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Urinary tract infection in children: diagnosis, treatment, and long term management - in association with NICE

3 . W h ic h of t h e followin g st a t em en t s rega rdin g t rea t m en t is c orrec t ?

Y o u r an s we r a. Co r r e ct an s we r

You should treat the child with oral antibiotics for three days and advise the mother to return if he is still unwell after 24 to 48 hours You should treat the child with oral antibiotics for seven to 10 days You should treat the child with oral antibiotics and advise the mother to return if he is still unwell after seven days

b. c.

a : Y ou sh ou ld t rea t t h e c h ild wit h ora l a n t ibiot ic s for t h ree da ys a n d a dvise t h e m ot h er t o ret u rn if h e is st ill u n well a ft er 2 4 t o 4 8 h ou rs You should treat the child with oral antibiotics for three days and advise the mother to return if he is still unwell after 24 to 48 hours. b : Y ou sh ou ld t rea t t h e c h ild wit h ora l a n t ibiot ic s for seven t o 1 0 da ys You should treat the child with oral antibiotics for three days. c : Y ou sh ou ld t rea t t h e c h ild wit h ora l a n t ibiot ic s a n d a dvise t h e m ot h er t o ret u rn if h e is st ill u n well a ft er seven da ys You should advise the mother to return if the child is still unwell after 24 to 48 hours.

Information and advice

You should ensure that, when a child or young person has been identied as having a suspected UTI, they and their parents or carers (as appropriate) are given information about the need for treatment, the importance of completing any course of treatment, and advice about prevention and possible long term management. You should ensure that children and young people, and their parents or carers (as appropriate), are aware of the possibility of the UTI recurring and that they understand the need for vigilance and to seek prompt treatment from a healthcare professional for any suspected re-infection. You should offer children and young people, and/or their parents or carers, appropriate advice and information on: P rom pt rec ogn it ion of sym pt om s Urin e c ollec t ion , st ora ge, a n d t est in g Appropria t e t rea t m en t opt ion s P reven t ion Th e n a t u re of a n d rea son for a n y u rin a ry t ra c t in vest iga t ion P rogn osis R ea son s a n d a rra n gem en t s for lon g t erm m a n a gem en t , if requ ired.

2013 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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