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Child: Amal Tani Date: October 2013 Written by: Teacher Ursula

Last week the children at An-Nur took all chairs outdoors to give them a good clean. Amal you eagerly joined in with this activity, from carrying your chair outside, to cleaning, drying and stacking the clean chairs ready to be taken inside again. Amal, you not only took good care of your own chair, but also supported your friends with advice, demonstration and verbal encouragement. Amal you took care and made sure all sides and parts of the chairs were clean. Then you ordered them in a green, red and a white stacks. Throughout the activity you were concentrated, engaged and happy. You completed the task with a smile and announced: as good as new! Amal, with this activity you showed your sense of responsibility and accuracy, when you made sure that all sides of the chairs were clean. You showed your sense of order and ability to be organized, when you stacked the chairs in three piles, sorted by their colour. Also determination and perseverance were shown, by finishing a big task. Well done! Amal, with your enthusiasm and helpfulness you made a valued contribution to the life of your early childhood centre, you demonstrated confidence, communication skills and made a link to the work of your dad when you stated as good as new. You explained that your dad used this expression in his office! I am sure your skill, attributes, and dispositions will help to make the transition to school smooth, and set you up for being a valued member of the new school community. I wish you all the best for the future.

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