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1 Tharoor, Shashi. Are Human Rights Universal?. March 2001. 20 Nov. 2006.


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2 Circle of Rights. Bangkok-Washington: International Human Rights Internship Program and Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, 2000: 329.
3 Circle of Rights. Bangkok-Washington: International Human Rights Internship Program and Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, 2000: 341.
4 . 20 Nov. 2006. <http: //

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6 Pierik, R. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights (Books
in Review). In Political Theory 31.10 (2004): 1.
7 Pierik, R. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights (Books
in Review). In Political Theory 31.10 (2004): 1.
8 Circle of Rights. Bangkok-Washington: International Human Rights Internship Program and Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, 2000: 341.


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9 Delorme, J. Multiculturalism is not Cultural Relativism!. The
March 2007. 23. Mar. 2007. <>
10 Mack, E. What is Multiculturalism?. Foundation for Economic Education. 20. Mar.
2007. <>
11 (Will Kymlicka)
The Value of Cultural Membership Multicultural Citizenship. A Liberal Theory of
Minority Rights Bhikhu Parekh Rethinking Multiculturalism. Cultural
Diversity and Political Theory.

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12 Daskalovski, Z. Liberalism and Nation Building. PhD Thesis. Budapest: Central European University, 2003. 3 Oct. 2007. <>
13 Communitarianism. In Civic Practices Network. 27 October, 2007. <http://www.cpn.


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14 Waldron, J. Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative. In Kymlicka, Will
(ed.) The Rights of Minority Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995: 93.
15 Waldron, J. Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative. In Kymlicka, Will
(ed.) The Rights of Minority Cultures, 1995: 95.
16 Kymlicka, W. The Value of Cultural Membership. In Liberalism, Community and
Culture. 1989: 175.
17 Packer, J. On the Content of Minority Rights. In Do We Need Minority Rights?. Rikk, Juha (ed.). The Hague-Boston-London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996: 122.

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18 Packer, J. On the Content of Minority Rights. In Do We Need Minority Rights?. Rikk, Juha (ed.). The Hague-Boston-London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996: 122.
19 Delorme, J. Multiculturalism is not Cultural Relativism!. The
March 2007. 23. Mar. 2007. <>

21 Ending Violence Against Women and Girls. United Nations Population Fund. In The
State of World Population 2000. 13. Sep. 2007. <>


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22 Report of the UNs Secretary-General on Working towards the Elimination of Crimes
Against Women Committed in the Name of Honor. A/57/169. 2. July 2002. <http://
23 International Campaign Against Honour Killings. 13. Sep. 2007. <>
24 Circle of Rights. Bangkok-Washington: International Human Rights Internship Program and Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, 2000: 341.
25 Shachar, A. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001: 17.
26 Shachar, A. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001: 17.

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27 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human

Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
28 Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds: Torture and Ill-treatment of Women. London: Amnesty International Publications, 2001: 15.
29 Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences. /CN.4/2003/75. 2003.
30 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
Luopa%20honour%20killings.pdf> .
31 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <




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32 Combating Crimes of Honour through Data, Documentation, Networking and Development of Strategies. 12. Sep. 2007. <>
33 Shachar, A. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001: 6.
34 Spinner-Halev, J. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct. 2001):1.
35 Spinner-Halev, J. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct 2001): 1.
36 Moller, O.S. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In Boston Review. 3. June 2007.

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37 Moller, O.S. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In Boston Review. 3. June 2007.
38 Hirsi Ali, A. Ladies First. 18. Jan. 2007. American Enterprise Insititute for Public
Policy Research. <,pubID.25476/pub_detail.
39 Hirsi Ali, A. Ladies First. 18. Jan. 2007. American Enterprise Insititute for Public Policy
Research. <,pubID.25476/pub_detail.asp>
40 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <



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41 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human

Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
42 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007<
43 Reitman, O. Multiculturalism and Feminism: Incompatibility, Compatibility, or Synonimity?. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2005: 216.
44 Reitman, O. Multiculturalism and Feminism: Incompatibility, Compatibility, or Synonimity?. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2005: 216.

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45 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
46 Shachar, A. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001: 50.
47 Pierik, R. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Womens Rights (Books
in Review). In Political Theory 31.10 (2004): 1.
48 Moller, O.S. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In Boston Review. 3. June 2007.


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49 Kymlicka, W. The Value of Cultural Membership. In Liberalism, Community and

Culture. 1989: 171.
50 Delorme, J. Multiculturalism is not Cultural Relativism!. The
March 2007. 23. Mar. 2007. <>
51 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
52 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
53 Reitman, O. Multiculturalism and Feminism: Incompatibility, Compatibility, or Synonimity?. London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2005: 223.
54 Parekh, Bhikhu. Rethinking Multiculturalism. Cultural Diversity and Political Theory.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000: 246.

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55Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human

Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
56 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
57 Loupajrvi, K. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human
Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
58 Moller, O.S. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In: Boston Review. 3. June 2007.



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59 Spinner-Halev, Jeff. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct 2001): 89.
60 Moller, .S. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In: Boston Review. 3. June 2007.
61 Moller, O.S.. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In: Boston Review. 3. June 2007.
62 Fllesdal, A. Global Ethics and Respect for Culture. In: Arena Working Papers.
15.8.1999. <>
63 Kymlicka, W. Liberalism, Community and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon Paperbacks,
1989: 167.

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64 Kymlicka, Will. Liberalism, Community and Culture. Oxford: Clarendon Paperbacks,

1989: 168.
65 Spinner-Halev, Jeff. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct 2001): 89.
66 Spinner-Halev, Jeff. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct 2001): 89.
67 Spinner-Halev, Jeff. Feminism, Multiculturalism, Oppression and the State. In Ethics
112 (Oct 2001): 89.
68 Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <


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69 Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
70 Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
71Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <
72 Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <

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73 Glass, Artur. Multiculturalism, Law and The Right to Culture. University of NSW
Law Journal. 4. July 2007. <>
74 Sen, Amartya. The Uses and Abuses of Multiculturalism. In The New Republic. Feb.
2006. 4. July 2007. <>
75 Europes Tolerance Finds its Limits: Death of Multiculturalism. In National Post. 28.
Feb. 2007. 12. Oct 2007. <>
76 Moller Okin, Susan. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?. In Boston Review. 3. June
2007. <>
77 After many years of open-door immigration, many European countries are now turning
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78 Englund, Cecilia. Migrants between Culture and Society: A Case Study of a Changing
Social Climate after the Murder of Fadime Sahindal. Stockholm: Swedish National Focal Point of the RAXEN Network, 2002: 14.
79 Europes Tolerance Finds its Limits: Death of Multiculturalism. In National Post. 28.
Feb. 2007. 12. Oct 2007. <>
80 Furlong, Ray. German Muslim test stirs anger. In BBC News Germany, February
2006. 11. Oct. 2007. <>
81 Furlong, Ray. German Muslim test stirs anger. In BBC News Germany, February
2006. 11. Oct. 2007. <>

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82 Delorme, Jesco. Multiculturalism is not Cultural Relativism!. The

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83 Buruma, Ian. Freedom Cannot Be Decreed. The January 2007. 23.
Mar. 2007. <>
84 Buruma, Ian. Freedom Cannot Be Decreed. The January 2007. 23.
Mar. 2007. <>


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85 Sen, Amartya. The Uses and Abuses of Multiculturalism. In The New Republic. Feb.
2006. 4. July 2007. <>
86 Loupajrvi, Katja. Honour Killings as Human Rights Violations. Institute for Human Rights Finland: 2003. 21. July 2007 <

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87 Gill, Aisha. Patriarchal Violence in the Name of Honour. In International Journal of

Criminal Justice Sciences. 1.1. Jan. 2006: 9.
88 Gill, Aisha. Patriarchal Violence in the Name of Honour. In International Journal of
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89 Gill, Aisha. Patriarchal Violence in the Name of Honour. In International Journal of

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Lidija Pisker
Cultural Rights
and Cultural Wrongs:
The Analysis of honour
Killings in Western
Multicultural World
Honour killings, as murders
of women who are perceived as
having brought dishonour to their
families, are known to be practiced
mainly in Asian and African societies. But, various reports on human
rights violations from around the
world show that these culturally
approved crimes are today being
committed in Western world as
well. This paper aims to explore
the problem of setting a clear distinction between cultural rights and
cultural wrongs and explore the dispute on the question - if allowing
culturally specific practices to minorities, indeed, becomes a threat to
liberal states? And if the objection
is made to these practices on the basis that they violate human rights,
is this charge in turn not violating
the right of all people to enjoy their
own culture?


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