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\y Mr. A. Gouge, B.Sc., F.RAe.S. : The fired with That of Its Predecessors, the Calcutta
Fig. 1 shows in front elevation the three boats which form the subject m a t t e r of this paper. The Calcutta was the prototype of our civil boat design and was equipped with three engines, being followed later by the Kent, which had four engines installed. Both of these types were biplanes and of very similar design, the Kent being actually modelled on the Calcutta. The Empire boat, being a four-engined high-wing monoplane, was a complete departure from the earlier types. The boats were ali constructed of metal, but with some differences in the materials employed. For example, the Calcutta, with the exception of the covering surfaces, was built entirely of duralumin. The Kent was similar, with the important

difference that the planing bottom surface was of stainless steel. The Empire boat is built chiefly of Alclad to D.T.D. specification 275, although the spar extrusions are of R.R. 56 alloy. With the exception of the control surfaces, the wings and tail unit are also metal covered. I t will probably be asked why a departure was made from the stainless steel bottom, which has given such excellent service on the Kent. Frankly, I think that stainless steel is the ideal material to use for this purpose, but it would probably have involved us in an additional 300 lb. in weight, and with the excellent results now being obtained from Alclad there did not appear sufficient justification for the corresponding loss in pay-load. Table I gives the summary of the general characteristics, and there are two points which call for some comment. TABLE I.
General data. Wing area, sq. ft Engine, b.b.p., maximum ... Engine, b.b.p., normal ... Wing loading, lb./sq. ft Power loading, lb./h.p., normal Hull beam, ft. Hull length, ft Year of construction Calcutta. 1,815 1.605 1,515 12.4 14.9 10.0 60.5 1928 Kent. 2,640 2,332 2,140 12.3 15.2 11.25 71.9 1931 Empire Boat. 1,500 3,180 2,960 27 13.7 10.0 88.0 1936

The first relates to the wing loading. It will be noted that the wing loadings are approximately the same for both the Calcutta and Kent, whereas the Empire boat, at the normal weight, has a wing loading of 27 l b . / s q . ft., which is more






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