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ETL Testing Techniques:

1. Verify that data is transformed correctly according to various business requirements and rules. 2. Make sure that all projected data is loaded into the data warehouse without any data loss and truncation 3. Make sure that !" application appropriately rejects# replaces with default values and reports invalid data. $. Make sure that data is loaded in data warehouse within prescribed and e%pected time frames to confirm improved performance and scalability. &. ach unit test should be clearly named and documented. '. (ll methods# regardless of visibility# should have appropriate unit tests. ). (ll unit tests should use appropriate coverage techniques to measure their effectiveness. *. +trive for one assertion per test case. ,. -reate unit tests that target e%ceptions. (part from these !" testing methods# we also test other methods like integration testing and user acceptance testing. !his makes sure everything on your applications and system runs smoothly and reliably.

Spooling . +pool files are prepared and run which take some lesser time and serves as part of automation. Benefit of spool file. /t runs one script after another and saves the output to a designated location in the hard drive. 0e do not need to wait after one script is finished and the ne%t is to be initiated. 0e can check for the output of the spool file by going to the designated location. !he output file gets saved there as soon as the script has finished running.

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