Control System Manual

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1. Determination of transfer function of AC Servomotor 2. Determination of transfer function of DC Generator 3. Determination of transfer function of DC Servomotor. 4. Analog simulation of Type - 0 an Type ! 1 systems 5. Digital simulation of non-linear systems *** ". Sta#ility analysis of linear systems $. Stepper motor control system %. Digital simulation of first systems &. Digital simulation of secon systems

10. DC an AC position control systems



VIVA QUESTIONS 1. Define control system? 2. Define tr nsfer f!nction? ". Mention some control system com#onents? $. %& t is ser'o mec& nism? 5. (i'e t&e e)#ression for tr nsfer f!nction of .c. ser'o motor? *. %& t is t&e !se of com#ens tors? +. %rite t&e e)#ression of tr nsfer f!nction for le ,-l .-l ./le , com#enstor? 0. %& t is t&e si.nific nce of ' rio!s com#ens tors. 1. %& t ,o yo! me nt 2y ty#e n, or,er of system? 13. %& t re t&e effects of ,ifferent ty#es of controller? 11. %& t is t&e !se of 2o,e #lot? 12. 4om# re 2o,e #lot n, ny5!ist #lot 1". 4om# re com#ens tors n, controllers? 1$. List t&e ##lic tions of .c. ser'omotor? 15. List t&e ##lic tions of ,.c.ser'omotor? 1*. (i'e t&e ##lic tion of sync&ros. 1+. List t&e commonly enco!ntere, non/line rities. 10. List t&e time ,om in s#ecific tions 11. List t&e fre5!ency ,om in s#ecific tions 23. Define st 2ility 21. %& t re t&e ty#es of st 2ility? 22. List t&e tools ' il 2le for ssessin. st 2ility? 2". Define close, loo# system 6it& n e) m#le? 2$. Define o#en loo# system 6it& n e) m#le? 25. (i'e t&e tr nsfer f!nction for rm t!re controlle, D.c. 7er'o motor.


Name Plate Detail:

Ex.No:1 Date: Aim: To st!,y t&e c& r cteristics n, fin, t&e tr nsfer f!nction of n A4 ser'omotor. T%eor&: An c ser'omotor is 2 sic lly 28 in,!ction motor. T&e rotor of t&e ser'omotor is 2!ilt 6it& &i.& resist nce so t& t its A9R r tio is sm ll so s#ee, tor5!e c& r cteristics 6ill 2e line r. T&e e)cit tion 'olt .e ##lie, to st tor 6in,in.s s&o!l, & 'e #& se ,ifference of 13: 'or(in): T&e st tor 6in,in.s re e)cite, 2y 'olt .e of e5! l rms m .nit!,e n, #& se ,ifference. T&is res!lts in e)citin. c!rrent n, 6&ic& c !ses rot tin. m .netic fiel, of const nt m .nit!,e. Rot tin. m .netic fiel, s6ee#s o'er t&e fl!). ;ence 'olt .e in,!ces c!rrent in st tor con,!ctors n, c!rrent cre tes rotor fl!). 'or(in) o! a# er$omotor in #ontrol & tem: T&e reference 6in,in. .et e)cite, 2y const nt 'olt .e so!rce. T&e fre5!ency is in r n.e of 53/1333 ;<. =>s? 9 E>s? @ Am9 7 >Bm? sC1 %&ere Am is Motor . in const nt Bm is Motor time const nt A**li#ation: 4ontrol 6in,in. is e)cite, 2y t&e mo,!l te, control si.n l n, t&e 'olt .e is of ' ri 2le m .nit!,e n, #ol rity. Dor t&e #ro,!ction of rot tin. m .netic fiel, t&e control #& se 'olt .e m!st 2e of s me fre5!ency s reference #& se 'olt .e. ;ence t&e control si.n l is mo,!l te, 2y c rrier si.n l 6&ose fre5!ency is s me s t& t of reference 'olt .e n, t&en ##lie, to t&e control 'olt .e. Dor mo,!l tion #!r#ose c s!##ly itself is !se, s c rrier si.n l. Let ec is control si.n l Ecm is mo,!l te, control si.n l If ec is #ositi'e t&en ecm n, ec r 6ill 2e s me in #& se so ecm @ 9ECec96s6ct for ec co. Tran !er !"n#tion o! AC Ser$omotor: %>s? 9 Ec>s? @ A1 9Es C A2 C F @ Am91C7Tm Am @ A1 9 A2 C F @ motor . in const nt Tm @ E9 A2 C F @ time const nt >or? motor time const nt Let = n.!l r ,is#l cement of motor % @ ,= 9 ,t @ n.!l r s#ee, T @ tor5!e ,e'elo#e, 2y t&e lo ,. F @ Driction l 'isco!s coefficient of con,!ctor E @ moment of inerti of lo ,. A1 @ slo#e of s#ee, tor5!e c& r cteristics Tm @ tor5!e ,e'elo#e, 2y t&e motor. Tm @ E ,2=9 ,T2 C F ,=9,t Tm @ A1 G A2 ,= 9 ,t E ,2=9 ,T2 C F ,=9,t @ A1 G A2 ,= 9 ,t E s2 =>s? C F=>s? @ A1 E e >s? / A2 =>s? =>s?9 Ee>s? @ A19 E72CFsCA2 Tran !er !"n#tion o! AC Ser$omotor


To !in- .1 Tor5!e T @ 1.01 * r * 7 Nm. 7 @ Lo , in A. r @ r ,i!s of s& ft in m @ 3.3*0m Load (Kg) Control Voltage Vc (V) Torque (Nm)

To !in- ./ Tor5!e T @ 1.01 * r * 7 Nm. 7 @ Lo , in A. r @ r ,i!s of s& ft in m @ 3.3*0m Speed (rpm) Load (Kg) Torque (Nm)

TD of c ser'omotor @ Am91C72m Am @ A19 A2C F Bm @ E 9 A2C F

Re "lt: T&!s t&e c& r cteristic of c ser'omotor 6 s st!,ie, n, its tr nsfer f!nction is fo!n,.


13 Date: Tran !er !"n#tion o! e*aratel& ex#ite- DC Generator Aim: To ,etermine t&e tr nsfer f!nction of se# r tely e)cite, ,c .ener tor. A**arat" Re0"ire-: S.No. 1 2 " Name o! t%e A**arat" R&eost t Ioltmeter Ammeter T&*e Do!2le t!2!l r M4 MI M4 MI Ran)e $33H 9 2A >3/"33?I >3/"33?I >3/2? A >3/1? A Qt& 2 1 1 1 1

T%eor&: Tr nsfer f!nction of line r ' ri nt system is ,efine, to 2e t&e r tio of L #l ce tr nsform of t&e ot&er in#!t ' ri 2le !n,er t&e ss!m#tion t& t ll initi l con,itions re <ero. A ,c .ener tor is commonly !se, in control system for #o6er m#lific tions. T&e tr nsfer f!nction of se# r tely e)cite, .ener tor is .i'en s Tr nsfer f!nction (>s? @ A. 9 Rf C 7Lf

A. ///// .ener tor const nt >I9A? Rf /////// resist nce of fiel, 6in,in. Lf ///// in,!ct nce of fiel, 6in,in. Pro#e-"re : Determination o! .) 1. 4onnections re .i'en s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. 4lose t&e DP7T s6itc&. ". T&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e motor is to 2e ,J!ste, to 2rin. t&e motor to t&e r te, s#ee, 1533 r#m. $. Fy ' ryin. t&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e .ener te, 'olt .e re note, ,o6n. 5. Re#e t t&e 2o'e ste# for ' rio!s #ositions of t&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e .ener tor. *. Plot t&e .r #&- 2et6een fiel, r&eost t i.e. fiel, c!rrent n, t&e .ener te, 'olt .e. +. T&e slo#e of t&e .r #& is const nt A.. Determination o! +! 1. 4onnections re .i'en s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. T&e DP7T s6itc& is close,. ". 7in.le #& se ' ri c is ,J!ste, n, t&e ' rio!s ' l!es of fiel, c!rrent n, fiel, 'olt .e re note, ,o6n. $. T&e fiel, coil im#e, nce is c lc!l te, 2y Bf @ If 9 If 1orm"la " eTo o2t in t&e tr nsfer f!nction Bf //// fiel, im#e, nce in H Rf //// fiel, resist nce in H Xf //// fiel, re ct nce in H D //// 7!##ly fre5!ency in ;< Xf2 @ Bf 2/ Rf2 Diel, in,!ct nce @ Xf 9 2Kf To o2t in t&e settlin. time ts 7ettlin. time @ time re5!ire, to re c& 10L of ste ,y st te ' l!e >o.10iss? Name Plate Detail : DC Motor Voltage Current Speed Type Excitation Voltage Excitation Current MODE+ GRAP,: DC Generator


Ta2"lation :OCC S.No 1 2 3 4 ! " # $ 1% 11 To 1in- R! V (v) If (A) ! Voltage (V) Field Current (A)

To 1in- 3! V (v) If (A) "f # $% (!)


Cal#"lation : Deri' tion of tr nsfer f!nction Tr nsfer f!nction @ L E >.?9 L E >f ? @ if R f C Lf ,it9,t @ Ef>t? T Min. L #l ce tr nsformIf >s? Rf C Lf >s? If >s? @ Ef >s? (ener tor const nt A. @ E. 9 If ///// E. @ A. If E. >s? @ A. If >s? If >s? @ E. >s? 9 A. E. >s? 9 Ef >s? @ A. 9 Rf C sLf A . @ N E. 9 N I f

Xf @ O Bf 2/ Rf2 Xf @ 2KfLf Lf @ Xf 9 2Kf 7!2stit!tin. ' l!e of A.- Rf - Lf in tr nsfer f!nction 6e & 'e tr nsfer f!nction of se# r tely e)cite, ,c .ener tor E. >s? 9 Ef >s? @ A. 9 Rf C sLf TD @ E. >s? 9 Ef >s? @ A. 9 Rf C sLf

Res!lt P T&!s t&e tr nsfer f!nction of se# r tely e)cite, ,c .ener tor 6 s ,etermine, TD @ E. >s? 9 Ef >s? @ A. 9 Rf C sLf



Ex.No:4A Date: TRANS1ER 1UNCTION O1 1IE+D CONTRO++ED DC SERVO MOTOR Aim: To ,etermine t&e tr nsfer f!nction of fiel, controlle, ,c ser'o motor. A**arat" Re0"ire-: S'No 1 2 3 4 ! " Name of t(e )qu*pment A&&eter A&&eter Volt&eter Volt&eter Volt&eter ,-eo.tat Auto Tran.1or&er Tac-o&eter Stop Cloc3 T+pe 'C '* 'C '* 'C Tu/ular Single 2-a.e ange %(2. ) A %(1 A %(3%+ %(3%%+ %(3%%+ 4%%0)2A ,uant*t+ 2 1 1 1 1 1

# Analog (%( %%%),2' 1 $ T%eor&: T&e s#ee, of ,c motor is ,irectly #ro#ortion l to rm t!re 'olt .e n, in'ersely #ro#ortion l to fl!). In fiel, controlle, ,c motor t&e rm t!re 'olt .e is Me#t const nt n, t&e s#ee, is ' rie, 2y ' ryin. t&e fl!) of t&e m c&ine since fl!) is ,irectly #ro#ortion l to fiel, c!rrent- t&e fl!) is ' rie, 2y ' ryin. file, c!rrent. T&e s#ee, control system is n electromec& nic l control system. T&e electric l system consists of rm t!re n, file, circ!it 2!t for n lysis #!r#ose- only fiel, circ!it is consi,ere,- 2ec !se t&e rm t!re is e)cite, 2y const nt 'olt .e. T&e mec& nic l system consists of t&e rot tin. # rt of t&e motor n, t&e lo , connecte, to t&e s& ft of t&e motor. T&e fiel, controlle, ,c motor & s n o#en loo# tr nsfer f!nction. Determination o! 5 an- 6: Pre#a"tion : 1. T&e motor fiel, r&eost t s&o!l, 2e Me#t in minim!m #osition 2. Loose connections s&o!l, 2e 'oi,e,. Pro#e-"re: 1. 4onnections re m ,e s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. T&e DPTP s6itc& is connecte, to 1/1Q. ". T&e motor is st rte, 2y !sin. t&ree #oint st rter. $. T&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e motor is ,J!ste, to s#ee, 2o'e t&e r te, s#ee, >NC N? 6&ere N is t&e r te, s#ee, >i.e 1533r#m? n, N is 233r#m > ss!mes? 5. DPDT is c& n.e, from 1/1Q #osition n, t&e time t Men for t&e s#ee, to f ll >N/ N? i.e 1"33r#m is note, s t1. *. T&e motor fiel, r&eost t is 2ro!.&t to t&e minim!m resist nce #osition. T&e motor is s6itc&e, off n, . in st rte,. +. T&e electric l lo , is s6itc&e, on in or,er to com#ens te t&e rm t!re ,ro#. 0. DPDT is connecte, to #osition 1/1Q once . in n, ,J!st t&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e motor to .et s#ee, sli.&tly 2o'e >NCN? i.e 1033r#m. 1. DPDT is mo'e, from #osition 1/1Q to 2/2Q n, 6&en t&e s#ee, f lls to >NC N? i.e 1+33r#m- note ,o6n t&e 'oltmeter mmeter re ,in.s s II n, II n, t&e sto# clocM is st rte,. 13. T&e time t Men 6&en t&e s#ee, f lls to >N/N? i.e 1"33r#m is note, s t2 n, note ,o6n t&e ' l!es of 'oltmeter n, mmeter re ,in. s I2 R I2. 11. T&e fiel, r&eost t of t&e motor is 2ro!.&t to minim!m resist nce #osition.

12. DP7T s6itc& is o#ene,. MODE+ GRAP,:

Ta2"lation: To o2tain Armat"re re i tan#e Ra: S'No Armature Current (A) Armature Voltage (V) Armature re-*-tance a . V/I 0

To o2tain 1iel- Im*e-an#e 3!: S'No 0*eld Current 0*eld (A) Voltage (V)

0*eld Impedance"f . V/I 0

Determination o! .t: S'No Voltag 0*eld e Curren appl*e t(A) d

Armatur e Current (A)

Spr*ng 1alance S$ S4 (3g) (3g )

Torque2 T (N . m)

To o2tain 1iel- re i tan#e R! S'No 0*eld 0*eld Current (A) Voltage (V)

0*eld re-*-tance . V/I 0


Determination o! 3!: Pre#a"tion : 1. 7in.le #& se ' ri c is Me#t in minim!m #osition 2. Loose connections s&o!l, 2e 'oi,e,. Pro#e-"re: 1. 4onnections re m ,e s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m 2. DP7T s6itc& is close,. ". 7in.le #& se ' ri c is ,J!ste, n, ' rio!s ' l!es of t&e fiel, c!rrent n, fiel, 'olt .e re note,. $. T&e fiel, im#e, nce is c lc!l te, !sin. o&ms l 6 i.e Rf @ If 9 If Determination o! .!: Pre#a"tion : 1. T&ere s&o!l, not 2e ny lo , 6&ile st rtin. n, sto##in.. 2. Diel, r&eost t s&o!l, 2e in minim!m #osition. ". Loose connections s&o!l, 2e 'oi,e,. Pro#e-"re: 1. 4onnections re m ,e s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. DP7T s6itc& is close,. ". T&e motor is st rte, 2y !sin. t&ree #oint st rter n, 2ro!.&t to r te, s#ee, 2y ' ryin. t&e fiel, r&eost t. T&e motor & s to 2e lo ,e, in ste#s till t&e r te, ' l!e n, e c& lo ,- t&e ' l!es of rm t!re c!rrent- 'olt .e- fiel, c!rrent n, t&e s#rin. 2 l nce re ,in.s re note, ,o6n. Determination o! R!: Pre#a"tion : 1. T&e r&eost t s&o!l, 2e Me#t in m )im!m #osition. 2. Loose connections s&o!l, 2e 'oi,e,. Pro#e-"re: 1. 4onnections re m ,e s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. DP7T s6itc& is close,. ". T&e r&eost t is ,J!ste, n, ' rio!s ' l!es of t&e fiel, c!rrent n, fiel, 'olt .e re note,. $. T&e rm t!re resist nce is c lc!l te, !sin. o&ms l 6 i.e R f @ If 9 If Determination o! Ra: Pre#a"tion : 1. Arm t!re r&eost t s&o!l, 2e Me#t in m )im!m #osition. 2. Loose connections s&o!l, 2e 'oi,e,. Pro#e-"re: 1 4onnections re m ,e s #er t&e circ!it ,i .r m. 2. DP7T s6itc& is close,. ". T&e r&eost t is ,J!ste, n, ' rio!s ' l!es of t&e rm t!re c!rrent n, rm t!re 'olt .e re note,. $. T&e rm t!re resist nce is c lc!l te, !sin. o&ms l 6 i.e R @ I 9 I 1orm"la: Tor5!e @ 1.01 * >71S72? * R %&ere R @ rC t92 %&ere r is t&e r ,i!s of t&e 2re M ,r!m n, t is t&e t&icMness of t&e 2elt i.e 4 @ 2Kr Lf @ OBf2/ Rf29 2Kf >;? Pc @ 3.5 * >I1I1 C I2I2 C I12R C I22R ? >%? E @ #c * t1 * t2 9 2K2 >N12 G N22? >t1 / t2? >M. m2 9 r ,?

Pstr y / 2K2 >N12 G N22? * E 9 t1 >%? P1 @ Pstr y 9 K2 >N12 C N22? >NM 9r , 9 7ec? Tr nsfer D!nction (>s? @ Mm 9 7>1CTfs? %&ere Mm @ Mt 9 F>Rt? n, E 9 F >M. m 9 N G 7? >R , 9 A 7ec GH? %&ere Tf @ Lf 9 Rf- Tm @ E 9F An, time const nt Tf @ Lf 9 Rf Determination o! 5 an- 6: Po ition o! DPDT !rom 1-17 to 8-87 S'N ange of -peed o (rpm)

T*me ta3en for t(e -peed to fall from (N4N) to (N ( N). t1 .econd.

1"%% ( 13%% Po ition o! DPDT !rom 1-17 to /-/7 S'N ange of T*me ta3en for t(e o -peed (rpm) -peed to fall from (N4N) to (N ( N). .econd. 1. 13%% 5 1"%% t1 2. 1"%% 5 13%% t2 6 Voltmete r read*ng (volt-) V1 6 V2 6 Ammeter read*ng (amp-) *1 *2


Re "lt: T&!s t&e tr nsfer f!nction of fiel, controlle, ,c s&!nt motor is fo!n, to 2e T>s? 9 If >s? @ Mm 9 7 >1 C 7Tf? >1 C 7Tm? Note: Am @ motor . in const nt @ ALf 9 Rf . F Tf @ Diel, time const nt @ Lf 9 Rf


Name Plate Detail:

Ex.No:46 Date: TRANS1ER 1UNCTION O1 ARMATURE CONTRO++ED DC SERVO MOTOR Aim: To ,etermine t&e tr nsfer f!nction of rm t!re controlle, ,c 7er'o motor. A**arat" Re0"ire-: S'No Name of t(e )qu*pment 1 A&&eter 2 A&&eter 3 Volt&eter 4 Volt&eter Volt&eter ! ,-eo.tat " Auto Tran.1or&er # Tac-o&eter $ Stop Cloc3 T+pe 'C '* 'C '* 'C Tu/ular Single 2-a.e Analog ange %(2. ) A %(1 A %(3%+ %(3%%+ %(3%%+ 4%%0)2A (%( %%%),2' ,uant*t+ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

T%eor&: T&ere re m ny ty#es of D.4. motors !se, in in,!stries. D.4. motors t& t re !se, in control systems re c lle, D.4. ser'o motors. In D.4. ser'omotors t&e rotor inerti & 'e 2een m ,e 'ery sm ll- 6it& t&e res!lt t& t motors 6it& 'ery &i.& tor5!e to inerti r tio re commerci lly ' il 2le. 7ome D.4. motors 6it& rel ti'ely sm ll #o6er r tin. re !se, in instr!ments n, com#!ter rel te, instr!ments. D.4 series- s&!nt n, #erm nent m .net D.4. ser'o motors 6it& me,i!m n, l r.e #o6er r tin.s re !se, in ro2ot systems n, 4N4 m c&ines. An, norm lly t&ey re ' il 2le 6it& 2!ilt in t c&o.ener tor for s#ee, sensin. in close, loo# control ##lic tions. Most im#ort nt mon. t&e c& r cteristics of t&e D.4. ser'o motor is t&e m )im!m cceler tion o2t in 2le. Dor .i'en ' il 2le tor5!e t&e rotor moment of inerti m!st 2e m )im!m. 7ince t&e ser'omotor o#er tes !n,er contin!o!sly ' ryin. con,itions- cceler tion n, ,eceler tion of t&e rotor occ!r from time to time. T&e ser'o motor m!st 2e 2le to 2sor2 t&e mec& nic l ener.y s 6ell s to .ener te it. T&e #erform nce of ser'omotor 6&en !se, s 2r Me is s tisf ctory. Name *late Detail : Ty#e P Iolt .e P Tor5!e P 7#ee, P Pro#e-"re: 1. Remo'e t&e lo , in no lo , con,ition. 76itc& On t&e mo,!le. 2. Note ,o6n t&e no lo , c!rrent n, no lo , s#ee,. ". A,J!st t&e #otentiometer for t&e r te, 'olt .e of 2$I $. A,J!st t&e lo , in ste#s to m )im!m of 233.m/cm n, c!rrent of 3.0 Am#s >,o not e)cee, 3.0 m#s? 5. At e c& lo , note ,o6n t&e s#ee,. *. 4 lc!l te t&e corres#on,in. tor5!e n, #lot t&e tor5!e s#ee, c& r cteristics. +. Re#e t t&e #roce,!re for *3L n, $3L of t&e r te, 'olt .e . R te, Iolt .e 2. *3L r te, 'olt .e c. $3L r te, 'olt .e

Mo-el Gra*%

S*ee- V9S Tor0"e Mo-el Cal#"lation : T&e si) # r meters necess ry to e' l! te tr nsfer f!nction re R - L - A2- F n, E. Fefore connectin. t&e D4 ser'o motor fin, t&e rm t!re Resist nce R in O&ms n, Arm t!re in,!ct nce L in &enries. Use L4R meter for t&is #!r#ose. T Me fe6 re ,in.s 2y c& t&e #osition of t&e rotor. T Me t&e le st ' l!es fo!n,. R @ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV W L @ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ;. To -etermine .t an- 6 76itc& on t&e m ins s!##ly !nit n, s6itc& on D4 #o6er s!##ly to t&e motor. R!n t&e ser'o motor t some nomin l s#ee,. Pro.ressi'ely ##ly incre sin. lo ,s !#to r te, 03L of t&e r te, m )im!m c!rrent. Determine t&e follo6in. in t&e #!r#ose. 7l.No. Arm t!re 7#ee, An.!l r Ielocity X Tor5!e T Tor5!e Driction c!rrent i Unit @ Units @ N/m const nt At @ coefficient RPM X 2 @ Units Unit @ A RPM T9i N/m9A F@T9Y N/ *3 m9>R ,9s? @ R ,9s

To Determine .2 Remo'e t&e lo , i.e r!n t&e motor 6it& no lo ,. Pro.ressi'ely incre se t&e 'olt .e n, ,etermine t&e follo6in. in t&e #rocess. 7l.No. Arm t!re Arm t!re 7#ee, An.!l r Ielocity X F cM EMD E2 F cM EMD Iolt .e c!rrent i Unit @ @ I / i .R const nt RPM X 2 @ Units I Unit @ Unit @A RPM Units @ I A2@E29Y E29X *3 I @ R ,9s

2$ To -etermine t%e Rotor Moment o! Inertia. 5 T&is c n 2e ,etermine, from t&e mec& nic l time const nt. 4!t G off #o6er s!##ly to t&e r!nnin. motor t f!ll s#ee, n, e' l! te t&e time re5!ire, s y >Ts? in secon,s to come to f!ll sto#. T&erefore Tm @ Ts 9 5. T&en E @ Tm9F- A. G m2 9 r ,.
Tran !er 1"n#tion o! DC Ser$o Motor :Armat"re Controlle-; T&e s#ee, of D4 ser'o motor is ,irectly Pro#ortion l to rm t!re 'olt .e n, in'ersely #ro#ortion l to t&e fl!) in fiel, 6in,in.. In n rm t!re controlle, D4 motor- t&e ,esire, s#ee, is o2t ine, 2y ' ryin. t&e rm t!re 'olt .e. T&is system is n electromec& nic l control system. T&e electric l system consists of n rm t!re circ!it n, fiel, circ!it. D!rin. n lysis- only t&e rm t!re circ!it is consi,ere, 2ec !se const nt 'olt .e e)cites t&e fiel,. T&e mec& nic l system consistin. of t&e rot tin. # rt of t&e motor n, t&e lo , connecte, to t&e s& ft of t&e motor. An rm t!re controlle, D4 motor s#ee, control system is s&o6n in Di.!re.


R L I I E2 A1 T E F

1i)"re -1. @ Arm t!re Resist nce- W @ Arm t!re In,!ct nce- ; @ Arm t!re 4!rrent- A @ Arm t!re Iolt .e- I @ F cM emf- I @ Tor5!e const nt- n/m9A @ Tor5!e ,e'elo#e, 2y motor- N/m @An.!l r ,is#l cement of s& ft- r , @ Moment of inerti of motor n, lo ,-M.m29r , @ Driction l co/efficient of motor n, lo ,- N/m9>r ,9s?


@ F cM emf const nt I/s9r ,.

1i)"re-/ E0"i$alent Cir#"it o! armat"re

25 A2 @ F cM emf const nt- I9>r ,97? E5!i' lent circ!it of rm t!re for fi./1 is s&o6n in fi./2. Airc&offQs 'olt .e l 6- 6e c n 6riteI R C L ,i 9,t C e2 @ I
Tor5!e of D4 motor is #ro#ortion l to t&e #ro,!ct of fl!) n, c!rrent- 7ince fl!) is const nt in t&is system- t&e tor5!e is #ro#ortion l to i lone. T Z i tor5!e T @ At i T&e mec& nic l system of t&e motor is s&o6n in fi.!re *.9. T&e ,ifferenti l e5! tion .o'erenin. t&e mec& nic l system of motor is .i'en 2y-

d 2 d + =T dt 2 dt , ,t
[ F cM emf- e2 @ A2

t&e 2 cM emf of D4 m c&ine is #ro#ortion l to s#ee, > n.!l r 'elocity? of t&e s& ft. e2 Z

, ,t

t&e l #l ce tr nsform tion of ' rio!s time ,om in si.n ls in'ol'e, in t&is system L \I ] @ I >7? L \e2] @ E2>7? L\T] @ T>7? L \i ] @ I >7? I \^] @ ^>7? T&e ,ifferenti l e5! tion .o'ernin. t&e rm t!re controlle, D4 motor s#ee, control system is dia iR CL C e2 @ I ____ >i? dt T @ At i ____ >ii? J d 2 dt 2

d dt




, A2 ___._ >i'? ,t t Min. l #l ce tr nsform of ,ifferenti l e5! tions of t&e system 6it& <ero s initi l con,itions 6e .etI >7? R C L s I >7? C E2 >7? @ I >7? ____.. 5.1 T>7? @ At I >7? ____.. 5.2 2 Es ^>7? C F s ^ >7? @ T>s? ____. 5." E2>s? @ A2 s ^>7? ____ 5.$ On e5! tin. e5! tions 5.2 n, 5." 6e .etAt I >s? @ >Es2 C Fs? ^>7? ____ 5.5 2 Js + Bs I a >s? >S ? ____ 5.* Kt E5! tion 5.1 c n 2e 6ritten s>R C s L ? I >s? C E2>s? @ I >s? ................ 5.+ 7!2stit!tin. for E2>s? n, I >s? from e5! tion 5.$ n, 5.5 res#ecti'ely in e5! tion 5.+

2* >R C s L ? Js + Bs > S ? + K b s > S ? = Va > s? Kt


>R C s L ? >Js 2 + Bs ? K b K t s > S ? = Va > s? Kt

T&e re5!ire, tr nsfer f!nction is

>s? Va > s ?
Kt >R C s L ? >Js 2 + Bs ? K b K t s Kt C R F7 C L E7 2 CL F7 2 + K b K t s Kt C >ER FL ?7 C >Fr + K b K t ? EL FR C K b K t C EL

>s? Va > s ?


R E7



2 7


Kt ER C FL s\s 2 C EL

t&e tr nsformer f!nction of rm t!re controlle, D4 ser'o motor c n 2e e)#resse, in not&er st n, r, form s s&o6n 2elo6. Kt >s? @ Va > s ? >R C s L ? >Js 2 + Bs ? K b K t s Kt R B < sL Es 2 R + 1 Fs 1 C C Kb Kt Fs R

Kt R B s >1 C sT ? >1 C sTm ? C Kb Kt R B


La T @ Ra J @ Tm B !se t&is for TD

Electric l time const nt @ Mec& nic l time const nt

>s? Va > s ?

Kt >R C s L ? >Js 2 + Bs ? K b K t s


Re "lt: T&!s t&e tr nsfer f!nction of fiel, controlle, ,c s&!nt motor is fo!n, to 2e

>s? Va > s ?

Kt >R C s L ? >Js 2 + Bs ? K b K t s


%nyquist PLOT OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM clc; n=[0 0 0 40] =[! " !0 #] sys=t$%n& ' nyquist%sys' titl(%)Nyquist *l+t $+, t-( syst(. 40/%s04'%s1202s02')' 34is%[52&6&56&6]' [7.&*.&8c*&8c7]=.3,7in %sys' %9O:E PLOT OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM clc; nu.=[0 !0 6] (n=[! 4;26 !] sys=t$%nu.& (n' 8=l+7s*3c(%52&4&!00'; <+ (%sys&8' titl(%)<+ ( *l+t +$ t-( syst(. 6[!02s]=s1204;26s0!)'; [7.&*.&8c*&8c7]=.3,7in %sys' %,++t l+cus OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM clc; n=[0 0 0 ! !]; =[! 4 !6 520 0 ]; sys=t$%n& ' >(,+s=,++ts%n' *+l(s=,++ts% ' ,l+cus%sys'; ?=[5@&2&5"&"]; 34is%?'; titl(%)R++t l+cus +$ t-( syst(. A%s0!'/%s125s'%s12206s020')'; [A&*+l(s]=,l+c$in %sys' %RLOBFIN: Fin ,++t l+cus 73ins $+, 3 7i?(n s(t +$ ,++ts; %*+l3, *l+t clc; t!=in*ut%)(nt(, t!)'; t2=in*ut%)(nt(, t2)'; A=in*ut%)(nt(, A)'; 4=0C;02C!00; 3=A;/%%%t!Dt2'D%4;Di';1@'0%%t!0t2'D%4;Di';12'0%4;Di''; *+l3, %3n7l(%3'&3<s%3'&)<5)';


E).NoP $ D teP STA6I+IT= ANA+=SIS O1 +INEAR S=STEMS Aim: To n ly<e t&e st 2ility of line r systems !sin. 2o,e- root loc!s n, ny5!ist #lots. .no>le-)e Re0"ire-: i. ii. iii. 6o-e *lot: Dor t&e .i'en tr nsfer f!nction- 2o,e #lot m!st 2e ,r 6n. T&e comm n, `2o,ea com#!tes m .nit!,e n, #& se n.le of t&e fre5!ency res#onse of contin!o!s/time- line r- time in' ri nt systems. Dirst enter t&e n!mer tor n, ,enomin tor #olynomi ls !sin. t&e comm n,s. bb n!m @ \ 3 1 2] bb n!m @ \23 21 2m] for t&e .i'en tr nsfer f!nction (>s? @ ss2 C 1sC 2 9 2ss2 C2isC22- if ny ' l!es of coefficients re not #resent- #!t t&em s <ero in t&e 2o'e comm n,. Most commonly !se, comm n,s for 2o,e #lot re bb 2o,e >n!m- ,en? bb 2o,e >n!m- ,en-? bb sys @ tf>n!m-,en? bb 2o,e >sys? to s#ecify t&e fre5!ency r n.e- t&e comm n, i. bb @ lo.s# ce >,1-,2? or ii. bb @ lo.s# ce >,1-,2-n? 4 n 2e !se,. T&e comm n, >i? .ener tes 'ector lo. rit&mic lly e5! lly s# ce, 2et6een 13 ,1 n, 13,2. 7o to .ener te 53 #oints 2et6een 3.1 r , 9 sec n, 133 r ,9sec- enter t&e comm n,. bb @ lo.s# ce >/1-/2? T&e comm n, >ii? .ener tes n #oints lo. rit&mic lly e5! lly s# ce, 2et6een ,ec ,es 13 ,1 n, ,,2. To .ener te 133 #oints 2et6een 1 r ,9sec n, 1333 r ,9sec- enter t&e follo6in. comm n, m!st 2e entere,. Dor o2t inin. . in m #& se m . in crosso'er fre5!ency n, #& se crosso'er fre5!ency- t&e follo6in. comm n, is !se,. 7ys m!st & 'e 2een lre ,y ,efine,. N&0"i t *lot: T&e MATLAF comm n, ny5!ist com#!tes t&e fre5!ency res#onse for contin!o!s/timeline r time/in' ri nt systems. T&e comm n, ??n&0"i t :n"m@-en; Dr 6s t&e Ny5 !ist #lots t&e tr nsfer f!nction (>s? @ n!m >s? 9 ,en >s? in ,r 6in. ny5!ist #lot 6&ere `Di'i,e 2y Beroa o#er tion is in'ol'e, \e.P (>s? 19s>sC1?] Ny5!ist #lot m y 2e erroneo!s. In t& t c se- s#ecify t&e )is !sin. t&e comm n,s. bb' @ \/2- 2/5 5][ n, t&e r n.e for re l )is 6ill 2e from /2 to 2 n, im .in ry )is from /5 to 5. Dre5!ency res#onse n lysis met&o,s. ( in m n, #& se m 7t 2ility n lysis from #lots

Root lo#" : In #lottin. root loci 6it& MATLAF 6e ,e l 6it& e5! tion 1CAn!m9,en @ 3 !sin. t&e comm n, bb rloc!s >n!m-,en? root loc!s #lot is ,r 6n on t&e screen. N!m n, ,en m!st & 'e 2een lre ,y entere,. T&e r n.e fi)in. c n 2e ,one s e)#l ine, in Ny5!ist #lot. If ny tr nsfer f!nction & s #olynomi ls s #ro,!ct of first n, secon, or,er terms- t&en sim#lifie, ' l!es c n 2e s!2stit!te, !sin. con'ol!tion comm n,. Let @ s>sC1? F @ s2 C $s C 1* T&en enter t&e comm n,s s bb @ \1 1 3] bb 2 @ \1 $ 2*] bb ,en @ con'> -2? Re "lt: T&e re#ort m!st cont in t&e res!lts 2o!t t&e st 2ility of t&e system !sin. t&e 2o'e #lots.

%.i.+ syst(. clc; 3=[0 ! 0; 0 0 !; 5! 54 52]; <=[0 2; 0 ! ; ! !]; c=[! 5@ 2; ! ! !]; =[0;2]; 7@=ss%3&<&c& '; 7$,(q=t$%7@'; $i7u,(%!' *>.3*%7$,(q' $i7u,(%2' .3,7in%7$,(q'; %sis+ syst(. clc; 3=[0 ! 0; 0 0 !; 5! 54 52]; <=[0 ; 0 ; ! ]; c=[! 5@ 2]; =[0;2]; 7@=ss%3&<&c& '; 7$,(q=t$%7@'; $i7u,(%!' *>.3*%7$,(q' $i7u,(%2' .3,7in%7$,(q';

Ex.No:AA Date: DIGITA+ SIMU+ATION O1 +INEAR S=STEM Aim: To o2t in st te s# ce form!l tion of t&e system !sin. MATLAF .no>le-)e Re0"ire-: 7t te s# ce mo,els T%eor&: State *a#e mo-el : An im#ort nt re#resent tion for line r systems is t&e st te G s# ce form!l tion. X>nC1? @ AX>n? CF!>n? c>n? @ 4X>n? CD!>n? %&ere X>n? RN @ st te 'ector t time n U>n? @ # X 1 'ector of in#!ts c>n? @ 5 X 1 o!t#!t 'ector A @ N X N st te tr nsition m tri) F @ N X # in#!t coefficient m tri) 4 @ 5 X N o!t#!t coefficient m tri) D @ 5 ) P ,irect # t& coefficient m tri) T&e st te/s# ce re#resent tion is es#eci lly #o6erf!l for Time/' ryin. line r systems M!lti/in#!t- m!lti/o!t#!t >MIMO? line r systems

%eQll 2e concerne, #rim rily 6it& t&e sin.le/in#!t7in.le/o!t#!t >7I7O? c se- i.e.- # @ 5 @ 1 State B *a#e e0"ation : T&ere re se'er l ,ifferent 6 ys to ,escri2e st te/s# ce re#resent tion is .i'en 2y t&e e5! tions system of line r ,ifferenti l e5! tion. T&e

%&ere ) is n n 2y 1 'ector re#resentin. t&e st te >commonly #osition n, 'elocity ' ri 2les in mec& nic l systems?- U is sc l r re#resentin. t&e in#!t >commonly force or tor5!e in mec& nic l systems?- n, y is sc l r re#resentin. t&e o!t#!t. T&e m trices A>n 2y n?- F>n 2y 1? n, c>1 2y n? ,etermine t&e rel tions&i#s 2et6een t&e st te n, in#!t n, o!t#!t ' ri 2les. Note t& t t&ere re n first/or,er ,ifferenti l e5! tions. 7t te s# ce re#resent tion c n lso 2e !se, for systems 6it& m!lti#le in#!ts n, o!t#!ts >MIMO?

Re "lt: T&!s t&e st te s# ce form!l tion of t&e system is o2t ine, !sin. MATLAF

6lo#( -ia)ram :i;.Ste* Re *on e o! tran !er !"n#tion >it% an- >it%o"t non-linearitie

Backlash 1 s+1 Sine Wave Transfer Fcn Dead Zone Scope


:ii;.Ste* Re *on e o! tran !er !"n#tion >it% an- >it%o"t non-linearitie

Backlash 1 s2 +s+1 Step Transfer Fcn Dead Zone Scope



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