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Waste comes in many forms; some just seem not so harmful at all, while some lasts a lifetime. Wastes are everywhere, and before one can actually see it, the world might already be a home for these litters rather than us. It is not new for Filipinos to be affected by wastes, and through time, it carries on eliciting one of the major problems in the country flood. Mismanagement of waste has serious environmental consequences: ground and surface water contamination, local flooding, air pollution, exposure to toxins, and spread of disease. Many of the disposal sites contain infectious material, thus threatening sanitation workers and waste-pickers. Local government units are beginning to take countermeasures against this problem. IML Co. will be an established organization that would serve in lessening the number of wastes in the environment. With its Eco & Eco brand, the company will be producing innovative goods that would be beneficial not only to consumers but with the environment as well. The company will be beginning its ecological involvement by the production of pineapple peelings as metal polish. Pineapple wastes, on which the pineapple peeling belongs to, can cause environmental pollution problems if not utilized. The product from these wastes will be called Metacleene.

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