Lesson Plan KSSR Year 4 English

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Listening and Speaking

Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective World of Self, Family and Friends New Kid on the Block 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topic with guidance. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to talk about their personal details in simple sentences by answering to Wh-questions given by the teacher.

Teaching aids
Educational emphases

Flash cards of Wh-words

MI: Interpersonal

Listening and Speaking


1. Teacher guides pupils to sing the Friendship Dance. 2. Teacher relates the song to the lesson of the day. 3. Teacher guides pupils to answer some Wh-questions related to personal details. 4. Pupils take turn to introduce themselves. 5. Pupils fill in the personal details about their friend in a form. 6. Pupils take turn to introduce their friend.

Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective World of Self, Family and Friends New Kid on the Block 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from a) linear text By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to answer at least 4 out of 5 open-ended comprehension questions based on a reading text. Reading text, worksheet CCTS: Making associations and connections MI: Interpersonal

Teaching aids Educational emphases


1. Teacher and pupils play the Pass the Parcel game. 2. The tasks are in the form of questions that pupils need to answer. 3. Teacher displays the reading text on the board. 4. Teacher guides pupils to read the text. 5. Selected pupils read the dialogue in pairs. 6. Teacher and pupils discuss the content of the text. 7. Pupils answer the comprehension questions in the worksheet provided.

Amir is interviewing Blake, a new boy that is posted in their school for the International Student Exchange Program who comes from Texas, USA. Amir : Hello, Im Amir from SK Pantai Barus English Club Bulletin. I would like to do an interview with you for our monthly bulletin. : Sure. : Thank you. So, what is your name?

Blake Amir


: My name is Blake Sheldon.


: Where are you from?


: Im from a small town in Texas, USA. Its a friendly town which is famous for its oranges.
: How old are you?

Blake : I am 10 years old. I just celebrated my birthday last month. Amir Blake Amir Blake : I see. Happy belated birthday. : Thank you. : Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? What is your hobby? : Sure. My hobby is playing football. I represented my schools football team last month in the Jordan Cup and we won.

Amir Blake Amir

: Congratulations. What is the Jordan Cup? : The Jordan Cup is actually a football tournament for kids under 12 years old in Texas. : I see. How about your family? Can you fill me with some details about your parents?


: My father is a doctor. He works in the Texas Central Hospital as a surgeon. My mother works as a lecturer in Texas University.
: How many siblings do you have? : I have a sister and two younger brothers. : What is your favourite food? : I love to eat your local food here such as satay and nasi lemak.

Amir Blake Amir Blake


: Thats nice. Well, thats all for now. Thank you for your co-operation. I hope you will enjoy you stay here during the program. : Sure. You are welcome.


Reading Comprehension
Answer the questions below.
1. 2. 3. 4.


Where is Blake from? What are Blakes parents occupations? What is Blakes hobby? What is Blakes favourite local food? Do you think Blake enjoys his stay in Malaysia? Why?

Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective World of Self, Family and Friends New Kid on the Block 3.2.1 Able to transfer information with guidance to complete: (a) linear texts By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to transfer information from a reading text to an email.

Teaching aids
Educational emphases

CCTS: Information Transfer ICT Skills: Sending an email


1. Teacher shows a screen shot of an email and talks about the difference between sending an email and writing a letter. 2. Teacher shows the dialogue from previous lesson. 3. Teacher distributes the worksheets and instructs pupils to transfer the information from the dialogue into the worksheet. 4. Teacher discuss the answers with the pupils. 5. Teacher puts pupils into pairs. 6. Pupils write an email about their partner, using the email in the worksheet as their guide.

Ahmad <ahmad@gmail.com> My New Friend

Hi Ahmad, How are you? I hope you are happy and well in your new school. We have a new boy posted to our school for the _________________________. His name is ____________________. He is from a small town in ___________, famous for its ___________. He is __________ years old. His hobby is ______________. He represented his school in the _______________, which is a football tournament for ________________________________________________. His father is a ________. He works in _______________ as a _______________. His mother works as a _____________ in _____________. He has ____ sister and _____ younger brothers. He loves to eat local food such as __________ and __________. That is all for now. Please tell me more about your new school and your new friends. Amir

Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective World of Self, Family and Friends New Kid on the Block 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: (b) interrogative By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use interrogative pronouns correctly and appropriately by constructing at least 4 questions. Worksheet MI: Interpersonal

Teaching aids Educational emphases


1. Teacher gets pupils to recall the Wh-questions that they have asked their friends on the first day of the cycle and write them on the board. 2. Teacher asks pupils to circle the question words in the questions. 3. Teacher and pupils discuss the functions of the question words. 4. Teacher shows Blake Sheldons personal details and distributes the worksheets. 5. Pupils construct five questions based on Blakes details. 6. Selected pupils write the questions on the board. 7. Teacher holds class discussion.

Name Hometown Age Hobby Number of siblings Fathers occupation Mothers occupation Favourite food

: Blake Sheldon : Texas, USA : 10 years old : Playing football : Three : Surgeon : Lecturer : Satay and nasi lemak

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