WMGJ Chap3 Cultural Considerations

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Cultural Considerations

Beyond the Sounds Themselves

Music and Culture

Music is a Cultural Creation Insider/Outsider Perspectives Value Systems & Hierarchies Identity Issues

An ethnomusicologist performs with a street musician in China

Music & Meaning

Use vs. Function Spirituality & Ethics Modernism/Post-Modernism

Spiritual Baptists get the spirit at a church in Trinidad

Music & Transmission

Technology Related Arts Pedagogy Notation Exchange & Adaptation

Notation for Tibetan Buddhist Chant

A Case Study: Turkey

Greek - Roman - Islamic Empires Crusades - Ottoman Empire Musical Exchange

Theory & Performance Styles Instruments


- Lyra Ud - Lauto

Instrument Interchange...
Turkish Kemence

Greek Lyra

Instrument Interchange
Turkish Ud

Greek Lauto

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