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A simple way to test a complete installation is to run testall.

py Not all of these modules may work -- that is not necessarily a problem. For sesg3020, sesg2006 (in 2011/2012) we only need Commonly required are ``numpy``, ``scipy``, ``matplotlib`` and ``sympy``. (so it is okay if ``Visual`` fails). If anything is not working that should be working, it may be worth using this mo re detailed test suite to track down the problem: The recommended order to carry out the tests is the following (all programs depend on Python, several depend on numpy): If all these execute okay (read the output to check this), then you should be al l set. There are some other test programs in here which are not meant for public use (b ut for ISS and other maintainers to check particular things). (fangohr 25 August 2006, updated 31 Jan 2009)

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