Brief CV of DR - Faisal As On 23rd Dec 2013

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Touhid Muhammad Faisal Kamal is a Research Worker, Management & ICT Specialist with expertise in Research & Corporate Management, Political Anal sis o! "lo#al and "eo Politics, Management $n!ormation % stem, Mass Communication and Relationship Management also as De&elopment Administrator. 'e has !irst hand practical experience o! organi(ing Research )rgani(ation *+anga#ondhu "o#eshona Kendro, as President,a leading -outh "roup o! .//0 Doctors, 1ngineers and Pro!essionals. As a Research Worker, Management & ICT Specialist , he has o&er 2/ ears o! hands3on pro!essional experience o! organi(ing socio political organi(ation under super&ision o! 4eading Awamileague leaders and nationall reputed $ntellectuals. Research on +anga#ondhu, "o&ernance Anal sis, Regional De&elopment, "eo Political %cenario o! US-INDIA-CHINA regar ing !angla esh & Mass Communication, Pro5ect Management, research & administration are the ma5or topic o! stud . 4ectured widel at &arious #usiness schools including 6ni&ersit o! $n!ormation technolog and sciences, %outhern 6ni&ersit , CMC3Delhi and Kol7ata, $ndia, and also in 4ocal &arious schools o! Training and has presented papers at %eminars. Conducted se&eral wor7shops on Digitali(ation o! %ociet , "ood "o&ernance, 13Commerce etc. Contri#uted articles to leading #usiness 5ournals, editor o! pro!essional 5ournals in alliance with Mar7eting Department o! 6ni&ersit o! Chittagong and Managing 1ditor o! Monthl Research and De&elopment Maga(ine *A!ASH"N,. Conduct Digitali(ation %trateg and Application in Chittagong Metropolitan Police8CMP9 and Chittagong Range Police8D$"9 as a part o! 1mpowering Police Department.1asta#lished $CT %chool !or Rural De&elopment at Fati7chari 6pa(illa as Pilot Pro5ect. Possesses a super# representational, communication and negotiation s7ill and has in credit a distinguished record o! leadership in societ and #usiness arena.
Presently President-Bongobondhu Research Center, Secretary General-ICT Council, Co-Ordinator of Islamic Research Center, Bangladesh, Also net or!ed ith a good number of Social and "elfare organi#ations $ Also an %nlisted Columnist of American Chronicle and Associate &irector at Columbiana 'ni(ersity,St$)ouis,*issouri,'S$

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