What Is Maths

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What I want to do today is talk to you about what is Maths. Let me begin by looking at what is most people think about the meaning of Maths. If I asked somebody at random about that, he would probably answer me that Maths is the study of the numbers. What this means is: the definition that the common citizen has is the same as 25 centuries ago! And it is a shame, considering the great development of mankind since then. As I said earlier, Maths were the science of the numbers, ergo it was only a set of techniques for counting, measuring and studying some static phenomena. But everything changes in the 17th century when Newton and Leibniz, independently, created The Calculus. The calculus opened a world of new possibilities because it allowed to study the movement and the change. Then, the scientists had betters conditions to study the planetary motion, the expansion of gases, the liquid flow, physical forces, the growth of plants and animals, the spread of epidemics, etc. Did you now that the industrial revolution was possible by the calculus? Therefore, this science is a big deal that includes many aspects of the reality. So let me finish by saying that the Maths is the science of the patterns either numerical, of shape, of motion, of behavior, etc.

Rosario Beatriz Rodas Ramrez.

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