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Allegheny County “Backlog” Asbestos Cases

Update August 19, 2009

1,759 cases were placed on Backlog lists between March of 2005 and January of 2009.
Each case was at least three years old when it was placed on a list; all of the cases had General
Docket numbers from GD 95 to GD 04. Backlog lists were designated Group #1 – Group #32.
The breakdown of statistics by plaintiffs’ law firms is as follows:

Caroselli Beachler:
258 cases were placed on lists
• 226 cases were closed by plaintiffs at some point in the process, often right after a pre-
trial conciliation or right before a trial
• 20 cases were closed when all of the Product-ID MSJs were granted by the Court
• 7 cases are still waiting to be closed but no longer require the Court’s attention; most will
be closed when the final settlement monies are collected
• 2 cases were placed on lists but should not have been for various reasons
• 1 case was closed by defendants
• 1 case was closed by Order of Court
• 1 case remains in limbo as plaintiff awaits a medical diagnosis

Goldberg Persky:
1,494 cases were placed on lists
• 1,043 cases were closed by plaintiffs at some point in the process, often right after a pre-
trial conciliation or right before a trial
• 281 cases were closed by defendants, often after plaintiffs failed to file required
information sheets
• 5 cases were closed when all of the Product-ID MSJs were granted by the Court
• 37 cases were closed when Lack of Impairment motions were granted by the Court
• 90 cases are still waiting to be closed but no longer require the Court’s attention; most
will be closed when the final settlement monies are collected
• 10 cases were placed on lists but should not have been for various reasons, including
already being removed to Federal Court or being miscoded as asbestos cases in the
Department of Court Records’s system
• 3 cases were closed when Statute of Limitations motions were granted by the Court
• 13 cases were moved from the Backlog Docket to the Expedited Docket and were
tried/resolved there
• 1 case became pro se in the middle of proceedings and was never closed
• 2 cases remain stayed pending the resolution of a Superior Court case
• 2 cases were continued to Backlog Group #33, the new list that takes into account all GD
05 cases
• 2 cases are listed for November 2009 trials; the same, single defendant remains in each

Savinis D’Amico & Kane:

7 cases were placed on lists
• 1 case was closed by the plaintiff shortly after the information sheet was filed
• 1 case is still waiting to be closed and should be when the final settlement monies are
• 1 case was closed when a Lack of Impairment motion was granted by the Court
• 4 cases are listed for November 2009 trials; 3 of the 4 have a single, different defendant
remaining in each, and the fourth case has two defendants remaining

The court published Backlog Group #33 on January 1, 2009. Judge Della Vecchia intends to
conciliate these cases during the summer of 2009 before discovery closes and before Product-ID
motions are due. The following information may be useful:

Caroselli Beachler
2 cases were placed on the list. Both were settled during July conciliations but need to be

Goldberg Persky
22 cases were placed on the list original list, including one from Group #32. Later, a second
Group #32 case was added for an initial total of 23. Since the publication of that list:
• 3 cases were closed by either plaintiff or defendant when no information sheet was filed
• 2 cases were consolidated into one
• 1 case remains stayed pending the outcome of a Superior Court case
• 1 case should not have been listed because it was previously removed to Federal Court
• 17 cases remain active and were conciliated in July of 2009
o 3 were completely settled
o 14 have at least one defendant remaining and will either be trial listed or allowed
to proceed through the schedule as outlined by the CMO

Savinis D’Amico & Kane

2 cases were placed on the list. One was settled during July conciliations but needs to be
closed; the other will go through the schedule as outlined by the CMO

**** Note: A case being “closed” means that the plaintiff filed a Praecipe to Settle and
Discontinue As to All Except Bankrupt Defendants, or that a defendant filed a Praecipe to
Dismiss in accordance with the Case Management Order. ****

The Court has not addressed cases that fall under the following categories. Statistics have not
been collected on these cases:
• Cases whose plaintiffs are represented by counsel other than the three firms listed above
• Cases whose plaintiffs are not represented by counsel at this time
• Asbestos/FELA cases from before 2003 (lists from the Department of Court Records did
not originally include them)

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