The Presidential Era of President Bill Clinton

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The Presidential Era of President Bill Clinton

President William. J Clinton (Bill Clinton) was inaugurated on January 20, 1993. He was an advocate for a variety of legislation and programs. Bill Clinton presided over the longest peace time economic expansion in American history. Upon inauguration, Bill Clinton signed the Family and Medical leave act of Feb 5, 1993. The act was to allow employees to take unpaid leave for pregnancy or serious medical conditions. Feb 15, Clinton announced to raise taxes to cap the budget deficit. In August 1993, he signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This act cuts taxes for 15 million low income families. It also made tax cuts available for 90% of small businesses; it raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2% of taxpayers. On Sept 22, 1993, Clinton announced the reformation of health care plans. The plan was aimed at achieving universal coverage through a national health care plan. The reformation failed due to the opposition from conservatives. In Nov 1993, criminal allegations were made against Bill Clinton in the `Whitewater controversy. Whilst the Clintons were never charged, Bill Clinton maintains his innocence. Nov 30, 1993, Clinton signed the Brady Bill into law which imposed a 5 day waiting period before a purchase of a handgun. He also expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit which is a subsidy for low income workers. In Dec, Bill Clinton was slandered by David Brock in the American Spectator, Later Brock apologised to Clinton saying the article was politically motivated. In the same month, Bill Clinton implemented the Department of Defence directive called the `Dont Ask, Dont Tell which allows gay men and women to serve in the armed forces provided they keep their sexuality a secret. This generated much criticism, the gay advocates said that Clinton did not go far enough and it was just to get votes.

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