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a] € / = S oe No Richard Baker PLETO DO ARCANO ‘UM MANUALSOMRE MAGIA ARCANA PARA PERSONAGENS DE TODAS AS CLASSES RICHARD BAKER GREDITOS DA EDIGAO.ORIGINAL EQUIP Dg DESENVOLVTAGENTO ik Doi Cai, Ady Cling Bee RCo Ch Thomason haf) Sct lly CREDITOS DA EDICAO BRASILEIRA COPYRIGHT WIZARDS OF THE COAST TITUIO ORIGINAL: “Complete Arcene™ ‘COORDENAGAO EDITORIAL per Den Leg CoRENTE DEDESESONVINENTO TRADU SAO . Ade eh Joo Marcelo. Alex Boni pueidanrnenveRe . NEVAG rh ¥ Bats Douglas Ricardo Guimatdes € Deborah Fink hues . EDITORACAO ELETRONICA: pers : é Tino Chagise Casio Eneves : : ee at : SA a es : ied Tyga 7oescoe anda Won 10. 85.753229738 tsuNia: 978-95-7839-22 1 fsb, er Cena ap Ml ty ae {PEDIGAO — PUBLICADO EM {/3007 > raptor cia recon ain arab 7 a enamel AS SIS rit vipa ees eel oS EEE ; ae nedieyias cushchs y ead Oe ete te ‘ Oi: Irons ESS *, me ‘ ye meena mopichoctatene ea tl « ecto tale : Robert Jrdan “elo defect ten da is ig Jee Decker oy 9h fore ° ‘Siars Band de Jonathan Te ie Bona ls ¢ Rob edo dome Oise de mes Wa Lthas come de Broce He Conde © Sp Willams Ime of Ai de Did Cook, Ns’ ines Anhon Hera Chestonher Kibet Cal arent Rick — flow Sp and ag Se Rich Baer tr be rake tare 1c be, coclcloDepi 8, oe Dehn de Noe Cbke roe 81 na ue eR Redan: Dp va Rane Sloth Abc Ald ences Dp 9," Amoco chads rant, He fh Ware Spl Ge do ica ake. AGRADECIMENTOS! De Bilt pe tghn ep ao ma &D3.5~ far Mie Lich Oksgad pel conte un hot Spade dr asmeni desoo(sn OTD coatando) > ALTINO 154 Rae ertom oft e0e fo. ‘spauen os os aageontumiter |AUTAO {ce mia erseoteateneanadee foe Ts odio reson poids pl L101 Bemado ip mai le Ducane Duco eine ot Gat) roe Daye Arnesotesseps d arardicn de DED desenvoldas jox Jatt, ManteCook Skip linn, ica Biker fee: Adlinon ef Us conan EUROPEAN 3 ASIALPACIE HEADQUARTERS proba eprodapi ual ou pec por qinsguer los t SIATINANERICA ‘isan be Cost Beleind atiiens cape pein seule lor - Bey haere pe 2s # em auorigso eva prescrio, datos Pos 20 Bachem : con eh 98570707 7 sign # “5 Ns aes Toles desde edo sro, - Cui DEVIR Livraria’ te wae ot Rear Be ee tt, aa ; Si loge oss of he Cone _ Ra esac soe a re poe sore? “cen oss) Oh 250-54 Ns ie Smo Test . (03) 375708. Re 212-139 eget eter itenosso site:

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