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R Complex, HRD Group, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 NOTIFICATION JOINT CSIR-UGC TEST FOR JRF/LS (NET) SCHEDULED ON 22.12.2013 It is informed to candidates who have applied for Joint CSIR-UGC test for JRF/LS (NET) scheduled on 22nd December, 2013 that the list of candidates registered for the test shall be available on CSIR, HRDG website from 20th November, 2013 onwards. The candidates may check their registration at the above said website, if any candidate whose name is not found registered, then he/she may contact the Examination Unit between 20th to 26th November, 2013 alongwith (i) Both side photo copy of filled in hard copy of Online application (ii) Proof of dispatch OR an undertaking that he/she has submitted the hard copy of Online application form within the stipulated closing date. In this regard, no request/representation will be entertained after 26.11.2013. All registered candidates are informed that test will be held in (i) Life Sciences (ii) Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences (iii) Mathematical Sciences in the morning session (9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon) and in the afternoon session (2.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M.) test will held in (i) Chemical Sciences (ii) Physical Sciences (iii) Engineering Sciences. Further, the candidates should use only black ball point pen and not HB pencil to fill in their particulars and also to darken the appropriate circles to mark their answers in their OMR answer sheet. Candidates are not permitted to erase, scratch out or use whitener fluid/eraser fluid to change their answers in the OMR answer sheet otherwise that particular answer will not be evaluated. NARESH PAL Sr. Controller of Examinations

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