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Lecture 02 Chapter 2

1. States of Matter 2. Gas Laws and Ideal Gas Equation - Boyles Law - Charles Law - Avogadros Principle - The combined gas law - Molar Mass of a Gas - Daltons law
1 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

States of Matter
Everything that has mass and volume is called matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight. Solids, liquids, and gases are the three fundamental types of matter.
2 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Characteristics of Matter
Particle arrangement

Packed close together in a regular arrangement

Closely packed together in an irregular arrangement

Arranged totally irregular

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Characteristics of Matter
Particle arrangement Shape

Packed close together in a regular arrangement Have fixed shape and volume



Closely packed Arranged together in an totally irregular irregular arrangement Have no fixed Have no fixed shape but shape and fixed volume volume

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Characteristics of Matter
Particle arrangement Shape Motion of particles

Packed close together in a regular arrangement Have fixed shape and volume No freely motion but vibrate in their position



Closely packed Arranged together in an totally irregular irregular arrangement Have no fixed Have no fixed shape but shape and fixed volume volume Move around past each other Move randomly

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Characteristics of Matter
Particle arrangement Shape Motion of particles Ability to compression

Packed close together in a regular arrangement Have fixed shape and volume No freely motion but vibrate in their position No compression



Closely packed Arranged together in an totally irregular irregular arrangement Have no fixed Have no fixed shape but shape and fixed volume volume Move around past each other Little Move randomly

Lecture 2

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

States of Matter

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

H N O F Cl He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Gas Laws and Ideal Gas Equation

Three main properties of gases that change in relation to each other pressure volume temperature pressure T increases

Boyles Law At constant temperature

1 V P PV = constant P1V1 = P2V2

9 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim


Lecture 2

Gas Laws and Ideal Gas Equation

Boyles Law
Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

At constant temperature , the volume of a given quantity of a gas varies inversely with its pressure. This law is only valid at low pressures.
10 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

volume Charles Law At constant pressure P1 P2 P2 > P1 temperature

V T V = constant T
0 - 273 C

V = constant (t + 273) V1 V2 V = = constant T T2 T1

11 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Charles Law At constant pressure , the volume of a given quantity of a gas varies directly with its temperature.


Jacques Charles (1746-1823)


Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Avogadros Principle
Equal volume of gases at the same pressure and temperature contains the same number of molecules.

Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)

The molar volumes of all gases are approximately the same at constant pressure and temperature. The molar volume is the volume occupied by one mole of the gas.

V Vm = n

n is the number of moles

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Avogadros Principle
At STP one mole of an ideal gas occupy 22.4 L. STP is the Standard Temperature and Pressure

Standard temperature = 0 C = 273 Kelvin T = t + 273 Standard pressure = 1 atm.

The volume of 22.4 L is called the molar volume of an ideal gas.
14 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

The combined gas law

1. Boyles Law

constant V= P or PV = constant
2. Charles Law

for n and T constant

V = constant T
3. Avogadros Principle

for n and P constant for P and T constant

Lecture 2

V = constant n

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

The combined gas law constant V= V = constant T P V = constant n constant nT V= P PV = constant nT

The constant is found to be the same for all gases, it is denoted R and called the gas constant

PV = nR T

The Ideal Gas Equation

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Values of R PV = nR T 1 atm. 22.4 L PV R= = nT 1 mole 273 K R = 0.082 L atm K-1 mol -1 R = 82 mL atm K-1 mol -1
17 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Example: A sample of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.75 L at STP. How many moles of N2 are present? Solution:

P V n = PV = nR T RT 1 atm. 1.75 L n = 0.082 L atm K-1 mol -1 273 K n = 7.81 10-2 mol


Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Another Solution: One mole of an ideal gas occupy 22.4 L at STP. Gas Stoichiometry

1 mole ? mole

occupy occupy

22.4 L 1.75 L

1.75 L 1 mole n = 22.4 L n = 7.81 10-2 mol

19 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Molar Mass of a Gas The ideal gas law is used in the calculation of the molar mass (molecular weight) from density.

mass n = molar mass molar mass = sum of atomic weights = molecular weight molar mass of H2 = H + H = 1 + 1 = 2
20 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Molar Mass of a Gas

molar mass of CO2 = C + 2 O = 12 + 2 16 = 44 nRT P= V PV = nR T d RT mass R T P = (molar mass) V = (molar mass) d RT molar mass = P
21 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Daltons law The pressure exerted by a mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the pressures exerted by the individual gases occupying the same volume alone.


+ PN




John Dalton (1766-1844)

Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Daltons law Let as have a mixture of gases: A, B, . . ., n. At the same temperature , the total pressure is:

P = P A + PB + . . . . . =




Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

Daltons law The pressure exerted by each component gas in a container of volume V is:

nART n RT P= , PA = , V V PV n= , RT PAV nA = , RT


The total number of moles, n, will be equal to:

n = nA + nB + . . . . .
24 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Daltons law

n = nA + nB + . . . . . PBV PV PAV = + + ..... RT RT RT V PV P A + PB + . . . . . = RT RT P = PA + P B + . . . . .

P The total pressure of the gas mixture. PA The partial pressure of the gas A. PB The partial pressure of the gas B.
25 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Mole fractions and partial pressures The mole fraction X: is the ratio of the number of moles of a given component in a mixture to the total number of moles in the mixture.

n2 n1 , X2 = , X1 = ntotal ntotal

n3 X3 = ntotal

ntotal = n1 + n2 + n3 + . . . . . P2V n2 = RT
Lecture 2

Ptotal V P1V ntotal = , n1 = , RT RT

26 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Mole fractions and partial pressures

n1 X1 = = ntotal P1 X1 = Ptotal

P1V RT PtotalV RT P2 X2 = Ptotal

Pi = Xi Ptotal partial pressure = mole fraction total pressure

27 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Example: The partial pressure of oxygen was observed to be 156 torr in air with an atmospheric pressure of 743 torr. Calculate the mole fraction of O2 present. Solution:

XO2 =

P O2 Ptotal

156 torr 743 torr

XO2 = 0.210
28 Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim Lecture 2

Thank you


Prof. Dr. Mamdouh A. Abdel Rahim

Lecture 2

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