Listening 1

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• Part of Communication
• Hearing - a physical aspect
• Listening is an
intellectual, and emotional
process that integrates
physical, emotional and
intellectual inputs
Listening is a mental
Leland Brown – Listening is an
activity that can be turned on
and off consciously and
unconsciously. It starts with
the receiver’s becoming aware
that they should listen and
become attentive to what is
being said.
M.V. Rodriques – Listening
is a process of receiving,
interpreting and reacting
to the messages received
from the communication
Keith Davis – Listening
is a conscious, positive
act requiring will
power. It is not a
simple, passive
exposure to sound
• We spend – 60% time in
• Most of us are 35 – 55%
efficient in listening
• Must have mutual
understanding for
effective communication
Principles -
Good Listening
• Listen Patiently
• Understand the feelings
of the Speaker –
‘Bhavnao Ko Samjho’
• Allow time for
discussion - feedback
Principles -
• Avoid cliches / jargon
• Respond to the speakers
• Listener should have a
purpose for listening
• Time Differential – we speak
100 – 150 wpm. - & we think
400 – 500 wpm
Process of Listening
• Awareness – Speaker
should say something
‘new’ – what the
audience does not know
New ideas, thoughts,
information, thus NEWS
Process of Listening
• Reception & Hearing –
listener to be attentive
and aware
• Get closer to a person
who is deaf / hard of
• Keep an open mind – not
the ‘I know it all’
Process of Listening
• Perception by the
listener – correctly
understanding the
message – depends on
age, maturity,
knowledge, experience,
attitude, values, etc.
• Understand the Speaker
- the feelings – Bhavana
Types of Listening
• Active Listening –
listening to a person
without passing
• Deliberate listening –
• Listening By
Observation – body
language, smile, gestures
Types of Listening
• Projective Listening –
process to observe and
understand. Commonly
used in meetings and
• Marginal / Partial
Listening -
Types of Listening
• Passive Listening – tape
or radio
• Evaluating – takes time
to evaluate what the
Speaker is saying
• Fake -
Listening Styles

Results-style: Interested in
the bottom line or result of a

Reasons-style: Interested
in hearing the rationale
behind a message.

Process-style: Likes to
discuss issues in detail.
The Keys to Effective Listening
Keys to Effective Listening The Bad Listener The Good Listener

1. Capitalize on thought Tends to daydream Stays with the speaker,

speed mentally summarizes the
speaker, weighs evidence, and
listens between the lines

2. Listen for ideas Listens for facts Listens for central or overall

3. Find an area of interest Tunes out dry speakers or Listens for any useful
subjects information

4. Judge content, not Tunes out dry monotone Assesses content by listening
delivery speakers to entire message before
making judgments

5. Hold your fire Gets too emotional or worked Withholds judgment until
up by something said by the comprehension is complete
speaker and enters into an
The Keys to Effective Listening (cont)
Keys to Effective Listening The Bad Listener The Good Listener

6. Work at listening Does not expend energy on Gives the speaker full
listening attention

7. Resist Distractions Is easily distracted Fights distractions and

concentrates on the speaker

8. Hear what is said Shuts our or denies Listens to both favorable and
unfavorable information unfavorable information

9. Challenge yourself Resists listening to Treats complex presentations

presentations of difficult as exercises for the mind
subject manner

10. Use handouts, overheads, Does not take notes or pay Takes notes as required and
or other visual aids attention to visual aids uses visual aids to enhance
understanding of the

Barriers of Listening
• Wandering Mind –
• Partial Listening –
• Distraction of mind –
• Lack of motivation –
• Emotional block – beliefs,
prejudice, fear, dislike,
bias, apprehension, etc
Barriers of Listening
• Taking Notes –
• Rebuttal Instinct –
something said is wrong,
and gradually results in
quarrels – arguments
• Jumbled/Mumbled Words
• Monologue – go on and on
Barriers of Listening
• Selective Listening –
• Listening only for words
• False Listening
• Lack of interest
• Noise
• Poor perception /
Bad Listening Habits
• Listening attitudes
formed in early life –
• Parents’ influence
• Authoritarian Parents –
• Warm parents who listen
to you – you respond
Bad Listening Habits

• Timid nature /
submissive behaviour
• Wandering mind
• Calling the subject
Bad Listening Habits
• Technical talk – not
interested or not
• Fake listening
• “I know it All”
Guidelines To
Effective Listening
Prof. C.S. Rayudu
suggests the following
techniques to
overcome poor
listening habits and to
accomplish an
effective listening and
improved listening
• Listener to maintain eye
• Listeners body language – nod
your head, posture, etc
• Avoid uninterested gestures –
looking at watch, SMS, reading
paper, playing with pen /
pencil, etc.
• Ask questions – shows interest
– after the Speaker has
finished speaking
• Listen patiently –
• Avoid arguments –
• Hold your temper
• Be honest with your answers
• Listen and understand the
total meaning of the
• Drop personal biasness
Thank You

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