belo!= i0 Shell of all portable IS7D%E cylinders upto %& )g grade capacity J;DDCor 4DDK ii0 Shell of all trolley mounted cylinders upto %D&)g IS7<&&< grade ' or IS7<&:% 0 9%:

DESIGN T0IC@NESS The thic)ness of plate material for the D.P cylinder should be calculated as per the formula gi"en belo!= t !here W PD XXXXX7 <&& f1 VP

iii0 Shell of mobile tender = IS7<&&< gr <' or IS7<&:%


t W P W DW fW 1W

minimum thic)ness of shell plate e clusi"e of corrosion allo!ance in mm. Design pressure in )g(cm< outside diameter of D.P cylinder in mm. allo!able stress "alue for the material used in )g(mm< !eld 1oint efficiency factor i"0

!elding /SM'*0 or gas tungsten arc !elding /GT'*0 techni$ues only. The electrode for !elding should conform to '*S('SM; classification. The electrode diameter should be chosen considering plate thic)ness to be !elded. 'll butt !elds should penetration !elds. be full

Thic)ness of the shell including dished ends should not be less than < mm for portable e tinguishers upto %& 3g# E.%D mm for <D 3g# D& 3g & 8D 3g and -.E mm for %&& 3g & abo"e trolley mounted e tinguishers respecti"ely. 9d: CA&ACITY The capacity of portable e tinguishers should be of %# <# D and %& )g !eight of Dry .hemical Po!der and of trolley mounted e tinguishers of <D# D&# 8D# %&& and %D& 3g !eight. The mobile tender capacity shall be of E&& 3g# D&& 3g# %# <# E & : Tonnes by !eight. 6.1.2 9i: CONSTRUCTION /ELDING The cylinder body should be of !elded type. 'll ferrous fittings should be !elded to the body !hile all non7ferrous fittings should be bra2ed. i0 'll !elding should be carried out using $ualified !elders and agreed !elding procedures. The !eld 1oint design for the long seam as !ell as the circumferential seam should be of the s$uare edge butt type for plate thic)nesses E.&mm and less and single 4@K butt for thic)nesses higher than E.&mm. 'll !elding should be carried out using shielded metal arc


'll other re$uirements as outlined in section II of IS7 <,<D should be follo!ed.


SAFETY BALBE 'll trolley mounted D.P e tinguishers should be pro"ided !ith safety "al"e preferably on its top dished end to re$uirements of IS7<,<D.The set pressure should be %8 3g(s$.cm. O&ERATING &RESSURE Suitable test should be done to demonstrate that sufficient space is pro"ided so that internal pressure does not e ceed %D 3g(s$.cm and the body should not sho! any sign of lea)age if the discharge no22le is closed and the e tinguisher is operated at <8 V <Y.. DRY C0E-ICAL &O/DER The types of Dry .hemical Po!der and re$uirements should be as per item no. D.D. E<&ELLANT GAS The ; pellant gas used should be carbon dio ide /.O<0 or nitrogen /N<0. The ma imum $uantity of e pellant gas to be used for "arious capacities of Dry .hemical Po!der ; tinguishers should be such that the internal pressure of the D.P cylinder should at no point of time e ceed %D )g(s$.cm. 0OSE The length of the discharge hose should be as specified in IS7<%8% and IS7%&-D,.The hoses should be








designed to !ithstand the design pressure of the D.P cylinder. 9,ii: DISC0ARGE NO??LE The discharge no22le should be designed to discharge the po!der as per performance characteristics outlined in :.&. CA&=FILLER O&ENING The si2e of cap(filler opening should be as per IS7<%8% /latest edition0. BENT 0OLES Necessary "ent holes should pro"ided as per IS7<%8% be SI?E 9##: -E 8D %&&

5or specifications and other details also refer OISD7STD7%:<. 32* /ATER = FOA-ONITORS 321 /ATER -ONITORS


*ater monitors should be conforming to IS= ,::<7%+88 and IS mar)ed The capacities of monitors should be of follo!ing si2es = 0ORI?ONTAL T0RO/ 9#: DE -& -: DISC0ARGE CA&ACITY l"# %8D& <D,& ED&&



SAFETY CLI& Safety clip should be pro"ided to pre"ent accidental actuation of piercing mechanism. COATING The internal and e ternal surfaces of the cylinder body should be coated !ith Rinc or lead7tin alloy. Thic)ness of .oating for "arious si2es should be as specified in standards IS7<%8% and IS7%&-D,.



&AINTING The e tinguisher should be painted fire red conforming to shade No.DEof IS7D. The paint should conform to IS7<+E<. 5or further details refer OISD7STD7%:<. CO) E<TINGUIS0ER .O< type fire e tinguisher of <# E# :.D# -.,# + and <<.D )gs assembled out of seamless steel cylinder ha"ing ..; appro"al and ISI mar) complete !ith !heel type "al"e# high pressure !ire braided discharge hose !ith horn and carrying handle. The cylinder should be fully charged !ith .O< Gas. 'll other components# design & performance# anticorrosi"e treatment should be as per IS=<,8, latest.


*'T;6 .FM 5O'M MONITO6 7 ST6'IG?T B;T TOP; *ater cum 5oam Monitor ha"ing s!i"el 1oints for rotation in hori2ontal and "ertical direction !ith self educting non7aspirating type no22le and its discharging head to 1et !ater or foam as per choice. The monitor can be fi ed type and can be mounted on stand post. There !ill be stainless steel ball "al"e on the discharge no22le itself for controlling the foam inta)e to the no22le. .onnected to the no22le ball "al"e# E mtrs long transparent braided P@. hose !ith stainless steel pipe !ould be pro"ided for inserting into the foam cans(drums for induction. The ?ose !ould be detachable.



The si2es and the capacity of the monitor shall be same as 8.% e cept IS mar)ing and this monitor shall ha"e aeration facility for foam generators. The material of construction shall be as per IS = ,::<. The monitor shall be pro"ided !ith pic) up tube and ball "al"e. (EE& TY&E TRAILOR C0ASSIS The trailor chassis should be of - ft. E ft. and made our of E> %(<> channel complete !ith pneumatic tyre and tubes -&& %- ply# mudguard# < Nos. shoc) absorbers# lead springs# forged spring loaded to!ing eye. The trailor chassis should be complete !ith sturdy 1ac)s capable of resisting bac) pressure# a le of D& mm D& mm s$uare# automatic and manually operated hand bra)e and o"er7run bra)e# reflector# tail lamp# number plate and platform should be pro"ided co"ered !ith aluminium che$uered plate of E.%D mm thic)ness.



-ULTI&UR&OSE 95-in-1: A;UA FOA- - DC& - FOG TY&E -ONITOR /IT0 NO??LE 45** l"# CA&ACITY 9TRAILOR -OUNTED TY&E: 9ong 6ange *ater Monitor of ED&& lpm capacity ha"e additional facilities to gi"e discharge !ith fog# spray and 1et arrangement !ith !ater# foam & D.P. The monitor should be fitted !ith non7aspirating type Multipurpose /:7in%0 No22le. The monitor should be fi ed type and mounted on trailer. The detailed specifications of the unit are gi"en here under=7 A: 1: SiDe C 5 in%hes Aod' C -S se$#less steel "i"e 1end et%2 dul' tre$ted Eith $nti-%orrosi,e "$int gun #et$l sEi,el Joint +or horiDont$l $nd ,erti%$l #o,e#ent dul' %o,ered ge$r o"er$tion2 Rot$tion C 47* degree Ele,$tion C 8* deg 9K35 deg - 15 deg: SEi,el (oint a0 Material = 9TA7Gr < of IS = E%, b0 Gear = 9TA7Gr < of IS = E%, *heel c0 *orm = Gunmetal

d0 Thro! at 8 )g(s$.cm pressure at no22le = ?ori2ontal /minimum0 *ater = 5oam = -: m -&m

D.P /!ith foam0 = :Dm at no22le !ater pressure of 8 )g(s$.cm e0 5oam ; pansion = Min. %=E(: f0 5og /curtain0 = %-& deg. g0 375actor = %&& h0 5riction loss = 9ess than %& psi through monitor i0 Semi 5og for tan) cooling and dissipation of "apours and gases at a distance of %&m and abo"e


/ATER CU- FOA- -ONITOR /IT0 FOG AND (ET FACILITY The monitor should be fitted !ith self educting non7aspirating type !ater cum 5oam No22le. The monitor should be fi ed type and can be mounted on stand post. There !ill be a stainless steel ball "al"e for controlling the foam inta)e to the no22le connected !ith D meters long P@. hose !ith stainless steel pipe should be pro"ided for inserting into the foam cans(drums for induction. The ?ose !ould be detachable. The detailed specification !ith discharge parameters are gi"en belo!. The capacities and si2es should be as follo!s =

NoDDle MONITO6 a0 Material of construction = LTA-Gr ) o+ IS C 416 b0 Type of foam used = '555('T. c0 Discharge capacity = ED&& lpm a0 Aody = M.S .( S.S. E&: or E%- Seamless pipe

b0 6otation = E-& degree c0 ;le"ation = +& deg. /V8D deg.# 7 %D deg.0


S*I@;9 BOINT a0 Material = 9TA7Gr.< of IS E%, b0 Gear *heel= 9TA7Gr.< of IS.E%, c0 *orm = Gunmetal S;95 INDF.TION NORR9; a0 Material of construction 'nodised 'luminium ( GM ( = 325

C: &$inting C As "er IS C 5 Eith tEo %o$ts o+ red en$#el "$int TRAILERS /IT0 FOA- TAN@ FOR -ONITORS 5oam tan) trailer !ith foam tan) capacity of %&&&(<&&& lit MS ( SS E&: ( SS E%- !ith suitable monitor. The trailer of suitable capacity made out of MS(SS E&:(SS E%- channels of 8D mm D mm thic)ness !ith MS ( SS E&: ( SS E%- plate of minimum D mm thic)ness !elded and duly treated for anti7corrosion mounted on t!o standard ma)e tyres !ith solid beam a le on hea"y duty. Semi7elipticle springs !hich can ta)e the load of entire unit. It should be pro"ided !ith To!ing eye of ,& mm dia in front of trailer# bra)e system and : nos. of supporting legs. 62* 621 9A: OT0ER E;UI&-ENT SIREN Ele%tri%$ll' O"er$ted Siren The general re$uirements# E phase electric motor# siren# heads# starter for on(off operations# !ithout !arbling relay# acoustic po!er should comply !ith IS=%+:% /Part I0(%+8-. The Siren should ha"e a range of minimum E.& )ms. Siren should be hori2ontal complete !ith mounting. The electric motor should be totally enclosed !ith greased sealed ball bearing and should conform to IS=E<D. 9A: 0$nd O"er$ted Siren The shape# components# material# design and construction should comply !ith IS=-&<-7%+8&. It should ha"e portable stand as per para -.E of IS=-&<- of IS=-&<-. The Siren should ha"e a range of minimum %.- )ms

SS E&: or SS E%b0 Type of foam used = '555 c0 5oam ; pansion d0 5og /curtain0 personal. e0 37factor f0 = %=E7:

= %-& deg. for

= %&&

5riction 9oss = 9ess than &.8 )g(cm< through monitor.

FLANGE a0 Material = Mild Steel (SS E&: or SS E%b0 Specification = 'NSI7A7%-.D S %D& 6 !ith 55 serrations

Other construction details Si2e .apacity ?ori2ontal !ater thro! /mm0 8D %&& %D& /lpm0 <D,& E,:& 8-,& /m0 -& 8& 8D ?ori2ontal foam thro! /m0 DD -: 8&

'0 *elding = GT'* !ith ;6E&+ MO9 electrode or e$ui"alent and %&& G radiography A0 *or)ing Pressure = 8 )g(s$.cm



FIRE 0OSES -E mm ( E, mm and minimum %D meter. long cotton ( synthetic fibre seamless circular !o"en 1ac)eted# rust proof# rubberised fabric reinforced rubber lined fire hose# bearing IS=-E-(%+,, Type ' & A mar) capable of !ithstanding ED.8 3g. bursting pressure# binded !ith gunmetal instantaneous type male and female coupling bearing IS=+&E mar) !ith copper !ire.

be pro"ided !ith transparent acrylic sheet fitted !ith rubber beading for transparency. The bo should be painted !ith red colour glossy finish. The bo should be capable to resist the !eight of hose !ith couplings. Suitable !all mounting brac)et should be pro"ided in the cabinet. 625 62521 NO??LES AND ARANC0 &I&ES NoDDles Fog NoDDle 5og No22les made out of gunmetal chromium plated suitable for -E mm dia fire hose# ha"ing arrangement for straight stream# high pressure fog and shut off as per IS= +D< and !ith couplings as per IS=+&E. Uni,ers$l NoDDle 9Tri"le &ur"ose NoDDle: Fni"ersal no22le made out of gunmetal chromium plated suitable for -E mm dia fire hose !ith instantaneous coupling as per IS= +&E# capable of gi"ing high pressure 1et and fine !ater curtain as per IS=<,8%. /$ter Curt$in NoDDles *ater curtain no22les made out of gunmetal !ith chromium plated suitable for -E mm dia fire hose !ith instantaneous couplings suitable for curtain as per IS= +&E. (et NoDDles Bet no22les !ith branch pipes made out of gunmetal suitable for -E mm dia fire hose !ith instantaneous coupling and %- mm dia. No22le orifice capable of discharging :D& lpm at 8 3g(cm< as per IS= +&E !ith ISI Mar). 6252) ARANC0 &I&E Gunmetal branch pipe -E mm dia. !ith gunmetal no22le conforming to IS= +&E# T'. appro"ed and bearing ISI Mar). Fo$# -$Hing Ar$n%h &i"e

624 9$:

FIRE 0OSE AO< -2S2 Fire 0ose AoF 5ire ?ose Ao manufactured out of %, S*G thic) M.S. sheet si2e 8D& mm -&& mm <D& mm /E&K <:K %&K appro .0# suitable for accommodating &< Nos. -E mm dia. fire fighting hose in length of %D m !ith no22le. The bo should be pro"ided !ith double door and should ha"e loc)ing arrangements. Pro"ision for brea) glass recess for )ey should be gi"en in the bo . The front doors should be pro"ided !ith transparent acrylic sheet fitted !ith rubber beading for transparency. The hose bo should be painted !ith t!o coats of enamel paint of fire red colour on the e ternal surfaces and !hite colour on the internal surfaces o"er t!o coats of 2inc chromate primer. The bo should be capable to resist the !eight of hoses !ith couplings. Suitable !all mounting brac)et should be pro"ided in the bo .

91: FR& Fire 0ose AoF 5ibre Glass 5ire ?ose Ao si2e= 8D& mm -&& mm <D& mm /E&K <:K %&K appro .0# moulded out of 5ibre 6einforced Plastic /56P0 suitable for accommodating &< Nos. of %D metre 5ire 5ighting ?ose !ith no22le. The bo should be pro"ided !ith double door and should ha"e loc)ing arrangements. Pro"ision for brea) glass recess for )ey should be gi"en in the bo . The front doors should


5oam ma)ing branch pipe complete !ith pic)up tube and strainer# 5A DP# al. alloy# capacity <<D lpm at 8 3g(cm< pressure !ith regulating "al"e and pic)up tube as per IS= <&+8. 625 /ATER AASED (EL ALAN@ET In 5ire Protection & life sa"ing >Bel Soa)ed Alan)et> of "arious si2es# the 1el system should be a combination of an outer layer of %&&G ne! !ool ha"ing an intercellular !ea"e !ith a therapeutic 1el that is non7to ic# bactericidal# !ater7soluble and biodegradable. The !ool carried is capable of absorbing upto %E times its o!n !eight. The *ater based Bel Alan)et should be pac)ed in good $uality poly71ar ( canister. *ater Bel Alan)et should be ha"ing E years shelf life for medical purpose and D years for fire emergencies. 627 ;PP9OSIM;T;6 ,.%& 626

accommodate cylinder. The hoses are made from Neoprene 6ubber(steel braided. The facility of automatic cut7off of the air flo! up on disconnection of the reducer should be a"ailable. It should be as per IS= %&<:D /part7:0 %+,<. 6efer OISD7STD 7 %DD for additional information. FIRE ESCA&E -AS@ = FILTER TY&E E-ERGENCY RES&IRATORS ;mergency respirator is a self rescue hood# ideal for escape from room and buildings contaminated !ith to ic fumes and gases created by fire or accidental pollution. It should be as per IS= ,D<E 7 %+88. ,.+ TO6.?;S Torches should be intrinsically safe for use in 2ones o% and should be ..; appro"ed. 6;S.F.IT'TO6 It should be as per IS= -%+: # %+8% 82* FIRE FIG0TING &ERSONNEL Petroleum installations li)e .rude oil e ploration & production sites# crude oil transportation# refining# transportation of petroleum products# gas processing plants# mar)eting depots & terminals and 9PG plants ha"e different !ays of manning fire fighting facilities. 9arger and comple installations li)e refineries ha"e ful7fledged fire and safety department !here as other smaller installations man their fire fighting facilities !ith the man po!er a"ailable for operations. Though fire fighting facilities are pro"ided to meet emergencies# it is "ery much essential that such facilities are operated by competent

Portable light !eight# hand held intrinsically safe instrument for monitoring the possibility of e plosi"e atmosphere ha"ing ..; (DGMS appro"al ( F9 listing. 623 SELF CONTAINED AREAT0ING A&&ARATUS 9/IT0 ONE S&ARE CYLINDER: ..; 'ppro"ed Positi"e pressure double stage S.A' suitable for fighting# rescue operation in to ic and o ygen deficient atmosphere. The e$uipment consists of compressed air cylinder# light !eight# full face !ide "ision mas) /!ith inner ori7nasall mas)0# speech diaphragm# spring loaded e halation "al"e# 9.P. !arning !histle# pressure gauge# positi"e pressure demand "al"e !or)ing on pneumatic pressure# comfortable shoulder harness and light !eight chemical resistant bac) plate to


personnel in a right !ay. Therefore# the industry should de"elop o!n set of standards ( re$uirements for personnel being deployed to man fire fighting facilities. Such personnel need to be gi"en necessary input in the form of technical s)ill and refresher courses. Some of the re$uirements considered necessary for fire fighters are as follo!s= Gener$l re!uire#ents %. <. E. :. D. Minimum ;ducational re$uirement Professional training Medical chec) up Physical fitness ?ea"y "ehicle dri"ing licence

personnel !hile handling emergency situations li)e fire# e plosion# to ic release# accident # rescue operations etc. Such facilities may ha"e difficult approach from the road# multiple floors# confined spaces# in7 ade$uate fire fighting facilities# poor "entilation# presence of other ha2ards li)e chemicals# electrical e$uipment etc. ?andling of such situations may call for specific e$uipment# fire fighting agents# techni$ues# ade$uate no. of trained personnel# "ehicles etc. Therefore# it necessary to study the plant facilities in detail and chal) out strategies to combat !ith the situations. To meet the abo"e# follo!ing approach should be adopted= a0 Study the plant ( facilities from construction ( layout ( approach "ie! point b0 Study the associated operation ( maintenance practices ( communication facilities and practices c0 Study the ha2ards present ( precautions needed ( e isting suitable measures d0 9oo) for occupancy ( their safety a!areness ( capability ( super"ision in case of emergency etc. 'fter identifying critical locations# detailed plans should be prepared so as to handle "arious emergency situations. Such plans should in"ariably include roles & responsibilities of all concerned. Periodically# moc) drills should be conducted to chec) ade$uacy of the plans and necessary

(o1 Re!uire#ents %. <. E. :. D. -. Fse of communication systems 6escue operations 5ire fighting techni$ues 3no!ledge of materials ( chemicals handled in the plant and their ha2ards Fse ( Maintenance of "arious PP;s ( 5ire fighting e$uipment ( "ehicles 'bility to render 5irst 'id 1*2* CRITICAL SCENARIO In petroleum installations li)e crude oil production sites# gas processing plants# refineries# pipelines and mar)eting installations emergency preparedness plans ( Disaster Management Plans are prepared in accordance !ith the pre"ailing statutory re$uirements# )eeping in "ie! ma1or scenario of accident ( fire ( e plosion ( to ic release etc. In any installation# there are certain facilities ( plants !hich may pose a challenge to the 5ire & Safety


modifications should be carried out in the plans to o"er come short comings. 112* 1121 TY&ICAL FIRE FIG0TING STRATEGIES TAN@ FIRE Aefore attempting to e tinguish fire in the tan)# fire in the surrounding area i.e. in the dy)e should be e tinguished to reduce heat input to tan) contents. .ooling the ad1acent tan)s /contents of !hich ha"e not ignited but are e posed to radiation heat0 by means of !ater spray(1et applied to shell to pre"ent e cessi"e "apori2ation and to reduce the danger of fire spreading to other areas. 'pplication of foam on seal of ad1acent tan) is also re$uired. *hen burning# crude oils and asphalt de"elop a heat !a"e !hich tra"els do!n!ards at a rate of %D to D& inches(hr. Temperature of oil may reach <-& to E%D &.. *hen this heat !a"e reaches to the tan) bottom# !here some settled !ater is generally present# it !ill cause a "iolent 4Aoil7O"er.K Aurning oil first erupts and then falls# spreading e"en beyond the dy)e of the tan). The columns of the flame can be "ery !idely spread at the base. The beginning of a boil o"er is indicated by both increase in height and in brightness of the flames prior to actual eruption of the boiling oil. Immediate action !ill ha"e to be ta)en to e"acuate all personnel from the affected area and nearby areas. ' 4boil o"erK is a "iolent eruption. ' boil o"er results from e pansion or frothing of the heated li$uid but is not as se"ere as a boil7o"er. 0e$t-/$,e

In case of !ide boiling range ingredients in crude oil or product tan) on fire# the lo!er boiling point hydrocarbons come out of the surface and feed the fire# !hile the higher boiling point hydrocarbons sin) to!ards bottom forming a heated front to heat cold oil deeper and deeper as fire continues to burn. This phenomenon is called 4heat !a"e.K In case fire is not put out by the time heat !a"e has reached the point# D feet abo"e )no!n bottom !ater le"el /!hich can be roughly 1udged by peeling off(blistering of the e ternal painting of the tan) shell0# it is to be ensured that all personnel are e"acuated from the area. Ae on guard from successi"e boil o"ers form a burning tan) since this !ill often occur. .onduct all necessary !or) !ithin the dy)e area during the initial stages of the fire so that as the fire progresses# fire fighting operation can be carried out from a safer distance. .are must be ta)en NOT to get !ater in a hea"y oil tan) !hile fighting a fire thus reducing the possibility of boil7 o"er. 112121 FiFed roo+ t$nH +ire Light to 0e$,' Oils 9eF%e"t As"h$lt: %. ; tinguish fires in the Tan) dy)e !ith foam to reduce heat input to tan) contents. <. 'ctuate spray system /!here"er pro"ided0(apply cooling !ater streams to tan)s shell. ;nsure that !ater does not enter into the tan) either from run7off or from the !ater stream since it !ill destroy the foam blan)et.


E. 'pply foam inside the tan) either through fi ed foam chamber connections or through other a"ailable e$uipment. :. 'pply cooling !ater(actuate fi ed spray(deluge system to other ad1oining tan)s e posed to radiation heat from fire. D. Open tan) dy)e "al"es# as necessary# to a"oid flooding of the tan) dy)es. ?o!e"er# care has to be e ercised not to spread hydrocarbons to surround7 ing areas.

applying foam through fi ed foam system or through foam branch from the top platform. 5ire fighting personnel should not go do!n on the floating roof of a partially filled tan) e cept in e treme circumstances. In case it as absolutely necessary proper safety appliances such as safety belt# life line# and fire suit must be used. <. 'ctuate cooling !ater spray system(apply !ater 1et streams on the affected tan) as !ell as ad1acent tan)s as re$uired. ?o!e"er# precaution should be ta)en to a"oid !ater stagnation on the floating roof since it may cause the float unbalanced. '"oid directing hea"y streams of !ater into the flammable material of the roof edge. This may splash burning product into the roof and increase the seriousness of the fire. Open Tan) dy)e drain "al"es as re$uired to a"oid flooding of the dy)e area. .are should be ta)en not to spread hydrocarbons to surrounding areas.

As"h$lt t$nHs 'sphalt tan)s are heated and operated at temperatures abo"e %D& deg. . and therefore foam cannot be used in these tan)s. Precaution should also be ta)en !hile using !ater to cool the shell so that no !ater enters into the tan). *hen e"er possible !ater stream should be directed for fighting asphalt 5ire. 11212) Flo$ting roo+ t$nH +ire 5loating roof tan)s are designed to eliminate open oil surfaces from !hich "apours escape. Since open surfaces are eliminated in most instances# the possibility of fire from static electricity charge is pre"ented as long as the roof is floating. ' fe! rim fires are reported to ha"e occurred to floating roof tan)s from lightening and also !hen seals !ere in poor condition or improper channeled contacts bet!een the roof and the shell of the tan). Fire $round roo+ edge %. 5loating roof rim fires should be e tinguished by E.




9i$uefied Petroleum Gas /9PG0 is )ept in li$uid form by its o!n "apour pressure. 9PG !hen released from this pressure rapidly becomes "apour !hich in turn is mi ed in the air and forms an e plosi"e mi ture /; plosi"e range is %.+ to +.D parts "apour mi ed "olume !ith +,.% to +&.D parts of air0. ' hea"y lea)age of the 9PG may form a "apour cloud


!hich can tra"el as far as %D&&m *hereas "apour from the open surfaces of gasoline ha"e not been )no!n to tra"el beyond D&m distances. FolloEing "re%$utions = guidelines #$' 1e $do"ted to %ontrol L&G le$Hs . +ires2 %. 'pproach the fire or gas lea) from up!ind. 'll fires /Process ?eaters etc.0# do!n !ind of lea) should be put off(e tinguished. <. 3eep all persons out of "apour cloud area. ;"acuate area !hich is in the path of "apour cloud as $uic)ly as possible. E. In case escaping 9PG is not on fire# acti"ate 6O@ to cut off source of 9PG. :. *ater spray is effecti"e in dispersing 9PG "apours. Spray stream should be directed across the normal "apour path. D. .ontrolled burning of escaping 9PG is normally accepted as fire fighting practice. 'pplication of sufficient !ater# to )eep the shell of the "essel and piping cool# !ill allo! the fire to consume the products !ithout danger of causing failure. It is desirable !here the lea)ages cannot be controlled after e tinguishing fire. -. Dry chemical po!der is effecti"e for e tinguishing small 9PG fires. ; tinguishing agent should be directed to!ard point of "apour discharge.

because accumulation of lea)ing gas can result in an e plosion due to accidental ignition. <. Stop mo"ement of product to(from the tan) by acti"ating 6O@s etc. E. 'pply cooling !ater by acti"ating Deluge(sprin)ler system and also !ater monitors. :. In case of fire in the bottom section# apply !ater# stream through fi ed(mobile !ater monitors to piping assembly(supporting structure. *ater cooling should be done on the ad1acent storage "essels. D. *ater cooling on the affected "essel should be continued e"en after flame e tinguishment until all danger of the re7ignition from the hot surfaces or other sources has been eliminated. -. *ater spray protection for fire fighters should be pro"ided on a continuous basis as long the danger of "apour cloud persists. 8. If possible# pump !ater into the "essel to float the flammable material abo"e the lea)ing point in the shell. This !ould e tinguish the flames if !ater pumping rate e ceeds the rate of lea)age. ,. Should a shell failure occur belo! the li$uid le"el of the tan) and result in lea)age !hich e ceeds the capacity of the !ater pumping facilities# se"eral solid streams of !ater should be directed on the shell surrounding the lea). Try to form a curtain of !ater spray and maintain it until

112)21 L2&2G2 Stor$ge Bessel Fire %. Do not e tinguish flame e cept by fuel elimination#


any flammable material i.e. 9PG has been consumed and the "essel has become gas7free by natural "entilation or by the addition of steam to the "apour space of the tan). ,. Aefore plant operations are resumed after completion of fire fighting# gas test should be made in pits# trenches or dy)es !here gas or hea"y "apours might accumulate. Portable gas detectors should be used to chec) presence of flammable gas. Similar precautions and fire fighting operation is to be follo!ed in case of fire in 9PG 6eco"ery Fnit.

underta)ing !agon remo"al or other operations. -. ; tinguish all ground fires before attempting to e tinguish the fire on tan)er. 8. 'fter containing the fire on the tan)er# use foam or dry chemical for e tinguishment# !ater spray to be continued for some time after the fire has been e tinguished to pre"ent reignition. ,. Sal"age as much un7burnt li$uid as possible. In case of 9PG tan) !agons# similar precautions as of 9PG storage "essels should be follo!ed# !hene"er possible. ?o!e"er# D.P is to be only used to e tinguish the fire and !ater for cooling.


RAIL TAN@ /AGON FIRE 9Li!uid Fire: %. Stop all loading(unloading operations in the area and isolate the respecti"e lines. <. .lose the domes of all unaffected !agons as far as possible. E. Isolate the tan)er on fire from other tan)ers not in"ol"ed in the fire by using !ater spray through hose lines. :. 'pply cooling !ater spray streams through hose lines(fi ed !ater monitors to the fire affected !agon# ad1acent !agons and other nearby e$uipment. D. 6emo"e unaffected tan) !agons from the fire areas as $uic)ly as possible. Fse !ater screen for protection against radiation for


ROAD TAN@ER FIRE %. Stop all pumping(loading operations. <. .lose bloc) "al"es on pipelines to tan)s as !ell as loading lines to gantry. E. Isolate the burning tan)er from other tan) truc)s# not yet in"ol"ed in the fire. :. 'pply cooling !ater spray from fi ed !ater monitors as !ell as hose lines to cool the tan) truc)s completely. D. Protect ad1acent refinery e$uipment and other tan) truc)s !ith cooling !ater stream. -. *hen the fire is contained !ith the help of !ater spray streams# apply foam to e tinguish the flames. .ooling streams should be maintained e"en after flame


e tinguishment until all danger of re7ignition from hot surfaces has been eliminated. 7 8. Sal"age as much burnt oil as possible. un7

Ma)e necessary operational changes particularly the follo!ing= /a0 Open drain line from the "ent line to ma)e sure that all the oil is drained. .ut steam to the "ent. If there is e"idence that a relief "al"e has opened and !ill not re7 set# proceed to ta)e the e$uipment out of ser"ice and depressurise. If li$uid hydrocarbon o"erflo!s through the "ent# apply high pressure !ater fog !or)ing up!ards from the lo!est flames. 'pply !ater spray to the entire structure engulfed in flame at point of ad"antage around the base of the structure to pre"ent heat damage to structural members.

5or additional information# refer OISD7STD7%-% ( %-D. In case of 9.P.G. tan) truc)s# similar precautions as under 9.P.G. storage "essels should be follo!ed !hene"er possible. D.P to be only used to e tinguish the fire.

/b0 /c0


&ROCESS UNIT FIRE Process unit fires are e tinguished principally by fuel remo"al. This is accomplished by ma)ing operational changes to reduce pressure# by introducing steam to the affected systems and by blo!ing do!n sections of the unit as re$uired. The area and intensity of a fire !ill indicate the proper method of e tinguishment. Small fires can be combated !ith dry chemical po!der#.O<# steam or foam. 5oam should be used only !here it can blan)et the burning fuel. *ater in the form of spray or high pressure fog is most effecti"e on large area of intense fire that threaten damage to supporting structures and ad1acent e$uipment. ?o!e"er the use of !ater may cause flanges and 1oints to lea) due to thermal shoc) there by adding fuel to the fire. 'd1usting the !ater stream to spray or fog !ill lessen this danger.



11252) EF%h$nger +ires




In most cases e changer and transfer line fires are the result of abrupt changes in temperature ( pressure. Therefore /a0 Ma)e an effort to re7 establish the normal operating temperature at the e$uipment. If the normal operating temperature cannot operating ma)e efforts to reduce pressure on the e$uipment. 'pply po!der dio ide steam# dry or carbon /preferably


/c0 112521 Relie+ ,$l,e ,ent +ire


steam0 to the point of lea)age. /d0 If the fire can not be e tinguished by use of portable e$uipment# apply high pressure !ater spray to the immediate "icinity of the lea). Protect structures and lines on !hich fire is impinging by applying !ater spray from monitor(hand7lines. 'pply foam on ground(trenches in !hich burning oil may accumulateI co"ering the se!er drain to pre"ent fire entering the se!ers. '"oid !or)ing abo"e se!er drains or near fire traps since there is a possibility of e plosion. Maintain ade$uate drainage of fire area.

7 7 -

Fse either !ater in the form of spray or sand. Do not disturb the fire by using a !ater 1et. .O< or D.P fire e tinguishers can also be used to e tinguish sulphur fire. 5or storage pit containing molten sulphur# steam or inert system is suitable.




&U-& FIRE /a0





Operators should start immediately the standby machines. If this is not possible# operation should be ad1usted to ta)e the affected machine out of ser"ice and isolate it. Drain or de7pressurise the e$uipment and connecting lines# if conditions permit. 'pply steam po!der from e tinguishers lea). or dry portable to the

/b0 112524 Ele%tri%$l -$%hiner' +ires /a0 Operators should start the standby machine# if possible# and machinery on fire to be s!itched off. .'FTION= Do not use !ater or foam. De7energise the circuit if possible. 'pply carbon7dio ide or dry po!der# ?alon ( ?alon alternati"es to e tinguish the fire. /d0 /c0

/b0 /c0 /d0

If portable e tinguishers are inade$uate# blan)et the fire area !ith !ater spray and direct 1ets of high pressure !ater fog into the source of fuel until the operators ha"e succeeded in stopping the flo! of fuel. 'pply foam on the ground(trenches in !hich burning oil may accumulate co"ering the se!er drain to pre"ent fire entering the se!ers. '"oid !or)ing abo"e se!er drains or near fire traps.




Maintain ade$uate drainage of fire area.

/c0 /d0

In1ect steam into fire bo and header bo . Protect structural members outside the fire bo threatened by flame !ith !ater spray. Do not use foam. It is ineffecti"e on this type of fire and !ill result only in !aste.


TRENC0 OR &IT FIRE /a0 Operators should chec) immediately to locate and stop the source of lea)age into the trench or pit. 'pply steam# .O< or dry po!der to the fire area. If this is not successful# apply foam co"ering the se!er drain as possible. 'pply high pressure !ater fog or !ater spray to pre"ent damage to ad1acent e$uipment. '"oid o"erflo!ing trenches or pits !ith !ater since this may cause spread of fire. '"oid !or)ing abo"e se!er drains or near fire traps. /e0


1121* SE/ER FIRE /a0 In most cases# a se!er fire may follo! a se!er e plosion. In such a case the operator should see that steam from steam hoses is directed at se!er outlets in all gaseous areas. If there is a se!er fire# be sure that no one is standing or !or)ing on or near the se!er outlets. 'pply dry po!der at each manhole or drain from !hich flame is issuing. Direct !ater streams into in"ol"ed trenches to maintain flo! to!ards the fire area. If there is oil on the !ater in the trenches# use foam.






FURNACE 0EADER OR TUAE RU&TURE FIRE ' header bo fire is normally the result of a radical operating change. In1ection of steam into the header bo !ill usually e tinguish a fire. If it is of significant si2e and can not be e tinguished !ith steam# this fire must be treated as a tube rupture fire.




112821 Tu1e ru"ture +ire /a0 Ta)e necessary action to remo"e hydrocarbon by isolating and(or depressurising. In1ect steam furnace tubes. into


Operators should immediately determine the source of lea)age or spill and stop it if possible. The particular piece of e$uipment in"ol"ed should be ta)en out of ser"ice# depressurised and steamed# if necessary.



Alan)et small fire areas !ith steam or dry po!der but a"oid scattering of burning material. Alan)et large fire areas !ith !ater spray from monitors# fire hydrants to protect supporting structures. Maintain !ater flo! until operators control the flo! of fuel. If $uantities of oil are flushed to lo!er le"els and continue to burn in pools apply foam to these. Maintain drainage area. of ade$uate the fire

spray. Maintain !ater flo! unit operators control flo! of fuel. /d0 'pply foam e tinguish fires in pools or trenches. Maintain drainage area. of

the the the to oil



ade$uate the fire

C$ution '"oid !or)ing abo"e se!er drains or near fire traps.


11214 LAAORATORY FIRE This type of fire re$uires different combatting procedures because of glass7 !are and special types of apparatus and e$uipment in"ol"ed. /a0 Fse carbon7di7o ide# ?alon ( ?alon alternati"es# D.P portable e tinguishers on small fires. /b0 In case of large spills of flammable material !hether ignited or not# e"acuate personnel from the building and cut off fuel# air gas and electrical ser"ices to the building. .ut off any other outside source of fuel. /c0 Fse !ater fog or !ater spray only on fires !hich threaten damage to the building structure. /d0 Do not enter a smo)e filled area !ithout respiratory protection. 9aboratory supplies include many chemicals !hich may emit to ic "apours !hen e posed to fire.



'"oid !or)ing abo"e se!er drains or near fire traps.

1121) S&ILL FIRE - GROUND LEBEL /a0 Operators should determine the source of lea)age or spill immediately and stop it# if possible. If is a continuous lea)age !hich can not stopped# the particular piece of e$uipment in"ol"ed should be ta)en out of ser"ice# depressurised and steamed# if necessary. Alan)et small fires !ith steam or dry po!der but a"oid scattering burning materials. In case of large spill fire# direct high pressure !ater fog into the source of lea)age. Protect surrounding structures !ith !ater





REFERENCES %. OISD7STD7%%<. OISD7STD7%%8 E. OISD7STD7%:< :. OISD7STD7%DD D. OISD7STD7%-+ -. Indian Standard IS7D%E% 8. Indian Standard IS7+&D ,. Indian Standard IS7+&E +. Indian Standard IS7DD&D %&. Indian Standard IS7+&:, %%. Indian Standard IS7:D8% %<. Indian Standard IS7%&++E %E. Indian Standard IS7:+,+ /Pt H I#II#III0 %:. Indian Standard IS7%<&%D. Indian Standard IS78+D+ %-. Indian Standard IS7:E&, %8. Indian Standard IS7<%8% %,. Indian Standard IS7:+:8 %+. Indian Standard IS7,::< <&. 'PI <&&%



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