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Ometeca XIII 164 - 173

Was Machado de Assis an Evolutionary Psychologist?

Marie-Odile Monier Chelini, Emma Otta Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de So Paulo, Brazil
Acknowledments. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr Walter e!es a"d Dr #"to"io $arlos do #maral %aia &or i"troduci"g us to literar' Darwi"ism a"d to Dr (oseph $arroll &or help&ul comme"ts o" the ma"uscript.

Abstract. The )ra*ilia" "o!elist %achado de #ssis is regarded +' i"ter"atio"al literar' critics as o"e o& the most importa"t writers o& #merica. I" the past 1, 'ears- a" i"creasi"g "um+er o& literar' scholars ha!e loo.ed at literature through the le"s o& e!olutio"ar' ps'cholog'. $uriousl'- howe!er- "o"e o& the "o!els or stories o& %achado de #ssis has +ee" a"al'*ed &rom this "ew a"gle. We propose here a" adaptatio"ist stud' o& o"e o& his most &amous "o!els- Dom Casmurro /it"ess- mate selectio" strateg'- 0ealous'- a"d the $i"derella e&&ect are some o& the topics we exami"e.

(oa1uim %aria %achado de #ssis died o" 2eptem+er 1345. $o"sidered +' the 6"glish critic (oh" 7ledso" the greatest )ra*ilia" "o!elist o& all times- %achado de #ssis was also placed +' the orth #merica" 8arold )loom amo"g the 144 top ge"iuses o& literature o& all times- alo"gside Da"te- 2ha.espeare- a"d $er!a"tes. 8is writi"gs ha!e +ee" co"sta"tl' repu+lished i" a !ariet' o& la"guages- a"d ma"' ha!e +ee" adapted &or the mo!ies a"d tele!isio". /or a hu"dred 'ears si"ce his death- he has- co"ti"ued to delight readers a"d arouse the i"terest o& critics. 8e has had the largest "um+er o& re!iews o& a"' )ra*ilia" author. #s "ew li"es o& thi".i"g ha!e de!eloped throughout the ce"tur'the a"gles &or i"terpreti"g his wor.s ha!e multiplied. %achado himsel& compared the reader to a rumi"a"t with 9&our stomachs i" the +rai"-: a"d he said that through these stomachs 9acts a"d &acts are passed o!er a"d o!er-: u"til the reader 9i"&ers the truth that was- or seemed to +e- hidde": ;6sa< e (ac= >6sau a"d (aco+?- cap. ;@A- Aol. 1 p. 1417B. I" this essa'- we shall ope" 'et a"other i"terpreti!e a"gle o" his wor.Cthe a"gle &rom e!olutio"ar' ps'cholog'. %achado de #ssis was +or" i" 1533- thirt' 'ears a&ter the +irth o& $harles Darwi". Despite the di&&iculties o& commu"icatio" a"d dissemi"atio" o& i"&ormatio" i" the "i"etee"th ce"tur'- whe" Darwi"Ds masterpiece :!he origin o" S#ecies: was pu+lished i" 15,3- the )ra*ilia" i"tellige"tsia e"thusiasticall' em+raced the ideas o& the 6"glish "aturalist. $hro"icler- poet a"d literature critic- respected as a" i"tellectual e!e" +e&ore esta+lishi"g himsel& as a great "o!elist- %achado de #ssis saw with some distrust the worship o& progress a"d scie"ce i" &ashio" at the time. I" his !iew- the scie"tists- aware o& the "ew positi!ist a"d e!olutio"ist ideas- sought supreme power- o"l' shared with their peers. I" his 1573Ds essa' 9# o!a 7eraEFo ;The ew 7e"eratio"B:- he de"ou"ced the 1

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 co"&ormist optimism o& the co"temporar' literature- alread' impreg"ated with the Darwi"ia" thi".i"g. 2ome 'ears later- i" his "o!els he moc.ed the &asci"atio" scie"ce exerted o" the i"tellectuals o& the e"d o& the 6mpire period. I" 155G- i" the short stor' 9O #lie"ista ;The #lie"istB: his criticism is expressed through the mouth o& 2imFo )acamarteH 9/ellow ge"tleme"- scie"ce is serious +usi"ess- a"d deser!es to +e treated with serious"ess. I do "ot accou"t to a"'o"e &or m' alie"ist acts- except to the masters a"d to 7od: ;$ap. AI- !ol. G- p. G7GB. The "o!elistDs retice"ce should "ot pre!e"t us &rom exami"i"g his wor. &rom a" adaptatio"ist perspecti!e- searchi"g to ide"ti&' +eha!iors that re!eal ;or "otB the 9adapted mi"d: o& the characters. This .i"d o& approach- which ca" +e called adaptatio"ist stud' o& the literature or literar' Darwi"ism- arose as a" i"depe"de"t mo!eme"t i" the last &i&tee" 'ears. @iterar' scholars ha!e made use o& the "ew scie"ti&ic i"&ormatio" o" huma" "aturea"d some e!olutio"ar' social scie"tists ha!e used literar' wor.s as the o+0ect o& their stud' ;$arroll- G444- G44,- G446- G447B. #ccordi"g to (o"atha" 7ottschall ;G443B- 9the prime acti!it' o& literar' critics ... has +ee" to pr' ope" the cra"iums o& characters- authors- a"d "arrators- clim+ i"side their heads- a"d spelu". through all the +ewilderi"g complexit' to &igure out what- ultimatel' them tic..: I" the past 1, 'ears- practicall' all literar' ge"res ha!e +ee" approached +' the adaptatio"ist literar' stud'- &rom &air' tales to scie"ce &ictio"2ha.espeare- l'ric poetr'- a"d ma"' "o!els o& the "i"etee"th a"d twe"tieth ce"turies. Ia" (o+li"g ;G441B- &or example- exami"ed &ol. stories telli"g the !ictor' o& a huma" hero o!er a" ogre withi" 44 di&&ere"t cultures. /or 7ottschall ;G441B- the heroes o& !he Iliadi" their tireless search &or glor'- "ot o"l' 'ear"ed &or immortalit' +ut also &or the almost u"restricted access to sexual part"ers that high status would pro!ide. I" the same wa'accordi"g to )arash I )arash ;G44GB i&- i" 6"eida o& Airgil- 6"eas lea!es Dido &or the 'ou"g @a!i"ia- it is +ecause he recog"i*es i" this o"e +etter &it"ess cues. I" the tragicomed' !$el"th night a"d i" the traged' %ichard III o& 2ha.espeare- ettle ;G44,B a"al'*es sexual relatio"ships &rom the adaptatio"ist a"gle. $oo.e ;1333B a"al'ses !he sno$ storm o& Jush.i" i" a similar perspecti!e. $arroll ;G444B exami"es part"er selectio" i" &i!e &amous "o!els o& the Aictoria" 6ra. 8e also re-i"terprets !he Picture o" Dorian &ra' ;$arroll- G44,B &rom a Darwi"ia" perspecti!e. The wor. that has alread' +ee" do"e i" this &ield is 1uite exte"si!e- a"d the examples cited here are o"l' a &ew out o& a lo"g list ;see $arroll- G446 &or a" exte"si!e re!isio"B. 8owe!er- we ha!e "ot 'et see" a"' stud' o& a )ra*ilia" literar' wor. &rom a Darwi"ia" perspecti!e. 6!e" though lo!e relatio"ships occup' a promi"e"t place +oth i" literar' Darwi"ism a"d i" &ictio"al "arrati!es all arou"d the world- the topics a"al'*ed i"clude all the topics studied +' e!olutio"ar' ps'chologistsH resource ac1uisitio"- mate choicepare"tal +eha!ior- social status see.i"g- coalitio" +uildi"g- cheati"g detectio" a"d others. 6!e" the least mi"d&ul reader would ha!e recog"i*ed se!eral o& these topics i" "o!elsi"cludi"g those o& %achado de #ssis- a"d- i" particular- his 9Dom $asmurro.:

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 $o"sidered +' the #merica" scholar 8ele" $aldwell ;G44GB as 9ma'+e the greatest amo"g all "o!els i" the #merica" co"ti"e"t: ;p.17B- 9Dom $asmurro: is such a complex +oo. that a "ew i"terpretatio" ca" arises &rom each readi"g. #ccordi"g to Ko+erto 2chwar* ;1337B- prese"tl' the most re"ow"ed i"terpreter o& %achado de #ssisL wor.- &or ma"' 'ears- the "o!el was a"al'*ed i" a wa' to !alori*e the image o& )e"ti"ho9a good a"d pure soul: ;Ju0ol- 1317B- i" co"trast to $apitu- Mwho had per&id' i" her e'esM ;Ju0ol- 1317B. It was o"l' i" the 64Ls that a" #merica"- 8ele" $aldwell- poi"ted out the lac. o& relia+ilit' o& the "arrator )e"ti"ho. @et us +rie&l' recapitulate the "o!elDs plotH the remi"isce"ce o& the old a"d solitar' )e"to 2a"tiago leads the reader to the 2treet o& %ataca!alos- the place o& his childhoodwhere we are i"troduced to $apitu- his "eigh+or a"d &rie"d. 8e remem+ers how this a&&ectio" de!eloped i"to a reciprocated lo!e. 8owe!er- this lo!e-stor' is threate"ed +' )e"ti"hoLs mother Do"a 7l=ria- a pious widow who pla""ed a" ecclesiastical career &or her so"- i" &ul&illme"t o& a" a"cie"t !ow. )ei"g admitted to the semi"ar' i"duces )e"ti"ho a"d $apitu to see. a wa' to +loc. his motherDs pla"s &or him. 6sco+ar- a semi"arist with whom )e"ti"ho +uilds a close &rie"dship- helps the couple. 8e &igures out a wa' &or )e"ti"ho to escape &rom the priestl' career without pre!e"ti"g Do"a 7l=ria &rom goi"g through with her !owH the poi"t is 0ust to se"d a"other +o'- some orpha"- to the semi"ar'. )e"ti"ho the" goes to 2Fo Jaulo where he graduates as a law'er. Ketur"i"g to Kio de (a"eiro- he marries $apitu- with &ull co"se"t o& his mother. 6sco+ar- o" the other ha"d- marries 2a"cha- a close &rie"d o& $apitu- with whom he will ha!e a +a+' girl"amed $apitu*i"ha as a tri+ute to the &rie"d. #t the e"d o& two 'ears- $apitu +ears a +o' +apti*ed 6*e1uiel as recompe"se &or this thought&ul"ess. @i!el' a"d i"tellige"t- the +o' delights his pare"ts a"d &rie"ds with his imitatio"s o& each o& them- a"d the two couples dall' with the thought o& a &uture u"io" +etwee" 6*e1uiel a"d $apitu*i"ha. 6!er'thi"g seems to +e goi"g well u"til the u"expected death o& 6sco+ardrow"ed i" the /lame"go sea. Duri"g 6sco+arDs +urial- whe" watchi"g $apitu cr'i"g o!er the dead &rie"d- )e"ti"ho suspects he had +ee" +etra'ed +' them. 8e i"creasi"gl' re0ects his so" 6*e1uiel- as he ide"ti&ies i" him some o& 6sco+arDs traits. Jrete"di"g to &urther the +o'Ds studies- he se"ds him to 6urope- accompa"ied +' $apitu. The woma" dies there still 'ou"g. Whe" 6*e1uiel comes +ac.- 'ears later- to !isit his &ather- he is coldl' greeted. The 'ou"g ma" dies- !ictim o& &e!ers- duri"g a trip &or archeological studies i" Jalesti"e. Kight i" the &irst pages o& the "o!el- a&ter some co"sideratio"s o" its o+0ecti!es a"d o" the title o& the +oo.- the "arrator )e"ti"ho la's out the o"e pro+lem that will +e the su+0ect o& the e"tire &irst partH his mother wa"ts to ma.e him a priest. /rom a" adaptatio"ist poi"t o& !iew- it is di&&icult to explai" the reaso"s o& such a choice. %aximi*i"g o"eDs ow" &it"ess a"d the pro+a+ilit' that o"eLs ge"es will still +e arou"d i" &uture ge"eratio"s is the ultimate goal- the reaso" &or li!i"g o& a"' li!i"g +ei"g. This causes orga"isms "ot o"l' to reproduce +ut also to optimi*e the sur!i!al o& their o&&spri"g a"d- e!e"- i" some species- to promote the reproductio" o& their 'ou"g. This is the case o&

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 the huma" +ei"g- especiall' &or wome"- &or whom the cost o& reproductio" is extremel' high. The e"erg' cost o& ta.i"g the so" through to reproducti!e age ca" +e e!e" higher. 2uch i"!estme"t will o"l' +e rewarded i& the so" tra"smits copies o& his pare"tsL ge"esgi!i"g them gra"dchildre". 8ow do we explai" there&ore that a widow- with reduced cha"ces o& +eari"g other childre"- would decide to 9co"dem": her o"l' so" "ot o"l' to celi+ac' +ut also to chastit'N 2he does "ot e!e" ha!e "ephews- as her +rother $osme is also a widower a"d without a"' ."ow" childre". 2o is the o"l' other relati!e we get to ."ow a+out- her cousi" (usti"a. )esides that- the prese"ce o& $osme a"d (usti"a i" Do"a 7l=riaLs house accords with 8amilto"Ds ;1363B theor' that cooperati"g with hisOher closest relati!es i"&lue"ces directl' the cha"ces o& perpetuatio" o& o"eLs ow" ge"es. 9;$ousi" (usti"aB li!ed with us +ecause o& m' motherDs ge"erosit'- a"d also +ecause o& perso"al i"terestP m' mother wa"ted a lad' compa"io" close to her- a"d a relati!e was +etter tha" a stra"ger.: ;$ap. XXI- Aol. I p. 5G3B #"d- i" a" i"teresti"g wa'- "o"e o& the two was !er' pleased to support Do"a 7l=riaLs decisio"H 9- )ut- loo.- sister 7l=ria- is there reall' a "eed to ma.e him a priestN - It is a !owP it has to +e &ul&illed. - I ."ow 'ou made a !ow... +ut- a !ow li.e that... I do"Lt ."ow... I +elie!e that i& 'ou thi". it o!er. . . . : #"d a little &urther alo"gH 9$ousi" 7l=ria- I thi". that- i& he to +e a priest- that ca" +e do"eP +ut i& he does"Dt li.e it- it is +etter that he sta's.: ;$ap. III- Aol. I- p.514B /or these two widows- practicall' without prospect o& ha!i"g childre" o& their ow"- the o"l' hope o& tra"smitti"g part o& their ge"es would +e i& their "ephew )e"ti"ho married a"d had childre". Do"a 7l=riaLs pla"s- howe!er- go agai"st- their expectatio"s. The origi" o& the !ow made +' the good woma" re!eals the reaso" expla"atio" &or her attitude. 98a!i"g had a &irst so" +or" dead- m' mother tur"ed to 7od so that the second one would survive- promisi"g that i& it was a male- she would place him i" the church. %a'+e she was expecti"g a girl.: ;$ap. XI- Aol. I- p. 517P +olded emphasis addedB The o+0ecti!e o& Do"a 7l=riaDs !ow was- there&ore- clearH a guara"tee o& sur!i!al &or her so". 2he had a ,4-,4 cha"ce o& gi!i"g +irth to a girl that could gi!e her gra"dchildre" a"d- e!e" i" the case o& a so"- there still existed a possi+ilit' o& desce"da"ts. 8e certai"l' would "ot ha!e +ee" either the &irst or last priest to ha!e had childre"- e!e" i& we wa"ted to +elie!e that such thought had "e!er ru" through the mi"d o& the de!out lad'. #"d the" alo"g comes a male so" who displa's "o particular dispositio" &or the semi"ar' or &or celi+ac'. O" the co"trar'- i" his &i&tee"th 'ear- that is- at the pea. o& 4

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 pu+ert'- he +ecomes capti!ated +' his "eigh+or a"d childhood &rie"d $apitoli"a. $apitu is the" 14 'ears old. The author does "ot gi!e a"' precise i"&ormatio" a+out the measures o& her waist a"d hips ;the waist-to-hip ratio co"sidered most attracti!e +' me" would +e 4.7- accordi"g to 2i"gh >G446?B- +ut he descri+es her as a +eauti&ul 'ou"g woma"attracti!e- health'- a+le to +ecome- i" a &ew 'ears- a woma" &it to +ear a"d raise "umerous health'- good-1ualit' childre". The &amil' o& $apitu is modest- +ut has a good reputatio"a"d its relati!el' low eco"omic status is "ot a pro+lem &or )e"to- he himsel& a" heir to a &ortu"e more tha" su&&icie"t to pro!ide &or wi&e a"d childre". O" the other ha"d- the social status o& her &amil'- despite the lac. o& the com&orta+le +ourgeois shi"e o& )e"toDs &amil'- is ho"ora+le e"ough to so that "o o"e would co"sider a u"io" +etwee" them a 9misallia"ce.: I" other words- $apitu satis&ies all the criteria co"sidered esse"tial +' a ma" choosi"g a lo"g-term mateH &ertilit' i"dicators- pare"tal a+ilit'- a"d social compati+ilit' ;7ear'- Aigil- I )'rd-$ra!e"- G444B. 6!e" though "umerous studies show that me" ge"erall' pre&er wome" 'ou"ger tha" themsel!es ;7ear'- Aigil- I )'rd-$ra!e"G444B- Qe"ric. et al. ;1336B a"d Otta et al. ;1333B recog"i*e that- &or most adolesce"t males- the ideal mate is a+out &i!e 'ears older tha" the' are- there&ore "ear the pea. o& reproducti!e pote"tial R which is "ot the case &or the 'ou"g &emales o& their same age. #t that time- the"- perhaps $apitu was too 'ou"g to hau"t )e"ti"hoLs dreams. #ccordi"g to 7ear'- Aigil- I )'rd-$ra!e" ;G444B- the &emi"i"e choice o& a lo"gterm mate is +ased o" the &ollowi"g parametersH social-eco"omic status- good ge"es i"dicators- &amilial orie"tatio" a"d social compati+ilit'. $o"sideri"g these criteria- $apitu Ls i"cli"atio" &or )e"ti"ho per&ectl' co"&irms the authorsL theories. #s it has alread' +ee" demo"strated- the 'ou"g ma"Ds &amil' +e"e&its &rom a com&orta+le &i"a"cial situatio" which him a pro!ider a+le to guara"tee "ot o"l' housi"g a"d &ood- +ut also educatio" &or pote"tial childre". Despite the co"sta"t worries o& his mother- the +o'Ds health does "ot dema"d a"' special care a"d his loo.s are co"sidered 1uite pleasi"g accordi"g to the "eigh+ors. We ha!e alread' see" that the two &amilies get alo"g i" good terms despite the di&&ere"ce o& status. O!er a ce"tur' +e&ore the +irth o& e!olutio"ar' ps'cholog'- a" author s.eptical a+out Darwi"ism- imagi"ed a couple that could +e cited +' a"' e!olutio"ar' ps'chologist to illustrate o"e o& the "umerous studies a+out mate choice. 8a!i"g o!ercome the o+stacle o& the semi"ar'- a"d the 'ou"g ma" ha!i"g completed his studies at law school- the sweethearts marr'. The stor' could ha!e e"ded right there- with a lot o& happi"ess a"d ma"' childre"- li.e a &air'tale. /ortu"atel' &or us readers- %achado de #ssis imagi"ed a much more i"teresti"g &ate &or the couple. We saw that- at the semi"ar'- )e"to met a 'ou"g ma"- 6sco+ar- with whom he de!eloped stro"g &rie"dship ties- which were co"solidated +' the marriage o& 6sco+ar to 2a"cha- $apituLs +est &rie"d. The two couples &orm a large &amil'- where each couple +ecomes godpare"t to the other coupleDs child. # lot o& happi"essN %a'+e a little too much happi"ess that tragicall' e"ds with the death o& 6sco+ar. Due to o"e o& the coi"cide"ces the author care&ull' created- the accide"t occurs right a&ter )e"to reali*ed

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 his attractio" to his &rie"dDs wi&e- a"d her to him. 2i"ce me" appear to o!er-i"&er sexual i"te"t i" wome" i" respo"se to cues such as a smile or &rie"dli"ess ;8aselto" I )ussG444B- it is di&&icult to ."ow how reciprocal this attractio" actuall' is. #ccordi"g to /isher ;G445B me" experie"ce less guilt &eeli"gs a&ter emotio"al i"&idelit' tha" a&ter sexual i"&idelit'. 8owe!er- our hero is shoc.ed +' his ow" &eeli"gs a"d goes o" to suspect that others could &eel i" the same wa' he does. 8e the" starts to o+ser!e his ow" wi&e with di&&ere"t e'es. Dou+ti"g himsel& a"d &eeli"g guilt'- he the" starts to dou+t a"d +lame her. 9$apitu loo.ed so &ixedl' at the corpse &or a &ew mi"utes- so lovingly &ixedl'- "o wo"der that some tears 0umped out- &ew a"d sile"t tears. . . . %i"e soo" stopped.:;$ap. $XXIIIAol. 1- p. 3G,B Dal'- Wilso" I Weghorst ;135GB de&i"ed 0ealous' as a state pro!o.ed +' the perceptio" o& threat to a !alua+le relatio"ship- a state that leads to +eha!iors mea"t to pre!e"t the co"summatio" o& the threat. The idea that he ma' ha!e +ee" a+le to cheat o" his wi&e a"d his +est &rie"d sou"ds to )e"to as a war"i"g a"d he +ecomes sic. with 0ealous'. 8ow to +e sure that the' did "ot cheat o" himN )lami"g others could +e a !er' com&orta+le wa' to alle!iate his ow" guilt. /or e!olutio"ar' ps'cholog'- marriage is a" implicit co"tract with reproducti!e o+0ecti!es- accordi"g to which the ma" pro!ides pare"tal care i" excha"ge o& pater"it' certai"t' o&&ered +' the wi&e. It was demo"strated that me" a"d wome" react i" a di&&ere"t ma""er to the +reach o& this co"tract. While wome" &eel more threate"ed a"dthere&ore- more 0ealous i" the case o& emotio"al i"!ol!eme"t o& her part"er with a"other woma"- it is the sexual i"&idelit' that awa.e"s the greatest &eeli"g o& 0ealous' i" me" ;)uss et al.- 133GP 2ou*a et al.- G446B. #s the pro!er+ sa's 9%otherDs +a+'- &atherDs ma'+e: ;)uss- G444B. O+ser!i"g the little 6*e1uiel more a"d more care&ull'- )e"to 2a"ta"a +elie!es he "otices 6sco+arDs traits e!er more clearl'. #s the stud' o& )ressa" I %artello ;G44GB shows- the resem+la"ce percei!ed +etwee" a child a"d a" adult depe"ds o" the +elie& o"e has i" their ge"etic related"ess. 6xami"i"g retrospecti!el' the +eha!ior o& $apitu a"d 6sco+ar- )e"to loses his trust o" pater"it' certai"t'. 8e persuades himsel& that he has +ee" +etra'ed a"d that 6*e1uiel is i" &act 6sco+arDs so". Wh' the" should he co"ti"ue to i"!est lo!e- te"der"ess- mo"e' i" the otherDs so"N To stop assumi"g the material well +ei"g o& the wi&e a"d 9so": would ha!e +ee" sca"dalous &or the societ' o& the time a"d- pro+a+l'- would ha!e represe"ted &or our hero a higher social-a&&ecti!e cost tha" co"ti"ui"g to pa' &or their expe"ses. )esides that- he is "ot a+solutel' sure that the so" is "ot reall' his. 2tud'i"g the 8a*da- a populatio" o& hu"ter-gatherers &rom Ta"*a"ia%arlowe ;1333B co"cludes that direct care is pro+a+l' a more relia+le measure o& a ma"Ds pare"ti"g e&&ort tha" is resource ac1uisitio". @i.e a 8a*da- )e"ti"ho ma' gi!e up dispe"si"g a&&ectio" without compromisi"g his social positio"- +' ma.i"g use o& a &ew lies. I" a +eauti&ul demo"stratio" o& the $i"derella e&&ect ;Dal' I Wilso"- 1335B- he starts to a!oid the prese"ce o& the +o'- who triggers a poorl' disguised a!ersio" i" our 9hero.: I" a" impulse- 1uic.l' co"trolled- he reaches the poi"t o& tr'i"g to .ill the +o' +' o&&eri"g a poiso"ed cup o& co&&ee with which he had co"templated committi"g suicide. The" he

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 detaches himsel& +oth a&&ecti!el' a"d ph'sicall' &rom $apitu a"d 6*e1uiel +' se"di"g them to 6urope. Other a"al'sis o& )e"toDs +eha!ior are possi+le i" the light o& other theoriesH i& 6*e1uiel- who was +or" o!er two 'ears a&ter )e"to a"d $apitu got married- were reall' 6sco+arDs so"- that would co"&irm the reproducti!e i"compati+ilit' o& the couple )e"to$apitu. @oo.i"g &or other mati"g opportu"ities ma' ha!e +ee" a +etter strateg' &or )e"to. The social pressures o& the time a"d o& the petit +ourgeois milieu i" which the characters li!ed- did "ot allow &or a di!orce or &or pu+lic adulter'. The same circle was- howe!erh'pocritical e"ough to close the e'es to the mis+eha!iors o& a hus+a"d separated +' a" ocea" &rom his wi&eCmis+eha!iors which )e"to practiced without a"' guilt. 9I li!ed the +est I could- "e!er ru""i"g out o& girl &rie"ds to com&ort me a+out the &irst.: ;$ap. @AIIAol. I- p.34GB %achado de #ssis does "ot tell us i& those opportu"ities i"creased i" some wa' the &it"ess o& our hero. )' wa' o& co"clusio"- we will +orrow &rom Ko+erto 2chwar* ;1337B a !er' i"teresti"g idea related to the title o& the "o!el. I" the &irst chapter- the "arrator sa's the" that he did"Dt exactl' create the title. It was suggested +' &rie"ds a"d- i" the lac. o& a +etter o"e- he adopted it. 2chwar* stipulates that 9the authorship is here a &irst !aria"t o& the pater"it' theme.: #"d he argues that i" the se"te"ce 9There are +oo.s that will o"l' get that >the name? &rom its authorsP others "ot e!e" so.: ;p. 35B we should read 9so"s: i"stead o& 9+oo.s:.

Works cited
)arash- D.- I )arash- . ;G44GB. )iolog' as a @e"sH 6!olutio" a"d @iterar' $riticism. Chronicle o" (igher Education- 43- )7-)3. )loom- 8. ;G443B. &)nio* os +,, autores mais criativos da (ist-ria da .iteratura. Kio de (a"eiroH O+0eti!a. )ressa"- J.- I %artello- %. /. D. ;G44GB.Talis pater- talis &iliusH Jercei!ed resem+la"ce a"d the +elie!e i" ge"etic related"ess. Ps'chological Science- 13- G13-G15. )uss- D. %. ;G444B. / #ai0o #erigosa. Kio de (a"eiroH O+0eti!a. )uss- D. %.- @arse"- K. (.- Weste"- D. I 2emmelroth- (. ;G446B. 2ex di&&ere"ces i" 0ealous'H 6!olutio"- Jh'siolog'- a"d Js'cholog'. Ps'chological Science3- G,1 R G,,. $aldwell- 8. ;G44GB. O Otelo 1rasileiro de Machado de /ssis. 2Fo JauloH #teliS 6ditorial. $arroll- (. ;G444B. .iterar' dar$inism* Evolution, (uman 2ature, and .iterature. Tor.H Koutledge XXAII U G76p. ew

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 $arroll- (. ;G44,B. #estheticism- 8omoeroticism- a"d $hristia" 7uilt i" 9The Jicture o& Doria" 7ra':. Philoso#h' and .iterature- G3- G56R344. $arroll- (. ;G446B. #daptatio"ist @iterar' 2tud'H #" I"troductor' 7uide. Ometeca- 1415-44. $arroll- (. ;G447B. 6!olutio"ar' #pproaches to @iterature a"d Drama i" !he O0"ord (and1oo3 o" Evolutionar' Ps'cholog'- ;pp. 637-645B ed. Ko+i" Du"+ar a"d @ouise )arrett- Ox&ordH Ox&ord V"i!ersit' Jress. $oo.e- ). ;1333B 2exual Jropert' i" Jush.i"Ls 9The 2"ow 2torm:H # Darwi"ist Jerspecti!e. I" ). $oo.e I /. Tur"er ;6dsB- Bio#oetics* Evolutionar' E0#lorations in the /rts ;pp. 17,-G44B. @exi"gto"- QTH I$V2. Dal' %- Wilso" % ;1335B !he !ruth /1out Cinderella / Dar$inian vie$ o" #arental love. @o"do"H Weide"&eld I icolso" Ju+lishers. !ii U 65 pp. Dal'- %.- Wilso"- %.- I Weghorst- 2.(. ;135GB. %ale sexual 0ealous'. Etholog' and Socio1iolog' 3- 11-G7. /isher- %.- Aorace.- %.- J.A.- $ox- #. ;G445B 2ex Di&&ere"ces i" /eeli"gs o& 7uilt #risi"g &rom I"&idelit'. Evolutionar' Ps'cholog', 6- 436-446. 7ear'- D.$.- Aigil- (.- I )'rd-$ra!e"- (. ;G444B. 6!olutio" o& 8uma" %ate $hoice. !he 4ournal o" Se0 %esearch 41- G7-4G. 7ledso"- (. ;1334B. )ra*il H $ulture a"d Ide"tit'- V"i!ersit' o& @i!erpool- I"stitute o& @ati" #merica" 2tudies- Wor.i"g Japer 14. 7ottschall- (. ;G441B. 8omerLs huma" a"imalH ritual com+at i" the Iliad. Philoso#h' and .iterature G,- G75RG34. 7ottschall- (. ;G443B. The tree o& ."owledge a"d Darwi"ia" literar' stud'. Philiso#h' and .itterature. G7- G,,-G65. (o+li"g- I. ;G441B The Js'chological /ou"datio"s o& the 8ero-Ogre 2tor'H # $ross$ultural 2tud'. (uman 2ature. 1G- G47-G7G. 8amilto"- W. D. ;1363B. The 6!olutio" o& #ltruistic )eha!ior. !he /merican 2aturalist. 37- 3,4-3,6. 8aselto"- %. 7. a"d )uss- D. %. ;G444B 6rror %a"ageme"t Theor'H # ew Jerspecti!e o" )iases i" $ross-2ex %i"d Keadi"g. 4ournal o" Personalit' and Social Ps'cholog' 75- 51-31.

Ometeca XIII 164 - 173 Qe"ric. D.T.- 7a+rielidis- $.- Qee&e- K.$.- $or"elius (.2. ;1336B. #dolesce"tsW age pre&ere"ces &or dati"g part"ersH support &or a" e!olutio"ar' model o& li&e-histor' strategies. Child develo#ment 67- 1433-1,11. %arlowe- /. ;1333B. 2howo&&s or pro!idersN The pare"ti"g e&&ort o& 8ad*a me". Evolution and (uman Behavior G4- 331R444. ettle- D. ;G44,B. The Wheel o& /ire a"d the %ati"g 7ameH 6xplai"i"g the Origi"s o& Traged' a"d $omed'. 4ournal o" Cultural and Evolutionar' Ps'cholog'. 3- 33-,6. Otta- 6.- Xueiro*- K. 2.- $ampos- @. de 2.- 2il!a- %. W. D. I 2il!eira- %. T. ;1333B. #ge Di&&ere"ces )etwee" 2pouses i" a )ra*ilia" %arriage 2ample . Evolution and (uman Behavior- G4- 33-143. Ju0ol- #. ;1317B Machado de /ssis 2Fo JauloH T'pographia @e!'. 2chwar*- K. 1337. Duas meninas. 2Fo JauloH $ompa"hia das @etras. 147p. 2i"gh- D. G446. #" 6!olutio"ar' Theor' o& /emale Jh'sical #ttracti!e"ess. E'e on Psi Chi 14H 15-13- G5-31. 2ou*a- #. #. @.- Aerdera"e- %. J.- Taira- (. T. I Otta- 6. ;G446B. 6motio"al a"d sexual 0ealous' as a &u"ctio" o& sex a"d sexual orie"tatio" i" a )ra*ilia" sample. Ps'chological %e#orts- 35- ,G3-,3,.

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