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M.C.A., Second Year PRINCIPLES OF COMPILER DESIGN MAY 2000 Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 marks PART A - (5 5 !

25 "ar#$%

Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. (a) De ine the term : !e"ular #x$ression with an exam$le. %r (&) 'hat is the unction o Lexical Analyser( )i*e exam$le. +. (a) Distin"uish &etween To$,-own an- .ottom,u$ /arsin" Techniques. %r (&) De ine the term : 0an-le /runin" with exam$le. 1. (a) 'hat is meant &y 2yntax Directe- Translation 2cheme( %r (&) Descri&e the 0ash Ta&le 2tructure o a 2ym&ol Ta&le. 3. (a) 'hat is meant &y !e-uction in 2tren"th( )i*e an exam$le. %r (&) 'hat is DA)( )i*e an exam$le. 5. (a) 'hat are the $ro&lems in 4o-e )eneration( %r (&) 'hat are the sources o #rror( )i*e exam$les. PART & - (5 '0 ! 50 "ar#$%

Answer any 567# questions. All questions carry equal marks. 8. Discuss in -etail9 the a$$roach to the -esi"n o Lexical Analyser with ex am$le. 7. 'ith a &lock -ia"ram9 ex$lain the *arious $hases o a com$iler. :. 4onstruct the /re-icti*e /arsin" Ta&le or the "rammar:

2 +Aa;& A + Ac ; 2- ; an- /arse the 2trin" 44a usin" the a&o*e ta&le. <. #x$lain the al"orithm or constructin" 2L! /arsin" Ta&le with an exam$le. 1=. Translate the ex$ression , (a>&) ? (c>-) > (a>&>c) into (a) @ua-ru$les (&) Tri$les (c) 6n-irect tri$les. 11. Descri&e a&out Loo$ %$timiAation Techniques with exam$les. 1+. #x$lain in -etail9 4o-e )eneration Al"orithm usin" exam$le. 11. #x$lain how error reco*ery can &e $er orme- in 2hi t,!e-uce /arsin".

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