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1. Describir la situacin 2. Explicar el problema 3. Describir la solucin 4.

Explicar los resultados

1. Do you ever wonder why things dont last? Everyone has heard at least once that things used to last longer before, but now we are getting used to the fact that stuffs become out -of-date or useless within a short time period. Nowadays, most of the products seem to have no durability and we must buy stuffs fre uently. !n other words" we buy stuffs that we throw away in a couple of months to buy new stuffs that we will throw away later #ust to buy more. $his vicious circle is due to what e%perts call planned obsolescence. &lanned obsolescence is a policy of designing a product with a limited useful life, so it will become obsolete, that is, unfashionable or no longer functional after a certain period of time. $his 'ind of policy is common in many different products such as cell phones, light bulbs, televisions, electrical appliance etc. &lanned obsolescence also stimulates demand for an industry(s products because consumers have to buy again and again. !t appears in the time of industrial revolution, the productivity was on his pea' but too many products were not sold. $hese purchased products were well made and never spoiled. $herefore people don)t need to buy another one. $he planned obsolescence was a total remedy for the industry* this would produce greater effectiveness and continuity in sales

2. Planned obsolescence has brought major problems to the environment. Although there exist di erent organi!ations that ight against this economic and social phenomenon" the solution

that bene it the nature and environment has not achieved #et. the problems that planned obsolescence has brought $ith are the next ones % predation and environmental pollution caused b# man. Ever# time $e pull out primar# resources rom the ground" $e are depredating our environment and letting the earth $ithout resources because these are inite. Also ever# product that $ill become obsolete or un ashionable supposes contamination because in sometime it $ill be thro$n into the garbage. &he human being produces a 'ilo o garbage dail#" mostl# these are products planned to ail in short time. l(elo por a bene it nature has not been achieved . Problems that ... has brought are Predation )ma#*scula+ and leaving earth suppose " because most o times ,uman beings produce almost 2 pounds )los gringos usan pounds i no 'ilos+ most o these si -ieres io l ocorrijo el sentido est. bien

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