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SUMMARY OF THE FOUR SLIDESHOWS By Deastika Bayuning Sudjasmara (0807338) A.

HISTORY OF ENGLISH CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA Curriculum development refers to principles and procedures for the planning, delivery, management, and assessment of teaching and learning. It covers the following stages (Johnson, 1989): Curriculum Planning Need Assessment Program Implementation Classroom implementation Program Evaluation Curriculum is educational program which states: (a) educational purpose of the program (ends/outcomes); (b) the content; (c) teaching procedures and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose (means/ process);(d) some means for assessing whether or not educational ends have been achieved (Richards , In general, history of English curriculum development can be grouped into: 1. Periods of audio-lingual curriculum (1963-1980s) In this period, the theories used are linguistic theories of structural and behaviorist language learning theories. 2. Periods of communicative curriculum (1984 to present time) In this period, the theories used are linguistic theories of sociolinguistic and cognitive language learning theories. B. MODEL FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Model refers to relationship between the parts of the process of curriculum development, i.e. objectives, content, method, and evaluation (Brady, 1990;57-8). There are some models of curriculum development: 1. The Objective/Rationale Model Tylers rationale /objective model is based on 4 questions: What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? How can these educational experiences be effectively organized? How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained? Steps in Objective model: Stating objectives Selecting learning experiences Organizing learning experiences Evaluation

Strengths of the objective model Provide curr. Developer with a clear direction and a guide for the remaining process provide a fixed guide which could simplify the process provide a logical sequence of curriculum element Weaknesses of the objective model In practice, the curriculum rarely fixed. The model cannot account for the complexities in learning and outcomes The model insists on curr. developer starting by predicting specific objectives (tend to limit what students can learn) Planning by objectives treats ends(objectives) and means (content and method) separetely

2. The Cyclical Model Steps in Cyclical model: Aims, goals, objectives Selection of learning experiences Selection of content Organizing and intergration of learning experiences and content Evaluation Strengths of cyclical model Provide logical sequence Provide baseline data for objectives Able to cope with changing circumstances Provide flexibility (and relevant to school situations and more appropriate to by teachers) Weaknesses of cyclical model It is difficult to locate It is not different from objective model since it adopts logical sequence It takes time to undertake an effective situational analysis Objective Selecting learning Experiences (content) Organizing learning Experiences 4. Another Dynamic model The steps of the model: Situation Analysis Goal formulation Program Building Interpretation and Implementation Monitoring, feedback, assessment, reconstruction Evaluation

3. Dynamic/interaction model

Strenths of dynamic model Curriculum developer can begin with any of the elements The model allows curriculum developer to change the order of planning (to move to and from amongst the curr elements) The model offers flexibility The model doesnt necessarily The model offers so little direction The curr. developers need a lot of time to determine the beginning stage in curr. Dev. Cyclical Models Dynamic/Interaction

Weakenesses of dynamic model

5. Continuum of curriculum models Objectives models models

C. CURRICULUM AND MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT Curriculum development is concerned with principles and procedures for planning, delivery, management and assessment of teaching and learning Materials development is basically dealing with selection, adaptation, and creation of teaching materials (Nunan, 1991). In practice, it focused on evaluation, adaptation of published materials and creation (development of teaching materials by teacher in line with the existing syllabus) Approaches to Language Curr. Development Classical approach Grammar-Trans Approach Direct Approach Audiolingual Appr oach Communicative Approach D. THE ELEMENTS OF CURRICULUM Curriculum Element Those distinct, yet related parts of the whole curriculum including intent (aims, goals, and objectives), content, learning activities and evaluation. Goal A broad and general statements of societys intention for the school as an institution Aim A general statement of intent at the system school, subject department, or grade level, which is derived from interpretation of goals Objective Specific statement of planned learning outcomes, derived from the analysis of aims Content The subject matter of the teaching-learning process and includes knowledge, processes, and values ( or content, process, and context)

Learning activities Those activities offered to learners in the teaching-learning situation which enable them to acquire designated content and so achieve the stated objectives Evaluation The systematic process of collecting data in order to make judgments of statements of worth. Here, data are collected and interpreted through measurement and assessment of student performance.

E. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT OF KTSP WITH SYSTEMATIC MODEL Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is the operational curriculum is developed and implemented by each educational unit. Preparation of KTSP conducted by educational units by taking into account and based on standards of competence and basic competencies been developed by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). 1) Characteristics Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) KTSP components consist of: 1. Purpose of Education School 2. Structure and Curriculum Content 3. Education Calendar 4. Syllabus 5. Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) 2) Reason Development and Principles of Development Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) KTSP developed based on the principle of the following principles: a. Centered on the potential, progress, needs, and self interests of learners and their environment; b. Diverse and integrated; c. Responsive to the development of science, technology and art; d. Relevant to the needs of life; e. Comprehensive and sustainable; f. Lifelong learning; In addition, KTSP prepared having regard to operational reference as follows: a. The increase of faith and piety and noble character b. Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interest in accordance with the developmental level and abilities of learners c. Diversity and regional characteristics and potential Ilngkungan d. The demands of national and regional development e. Demands the world of work f. The development of science, technology, and art g. Religion h. The dynamics of global development i. National unity and national values j. the local social culture k. Gender Equality l. Characteristics of educational unit

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