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Wave Motion Questions: Paper 01

If x = a sin the two waves (RAJ PMT-96) (a) (b)

and x = a cos t, then what is the phase difference between

(c) (d) Answer: (a) When a sound wave of frequency 300 ! passes throu"h a #ediu#, the #axi#u# disp$ace#ent of a partic$e of the #ediu# is 0%& c#% the #axi#u# ve$ocity of the partic$e is equa$ to (MNR-92) (a) '0 c#(s (b) 30 c#(s (c) 30 c#(s (d) '0 c#(s Answer: (a) )wo tunin" for*s A and + vibratin" si#u$taneous$y produce , beats% -requency of + is ,&. !% It is seen that if one ar# of a is fi$ed, then the nu#ber of beats increases% -requency of A wi$$ be (PMTMP-91) (a) ,0. ! (b) ,0/ ! (c) ,&/ ! (d) ,.. ! Answer: (c) A si#p$e har#onic wave havin" a#p$itude A and ti#e period ) is represented by the equation y = , sin (t + 0) #etres% )hen the va$ue of A (in #etres) and ) (in seconds) are (MNR91) (a) A = ,, ) = . (b) A = &0, ) = & (c) A = ,, ) = & (d) A = &0, ) = . Answer: (a) Which one of the fo$$owin" cannot represent a trave$in" wave (NCERT-84) (a) y = f (x t) (b) y = y# sin * (x + t) (c) y = y# $o" (x t) (d) y = f (x2 t2) Answer: (c) Which of the fo$$owin" state#ents is wron" (NCERT-76) (a) 1ound trave$s in a strai"ht $ine (b) 1ound trave$s as waves (c) 1ound is a fro# of ener"y (d) 1ound trave$s faster in vacuu# that then in air Answer: (d) )he equation of a pro"ressive wave trave$in" on a stretched strin" is y = &0

sin where x and y are in c# and t is in sec% what is the speed of the wave2 (a) ,00 c#(s (b) ,0 #(s (c) 00 #(s (d) 000 c#(s Answer: (b) When a co#pression is incident on ri"id wa$$ it is ref$ected as (MHT-CET 2006) (a) 3o#pression with a phase chan"e of (b) 3o#pression with no phase chan"e (c) 4arefaction with a phase chan"e of (d) 4arefaction with no phase chan"e Answer: (a) )he wave$en"th of sound in air is &0 c#% its frequency is, (5iven ve$ocity of sound = 330 #(s) (CPMT-74) (a) 330 cyc$es per second (b) 3%3 *i$o cyc$es per second (c) 30 #e"a6cyc$es per second (d) 3 7 &05 cyc$es per second Answer: (b) )wo waves are represented by y& = a sin PMT-96) (a) a (b) (c) (d) . a Answer: (c) 1ound waves havin" the fo$$owin" frequencies are audib$e to hu#an bein"s (CPMT-75) (a) , c(s (b) ./000 c(s (c) ,000 c(s (d) ,0,000 c(s Answer: (c) A sound wave is represented by y = a sin (&000t 3x)% the distance between two points havin" a phase difference of '0 is (MHT CET 2003) (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer: (c) )he equation of wave trave$in" a$on" strin" is y = 3 cos (&00t x) in 3%5%1% unit then wave$en"th is (CPMT-91, MPPMT-94,97, MNR-85) and y. = a cos t% what wi$$ be their resu$tant a#p$itude2 (RAJ

(a) & # (b) . c# (c) , c# (d) 8one of above Answer: (b) A siren e#ittin" a note of frequency n is fitted on a po$ice van, trave$in" towards a stationary $istener% What is the ve$ocity of the van, if the frequency of he note heard by the $istener is doub$e the ori"ina$ frequency2 (a) 91 = 9 (b) (c) 91 = .9 (d) Answer: (b) In the $on"itudina$ waves the direction of vibration in #ediu# of partic$e is (MHT-CET 2005) (a) :erpendicu$ar to propa"ation of wave (b) :ara$$e$ to propa"ation (c) ;ifferent fro# each other (d) 9ariab$e for ti#e to ti#e% Answer: (b) )he re$ation between frequency n, wave$en"th and ve$ocity of a wave is (CPMT 76, 85) (a) n = (b) = n (c) (d) Answer: (b) With the propa"ation of a $on"itudina$ wave throu"h a #ateria$ #ediu# the quantities trans#itted in the propa"ation direction are(CBSE-92) (a) <ner"y, #o#entu# and #ass (b) <ner"y (c) <ner"y and #ass (d) <ner"y and $inear #o#entu# Answer: (d) A wave is represented by the equation y = A sin (&0x + &,t + ), where x is in #eters and t is in seconds% )he expression represents (IIT-90) (a) A wave trave$in" in the positive x6direction with a ve$ocity &%, #(s (b) A wave trave$in" the ne"ative x6direction with a ve$ocity &%, #(s (c) A wave trave$in" in the ne"ative x6direction have a wave6$en"th 0%. # (d) +oth =b and =c Answer: (d) >oudness of a note of sound is (MHT-CET 99) (a) ;irect$y proportiona$ to a#p$itude of the wave (b) ;irect$y proportiona$ to square of a#p$itude of wave (c) ;irect$y proportiona$ to ve$ocity of the wave (d) ;irect$y proportiona$ to square of ve$ocity of the wave Answer: (b)

)he ve$ocity of sound is #axi#u# in (AFMC Pun (a) Water (b) Air (c) 9acuu# (d) ?eta$ Answer: (d) A wave is represented by the equation


y = / sin , where x is in #eters and t is in seconds% )he speed of the wave is, (a) &/, #(s (b) (0@ ) #(s (c) (0@ ( ) #(s (d) (0%.A ) #(s Answer: (a) )wo wave havin" the intensities in the ratio of @: & produce interference% )he ratio of #axi#u# to #ini#u# intensity is equa$ to(MNR-87) (a) &0 : A (b) @ : & (c) 0 : & (d) . : & Answer: (c) )wo tunin" for*s of frequencies .,' and .,A vibrations(second are sounded to"ether% )hen the ti#e interva$ between two consecutive #axi#a heard by an observer is (PMT - MP-88) (a) . sec (b) 0%, sec (c) .,0 sec (d) .,. sec Answer: (b) )wo waves are y& = 0%., sin 3&'t, y. = 0%., sin 3&0t are trave$in" in sa#e direction% )he nu#ber of beats produced per second wi$$ be (CPMT-93) (a) ' (b) 3 (c) (d) 3 Answer: (c) What is phase difference between two successive trou"hs in the transverse wave2 (a) (b) (c) (d) . Answer: (d)

Wave Motion Questions: Paper 02

A transverse wave "iven by y = . sin (0%0&x + 30t) #oves on a stretched

strin" fro# one end to another end is 0%, sec% if x and y are in c# and t is in sec, then the $en"th of the strin" is (a) ' # (b) @ # (c) &. # (d) &, # Answer: (d) )wo waves are represented by x& = A sin the# is (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer: (c) )he disp$ace#ent y (in c#) produced by a si#p$e har#onic wave is "iven by the periodic ti#e and #axi#u# ve$ocity o the partic$es in the #ediu# wi$$ respective$y be (CPMT-86) (a) &03 sec and 330 #(s (b) &04 sec and .0 #(s (c) &03 sec and .00 #(s (d) &02 sec and .000 c#(s% Answer: (c) )wo sound waves are "iven by y = a sin (t *x) and y = b cos (t *x)% )he phase difference between the two waves is (EAMCET-89) (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer: (a) )he equation of a pro"ressive wave is "iven by, y = , sin #, then the frequency of the wave is (a) &00 ! (b) ,0 ! (c) ., ! (d) &0 ! Answer: (c) If 9 is the ve$ocity of the wave and is the an"u$ar ve$ocity, then the propa"ation constant (B) of the wave is "iven by (a) and x. = A cos t, then the pase difference between

(b) (c) B = .n (d) Answer: (b) )wo soundin" bodies producin" pro"ressive wave "iven by y& = 0 sin 000 t and y. = 0 sin 000 t are situated very near to the ears of a person who wi$$ hear (CPMT-88) (a) . beats per second with intensity ratio (0(3) between #axi#a and #ini#a (b) . beats per second with intensity ratio (0@(&) between #axi#a and #ini#a (c) 0 beats per second with intensity ratio (/(&) between #axi#a and #ini#a (d) 0 beats per second with intensity ratio (0(3) between #axi#a and #ini#a Answer: (b) ,' tunin" for*s are so arran"ed in series, that each for* "ives 0 beats(second with the previous one% If the frequency of the $ast for* is 3 ti#es that of the first, then the frequency of the first for* wi$$ be (a) ,, ! (b) &&0 ! (c) /, ! (d) ..0 ! Answer: (b) )he speed of sound in air at 8%)%:% is 300 #(s% if air pressure beco#es four ti#es, then the speed of sound wi$$ be (NCERT-73, CPMT-91) (a) &,0 #(s (b) 300 #(s (c) '00 #(s (d) &.00 #(s Answer: (b) )wo sound waves havin" a phase difference of '0 have path difference of (CBSE 96) (a) . (b) (c) (d) Answer: (c) )he ve$ocity of sound is #easured in hydro"en and oxy"en at a certain te#perature% )he ratio of the ve$ocities is, (CPMT-76) (a) &:& (b) &:. (c) &:0 (d) 0:& Answer: (d) 3onsider the fo$$owin" state#ents: A!! "#$%n A & )he ve$ocity of sound in the air increases due to presence of #oisture in it R '!%n (R) & )he presence of #oisture in air $owers the density of air% Cf these state#ents (SCRA-94)

(a) +oth (A) and (4) are true and (4) is the correct exp$anation of (A) (b) +oth (A) and (4) are true but (4) is not the correct exp$anation of (a) (c) (A) is true but (4) is fa$se (d) (A) is fa$se but (4) is true Answer: (a) If the a#p$itude of waves at a distance r fro# a $ine source is A, then a#p$itude at a distance 0 r wi$$ be: (a) .A (b) A (c) (d) Answer: (d) )he equation of a pro"ressive wave trave$in" on a strin" is y = 0 sin c#% the ve$ocity of the wave is (MPPMT-90) (a) '0 c#(s a$on" + x direction% (b) '0 c#(s a$on" x direction% (c) c#(s a$on" + x direction

(d) c#(s a$on" x direction Answer: (c) What is the phase difference between two successive crest in the wave2 (MHT CET 2004) (a) (b) (c) . (d) 0 Answer: (c) If the a#p$itude of sound is doub$ed and the frequency reduced to one6 fourth, the intensity of sound at the sa#e point wi$$ be (CBSE-92) (a) Increasin" by a factor of . (b) ;ecreasin" by a factor of . (c) ;ecreasin" by a factor of 0 (d) Dnchan"ed Answer: (c) Which of the fo$$owin" expressions is that of a si#p$e har#onic pro"ressive wave (CPMT-75) (a) a sin t (b) a sin (t) cos (*x) (c) a sin (t *x) (d) a cos *x Answer: (c) -requency of tunin" for*s are 3.0 !% And 3., !% If they are sounded to"ether, the beat period isEE% (MHT CET 2003) (a) , second (b) ' second (c) 0 second (d) 0%. second

Answer: (d) A wave equation which "ives the disp$ace#ent a$on" the F direction is "iven by y = &04 sin('0t + .x), where x and y are in #etres and t is ti#e in seconds% )his represents a wave (MNR-83, IIT-82) (a) )rave$in" with a ve$ocity of 30 #(s in the ne"ative x direction (b) Cf wave$en"th x #etre (c) Cf frequency hert!% (d) A$$ of the above Answer: (d) <quation of pro"ressive wave is "iven by y = 0 sin then which of he fo$$owin" is correct2(CBSE 93) (a) = , c# (b) = &A # (c) a = 0%00 # (d) f = ,0 ! Answer: (b) )he ve$ocity of sound in any "as depends upon (CBSE-92) (a) Wave$en"th of sound on$y (b) ;ensity and e$asticity of "as (c) Intensity of sound waves on$y (d) A#p$itude and frequency of sound Answer: (b) )he a#p$itude of two waves are in the ratio ,:.% if a$$ other conditions for the two waves are sa#e, then what is the ratio of their ener"y densities2 (MHT-CET 2004) (a) , : . (b) &0 : 0 (c) .%, : 0 (d) ., :0 Answer: (d) D$trasonic waves are those waves (CPMT-79, NMR-83) (a) )o which #an can hear (b) ?an can not hear (c) Are of hi"h ve$ocity (d) Cf hi"h a#p$itude Answer: (b) )he ve$ocity of sound in air at 0 at#osphere and that at & at#osphere pressure wou$d be (CPMT-79) (a) & : & (b) 0 : & (c) & : 0 (d) 3 : & Answer: (a) )o de#onstrate the pheno#enon of beats we need (a) )wo sources which e#it radiation of near$y the sa#e frequency (b) )wo sources which e#it radiation of exact$y the sa#e frequency (c) )wo sources which e#it radiation of exact$y the sa#e frequency and have a definite phase re$ationship (d) )wo sources which e#it radiation of exact$y the sa#e wave$en"th Answer: (a)

Wave Motion Questions: Paper 03

A tunin" for* of frequency 0A0 !% :roduces &0 beats per second when sounded with a vibratin" sono#eter strin"% What #ust have been the frequency of the strin" if a s$i"ht increase in tension produces fewer beats per seconds then before2 (PMT-92, NCERT84) (a) 0'0 ! (b) 0/0 ! (c) 0A0 ! (d) 0@0 ! Answer: (b) A whist$e "ivin" out 0,0 ! approaches a stationery observer at a speed of 33 #(s% the frequency heard by the observer in ! is (ve$ocity of sound = 330 #(s) (MHT CET 2001) (a) 00@ (b) 0.@ (c) ,&/ (d) ,00 Answer: (d) When a source is "oin" away fro# a stationary observer, with a ve$ocity equa$ to that of sound in air, then the frequency heard by the observer wi$$ be (a) 1a#e (b) a$f (c) ;oub$e (d) Cne third Answer: (b) A wave trave$s in a #ediu# accordin" to the equation of disp$ace#ent "iven by y(x,t) = 0%03 sin (.t 0%0&x), where y and x are in #eters and =t is seconds% )he wave$en"th of the wave is (EAMCET-94) (a) .00 # (b) &00 # (c) .0 # (d) &0 # Answer: (a) )en tunin" for* are arran"ed in increasin" order of frequency in such a way that any two nearest tunin" for*s produce 0 beats per second% )he hi"hest frequency is twice that of the $owest% :ossib$e hi"hest and $owest frequencies are (PMT - MP-90, MHT-CET 2002) (a) A0 G 00 (b) &00 G ,0 (c) 00 G .. (d) /. G 3' Answer: (d) )he equation of a wave is "iven by y = &0 sin (0%0& x .t) where y and x are in c# and t is in sec% its frequency is (MNR-86) (a) &0 sec1 (b) . sec1

(c) & sec1 (d) 0%0& sec1 Answer: (c) 9e$ocity of sound in air is (CPMT-79) (a) 300 #(s (b) 3%A &010 #(s (c) 3 &08 #(s (d) @ &019 #(s Answer: (a) If the pressure a#p$itude in a sound wave is trip$ed% )hen by what factor the intensity of the sound wave increased (CPMT-92) (a) 3 (b) ' (c) @ (d) Answer: (c) A tunin" for* H produces 0 beats(sec with a tunin" for* F of frequency 3A0 !% When the pron"s of H are s$i"ht$y fi$ed, 3 beats(sec are heard% What is the ori"ina$ frequency of H2 (a) 3AA ! (b) 3A& ! (c) 3A0 ! (d) 3A/ ! Answer: (c) Which of the fo$$owin" pheno#enon cannot ta*e p$ace with sound wave2 (CPMT 85) (a) 4ef$ection (b) Interference (c) ;iffraction (d) :o$ari!ation Answer: (d) )he ve$ocity of sound in vacuu# is, (PEN 84, MP) (a) Iero (b) ./%, #(s (c) &,' #(s (d) 330 #(s Answer: (d) )he equation of a p$an pro"ressive wave is "iven by y = 0%0., sin (&00t + 0%.,x)% )he frequency wave wou$d be (a) (b) &00

(c) (d) ,0 ! Answer: (a) )he for* A of frequency &00 ! is sounded with an other tunin" for* +% the nu#ber of beats produced is .% on puttin" so#e wax on the pron" of +% the nu#ber of beats reduces to &% the frequency of the for* + is (NCERT-77) (a) &0& ! (b) @@ ! (c) &0. ! (d) @A ! Answer: (c)

In a sinusoida$ wave, the ti#e required by a particu$ar partic$e to #ove fro# #axi#u# disp$ace#ent to !ero disp$ace#ent is 0%0., sec% the frequency of the wave is (a) .%, ! (b) , ! (c) /%, ! (d) &0 ! Answer: (d) )ransverse waves can propa"ate (CPMT 84) (a) In a "as but not in a #eta$ (b) In a #eta$ but not in "as (c) 8either in a "as nor in a #eta$ (d) <ither in a "as or in a #eta$ Answer: (b) 9e$ocity of sound waves in air is 330 #(s% for a particu$ar sound in air, a path difference of 00 c# is equiva$ent to a phase difference of &%' % )he frequency of the wave is, (a) &', ! (b) &,0 ! (c) ''0 ! (d) 330 ! Answer: (c) Cut of the "iven four waves (&), (.), (3) and (0) y = .0 sin (&00 t)EEEE(&) y = .0 sin (&0& t)EEEE(.) y = .0 cos (&00 t)EEEE(3) y = .0%& sin (&00 t)EEEE(0) <#itted by four different sources 1&, 1., 13 and 10 respective$y, interference pheno#ena wou$d be observed in space under appropriate conditions when (CPMT-88) (a) 1ource 1& e#its wave (&) and 10 e#its wave (0) (b) 1ource 1. e#its wave (.) and 10 e#its wave (0) (c) 1ource 1& e#its wave (&) and 13 e#its wave (3) (d) Interference pheno#enon can not be observed by the co#bination of any of the above waves% Answer: (c) )he equation of a pro"ressive wave is y = A sin % )he wave$en"th of the wave is (MHT CET 2002) (a) A # (b) 0 # (c) . # (d) &0 # Answer: (a) A source is #ovin" towards observer with a speed of .0 #(s and havin" frequency .00 ! and observer is #ovin" towards source with a ve$ocity .0 #(s% what is the apparent frequency heard by observer if ve$ocity of sound 300 #(s2 (a) ./0 ! (b) .00 ! (c) .'A ! (d) 3'0 ! Answer: (a) 1ound wave is an exa#p$e of (AFMC P(NE-2001) (a) >on"itudina$ wave

(b) )ransverse wave (c) 1tationary wave (d) A$$ of these Answer: (a) )wo sound waves have wave$en"ths # and in air% <ach wave produces 0 beats(seconds with a third note of fixed frequency% -ind the frequency of the third note% (MHT-CET 2005) (a) 'A0 ! (b) 30. ! (c) 'A0 ! (d) 'AA ! Answer: (a) )he ve$ocity o sound in a "as at 303 is approxi#ate$y (CPMT-83) (a) 33. #(s (b) 3,0 #(s (c) ,30 #(s (d) 33. *#(s Answer: (b) )ransverse waves can trave$ throu"h (a) Air, water and a copper wire (b) Air and copper wire but not throu"h water (c) A copper wire but not throu"h air and water (d) Water but not throu"h air and a copper wire Answer: (c) 9e$ocity of sound is (CPMT-72) (a) ;irect$y proportiona$ to abso$ute te#perature ( )) (b) (c) (d) Answer: (b) Audib$e waves have a frequency (AFMC P(NE-95) (a) 0 &0,000 ! (b) .0 &0,000 ! (c) .0 .0 * ! (d) .0 00 * ! Answer: (c)

Wave Motion Questions: Paper 04

A astronaut cant hear the exp$osion on the surface of the #oon because (CPMT-78) (a) -requency of exp$osion is out of audib$e ran"e (b) )e#perature at that point is very $ow (c) )here is no #ediu# on #oon (d) 8one of above Answer: (c) D$trasonic, infrasonic and Audib$e waves trave$ throu"h a #ediu# with speeds u, i, a respective$y, then (CPMT-89) (a) u, i, a are near$y equa$

(b) u a i (c) u a i (d) a u and u i Answer: (a) A tunin" for* when sounded to"ether with a tunin" for* of frequency .,' e#its two beats% Cn $oadin" the tunin" for* of frequency .,' !% )he nu#ber of beats heard are one per second% the frequency of tunin" for* is (NCERT-75) (a) .,/ ! (b) .,A ! (c) .,' ! (d) .,0 ! Answer: (d) 1ound trave$s 00 # durin" .0 vibrations its wave$en"th is, (AFMCP(NE 96) (a) 0%, # (b) . # (c) 3 # (d) 0 # Answer: (b) A sound wave ahs frequency ,00 ! and ve$ocity 3'0 #(sec% what is the distance between two partic$es havin" phase difference of '0 (NCERT-90, CPMT 90) (a) 0%/ c# (b) &.%0 c# (c) /0 c# (d) &.0%0 c# Answer: (b) )wo adJacent piano *eys are struc* si#u$taneous$y% )he notes e#itted by the# have frequencies n& and n.% the nu#ber of beats heard per second is (CPMT-74, 78) (a) (b) (c) (n& n.) (d) . (n& n.) Answer: (c) +eats are produced when two sound waves "iven by y& = A sin .00 t and y. = A sin" .&0 t are sounded to"ether% ow #any beats are produced(sec2 (a) 3 (b) 0 (c) , (d) ' Answer: (c) )wo waves of sa#e a#p$itude and frequency arrive at point si#u$taneous$y% )he resu$tant a#p$itude is sa#e as a#p$itude of each wave% 1o that initia$ phase difference of the two waves is (MHT CET 2001) (a) (b)

(c) (d) Answer: (c) An astronaut cant hear his co#panion at the surface of the #oon because (CPMT-78) (a) :roduced frequencies are above the radio frequencies (b) )here is no #ediu# for sound propa"ation (c) )e#perature is too $ow durin" ni"ht and too hi"h durin" day #oon (d) 8one of above Answer: (b) <$astic waves in a so$id are (a) Cn$y transverse (b) Cn$y $on"itudina$ (c) <ither transverse or $on"itudina$ (d) 8either transverse nor $on"itudina$ Answer: (c) Which of the fo$$owin" state#ent is wron" (NCERT-73) (a) 3han"es in air te#perature have no effect on the speed of sound (b) 3han"es in air te#perature have effect on the speed of sound% (c) )he speed of sound in water is $ower then in air (d) +oth =a and =c Answer: (d) Which one of he fo$$owin" represents pro"ressive wave (CBSE-94) (a) y = A sin *x (b) y = A sit t (c) y = A cos (at bx + c) (d) none of these Answer: (d) )he ve$ocity of sound in air is not affected by chan"e in (CPMT 72) (a) ?oisture content of air (b) )e#perature of air (c) At#ospheric pressure (d) 3o#position of air Answer: (c) ;opp$er effect is app$icab$e for (AFMC P(NE-98) (a) 1ound wave (b) >i"ht waves (c) 8one of above (d) +oth =a and =b Answer: (d) When a p$ane wave trave$s in a #ediu# in the + H6direction, the disp$ace#ent of the partic$e is "iven by y (x, t) = 0%0& sin . (t 0%&x) where y and x are #easured in #etres and t in seconds what is the wave$en"th of the wave2 (NCERT-84) (a) 0%& # (b) &0%0 # (c) & # (d) &00%0 # Answer: (b) If a#p$itude of waves at distance r fro# a point source is A, then a#p$itude at a distance . r wi$$ be (a) .A

(b) A (c) (d) Answer: (c) If two tunin" for*s A and + are sounded to"ether, they produce 0 beats per second% A is then s$i"ht$y $oaded with wax, they produce two beats when sounded a"ain% )he frequency of A is .,' !% )he frequency of + wi$$ be (CPMT-76) (a) .,0 ! (b) .,. ! (c) .'0 ! (d) .'. ! Answer: (b) )here are three sources of sound of equa$ intensity with frequencies 000, and 00& and 00. vibrations(sec% the nu#ber of beats heard per second is (MNR-80) (a) 0 (b) & (c) . (d) 3 Answer: (b) )he intensities of sound are in the ratio & : &' for two waves of sa#e frequency and trave$in" in sa#e #ediu#% )heir a#p$itudes are in the ratio (EAM CET 83) (a) & : 0 (b) & : &' (c) 0 : & (d) & : . Answer: (a) )he waves produced in a vibratin" tunin" for* are (a) >on"itudina$ in both the ste# and the pron"s (b) )ransverse in both ste# and the pron"s (c) >on"itudina$ in pron"s and transverse in ste# (d) >on"itudina$ in ste# and transverse in pron"s Answer: (d) In a wave #otion, the ve$ocity of the wave (9) and the #axi#u# partic$e ve$ocity (9:) are re$ated as (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer: (b) )he equation of disp$ace#ent of two waves are "iven as y& = &0 sin and y. = , (sin 3 t + a#p$itudes (AIIMS-97) then, what is the ratio of their

(a) & : . (b) . : & (c) & : & (d) 8one Answer: (c) A transverse wave described by the equation y = y0 sin . % )he #axi#u# partic$e ve$ocity is equa$ to four ti#es the wave ve$ocity% )hen (IIT 84) (a) (b) (c) = y0 (d) = . y0 Answer: (b) A tunnin" for* 3 is sound with another for* ; of frequency 3A0 ! "ives 0 beats(sec% When 3 is fi$ed, the beat frequency beco#e 3 beates(sec, then ori"ina$ frequency of tunnin" for* B is (MHT-CET 2006) (a) 3AA ! (b) 3A0 ! (c) 3A/ ! (d) 3A& ! Answer: (b) )he phase difference between two points is % If the frequency of wave is ,0 !% )hen what is the distance between two points (5iven = 330 #(s) (MHT CET 2004) (a) .%. # (b) &%& # (c) 0%' # (d) &%/ # Answer: (b)

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