Card Probabilities 1

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Conditional Probability and Cards

A standard deck of cards has:

52 Cards in 13 values and 4 suits Suits are Spades, Clubs, Diamonds and Hearts Each suit has 13 card values: 2 1!, 3 "face cards# $ack, %ueen, &in' ($, %, &) and and Ace (A)

*asic Card Probabilities

+f you dra, a card at rando-, ,hat is the .robability you 'et:

A S.ade/ P(S.ade)013152 A 2ace card/ P(2ace Card)012152 (or 3113) A 3ed Ace/ P(3ed Ace) 0 2152

4ulti.le 5ra,s ,ithout 3e.lace-ent

+f you dra, 3 cards fro- a deck one at a ti-e ,hat is the .robability:

All 3 cards are 3ed/

P(1st is red 6 2nd is red 6 3rd is red) 0 P(1st is red)7P(2nd is red)7P(3rd is red) by inde.endence 0 (28152) 7 (25151) 7 (2415!) 0 911:8 P(1st isn<t S.ade 6 2nd isn<t S.ade 6 3rd isn<t S.ade) 0P(1st isn<t S.ade)7P(2nd isn<t S.ade)7P(3rd isn<t S.ade) 0(3=152) 7 (3>151) 7 (3:15!) 0 94135

;ou don<t dra, any S.ades/

4ulti.le 5ra,s ,ithout 3e.lace-ent

+f you dra, 3 cards fro- a deck one at a ti-e ,hat is the .robability:

;ou dra, a Club, a ?eart and a 5ia-ond (in that order)

P(1st is Club 6 2nd is ?eart 6 3rd is 5ia-ond) 0 P(1st is Club)7P(2nd is ?eart)7P(3rd is 5ia-ond) 0 (13152) 7 (13151) 7 (1315!) 0 9!188 @here are 8 .ossible orders (C?5, C5?, 5C?, 5?C, ?C5, ?5C) and each is eAually likely, so ,e can 9!188 by 8 to 'et 9!==8

+n any order/

+nde.endence and Cards

Are the events "5ra,in' an Ace# and "5ra,in' a 3ed Card# inde.endent/

+f P(3ed Ace)0P(3ed)7P(Ace) then yes9 Check:

P(3ed Ace) 0 2152 0 1128 P(3ed)7P(Ace)0(112) 7 (1113) 0 1128 ;es, they are inde.endentB

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