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Akindunni Olushola Daniel Jibewa Shomorin, Bemil Church, Lagos State 0803 !"!

#$ %# A&ril "0%3 'iring (anager Dear Sir)(adam, *n res&onse to the ad &osted b+ ,ob seeker to m+ inbo-, * am writing this letter to a&&l+ .or the entr+ le/el &osition in +our com&an+0 1lease see enclosed resume0 * graduated .rom 2ni/ersit+ o. *lorin with B03ng4Ci/il5 and ha/e e-&erience in 1ro,ect (anagemrnt .or the last .our +ears working .or both go/ernment and &ri/ate sectors0 * belie/e that m+ 6uali.ication and skills are best match .or +our re6uirements0 (+ enclosed resume will summari7e m+ 6uali.ication, ca&abilities and career histor+0 * would like to work with +our .irm0 1lease contact me at abo/e tele&hone number or email me on danielakindunni8+ahoo0com0 9hank +ou .or +our consideration and time Sincerel+ Akindunni Olushola Daniel

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