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June, 1st 2009

Should hand phones be banned in schools?

By Deastika Bayuning Sudjasmara (0807338)

I notice that all of your friends in Junior or Senior High School bring their hand phones to school. Moreover, during lessons you can even see the secretly chec!ing on their phones and essaging each other and so eti es, the teacher "ust ignores it. In y opinion, hand phones should not allo# to bring in school. I don$t agree #ith students bringing hand phones to school as this ay cause all !inds of proble s. %irstly, because if it&s allo#ed definitely there #ill be students #ho doesn&t #ant to follo# the school rules li!e s#itch off or silent the phone #hen not in use, do not essaging #hen teacher is teaching, etc. 'his #ill surely increase the discipline case at school in really #ant to bring hand phones to school. 'hen I thin! the students should get a per it fro teacher because so eti es students really need hp li!e got e ergency case. Secondly, students can cheat during e(a s by using the hand phones to send an ans#er by essage to each other. 'eachers can collect the students$ hand phones before e(a s start but then, so e rich students ay have ore than one hand phone. 'hey can put their phones on silent ode and SMS the )uestions to their friends #hen the teachers are not loo!ing. *f course, so e people ay argue that there #ill be rules to control the use of hand phones in schools but even if there are rules, students ay not al#ays follo# the . I !no# that any students #ill disagree #ith e but this is for our o#n good. +hy do #e need hand phones at school any#ay, So e people say #e need hand phones in school so that #e can call our parents during e ergencies. -ut there are public phones for this purpose. If the public phones are not #or!ing, borro# your teachers$ hand phones. *r else, call fro the school office but pay for the call, of course. *ver all, I stic! to y opinion that hand phones should not be allo#ed in schools.

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