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New product launch 1. Company overview 2.

Environment analysis Internal Micro & Macro Environment Theory for environment scan. For en udit Environmental scan is consisting three areas.

Micro analysis Immediate influences Theory to support immediate influences Strength , weaknesses, o & t TOWS Analysis (appendix 2)

Next possible influences Competitors, stake holders etc.

PESTEL Summary appendix - 03

Stake holder analysis appen- 3 Competitor analysis - appen 04

3. Marketing Auidt 3.1 Product What are the values offered by the product Customer perceived value CH 12.1 Diagram Product features and qulity Strength of the company link with Product with the SWOT Opportunity with the product Core product and Basic Product Diagram module 12.1 Core benefit of the product Whether strength will enhance the core benefit Core benefit in line with opportunity

Core benefit will influenced by threats Core benefit influenced by weakness Structure, culture, economy is fine with the core benefit Competition affecting this this is how it is affecting the product Stakeholders problem for the product Product classification Durability, One sentence each form the book Consumer goods classification B2B OR B2C Convenience product, shopping product etc. Political impact to product Economic impact to the product Social society perceived it in positive manner. Technological improve the performance of the product Threat decline the performance of the product Strength will increase the performance of the product Legal issues with the performance of the product Segmentation, targeting and positioning PRICE PESTEL, SWOT, TOWS, COMPETITOR ANALYSIS What is the impact on pricing -= 1/10 of the cost Segmentation, targeting and positioning Prcing mistakes Promotion Product, price impact on promotion What is the promotion looking at and the effect of PEST,S/O, SWOT etc, Where we want to promote this product, legal, political impact on launch Segmentation, targeting and positioning Place Where do you want to place the product Strength with the placement Placing am I exploring or wakening my opportunity Segmentation, targeting and positioning Distribution channels

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