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Claudia Martinez Period 3/5 02-16-12 Floating Candle/Mini Hot Air Balloon Before starting this a ti!

it" Andre# ga!e the lass a ou$le of things to thin% a&out &efore i''ediatel" di!ing into all the 'aterials( He said) *+n order to 'a%e it #or% "ou ha!e to thin% outside the &o, and dis uss #ith "our grou$ first( -hat an #e do #ith the 'aterials gi!en and and #h" #ould the" &e useful./ 0ur grou$ 12o'ini %) 3o ") Palo'a) 4(3) 3a o& and 'e5 all s$read out the 'aterials and loo%ed at the') then tal%ed for so'e ti'e a&out ho# #e thin% ea h ould &e used( At first + #as s%e$ti al that a large &ag) li%e the one #e #ere gi!en ould float &e ause of ho# &ig it #as and the e,tra #eight( 6u %il" the grou$ disagreed #ith 'e and 'ade 'e realize the ad!antages of using a &ig &ag #ith fe# andles( Materials 7i!en8 9 5 andles :"ou ould as% Andre# for 3 'ore; 9 A lighter 9 A s'all utter 9 A large #hite trash &ag 9 2 thin #ooden sti %s < 4e=uire'ent or goal of a ti!it" #as to ha!e the reation &e a&le to rea h the eiling( >he grou$ de ided to ut one of the #ooden sti %s in half and 'a%e a ross #ith the' and s$read the andles t#o on ea h side of the sti %( 0ur first laun h floated a &it &ut then #ent &a % do#n &e ause of the andles #a, and the #eight( +n our se ond laun h #e su eeded &e ause #e ut the the ross #e 'ade fro' the sti %s and 'ade it s'aller) then #a,ed tin" $ie es of andle on the ross 1? total5( -e ne!er did an"thing to the trash &ag - and +@' glad #e didn@t &e ause it ended u$ &eing the reason that hel$ed 'a%e our hot air &alloon lift #hi h 'ade our design #or%( >hroughout the $ro ess of &uilding and designing the &alloon #e fa ed s'all hallenges that ould &e si'ilar to #hat real s ientists and engineers go through #hen tr"ing to reate so'ething( >his assign'ent sho#ed 'e that it@s o%a" to 'a%e 'ista%es) &ut if "ou don@t #ant to "ou an al#a"s &e less li%el" to &" ta%ing ti'e to thin%- al#a"s $lan and dis uss first to %no# #hat to a!oid and #hat "ou %no# needs to ha$$en( 0ur design #or%ed &e ause of on!e tion( >he reation #as light #hi h hel$ed it so'e)#hat hel$ed the 'ost #as that #e left the &ag as it #as #hi h 'ade it ha!e a large a'ount of !olu'e/s$a e for the heat energ" to s$read and s$in u$#ard( >he andles fire gas $arti les #ent u$#ard #hi h inflated the &ag and slo#l" 'ade the hot air &alloon float( Be ause of the heat fro' the fire the te'$erature #ent u$ and in reased the 'o!e'ent of $arti les going u$ and the $ressure s$un in a large $lasti &ag !olu'e #hi h an e,$and( >his a ti!it" #as Aust li%e the $ro$eller e,a'$le #e did in lass this >uesda") and #e used the sa'e idea(

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