Pathophys - Neuro - CVD

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Classification of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Features: Sudden onset of headache, focal deficits, and signs of increasing ICP IPH: ganglionic IPH: lobar SITE Basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, deep Cerebral lobes cerebellum USUAL CAUSE Hypertensive vascular disease arious !malformation, coagulopathy, etc" OUTCOME %ften lethal variable Subarachnoid Base of brain, convexities Berry aneurysm, # $ %ften lethal, acute vasospasm, chronic hydrocephalis

Parenchymal Brain In&ury presentations:

TYPE Concussion Con usion Lac!ra ion "i##us! A$onal "a%ag! CLINICAL FEATURES 'ransient loc( +%C ,-. deficits +%C , deficits Prolonged +%C CHARACTERISTICS $ild )#)* Intact Pia.#rachnoid, frontal-temporal poles, lateral temporal 'orn Pia.#rachnoid 'earing of axons in CC, long tracts

'raumatic ascular In&ury

&IN" E'idural h!%a o%a Subdural h!%a o%a Subarachnoid( in ra'ar!nch)%al h!%a o%a "i##us! *ascular in+ur) SOURCE )ural arteries Bridging veins Parenchymal laceration Shearing of axons and vessels CLINICAL FEATURES +%C, then silent interval #cute, subacute, chronic ariable Similar to )#) CAUSES S/ull fracture 'rauma can be mild0 brain atrophy, coagulopathy ariable, usually severe trauma Similar to )#)

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