Timeline of Tharbad

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Ideas for a Timeline of Tharbad From 861 the division of Arnor Until 2800 the great floods of the

e Gwaltho. Date (Third Age) 861 862 Events Earendur King of Arnor divides his Kingdom. n the fa!e of "o#al $oun!il o%&e!tions' his se!ond and favored son (horondor %e!omes the King of $ardolan rather than Arthedain. (horondor settles in the )unedain Fortress of (har%ad *(ol+ien s,elling--.. (he new +ing holds his first !ourt and ma+es ,ronoun!ements from (har%ad. /e assem%les the first !oun!il of the /iri0 rnil of $ardolan. At this ,oint in time man# of the 1ords %egin !onstru!tion of the famous 2ridge (own3 homes or the King4s 5a# 3 as alternate settlements to their traditional !itadels. (har%ad4s e!onom# is invigorated with new !onstru!tion of the town homes' and further !onstru!tion on the 6orth shore. (he ,o,ulation swells to nearl# 76'000 %ased u,on the s,e!ulation that (har%ad will %e the new $a,ital. (im%er and stone resour!es nearest to the !it# are de,leted. (horondor ,ronoun!es his intention to relo!ate his new !a,ital to 9etraith. $onstru!tion of (halion %egins in the s,ring. (he e!onomi! im,a!t of this on (har%ad is greatl# %emoaned %# the ,eo,le. /owever' the !it# !ontinues to e:,erien!e signifi!ant growth. (he e!onom# of (har%ad rea!hes its first <enith and the ,o,ulation ,ea+s at 80'000 souls. (he )warves of Kha<ad3)um esta%lish a num%er of additional fa!tor houses in (har%ad to manage their in!reasing trade. )warves e:,ort iron' steel' other ,re!ious ores' wea,ons' nails' and me!hani!al e=ui,ment *,loughs' %la!+smith tools' et!.. 9an# of the wea,ons and iron are ultimatel# sold to )unnish $lans in e:!hange for food Um%arian (raders in e:!hange for s,i!es. (his !auses some resentment among the )unedain no%les of Arthedain' Gondor' and southern $ardolan who have to guard against )unnish raiding. King Amlaith of Arthedain announ!es ,lans to !reate a !om,eting >ort !it# *of e:,ort. near 9ithlond or e:,and $aras Goe%el *$elarnen-. to !ontest the (har%adian mono,ol# in trade shi,,ing with Gondor and the ?1event *south of Gondor.@. (his ,oli!# is ultimatel# doomed to failure due to Eldar resistan!e of Arthedaini e:,ansion in )uneriador. 6ew larger salt reserves found in the 6orth downs in!reases e:,orts of Aalt from 6orth of Fornost Erain to (har%ad. /eav# traffi! on the Greenwa# for!es im,rovements in the road and new tolls at 9etraith' 2ree' and B!!um. (he )unedain +ingdom trades its4 Aalts in return for s,i!es from the south and Am%er from Girithlian. En!ouraged %# the $rown' Gondor esta%lishes a dire!t di,lomati! relationshi, with the Kings of $ardolan and esta%lish their residen!e on (har%ad4s Aouth 2an+. n!reasing num%er of Um%arian trader0,irate shi,s ma+e their wa# to (har%ad trading ,e,,er' s,i!es' and vellum for )warven iron and woolen goods. (he last house of the Eldar $irumaldir' a re,resentative of 1indon ta+es a shi, to the uttermost west. From this date' Elves are almost never seen in (har%ad. King (aradil offers monetar# in!entives for Gilds of wool and mutton wor+ers. 9ost of the other industries form their own Gilds in res,onse. (he trades in Ahee, in $ardolan %e!ome a ,re!ursor of future e!onomi!







1200 12F0


17F0 1800 180C


,ros,erit#. (he 2an+ of $ardolan mints its first !oinage for the realm of $ardolan. Arnorian !oins are !olle!ted0re!alled %# the %an+ and minted with images of (horondur and Ahi,s. (he (har%adian mint stri+es mostl# Ailver !oins. (he# do issue a num%er of Gold !oins' however' the Gold ,urit# is de%ased !ausing inflation in the !it#. (he Ahee,' 9utton' and 5ool industr# rea!hes its a!me in $ardolan. (he north shore of (har%ad %e!omes a verita%le hu% of the wool trade. 6umerous small wor+sho,s are esta%lished with Fulling Dats' )#e ra!+s' and 1ooms. (he 5eavers Guild esta%lishes hundreds of 9i!ro wor+sho,s3 the# s,ring u, along the "ath EEEEEEE on the 6orth Ahore. (he in!reased demand to handle the wool trade !auses a shortage of low s+illed la%our. (he Gilds es,e!iall# the 9er!hant and 5oolen Gilds s,onsor )unnish immigration from Enedraith to the south. )unnish immigration rea!hes its ,ea+ erasing the demand for la%our. (he )unnish ,easants wor+ for one3wee+ !ontra!ts on the 6orth shore. (hese ,easants %e!ome referred to derogatoril# as ?2lue 6ails@ for the d#e stains left u,on their hands from wor+. "ents in (har%ad inflate %# F0G in a matter of 2 #ears due to the immigration and the e:,ansion of mi!ro wool sho,s. Arthedain %egins e:,ort of wool to (har%ad. 5ool gilds in Arthedain are una%le to !om,ete with the (har%adian hegemon# in the wool trade. 5ool from (har%ad is the dominant ,rodu!t from the Aea of "hun to /arsh,ort. (he first of the semi ,ermanent Ahant#towns *$aras EEEEE. is esta%lished on the 6orth shore of (har%ad outside the gates. "ents in the !it# have risen %e#ond the means of man# *7000-. of the ?2lue 6ails@ and the# are for!ed to see+ refuge outside the walls. (he !it#4s ,o,ulation is redu!ed to 77000 as man# wool wor+sho,s e:,and into ,revious famil# dwellings. (he death of (arada!il the last true heir of sildur in $ardolan. (he ensuing struggle for the !rown !auses the first %aronial !ivil war in $ardolan. Arthedain laun!hes e:,editions to enfor!e the +ingshi, of all Arnor. (hese in!ursions are futile and mostl# fail. (halion is %esieged and turns over hands some ; times during these !am,aigns. $urenir *Aaruman the wise. is a %rief resident of (har%ad as a trader in rugs and noted Astrologist. /is tireless efforts lead to the formation of the )iet of $ardolan. King (ara!il is ,ro!laimed after a di,lomati! !om,romise. (he )iet of $ardolan re!ogni<es the title of King of Arnor a,,lied to Arthedain. (he Kings of $ardolan however' have total autonom#. (ara!il a%andons (halion as his $a,ital and moves his !ourt to (har%ad. /owever he ta+es u, residen!e on the Kings row in 2ar3EEEEEE a fortified manor homeH not the old $astle of the east !it#. Aaruman forms the first Gild of Aeers in (har%ad. (otal mem%ershi, is 8. (har%ad ,o,ulation levels out at 78000. A further 7000 F000 migrant wor+ers live in the Ahant#town. t is the largest !it# of Eriador and a magnet of !ommer!e and industr# of the 6orth. (he Great 6orthern 5ar. (he hordes of Angmar' and usur,ers of "huadar atta!+ the !om%ined armies of Arthedain and $ardolan. King Bstoher is slain in the 2arrow downs. (he >rin!ess 6imrihil %e!omes the sole mem%er of the $ardolani 9onar!h# to survive. (he $han!ellor a,,oints himself regent. (he# reside in (har%ad for the first formative months of the new monar!h#. "efuges fleeing the desolation of (#rn Gorthad' 6orth Feotar' and En Edoritath' *re. esta%lish a shant# town in the 9arsh# land north of the $it# of (har%ad. (he $ities ,o,ulation and ,arti!ularl# the gilds3 refuse





1820 1600

admittan!e to the refuges fearing food shortages' and demands for housing. Food riots o!!ur in (har%ad' as the harvest is wea+ in this #ear. (he "egent re!alls $ardolani !oinage and re3mints the Ailver and Gold with lower ,urit# !ausing ram,ant inflation. $ardolani Ailvers %e!ome ni!+named a ?)ur3alon@ *2la!+ >enn#. instead of Gilderaon. (har%ad is ,arti!ularl# hit %# the inflation as a result of the !oinage %eing de3%ased. (he a%ortive +idna,,ing of the >rin!ess 6imrihil %# the s!ions of Girithilin !auses her death. (he internal wars of $ardolan ,rodu!e no new King. /ir Feotar essentiall# wins the wars. (he /iri of (#rn Gorthad is ,ro!laimed $anotar of $ardolan' however. (har%ad ,ledges lo#alt# to the new $anotar and sends levies of militia to su,,ort his sieges. (he Kin strife in Gondor !auses u,heaval in the Gondorian ,resen!e in (har%ad. $astamir4s a,,ointments %e!ome in!reasingl# %eligereant demanding a tariff on all wool e:,orts leaving %# shi,s for the south as tri%ute for Gondorian su,,ort. (he old Am%assador $iramir 3 flees to Fornost. (he new Gondorian lev# !om,rised of 70 Dariag warriors in slain in a 2attle of the 2rothels in 187C. (he riot s,ills over and two da#s of looting o!!ur. (he )warves of Kha<ad3)um send in a militar# for!e with food ,ur!hased from )unland and the Angle to re3esta%lish order. Esta%lishment of the Kingdom of Aalarnin %# Gor%idh ?(rollsla#er@ and (har+un the 9erlin *Gandalf.. (he Aalarnin e:iles the few remaining )unedain landowners of Ether Gwalatho. (o ma+e u, for the loss of the dought# warriors the King of Aalarnin en!ourages resettlement of )uns' Eriadorans and 6orthrons !urrentl# residing in the Ahant# (own into Auduri. Aome !iti<ens from (har%ad lead %# 1amiril Gildmaster of the 2lue 6ails 3 also emigrate and the !ities ,o,ulation is redu!ed to 70'000. (he Ahant#town redu!es to almost no ,o,ulation and is eventuall# %urned down %# the Gilds 9ilitia on Gild da#. 9islead %# Angmirim !ons,irators 1amiril leads a ,easant4s arm# against the !it# of (har%ad to demand ta: relief and !essation of grain gathering. 1amiril and his arm# are slaughtered to a man %# the Gilds and hired mer!enaries from (har%ad. 7 Agmirim agitators es!a,e' however' one is !a,ture alive. /is %lea!hed %ones gra!e the 6orth gate for 200 #ears and are added to the heraldr# of the $it# 5at!h. (he internal wars of $ardolan devastate the $ardolani shee, ,o,ulation. 9er!enar# !om,anies feast off of herds during the raids and wars. (he $ardolani !oin the term ?$helt3a3dun@ to name the free !om,anies. (he term a derogator# one 3 means 9an of *Fat. Ahee, gut in Aindarian. (har%ad in!reasingl# loosing su,,l# of its valua%le raw wool 3 im,orts more and more wool from Arthedain and )unland *as far south as the Ga, of the $alehendron.. (he (har%adian hegemon# in the 5oolen trade %egins to de!line for the first time. Arthedain see+s the fealt# of Girithilin to gain a!!ess to Amon 2aran in ho,es that this o,en !it# !an rise to !om,ete for Arthedaini trade to (har%ad. (he 9er!hants and traders of Arthedain send an ever3in!reasing amount of su,,lies of Aalt and 5ool to (har%ad for trade in mo!+er# of this ,oli!#. Food riots and riots of the 5or+ers Gild o!!ur regularl# ever# #ear that a %ad harvest o!!urs. 9ost of the /iri (ownhomes on the Kings row %e!ome )warven and Gondorian residen!es. (he# house the great trading houses or 9er!hant >rin!es Fa!tors 3 that shi, wool' and salted mutton as far as Um%ar. (he 9er!hants Gild the asso!iation of the 9er!hant >rin!es %e!omes the ri!hest and most ,owerful gild. (hrough %ri%er# and hired militia the# are


1608 1670



a%le to effe!tivel# ele!t and !ontrol the offi!es of 9a#or' the E:!he=uer' and 9inister of Iusti!e. Gramli "ed!loa+ of Kha<ad3dum is ele!ted the first non )unedain Gild master of the 9er!hants. Gaertil ?the %ad@ */iri Feotar. is ele!ted $anotar of $ardolan. Gaertil %egins a small !oloni<ation effort into deserted lands of Eregion. /e ,lans to !reate a series of small Agri!ultural !ommunes to grow and feed the masses of (har%ad. (he Elven %anes of Eregion affe!t the settlers and most loose their sanit#. Gaertil himself is over!ome and losses his sanit#. Finall# his 6orthron %od#guard sla#s the insane Gaertil. (he 6orthron *"hovanion. settlers of Feotar e:ile the remaining )unedain !lans related to Gaertil. (he# ,ro!laim themselves the Free $antons of Feotar. (he Gondorian legate in (har%ad is largel# self3a,,ointed as the new $anotar of $ardolan. /is authorit# e:tends as far as the 6orth gate of (har%ad. (he Ahire is Founded. (har%ad looses some 1F00 /o%%it residents. (he =ualit# of the %est and most e:,ensive wools0+nits is noted to de!rease at this time. (he hegemon# of the (har%ad wool trade de!lines even more. (har%ad4s ,o,ulation hovers around 70000 with further 200037000 in the Ahant#town. A massive migration of /o%%its from $ardolan' the Angle and )unland de3 ,o,ulates man# areas of $ardolan es,e!iall# Feotar along the 9etheithel' 9etraith' Eregion' and 6orthern )unland. (he Ahire %egins to e:,ort Grains and >ulse in a ver# short ,eriod of time. Food e:,orts into (har%ad relieve the !hroni! food shortages of the ,ast 100 #ears. (he Ahire food is traded for )warven goods 3 es,e!iall# ,lows and nails in their massive !onstru!tion and settlement efforts. (he Kings of Arthedain utili<es this leverage to offset the influen!e of the Gondorian self a,,ointed $anotar. $ardolani !oinage re!all and the right to mint !oinage are !eded to Fornost Erain during this ,eriod. (he Ahire %egins the e:,ort of fla: !ro,s to (har%ad that in turn ,rodu!es 1inen. (he new t#,es of 1inen revive the !loth trade. (he ,o,ulation of (har%ad is sta%ili<ed at 76000. (har%ad a!hieves its se!ond e!onomi! a!me. (har%ad linens %e!ome the ,referred material for shi,s sails from Um%ar to >elargir. (he Great >lague stri+es $ardolan and (har%ad. n its first #ear mortalit# rates are C0G of those visi%l# infe!ted. 20G of the ,o,ulation is wi,ed out in the first warm s,ring months of the #ear. Bver the summer and fall 80G of the ,o,ulation die or flee the !it# leaving with little more than !lothes and meager foodstuffs. (he !it# des!ends into utter !haos and dail# looting and rioting. (he (raders Gild *(hieves. ,ro!laims itself o,enl# for the first time and assumes the role of 9a#or and government with essentiall# no one to govern. Food im,orts and shi, trade halts almost !om,letel#. )ue to its ,ro:imit# of 6in3en3El,h *swam,lands. ,eriodi! out%rea+s of the >lague reo!!ur. (he# are far less lethal and seem to %e lo!ali<ed to !ertain areas. (he !onstant rumor of new >lague out%rea+s in (har%ad s,read far and wide and %e!ome !ommon ,la!e. Aome sus,e!t the remaining inha%itants a,,ro:imatel# 8000 3 s,read these rumors to hoard the un!laimed wealth found in the !it#. (he (raders Gild is mostl# re,sonsi%le however at least F0G of the rumors are true. $entral authorit# is !om,letel# gone. !ons and institutions of )unedain rule are %urned and ,illaged. Angmirim agents attem,t to loot the Gondorian =uarters on the south %an+ %ut are re,ulsed %# a small !eremonial guard of





10 6orthron warriors still left in (har%ad. (he >o,ulation slowl# returns to (har%ad. (he worst of the >lague is a%ated and the !it# eventuall# grows to a,,ro:imatel# 20'000. (he few remaining )unedain who fled (har%ad during the >lague #ears do not return to the !it#. (he# mostl# re3settle in Fornost or Gondor. (he Gilds reassert their authorit# with all vestiges of )unedain rule now gone. (he Gilds rarel# in harmon# a!t to su,,ress !iti<enshi, to maintain a s!ar!it# of la%our and goods. (he# re3esta%lish an offi!e of 9a#or to rule the !it#. (he wealth and influen!e of the 5eavers' 9er!hants' and strong arms of the 2argemen enfor!e ,ea!e from riots. (he Ahant#town outside of (har%ad is on!e again re3esta%lished on the ruins of the old. (he Gild re=uirements for $iti<enshi, es!alate regularl# to in!ludeJ *1. F Gold' *2. (he testament of 7 !urrent !iti<ens' *7. >roof of Kgood %irthright4 and the list grow longer and longer. Ahi,s on!e again return to (har%ads har%ours and wool and fla: is on!e again im,orted from Arthedain and )unland. (har%ad re!overs somewhat of its se!ond e!onomi! <enith. (he general shortage of la%our' and s!ar!it# of goods all around ma+e the !ommodities of (har%ad the ,rime mar+et ,la!e of Eriador. Food im,orts from the Ahire resume. )uns fearingJ *1. lo!ali<ed >lague out%ursts in )unland' *2. 2arrow 5ight4s in traditional )unnish territor# and *7. the growing influen!e of the (em,le of Iusti!e immigrate into (har%ad. (he ,o,ulation settles at 26000 and remains sta%le at that level for man# #ears to !ome. (he Gondorians re3esta%lish their ,resen!e on the south %an+ with a new lev# from the Agrenost. (he Gondorian am%assador seeing the anar!h# of the Gild rule ,ro!laims himself $anotar of (har%ad. /e is half heartedl# su,,orted %# a few of the remaining /iri' and the leaders of the $antons of Feotar. (he authorit# of the new Gondorian $anotar does not e:tend mu!h %e#ond the Aouth Ahore of (har%ad. (he ,ro!lamation %egins a long series of ,oliti!al intrigues ,itting various Gilds against the Gondorian ,resen!e. Allian!es !hange !onstantl#' and some of the /iri tr# to e:,loit them for their own sa+e. (he 6augrim of Kha<ad3dum re3esta%lishes their ,resen!e in the !it#. Angmirim agents stir u, lo!al riots against the )warves as the 6augrim tr# to re!laim ,ossessions a%andoned in 1676 and enfor!e de%ts un,aid. >eriodi! ra!ial riots against the )warves would re3o!!ur u, until the a%andonment of Kha<ad3)um. (he Gondorian $anotar %anishes the Aeers Gild after the dis!over# of Angmirim ,lots. (he $anotar is assisted %# Gra#hame 5anderer *Gandalf. and a ,art# of adventurers sele!ted %# him. 9er!enar# adventurer ?EEEEE@ enters the !it# of (har%ad. /e usur,s the Gild government of the !entral !it# and 6orth Ahore. /e ,ro!laims himself rnil of (har%ad. /e %egins !onstru!tion 3 on the northwest shore 3 of a new fortifi!ation and %arra!+s for his !om,an# of mer!enaries. (here are !onstant s+irmishes %etween the Gondorian south shore and the new 6orth shore ,oliti!al entities. (he Gilds %e!ome s,lit %etween su,,orting the 6orth Ahore rnil and the Aouth Ahore Gondorian $anotar. (he ,oliti!s of (har%ad %e!ome un wor+a%le and dail# ,lots and intrigues a%ound. (he final emigration of the )unedain of $ardolan. (he /iri Girithlin' (inrae' and $alentir a%andon their fiefs and $astles. (he# lead the small ,o,ulation of remaining )unedain to Arthedain *Girithlin. or Gondor. 9etraith' (halion' and )inna!h loose 60G of the ,o,ulation as the !ommoners emigrate in e=ual num%ers to Fordhall *Aarn Ford. and (har%ad4s Ahant#town.




1C81 1CCC


(he Ahant#town has grown to si<es rivaling its time in 180C. (he $antons of Feotar start to de,o,ulate due to in!reased (rollish a!tivit#. All settlements in the Angle are withdrawn to Fennas )ruinen. n 1;82 the (raged# of the Gate. Eriadoran !lans of 6othva "haglaw having negotiated !iti<enshi, in (har%ad see+ to emigrate to (har%ad to es!a,e in!reasingl# !old winters and Angmirim domination. (he# arrive at the 6orth gate will all ,orta%le goods. (he remnants of the 6orth3shore rnil of (har%ad and aligned Gilds lead %# Angmirim agitators atta!+ the largel# unarmed ,easant migration. (he (he#n of 6othva "haglaw is slain. (he total slaughter of thousands is onl# sto,,ed at the last minute %# the intervention of Gre#hame 5anderer *Gandalf. and a sortie of Gondorian troo,s. (he 6orth Ahore ?Kingdom@ is ended. (he great 6orthern war and the fall of Arthedain. (he !olla,se of the +ingdom of Arthedain halts the su,,l# of wool' fla:' salt and foodstuffs from the Ahire. (har%ad des!ends into riots at on!e the rumor !omes to the !it#. (he Angmirim are eventuall# eliminated %ut not for man# months. (he Gilds and their 9ilitias ruling the !it# in un eas# allian!e sa!+ 9etraith and (halion in sear!h of food su,,lies' and wea,ons of defense. (he !it# of (har%ad starts to hoard what resour!es the# !an. 1imited trade with the Ahire and 2ree is re3esta%lished. /owever' the volume of wool' fla:' food' and salt ,assing from the 6orth Kingdom is one tenth of ,revious glorious #ears. (rade from Gondor via the Greenwa# and shi,,ing also falls to less than half the former levels. (he la!+ of e!onomi! ,ros,erit# !auses a migration of 10'000 (har%adians. (he# tend to emigrate to the Aalarnin es,e!iall# the south %an+ of the Gwaltho. (he# esta%lish themselves in a small !it# at ? senmouth4 (har%ad4s ,o,ulation sta%ili<es at 1F000. (he Ahant#town is %urnt to the ground and eliminated !om,letel# for the first time in F !enturies. (he Gilds and mer!enaries !ontrolling the !it# organi<e o!!asional raids u, to 100 miles into the old territories of $ardolan. (alsir and (haraman are sa!+ed. (halion09etraith is %urned to the ground. Fennas )ruinen is for!ed to ,a# tri%ute to the ,ett# +ingdom of the !it#3state when a militia of F000 soldiers %oard %arges and travel to within a half of da#4s &ourne# of the Angle. (he ra!ial riots against the 6augrim of 9oria in!rease in severit#. Bne !lan of 6 )warves is slain in the o,en trading mar+et against the ,ro!lamations of toleran!e. (he )warves of Kha<ad3)um slowl# start to withdraw from the !it#. (he# a%andon lu!rative =uarters on the 9er!hant >rin!es row. A 1000 soldier Gondorian Garrison of sa,,ers and engineers whose mission it was to destro# Angmirim and "hudaurian fortifi!ations mar!h on mass and enter (har%ad. (he# su,,ress a num%er of riots and re3esta%lish !ontrol over the !it#. (har%ad %e!omes %riefl# a ,rote!torate of the !rown of the Aouth Kingdom. (he 2alrog awa+es in 9oria. (he )warves flee 9oria en3mass. "umor of the 2alrog terrori<es (har%ad. Against the ,ro!lamations and ,rote!tion of the Gondorian $anotar the inha%itants sla# over ;F )warves of 9oria and a 20 of the 2lue 9ountains for ?awa+ing the s,irit of fire and %ringing u,on the ,eo,le the a,o!al#,se of Eru@ )warves are eternall# %anned from (har%ad %# edi!t of the first $oun!il of Gilds. (he sa!+ing of 9inas thil in Gondor leads to the withdrawal of Gondorian ,resen!e in (har%ad. n the fall of 2000 the garrison and $anotar along with F000 ,eo,les *mostl# inha%itants of the Aouth Ahore. leave the !it# for




good. (he# es!ort the last great mer!hant trains south through )unland. (he >o,ulation of (har%ad is redu!ed to 10000 %# this time. (he 6orth shore is largel# em,t#' as onl# 1 in 7 dwelling is inha%ited. 9an# of !iti<ens riot and gra% va!ated residen!es now a%andoned on the south shore. (he $oun!il of Gilds esta%lishes itself as the ruling government. (he 5or+ers Guild %eing now the most ,owerful in num%ers !laims ,reeminen!e. (he# for!e merger0a%sor%ing of the 5eavers and 2ut!her gild. 9ost of the former ?sho, owners@ *small !a,italists. %e!ome limited to tr#ing to manage their rowd# wor+ers and %e!ome wor+ers themselves. (he 9er!hants Guild is almost non3e:istent with the loss of )warves and Gondorians. (he 2argemen Gild is wi,ed out due to the la!+ of maritime trade. 9ost of this 6orthron 6enedain !ultural grou, o,t to emigrate to the Dales of the Anduin. (he (#rann# of the $oun!il of Gilds. >ro!laiming the ?ur%an rights@ of (har%ad the wor+ers militia !ontinue to sa!+ $ardolani settlements along the 9etheithel and Gwaltho. (he# ,ro!laim laws ,reventing the sale of an# goods *es,e!iall# wool. not made' fulled' or d#ed in the !it# ,ro,er. (he# laun!h raids into 6orthern )unland onl# to %e %eat %a!+ %# war li+e !lans. (har%ad4s e:!lusive sour!e of raw wool and minerals now !omes from )unland as the !it# has effe!tivel# hel,ed the de3,o,ulation of $ardolan. (here is limited trade with 2ree' the Ahire' Aalarnin and the $antons of Feotar. (he long de!line in ,ros,erit# sin!e 1600 has rea!hed its end. (he >o,ulation of (har%ad now settles at C000312000. t is still a might# !it# in the 6orth' and a magnate for wanderers' mer!hants' ,eddlers' and neer do wells. )uring the ne:t 200 #ears the 6orth shore is !om,letel# a%andoned. (he walls sin+ into the swam,s. (he %ridges un re,aired and %attered %# riots and storms %e!ome a !on!ern. /orses and !arts are ,revented from !rossing' and are instead %arged a!ross the river. (he Great Atorms and Floods of 2800 wi,e out the dwellings on the !enter island and destro# the %ridges. Bnl# the south shore remains ha%ita%le. Bf the 10000 residen!es full# 2F00 die in the storms swe,t into the river to drown. F000 remaining residents gather u, and emigrate down to the senmouth settlements of the Aalarnin. (he Aouth shore %riefl# %e!omes a haven for )unnish warriors aligned to the old (em,le of Iusti!e. (he (em,le' and (ri%es' allied to old )aen ontis ideals' is su,,lanted %# su,,orters of the 5hite /and in )unland. n 28F2 the tri%es of the 5hite /and %esiege and wi,e out the remnants of the Aouth shore settlement. (he walls of the entire !it# are ra<ed.

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