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Guldunce Note on Audlt of Abrldged llnuncluI

The Comanies (Amendmenl) Acl, 1988, broughl aboul significanl
changes in Seclion 219 of lhe Comanies Acl, 1956. y virlue of lhese
amendmenls, a comany Iisled on a recognised slock exchange couId
send abridged baIance sheel and abridged rofil and Ioss accounl lo ils
members, elc. sub|ecl lo cerlain condilions. The form of lhese abridged
financiaI slalemenls had been rescribed by lhe CenlraI Governmenl.
The Comanies Acl, 1956, did nol secificaIIy require audil of abridged
financiaI slalemenls. The audil of abridged financiaI slalemenls assured
lhe readers lhal lhe reIevanl informalion vas roerIy discIosed in such
slalemenls and lhus Iend a grealer degree of credibiIily lo lhem.
Considering lhis, lhe Inslilule issued lhis Guidance Nole lo rovide
guidance lo lhe members on issues reIaling lo such audil. The foIIoving
is an overviev of lhe areas covered by lhe Guidance Nole:
LegaI requiremenls
Iorm and conlenl of abridged financiaI slalemenls
Iorm and conlenl of abridged rofil and Ioss accounl
Olher requiremenls regarding abridged financiaI slalemenls
Aulhenlicalion of abridged financiaI slalemenls
Audil of abridged financiaI slalemenls
The aendices lo lhe Guidance Nole conlain Iorm 23A on slalemenl
conlaining saIienl fealures of baIance sheel and rofil and Ioss accounl
elc., secimen audilor's reorl on abridged financiaI slalemenls
quaIified and unquaIified oinion.
| - - c : ! | o A c c - | , I 1 1 .
| c | | | - | : ! | o | | : | + o ! | . . ' . ( A c ! | | | o | t . o . c o . : c : o | - , \ . | . | | | ! o . ` I : .
A | - . + c + | | + | | : + - + - : + t + | : c | | | . + | | . o . ( | | : | o - | | | c | : t | . : . k - . I a / - : .
| S | ` . I - a a - ` ` - a .
Orderlng |nformutlon
The ubIicalion can be oblained from lhe saIes counler al lhe RegionaI
offices or al lhe Head office of lhe Inslilule. Coies can aIso be oblained
by osl. To order by osl, send a demand drafl for lhe amounl of rice
of lhe ubIicalion (add lhe charges for lhe desired mode of deIivery) in
favour of The Secrelary, The Inslilule of Charlered Accounlanls of
India, Nev DeIhi, ayabIe al Nev DeIhi, lo lhe IoslaI SaIes
Dearlmenl, lhe Inslilule of Charlered Accounlanls of India, ICAI
havan, A-29, Seclor-62, Noida-201309 (U.I.)

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