Engineering Documentation Connection Factors D-Bus 001508 F en

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AlgoRex Connection factors, line resistances and capacitances for fire detection systems collective, AnalogPLUS, interactive, FDnet


Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products

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1 1.1 2 2.1 3 3.1 3.1.1 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2

Basic requirements.................................................................................5 Terminology and abbreviations.................................................................5 Collective detection line.........................................................................6 Line interface E3M080 / K3M080 / CI1110/15 (K3M010 / 020)................6 Detection line AnalogPLUS .................................................................7 Line interface E3M11x / K3M111 / CI1115 / K3M030...............................7 Line resistance ..........................................................................................8 Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line .............................................9 Line interface E3M070 / E3M071 / K3M071 .............................................9 Example: .................................................................................................10 Line interface E3M171 ............................................................................10 Line resistances and capacitances .........................................................11 Line resistance ........................................................................................11 Line resistance between line separator elements...................................12 Line capacitance .....................................................................................12 Diagram E3M071 / K3M071....................................................................13 For shielded and non-shielded cables ....................................................13 Interpretation ...........................................................................................13 Diagram E3M070 ....................................................................................14 For non-shielded cables..........................................................................14 Interpretation ...........................................................................................14 FD20 detection line ...............................................................................15 Line interface E3M140 / K3M140............................................................15 Introduction line resistance and line capacitance ...................................16 Line resistance ........................................................................................17 Line capacitance .....................................................................................17 Calculation table for line resistance and line capacitance ......................17 Supply network data for different types of cable ..............................18 Shielded cable.........................................................................................18 Non-shielded cable .................................................................................18

3 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Basic requirements

Basic requirements
Documents necessary to determine the various factors, line resistances and capacitances: Block diagram showing the number of detection lines List of equipment or ground plan showing the types of detector, response indicators and input/output modules.


Terminology and abbreviations

KLK KMK APLK APMK ILK IMK ITK FDnetAK FDnetRK FDnetMK FDnetTK FDnetLK Collective line factor Load factor for collective elements AnalogPLUS- line factor Load factor for AnalogPLUS- elements Interactive line factor Load factor for interactive elements Interactive line separator factor Address factor for FDnet devices Quiescent current factor for FDnet devices Load factor for FDnet devices Separator factor for FDnet devices FDnet line factor

5 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Collective detection line


Collective detection line

Line interface E3M080 / K3M080 / CI1110/15 (K3M010 / 020)
The E3M80 line interface in the collective fire detection system has the collective line factor CI1110/15 collective line factor Line resistance for E3M080 / K3M080 Line resistance for CI1110/15 Line capacitance E3M080 / K3M080 / CI1110/15 KLK 25 KLK 32 max. 250 , 150 , 50 depending on evaluation required (line type 1, 11, 3) max. 250 max. 4 F

The entire line from the control unit to the last detector as well as all response indicator lines must be included when working out capacitance. For a description of the E3M080 line module, see document 001260, 'Fire detection system; description of hardware'. For a description of the K3M080 line card, see document 008727, 'Compact control unit; Planning Installation Hardware description'. For a description of the line cards K3M010/020, see document 1383, 'Compact control unit; Planning, Installation, Commissioning'.
Element OptoRex OptoRex OptoRex OptoRex OptoRex ThermoRex ThermoRex ThermoRex ThermoRex Linear smoke detector BeamRex Infrared flame detector Infrared flame detector WaveRex Infrared flame detector WaveRex Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Input/output module Short designation DO1101(A) DO1102A DO1103(A) DO1104A DO1101A-Ex DT1101(A) DT1102(A) DT1101A-Ex DT1102A-Ex DLO1191(A) DF1191 DF1192 DF1101-Ex DM1101 DMA1103(A) DMA1104(A) DCA1192A Load factor KMK 1 1 1 1 1. 6 1 1 1 1 25 6 6 6 1 1 1 1

For existing MS6/7/9/24 systems, see document 825, 'Collective detection line factors'.

6 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Detection line AnalogPLUS


Detection line AnalogPLUS

Line interface E3M11x / K3M111 / CI1115 / K3M030
The E3M11x / CI1115 line interface in the AnalogPLUS fire detection system has the AnalogPLUS- line factor APLK 128. For a description of the E3M11x line interface, see document 001260, 'Fire detection system; description of hardware'. For a description of the K3M011 line card, see document 008727, 'Compact control unit; Planning Installation Hardware description'. For a description of the line card K3M030, see document 1383, 'Compact control unit; Planning, Installation, Commissioning'.
Element OptoRex OptoRex PolyRex ThermoRex ThermoRex Infrared flame detector Infrared flame detector WaveRex Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Input module Input module Output module Output module Output module Input/output module Input/output module Short designation DO1131A DO1133A DOT1131A DT1131A DT1132A DF1191 DF1192 DM1131 DM1132 DMA1133A DMA1134A DCA1131A DC1131-AA DCA1134A DC1134-AA DCA1136A DC1136-AA DCA1192A Load factor APMK 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Recommendation: Do not install lines longer than 2000m.

7 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Detection line AnalogPLUS


Line resistance
The line resistance R of the entire detector loop respectively from the detector furthest away to each of the two control unit connections must not exceed 150 .

potentialfree contact

K3M111 E3M110/111 CI1115 K3M030

max. R



max. R

Fig. 1

Max. Resistance (max. R)


Line capacitance
The entire line from the control unit to the equipment connected and back again to the control unit as well as all indicator lines incl. external circuit must be included when working out capacitance. * Permissible max. 600 nF with max. 50 line resistance

potentialfree contact

max. C
K3M111 E3M110/111 CI1115 K3M030
DC1131 DC1192

Fig. 2

Line capacitance max. 300 nF (600 nF *).

8 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line

Line interface E3M070 / E3M071 / K3M071
All elements with and without index up to a total interactive line factor ILK = 100 can be connected to line interface E3M070/E3M071. If only elements with index are connected to line interface E3M071 (Important: DMA1153/54 must have index B), the max. interactive line factor ILK = 128. For a description of the E3M070/E3M071 line modules, see document 001260, 'Fire detection system, description of hardware'. For a description of the K3M071 line card, see document 008727, 'Compact control unit, Planning Installation Hardware description'.
Load factor DS11 E3M070/71 ILK = 100 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X E3M071 K3M071 ILK = 128 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Element OptoRex OptoRex PolyRex PolyRex OptoRex with line separator OptoRex with line separator OptoRex with line separator, high sensitivity OptoRex with line separator, high sensitivity TeleRex optical radio smoke detector PolyRex with line separator PolyRex with line separator ThermoRex with line separator ThermoRex with line separator Linear smoke detector Linear smoke detector Infrared flame detector Infrared flame detector WaveRex Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Manual call point Input module Input module Output module Output module Output module Output module Output module Input module Input module Input/output module Line separator

Short designation with/without index DO1151 DO1151A DOT1151 DOT1151A DO1152 DO1152A DO1153 DO1153A DOW1171 DOT1152 DOT1152A DT1152 DT1152A DLO1191 DLO1191A DF1191 DF1192 DM1151 DM1151A DM1152 DMA1153A DMA1153B/C DMA1154A DMA1154B/C DCA1151 DCA1151A DCA1154 DCA1154A DC1154-AA DC1156-AA DCW1151 DCA1157A DC1157-AA DCA1192A DC1159A

Line separator factor ITK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Load factor IMK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 2 2 2 3 8 3 3 2 1

9 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


43 DO1151(A) 11 DO1152(A) 5 DOT1151(A) 12 DT1152(A) 10 DM1151(A) 1 DC1151(A) 1 DC1154(A) 83 Total number of elements 43 11 5 12 10 12 2 95 Total IMK

11 12 10 1 1 35 Total ITK


Line interface E3M171

The E3M171 line module in the interactive fire detection system has the interactive line factor ILK 32. For a description of the E3M171 line module, see document 001260, 'Fire detection system; description of hardware'.
Element PolyRex ThermoRex Infrared flame detector WaveRex Manual call point Manual call point Short designation DOT1151A-Ex DT1151A-Ex DF1151-Ex DM1153-Ex DM1154-Ex Load factor IMK 1 1 3 1 1

For a description of the Fire detection systems in explosion-hazard areas, see document 1204.

10 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


Line resistances and capacitances

The detection line (D-Bus) in the interactive system can be installed using both twisted cable without shielding and with twisted shielded cable with at least 7 turns per meters. Non-shielded cable is normally preferred. The cable most frequently used has a cross-sectional area of 0.28 mm2 ... 1.5 mm2. The maximum length of line depends on the line resistance as well as line capacitance. The capacitance of shielded cable is greater than that for non-shielded cable so that for the same length of line a larger cross-sectional area is usually necessary to compensate. Cable manufacturers indicate the capacitance Cp between two lines normally. However, the relevant line capacitance for the detection line is Cs, which is the capacitance between one line and the other line which is connected to the shielding (Reason: capacitive earthing of positive conductor in the D-Bus). Rule of thumb formula for the calculation of Cs: Cp x 1.8 = Cs (100 nF x 1.8 = 180 nF).


Line resistance
The line resistance R from the detector furthest away to each of the two control unit connections must not exceed the value specified in the diagrams below.

E3M070 E3M071 K3M071

max. R max. R



Fig. 3

Resistance (max. R) to the detector furthest away.

11 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


Line resistance between line separator elements

The resistance between the control unit and the first line separator element, or between the control unit and the last line separator element, as well as between two line separator elements must not be more than 50 each.

E3M070 E3M071 K3M071

max. 50


max. 50

max. 50

max. 50

Fig. 4

Resistance values between line separator elements and the control unit.


Line capacitance
The total length of the installed cable (ring and stub lines including external wiring) multiplied by the capacitance value Cs' must not exceed the capacitance value C specified in the diagrams.

max. C
E3M070 E3M071 K3M071


Fig. 5

Capacitance value for the entire length of the detector loop (including stub and response indicator lines).

12 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


Diagram E3M071 / K3M071

For shielded and non-shielded cables

ITK 128

35 / 600 nF 75 / 400 nF


50 / 600 nF 100 / 400 nF 120 / 300 nF

50 / 600 nF 75 / 400 nF 90 / 300 nF


50 / 800 nF 120 / 400 nF

IMK 50 95 100 128


In the example shown, with a total IMK of 95 and an ITK of 35, the following supply network data are permissible with the E3M071: R < 120 and C < 300 nF R < 100 and C < 400 nF R < 50 and C < 600 nF

Recommendation: Do not install lines longer than 2000m.

13 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Interactive / interactive-Ex detection line


Diagram E3M070
For non-shielded cables

ITK 100

50 / 150 nF

70 / 150 nF



100 / 150 nF

100 / 300 nF

IMK 50 95 100


In the example shown, with a total IMK of 95 and an ITK of 35, only lines <70 , <150 nF are permissible with the E3M070.

Recommendation: Do not install lines longer than 2000m.

14 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

FDnet detection line


FDnet detection line

Calculation table for line resistance and line capacitance
For an optimum calculation of line resistance and line capacitance on the FDnet, use the calculation tool Proceeding when planning an FDnet detector line. Excel sheet, document no. 008478.


Line interface E3M140 / K3M140

The line interface E3M140 / K3M140 in the AlgoRex fire detection system has the line factor FDnetLK 126 per loop. For a description of the E3M140 line interface, see document 001260, 'Fire detection system; description of hardware'. For a description of the K3M140 line interface, see document 008727, 'Compact control; Planning Installation Hardware description'.

Element Wide spectrum smoke detector Heat detector Neural fire detector Infrared flame detector Linear smoke detector Manual call point Manual call point Line separator module Input module In-/output module Alarm sounder Sounder base Ext. Alarm indicator control Ext. Alarm indicator control invers

Short designation FDO221 / FDO241 FDT221 / FDT241 FDOOT221 / FDOOT241-9 FDF221-9 / FDF241-9 FDL241-9 FDM221 / FDM223 FDM224 / FDM225 / FDM226 FDCL221 FDCI222 FDCIO222 / FDCIO224 FDS221 FDSB291 DJ119x DJ119x

FDnetRK 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 0.5 0 1

FDnetMK 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 15 5 1 1

FDnetTK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

FDnetAK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

15 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

FDnet detection line


Introduction line resistance and line capacitance

The FDnet detection line can be installed using twisted or non-twisted cables with or without shielding (recommended are twisted cables with at least 7 turns per meter). Non-shielded cables are generally preferred. Most of the cables used have diameters of 0.28 mm2 1.5 mm2. The maximum length of line (2500 m) depends on the line resistance as well as on the line capacitance. Line capacitance Capacitance Cp Cp is the capacitance between the two wires per km. Usually the cable capacitance CP is mentioned by the cable manufacturer. Capacitance Cs Cs is the capacitance between one wire and the other wire connected to the first one via the shield per km. The line capacitance relevant for the detector line refers to Cs. The reason is a possible earth fault on a detector line. The calculations (incl. calculation tool) always refer to the capacitance Cs. For unshielded cables the following applies:
Cs = Cp

For shielded cables the following applies:

Cs 1.8 * Cp (rule of thumb, if only Cp is known but not Cs)

16 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

FDnet detection line


Line resistance
The line resistance R of the entire detector loop respectively from the detector furthest away to each of the two control unit connections must not exceed 180 .

E3M140 K3M140

max. R


max. R


Fig. 1

Resistance (max. R) to the detector furthest away


Line capacitance
Line capacitance if Line resistance 50 330 nF for shielded cables 500 nF for non-shielded cables

500 nF for shielded cables 750 nF for non-shielded cables To determine the capacitance, the entire line from the control unit and back again, as well as all indicator lines incl. external circuits must be taken into consideration, like e.g. lines of the inputs and outputs of in/output modules.


E3M140 K3M140

max. C



Fig. 2

Capacitance value for the entire length of the detector loop (including stub and response indicator lines)


Calculation table for line resistance and line capacitance

Use the Excel sheet document 008478.

17 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Supply network data for different types of cable

Supply network data for different types of cable

The data in the examples of types of cable shown are not binding. They have been obtained by measuring samples of cable, the origins of which are partly unknown. Before using such cable, obtain the current data from the manufacturer.

An identical cable designation by no means indicates that the cable has the same electrical parameters (e.g. J-Y(Yt)Y; one sample from a German manufacturer has a Cs value of 125 nF/km, whereas that of a Turkish manufacturer is 210 nF/km)


Shielded cable
Type of cable

MICC2L1.5mm2 (GB) Firetuf FT3 1.5mm2 (GB) SYT1 (F) PFLP (N) KLMA, 2x0.8 + 0.8 (Fin) EKEK, 2x0.8 (S) YTKSY, 1x2x0.8 (Pl) J-Y(St)Y, 1x2x0.8 (Tr) J-Y(St)Y, 1x2x0.8 (D) Datafil AY, 1x2x0.8 (CH) NKT, 1x2x0.6 (Dk) Datafil AY, 1x2x0.6 (CH) BM cable, 1x2x0.6 (CH) Ex. cable, 1x2x0.6 (CH)

R per km

25 28 59 47 70 70 72 74 71 72 128 128 128 128

Cs per km

320 nF 320 nF 195 nF 210 nF 285 nF 250 nF 220 nF 210 nF 125 nF 140 nF 150 nF 140 nF 180 nF 145 nF


Non-shielded cable
Type of cable

TT installation cable, 2x1.5 mm2 (CH) G51 low voltage cable, 2x0.8 (CH) G51 low voltage cable, 2x0.6 (CH)

R per km

24 70 125

Cs per km

70 nF 70 nF 70 nF

18 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products 001508_f_en_--.doc 09.2006

Siemens Switzerland Ltd Building Technologies Group International Headquarters Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug Tel. +41 41 - 724 24 24 Fax +41 41 - 724 35 22 Document no. Edition 001508_f_en_-09.2006 Manual DS11 Section 10

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