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Site and Warehouse

1. Inventory management > Setup > Inventory breakdown > Site.

2. Click New button or type Ctrl+N to create a new site in the Site column. 3. Enter a description for the site in the Name column. 4. Click Save. To define warehouses, do the following: 1. Click Area Pa e node! Inventory management > Setup > Inventory breakdown > arehouses!

2. Click New button or type Ctrl"N to create a new warehouse in the arehouses column. 3. Enter a description for the warehouse in the Name column. 4. #elect the warehouse type from the Type column $i.e. %efault for Normal &arehouse and 'uarantine for 'uarantine wearhouse(. ). #elect the site that this warehouse belon s to from the Site column. *. +rom the "eneral tab, select the -uarantine warehouse for the default warehouse.

.. Click save.


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