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Master plans

1. Go to Master planning > Setup > Plans > Master plans.

2. Click New or type Ctrl+N. 3. Enter the master plan in the Master plan column. 4. From the General tab, mark Include on-hand inventory checkbox to inclu e on!han in"entory le"els o# the item.

$. %ark Include inv. Transactions to inclu e all expecte transactions. &. %ark Include forecast plan to inclu e #orecast re'uirements in the master sche ulin( calculation. ). *elect the #orecast plan #rom the Forecast plan rop o+n list. ,. *elect Purchase sales orders #rom the !eduction principle rop o+n list. -. *elect the Planned order nu"#er se$uence that you +ant to use #or pickin( planne !or er numbers. 1.. *elect the Session nu"#er se$uence that is use #or /ob numbers. 11. From the Future "essages tab, mark %pdate re$uire"ent date #or 0Planned purchase and transfer orders& to up ate planne purchase or er re'uirement ates +ith #utures ates.

12. %ark %pdate planning checkbox to up ate planne pro uction or ers by usin( #utures ates #or procure components. 13. From the 'ction "essages tab, mark 1p ate postpone ate as re'uirement ate checkbox to automatically up ate planne purchase or ers +ith the propose action ate. 2he action ate cannot excee the re'uirement ate.

14. Click Save.

2 INV.1000.120 -

Master plans

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