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Question. The percentage composition of sample of liquid fuel by weight is, C = 84.8 percent, and H2 = !.2 percent.

Calculate "i# the weight of air needed for combustion of $g of fuel, "ii# the %olumetric composition of products of combustion if ! percent e&cess air is supplied. Solution. 'lement, wt "$g# products "$g# C = *.848 +, H2 = *. !2 "C(2# Total (2 = ,.4// "i# 0inimum weight of air needed for combustion = '&cess air supplied 2t. of o&ygen in e&cess air = = = !. $g. "1ns.# *. !2 & 8 = .2 = ,. *. (2 used "$g# *.848 & 8+, = 2.2)ry *.848 &

= 2.2-- $g. = *.!2 $g. 3

Total air supplied for combustion = minimum air 3 e&cess air = !. 2.2-- = /.,/- $g. Therefore, 2t. of nitrogen "42# in flue gases = "ii# = ,.,8 $g.

5olumetric composition of the products of combustion 2eight "&# 0olecular 2eight "y# 6roportional %olume, "7# = 6ercentage %olume, = & **

4ame of gas

C(2 (2 42

,. *. *.!2 ,.,8

44 ,2 28

*.*/*/ *.* -, *.4/8* 87 = *.!-!*

2.! percent 2.8. percent 84.-* percent

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