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Battle of Gazala, 1942

Not Quite Mechanised

8th Army

Army Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle HQ Squadr n, !rant "#th $ndian %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car %ritish &nd Highland Rifles, 'x Rifle, Truck 3(")th R yal !arh*als, 'x Rifle, Truck '("#th %aluch Regiment, 'x Rifle, Truck &e %rigade +ran,aise C mmandement, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car &"e C m/agnie Antichar 0 rd1Africaine, &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee 3e %ataill n de 4arche, 'x Rifle, Truck ""e %ataill n de 4arche, 'x Rifle, Truck &e C m/agnie !enie, &x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck X !or"s C r/s Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "st Army Tank %rigade %rigade Headquarters, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 )th R tal Tank Regiment, Valentine ''th R yal Tank Regiment, 4atilda $$ 7CS mix8 3&nd Army Tank %rigade %rigade Headquarters, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 'th R yal Tank Regiment, Valentine 9th R yal Tank Regiment, 4atilda $$ 7CS mix8 '&nd R yal Tank Regiment 79(&3 5ast Surrey8 , Valentine 3#th $nfantry :i6isi n :i6isi n Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck ;th S uth African AC Regiment A(;th S< African AC=s, Arm ured Car %(;th S< African AC=s, Arm ured Car C(;th S< African AC=s, Arm ured Car "3"st 7Tyneside8 %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car ;th %attali n :urham -ight $nfantry, 'x Rifle )th %attali n :urham -ight $nfantry, 'x Rifle >th %attali n :urham -ight $nfantry, 'x Rifle ;>th $nfantry %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 3th %attali n 5ast ? rkshire, 'x Rifle ;th %attali n !reen H *ards, 'x Rifle 9th %attali n !reen H *ards, 'x Rifle "3#th 7Tyneside8 %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 'th %attali n 5ast ? rkshire Regiment, 'x Rifle 'th %attali n !reen H *ards, 'x Rifle 9th %attali n !reen H *ards, 'x Rifle &nd Cheshire Regiment, 3x 4! 7m t8 &3>th Anti1Tank Regiment, RA, &x &1/dr AT !un 7m t8 9&nd +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 9'th 70 rthum.rian8 +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 """th 7% lt n8 +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 "&'th 70 rthum.rian8 +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 &33rd +ield C m/any, )x 5ngineer "st S uth African :i6isi n :i6isi n Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck 3rd S uth African AC Regiment A(3rd S< African AC=s, Arm ured Car %(3rd S< African AC=s, Arm ured Car "st SA %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car "(3rd Trans6aal Sc ttish, 3x Rifle

"st R yal 0atal Cara.ineers, 3x Rifle "st :uke f 5din.urgh=s, 3x Rifle &nd SA %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 0atal 4 unted Rifles, 3x Rifle Ca/e T *n Highlanders, 3x Rifle "(&nd +ield + rce %attali n, 3x Rifle 3rd SA %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car $m/erial -ight H rse, 3x Rifle "st R yal -ight $nfantry, 3x Rifle Rand -ight $nfantry, 3x Rifle &nd %attali n, Regiment % tha, 3x Rifle Regiment 2resident Steyn, 3x 4! "st SA Anti1Tank Regiment, &x &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee "st 7Ca/e +ield8 Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 'th +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 3th +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 "st +ield C m/any SA5, 9x 5ngineer &nd S uth African :i6isi n :i6isi n Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck 'th SA %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car @m6 ti 4 unted Rifles, 3x Rifle &nd R yal -ight $nfantry, 3x Rifle Aaffrarian Rifles, 3x Rifle ;th SA %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car &nd Trans6aal Sc ttish, 3x Rifle "st S uth African 2 lice, 3x Rifle &nd S uth African 2 lice, 3x Rifle >th $ndian %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car %ritish &nd Best ? rkshire Regiment, 'x Rifle 3('th 4aharra -ight $nfantry, 'x Rifle ;("3th +r ntier + rce, 'x Rifle 4achine1!un %attali n, 3x 4! &nd SA Anti1Tank Regiment, &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee &nd +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 3rd +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 &"st +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 &3th +ield Regiment SAA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 ""th +ield C m/any SA5, 'x 5ngineer XXX !or"s C r/s Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "e %rigade +ran,aise C mmandement, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car "er +usiliers 4arins, 4! 7m t8 "e C l nne Ra/ide, Arm ured Car "er S/ahis 4arr cain, Rifle 7m t8 "e C m/agnie Chars, 4atilda $$ 7CS mix8 &e(-egi n 5trangere, 'x Rifle, Truck 3e($nfanterie de 4arche du 2acifique, 'x Rifle, Truck Ce*ish V lunteer %attali n, 3x Rifle, Truck, &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee &e %ataill n Antichar, &1/dr AT !un 7m t8 %ritish 3rd +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 "e C m/agnie !enie, &x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck "st Arm ured :i6isi n :i6isi n Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck HQ Squadr n, Crusader A"3 "&th R yal -ancers A("&th R yal -ancers, Arm ured Car %("&th R yal -ancers, Arm ured Car C("&th R yal -ancers, Arm ured Car

&nd(Aings R yal Rifles, 3x Rifle, Truck, ;1/dr AT 7m t8 &nd Arm ured %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car HQ Squadr n, 43 H ney The Queens %ay 7& :rgn !ds8, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 >th R yal -ancers, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 "#th R yal Hussars, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 &&nd Arm ured %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car HQ Squadr n, 43 H ney &nd R yal !l ucester Hussars, !rant 3rd C unty f - nd n ?e manry, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 'th C unty f - nd n ?e manry, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 &#"st !uards %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 3rd C ldstream !uards, 'x Rifle, Truck >th Rifle %rigade, 'x Rifle, Truck &nd Sc ts !uards, 'x Rifle, Truck "st Sher* d + resters, 'x Rifle, Truck &nd +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 )th +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 9;th Anti1Tank Regiment, RA, &x &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee "st +ield Squadr n, 3x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck 9th Arm ured :i6isi n :i6isi n Headquarters, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck HQ Squadr n, Crusader A"3 "&th -ancer A("&th -ancers, Arm ured Car %("&th -ancers, Arm ured Car C("&th -ancers, Arm ured Car ")th Aing=s :rag n !uards A(")th Aing=s :rgn !ds, Arm ured Car %(")th Aing=s :rgn !ds, Arm ured Car C(")th Aing=s :rgn !ds, Arm ured Car 'th Arm ured %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car HQ Squadr n, 43 H ney )th Hussars, !rant 3rd R yal Tank Regiment, 43 H ney 3th R yal Tank Regiment, Crusader A"3 7CS mix8 "st(Aings R yal Rifles, 'x Rifle, Truck 9th 4 t r %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car &nd(Aings R yal Rifles, 3x Rifle, Truck, ;1/dr AT 7m t8 &nd(2rince C ns rt=s O*n, 3x Rifle, Truck, ;1/dr AT 7m t8 - nd n Rifle %rigade, 3x Rifle, Truck, ;1/dr AT 7m t8 3rd $ndian 4 t r %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, ;1/dr AT 7m t8, 5ngineer &nd R yal -ancers, 'x Rifle, Truck ""th 2rince Al.ert Vict r=s O*n Ca6alry, 'x Rifle, Truck ")th Aing 5d*ard=s O*n Ca6alry, 'x Rifle, Truck %ritish &nd R yal Artillery, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 &>th $ndian %rigade %rigade Headquarters, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 3(&nd 2unDa. Regt, 'x Rifle 3("&th +r ntier + rce Rifles, 'x Rifle, &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 %ritish "st B rcesters Regt, 'x Rilfe, 4! ;3th Anti1Tank Regiment, RA, &x &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee >3th Anti1Tank Regiment, RA, &x &1/dr AT !un 2 rtee 3rd +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 'th +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 3"st 74idland8 +ield Regiment, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8 3rd RHA, &31/dr +ield !un 7m t8

#anzerarmee Africa

Sta. der 2anEerarmee, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle Gru""e !rue$ell Sta. der !ru//e, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "3< SchutEen1%rigade Sta. der %rigade, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 2anEer1!renadier1Regiment &## Sta. der Regiment, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car s$! A m/anie, "3#mm S2 s$!33 $(2E!<&##, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$(2E!<&##, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$$(2E!<&##, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 2anEer1!renadier1Regiment 3;" Sta. der Regiment, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car $(2E!<3;", 3x Rifle, Truck $$(2E!<3;", 3x Rifle, Truck "(+la<Aiehl, ))mm HAA !un 7m t8 Artillerie1A mmandeur 7Ark 8 "#' Artillerie1Regiment 3;', "#3-&) le+H") 7m t8 Artillerie1Regiment 3&), "#3-&) le+H") 7m t8 X !or"o d%Armata Quartier !enerale di C r/ d=Armata, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "9F :i6isi ne fanterie =2a6ia= Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck V %attagli ne carri leggeri, -3133 V$ %attagli ne =-ancieri d=A sta= "(;th -A AC=s, A%1'" &(;th -A AC=s, A%1'" &9G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, 4! $(&9G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$(&9G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 &)G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, 4! $(&)G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$(&)G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 &;G Reggiment artiglieria, 931&9 +ield !un 7m t8 HV$$ %attagli ne geni , 3x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck &9F :i6isi ne fanteria =%rescia= Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck ">G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle $(">G $nf, 3x Rifle $$(">G $nf, 3x Rifle $$$(">G $nf, 3x Rifle &#G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle $(&#G, 3x Rifle $$(&#G, 3x Rifle $$$(&#G, 3x Rifle 33G Reggiment artiglieria, 931&9 +ield !un 7m t8 HHV$$ %attagli ne geni , 3x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck XX !or"o d%Armata Quartier !enerale di C r/ d=Armata, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle ;#F :i6isi ne fanteria =Sa.ratha= Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, 5ngineer )3G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $()3G, 3x Rifle $$()3G, 3x Rifle

);G Reggiment fanteria C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, 4! $();G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$();G, 3x Rifle, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 '&G Reggiment artiglieria, 931&9 +ield !un 7m t8 "#&F :i6isi ne m t riEEata =Trent = Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck AT(';th, '9mm AT !un 7m t8 ;"G Reggiment fanteria m t riEEata C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, 4! 7m t8 $(;"G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$(;"G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 ;&G Reggiment fanteria m t riEEata C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, 4! 7m t8 $(;&G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$(;&G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 9G Reggiment %ersaglierith m t riEEat C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 9th AT %ers, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 9th 4! %ers, 4! 7m t8 H(9th %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck -HH(9th %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck ';G Reggiment artiglieria, 931&9 +ield !un 7m t8 -$ %attagli ne geni , 3x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck Gru""e &ommel Sta. der !ru//e, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle 'eutches Africa(or"s Sta. der A r/s, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "3< 2anEer :i6isi n Sta. der :i6isi n, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck 2anEer1Aufklarungs1A.teilung 33 "<(Aufk<33, SdkfE&&& &<(Aufk<33, Aufk A/ 7Arm8 2anEer1Regiment ) Sta. der Regiment, 2E1$Ve $(2E<), 2E1$$c, &x 2E1$$$h $$(2E<), 2E1$$$h 2anEer1!renadier1Regiment ""3 Sta. der Regiment, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 9#9 s$! A m/anie, "3#mm S2 s$!33 $(2E!<""3, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$(2E!<""3, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$$(2E!<""3, 'x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 +eldersatE1%ataill n 33, 'x Rifle, Truck 2anEerDIger1A.teilung 33, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 Artillerie1Regiment 33, "#3-&) le+H") 7m t8 2i neer1%ataill n 33, ;x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck &"< 2anEer :i6isi n Sta. der :i6isi n, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck Aufklarungs1A.teilung 3 "<(Aufk<3, SdkfE&&& &<(Aufk<3, Aufk A/ 7Arm8 2anEer1Regiment 3 Sta. der Regiment, 2E1$Ve $(2E<3, 2E1$$c, &x 2E1$$$h $$(2E<3, 2E1$$$h SchutEen1Regiment "#' Sta. der Regiment, CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car 9#) s$! A m/anie, "3#mm S2 s$!33 $(2E!<"#', 'x Rifle, Truck, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$(2E!<"#', 'x Rifle, Truck, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$$(2E!<"#', 'x Rifle, Truck, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 +eldersatE1%ataill n &##, 'x Rifle, Truck

2anEerDIger1A.teilung 3>, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 Artillerie1Regiment "33, "#3-&) le+H") 7m t8 2i nier1%ataill n &##, ;x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck >#< leichte Afrika1:i6isi n Sta. der :i6isi n, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck 2anEerDIger1A.teilung ">#, 9;mm 7r8 AT !un 7m t8 E<.<V<&)), 4arder 2anEer1Aufklarungs1A.teilung "># "<(Aufk<">#, SdkfE&&& &<(Aufk<">#, Aufk A/ 7Arm8 2anEser1!renadier1Regiment "33 $(2E!<"33, 3x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$(2E!<"33, 3x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 $$$(2E!<"33, 3x Rifle, Halftrack, 3#mm AT !un 7m t8 +eldersatE1%ataill n ">#, 9x Rifle, Truck Artillerie1Regiment ">#, "#3-&) le+H") 7m t8 2i nier1%ataill n >##, 3x 5ngineer, Hea6y Truck XX !or"o d%Armata Quartier !enerale di C r/ d=Armata, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck, Signals Vehicle "3&F :i6isi ne c raEEata =Ariete= Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck ";"F C m/agnia Sem 6ente, Sem 6ente 931") "3&F C m/agnia geni , 5ngineer 7m t8 "G 0iEEa Ca6alleria "($$$("st 0iEEa Ca6, A%1'" &($$$("st 0iEEa Ca6, A%1'" 3($$$("st 0iEEa Ca6, A%1'" "3&G Reggiment carri C mand Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, 4"'1'" $("3&G, &x 4"'1'" $$("3&G, &x 4"'1'" $$$("3&G, &x 4"'1'" )G Reggiment %ersaglieri m t riEEat C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, 4! 7m t8 $$$()G %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck V()G %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck H$$()G %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck $$$()th AT %tln, '9mm AT !un 7m t8 "3&G Reggiment artiglieria, "#31&) +ield !un 7m t8 3"G Reggiment artiglieria c ntraerea /esante, ))133 HAA !un 7m t8 "#"F :i6isi ne m t riEEata =Trieste= Quartier !enerale di :i6isi ne, CO, Officer, Staff Car, 3x Rifle, Truck &)F C m/agnia geni , 5ngineer 7m t8 H$ %attagli ne carri, Sem 6ente 931") ;3G Reggiment fanteria m t riEEata C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car, 4! 7m t8 $(;3G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 $$(;3G, 3x Rifle, Truck, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 ;;G Reggiment fanteria m t riEEata C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car $(;;G, 3x Rifle, Truck $$(;;G, 3x Rifle, Truck $$$(;;G, 3x Rifle, Truck >G Reggiment %ersaglieri m t riEEat C mand di Reggiment , CO, Officer, Rifle, Staff Car >G AT %ers, 391'3 AT !un 7m t8 >G 4! %ers, 4! C/ 7m t8 V$$$(>G %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck H$(>G %tln %ers, 3x Rifle, Truck "#"G AT %tln, '9mm AT !un 7m t8 &"G Reggiment artiglieria, 931&9 +ield !un 7m t8

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