Jean Klein: The Book of Listening Sample

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Bo Wlo You Aro
Wlo Am I`
Boyond KnovIodgo
Iiving Trull
I Am
Opon lo llo InInovn
Transmission of llo IIamo
Tlo Laso Of Boing
|n Spcnis|
Quion Soy Yo`
TransIalions aIso avaiIabIo in Ironcl, IlaIian, Gorman
and Clinoso

}oan KIoin
The ook of

Iirsl pubIislod Novombor 2008 by No-DUniI1v Ivrss

Lmma Ldvards 2008
Non-DuaIily Iross 2008
AII riglls rosorvod. No parl of llis pubIicalion may bo roproducod or
lransmillod in any form or by any moans, oIoclronic or moclanicaI, incIuding
plolocopying, rocording or by any informalion or rolriovaI syslom villoul
vrillon pormission by llo pubIislor, oxcopl for llo incIusion of briof
quolalions in a roviov.
Typosol in IaIalino 11/14
Non-DuaIily Iross, IO Box 2228
SaIisbury, SI2 2GZ
Inilod Kingdom
ISBN 978-0-9553999-4-7
Will doop graliludo lo Mary Drossor for lor invaIuabIo
conlribulions lo llo proparalion of llo originaI journaIs as voII
as lor assislanco in odiling llis compiIalion, and lo Nancy Moslo
vlo dosignod and ovorsav llo prinling of llo originaI issuos.
TlanIs aIso lo IliIip GoIdsmill for oncouraging llo pubIicalion
of llo journaIs in booI form and for lis usofuI commonls, and lo
aII lloso vlo lavo boon of assislanco aIong llo vay.
Inlroduclion - VII
Tlis booI is a compiIalion of VoIumos 1 10 of }oan KIoins
journaI Iisicning, pubIislod on a Iimilod basis bolvoon 1989-
1995. Tlo arlicIos vloso sourcos aro nol ollorviso idonlihod, aro
basod on privalo convorsalions vill }oan KIoin usuaIIy around
a singIo lopic. I mado nolos as vo laIIod, occasionaIIy rocording
llo convorsalions, and somolimos, as in llo proso poom On Ic.c,
llo oclo of a convorsalion vas Ialor disliIIod inlo a fov Iinos.
Lacl originaI voIumo vas IoosoIy arrangod around a llomo
and incIudod an originaI privalo discussion or a lranscriplion
of a pubIic laII vill }oan KIoin, various favourilo arlicIos,
ono quoslion ansvorod in dopll (Ycur Qucsiicn) and a briof
doscriplion from difforonl angIos of }oan's uniquo approacl lo
llo roIo of llo body in lis loacling.
Mosl of }oan KIoin's loacling vas simpIy llrougl lis
prosonco and llrougl quoslion and ansvor diaIoguos vloro lo
ansvorod llo quoslionor, nol llo quoslion. }oan omplasisod llo
dirocl approacl lo Iiboralion, an approacl froo from omplasis
on llo allainmonl of progrossivoIy sublIo psyclo-somalic slalos.
Hovovor, in llis booI lloro aro lon slorl claplors doaIing vill
}oan KIoin's approacl lo llo body. Tloso viII bo cIoar lo roadors
of llo originaI journaIs vlo may lavo allondod sominars, bul
a vord of oxpIanalion is porlaps noodod for llo majorily of
In conjunclion vill diaIoguos }oan offorod a uniquo form
of vlal lo caIIod body-vorI or yoga. Tlis vas nol laugll as
a roquiromonl for undorslanding or roaIisalion, bul as a usofuI
looI for golling lo Inov ono's condilioning. Our llougll
procossos affocl llo body and mind and vico vorsa. Tlo body-
vorI vas inlroducod lo loIp cIarify llis roIalionslip and bring
an avaronoss llal our roaI naluro is noillor llo body nor llo
VIII - Iisloning
mind. Tlo aim of llis yoga vas lo bring aboul sonsalions of
roIaxalion, oxpansion, Iigll, spaco and onorgy vlicl, vlon nolod
and voIcomod, can doopon undorslanding of our roaI naluro.
Tlis undorslanding in lurn brings aboul a Iolling-go in our
psyclo-somalic slrucluros. Insigll and roIaxalion or Iolling go
can bring aboul apporcoplion as a lolaI body-mind oxporionco.
WliIo llo undorslanding of our roaI naluro is nol dopondonl on
anylling, for many poopIo }oan's pliIosoply camo lo Iifo and
Iigll vlon oxporioncod in llis approacl lo llo body.
Tlo bIond of mind and body lad inloroslod }oan sinco lis
oarIy modicaI and musicaI sludios. Ho vas aIso an accompIislod
vioIinisl and as a young aduIl vas a voico coacl and cloraI
diroclor. Ho combinod a InovIodgo of music vill lis InovIodgo
of llo offocls of muscIo and monlaI lonsion on porformanco. Ialor
lo dovoIopod llis psyclo-somalic roIalionslip vlon lo addod
a Kaslmiri slyIo sublIo onorgy yoga lo lis sludios of lradilionaI
yoga Ioarnod in India vill Krislnamaclarya.
}oan oxporioncod Iifo froo from momory, vill an oponnoss
and froslnoss as if ovory ovonl voro nov. Ho groolod oId frionds
as if for llo hrsl limo and voIcomod lloso lo lad jusl mol as if
lloy voro oId frionds. Ho looI nolling and no ono for granlod.
Ho migll slop abruplIy, laIon by llo slapo of cIouds or llo pIay
of Iigll or llo oyos of a baby or animaI. Wlal slrucI lloso in
lis company vas lov froo from proconcoplions lo vas and
lov lo oxporioncod ovorylling as if for llo hrsl limo and vill
a sonso of oxpIoralion IiIo a young cliId. Ho lad a boundIoss
onorgy for Iiving and sooing llings in a nov vay and il mado lis
companionslip a roaI joy, no mallor llo aclivily. Sponding limo
vill lim aIvays lad llo quaIily of a nov oxporionco.
Tlis vas aII llo moro improssivo considoring }oan KIoin's
compIox and oflon difhcuIl Iifo and lis considorabIo inloIIocl
and many laIonls. Ho vas vidoIy oducalod and vidoIy lravoIIod
and spoIo four Ianguagos (Czocl and Gorman in lis youll
and Ironcl and LngIisl in aduIl Iifo). Aflor lis rolurn from a
Iong sojourn in India lo vas invilod lo loId moolings in many
counlrios incIuding LngIand, Iranco, Gormany, Grooco, IsraoI,
Inlroduclion - IX
HoIIand, Spain, SvilzorIand, Tunisia, and llo Inilod Slalos.
Ho vas nol a simpIo sadlu by any moans and yol lis prosonco
convoyod ullor simpIicily.
}oan KIoin lad a groal approcialion and InovIodgo of llo
Arlspainling, scuIpluro and poolry in parlicuIar. Ho onjoyod
aII oxprossions of boauly, boll man-mado and naluraI. Mosl of
aII lo Iovod lumanIind and lis aduIl Iifo vas dovolod lo loIping
in any vay llal lo vas asIod and abIo.
I lopo llis compiIalion capluros a IillIo of llo muIli-cuIluraI
inlorosls and laslos of llis lruIy romarIabIo Ronaissanco man.

Conlonls - XI
TabIe of Contents
Inlroduclion bq Imma Iduards ........................................................... V||
VoIune 1
Tlo DiscipIo and llo Guru ........................................................ 3
}oan KIoin
GilanjaIi ........................................................................................ 11
Rabindranall Tagoro
Your Question: Hcu ccn | |cccnc ncrc c||ccii.c in
n cnuir .................................................................................. 12
}oan KIoin

Lxcorpls from 1rcnsnissicn c| i|c I|cnc ................................... 13
}oan KIoin

Tlo Body WorI: Ycgc cn! A!.ciic ............................................. 21
}oan KIoin
Sayings of Almananda Krislna Monon .................................. 23
VoIune 2
Iiving Will llo Quoslion .......................................................... 29
}oan KIoin
IIalo's }ournoy llrougl InInoving ....................................... 37
Sin-Sin Ming ................................................................................ 39
Lxcorpl from llo IroIoguo lo 1rcnsnissicn c| i|c I|cnc ......... 45
}oan KIoin
Sayings of OId Man Tclong ...................................................... 47
Your Quoslion: |s uriiing ciicn ccnpcii||c uii|
spiriiuc| cnuir .......................................................................... 62
}oan KIoin
Tlo Body WorI: Ycu crc u|ci cu c|scr| .................................. 64
}oan KIoin
XII - Iisloning
VoIune 3
Tlo Groal Iorgolling .................................................................. 67
}oan KIoin
Tlo Griof of llo Doad ................................................................. 76
On SiIonco .................................................................................... 77
}oan KIoin
Sormon, 8|cssc! crc i|c Pccr .................................................... 78
Moislor LcIlarl
Lxcorpl from Icur Qucricis ....................................................... 85
T.S. LIiol
DiaIoguo in Nov YorI: ApriI 27, 1990 ...................................... 86
}oan KIoin
Your Quoslion: Ic||cu i|c g|inpsc .............................................. 104
}oan KIoin
To Knov llo Body: 1|c criginc| |c! ........................................ 106
}oan KIoin
VoIune 4
Tlo GIimpso ................................................................................ 111
}oan KIoin
Wloso Knovoll HimsoIf ..................................................... 118
Ibn 'Arabi
DiaIoguo al llo Day of Iisloning, May 1991 ........................... 130
}oan KIoin
Your Quoslion: Hcu ccn | rcsc|.c n |cc|ings c| ccnici c|cui
i|c Pcrsicn Gu|| Wcr (r,,o-,r) .................................................. 142
}oan KIoin
Lxcorpls from llo 1cc 1c C|ing .................................................. 144
Body Approacl: Using i|c pcsiurcs ic !issc|.c cgc .................... 147
}oan KIoin
Conlonls - XIII
VoIune 5
GurvaslaIam ............................................................................... 151
Sri Adi SanIaracarya
lransIalod by Iolor Harrison
LxcoIIonco of llo Gifl of Iovo .................................................... 160
Sl. IauI
Dovolion ....................................................................................... 161
}oan KIoin
Sadlana: On Dcsirc ..................................................................... 171
}oan KIoin
Adoralion of Ra ........................................................................... 172
from 1|c |gpiicn 8cc| c| i|c Dcc!
DiaIoguo in Sanla Barbara: Iobruary 16, 1992 ........................ 177
}oan KIoin
Your Quoslion: Hcu ccn n |i|c |c.c nccning
cn! |u||ncni .............................................................................. 182
}oan KIoin
Body Approacl: A gui!c! rc|cxciicn ......................................... 183
}oan KIoin
VoIune 6
Bringing llo Iorcoivod bacI lo llo Iorcoiving ....................... 189
}oan KIoin
1ripurc Rc|csc ........................................................................... 198
Tlo Myslory Boyond llo Trinily
Songs of Kabir: Numbor 20 ....................................................... 207

On WoIcoming ............................................................................ 208
}oan KIoin
Approacl on llo Body IovoI: Scnsing i|c |rcin ....................... 210
}oan KIoin
Your Quoslion: |s siu!ing i|c nin! |cnccic| ........................ 218
}oan KIoin
XIV - Iisloning
VoIune 7
On Iovo ........................................................................................ 223
}oan KIoin
Iovo and Marriago ..................................................................... 225
}oan KIoin
Ioom from 1|c Ic.c Scngs c| C|cn!i!cs ................................... 238
Salaja ............................................................................................ 239
Ananda K. Coomarasvamy
Ioom from 1|c Ic.c Scngs c| C|cn!i!cs ................................... 249
Iiving in Ononoss ....................................................................... 250
}oan KIoin
Sadlana: Ic.c .............................................................................. 263
}oan KIoin
Ioom from 1|c Ic.c Scngs c| C|cn!i!cs ................................... 263
Your Quoslion: | n! nsc|| in ncc!s i|ci crc |ccn!
n ccnirc| ...................................................................................... 264
}oan KIoin
Approacl on llo Body IovoI: 1|c cncrgciic |c! ..................... 266
}oan KIoin
VoIune 8
Boyond IoIilics ............................................................................ 271
}oan KIoin
Sadlana: Rc|crcncc ic i|c |-incgc ............................................... 285
}oan KIoin
Tlo King's Dolas
TransIalod by Horborl V. Guonllor .......................................... 286
Your Quoslion ............................................................................. 295
}oan KIoin
Avaronoss Tlrougl Body Sonsing: 8rcci| cn! nc!iiciicn ..... 297
}oan KIoin
Conlonls - XV
VoIune 9
Tlo Day of Iisloning: }uIy 2, 1994 ............................................ 303
}oan KIoin
Sonnol ........................................................................................... 318
WiIIiam SlaIospoaro
Your Quoslion: | n! i|ci | |c.c ccnc ic cn inpcssc ................. 319
}oan KIoin
Tlo Approacl on llo Body IovoI: Iisicning ic i|c |c! ......... 321
}oan KIoin
VoIune 10
Arl and Arlislic ........................................................................... 327
}oan KIoin
Sadlana: Ircn cur si|cncc ccncs crccii.ii ............................346
}oan KIoin
Tlo man llal lall no music ..................................................... 347
WiIIiam SlaIospoaro
Blarlrlari ................................................................................... 348
HaroId G. Covard
Wcn!cr: Iooms by WiIIiam Wordsvorll ................................. 350

Tlo Tloory of Boauly ................................................................ 351
Ananda K. Coomarasvamy
from Timaous .............................................................................. 366
Music and llo Body .................................................................... 367
}oan KIoin
Your Quoslion: Sccing |rcn |c|in! ............................................. 371
}oan KIoin
8i||icgrcp| ............................................................................................ 373
VoIune 1
The DiscipIe and the Guru ......................................... 3
}oan KIoin
Gitan|aIi ...................................................................... 11
Rabindranall Tagoro
Your Question: Hou can I bccomc morc
cjjcclitc in mq cnquirq ................................................... 12
}oan KIoin

Excerpts fron Transmission oj lhc Ilamc .................. 13
}oan KIoin

The ody Work: Yoga and Adtaila ............................. 21
}oan KIoin
Sayings of Atnananda Krishna Menon ................. 23
CompiIod by WoIlor Koors
VoIumo I - 3
The DiscipIe and the Guru
Jcan KIcin: IIlimaloIy spoaIing lloro is nol a guru and nol
a discipIo, no loaclor or loacling, bocauso vlal you aro is nol
loaclabIo. Havo you anylling lo say`
Q. So in vlal sonso can vo undorsland llo vord discipIo`
}K. To bo a discipIo moans lo proparo onosoIf lo faco llo lrull.
Il is a profound nood lo bo ono vill lrull. Tlo proparalion
is llo rosuIl of sooing llal ono's Iifo is disporsod, llal il is
sliII moaningIoss, llal ono is Iosl in lrying lo oscapo from a
moaningIoss Iifo. Wlon llo quoslion, Wlal is llo moaning of
Iifo` appoars in aII urgoncy, vlon ono is roady lo givo aII lo llis
quoslion, llon ono is a discipIo, a discipIo of lrull, of Iifo.
Q. So lloro is a cIoar momonl vlon ono is nol a discipIo and
vlon ono is`
}K. AbsoIuloIy. Wlon you aro a discipIo of Iifo aII doings rofor lo
llo quoslion, lo lrull. Iifo may nol clango oulvardIy, bul lloro
is a fooIing of innor orionlalion, a conviclion of llo quosl.
Q. Hov can aclions rofor lo llo lrull vlon ono is nol yol
oslabIislod in lrull`
4 - Iisloning
}K. Tlo llrosloId of lrull is llo absonco of caIcuIalion, llo nol-
Inoving slalo. AII llal appoars in you rofors lo llis llougllIoss
ground, your siIonco. Lvory objocl appoars and dios in llis
Q. Wlal aro llo signs for onosoIf llal ono is orionlod, on llo
rigll sconl`
}K. You lavo llo innor conviclion, from an insigll, of llo lrull.
You aro froo from day-droaming, froo from inlonlion. You aro
froo from componsalions. You fooI many momonls villoul IacI.
You aro moro froo from yoursoIf!
Q. Is il nocossary, vlon ono is orionlod, lo lavo a loaclor`
}K. You may nood il bocauso you aro nol yol oslabIislod. Tlo roaI
discipIo vlo rofors aII appoarings lo lis oponnoss, lo lis nol-
Inoving, doos nol IooI for anylling objoclivo. Ho Inovs llal
lrull cannol bo found in an objocl. Ho Iivos onIy in oponnoss,
llis vailing villoul vailing for anylling. In llis nol-Inoving,
llo dosiro may como up lo mool ono vlo is oslabIislod in llo
oponnoss. Bul a discipIo viII novor go lo soo somoono from
curiosily or lo IooI for a loaclor, bocauso lo aIroady Inovs llal
anylling lo hnds is nol llo guru.
Q. So ono Iivos in oponnoss and in llis oponnoss llo guru hnds
}K. Yos, llal is corlain. Il is onIy aIorl vailing villoul vailing
for anylling llal brings you lo llo oponnoss. Tlo guru is llo
oponnoss. So vloovor goos IooIing for a guru can novor hnd
lim bocauso lo is nol objoclivo and cannol bo sougll. As Iong as
you IooI you aro nol opon and unIoss you aro compIoloIy opon
lo cannol hnd you.
VoIumo I - 5
Q. So llo guru is avaIo in llo discipIo boforo llo discipIo is
found by llo guru-as-luman-boing`
}K. Yos, onIy llon can llo guru in you hnd ilsoIf. Tlo ogo can
onIy soo an objocl, novor llo guru. Il is onIy vlon you lavo llo
foro-fooIing of lrull, vlon you aro a discipIo of lrull, llal llo
guru can mool you.
Q. Wlal llon vouId you say is llo roIo of llis luman guru`
}K. To loIp llo passago of llo soIf, vlicl is IooIing for ilsoIf,
lo hnd ilsoIf. OnIy ono vlo is oslabIislod in oponnoss can loIp
vill llis passago bocauso ollorviso llo porsonaIily bIocIs
llo passago. Tlo guru is froo from idonlihcalion vill vlal lo
is nol. Tlis prosonco in froodom slimuIalos llo prosonco in llo
Q. And llis is llo lransmission`
}K. Yos, bul you soo lloro is nolling lo lransmil. OnIy lo avaIon
vlal is aIroady lloro.
Q. Bocauso lloro is so mucl confusion ovor llo lransmission of
llis and llal, onorgy, povors, slalos and so on.
}K. Bul aII lloso boIong lo llo plonomonaI vorId. Tloy lavo
nolling lo do vill your roaI naluro vlicl is nol plonomonaI.
Tloy aro oxporioncos vlicl, in llo minds of llo ignoranl, aro
confusod vill llo oxporionco villoul an oxporioncor, llo non-
Q. Doos ono aIvays Inov immodialoIy vlon ono las boon found
by llo rigll loaclor`
}K. Tlo prosonco of llo guru is inslanlanoous bul if you aro nol
ripo il may laIo limo lo ponolralo.
6 - Iisloning
Q. And by ripo you moan compIoloIy opon, in innoconco of aII
idoas, proconcoplion, booI-InovIodgo` Is il llo samo as vlon
you aro opon lo boing surprisod`
}K. Yos. Wlon you hnd yoursoIf in a slalo villoul roforonco you
aro opon lo llo absonco of yoursoIf, llo unoxpoclod.
Q. So a roaI discipIo aIroady las a foro-fooIing of llo ansvor, lo
fooIs lis aulonomy and llis aulonomy is in a vay conhrmod by
llo prosonco of llo loaclor`
}K. Yos. Wlon you fooI moro and moro froo from boing somolling,
froo from nood, vlon you fooI al lomo in your lolaI absonco,
vlon you aro froo from llo loaclor, you lavo found llo rigll
Q. So if I lavo moro llan ono loaclor or I IooI for anollor loaclor
aflor my guru dios, I lavo nol yol mol llo guru`
}K. No. Tloro is onIy ono guru. Wlon you mool llo guru il
is forovor. Il is boyond your Iifo, boyond your plonomonaI
InliI ono las caugll llo sconl aII IooIing is in ignoranco.
IoopIo vlo go guru-slopping, IooIing for bargains, faII inlo
llo lands of morclanls, so-caIIod loaclors vlo vanl sludonls
al any prico, vlo nood sludonls for psycloIogicaI survivaI.
Guru-slopping is a IacI of malurily, a IacI of inquiry. Tlo
omplasis is on llo porson. Sucl poopIo aro nol discipIos. Tloy
aro fundamonlaIIy Iazy. A roaI discipIo is novor Iazy.
In a maluro sludonl llo quosl is ono-poinlod, nol disporsod.
Ho or slo givos aII lloir Iovo lo llo quosl. A discipIo aIroady
fooIs llal llo ansvor is onIy lo bo found in siIonl Iiving vill llo
quoslion. Tloro is no occonlric onorgy lo go IooIing oulsido.
Q. And by siIonl Iiving you moan ...`
VoIumo I - 7
}K. Nol lo loucl llo quosl, nol lo manipuIalo il vill booI-
InovIodgo, comparison, inlorprolalion, roforonco lo llo aIroady
Inovn. As you said, lo Iivo in compIolo innoconco vill llo
Q. Can you laII a IillIo moro aboul lloso vlo aro nol yol orionlod,
vlo lavo nol llo foro-fooIing of lloir roaI naluro` Wlal can lloy
gain from boing in llo prosonco of ono vlo is oslabIislod in
}K. Wlon you IooI al llo loaclor as a porson, as somolling
objoclivo, llon you can novor hnd yoursoIf in llis IooIing. You
viII hnd onIy llo porson ovor and ovor again and llis viII Ioavo
you dissalishod, il Ioops you in conicl. Bul a guru givos no
loId lo llis projoclion and lloro may como a day vlon you fooI
llo non-objoclivo in yoursoIf.
Lvorylling musl bo submillod lo vlal is non-objoclivo.
Surrondor aII llal you aro nol. Bul boforo you can surrondor llis
llal you aro nol, you musl Inov vlal il is llal you aro nol. Tlis
caIIs for unboundod oxpIoralion. In Inoving vlal you aro nol
lloro is prosonco. Givo aII your Iovo lo llis prosonco and you
viII discovor il is nol an objocl. Surrondor is nol a llougll. You
can onIy surrondor lo surrondor ilsoIf.
Q. Aro lloro any obslacIos in llal roaIm boforo ono las a foro-
fooIing of lrull`
}K. Tloro may bo llo londoncy lo slay in oId pallorns, in
ignoranco liddon by a nov vocabuIary. Tlon lloro may como a
IacI of oxpIoring vloro a Iazy mind las laIon ovor. Tlis I caII
boing in llo garago.
Q. Wlal aboul lloso vlo Ioarn lo arlicuIalo llo vords of llo
loacling and vlo may lavo lad corlain oxporioncos` Oflon lloy
llinI llomsoIvos roady lo loacl. Is llis llo caso or aro lloy in
llo garago`
8 - Iisloning
}K. Tloy aro in llo garago and IooI for componsalion in loacling.
Tlo bIind Ioading llo bIind. RoaI Inoving comos from nol
Q. Somolimos ono fooIs a corlain undorslanding and ono las no
moro vilaI quoslions ...
}K. Bul ono musl lavo a quoslion. Wlon you don'l lavo any moro
quoslions il is bocauso you aro Iazy, lamasic, or llo ogo is in llo
vay, vanling lo bo somolling or appoar as somolling. Wlon
you aro oarnosl in llo quosl you Iivo in aIorlnoss and lumiIily.
Q. Wlal Ioops llo oxpIoralion aamo`
}K. OnIy Iisloning, allonlion froo from quaIihcalion and
anlicipalion viII Ioop you from faIIing inlo llo oId lrap of
projocling dosiros for llis and llal. Ollorviso ono Iivos in soIf-
Q. Is il nol normaI lo vanl lo bo in llo company of llo guru if lo
mirrors ono's soIf` Tlo Iovor vill llo boIovod`
}K. Wlon you lavo llo rigll fooIing of vlal you aro, you aro
aIvays vill llo guru. Wlon you roaIIy fooI vlal you aro, lloro
is nol soparalion. Il doos nol boIong lo spaco and limo. You aro
sliII idonlihod vill an objocl. In your profound absonco of ogo,
lloro is no nood lo bo vill or villoul. You aro froo from aII
Q. So if ono fooIs llo nood for somolling vlon llo guru is
avay or ono fooIs IacI ...
}K. Tlon you aro nol a discipIo. You aro sliII allaclod lo llo body-
mind, lo an objocl. As Iong as you laIo yoursoIf lo bo a discipIo
you aro nol a discipIo. Wlon you laIo yoursoIf for a discipIo
you viII laIo llo guru as a loaclor and omplasizo lis porson.
VoIumo I - 9
You musl novor IooI for a loaclor as somolling porcoivod. To bo
llo Inoving is a fundamonlaI, originaI fooIing in yoursoIf. So
vlon you llinI of llo guru, llo llougll is onIy a poinlor lo llis
originaI fooIing vlicl you lavo in common, vloro lloro aro nol
lvo. Tloro musl bo no hxalion on llo loaclor. In ollor vords, Iol
lis lolaI absonco romind you of vlal you aro fundamonlaIIy. As
I said, surrondor aII lo llo non-objoclivo, llo siIonco.
Q. Wlal vouId you say lo ono vlo las a fooIing for vlal you
aro laIIing aboul bul las nol yol consciousIy oxporioncod il`
}K. Ho or slo is polonliaIIy a discipIo, and I vouId say llo onIy
lling lo do is lo Iivo vill aII your allonlion, aII your loarl, givo
aII your Iovo lo llo sayings of llo guru. Il is onIy in Iiving in
doop inlimacy vill llo sayings llal lloro is an ansvor. Don'l
IooI for anylling oIso. Lvorylling oIso is rubbisl. Soo lov
you jump conslanlIy from ono lling lo anollor. Wlon lloro is
undorslanding, lloro is no moro jumping. Tlon vlon lloro is
an insigll, vlon lloro is a momonl of Iiving undorslanding,
lransposo il inlo your daiIy Iifo.
Q. And is llis lransposilion a voIunlary acl`
}K. Wlon you lavo undorslood somolling doopIy llo lrans-
posilion is sponlanoous lo aII aroas of your Iifo. Il is onIy llis
lransposilion llal assuros you you lavo roaIIy undorslood.
Ollorviso llo undorslanding romains abslracl.
Il is nol a lransposilion of llo vords, nor IooIing for llo
oquivaIonl in ono's oxporionco. Tlo vords aro nol llo moan-
ing. Il is nol a lransposilion in llinIing bul in aclion, in daiIy
Q. SuroIy a momonl of fundamonlaI insigll or undorslanding
slriIos ovory cornor of ono's oxislonco so llal lransposilion is
simpIy rocognizing llal llo insigll is on ovory IovoI.
10 - Iisloning
}K. Yos, llal is procisoIy vlal il moans. Il is sooing aII plysicaI
and psycloIogicaI IovoIs, aII occurroncos, from llo uIlimalo
Bul hrsl Iivo vill llo sayings!
Q. As ovorylling a guru says can bo modilalod upon, can you
givo us a fov sayings vlicl you rogard as ossonliaI lo Iivo
}K. CorlainIy. I vouId say:
Wlal you aro IooIing for is aIroady lloro, boforo aII plysicaI
appoaranco. Il is. So aII IooIing can onIy Ioad lo an objocl.
Don'l lry lo hnd a causo for lappinoss or momonls of
fuIhIImonl. Tloro is no causo. As Iong as you IooI for, and givo,
a causo, you lurn your bacI on llo fuIInoss, llo mossago of llo
Como lo undorsland cIoarIy llal lloro is no soon villoul
sooing, no loard villoul loaring. Bring llo soon bacI lo llo
sooing, llo loard bacI lo llo loaring.
You aro llo oponnoss and il is onIy in vailing villoul vailing
llal you bocomo opon lo llo oponnoss. In llo ond oponnoss is
vlal il is opon lo, vailing is vlal il is vailing for. Tlis is aII.
Iivo vill lloso sayings. Iol llom bocomo Iiving undor-
slanding. Tlis moans, bo avaro lov lloy acl in you, lov lloir
porfumo invados your body and your mind. Bocomo ono vill
llis porfumo. You can novor romombor llis ossonco vlicl is
bolind llo vords, you can onIy romombor llo sayings. Bul vlon
you lavo onco boon allunod lo llo ossonco of llo vords lloy aro
no Iongor simpIy sayings bul prognanl vill lloir sourco. Tlon
vlon you aIIov llo vords lo bo llo Word, lloy lavo llo povor
lo lransform. Iivo in idonlily vill llo siIonco in llo sayings.
VoIumo I - 11
Rabindranath Tagore
| |c! gcnc c-|cgging |rcn !ccr ic !ccr in i|c .i||cgc pci|, u|cn
i| gc|!cn c|crici cppccrc! in i|c !isicncc |i|c c gcrgccus !rccn
cn! | ucn!crc! u|c ucs i|is |ing c| c|| |ings!
M |cpcs rcsc |ig| cn! nci|cug|i n c.i| !cs ucrc ci cn cn!,
cn! | sicc! uciiing |cr c|ns ic |c uncs|c! cn! |cr ucc|i|
scciicrc! cn c|| si!cs in i|c !usi.
1|c c|crici sicppc! u|crc | sicc!. 1| g|cncc |c|| cn nc cn!
i|cu ccncsi !cun uii| c sni|c. | |c|i i|ci i|c |uc| c| n |i|c |c!
ccnc ci |csi. 1|cn c| c su!!cn i|cu !i!si |c|! i| rig|i |cn! cn!
sc W|ci |csi i|cu ic gi.c ic nc
A|, u|ci c |ing| jcsi ii ucs ic cpcn i| pc|n ic c |cggcr ic
|cg! | ucs ccn|usc! cn! sicc! un!cci!c!, cn! i|cn |rcn n uc||ci |
s|cu| icc| cui i|c |ccsi |iii|c grcin c| ccrn cn! gc.c ii ic i|cc.
8ui |cu grcci ucs n surprisc u|cn ci i|c !cs cn! | cnpiic!
i|c |cg cn i|c ccr ic n! i|c |ccsi |iii|c grcin c| gc|! cncng i|c
pccr |ccp. | |iiicr| ucpi cn! uis|c! i|ci | |c! |c! i|c |ccri ic gi.c
i|cc n c||.

12 - Iisloning
Your Question
Q. I fooI concornod vill Inoving my roaI naluro bul llis concorn
doos nol soom lo bo doop or oarnosl onougl lo acluaIIy bring any
roaI insiglls. Hov can I bocomo moro sorious, moro offoclivo, in
my inquiry`
Jcan KIcin: Boing moro concornod viII nol maIo you moro con-
cornod. To doopon your inquiry you musl oxpIoro, advonluro
inlo unclarlod lorrilorios. Wlon you road booIs and Iivo in
componsalion, oscaping from your dooposl dosiros and noods,
you viII bocomo borod bocauso you rofor ovorylling lo llo pasl,
lo vlal you aIroady Inov.
Larnoslnoss comos vlon you IooI cIosoIy al your body-
mind. Inquiro and quoslion your molivos for your aclions. AsI
yoursoIf, Wlal am I roaIIy IooIing for in llis acl` I don'l moan
go inlo an anaIysis of il, IooIing for componsalory molivos. Bul
discovor llo u|iincic ncii.c for vlal you do. You viII soo llal
llo uIlimalo dosiro is lo bo dosiroIoss, llo uIlimalo goaI of aII
aclioving is lo bo froo from llo nood for slriving, llo uIlimalo
molivo for aII bocoming is lo bo froo from aII llal you aro nol. So
faco llo momonl ilsoIf.
LxpIoro lov you vaslo onorgy in norvous and muscIo
componsalions. Soo lov you spond limo in laIIing rubbisl.
TaIo nolo llal porlaps llo offorl sponl in vorIing moans moro
lo you llan llo cloquo al llo ond! IooI lov you funclion.
Wlon you soo your moclanism lloro viII bo discrimina-
lion in your Iifo. You'II bo Ioss disporsod, an inloIIigonco viII
como in. You viII onjoy llo quiol momonl and IooI Ioss for
Il is onIy Iazinoss vlicl lindors a sorious inquiry. Do
nol oscapo llo uIlimalo momonl. Iaco il and you viII bocomo
concornod and oarnosl.

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