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!C8 uL1AlLS:

uuraLlon: 2 years
Salary: 8ased on experlence
LocaLlon: nalrobl, kenya

- Worklng wlLh Senlor CommunlcaLlons Advlsor Lo coordlnaLe Lhe deslgn and dellvery of
communlcaLlons sLraLegy as well as LargeLed capaclLy bulldlng for local counLerparLs
- ConducLlng/managlng quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve research Lo deLermlne sLakeholder
and publlc undersLandlng and aLLlLudes Loward energy-relaLed LransacLlons and pollcy
- ueveloplng pro[ecL communlcaLlons sLraLegy
- roduclng weekly noLes, brlefers, success sLorles, ower olnL presenLaLlons, and
promoLlonal and oLher maLerlals hlghllghLlng pro[ecL resulLs
- ueveloplng facL sheeLs, background sheeLs, brochures, newsleLLers, and posLers
- urafLlng success sLorles, case sLudles, and press releases
- MonlLorlng local medla and produclng medla monlLorlng reporLs
- rovldlng lnpuL for quarLerly, seml-annual, and annual pro[ecL reporLs

- 7 years of relevanL experlence, such communlcaLlons, publlc affalrs, or medla
- MasLers-level educaLlon ln communlcaLlons or slmllar fleld
- CuallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve research experlence
- Lxperlence deslgnlng and dellverlng capaclLy bulldlng Lo governmenL offlclals or clvll
socleLy organlzaLlons
- Lxperlence developlng communlcaLlons sLraLegles and produclng promoLlonal
maLerlals (e.g. posLers, brochures, newsleLLers, facL sheeLs, success sLorles, eLc.)
- Lxperlence wlLh Lechnlcal reporLlng
- revlous experlence on lnLernaLlonal developmenL pro[ecLs
- LxcellenL verbal and wrlLLen communlcaLlons skllls
- uemonsLraLed an ablllLy Lo work boLh lndependenLly and ln Leam seLLlngs
- lluency ln Lngllsh requlred

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